• 2 days ago


00:00Non-housemates, you are all currently stuck in storage.
00:07You also face the first eviction.
00:14Congratulations, Martha.
00:16Ryan, you must go immediately to storage,
00:19where you will now face the first eviction.
00:23With Lily...
00:25I find Lily sensory overload.
00:28Hi, I'm Sarah.
00:31I feel like I'm the only one that's overwhelmed.
00:34And I'm the only one that's struggling a bit.
00:39Tonight on Big Brother...
00:42Non-housemates, Big Brother is providing you
00:45with another opportunity to prove you're a better housemate
00:49than one of your housemate rivals.
00:51Oh! Oh, my God.
00:53Oh, my God, it's got toxic waste on it.
00:55The non-housemates facing the first eviction are...
01:17It's fine, it's cool
01:21You can say that we ain't nothin' but you know the truth
01:28Day two.
01:33After a late night,
01:35housemates are waking up in the Big Brother house
01:38for the very first time.
01:51In storage...
01:55..the non-housemates are getting used to their new reality.
01:59Guys, why is it so cold outside?
02:05We haven't got any coffee, have we?
02:07No. Nothing, that's painful.
02:09I just couldn't get comfy.
02:11I bet you couldn't.
02:12Didn't even wake up thinking, what the hell have I done?
02:18Has anyone ever asked if you have Tourette's?
02:21Have you ever been questioned if you have Tourette's?
02:23No, why?
02:24Cos the noise you make off the cuff,
02:26I didn't know if it was intentional or you couldn't help it.
02:29Oh, it's just me excited.
02:33Martha, Shegan and Khaled are having a morning stretch.
02:37So what you want to do is throw that over
02:39and lock your arm just under your elbow.
02:41Perfect, that's it.
02:42One, two, three.
02:44Swap sides.
02:45What? Natural, two.
02:47But you had a little chest bump there.
02:49She's getting in the zone.
02:50Right over the shoulder, fling it,
02:52and then grab your elbow at the last second.
02:54Oh, sorry, just exposing myself.
02:57Sorry, big brother.
03:00In storage, Nathan's spilling the royal tea.
03:04What would King Charles, like, typically have for his breakfast?
03:08Have you met King Charles?
03:09I have, yeah.
03:11I've walked at Dumfries House in Scotland.
03:13It was his butler, darling.
03:16What's with his big, fat sausage fingers?
03:18I think he's, like, gout or something.
03:20I cannot believe it that you've been, like, right next to King Charles
03:23and I'm right next to you right now.
03:25Yeah, I know. There you go.
03:27So, was you nervous to serve the King?
03:29Well, see, that's the thing, yeah, not really,
03:31because, like, I was young at the time.
03:33I was only, like, 17.
03:34So I feel like I was a bit more...
03:35Why was he having 16-year-old butlers?
03:37I feel like if it was now and I walked there,
03:39I feel like I'd be a lot more nervous than I was then.
03:41I was just like, yeah, whatever.
03:43But now, like, I'm like, oh, my God.
03:45I don't really care about them,
03:46but I don't like the fact that we're paying for them
03:48when, like, everyone's, like, economically strapped.
03:50You're ruining the monarchy.
03:51I feel like if they paid for themselves...
03:52But do you not think they do?
03:53..it wasn't coming out of taxpayers' money.
03:54No, they don't. Why?
03:55We've got pensioners who can't afford their own fuel.
03:57I get that.
03:58Like, we can't...
03:59Like, those two worlds shouldn't be able to exist.
04:01But do you know the thing?
04:02Generally, it's the pensioners that actually are the biggest supporters
04:04of the monarchy.
04:05It doesn't necessarily mean that they know what's good for them.
04:07But not everything's about money.
04:08Like, sometimes tradition is quite nice as well.
04:10I think tradition is nice.
04:11Like, we can't just go, nah.
04:12What compromise are they giving?
04:14Other countries that don't have monarchies have just...
04:17are just fine.
04:18Like, do you know what I mean?
04:20So, what will we do?
04:21Will we do an America and get a president, then, do you think?
04:23Well, we've already got a prime minister.
04:25No, don't get me started on him.
04:26Yeah, but not a very good one.
04:27I know, not a very good one.
04:28But King Charles can't politically influence that anywhere.
04:31No, I know, but it's nice to have a kind of constant there
04:34when you've got, like, governments in chaos.
04:36It's when we had about a million prime ministers
04:38in a matter of months.
04:39It's nice to have something above it.
04:41I also just think, like,
04:42I'm not even against having a king or queen or whatever,
04:45but I am against it when it's, like,
04:47literally we can be using that money to feed children
04:50who are actually starving.
04:51Like, our schools are crumbling.
04:52I don't know if you've been in a school regularly.
04:54I see both sides.
04:55I think it's a lot of shit,
04:56but I also think it's really important.
04:58I think it's important, and I think it's part of being...
05:00I'm proud to be British, and I think we all should be.
05:03This is Big Brother.
05:07Big Brother is providing you with another opportunity
05:11to prove you're a better housemate
05:13than one of your housemate rivals.
05:16If you win, you'll enter the house as a housemate
05:21and no longer be a housemate.
05:24If you win, you'll enter the house as a housemate
05:28and no longer be a housemate.
05:31And no longer face eviction.
05:35The losing housemate will take your place in storage.
05:39My heart is beating.
05:40It's giving anxiety.
05:41I've got a feeling.
05:43To be a great housemate, you need to be lovable.
05:48God, I'm out.
05:50No, you're not.
05:51You're definitely not.
05:52Deciding who's the most lovable
05:55is Big Brother's canine friend, Max.
05:59Oh, my God!
06:00Oh, my God!
06:01Oh, my days!
06:02Oh, my God!
06:03Oh, my God!
06:04No, stop it!
06:07No, stop it.
06:08Guys, I love pets!
06:09It's going to be...
06:11Whoever the dog chooses.
06:12Whoever the dog chooses, yeah.
06:14Non-housemates, you must now decide
06:17which one of you is the most lovable.
06:20I think everyone's up for doing it, aren't they, really?
06:23I would actually like to play with this dog,
06:25like, the challenge as well.
06:26I'm happy for you to do it.
06:28Hands up, Days.
06:29Yeah, I'll go for this.
06:30I'll go with Days. Go on, then.
06:31Oh, thank you.
06:32Yeah, go on, then.
06:33Oh, bless Lily.
06:34That's the thing, even if I don't win,
06:35just because I'm playing with the dog right now, yeah.
06:39Who do you think is the least lovable housemate?
06:45Oh, what do you guys think?
06:46Now, this is on you.
06:48I think...
06:49I think I'll go for Shaggan,
06:51because I think Shaggan is not lovable,
06:54but he's very passionate,
06:56and that passion might intimidate a dog.
06:58Oh, beautiful book.
07:00This is Big Brother.
07:03Non-housemate Days will take on the housemate
07:07she thinks is the least lovable.
07:10Oh, please.
07:12That makes sense.
07:13Days has chosen...
07:18Oh, my God!
07:20Oh, you are so not the least lovable.
07:23Oh, my goodness!
07:25Shaggan, you've got this.
07:26Oh, my...
07:27Shaggan, you've got this.
07:28Bro, come back.
07:29Come back.
07:30Come back, bro.
07:31Come back.
07:32I'm coming back.
07:33He'll be back.
07:34He'll be back.
07:37You guys!
07:38Yes, yes!
07:41I'm going to cut a little bit of bacon in my hand.
07:44And I'm going to take it with me.
07:46Oh, stick it under your nails.
07:48Just a little smidge.
07:49I've got a smidge.
07:50I've got a smidge.
07:51I've got a smidge.
07:52Rosie has been called to the divy room.
07:57Oh, Max!
07:59Oh, my God!
08:00Hello, gorgeous!
08:02Hello, little...
08:05Rosie. Yeah?
08:06You are going to take Max out to the garden
08:09and stand on the pawprint opposite Days and Shaggan.
08:13Come on, my love.
08:14Come on, sweetie boy.
08:16Is there places to go, or is it just one room?
08:18Just one room.
08:19Oh, my...
08:20Yeah, and it's, like, really full as well,
08:22so there's loads of shit everywhere.
08:24That is so... OK, wow.
08:29Hello, bubba!
08:31Hello, bubba!
08:32What would you do if you picked...?
08:37Oh, no!
08:38Come on!
08:40This is Big Brother.
08:42This head-to-head is simple.
08:45Whoever Max goes to first, when there are clacks and sounds,
08:49will win.
08:54Max, come on!
08:55Max, Max!
08:56Come on!
08:59Max, come!
09:00Come on.
09:01Oh, my God.
09:03Max, Max!
09:04Come on!
09:05Come on, Max!
09:06Max, Max!
09:07Max, Max!
09:08Max, Max!
09:10Max, Max!
09:11Max, Max!
09:12Come on, come on, come on!
09:20This is Big Brother.
09:22Oh, Jesus, man.
09:23Congratulations, Shegan.
09:25You are the winner.
09:28Max, you're a traitor.
09:30An absolute bloody traitor.
09:58In storage, Lily is entertaining herself.
10:02Where did she get her hula hoop from?
10:04I have no idea.
10:05Oh, you're good at that.
10:06She is good at that.
10:07I'm a pro!
10:08I'm a pro!
10:09I can't do that.
10:10Genuinely, you're really good at that.
10:12And it's keeping her quiet.
10:13I know.
10:14She's got to concentrate, so, like...
10:16Keep doing it!
10:17So good!
10:18I think the task for us today is just to tire her out.
10:20Tire her out?
10:21Like, she's, like, a puppy,
10:22we just need to, like, keep her going, keep her going.
10:24I do want her to shut the fuck up.
10:28Hannah and Khaled are in the bedroom.
10:31How was it? I was born in Lebanon.
10:33I'm Palestinian, raised in the West,
10:35and I know how it feels to be Palestinian,
10:37the knees, half and half, both getting attacked.
10:39I've got family there, bro.
10:40Like, imagine, I was up till 6am the other week
10:42trying to see how we can get my grandma out of Lebanon
10:44so she can live.
10:46And then, obviously, Palestinian family.
10:48She's on a flight to Turkey.
10:49She's chilling.
10:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:51She's chilling, alhamdulillah.
10:52Thank you for asking.
10:53But it's like, the people would be like,
10:55the house is really hard.
10:57It might be stressful, but that is hard.
11:00That is hard.
11:02Like, maybe I don't know when I'm going to eat.
11:03I'm going to eat, though, today.
11:04Or I'll eat tomorrow.
11:05You are going to eat.
11:06But I thought you were going to eat.
11:07You know what I'm saying?
11:08I was eight years old when I felt like a bombing
11:10and you feel the ground shaking.
11:11It's scary.
11:12My grandma was numb to it.
11:13And, like, at the time, they didn't clock.
11:15I was like, wow, that's...
11:17The fact that you're numb to that is weird to me.
11:20Because they're used to it.
11:22Our parents come from war-torn countries, bro.
11:33Ali is opening up to her housemates.
11:37A lot of my friends don't know that I'm neurodivergent.
11:40I don't talk about it, only to a couple of people,
11:42because if you are high-functioning...
11:45..you tell people you're neurodivergent,
11:47they tend to just tell you you don't.
11:49What does that mean?
11:50Like, ADHD, dyslexia, autism
11:53goes all underneath the spectrum of neurodivergency.
11:57So I'm diagnosed with ADHD,
11:59especially for women who have ADHD,
12:02there tends to be some autistic traits as well.
12:04So I'm on the spectrum 100% for autism.
12:07So if I communicate oddly sometimes,
12:09that might be a little bit worse.
12:10Yeah, but yet you're so...
12:11You're more acutely aware of such situations...
12:14Because, for me, it's a hyper-interest, hyper-focus.
12:17So I studied psychology,
12:18and that's apparently what a lot of women do
12:20when they're born on the autistic spectrum,
12:23is they will hyper-focus human emotion,
12:25human behaviour and interactions,
12:27because that's how you learn to mask
12:29and, like, get along in society.
12:31Like, and get along with people.
12:34Lily is talking to Big Brother.
12:38Oh, how do I say it?
12:40Hello, Lily.
12:42Hi, Big Brother. Thanks for inviting me.
12:44Lily, what's the general vibe like in storage?
12:49So you have, like, Marcelo, who thinks he's, like, this, like...
12:53Oh, my God, like, look at me.
12:56Like, take my top off, like, 24-7,
12:59and he's just, like, so, like, sweaty.
13:02Like, imagine if I was walking around with my top off.
13:05Be another story.
13:06And then he's, like, this, he's, like,
13:08like, flexing like this, like, in the mirror, like,
13:11yes, boys, and I was like, ooh, ooh, ooh,
13:14like, it actually knocks me out.
13:18It's, well, Thomas, we've all got the tops off constantly,
13:21I don't know what they're trying to show, but it's a bit weird,
13:24and then don't think Sarah likes me, but don't care.
13:28But anyway, apart from that,
13:30I absolutely love Nathan.
13:33I don't know, he's just, like, dead, like, cute and quirky,
13:36and I love his hair.
13:38So, like, get all my hands in his head.
13:41Do you know what I mean?
13:47So cute, isn't it? So cute!
13:51I think it's difficult to speak about stuff like that sometimes,
13:54and you're right, like, there's not enough people that talk about it,
13:57and I think that's, like, nice that you felt safe enough
14:01to, like, share that with us. Yeah.
14:03And then, like, now, if you need a minute, or if, like, anything...
14:07But also important for you guys to know,
14:09because I think sometimes it can come across as a bit rude,
14:12and, like, because I do sometimes slope off on my own,
14:16I don't want it to look like I'm being antisocial.
14:18Not at all, though, no. Not at all.
14:20And now we'll just be like, right, just needs a minute,
14:22do you know what I mean? Then that's just you.
14:24You're not defined by... That's just you.
14:26Well, I find it interesting. People need to hear it.
14:28But I think also, like, my brother was really, like,
14:31unwell in his life with, like, mental health problems,
14:34and he was on the autistic spectrum, he had ADHD,
14:38and I think since he's died...
14:42I mean, you know, me and my sister, like, my family,
14:45we worked really hard to understand him and support him anyway,
14:49but, like, since he's died, there's been this almost, like,
14:53extra pressure just to really make sense of things and understand.
14:57Do you mind... How did your brother die?
15:02Do you want to talk about it? Oh, no, it's OK.
15:04I don't want to upset you. No, it's fine.
15:07These things, they are important to talk about. They are.
15:10But that doesn't mean they're not hard or they're not, like...
15:13Yeah. ..difficult to talk about and to...
15:15You know, like, last year, I was just living in just a fugue of sadness.
15:20And then it was only this year where I was like, fuck it, like...
15:23Yes. Excuse my language. No.
15:25I'm going to do... Good. ..everything that I can do in my life...
15:28Yeah. ..to at least have good stories.
15:30Defo. Defo.
15:32Look after you, and if you ever need a little chat or whatever...
15:35Thanks, love. I'm so glad I got to meet you. Me too.
15:50This is Big Brother.
15:53It's time for the final head-to-head challenge.
15:56I really want to do it so bad, guys.
15:58Non-housemates, you must now decide
16:01which one of you is the most...
16:04..competitive. Oh, fuck.
16:06There's not many things that have piqued my interest,
16:08and I've said it, like, I've missed out on a lot of the challenges,
16:11and I've just said, like, this isn't me, but this is me.
16:13This is competitive, this is what I live for.
16:15Are we happy for Tom, everyone? Yeah.
16:17Hands up, happy for Tom. Everyone lock in, Tom. All good.
16:20Thomas, you must now choose which housemate you think
16:25is the least competitive to be your opponent.
16:28Least competitive?
16:30I have chosen Rosie.
16:33I don't think she'll be willing to go to the lengths I go
16:36to make sure that our team wins.
16:38I might soon find out that that's wrong, but...
16:42..and that's a risk I'm willing to take.
16:44This is Big Brother.
16:48Thomas has decided to go against the housemate
16:51he thinks is the least competitive.
16:54Thomas has chosen...
16:57..Rosie. What?!
16:59Oh! Do you know what? I'm ready.
17:01Come on, Rosie. That's the energy.
17:03I've got chips to get back to. I've got chips.
17:05Come on, Rosie!
17:06Rosie! Rosie! Rosie!
17:08Rosie! Rosie! Rosie!
17:10Rosie! Rosie! Rosie!
17:12Rosie! Rosie!
17:14Yeah, yeah, yeah!
17:16It's there.
17:21This is Big Brother.
17:23Welcome to my battle room.
17:26I think he's made a good choice.
17:28Thomas, if you win, you'll become a housemate
17:32and move into the house,
17:34while Rosie will take your place in storage
17:37and face eviction instead of you.
17:41In front of you are Big Brother's dreaded dare cards.
17:46One by one, you'll choose a card,
17:49turn it over and face the dare it holds.
17:53That's wild.
17:55If you complete your dare and your opponent doesn't,
17:59you will win the game.
18:01Non-housemate Thomas, you will go first.
18:05Wear a bucket on your head at all times.
18:10Maybe it's got eyes.
18:12That's a hard fit, man!
18:17I don't know if this will mess me up later, but...
18:21Do I pull it off?
18:23You rock it. It's working.
18:26Rosie, I love that attitude, man. I love that attitude.
18:29Rosie. Yes?
18:32Rosie. Yes?
18:34You must now complete yours, or Thomas will win the game.
18:40Change your name to Baked Potato. Huh?
18:43Yeah, we're all good. I can do that. Lovely.
18:46Call me Baked Potato. Lovely.
18:48Go on, Rosie. Come on, Baked Potato!
18:53Rosie. Yes?
18:54Take out the contents and place it on the table in front of you.
19:01What is it? That is a joke!
19:03It's a literal name-change certificate to change my...
19:07And you've got to sign it. Is this legal? Let me see.
19:10It's legal.
19:12No-one will ever be allowed to refer to you as Rosie.
19:16Ever? Congratulations, Baked Potato.
19:25So, I'm going it again. Let me try and read it on this.
19:29Wear Big Brother's stench scarf at all times.
19:34Stench scarf? Yeah, I'm going to be...
19:36So it's like a smelly scarf? I'm going to be so warm.
19:38Oh, it's going to be hot and it's going to be smelly.
19:40I'm topless. That's what we're doing.
19:42Why are you topless under a fleece?
19:44There's not a whole lot of things to do in there,
19:46so I'm not topless in a scarf.
19:48That makes it sound like we're all perverted.
19:50Well, we are, but...
19:51Oh, my God, it's got toxic waste on it.
19:53It's dripping. It's wet.
19:55It's dripping! It's dripping!
19:57This rancid piece of neckwear has been soaked in filth.
20:01Your dare is to wear the stench scarf until further notice.
20:06That is absolutely horrid.
20:08If he comes back in here, we're fucked.
20:10Can you smell me?
20:11It's awful. Yeah.
20:13Yeah. Number two, let's go.
20:16All of your... Are you joking me?!
20:19All of your meals must be liquidised.
20:21Oh, no!
20:24That's a blender.
20:26That's a cheese sandwich.
20:28If you accept the dare, you must blend up that cheese sandwich
20:31and guzzle it down now.
20:33Yeah, let's have it.
20:36Mate, she's not giving.
20:37No, she's such a queen.
20:40Rosie, if you manage that, you're way more competitive
20:42than I ever thought you were.
20:44If I was there, I'd be making retching noises opposite her.
20:47She's going to spew.
20:49Do you want a bin? Do you want me to get you a bin?
20:52I've got it. I've got to do it. I've got to do it.
21:04Well done.
21:05Keep going, you. Well done.
21:10Oh, come on.
21:12Oh, gorgeous girl.
21:14Well done, Rosie.
21:16Congratulations, baked potato.
21:18Thanks, bike.
21:22We move on to round three.
21:24Shave off one of your eyebrows.
21:29Mate, if he does this, rated.
21:31Game's a game, honestly. Game's a game.
21:33You're doing it? Yeah, man.
21:35That has just gone a different league.
21:37Thomas, you can temporarily remove your bucket head.
21:41Just to shave off the old brow.
21:43I'm not going to get any birds for months.
21:48This is a shame.
21:51Oh, that looks cool. That's giving Jason the mower.
21:54Now that's giving lawnmower.
21:57Jason the mower and the lawnmower. That looks so good.
22:00You still look very handsome.
22:02Thank you very much, Rosie.
22:04Well done.
22:08Let's do it.
22:09Smash chewing gum into my hair.
22:12I don't think she's going to do it.
22:14I think she's going to come in. Would I, hell, do that.
22:18Look, she's doing it. Go away.
22:23Oh, no. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
22:26Oh, no.
22:28She's gone too far with this, man.
22:30Oh, my God.
22:34Can that be it?
22:36Baked potato. Big Brother is satisfied with your squishing.
22:40It's outrageous.
22:42Ready? Yeah.
22:45Oh, my gosh.
22:49Bloody hell.
22:51That's a shredder. That's a shredder, that.
22:53Oh, man, I don't think I could have done that one.
22:56I can just close my eyes and see my picture.
23:01But don't fucking shred it.
23:03Thomas, do you dare destroy three non-housemates' treasured photos?
23:08Sorry, I don't think I can do that.
23:12Sorry, everyone. Yeah, I'm going to shred three.
23:17That's horrible, man. You're a cruel, cruel person.
23:21You must now choose the three non-housemates to have their photos shredded.
23:26The first person I'd like to choose is Ryan.
23:30But I'm sorry, mate.
23:32It's got to be done, hasn't it? He has to pick three.
23:34Do you know what I mean?
23:36The second non-housemates' photo is Dears,
23:40and it feels an absolutely dog feeling to be able to do that to someone,
23:44but, yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
23:47Little bastard.
23:50It was tossing and turning between a few people,
23:52but I'm going to choose Marcelo.
23:54And I'm sorry, man, like, honestly, I mean it from the heart,
23:57but I've got to do what I've got to do.
23:59No worries, my brother.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:10I believe this is Marcelo's.
24:13You OK? Yeah, yeah, it's calm. It's calm, it's calm.
24:16I'm so sorry, everyone. So sorry.
24:22Oh, my name!
24:26Congratulations, Thomas.
24:28You have completed your dare.
24:33Baked potato. Yeah.
24:35You must now complete yours, or Thomas will win the game.
24:41All of your nominations broadcast to the house.
24:44What, from now on, they'll all hear that?
24:47Correct. Right, OK.
24:49Nah. You're going in. Go on.
24:52Thanks so much.
24:54Congratulations, Thomas. You are the winner.
25:02Thomas, you may now choose two non-housemates from storage
25:06to take with you into the house and save them from eviction.
25:10Oh! OK.
25:13You must choose now.
25:15First person I choose is Sarah.
25:17Sarah's really, really struggling, and I think it's only fair...
25:21I said I'd do whatever I can to get them out, so...
25:24Yeah, I choose Sarah.
25:26First person I choose is Marcello.
25:28He's my mate. I like him.
25:30Thank you, brother.
25:32Good girl. That's so nice of him.
25:44I'd rather take my whiskey leave
25:49My coffee black in my bed at three
25:53You're too sweet for me
25:59Having won his head-to-head battle against Baked Potato,
26:04Thomas is entering the Big Brother house.
26:09Has he got the scarf on?
26:11Yeah. No.
26:13Oh, no! No!
26:16Honestly, don't go near us, boys.
26:18Don't go near us. Don't go near us.
26:22Where's your bathroom? Where's the bathroom in here?
26:25Bro, you're a trooper, bro.
26:27It's disgusting.
26:29Man, this is disgusting.
26:31Sorry, I'll speak to you in, like, ten minutes when I'm sick of this,
26:34cos this is fucking vile.
26:36Bro, that is wrenching.
26:38She wasn't lying when she said sour.
26:40Nah, bro, mate, that's sour.
26:42Let's go meet our new friends.
26:44Deep breath again. Trust me, it helps.
26:47Is that them?
26:55Glad to have you.
26:57I'm quite on the verge of emotion.
26:59Are you going to be all right?
27:01We're going to make you food.
27:03Come on, we'll look after you now.
27:05Oh, in fact, I'm sleeping in the bin.
27:08Oh, here comes bread.
27:10Baked Potato!
27:16Baked Potato!
27:19Oh, thank you.
27:21Who's the barber?
27:23Me. Dino!
27:27That was so tough.
27:29That was very hard.
27:31I'm Lily.
27:33Hi, Baked Potato.
27:35Even when you say it...
27:37Hello, Nath.
27:39Thanks, girl.
27:41Oh, you smell lovely.
27:43I've hardly spoken to you.
27:48How well did she do?
27:50I don't know.
27:52My hairdresser's going to wrap me guts for garters.
27:54I wouldn't even do that.
27:56You know what?
27:58Wait till you somehow get back in that other house
28:00and get ice cubes on it.
28:02I can't.
28:04You can try and do something with it.
28:06The thinner you style that shit...
28:08The harder it's going to be to get it out.
28:10It's got my gob on it.
28:12It's wet.
28:14I feel like it's giving something about Mary.
28:17It's very Mary, honey.
28:19Thomas has come to talk to Big Brother.
28:23Oh, man.
28:27Hello, Big Brother.
28:29Hello, Thomas.
28:33You fought a courageous battle.
28:35Oh, I do have a question, actually.
28:37If you Google, how long does it take for an eyebrow to grow back?
28:41Stand by.
28:47Seven to ten years.
28:49You're waffling. You are waffling.
28:51Complete waffle.
29:01It's going to be something crazy.
29:03Oh, we're going to swap.
29:05Oh, my God, there they are.
29:07That's your ends.
29:09That's the ends.
29:11That's our yard.
29:13That's my yardies.
29:15This is Big Brother.
29:17Will all non-housemates stand up?
29:20Oh, shit.
29:22Oh, fuck.
29:24Oh, my God.
29:28Non-housemates, you all face eviction.
29:32However, Big Brother is giving you all one final chance
29:37to become a housemate.
29:41One last chance to avoid the public vote.
29:45Hands up, who wants to be a housemate?
29:48A daze.
29:51Keep them there and listen carefully.
29:53I'm not going down.
29:55I know, well, mine's already aging.
29:57Non-housemates, for your final challenge,
30:00you must put your hand up for housemate status and hold it there.
30:07What do you mean?
30:09Hands or hand?
30:11Hand. One hand.
30:13The final housemate with their hand up wins
30:16and will avoid the first eviction.
30:18This could be it.
30:25Straight arms, non-housemates.
30:27You must keep your arm up.
30:35Who's got the stamina to survive?
30:37Who will show the most determination?
30:43I'm going to test his gap.
30:47Ryan's going to keep that arm up as high as he can.
30:50Lily's got so much energy, you don't understand.
30:52Yeah, mate, Lily's got energy 24-7.
30:56I need a pierce.
30:58Oh, no, you don't want to do a pierce now.
31:06There's going to be carnage in that.
31:09It's been five minutes since the non-housemates put their hands up.
31:18I know, darling, I know.
31:20I know. Oh, mate, this is...
31:22This is painful.
31:24It's been here for ages.
31:26We could be here for hours, literally hours.
31:28Yes, like hours.
31:31Fuck it, I accept the fate.
31:37Oh, Ryan!
31:39Good try, though, babes. Good try.
31:41Ryan, your hand dropped.
31:44You are out and will face eviction.
31:54It's absolutely ridiculous.
31:57It's absolutely ridiculous how sore my hand is.
32:01No. No.
32:03Done. Nathan!
32:05Nathan, your arm has dropped.
32:07You are out and will face eviction.
32:10Yeah, that's fine.
32:12Nathan, well done.
32:14Well done, Nathan.
32:16I'm dripping. I'm dripping.
32:18Niagara Falls. TMI, girl, TMI.
32:21I know, but, you know, we're over shit.
32:23I don't know.
32:25If you don't think you're going to get to the end, just let it go.
32:27Shut up.
32:29Like, look at Ryan enjoying himself.
32:31I can't.
32:33Dean, your hand has dropped.
32:35I can't.
32:37You are out and will face eviction.
32:39I'm so sorry, Dean, bubba.
32:41Hey, that hurts, that, you know.
32:43He's going to be hurting tomorrow.
32:45It's the fucking boys with their hands up.
32:54It's been 36 minutes since Emma,
32:58Dears, Baked Potato and Lily put their hands up.
33:03OK, my girls, are you ready?
33:06Go in through the nose for five,
33:08we're going to hold it for five
33:10and we're going to let it out through the nose.
33:13Go in through the nose for five,
33:15we're going to hold it for five
33:17and we're going to let it out for 73.
33:19In we go.
33:21I kind of want to see now, like, how I feel.
33:23I was at two seconds, I was like, oh, I can't.
33:26I think the men's arms are heavier, though.
33:28I think they're heavier arms.
33:36You're a little shit.
33:40I'm coming, Dan. She's got...
33:43Oh, Rosie! Rosie!
33:46Rosie! Oh, no.
33:48Baked Potato, your arm has dropped.
33:52You are out.
33:54Do you know what? Yeah, I know.
33:56Baked Potato, you will face eviction.
33:58I know, I know. And then there were three.
34:03I'm just thinking, my mum's up there in heaven, yeah,
34:06with a little string tied to my fingers,
34:09pulling it up for me, and I'm like, cheers, Mama.
34:11How can you go against that now, girl? Come on.
34:14That's really sad. You can't beat that.
34:17You know what? Out of these three, who do you, man, think?
34:20Lily, cos she's not...
34:22She's above the human level, like, she's not...
34:27I didn't even finish describing that.
34:29She's a new version of human, man.
34:31This is, like, the most effort I've put into anything.
34:33Yeah, I can see that and I'm proud of you.
34:37Yeah, that's the arm that you use to pick up the phone.
34:40Yeah, come on, Chinese takeaway arm.
34:44I hate to do it, but I'm going to put my arm down.
34:47Oh, bae! Wow!
34:49I'm bae! Emma's out, bro.
34:51Oh, no, Emma!
34:53Oh. Oh, Emma's put her arm down.
34:56Oh. I've got the old hats off to wear, though.
34:58She's going to have a sore arm in the morning, bro.
35:01Emma, your arm is down.
35:03You are out and you will face eviction.
35:06OK. I did not see that coming.
35:08Wow, they're still going, man.
35:11Imagine the shoulder ache, man.
35:15Oh, my God.
35:17All I want to do is, like, rip into a fat steak.
35:45Dears and Lily have had their hands up for the last two hours
35:49and 24 minutes as they're battled out to become a housemate.
35:54Please, Dears.
35:55No, absolutely fucking not. I'm so sorry, Lily.
36:02How do you keep your arm up like that for that long?
36:05Seriously, like...
36:08No-one needs a coke.
36:13I want a coke!
36:14And I'm like, no, I want to, like, wash my twat and have a bed.
36:18Yeah, and I think that's actually more important right now to me, babes.
36:21I'm so sorry.
36:27I feel like Iron Woman today.
36:29Oh, my God.
36:32At some point, it just must stop hurting.
36:34Their bodies just seize up.
36:38How long have you got left in you?
36:41All night.
36:49Are you going to fall out with me after this?
36:51No, I'm not, but I'd much rather you allow me to go to bed.
36:55In the other place. I'm so sorry.
37:00I think Lily might give up for days.
37:02Do you think?
37:03They're very close and just now Lily was, like,
37:05you're upset with me and it's the first time I've ever seen her, like, solemn.
37:10I'm not sleeping here tonight, like, I'm not.
37:12You're going out?
37:13I'd rather fucking go home and sleep on that thing tonight,
37:16especially after I've fucked my back now.
37:18I'd rather go home.
37:24Doesn't Lily look upset? We've never seen her look like that.
37:27She looks upset.
37:30I promise at any opportunity, if I will,
37:33if I will, I would always bring you, Lil.
37:48Absolutely promise.
37:49If I had any opportunity, I would.
37:52Oh, Lily!
37:56This is big brother.
37:59Oh, my God, I don't even know I can move my arm.
38:01Congratulations, Daze.
38:03You wanted it the most and you have won.
38:06You are now a housemate.
38:10Is she crying?
38:12They're so close.
38:13She's crying.
38:15Oh, yeah, that's emotional, man, two hours of that.
38:17Yeah, and then you're just giving in, like, to me.
38:21This is big brother.
38:25Daze, you are now a housemate.
38:28But that's not all.
38:34You have now earned the power
38:36to choose the final two other non-housemates
38:39to become a housemate and no longer face eviction.
38:52Miles, someone better be ready to explain
38:54there is no coke or pizzas here.
38:58Daze, you must choose now.
39:05Oh, I'm so sorry, everyone.
39:07Emma, would you like to come with me?
39:10I'm so sorry.
39:17Lily and Emma, congratulations.
39:20You are now housemates.
39:22Oh, my God!
39:26Oh, my God.
39:28You will no longer face the first public vote.
39:33It's going to die, isn't it?
39:35The non-housemates facing the first eviction are...
39:47Are you joking me?!
39:50That is the end of the storage task.
39:53All non-housemates and housemates
39:55will be moving out of storage and into the house.
40:02We're going to bed! We're going to bed!
40:05We're going to bed!
40:11Let's get the fuck out of here!
40:22The former non-housemates have left storage
40:26to join their fellow housemates.
40:44Yes! Yes, well done!
40:49Oh, it's warm in here!
40:53Oh, my God!
40:55Welcome home, man. Thank you.
40:57Thank you for my baby. Are you well?
40:59I'm well. How are you? Yes, I'm all right.
41:01Mate, that was so impressive.
41:03Come on, Rose.
41:13Hiya. Hey.
41:15I didn't meet you, did I?
41:18He does, yes.
41:20Oh, my God, I can't believe it.
41:22We did it, Dave!
41:25Right, get inside, look at the bedroom, lad.
41:28Oh, this is beautiful.
41:30Excuse me, ladies. Congratulations.
41:32That was incredible.
41:34It feels like it's been days since we've seen you.
41:36I knew you'd bring it for me. Thank you so much.
41:38You both, honestly, that was the best TV to watch.
41:42It was incredible.
41:44We watched the whole thing, two hours here.
41:46How's your arm? Which arm was it?
41:48It hurts so much. So this is the hand that was up.
41:50That's not that bad, but it's that one that hurts.
41:52You need massages.
41:54Yeah, cos they brought it in the back.
41:56Well played, though.
41:58Honestly, being in there feels like we've been there forever.
42:00You men are different.
42:02That was a while. That was a lot to deal with.
42:06Get used to this.
42:08Get used to this.
42:10I'm scared to break my fingers, to be honest with you.
42:12Come on!
42:14It's been days!
42:16It's so gorgeous.
42:18Oh, my God!
42:20You've had peace and tranquillity. Not any more.
42:36Thomas, Lily and Ali are getting to know each other in the garden.
42:42So what does, like, a forensic psychologist do?
42:46Erm, so forensic is just talking about any kind of legal aspect
42:50of psychology, so it might be, like, civil court stuff
42:53or it might be criminal court.
42:55So I work with people in prison, basically.
42:59I work in a Chinese takeaway.
43:01How's that? I love it.
43:03I've worked there since I was 14.
43:05See you, guys. See you.
43:07So I can get, like, vegetarian spring rolls, crispy wonton,
43:09barbecue honey ribs, salt and pepper chicken,
43:11chips, crispy shredded chilli beef,
43:13kung pao, sauce separate, noodles with bean sprouts,
43:15boiled rice, portion of chips on the side
43:17and prawn crackers and prawn toast.
43:19What would you get for my Chinese?
43:21Erm, I'm vegetarian, so anything vegetarian, I guess.
43:24You would love my Chinese. We do deep-fried tofu.
43:27Love it. You can come to my Chinese.
43:29OK. And I'll answer it. I'm coming.
43:31Please! I'm coming.
43:35Nathan has come to talk to Big Brother.
43:38I can't lie.
43:40I'm slightly disappointed to be facing eviction on the first week.
43:44But, fingers crossed, hopefully it doesn't happen.
43:47Hopefully...hopefully they...
43:49I don't know, like me enough to keep me here.
43:52How did you and your fellow non-housemates find putting your hands up?
43:56Daisy and Lily's a funny one.
43:58In terms of Daisy's reaction to a few things during the task
44:01when it was the two of them left, I didn't like it.
44:04I must be honest.
44:06The tactics she used to try and get Lily to put her hands down,
44:09I was...
44:11I just didn't agree with it.
44:13Yeah, so I'm curious with that one.
44:15I'd like to watch that one from a distance and see.
44:18I've put a little question mark above her name.
44:21Because I know, obviously, I might be slightly biased
44:24in terms of she's a climate activist or whatever.
44:27So, yeah, she's straight away in the back foot with me in that one.
44:31I don't know what she's all about yet.
44:35Genuine? Maybe not.
44:45This week, Big Potato, Dean, Nathan and Ryan face the public vote.
44:54Who goes?
44:56You decide.
44:58Head to the app to vote for the housemates you want to evict.
45:02The housemate with the most votes will be evicted.
45:06Voting is free and you can access it via the app.
45:10You can vote up to five times.
45:13The vote closes in Friday's eviction show.
45:32This week's show is brought to you by...