• 2 days ago


00:00Last time, on Big Brother.
00:05Are you going to fall out on me after this?
00:09I'd much rather you allow me to go to bed.
00:12Congratulations, Daze, you have now earned the power
00:16to choose the final two other non-housemates
00:19to no longer face eviction.
00:21Lily and Emma, you will no longer face the first public vote.
00:28The non-housemates facing eviction are Nathan, Dean, Ryan
00:34and Baked Potato.
00:36Are you joking me?!
00:40Energy levels are dipping, people are hungry.
00:43Cracks are going to start to come.
00:45I haven't been in a situation where you're meeting all new people
00:49and you have to make small talk. I want to stay composed.
00:53I think we're all starting to realise
00:55how different we are from each other.
00:57Oh, God.
00:59Hopefully people like me. Yeah.
01:33Day three.
01:41All 16 housemates are waking up together for the very first time.
01:56Hi, Dean. Good morning, my love. How are you?
01:59I slept in a bed. I slept in a bed. Did you sleep?
02:02I slept OK. You doing all right?
02:06I'm fuming, eh? You play football for England.
02:09They got all the views yesterday. Fuming.
02:12Yeah, by the way, guys, if there's any questions,
02:14I know this is your first day.
02:22I think you did so well in that challenge. Oh, thank you.
02:25It's all the fact that you were laughing through it
02:27and if that was me, I wouldn't be able to...
02:29I wouldn't be funny enough to be like, OK, I'll do it.
02:31And I'm in silence waiting for it.
02:33I so hope they're putting, like, baked potato on the screen
02:35with your name and people don't know who you are,
02:37they're like, baked potato. That would, like, give me life.
02:39Of course it's a thing and that's going to piss me off when I see it.
02:44It's not even the fact that they called me this, that's fine.
02:47It's the food. It's the food.
02:49It's disgusting.
02:51We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you.
02:53Oh, yeah, never laughing at you.
02:55Never ever.
02:59I wonder if we can all write a song without pen and paper
03:01while we're in here. We'd have to use our memories.
03:03What do you think? Do you think that's possible?
03:05Write a song? I need to hear your...
03:07You've been at eight or something.
03:09I'm resolving the war internally, I need a Nobel Peace Prize.
03:11I feel like Oppenheimer, my method might lead to our very own demise.
03:14To tell you the truth, I live in my head.
03:16I told you I needed a me time.
03:18The pain had a ripple effect, like throwing a stone at the seaside.
03:21I'm sat in a crib all alone with a free five, it's a pitiful picture.
03:24Severing so many ties, my block list look like a biblical scripture.
03:27How can I pick one when there's so many I want all over my Insta?
03:30I love me a girl in the gallery,
03:32but I still got a soft spot for a stripper.
03:36Really nice!
03:47Lily has a question for Martha.
03:51Have you ever been electrocuted?
03:53No, have you? Yeah.
03:55My mum got straighteners from America
03:57and then you had to, like, you know, put the American plug...
04:00I ended up touching the American plug
04:02cos the English plug was in the socket
04:05and, not even joking, all I remember was this...
04:09And then all I remember is blue spots going out of me
04:11and just passed out on the floor. Did you?
04:13I've never been the same since.
04:15That explains a lot of things.
04:20Thanks, Emma. You're welcome.
04:22So, you say you're from Catholicism background?
04:25Catholic background? Oh, no.
04:27Quaker? So, my... So, I grew up Pentecostal.
04:31And then when I was in university, I found out about Quakerism.
04:34So, what is that? God lives within us
04:36and everyone has, like, a bit of God.
04:38Everything has a bit of God in it. OK.
04:40And, like, our journey on Earth is to nurture the God in us.
04:43Come on, girl. I tell you, man. Yeah.
04:45But, yeah, that's Quakerism. Peace and love.
04:47And we sit in silence like God speaks through someone.
04:49Is that, like, a church venue that you guys go to?
04:51Or, sorry, a place of worship? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:53Friends. OK. They're, like, these friend's houses, they're called.
04:56Oh, my gosh! That's crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:58I've seen those. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, that's what it is.
05:00So, you go to the friend's house and then, like, you know,
05:02you might sit for an hour, an hour and a half,
05:04like, meditating, kind of, like, being present.
05:06And you've got a lot of friends that are Quakers as well?
05:09Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like, in activism, there's lots of Quakers.
05:12Oh, really? Are you Nigerian? Yeah.
05:14Yeah, so we know. Are you Nigerian as well?
05:16I'm half Nigerian, half Nigerian. OK.
05:18I'm from the Caribbean as well. That's a good mix.
05:20I don't know my Nigerian side that well.
05:22So, which side? So, is it your dad or your mum?
05:24My dad is Nigerian. He's Nigerian now.
05:26And then, yeah, it's my mum that's... Oh, so sorry to hear that.
05:29No, I said he's Niger. He's Niger. Oh, I thought you said he died.
05:32No, he's alive and well. He's alive and well.
05:42How did you become a psychologist?
05:45Um, I went to uni and studied psychology.
05:48I tried to go uni, but it was too hard.
05:50What did you try and study?
05:52Journalism. Broadcast.
05:54After I did the first year and realised, like, this isn't for me,
05:57then I realised, like, obviously I don't get the big fat student loan.
06:00Oh! So then I just reapplied to a different course.
06:03Didn't go. I got the £10,000 student loan.
06:05Look at you. Come on, girl.
06:07Yeah, I agree. You're such a mess.
06:09I gambled, like, all my student loan. All of it?
06:12After it, I just realised, like, I've just spent, like, £2,800.
06:17So then I told my mum and then she banned it off the internet.
06:21So now I can only get scratch cards on a Saturday.
06:25You are a national treasure.
06:27Do you know what? I used to believe in manifestation.
06:29When I used to work on the cruise ships, I read this book. Yeah.
06:32It said all about it and I was like, I'm going to go.
06:34And it told me I had to write, like, what I wanted every day, 25 times.
06:37You have to write it like you already have it, you know what I mean?
06:39So every day I would write, I'm a spa manager,
06:41I've got £10,000 in my bank account, I'm a spa manager,
06:43and by the end of that contract I was a spa manager
06:45and I had £10,000 in my bank account.
06:47I'd done the same thing.
06:48Imagine, right after uni, I wrote,
06:50in 2022, Hannah will become a HR consultant, basically.
06:54Without knowing, I became a HR consultant and then, like,
06:57a year into a job, I found the book.
06:59Literally, I took a photo, I sent it to my homegirls,
07:01I said, can you imagine?
07:02When you look back and see your things, that's like,
07:04oh, my God, I wanted this, I'm here. Can you imagine?
07:07Read me from a psychologist's point of view. Yeah.
07:11Like, first impressions.
07:14First impressions, I can't read what's inside your head,
07:17but my first impressions of you are quite sweet and genuine.
07:20Funny? Yes.
07:22A little quirky? Yes.
07:27Marcello is knocking up some breakfast.
07:31Marcello, I feel like you's a good cook.
07:33I used to be a chef. That's amazing.
07:35That's how I seduced all my women.
07:39I mean, I see Chatterman in it, I'll make you breakfast.
07:41I didn't realise she's in the process of being seduced.
07:43No, I'm joking. Who?
07:45You. Me?
07:47You're looking at me cook. This is what I do.
07:50But I like doing that, I like having a girl over at my house,
07:53doing a date like that, where you're talking to them,
07:55getting to know them whilst cooking as well,
07:58having a little flirt, bending them over the sofa,
08:01getting back to burning your state.
08:05Ali has come to talk to Big Brother.
08:09Hello, Ali. Hi. How are you?
08:12Not myself this morning.
08:14I was just getting comfortable with the house being divided.
08:18So now everyone's come back together,
08:20I feel like I'm a bit like Rabbit in headlights again.
08:23As the pool of lads has got bigger,
08:26the, like, dialogue between them has changed and shifted a little bit,
08:31so at the beginning they wanted to talk about philosophy
08:34and, like, we were talking about each other's families and stuff like that,
08:38but then I've noticed them being a little bit more, like, laddy
08:41as the boys' group gets bigger.
08:44I don't want to alienate myself by coming across as quiet and moody.
08:48When I don't feel moody, I just feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes.
08:52The Big Brother experience can be an overwhelming one.
08:56Super overwhelming.
09:01Sorry, I don't know why I'm getting emotional.
09:11It's just a lot, and I'm...
09:13Like I said, I feel a bit like an alien,
09:16like I'm not necessarily the same as other people.
09:20I don't find it as easy just to relax and be myself.
09:24I haven't been in a situation for a long time
09:27where you're meeting all new people and you have to make small talk.
09:32And, um...
09:34And because this is such an exposing environment to be in, um...
09:40Like, I want to stay composed in front of the other housemates.
09:46And I'm realising, like, how important that is for me
09:49to, like, have a bit of downtime, even if it's just for a few minutes.
09:54Is talking to Big Brother a bit of downtime for you?
09:57Yeah, thank you. At least it's...
09:59Apart from the chair, it's a low-stim environment in here,
10:02so it's actually very relaxing.
10:16Lily and Nathan are discussing politics.
10:20What's your opinion on Farage?
10:22See, I don't really know much about Farage.
10:24I don't think he's fit.
10:26But Boris Johnson, I just know, like, off the internet,
10:29when he goes, like, a beautiful new blue passport.
10:34Vegan sausage rolls.
10:36That's good. That's a good impression.
10:38Is it? Just do a bit of, like, a head bobble and then you've got it.
10:41Like, a bit of a kind of... Vegan.
10:43..shaking of the hair and then that's it.
10:45Like, you just need to do that kind of thing,
10:47like, rub your hands through your hair and you've got it.
10:49All right, OK.
10:50I don't know why I'm boiling. I don't know why I wore this jumper.
10:52It is hot. Shall we go outside?
10:54Yeah, go on, then. I'll do my hair later.
10:56I'll just leave that. I'm not doing it now.
10:58Yeah, come on.
11:00Do you know, I'd quite like to have that view in politics.
11:03I like it. Do you?
11:04Like, just judge it on who's the fittest.
11:07What about Keir Starmer? Do you think he's fit?
11:10I don't know who that is.
11:12The Prime Minister. Oh, the Prime Minister now?
11:14Yeah. No.
11:16No? No, but...
11:18I am a Labour kind of gal. Oh, yeah.
11:23..no, he's not fit. No.
11:25So you wouldn't vote for him?
11:27I would vote for him. All right.
11:31But Boris... This is a bit cooler.
11:33I'm not a Conservative, but cos he is, like, my type on paper,
11:38then I do like him. Yeah.
11:41Khalid and Azaz have come to the diary room.
11:44How did it feel waking up in a full house this morning?
11:47If you're actually waking up, dog shit, bro.
11:50I didn't even wake up cos of the lights.
11:52I had to slap him up because...
11:54You didn't slap me up? No, no, no.
11:56As in, slap him to come up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:59Out of the two of you,
12:00in a contest of who can hold their hand up the longest,
12:03who would win?
12:05Probably Khalid. He's a boxer.
12:07I'm too meaty.
12:09Can't hold this meat up too long.
12:12Guy can flex. Got a six-pack.
12:14I can't hold this meat up too long.
12:17No, no, no, no. The meat in my shoulders,
12:20the meat, I can't hold it up too long.
12:22And he's just this fit, young, athletic man.
12:27My little bro, innit? Do you know what I mean?
12:30Some of the housemates are chatting in the kitchen.
12:34I think that the UK was the first place to be colonised
12:37and it was colonised by itself.
12:39And it's like colonisation is the act of this kind of, like,
12:42split and exploitation of each other.
12:44I don't get any of the words.
12:46What's colonisation?
12:48It's the behaviour and culture of exploitation.
12:51That is what capitalism is, that's what colonialism is.
12:54Capitalism? Yes. So what would you prefer?
12:56So, where am I? I'm, like, perfectly neutral.
12:58I think if you lean too far to one or the other,
13:00you're going to get a world that's very self-destructive.
13:03Yeah, well, just at the moment, currently, where we're at...
13:06Exactly. We're too far on the other side already.
13:09What side?
13:10I think we're more capitalist than we are communist.
13:13What do you mean by we're more capitalist?
13:16I would describe... Capitalist.
13:18I think we probably have very different descriptions.
13:20I would describe it as capitalism encourages people to work hard
13:23and you get what you deserve if you work hard for it.
13:25But that's not true, though. So what do you want to do?
13:27Like, put a cap on, like... It's not about a cap.
13:29It's about, like, installing ethics into people and going, like,
13:32if you're not going to spend it in this lifetime,
13:34maybe don't have it.
13:35Like, people die of starvation every day.
13:37I think there are people that are morally trying to help those
13:39and understand that they want to pour into others,
13:41they get their wealth and then give back in.
13:43And by gluing ourselves to roads, et cetera,
13:45is that the way to go about it?
13:47People are desperate.
13:48No-one wakes up in the morning going,
13:50I'm going to go and sit in a diaper in the middle of the M25
13:53just for bands.
13:55Like, this is an act of desperation to get people to listen.
13:58Generally, protesters are very reasonably middle-class people.
14:01It's champagne socialism, isn't it?
14:04Well, yeah, when you see someone having to cut their house in half
14:07because their house is going to fall in the sea,
14:09you can call it champagne socialism.
14:11You haven't seen the hurt that climate change
14:13is already causing in this country.
14:15But we can't bankrupt businesses...
14:17It's not about bankrupting businesses.
14:19It's like you don't understand how much money there is in the world.
14:22And I don't blame you.
14:23A healthy economy and healthy opportunities for everyone
14:26requires good businesses, not bankrupt businesses.
14:28Exactly. It does require good businesses with ethics.
14:30We need a strong economy, strong businesses,
14:32and not people blocking up roads where ambulances can't get through.
14:35That's actually such a false key,
14:37because every single time there's a protest,
14:39we actually have negotiations with the Met for months...
14:42Would it be easy? ..to pick out ambulance routes, etc.
14:44Oh, really? Yes, people don't even know that.
14:46We don't just go on one day and be like, yeah, let's sit on the road.
14:49There is so much planning, and they know.
14:51So the emergency services are aware?
14:53They are aware, and if they come through...
14:55But then they get around a phone call and an area that's not been...
14:58If they come through, we get up and we go.
15:00So would it be quicker if you went there, though?
15:02But the thing is, they've already re-planned the routes.
15:04How can you plan a route for something you don't know what's going to happen?
15:06Have you heard of logistics space? I'm so sorry!
15:08But protestors, like, their aim is to cause as much disruption as possible.
15:12Simply. To draw attention.
15:14But the aim is not just to cause distraction, it's to wake people up.
15:17It's to make people step out of, like, the mundane...
15:19But aren't people sick of it? Aren't people sick of...
15:21People are sick of it. ..like, watching, say, a sporting event,
15:24and then someone comes on and throws the tithes themselves...
15:26People are sick of it. ..or something like...
15:28But have you ever, like, lived through, like, tornadoes?
15:30Because I've met people who have.
15:32Have you ever lived through wildfires that have destroyed your home?
15:34Exactly, and I've met people who have.
15:36I've lived in poverty, so I know what it's like to be the underdog.
15:38Right, but you don't... I've lived in severe poverty.
15:40You don't have to have lived in poverty to sympathise and empathise with people.
15:43But it's not... Empathise requires action.
16:10Dean is talking about the first night in the house.
16:15As soon as I walked in and I see there was more males than there was females,
16:20I was like, I'm going to go with the females,
16:22because that's all I know. I'm comfortable.
16:25And I didn't know what you guys would be like with me.
16:27No, of course. Of course, of course.
16:29Why do you think that is, though? Is that, like...
16:31Just because of outside life. Yeah. I think that most...
16:33The way you've been treated or whatever it is, yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:35Most... And especially being... It's difficult,
16:37especially being a barber and being a gay guy.
16:40Like, I've had experiences where people don't want me to cut their hair.
16:44Yeah. What, because you're gay? Yeah.
16:46It's mental. Yeah. Mental. Why?
16:48They think they can catch something.
16:50Yeah, bro, I swear. I've had experiences like that.
16:52That's what my mate said to me, he's like,
16:54just because you're gay doesn't mean you fancy every man.
16:56Yeah, it's true. That's exactly what it was.
16:58Yeah. If anything, I fancy no-one.
17:01I was trying to talk to some of the new people,
17:03because I think it's so easy to get comfortable
17:05with the people that you're already talking to.
17:07And I'm like, maybe I'm not good in social situations.
17:11I was a bit overwhelmed.
17:13Were you? The first, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:15I was a bit overwhelmed as well.
17:17You seemed so chilled.
17:19Who have you been drawn to the most out of the new thing?
17:24Out of the new... By yourself?
17:26Out of the new people? Bro, I'll do it. I'll fucking do it.
17:28Excuse me, he's not by himself. No, he's not, yeah.
17:30I count as a person. I've been in the pool.
17:32I've been chaperoned, just in case I drown.
17:36People that I like from the other group are...
17:39I like Lily. Lily, yeah.
17:41I could tell, yeah, you were... I think she's really cute.
17:43You almost had, like, a motherly effect.
17:45As soon as you saw how uninhibited, free she was,
17:48you were like, we need to protect her, everyone.
17:50At all costs. What about you?
17:52Who have you been drawn to out of the new...?
17:54I like Nathan. I don't know what it is.
17:57Nathan's, like, real likeable. I want to talk to him.
17:59We are so different, like, politically, everything.
18:03Is it? OK. Fucking hell, politically already?
18:05Yeah, I can't help it. I don't know what it is.
18:07Why, what were you trying to... Within a few seconds, I'm like...
18:11I mean, I don't generally hang out with Tories or Royalists
18:14in my, like, day-to-day life. No, of course, yeah.
18:16However, when I do come across people from those kind of perspectives,
18:21I'm not horrible. No, no, no.
18:23And I would never... I'm interested to hear his views
18:25and his thoughts, because he worked for Prince Charles.
18:27Used to be his butler, right? Yeah.
18:29Used to be Prince Charles' butler? Yeah.
18:31Mad, right? What the fuck?
18:33Charles, boy!
18:35So he has an insight that we'll just never, ever have access to.
18:39Yeah, this is... We need to get talking. Yeah.
18:43Big Brother has called Baked Potato and Thomas to the diving room.
18:48Hello, Baked Potato. Hello.
18:50Big Brother has some good news for both of you
18:53and some bad news for both of you.
18:56Baked Potato. Yeah?
18:58Your good news is that you no longer need to eat blended food.
19:02Thank you. Oh, my God. That is... Oh!
19:05That was the best one. Thank you. No, that's great.
19:07Congratulations. That's great. Thank you, thank you.
19:10Thomas? Yeah?
19:11Your good news is that you don't need to wear a bucket on your head any more.
19:15Fantastic. And you're gluing his eyebrow back on.
19:17I think I know what it is, but I'm very, very happy with you with that,
19:21Big Brother. I'm very, very happy with that. Yeah, that's good.
19:23But the bad news is you still only have one eyebrow.
19:28Yeah, you're very much right.
19:30It goes along with the look, though. One hand, one look.
19:33Just call me One. It's a pretty sick nickname, innit?
19:36One arm, one leg, one eyebrow.
19:38And the bad news for you, Baked Potato,
19:40is that you did sign a contract,
19:42so you will still be referred to as Baked Potato until further notice.
19:47Yep, great. Thank you.
20:00Thomas, Shegan and Baked Potato are in the bedroom.
20:04I look like a Halloween costume right now.
20:06You look mad. Michael Myers type thing, you know?
20:09But we're coming up to Halloween, guys. We are.
20:11Ooh, it's also Martha's birthday coming up.
20:13Oh, so her birthday's in here. That's so sweet, you know?
20:15Guys, when's your guys' birthdays?
20:17I know when yours is. I know when yours is.
20:19Valentine's Day. Oh, that is lovely. Yeah, Valentine's Day.
20:22I think I was supposed to be born on the 13th, but I came out on the 14th.
20:25Still brewing. That's it. That's what it is.
20:27It's just love. That's what it is. That's gorgeous.
20:29I was technically still brewing and I didn't get brewed enough, clearly.
20:33Thomas, man, you can't make them kind of joke, man.
20:35Outrageous. I love it.
20:37I'm open, I'm open. I love that.
20:39Make as many disability jokes, I won't get offended by one of them.
20:43You are, you are fantastic.
20:45I woke up tomorrow with two hands, so I might as well get used to it.
20:47Bro, you are a geek, man. Even though it would be pretty wild.
20:49That would be a wild episode if I did.
20:51Wake up with two hands and two feet, I'd be like, whoa.
20:53I still have fucking one eyebrow, though, I couldn't really go like this.
20:57Upstairs, Taylor Swift is the topic of conversation.
21:02I've never been a Taylor fan. Fair play.
21:05I did until we broke up and it really helped me.
21:07Did it? Oh, really?
21:09The reason why I went on the show, because this is his favourite show.
21:13Fuck off. Imagine, imagine.
21:15So I found out that he was dating me and another girl at the same time.
21:20Oh. I thought, go on his favourite show.
21:23That is so iconic, mate, honestly. Isn't it?
21:25People that know me outside would probably think that you'd annoy me.
21:28Actually, you don't. You don't. You actually don't do my head in.
21:31You're just, like, full of life and we just love you.
21:33And I wish I was, like, you at 20.
21:35I thought everyone was going to, like, hate me. No. No, honey.
21:38This is just you, though, isn't it?
21:40My friend was, like, scared, like, the thing is, like,
21:42you are the way you are, like, people will think you're going to be,
21:45like, putting that on. Yeah, yeah.
21:47She went, but it's not that, that's just you.
21:49That's just you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:51You're a one in a million, you are.
21:53All right, cool. Look at this man!
21:55Love and guidance, thank you so much. Look at this man!
21:57Listen, love, love, love, for real. Amazing.
21:59I'm ready to have a little bit of an eyebrow.
22:01Here we go, take a seat. Let me see your thing, let me see.
22:03Bro, your thing, it's all right, you know? It's not all right.
22:06Brother, brother, everyone in here, yeah?
22:08Honestly, I like my eyebrows. I do like my...
22:10Yeah, you do. I have a nice...
22:12Well, I have a nice eyebrow.
22:15Look at you, getting it all glammed up and shit.
22:18Oh, shaves matching is actually quite good, you know?
22:21That's actually helping out a lot still.
22:23Listen, us girls do it all the time.
22:25Do you know what I mean? Honestly.
22:27Welcome to the club.
22:28Good job. Thank you.
22:30We've been through a lot together, we've been through a whole lot.
22:33You've actually been through the trenches.
22:44Dean is showing off his tattoos.
22:47I have many stories with these tattoos.
22:49I'm sure you have plenty, we'll see maybe in the pool or something,
22:52cos I'm sure you have more. Oh, my God, yes.
22:54I suppose a lot of them are like... Singles, yeah.
22:56And I've obviously got behind my arm those little two there.
22:59Oh, I saw the cowboy boots, I love that.
23:01Cowboy boots, that's good.
23:03I've got this one up here, hold that a minute, see if you can...
23:06Yeah, of course. That one.
23:08Oh, wow. The fortune-telling lady.
23:10Yeah, and then I've got one...
23:11Oh, yeah, cos you're a Romanian gypsy, right?
23:13Yeah, and then I've got this one and then I've got one on my foot.
23:15Is gypsy the right word? I'm just asking out of curiosity.
23:18Cos, yeah, like, I don't know, like...
23:20But also, isn't Romani... Traveller, you could say traveller.
23:22But you don't find it, like, offensive to be, like, a Romanian gypsy?
23:25No. I feel like Romani is a different word.
23:27Not many people know that's, like, part of my heritage.
23:29Yeah. And I don't really... What did you find?
23:31Did you... Obviously, you just knew your grandma or your dad.
23:33My dad, yeah. So, we grew up...
23:35So, my dad's side of the family are Romanian travellers.
23:38Yeah. And then I kind of grew up as a child, like, in between.
23:42How did your mother... Oh, yeah.
23:44So, we was on the side sometimes and then we was on...
23:47The side. Yeah. I love that.
23:49Yeah. Yeah.
23:51But then, as I got older, and obviously being gay, it's not...
23:54I was going to say, how do they kind of feel about that?
23:57I mean... Cos they're quite Catholic, aren't they, or...?
24:00I don't really know what the religion is, cos we're not religious.
24:03My granddad's very... I know a lot about their magic culture.
24:06Magic? Yeah. Like, fortune-telling is a big thing.
24:09My nan used to read tea leaves when she was younger.
24:12Do you do any of that? No, I wish.
24:14Shagun is talking to Big Brother.
24:17My mum has been a big influence, I think,
24:19because I've seen the hardship that she's had to face, like,
24:22with bringing all of us up and we've had some really hard times,
24:25times where, like, we didn't know where food was coming from,
24:28times where we didn't know what the next day was going to look like.
24:31She's a really strong mother.
24:33I grew up away from my dad for a significant amount of time,
24:37so she's had to play the role of being a mother and a father,
24:41which is not easy for any woman at all.
24:43And it can be really tough for the child and the mum.
24:46But seeing my mum's durability, seeing her strength in that,
24:50it's been amazing to witness growing up.
24:53My mum is a living testament of...
24:56..of what women can be.
24:59In the bedroom, Sarah has met her match.
25:03I'm like, girl, this girl is posh.
25:05People think I'm posh and I'm not. I'm like, now she is P-O-S-H posh.
25:09I'm no posh.
25:10I live in the same jean slops every day.
25:12I do, especially, like, boat wear.
25:14Boat wear? Boat wear.
25:16Oh, my God, my boat shoes, my deck shoes, my boat shoes.
25:20That's the thing, yeah, cos I always, like...
25:22I don't have a washing machine on board.
25:24What did you just put it in the canal, wring it out and it's done?
25:27To be honest, I do have friends who do wash it.
25:29Oh, my God, in Klinghoften, we have the canal, you can come up.
25:33You know, I'm going to have so many places to visit after this.
25:36Come on the canal, yes!
25:38I don't actually know outside of London, I don't really leave London.
25:41Oh, it'll take you a while to get there when you're going at two miles an hour.
25:44You can get there, it'll take you a while.
25:46Three months to visit you.
25:47Have you heard of the internationalised Stedford?
25:50People from all over the world come, like, you have, like,
25:52dancers, singers, choirs from, like, Africa, Poland, whatever,
25:55and they all come for this massive competition over five days.
25:58Oh, my God.
25:59Like, last year was amazing. We have to go.
26:01Because Aled was mayor this year, we got tickets,
26:03but we only got to see the choirs. He's mayor?
26:05Yeah, I told you. No, your partner is the mayor.
26:07I'm the mayoress.
26:09That's why you're, like, I'm Farmer's Wife.
26:11Your second lady.
26:12I'm like, come to Flangofflin, we will welcome you.
26:14We will ring the bell, like,
26:16I now hear ye, day has arrived to Flangofflin!
26:19Oh, my goodness!
26:20Hear ye, hear ye!
26:44Lily is telling Nathan and Baked Potato about her dog.
26:49Do you have a dog?
26:51She's got Flo. Yeah!
26:53Oh, yeah!
26:56Flo's, like, the worst dog in the world.
26:59Oh, right.
27:00Is she really that bad?
27:02She bit my face. Really?
27:04There and there.
27:06But were you, like, doing anything to deserve it,
27:08or was it just, like...
27:09No, I took her for a walk, and a dog came,
27:11and she's not good with... She's got depression and anxiety.
27:13The dog does? Yeah. The dog does?
27:17Is that legit?
27:18Like, dogs can suffer with anxiety and depression?
27:20Yeah, she, like, shakes in corners.
27:24And she just stares at the wall like this.
27:26And then she just gets really mad randomly.
27:31And you didn't do anything, like, aah, to scare her?
27:34Can you imagine?
27:36I am so confused why the dog bit my face.
27:39Literally jumped out of my face.
27:44Marcello is in the dining room.
27:47Marcello, what do you want to get out of this experience?
27:51What would I like?
27:52I mean, I came here hoping to make real connections with people.
27:55I think that's the most important thing.
27:57You know, like, when I go travelling and that,
27:59there's always, like, a secret thing I discover about myself,
28:02or, like, an epiphany,
28:03or, like, a growing process that I encounter
28:07that I didn't know about myself.
28:09So that would be ideal,
28:10is, like, to learn something new about myself, you know?
28:13I just want to be confident and show who I am.
28:16For me, I love people. I love women especially.
28:18Like, I love spending time with women.
28:20Like, you know, take the sexual side out of it.
28:23Cos as you get older, as you...
28:25I just feel like once you master, like, the playing field,
28:30it goes beyond just having sex with women.
28:32It's, like, you love to talk to women, find out about them.
28:35Ali is amazing. She's, like, an uncovered gem, I would say.
28:39Like, when you speak to her, she's got so many great stories.
28:42She's actually really gorgeous.
28:43She looks like someone out of X-Men, actually,
28:45but she's really pretty.
28:47But there's a few in here, big brother.
28:49There's actually a few in here.
28:50Baked Potatoes, she's cute.
28:52Like, she's got nice lips, beautiful smile.
28:54She's gorgeous. Nice eyes.
28:56Who else is there?
28:59Even Emma could hold it, I can't even lie.
29:01Get me and Emma in the hot tub.
29:05I don't know.
29:07Emma's cute, innit?
29:08She's cute. She's got a sex appeal.
29:10I like her cougar. Little sugar mama.
29:13I swear, with a boob job,
29:14you have to get it done every single ten years.
29:16Is that correct?
29:17Yeah, you do.
29:18Really? That's a fake?
29:19I've had four.
29:21I'm the boob job expert.
29:22OK, chat to me.
29:23So, first boob job was because I had no boobs.
29:28What size were they originally?
29:29They were, like...
29:30I was probably, like, a 32B.
29:33So I had, like, a bit of width,
29:35but they were just really flat.
29:36Do you know what I mean?
29:37OK, yeah.
29:38And, like, I was, like...
29:39I hated it.
29:40I'd be out in a club and I'd see, like, a girl
29:42with, like, cleavage and I'd be like,
29:44I don't want that!
29:46So I got my boobs done for the first time
29:49and I loved them.
29:50I went to, like, a D.
29:52And then I had my first son.
29:56So after the pregnancy, like, they still looked amazing.
30:01Cos they were great.
30:02But there was a slight...
30:03I could feel, like, a bit of a ripple.
30:04And I was like, well, I don't like it.
30:07So I had another one.
30:09I had my last baby.
30:10And then, like, my boobs were still great,
30:12but, like, one was, like, slightly higher than the other.
30:14And I just thought, do you know what?
30:15I'm not having any more kids.
30:17Let me...
30:18And, like, cos I was doing the Page 3 stuff as well
30:20back in the day.
30:22I was used to having...
30:23You didn't know!
30:24I did not, Emma!
30:25This is a Page 3 girlie.
30:27I did not know that.
30:28So I was used to having a good set of knockers.
30:31So I thought, I'm not...
30:33Top-tier knockers.
30:34Even though they were just slightly,
30:36I just thought, no, let's get them back to where they should be.
30:39So I had the last one.
30:40I thought, I've had my kids, I'll have my nice pair,
30:43which were basically, instead of having medical silicone in them,
30:48it was industrial silicone.
30:50They had to be removed.
30:52The guy who invented them is in jail.
30:54I don't know if he's still in jail.
30:56So I had to have them removed.
30:58So that's my number three removed.
31:00So I had the fourth, like, those out and new ones in.
31:03When I look back now, I think, do you know what?
31:05You should have left them.
31:06I had, like, tiny little boobs, but they were nice.
31:155 or 4pm.
31:18Nathan and Hannah are in the garden.
31:20It's been nice to do, actually,
31:22because I've just been allowed to kind of speak to people,
31:25and, yeah, it's nice.
31:27Like, I spoke to Ali through there, I spoke to everyone.
31:29Yeah, it has, it's been good.
31:30And everyone has, like, different personalities.
31:32Yeah, definitely.
31:33Walks of life.
31:34That's nice, though.
31:35There's not, like, one clear, like, absolute arsehole,
31:38do you know what I mean?
31:40Maybe that means I'm...
31:41I said the same thing!
31:43If there isn't one, then it must be me.
31:45I was like to Rose, Rose was like,
31:47there's no fucking bitch in here,
31:48and I was like, there's no fucking bitch.
31:50Does that mean I'm the fucking bitch?
31:53Does it mean we're the bitch?
31:56I'll take it.
31:57I do have, like, if I'm being honest with you,
31:59like, sometimes I do have little bitchy tendencies,
32:01you can't come from, but everyone does.
32:02I think so.
32:03We're human beings.
32:04Yeah, exactly.
32:06Like, you can't get on with everyone all the time.
32:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:09But, well, I think if we're here a while, then, yeah,
32:11it could change, probably.
32:13But hopefully I am.
32:14We'll see.
32:15Now Friday goes.
32:18Ryan, you are up for eviction.
32:20I know, sadly.
32:22Yeah, I'm gutted, obviously, but I feel like...
32:25Cos it's not... The housemates have put me up,
32:27it's not, like, as bad.
32:29I'm just going to carry on being me, essentially,
32:31and no-one wants to go first,
32:32but maybe I'll have to take one for the team.
32:35Ryan, since you moved back into the house,
32:38who have you got to know better?
32:41I has, but as soon as I came into the house
32:44and I spoke to him, like, I felt like a good judge of character
32:47and, like, we bonded straight away,
32:49so I've got a lot of time for him, I've got to know him a bit better.
32:52And, obviously, Nathan as well.
32:53We're sharing a bed, me and Nathan.
32:55Ideally, I'd have liked a single bed,
32:57but as long as I'm not sharing with a girl, then it's all good.
33:00Got to keep the missus happy after you've shredded that photo as well.
33:04We've days.
33:05Her laugh is infectious and I feel like we get on that level, so...
33:08And then I found out she does all the activist stuff, you know,
33:11like, the stuff that usually I don't like, you know,
33:14like the whole, like, just stop all your people standing outside,
33:17all that sort of carry on.
33:18But, yeah, it was interesting to hear her point of view
33:21and it's cool that she does it.
33:23And, like, just shows you, like, normally on a normal day-to-day life,
33:26if you said, oh, there's an activist here who does all this sort of stuff,
33:29in your head, one, you've got a different picture
33:31of what, like, they'd be like as a person,
33:33but you probably would never encounter it.
33:35And then, obviously, I feel like we get on really well.
33:37So, yeah, I've got a lot of time for Dave.
33:39Yeah, there's a few interesting...
33:40Well, there's loads of interesting characters in here,
33:42so, yeah, I'd love to delve deeper on all of them, to be honest.
33:54So, are you in a relationship or not?
33:56I'm not, no. Really? OK.
33:58Are you? No.
34:00No, literally. What's your type?
34:02Hmm, that's a hard one. I don't really know.
34:04Do you know what? I go for the person.
34:06Like, mind first and then everything else later.
34:09Do you mind me asking what your sexuality is?
34:11Yeah, definitely. I don't like guessing.
34:13Um, well, I would say...
34:16That's what I've said all along, that I don't put a label on it.
34:19I just go for the person. I don't mind.
34:21What's that called again?
34:23Well, see, that's exactly it. I don't know.
34:25Yeah, there's this thing for that, where you just go for the heart.
34:28Yeah. I've just decided not to put a label on it.
34:31I love that.
34:34Do you know what I mean? I love that.
34:36Originally, I did. Originally, I came out as gay,
34:38but then, like, I was like, no, I'm not doing that.
34:41So, I've changed, er, that, I suppose.
34:47You was like... I came out, then after, I was like...
34:49Yeah. Like...
34:51Actually, I like people with good hearts.
34:53Exactly. Everyone wants to put a label on it.
34:55Yeah, exactly. And I just can't be arsed with that.
34:59Dears is in the daily room.
35:01There's been so much conversation today.
35:03I think we're all starting to realise
35:05how different we are from each other.
35:07Me and Nathan had a really interesting conversation this morning
35:10that I actually really enjoyed.
35:12We spoke about our political beliefs
35:14and realised we sat very much on opposite ends of the spectrum.
35:18But, like, it was really interesting
35:20just to kind of, like, have a discussion,
35:22to see from other people's point of views.
35:24I thought that was really nice.
35:26Do you ever feel like your political and climate knowledge
35:29does weigh down on you?
35:31100%. Oh, I don't want to cry now, but, yeah.
35:34Sometimes I just wish I didn't know.
35:36Oh, God. Yeah.
35:40And that's the thing, especially, like, being in here, you know,
35:43and I think this is, like, the echo chamber
35:45that I really wanted to come in here to break,
35:47is that some people don't see it in the way that I see it,
35:50cos they don't... haven't seen what I've seen
35:52as, like, evidence to, like, this is real.
35:55And, yeah, like, yeah, I see Lily and I love it,
35:58cos, like, it's, like, this innocence that's still there,
36:01cos the world feels so open.
36:03But then also part of me is like, oh, God.
36:06Like, yeah, if I didn't see it so young,
36:09at least I would have had, like, a moment of where
36:12I'd be able to do things and not feel really guilty for doing them,
36:15like, you know, going travelling or, you know, stuff like that.
36:19Oh, fuck.
36:29Oh, why'd you get me so high
36:32To leave me so low
36:34To leave me so low
36:42To celebrate the first full day of all housemates living together,
36:47Big Brother has thrown a party.
36:54Oh, my God!
36:58Oh, my God!
37:02I'm not in the blue, but...
37:04Oh, no!
37:06Oh, no!
37:12Baby, bye, bye, bye, bye
37:19Oh, my God!
37:21Oh, my God!
37:23Oh, my God!
37:25Bye, bye, bye, bye
37:27Oh, my God!
37:31The outside world is out there.
37:33I know.
37:34I'm thinking that, I think.
37:36You know, like, I was thinking, oh, gosh,
37:38I've got to make it at least halfway or...
37:40Cos otherwise it's just going to be a bit like...
37:42One day feels like several days.
37:44It does.
37:45I think it might go a little bit quicker now,
37:47once we're getting into a routine.
37:50But then again, no, cos we'll never be in a routine because...
37:53They keep changing.
37:55Hannah is talking about the atmosphere in the house.
37:59I'm a type of girl where I will be extroverted on occasion.
38:04Sometimes I'll just need me time, do you know what I'm saying?
38:07And it has nothing to do with, like, me being upset,
38:10and I feel as if, like, people just expect you to just, like,
38:13be on, like, chatty, chatty, chatty 24-7.
38:17No, like, when I want to speak, I'll speak.
38:20If I want to chime in, I'll chime in.
38:22And I'm already, like, a chat box anyway.
38:25Hopefully, like, everyone gets, like, a bit more relaxed.
38:29But I feel like everyone's just so tense right now.
38:32Like, some... Not everyone!
38:35Let me retract that statement.
38:37I feel like some people might be a bit tense right now
38:40because evictions is round the corner
38:43and they don't know what Big Brother might have up its sleeve
38:48in terms of, like, changing the fate for some people.
38:51Or, like, flipping the switch, basically.
38:53But I think something devious might happen.
38:56I'm going to wait. I'm going to wait and see. Mmm.
39:10Three, two, one, go.
39:13One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
39:26That was almost as long as you held your hand up for as well.
39:29Don't be afraid.
39:44Dean has got the eviction on his mind.
39:48I needed to take it all in.
39:50I needed to take in the eviction and all that shit.
39:52I was just like, I'm just going to have a coffee.
39:54Don't worry about that. Don't worry about that stuff, man.
39:56No, I know. It's hard, though.
39:57I know it's easy cos I'm saying that.
39:59Yeah. And I know that...
40:00No, I know. I know. And I will. I will.
40:02It's just... Yeah.
40:03And things can change, too, so just, yeah, live in the moment.
40:06I know. I am. I am fully living in the moment.
40:08I think you're in a right mindset, actually.
40:10I can't lie. I think you're... Yeah, I'm OK.
40:12I was gutted yesterday. I told you that, though.
40:14Yeah. With the challenge. Yeah.
40:16I really was trying, but I was like, my arms,
40:18I'm not going to beat Lily. There's no way.
40:20Cos Dave and Lily, they told me, they're like,
40:22it was hurting for so long, and then it got to a point
40:24where they couldn't feel their arms. Yeah.
40:26That's what they said, they couldn't feel it. They couldn't.
40:28They just, like, they couldn't feel it. Yeah.
40:30Lily has come to talk to big brother.
40:33Today, like, I was really, like, high,
40:36and then I felt a bit upset.
40:39And then, like, now...
40:40And then I felt really high and then really upset.
40:44I don't know, like, I spoke to Ali and, like,
40:48she said, like,
40:50Lily, like, I think you're a genuine person.
40:54And it really made me happy
40:58because I thought everyone was going to hate me.
41:07I don't know, cos I thought everyone would think I'm annoying.
41:11And then, like, cos I've made friends, it's nice.
41:15Cos, like, I don't have, like, loads of friends.
41:25I only have, like, a few friends.
41:28So it's, like, nice to have people actually, like, like me.
41:33It makes me feel, like, more happy, more confident,
41:37and more full.
41:39And, like, I can be myself around everyone.
41:44I think I'm fine.
41:45I think, looking at it, like,
41:47obviously it's just, like, different people,
41:49so obviously, like, me being me,
41:51like, I'm going to question, like, do people like that?
41:54But, like, you never know deep down if they do like me.
41:57Cos I like me.
41:59I do like me.
42:01I do think some people just dimmer my sparkle.
42:112 or 1am.
42:16Hey, little princess.
42:18Hey. Are you OK?
42:21Thanks, Martha. Aw, I just don't like you being upset.
42:24You're a real one. Have you spent a bit much?
42:26Yeah, like, I don't know, like, obviously, like,
42:28being around other people.
42:30Ooh. What's going on?
42:32I just felt like, like, myself is weird to everyone else.
42:37No, of course it's not.
42:39Lily, we love you. Are you joking?
42:42Lily, come here. What did you say?
42:44She says myself is weird to everybody else.
42:46Lily, you are one in a million.
42:48You're different. It's brilliant.
42:50Lily, listen to me. You are different to everybody else.
42:53But that's amazing. And good.
42:55Yeah. Exactly.
42:57Because people are boring. Yeah.
43:01There's not one person here that you don't make smile.
43:04You've lost your voice.
43:05You feel like you've lost your personality
43:07because you're a little eeker.
43:08Like, what are you doing without your little eek?
43:10I know.
43:11I can barely even eek.
43:12Shall we eek for you? I know.
43:14Ready? Ready?
43:16Three, two, one.
43:19We'll do it on cue for you.
43:20I feel like that gets everything out.
43:22I know. Thanks, guys.
43:23We've got your back. I promise.
43:25We're like your big old assistants. You're all right.
43:27OK? We've got you, OK?
43:28We love you.
43:30In the dining room, Dean is reflecting.
43:34I've had such a fab day.
43:36I've had such a great day.
43:38It's like everyone's had fun and everyone's smiling
43:41and, you know, everyone's being really lovely to each other.
43:45But I think it's going to start becoming...
43:49People are going to start becoming more paranoid
43:51as the game goes on.
43:53Energy levels are dipping, people are hungry, people are tired.
43:57Cracks are going to start to appear.
43:59Cracks are going to start to come.
44:03They're not there yet.
44:07But they are...
44:09They are on borderline.
44:11I feel like they could come in the next few days.
44:14Things will change.
44:16There's going to be little comments made
44:18that might rub you up the wrong way.
44:21But I feel like...
44:24..you just have to be honest and be like,
44:26I don't like that comment.
44:28You're pissing me off.
44:41This week, Big Potato, Dean, Nathan and Ryan
44:48face the public vote.
44:50Who goes?
44:52You decide.
44:55Head to the app to vote for the housemate you want to evict.
44:58The housemate with the most votes will be evicted.
45:02Voting is free and you can access it via the app.
45:06You can vote up to five times.
45:09The vote closes in Friday's eviction show.
45:19If you're looking for a scorching hot 80s drama,
45:22stop what you're doing and head to ITVX
45:24to catch Welcome to the Chippendales.
45:26That is ready to show you everything whenever you want.
45:28And talking of scorching hot drama, you'd better stick around.
45:31We've got all the latest goss for you
45:33in all-new Big Brothers Light and Live, coming up next.