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Director: Marc Autorino
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00:00What's the best thing about being married to David Beckham?
00:09Oh, thanks.
00:12Hello again, everybody.
00:13Thank you for coming back.
00:15So, uh, I'm thrilled, Victoria,
00:18to be talking with you this afternoon.
00:21Thank you so much for coming.
00:22I know you've just landed from somewhere exotic.
00:25So I was thinking, uh, over the weekend,
00:28knowing that this conversation was gonna happen,
00:31that you and I actually go back a very long time.
00:34And I first became aware of you through my children,
00:38who were huge fans,
00:41and insisted that I take them to see you perform
00:44as a Spice Girl in New York City,
00:46and then, uh, go backstage to say hello.
00:50Which is how the Spice Girls...
00:53ended up on the cover of Vogue.
01:03And it was a very much discussed, uh, cover,
01:07and, um, extremely well received.
01:10And then a few years later, Victoria,
01:13you and I would see each other
01:15when you would hold those small presentations
01:17for your Victoria Beckham collections.
01:19And I remember thinking that was really brave of you,
01:22because you were speaking directly to
01:25a slightly too cool for school group of journalists
01:29about your vision of fashion.
01:31But as Chloe just pointed out,
01:34this has clearly paid off,
01:36because your recent show was the most viewed
01:39of the entire spring 2025 collections.
01:44Well, bravo.
01:48And as I mentioned to those of you
01:51who were with us earlier this morning,
01:54and as Chloe pointed out,
01:56there is a film crew here today
01:58filming you for your Netflix documentary
02:00that's coming out, I think, next year.
02:02Victoria, you and I have discussed
02:04your slight frustration
02:06that you are seen here in the United States,
02:09particularly as a former Spice Girl.
02:12And your family are currently now filming a documentary
02:15that's based on you.
02:17So did this come about
02:19because of a perceived lack of recognition
02:24of Victoria Beckham as a designer and an entrepreneur?
02:27Was it a way for you to set the record straight?
02:30Well, you started off by saying
02:33how we go quite a long way back.
02:35And I have to say that
02:37every time I come to New York,
02:39I love to catch up with Anna.
02:41And we quite often have a very early breakfast.
02:44And you're always so kind and generous
02:47when offering advice and help.
02:49And I'm like a sponge.
02:52And I remember sitting in this office with you
02:55saying, Anna, how do I tell my story in America?
02:59I think in the UK and Europe,
03:02people don't look at me as a Spice Girl
03:05first and foremost now
03:07because I do think that I've earned my stripes,
03:10if you like, with fashion and beauty.
03:12But I still think that I have to work
03:15on that messaging here in America.
03:18And I think we talked about a documentary
03:20and I think that I said something along the lines of
03:22oh my goodness, absolutely not.
03:25Filming Beckham was hard.
03:29And then you said to me,
03:32but the power of Netflix
03:34and how I could use that
03:36to really shine a light
03:38on my brand, both fashion and beauty.
03:41So the documentary that we're filming
03:43is not a lifestyle documentary.
03:45It's not Beckham 2.
03:49It really is about me
03:51building both fashion and beauty.
03:53The crew have been following me
03:55on the lead up to my show in Paris,
03:57really showing what goes on
03:59behind the brand and how I built it.
04:01And David actually told me in Paris
04:03that you were really enjoying it.
04:05Is that right?
04:07Well, I fought against it for a long time.
04:09But once I decide to do something,
04:11it is what it is.
04:13And I have the most wonderful crew,
04:15all very, very talented.
04:18I respect them all a lot.
04:20And they're actually very nice to have around.
04:22I have to say, you know,
04:24it's not sit-down interviews.
04:26I'm getting on with work.
04:28Well, watch out.
04:30You forget they're there after a while.
04:32When the actual feature film
04:34comes out on the Beckhams,
04:36not the documentary,
04:38what would be your
04:40ideal casting for you?
04:42Oh my goodness.
04:44I don't know.
04:46I wasn't expecting that question.
04:48I don't know. Who do you think would be a good...
04:50Well, I actually thought Margaret Qualley
04:52would be a good...
04:54And then what about for David?
04:56Oh my goodness. I don't know.
04:58Oh my gosh. I wasn't expecting this question.
05:00I mean, I don't know. Let's say Brad Pitt.
05:02All right?
05:04He looks good.
05:06I was thinking Joe Alwyn.
05:08Maybe a little younger.
05:10So, Victoria,
05:12backstage you were talking about
05:14your children and how proud you are of them.
05:16And obviously, they've grown up
05:18so much in the public eye.
05:20And I'm just curious, as a
05:22mother, how you've managed
05:24to navigate that.
05:26And that must have caused you some
05:28concern at some point.
05:30Obviously, except for Harper now,
05:32they're out in the world, but still
05:34I know you're always a mother.
05:36So I'm just wondering how you feel about that.
05:38You know, being a mother is
05:40my most important role and what I am
05:42most proud of. And I think it's about
05:44making sure that we're, you know,
05:46we're a very close family. It's all about
05:48communication. We talk all
05:50the time. There's always this
05:52safe space where all of the children
05:54can feel free to talk about
05:56anything. And our parents
05:58have always been very involved with bringing
06:00the children up as well.
06:02They're all very sweet, kind,
06:04funny, humble,
06:08driven, young
06:10people. And every time anybody
06:12meets one of the kids, they will always
06:14compliment the children
06:16on how nice they are,
06:18how humble they are. And
06:20I think that that is such a compliment
06:22when anybody says that your kids are
06:24great. And they have excellent manners.
06:26Absolutely. They had no choice.
06:28Okay, so let's
06:30move to fashion. So
06:32Vera Wang. Vera Wang has
06:34a wardrobe, I have seen it,
06:36about as large as this room,
06:38is full of Prada and
06:40Comme des Garçons. So when you're
06:42not wearing Victoria Beckham, who do you
06:44go to? My closet is what I
06:46would call organized chaos.
06:48So I know where everything is and I have a storage
06:50facility so I can rotate
06:52things because I do have
06:54more clothes than him. Quite often samples
06:56that I've borrowed for shoots,
06:58you know, from work.
07:00So what other brands do I
07:02wear? I occasionally
07:04wear, I might wear a bit of Balenciaga,
07:06I might wear a little bit of
07:08Saint Laurent. But what I love now
07:10about what I'm doing after,
07:12you know, when I first started my collection
07:1417 years ago, I focused just
07:16on dresses. Now I'm doing
07:18knitwear and tailoring and really every
07:20element of the wardrobe,
07:22including accessories. So
07:24I don't often wear other brands
07:26because ultimately I'm creating
07:28what I want and what I desire.
07:30Well, Vogue is very curious
07:32about your closet policy.
07:34Can family members borrow
07:36your vintage and what are the rules?
07:38Do they have
07:40to check them in and out?
07:42Yeah, I'm not too
07:44precious about those things unless it's
07:48And when Harper
07:50eyes up those handbags
07:52and not just yet,
07:54but other than that, I think
07:56that, look, I love my clothes and I look after
07:58my clothes but I think that clothes are also
08:00there to be enjoyed.
08:02And if one of the young kids
08:04wants to borrow my clothes, whether it's
08:06Harper or one of the boys' girlfriends,
08:08that's flattery, right?
08:10Because they're significantly younger than me.
08:12So that's good.
08:14So, Victoria, recently
08:16you decided to move
08:18your show to Paris. And obviously
08:20there are many reasons why people want to show
08:22in Paris beyond the fact it's the most
08:24beautiful city in the world. But
08:26how has showing in Paris really
08:28changed your outlook on what you do
08:30and obviously what we'll be seeing
08:32in the documentary? I'm interested to know
08:34from showing from those little shows that
08:36we used to see here in New York and
08:38sometimes in bigger shows here
08:40and in London, what made you decide to go
08:42to Paris?
08:44Well, Paris was always the dream.
08:46I mean, you've got to bring your A-game
08:48when you show in Paris. And I
08:50felt that pressure. I enjoy
08:52that pressure. It's made a
08:54huge difference business-wise
08:56to me to be
08:58amongst the biggest
09:00houses and the most
09:02respected houses in the industry
09:04has been really quite
09:06incredible. And I have noticed a big
09:08big difference
09:10in how it's affected the business in such
09:12a positive way. You know, it really is
09:14the main stage, I believe.
09:16So you'll be staying there?
09:18We won't welcome you back to New York.
09:20No, but I love the fact that I can
09:22travel and there's so much that we can do.
09:24I mean, when we had breakfast a few
09:26months ago, we talked about, do I show a pre-
09:28collection here? You know, America
09:30is so important to me.
09:32This is where I started. I spent seven
09:34years living in America.
09:36For nine years,
09:38I showed my collections
09:40here in New York.
09:42So having the
09:44opportunity to travel and think
09:46outside of the box is something
09:48that excites me as well. But definitely
09:50main collections, staying in
09:52Paris at the moment.
09:54So you're good friends, of course, with
09:56many famous people, but
09:58you also hang out with designers, say
10:00like Marc Jacobs. And I'm
10:02just curious, who
10:04has given you
10:06good advice over the years that you
10:08really remember? And, you know, is it
10:10Tom? Is it Marc? Whose words
10:12do you remember? You know, Marc
10:14Jacobs, right
10:16at the beginning, he said to me,
10:18he said, you've got to stop saying
10:20that people left their preconceptions
10:22at the door when
10:26reviewed your collection.
10:28And I said, but they did. You know, I don't come from
10:30a traditional design background. He said
10:32they did not leave their preconceptions at the door.
10:34What happened is the product was good.
10:36And he said, as long as the
10:38product and the quality is good,
10:40no one can ever say it's rubbish.
10:42So that stayed with you? That did stay with me.
10:44And Roland Marais also was
10:46a mentor right
10:48at the beginning. You know, he really was.
10:50He is probably the one designer
10:52that believed in me right at the beginning
10:56supported me and made
10:58me believe in myself as well.
11:00In our Vogue 90s
11:02documentary, you talk about the designers
11:04that inspired you, but I'm
11:06just curious, what's your very
11:08first fashion memory?
11:10Do you have one as a child? Oh my gosh,
11:12I do. When I was in the Spice Girls,
11:14Donatella Versace invited me
11:16to go to Milan to a fashion
11:18show. And I
11:20remember she sent a private plane. I'd never
11:22been in a private plane before.
11:24And I went to
11:26Milan and
11:28she took me to
11:30the Versace store to dress
11:32me in Versace for
11:34the fashion show and for the
11:36party afterwards.
11:38And I put the clothes on and then
11:40I said, yeah, I like it, but how about we
11:42change the length?
11:44And I completely redesigned
11:46the outfit. And I
11:48think back to it, my goodness, I can't
11:50believe I had the audacity
11:52to do that. How was
11:54the show? The show was great
11:56and I really liked what I was wearing.
11:58But it was coming from such a
12:00sweet, innocent
12:02place. But I look back and I think, how
12:04could I ever have said to Donatella, I
12:06like your dress, but how about we rethink it?
12:08I'm sure she liked you more, for your honesty.
12:10So people
12:12here in this room, they may not
12:14be aware of this, but you've
12:16also walked the runway, Victoria,
12:18for a British designer some
12:20years back, is that right?
12:22I did too. I did one for Maria
12:24Grach Vogel and I walked in the Cavalli
12:26show as well. Oh, I didn't know about that.
12:28So are we going to see you back on the runway?
12:30Absolutely not.
12:32Oh my gosh, no. I remember
12:34phoning my mum just before I went
12:36on and I said, I'm so
12:38nervous. And I don't know how old I was,
12:40I must have been like 26 or something.
12:42She said, well, you've been walking for about 24
12:44years, so you should have it
12:46together by now. And this is
12:48the same advice that I gave to
12:50Romeo, our middle son
12:52who is now modelling, and
12:54he walked his first fashion show
12:56during Fashion Week, he walked in the Balenciaga
12:58show. That's a good first
13:00choice. Last fashion
13:02question, then we'll move on to something else.
13:04Is there anyone you're dying to
13:06dress or to see in
13:08Victoria Beckham that you haven't
13:10seen yet?
13:12I would love to dress Angelina Jolie.
13:16I think she would look
13:18fantastic in Victoria Beckham.
13:20I always feel very honoured when anybody
13:22chooses to wear
13:24my designs. I think that
13:26people have so much choice
13:28and anytime anybody chooses
13:30to wear something of mine, you know,
13:32even if I see someone walking down the street
13:34or if I'm at a restaurant,
13:36that makes me feel very happy and
13:38right. So
13:40switching subjects
13:42away from fashion.
13:44I know you went to theatre school
13:46and I hear there were some pretty
13:48memorable performances.
13:50So what was your favourite part
13:52you played as a teenager?
13:54I honestly thought you were about to ask me
13:56to sing Mine Hair.
13:58From Cabaret.
14:00That's what I was expecting.
14:02Gosh, my favourite
14:04role, I think it probably
14:06would have been something from Cabaret.
14:08I went to theatre school and I grew up
14:10loving musical theatre.
14:12So that was, you know, Cats, Starlight
14:14Express, Miss Saigon.
14:16And that was my
14:18passion, that's what I wanted to do, to go
14:20into musicals. And then I
14:22you know, took a different
14:24route. I found myself in a pop group.
14:26Well, if you had continued along
14:28that route, and I know that you
14:30once wanted to be a theatre dancer
14:32in the West End, what would have been your
14:34dream role?
14:36Oh my gosh, undoubtedly the white cat.
14:38In Cats.
14:40I'm not sure I was good, well I wasn't good enough
14:42because I auditioned and I didn't get it.
14:44But that would have been my dream, absolutely.
14:46So what was the last thing
14:48discussed in the Beckham
14:50family group chat?
14:52Oh, the last thing
14:54in the group chat, gosh, what was that?
14:56Well, we always message each other
14:58when we're travelling,
15:00when we're flying.
15:02So probably just something really quite
15:04simple like, have a safe flight,
15:06something like that, because we always, we're very
15:08very close family, we talk a lot.
15:12So David has his bees and his
15:14honey, I'm just wondering
15:16what your unexpected pastime
15:18or hobby or
15:20passion is? Oh gosh,
15:22what do I like to do?
15:26what do I like to do in my
15:28part, goodness, I like to work
15:30out, but that's not really in my
15:32spare time, that's just something that I know
15:34is very important to you as well, it's just something that I do
15:36every day. I like to read,
15:38I like to,
15:40we're both enjoying educating ourselves
15:42with regards to art as well.
15:44This is something we've been into
15:46for quite a few years now, but I think it's something
15:48that we're enjoying doing together.
15:50But you don't join him
15:52in the bee house. Is it a bee house?
15:54Was it a hive? A bee and a bee house.
15:56Well I mean, he's got one of the white outfits
15:58and we have had sort of like a family
16:00moment where we've all had
16:02the white outfits on,
16:04but no, that's something that David is so passionate
16:06about and something that we
16:08can enjoy as a family
16:10as well. I don't know, I find bees
16:12very terrifying.
16:14I know you're a very avid
16:16reader, so if I was in the Victoria Beckham
16:18book club, what would we be reading?
16:20Oh gosh, well right now
16:22I've been reading very, very easy
16:24reads, because obviously we've been on
16:26summer holidays, so I recently read
16:28The Housemaid. Not the most academic
16:30read, but it's an easy,
16:32fun read.
16:34I'm reading Intermezzo
16:36by Sally Rooney, which I
16:38highly recommend. Well that's definitely
16:40different to what I've been reading.
16:42So my last question,
16:44I did not think of it.
16:46It came from another source.
16:48What's the best
16:50thing about being married to David Beckham?
16:52You know,
16:56David is,
16:58he's a great dad. He's a really,
17:00really great dad, and
17:02he's very kind,
17:04very generous. He has
17:06an amazing business
17:08mind as well that I find
17:10inspiring. And he's very
17:12kind and generous, and he's a lot
17:14funnier. I mean, you know how funny David
17:16can be. He's a lot funnier than anybody
17:18would ever imagine.
17:20Do you know who the source was?
17:22Probably David himself.
17:26And I mean, he's very humble.
17:30So, we were meant to
17:32record the answer, which I'm sure we
17:34have. Victoria, thank you so much for
17:36coming to talk to us all.
17:38Thank you, Victoria.
17:40Thank you so much. Thank you for listening.
