• 5 days ago
00:00Hey, how's it going? Dave 2D here.
00:02So 2018's about to wrap up, and I thought I'd just do a quick video to kind of close off the year.
00:07First of all, thank you for all the support and stuff over the course of 2018.
00:11It's been awesome. I really appreciate it.
00:14And just being able to make stuff and share it and have you guys watch it is just awesome.
00:20Thank you so much. Seriously, I really appreciate that.
00:22So I went on Twitter a couple days ago or yesterday, and I just put up a question, you know,
00:26ask me anything, Q&A video, and I'm just going to go through some of them and answer some questions.
00:31Okay, next big thing in laptops, I would say obviously RTX or the next generation of graphics cards
00:41are going to be coming out in laptops relatively soon.
00:43I also think higher refresh screens, not that we need them, like the 144Hz panels look great already,
00:48but I think if they're going to do something this year just to kind of make it a more enticing purchase,
00:54maybe higher refresh screens.
00:58Do I buy all the products that I talk about?
01:01A lot of them. I don't do, I don't know if like if you guys are new,
01:05I don't do a lot of sponsored and indoors content.
01:07I think I did like one or two sponsored videos over the course of this year.
01:10And usually my sponsored content is like stuff that I absolutely 100% would purchase
01:15and maybe even have purchased in the past.
01:17But usually my stuff is just like straight up, I buy it, I review it kind of thing.
01:22Sometimes they'll send me stuff, but usually it's just stuff that I, yeah,
01:26that I've gone out and purchased with my own money.
01:30Do I lift? I haven't in years.
01:33YouTube and just like having an adult life with family and kids and stuff,
01:37just there's not much time for the gym.
01:40Do I make my own intros? Yes, I do. I used to do with After Effects.
01:44Am I subscribed to PewDiePie? Absolutely.
01:46He was like one of the first people I subscribed to on YouTube back in the day.
01:50Do I have Yeezys? I used to, I used to own a couple pair,
01:53but ever since they became super popular, I've just...
01:58Those shoes are dead to me.
02:00I love the artists, I like, I think Kanye's music is great
02:03and I wanted to support him when they originally came out.
02:05But I mean, I feel like the hype ruined the product for me.
02:09Do I build towers? I do, occasionally.
02:12I've showcased a few on my channel.
02:14You know what, if I have time before CES,
02:17I will put up a video of an interesting build that I've been working on.
02:23So stay tuned for that. If I have time, I can't guarantee anything.
02:27Do you get preferential treatment from manufacturers?
02:33I would say, obviously to some degree they're sending me stuff, which is great.
02:37I don't think though that brands look at me as like some platform
02:42to just broadcast an advertisement.
02:45I think brands are starting to recognize that a lot of the reviews I put out are very real.
02:48If a product is good, I give it a thumbs up.
02:50If a product is mediocre or poor, I usually take a dump on them.
02:54And I think brands are starting to recognize that,
02:57so they're cautious with what they send me,
02:59but that doesn't stop how I do my stuff.
03:05Would I morph into a crab or a sheep?
03:09Probably a crab, just to experience that crustacean life.
03:14I feel like a sheep is still a mammal, it's doing mammalian things.
03:19As long as I wouldn't die or get eaten as a crab, I think I'd be a crab for a week.
03:25Am I going to CES? I think I will be, I'm not 100% sure.
03:29I kind of decided last minute, but there's probably something there that I want to look at.
03:38Predictions for XPS 15? I like that question.
03:41The XPS 15 is one of my favorite laptops.
03:43I think it's the best device that Dell has ever put out.
03:46And it's due for a hardware overhaul.
03:50It's been refreshed year on year on year.
03:52I think it needs an overhaul pretty badly.
03:54I would love to see one this year.
03:56I think we might see one.
03:57In terms of timing, this would be the year to see a new XPS.
04:01Do I use lights?
04:03When I first started YouTube, I used natural light.
04:05For the first two or three years of YouTube, I used natural light.
04:08I've recently started to use artificial light to supplement,
04:11because I like to be able to just shoot in the evening or at night, which is nice.
04:17Canon 1D X Mark II.
04:19I shoot some of my thumbnails on it.
04:21It's a great photography camera,
04:22but I don't feel like I personally enjoy using it for videography as much as I'd like to.
04:28It's just the files are huge.
04:32It's a difficult codec to work with.
04:37The bubble created by companies like Apple and Google.
04:43I think Asian smartphones like Xiaomi, Huawei,
04:47eventually, it's just a matter of time,
04:49they're going to penetrate the North American market,
04:51and they're going to crush.
04:52I don't know if it's going to be this year or next year or five years from now,
04:55but just the shape of what they're capable of, those Chinese brands.
05:01Entering that North American market is hard.
05:04It's really hard for them.
05:05The whole thing about spyware on their hardware,
05:08and they just don't get software the way that North American companies seem to.
05:14I think eventually, it's going to change how Apple and Google do business,
05:18but right now, Apple and Google can still charge crazy amounts of money.
05:24Do I still make 2D games?
05:26I don't anymore, just time-wise.
05:27I used to do that stuff as a hobby for fun,
05:30and YouTube is now my side jam.
05:35Would I like to switch to...
05:38No, I've said this before in previous videos,
05:40I feel like YouTube is always going to be a side thing for me.
05:44I don't like that pressure of it being a full-time thing,
05:46but for now, YouTube, side jam, I like it.
05:53Phones have been a stalemate recently.
05:56I agree.
05:57Phones have reached this feature parity,
06:01where it doesn't matter if you're buying a $300 phone or a $1,200 phone,
06:06they're all using Snapdragon's top-line chip,
06:08they all have good cameras.
06:10The difference is honestly camera, right?
06:12The difference between a Poco phone...
06:15If you watch Marquesa's video, you'll know that the Poco phone has a pretty good camera,
06:19and the top-end phones, the difference is seriously camera quality,
06:24or just for people that are really into photography, camera quality.
06:28So, I don't know, man.
06:30Personally, I don't buy phones just for cameras,
06:32so it is so weird to see $1,200 phones
06:36just able to be sold right now.
06:39It kind of kills me.
06:42Best tip for helping another content creator, for getting started.
06:47Having done this for almost four years now,
06:49I would consider myself somewhat seasoned on YouTube.
06:55I know this is something that you're going to hear a million times,
06:57but it's just be yourself.
07:01You have to be real to who you are for YouTube to just kind of do its thing.
07:07A lot of people look at YouTube content creators, like the big guys out there,
07:10and just try to emulate it,
07:12and they try to make their own variant of that type of content,
07:15and it's just...
07:17Maybe it works for some people,
07:18but I think if you really want YouTube to be your tube,
07:21you've got to just roll with whatever you feel like inside.
07:23Whoever you are as a person, just the best version of that,
07:26put that on YouTube.
07:31Increasing RAM size on mobile phones.
07:36I think that's such a...
07:38It's like a marketing thing, right?
07:40Six gigs of RAM, eight gigs of RAM.
07:41I've seen 12 gigs of RAM on phones,
07:43where some of the top line phones that are using four gigs of RAM.
07:46With better memory management, you can get by with way less RAM.
07:50It's cheaper to just stuff your phones with tons of RAM.
07:53It uses more battery, it costs more,
07:54but it ends up being cheaper
07:57because of the software development time it would take
08:00to do proper memory management.
08:05I think this video is getting long.
08:06Last question here.
08:09Bezel-less displays on flagship phones.
08:14Yeah, it's because we have feature parity.
08:16Because everything is so good,
08:18what's the one way to differentiate your phone from the competitor?
08:21It's thinner bezels.
08:22It's something that's super expensive to produce,
08:25and it's something that a lot of the cheaper companies
08:27and smaller companies can't replicate as readily.
08:29So it's like, hey, we got thinner bezels.
08:31This is consequently a better phone.
08:33Buy ours.
08:34It's a marketing thing, but that's the world we live in.
08:38Okay, thanks for 2018.
08:392019 is a couple days away.
08:41Appreciate all the love and support you've given me over this year,
08:44and 2019 is hopefully going to be awesome.
08:47Thumbs if you liked this video, subs if you loved it.
08:49See you guys next time.