• 2 days ago


00:00Okay, so this video is about the Supreme burner phone and before I go any further into it,
00:07I want to go on record and state that I don't own any Supreme anything.
00:11I don't own any of their clothing, any of their items, nothing.
00:14Now I do appreciate what they do, I think that they're incredibly good at marketing,
00:18but it's just not for me.
00:19So the reason why the Supreme phone caught my interest and the interest of so many people
00:24in this world was because of what it really was.
00:27It was a burner phone that's going to probably retail around 50, maybe 60 bucks.
00:31And if you don't know what a burner phone is, they're essentially disposable phones
00:34for people like drug dealers or people that just do illicit activities that need a phone
00:40that can't be traced, or is very difficult to trace.
00:42Because once you're done with it, once you've done all your communications with it, you
00:46can dump it and then you're essentially untraceable.
00:49So the Supreme phone is a rebrand of a phone called the Zoe 2.4 and the phone specs are
00:56just complete trash.
00:57Like what you would expect for a burner phone.
00:59It's got a 2.4 inch screen, 128 megs of storage, not gigs, but like 0.128 gigs.
01:05It's very small.
01:06It's got an FM radio.
01:07It's got a camera.
01:08The entire thing is made of plastic.
01:09And it's going to retail for like, my guess is like 50, 60 bucks.
01:13But I think in the resale market, these things are going to break a thousand bucks.
01:16I actually think they're going to be super expensive on resale.
01:19Now in my hand is not a real Supreme phone.
01:22This is something I made by myself.
01:23It's the Zoe 2.4, which I modded to look like the real one, but I'll get into details of
01:28how I made this.
01:29It's real simple.
01:30But before I get there, I want to talk about just the significance of this Supreme phone.
01:34So this brand Supreme is a brand that I think a lot of people are familiar with, but there's
01:39this misconception that they make extremely overpriced stuff, which is really not the
01:45What they actually do is they make limited runs of items and they usually sell them at
01:49somewhat reasonable pricing.
01:50But because they're such coveted things and because there's a limited number of them,
01:54people buy them up really quickly and they just jack up the prices in the resale market.
01:59And that's why Supreme has this terrible reputation of having overpriced stuff.
02:03It's mostly the resale market that's screwing it over.
02:05Like their sweatshirts and even their battery packs, when they launch, the pricing is fine.
02:09It's just that the resale market of those items is just bonkers.
02:12And everyone knows about their thousand dollar brick.
02:14So this phone, like a lot of their products, was a collaboration with another brand.
02:18They reached out to Blue and now there's a Supreme burner phone made by Blue.
02:22Now I'm never going to buy that thing.
02:24There's no way that I would ever fork out the crazy amounts of money that it's going
02:27to need to have the Supreme burner phone.
02:29So I made one.
02:30So these are really easy to make because the paint job on these things is like very simple
02:35on this phone.
02:36I masked it with regular masking tape.
02:38I didn't even have painter's tape and I just spray painted it red.
02:41I actually used the can that I had from my previous video, like the Supreme PC that I
02:46built a couple years ago, and I just blasted it with paint and then I put the Supreme decal on it.
02:51Now I personally do not like this phone, like it would not be cut dead using this thing.
02:55But it's just, I just wanted to see what this thing would look like in real life.
02:58And I gotta be honest, if you are someone that enjoys like the whole hypebeast culture
03:02and you like Supreme, this is a freaking cool product.
03:06Like this is super like symbolic and iconic to the brand.
03:11Like everything about this phone, like the fact that it's a burner phone and when you
03:14use it, it's like right up to your ear and the brand is just broadcasting to everyone
03:17around you.
03:18Everyone knows that you got the Supreme burner phone.
03:20Like it's, this is built for you guys that are into this thing.
03:23This is, I feel like a lot of people, like Justin Say, he's one of the few tech YouTubers
03:28who's like a true hypebeast.
03:30He's totally gonna use this thing.
03:31Shout out to Justin Say.
03:32But if you're interested in this thing and you see it at a reasonable price, I think
03:36you should grab it because I feel like the resale value of this phone is gonna go crazy
03:40high over the next couple of years.
03:42Because it's a burner phone and because it's a Supreme product, that's gonna be extremely
03:46limited in numbers.
03:47Okay, how is this phone to use?
03:50Well, I actually plugged up my old school SIM to this thing just to see what it's like.
03:54It uses like the big boy SIMs.
03:56First of all, it's a tiny phone compared to like the OnePlus 7 Pro, which is what I've
04:00been using for the past little bit.
04:01This is, this is super small.
04:04Phone quality is fine and it even has games and I have to emphasize the plurality of games
04:09because not just one, but two games on this thing.
04:11There's Snake, like this thing is surprisingly low frame rate from what I remember.
04:15And there's also this block pushing game.
04:17I think I played something like this on a Nokia phone years ago, I could be wrong, but
04:21yeah, it's got two games.
04:23The camera, holy smokes, this camera is so, it's so bad.
04:28I thought it would be bad because it's an older phone, I mean it's a burner phone, but
04:32I do not remember photos looking this terrible from a phone.
04:36It's just super low res.
04:37I think it's like a 640 by 480 picture.
04:40It's like, it's just a crap camera, but it's a burner phone.
04:43Oh, one thing of note, it has a Bluetooth antenna.
04:47So in classic Hypebeast fashion, you can rock your AirPods while rocking the Supreme burner
04:51phone and just flex on the scrubs that aren't on your level.
04:55I mean, like you know that the people that are buying this phone are going to be rocking
04:59AirPods with it just to be, you know, the ultimate Hypebeast.
05:02Okay, I'm not ripping on this phone or the people that are into this culture, like not
05:07at all.
05:08I respect it.
05:09I get it.
05:10It's cool in its own world, but I mean, I mean this is cool.
05:14I'll be straight honest.
05:15If there was one product ever that Supreme made that was like the truest like product
05:21to be made in 2019, this is it.
05:24Like the Supreme burner phone.
05:27It's super cool.
05:28It's so stupid that it becomes iconically awesome.
05:30Okay, that wraps up this video.
05:32Hope you guys enjoyed it.
05:33Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it.
05:35See you guys next time.
