• last week


00:00Mami geht jetzt zur Kosmetik, Schatzi.
00:03Aber dein Lieblingsfreund Roger bleibt bei dir.
00:06Er wird sich ja sehr, sehr gut auf dich aufpassen.
00:09Wenn er das nicht tut, kommt er zurück ins Tierlabor.
00:14Keine Sorge, was Sie auch wünschen.
00:16Ja, Ma'am. Aye, aye, sir.
00:18Okey-dokey. Ich pass auf ihn auf, als wäre er mein eigener Bruder.
00:22Oder meine eigene Schwester.
00:25Oder meines Bruders Schwester.
00:26Oder mein Cousin's zweiten, gerades Väterlicherseits.
00:30Oder mein Cousin um neun Ecken, der neun Ecken weiter die Hausnummer neun hat.
00:33Oder wie mein Cousin um sechzehn Ecken, der sechzehnmal seiner Mutter weggelaufen ist.
00:37Oder wie mein Cousin um siebundzwanzig Ecken, der siebunddreißigmal bei seinem Vater angeeckt ist,
00:41der wiederum elfmal seinem Cousin um sechundfünfzig Ecken weggelaufen ist.
00:45Oder wie mein Cousin um siebzehn Ecken, der hundertsechundfünfzigmal um die Ecke gelaufen ist.
00:54Ich rette dich, Baby!
00:59Verbrenn dich nicht, Baby Herman!
01:25In Ordnung, die Aufnahme ist im Kasten.
01:27Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut!
01:29Verdammt, was war denn an dem Take wieder falsch?
01:31Nichts bei dir, Baby Herman.
01:32Du warst toll, warst perfekt, warst besser als perfekt.
01:35Dieser Roger, er vermasselt immer seinen Text.
01:37Roger, was ist das, hä?
01:39Ein flitschender Vogel.
01:41Roger, liest das Drehbuch, guck, was da steht.
01:43Da steht, das Kaninchen kriecht als auf den Deckel.
01:45Das Kaninchen sieht Sterne.
01:47Keine Vögel, Sterne!
01:48Du bringst mich um, du bringst mich um!
01:50Das darf doch nicht wahr sein, Roger, zum Teufel!
01:52Wie oft müssen wir die Szene denn noch machen?
01:54Raoul, ich bin in meinem Wohnwagen.
01:56Mach näckerschen!
01:57Entschuldige, Schätzchen.
01:59Das hält meinen Magen nicht aus.
02:00Die Kulisse ist das reinste Chaos.
02:01Mach dir sauber!
02:02Und ruf die Pause aus!
02:03Mittagspause für eine halbe Stunde.
02:05Bitte, Raoul, ich kann dir Sterne bringen.
02:07Lass mir nur noch einmal den Kühlschrank auf den Kopf fallen.
02:10Roger, ich hab ihn dir schon 23 Mal auf den Kopf fallen lassen.
02:12Ich kann es aushalten, du brauchst dir um mich keine Sorgen machen.
02:14Ich mach mir keine Sorgen um dich, ich mach mir Sorgen um den Kühlschrank.
02:17Ich kann dir Sterne bieten, guck mal.
02:24Bitte, Raoul, ich kann es, ich schwöre es dir.
02:26Gib mir doch noch eine Chance.
02:28Ach komm, Raoul, du verstehst das nicht.
02:30Bitte, Raoul, ich hab doch schon in so vielen Filmen mitgespielt und war immer klasse.
02:35Versuch doch doch mal mit mir.
02:42Wir sind im Hollywood der späten 40er Jahre.
02:45Und einträchtig leben hier Zeichentrittfiguren, Toons genannt, und Menschen nebeneinander.
02:50Man macht Geschäfte, gibt Partys und man dreht auch, wie kann es in Hollywood anders sein, Filme miteinander.
02:57Und in einen solchen Film sind wir hier hineingeraten, mitten in Toonstadt, mitten in die Filmaufnahmen.
03:03Leider hat Roger Rabbit, der Zeichentrick-Superstar, der in diesem Film die Hauptrolle spielt,
03:09die Aufnahme zum mindestens 23. Mal verpatzt.
03:13Tja, was ist mit Roger Rabbit los?
03:16Alle sind verzweifelt.
03:18Das Kamerateam, die Schauspieler, der Regisseur und nicht zuletzt Mr. Maroon, der den Film finanziert
03:24und der sich jetzt große Sorgen um sein Geld macht.
03:27Was also ist mit Roger Rabbit los?
03:30Warum spielt er so schlecht?
03:32Roger Rabbit hat Probleme.
03:34Und zwar Probleme mit seiner Wahnsinnsbrau Jessica,
03:38die es mit der ehelichen Treue nicht so ganz genau zu nehmen scheint.
03:43Mr. Maroon engagiert Eddie Valiant, einen heruntergekommenen Privatdetektiv.
03:48Er soll Gewissheit verschaffen.
04:14Dann geht er genau wie Sie und ich kaputt. Lesen Sie das.
04:20Beim Kalamari-Schmaus verlautete sie mit einem alten Geldsack Jessica Rabbit,
04:24Frau von Maroon-Cartoonstar Roger.
04:26Was hat es mit mir zu tun?
04:28Sie sind der Privatdetektiv, also finden Sie es raus.
04:30Hören Sie, für sowas habe ich keine Zeit.
04:32Passen Sie auf, Eddie, seine Frau ist die Sünde in Person, aber er hält sie für ein Unschuldsengel.
04:36Ich will, dass Sie sie beschatten, dass Sie mir ein paar nette, bekannte Fotos verschaffen,
04:40mit denen ich Rabbit aufklären kann.
04:42Ich arbeite nicht in Thunstadt.
04:43Was haben Sie gegen Thunstadt? Jedermann liebt Thunstadt.
04:46Dann holen Sie sich jedermann für den Job, weil ich's nicht mache.
04:48Halt, Freundchen. Wenn Sie nicht nach Thunstadt wollen, dann müssen Sie auch nicht nach Thunstadt.
04:53Hat ja auch niemand gesagt, dass Sie nach Thunstadt müssen.
04:56So, nun setzen Sie erst mal hin, Valiant.
04:58Rabbit's Frau singt in einem Laden, der Klecks und Pinselclub heißt.
05:02Eine Cartoon-Revue. Zutritt nur für Menschen, klar?
05:06Also, was meinen Sie, Valiant?
05:10Der Job kostet Sie 100 Dollar plus Späß.
05:12100 Dollar wollen Sie? Das ist doch lächerlich.
05:14Genau wie der Job.
05:16Okay, Sie kriegen die 100, wenn Sie wollen.
05:19Nehmen Sie sich einen Drink, Eddie.
05:21Dagegen habe ich nie was.
05:26Wo sind die anderen 50?
05:28Die sehen wir mal als Köder an, damit Sie sich richtig in den Job reinnaken.
05:32Sie haben schon zu lange mit Karm Nickeln zu tun.
05:35Valiant nimmt den Vorschuss von 50 Dollar und fährt mit der Straßenbahn,
05:40dem einzigen und besten öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel von Hollywood,
05:44in seine Stammkneipe zu Dolores, seiner ehemaligen Freundin, die die Kneipe leitet.
05:49Sie hat einen Fotoapparat, und den braucht Valiant.
05:54Hallo, Eddie.
05:55Alles klar?
05:57Was ist denn mit Earl los?
05:58Earl? Den haben sie entlassen.
06:01Eine neue Firma hat unsere Straßenbahn gekauft.
06:03Irgendeine große Gesellschaft namens Cloverleaf.
06:05Im Ernst? Die haben die Straßenbahn gekauft?
06:07Ja, haben den armen Kerl mit zwei Wochen Kündigungsfrist rausgesetzt.
06:10Einsparungen hieß es.
06:13Ach, ihr Earl.
06:15Trinken wir auf die Bleistiftschwinge.
06:17Mögen Sie doch alle an Bleivergiftung eingehen.
06:20Morgen ist Freitag, Eddie.
06:22Weißt du, was freitags hier los ist?
06:24Gibt's ein Fischgericht?
06:25Du weißt doch, mein Boss kontrolliert freitags die Bücher.
06:27Und wenn das Geld, das ich dir gegeben habe, nicht wieder in der Kasse ist, bin ich meinen Job los.
06:31Lass dir nur nicht die Knöpfe abplatzen, Dolores. Du hast bloß noch einen übrig.
06:3550 Dollar?
06:37Wo ist der Rest?
06:38Ist nur noch ein Schnippelshop zu erledigen.
06:41Hast du deine Kamera da?
06:42Ich hab meine verliehen.
06:43Doch nicht zufällig an den Pfandleiher, oder?
06:45Ach, komm schon, Dolores.
06:47Du brauchst die restlichen 50 und ich die Kamera.
06:51Ist ein Film drin?
06:54Seit unserem Ausflug nach Catalina habe ich ihn nicht entwickeln lassen.
06:57Ist wirklich ganz schön lange her.
06:59Ja, ist lange her.
07:01Das müssen wir bald mal wieder machen.
07:03Ja, sicher, Eddie.
07:06Ist der Scheck auch gedeckt?
07:07Guck dir doch das Gekürzel an.
07:09R.K. Maroon? Der von Maroon Studio?
07:12Maroon Cartoon Studio?
07:16Na, wer ist denn dein Klient, Mr. Meisterdetektiv?
07:20Chilly Willy? Oder Squilly Squill?
07:24Was willst du trinken?
07:25Ich nehm Bierkleine.
07:26Also, was ist passiert?
07:28Hat jemand Dinky Doodle entführt?
07:30Hör auf damit, Angelo.
07:32Hey, Moment mal, Moment mal.
07:33Ich weiß es.
07:34Du arbeitest für Reinicke Fuchs.
07:35Der hat seine Gans verloren und du sollst ihm beim Suchen helfen.
07:41Dass du das klar siehst, Fleischklops.
07:44Ich arbeite nicht für Tools.
07:50Was ist denn bloß in den Gefahren?
07:54Ein Toon tötete seinen Bruder.
07:57Hat ein Piano auf ihn fallen lassen.
07:59Das also ist der Grund, warum Valiant nicht gut auf die Toons zu sprechen ist.
08:19Irgendeine von diesen Trickfiguren hat seinen Bruder getötet.
08:23Wird Valiant diesen Mörder finden?
08:25Vielleicht später.
08:27Jetzt geht Valiant, bewaffnet mit der geliehenen Kamera, seinem Auftrag nach.
08:32Er versucht, Jessica zu beschatten.
08:34Jessica, Roger Rabbit's Superbraut.
08:38Valiant besucht den Nachtclub, in dem Jessica jeden Abend als Gesangstar Triumphe feiert.
08:44Doch noch läuft die Show der Enten, als Valiant die Bar betritt und dort Mr. Eggme trifft,
08:50der sich über die Entenshow vor Lachen ausschüttet
08:53und Valiant mit seinem Füller einen riesen Tintenklecks aufs Hemd fabriziert.
09:23Der Handflächenliberator, unser größter Verkaufsschlager.
09:32Scourge on the Rocks.
09:33Zigarren? Zigaretten?
09:35Eddie Valiant.
09:39Lange nicht mehr gesehen.
09:41Was machst du denn hier?
09:43Sieht schlecht aus mit der Arbeit, seit die Cartoons farbig geworden sind.
09:46Aber ich hab's immer noch drauf, Eddie.
09:48Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
09:50Ja, du hast es noch drauf. Klasse.
10:00Was ist denn mit dem los?
10:01Mr. Eggme für so ein Lied, einen Abend, den Jessica auftrifft.
10:04Der steht wohl auf Kaninchen.
10:13Und dann trifft Jessica auf.
10:15Nein, sie tritt nicht auf. Sie erscheint.
10:18Eine Figur, wie es sie nur einmal gibt.
10:21Knapp umhüllt von einem aufregenden Abendkleid,
10:24das platinblonde Haar bis auf die Hüften wallend,
10:27so zeigt sie sich ihrem Publikum.
10:29Jessica. Die Sünde in Person. Ein Vamp.
10:34Ihre tiefblauen Augen verzaubern das Publikum,
10:37das stumm und hingerissen ihrem Gesang lauscht.
10:40Kaum ist der letzte Ton verklungen,
10:43da rast das Publikum vor Begeisterung.
10:46Wieder mal ein Riesenerfolg für Jessica,
10:49die nach ihrem Auftritt sofort in die Garderobe verschwindet.
10:52Valiant schaut sich um.
10:54Mr. Eggme ist nicht mehr zu sehen.
10:56Das macht ihn stutzig.
10:58Sollte Mr. Eggme etwa...
11:01Von draußen schleicht sich Valiant an das Fenster von Jessicas Garderobe.
11:06Wer ist denn da?
11:08Jessica, kleine, Angst zu haben brauchst du keine.
11:10Hier ist Marvin, der Feine.
11:12Du hast sie heute Abend wieder zum Raten gebracht, Baby.
11:14Ich mein's wirklich ernst.
11:16Mein Liebling, du warst superb.
11:18Du hast das Publikum wirklich und wahrhaftig in die Ekstase getrieben.
11:22Du warst umwerfend.
11:24Du hast sie erschlagen.
11:26Du hast sie umgehauen.
11:28Du warst einfach fabelhaft.
11:30Es gibt in der Tat keine bessere Sängerin als dich.
11:33Noch dazu mit dieser Figur.
11:35Komm, meine liebe Jessica, komm hierher.
11:38Ich habe alles vorbereitet.
11:40Hier, auf dem Bett.
11:42Oh, nicht heute Abend, Marvin.
11:44Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.
11:46Aber Jessica, du hast es versprochen.
11:48Ach, na gut.
11:50Aber diesmal legst du den handfrechen Vibrator ab.
11:54Backe, backe Kuchen.
11:56Backe, backe Kuchen.
11:58Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:02Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:04Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:06Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:08Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:10Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:28Roger Rabbit wird fast wahnsinnig,
12:30als Valiant ihm die traurige Wahrheit berichtet.
12:33Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:35Das hätte er nie von seiner Frau erwartet.
12:38Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:40Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:42Das glaube ich nicht.
12:44Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:46Backe, backe Kuchen.
12:48Ist das wahr?
12:50Grüße dich, mein Sohn.
12:52Du bist nicht der erste Mann, dessen Frau woanders
12:54Backe, backe Kuchen gespielt hat.
12:59Ich glaube das einfach nicht.
13:01Ich will es nicht glauben.
13:03Ich kann es nicht glauben.
13:05Glaub es, Kleiner.
13:07Ich habe selbst die Fotos gemacht.
13:09Sie hat Backe, backe Kuchen gespielt.
13:11Nein, doch nicht meine Jessica.
13:13Doch nicht Backe, backe Kuchen.
13:15Das ist unmöglich. Ich kann das nicht.
13:17Das kann nicht sein. Das kann einfach nicht sein.
13:19Jessica ist meine Frau.
13:21Das ist absolut unmöglich.
13:23Jessica ist das Licht meines Lebens.
13:25Der Apfel meines Auges.
13:27Die Sahne in meinem Kopf.
13:29Von nun an trinkst du ihn lieber schwarz,
13:31denn Acme schlürft jetzt die Sahne.
13:3330 Jahre. Wer hätte gedacht, dass er so ein Lustkreis ist.
13:35Was muss ich dazu gezwungen haben?
13:37Jetzt trink das hier, mein Sohn.
13:39Dann fühlst du dich besser.
13:51Als Roger Rabbit den Whisky getrunken hat,
13:53findet eine erstaunliche Reaktion statt.
13:57Roger Rabbit hebt ab.
14:03He's here.
14:11Danke, das habe ich gebraucht.
14:17Das darf doch nicht wahr sein.
14:19Hören Sie, Mr. Maroon.
14:23Ich glaube, meine Arbeit ist beendet.
14:25Und was ist mit dem kleinen Köder, den Sie mir schulden?
14:27Abgemacht ist er abgemacht.
14:29Klasse, danke.
14:33Roger, I know this all seems painful to you, but I'm sure you'll find a new, not warm Mr. Valiant.
14:41Yeah, sure. A good-looking guy like him...
14:45The women will tear down his door.
14:47You know what? Jessica is the only one for me.
14:50You'll see. We'll overcome this terrible stupidity.
14:52You'll be happy again, understood?
14:54Happy! Kali! Kaka! Envy!
14:59All in all, it worked out well.
15:03Jessica, please tell me it's not true!
15:34Well, Valiant shrugged his shoulders.
15:36There's nothing he can do about it.
15:38And besides, the job is done for him.
15:40So, back to the office.
15:42But he hardly laid his feet on the desk, as...
15:54Lieutenant Sanzino.
15:57How did you get in here?
16:01How did you get in here?
16:04Oh my, Eddie, if you need money so badly, why didn't you come to me?
16:08Well, I took some dirty pictures.
16:10So bring me around!
16:11I already have a corpse on my neck, thank you.
16:14Marvin Agne.
16:16Roger Rabbit killed him last night.
16:20Now Valiant was fully awake.
16:23Roger Rabbit had...
16:25Valiant couldn't believe it.
16:28Immediately, he went to the crime scene with Lieutenant Sanzino,
16:31the film studio in Tunstadt.
16:33And there was Mr. Agne.
16:35A not-so-easy save had fallen on his head
16:39and had prepared an early end for his life.
16:42All evidence and the motive pointed to Roger Rabbit.
16:49Valiant couldn't and didn't want to believe it.
16:52Besides Mr. Agne, the former joker,
16:56Valiant picked him up.
16:59At the same moment, Judge Doom appeared at the crime scene.
17:49Does this man want to remove evidence from the crime scene?
17:52No, Judge Doom. Valiant only wants to remove it for you.
17:55Isn't that right, Eddie?
17:57Come on, give it to me.
17:59Of course.
18:02His biggest salesman.
18:04The fact that you worked for a thug has discolored you, as I see it.
18:07I didn't work for a thug.
18:09I worked for Mr. Maroon.
18:11Yes, we talked to Mr. Maroon.
18:13He said that Mr. Maroon was pretty upset when you showed him the pictures.
18:17Roger Rabbit said that one day he and his wife would be happy.
18:20Is that true?
18:21Hey, man. Do I look like a stenographer to you?
18:23Shut up, Eddie. This man is a judge.
18:25He's a good man, Lieutenant.
18:27The way he stinks, I'd say the alcohol speaks for itself.
18:30Anyway, the rabbit won't get far.
18:33My men will find him.
18:43Yes, I think you have a special talent for this job.
18:45Come on, you fools.
18:47Get lost.
18:48Did you find the rabbit?
18:49Don't worry, Judge.
18:51We have informants all over town.
18:54We'll find him.
18:55You don't happen to know where Roger Rabbit is staying, Mr. Valiant?
18:59Have you seen Walla Walla Night? In Cucamonga?
19:02I hear it's very nice in Cucamonga at this time of year.
19:05I'm surprised you're not more cooperative, Mr. Valiant.
19:07A man was murdered by a thug.
19:09Don't you realize the importance of this?
19:12Ever since this thug town was turned into my office,
19:16my goal has always been to stop this madness.
19:19The only way to do that is to learn how to obey the law.
19:25How did this nasty guy manage to become a judge?
19:28A few years ago, he brought a heap of gravel into town and bought the people.
19:33Hey, what's that?
19:36You always thought there was no way to kill a thug, remember?
19:40Well, Doom found the method.
19:42He had acetone, benzol.
19:44He calls it the soup.
19:45If I catch the thug, Mr. Valiant, I will take him to court,
19:48I will sentence him and execute him.
19:58Doom grabs one of the thug's shoes, which run around like crazy in the area,
20:02and lets him sink in his soup.
20:06When he gets the thug out again, he's dead.
20:15Now that's a dead shoe, huh boss?
20:18Those are not glace gloves, Mr. Valiant.
20:21But this is how we do things here in Doom City.
20:25I would have thought that only you would appreciate that.
20:30Doom City
20:43Valiant has had enough.
20:45He's had enough of this disgusting judge, Doom.
20:48When Valiant wants to leave the studio, he finds the thug, Baby Herman, in a stroller.
20:54Flanked by two nice ladies.
20:56In the right, a stinking, smoking cigar.
21:02I tried to get rid of him, but he just won't listen to me.
21:05What do you know, you stupid bitch? You're as intelligent as a child.
21:08Are you Valiant?
21:10I want to talk to you about the acne murder.
21:12Hey, little one, run down and get me the Pferdetoto newspaper.
21:16Okay, okay, I'm going.
21:19A female hero, huh?
21:21Your problem is that I have lust like a 50-year-old and a spleen like a three-year-old.
21:24Well, it must be difficult.
21:25Listen, Valiant, the bunny didn't kill Acme.
21:28It's not a murderer. I have to know that.
21:30It's a good friend of mine.
21:32I'm telling you, Valiant, the whole thing stinks like yesterday.
21:35Look at this.
21:36The newspaper writes that Acme did not leave a will.
21:38That's nonsense.
21:40Everyone in Doom knows that Acme left one.
21:42He had promised to leave Doom City and Doom City.
21:44Because of this will, he was mocked.
21:46Has anyone seen this will?
21:48No, but he swore a holy oath to us.
21:50If you think this joker could have done something holy,
21:52then the joke is at your expense.
21:54I just thought, since my friend is trapped because of your guilt,
21:57you might want to help him out.
21:59I can pay you.
22:01Save your money for a pair of shoes with very high heels.
22:04No, no, no, no, no.
22:06My Havana.
22:13It's not my fault that Hebert got into trouble.
22:19I took a few lazy photos.
22:22Valiant takes a quick look at the race newspaper
22:25that the blonde brought.
22:27Of course, a report on the murder and a photo of the victim
22:30are the highlights on the title page.
22:32Valiant looks at the photo.
22:35It shows Mr. Acme in a clear mood.
22:38But what is that he's looking at out of his pocket?
22:42It looks like a printed note.
22:45On the photo too small to decipher the writing.
22:48Valiant takes his magnifying glass and deciphers.
22:52Last will and testament.
22:55Baby Herman was right.
22:58What does that look like to me?
23:00Well, what does it all look like to him?
23:02Not his case.
23:04Valiant shrugs and goes back to his office,
23:07which is also his apartment at the same time.
23:10Or vice versa.
23:11He's had enough of today.
23:13He's tired and broken and has only one wish.
23:16Go to bed.
23:18But who is he meeting there,
23:20hidden under the blanket?
23:24To hell with you, how did you get in here?
23:26Through the letter slot.
23:27I thought it would be best if I waited in here,
23:29because they're looking for me for murder.
23:31Hey, no kidding.
23:32Just the fact that I'm talking to you
23:33can put me in jail for helping.
23:34Wait a minute.
23:35Does anyone know you're here?
23:37No one, no human soul.
23:41Well, you know...
23:42I had no idea where your office was,
23:44so I asked the newspaper boy.
23:45He didn't know, so I asked the fireman,
23:47the vegetable dealer, the butcher, the baker.
23:49They didn't know.
23:50But the guy in the snack bar...
23:51He knew.
23:52In other words, the whole damn snack bar
23:54knows you're here.
23:55Come on, get out of here.
23:56Get out of here.
23:57Get out of here.
23:58Get out of here.
23:59I didn't kill anyone.
24:00I swear.
24:01The whole thing is a carded game,
24:03a game.
24:04Get this thing out.
24:05Eddie, I never killed anyone.
24:06What are you suffering for?
24:07My whole life's goal
24:10is to make people laugh.
24:16Okay, okay, sure.
24:17I admit it.
24:18I went up a little bit
24:19when you showed me Jessica's photos.
24:21And then I went over to the
24:22Bad Dog Pencil Club.
24:24But she wasn't in her wardrobe,
24:25so I wrote her a love letter.
24:28Wait a minute.
24:29Wait a minute.
24:30You're trying to fool me.
24:31You wrote a love letter
24:32in an attack of jealousy
24:33of your wife?
24:34That's right.
24:35I know.
24:36She was just an innocent victim
24:37of bad circumstances.
24:39I assume you put the old number
24:40Lipstick on Mirror, huh?
24:41Lipstick, yes.
24:42Mirror, no.
24:43I took a nice clean sheet of paper.
24:46Dear Jessica,
24:47how much I love you.
24:49Let me count the number of love.
24:51One thousand,
24:52two thousand,
24:53three thousand.
24:55Why didn't you just leave the letter there?
24:57Of course.
24:58A poem of this power
24:59and sensitivity
25:00has to be read personally.
25:03So I went home
25:04to wait for her.
25:05But the Weasels were waiting for me.
25:07So I ran away.
25:09And why are you coming to me?
25:11I'm the one who took the photos
25:12of your wife.
25:13Yes, and you're the one
25:14who helped all these Weasels.
25:16Everyone knows
25:17if a Weasel is trapped,
25:18there's only one place
25:19you can go to.
25:20Which one?
25:21Not anymore.
25:24Get off the chair!
25:27It belongs to my brother.
25:28Yes, where is your brother?
25:30He makes a lonely
25:31and sober impression.
25:33That's enough.
25:34I'll call the Bulls.
25:35Just do it!
25:36Call the Bulls!
25:37I'm coming here
25:38and looking for help.
25:39And what are you doing?
25:40You're pissing me off!
25:41No, no, my dear,
25:42you don't need to feel guilty.
25:44Live well
25:45and thank you for not doing anything.
25:48That's the closet,
25:52In his hecticness,
25:53Roger Rabbit
25:54disappears into Valiant's closet.
25:56And what does he find there?
25:58A pair of gloves.
26:00For fun,
26:01and for nothing,
26:02he ties Valiant to himself
26:04arm to arm,
26:06Eddie Valiant,
26:07you're under arrest!
26:12I don't have a key for the handcuffs.
26:24Come on,
26:25hurry up a bit,
26:27Like before.
26:30That's the...
26:31Get out of here,
26:32you idiot!
26:35Hide, Eddie,
26:36you idiot!
26:39Don't forget,
26:40you never saw me.
26:41Don't let them find me.
26:43Come on, Eddie,
26:44you're my only hope.
26:49you know,
26:51there is no justice for us.
26:53If the Viesel
26:54doesn't get me this year,
26:56then I'm as good as dead.
27:02What shall we do now, Eddie?
27:03What shall we do now?
27:04What shall we do now?
27:06What shall this Viesel talk about?
27:08They only want you.
27:14Roger Rabbit and Valiant
27:16are inseparable.
27:18So where to?
27:20When the door opens
27:21and the police storm in,
27:23Valiant stands
27:25at the sink,
27:26which is filled to the brim with water,
27:28and washes his...
27:32And Roger Rabbit?
27:34he went to the underwater diving station
27:36with Valiant's underwear, of course.
27:39he can hold his breath long enough.
27:41Looks like you made a fly,
27:43huh, boss?
27:45Valiant hid it somewhere.
27:49Stay where you are.
27:52Hello, guys.
27:53I didn't hear you come in.
27:56Okay, smart aleck.
27:58Where's the rabbit?
27:59I didn't see him.
28:02What's in there?
28:03My underwear.
28:05I see, Valiant.
28:10Take care of the apartment, guys.
28:12And leave all the stones in order.
28:16we've received a permissible tip
28:18that the rabbit was here.
28:20It was used by several people.
28:23stop this shit.
28:25If you keep saying such dirty words,
28:28I'll have to wash your mouth.
28:38Stop laughing!
28:43Stop laughing!
28:46You know what happens
28:48if you don't stop laughing!
28:53One day,
28:54you'll laugh yourselves to death.
28:58And as for you, Valiant,
29:00when you dance out of line,
29:02we'll hang you
29:03and your laundry
29:04out to dry.
29:09Move it, guys.
29:10Get out of here.
29:14They're gone.
29:15Pips and spoons,
29:16Eddie, that was great.
29:17You saved my life.
29:18How can I ever do that again?
29:23For a start,
29:24never kiss me again.
29:39we were lucky again.
29:41And what now?
29:42With Roger Rabbit under his coat,
29:44a statue like that of a pregnant oyster,
29:47and still connected by the handcuffs,
29:50Valiant marches towards Dolores Bar.
29:53He has to get rid of the handcuffs.
29:55Do you hear me?
29:57Do you hear me?
30:05Hey, Eddie,
30:06you were great today.
30:07Yeah, they used a lot of pressure.
30:09And how.
30:15Get in there.
30:17Tell me, Eddie,
30:18don't you have any gloves,
30:19or are you afraid to see me like this?
30:21Enough with the jokes, Dolores.
30:22I had an incredibly exhausting day.
30:24I have to get rid of these handcuffs.
30:26Oh, great.
30:29Pips and spoons, Eddie,
30:30you almost killed me.
30:33Man, what is this?
30:34Some kind of hanged room?
30:35What do you mean, hanged room?
30:36A place where you can show yourself
30:38Oh, I get it.
30:39Illegal pub.
30:40A gin spilling.
30:41A whore deal.
30:42You should have noticed, Eddie.
30:43And what is that?
30:44That's a cock hole.
30:45Pips and spoons, Eddie,
30:46that's exactly the right thing
30:47to do to hide.
30:48Crazy toon.
30:50Watch out, a cuckoo.
30:52You said you would never
30:53take a case for a toon again.
30:55What's wrong with you?
30:56Have you changed your mind?
30:57Nothing has changed.
30:58Someone wants to sell the phantom
30:59and find out why.
31:01And while Valiant tells and sows,
31:04Roger Rabbit slips
31:06Hold still, yeah?
31:08very easily with the hand
31:09out of the glove.
31:10Are you feeling better?
31:11Yes, thank you.
31:17Is that supposed to mean
31:18you could have taken your hand
31:19out of the glove at any time?
31:20No, not at any time.
31:22Only when it feels funny.
31:23Get out of here!
31:25Come on, Eddie,
31:26where's your sense of humor?
31:28Is he always so funny
31:29or only when he is
31:30wanted for murder?
31:31Listen, my motto is
31:32if you don't have a real sense
31:33of humor anymore,
31:34you're better off dead.
31:35Your wish can easily come true
31:36if I don't find out
31:37what happened with it.
31:39What is that, Eddie?
31:40Take a look.
31:41Mr. Acme's last will.
31:43Yes, and I think Maroon
31:45possessed the mental strength
31:46and his wife the healthy body.
31:48I don't like this allusion at all.
31:50What did you plan, Eddie?
31:51I don't think they have the will.
31:53But how do you know that?
31:54Because they were still looking
31:55for it after they had killed him.
31:57Can I do something?
31:58Maybe you can go to town
31:59and inspect the inheritance.
32:00Yes, inspect the inheritance.
32:03Man, my uncle Klopfer
32:04had also inspected himself once
32:05and then he had to take
32:06these huge pills
32:07and drink a lot of water.
32:09Don't infect, you idiot!
32:12So that I understand it correctly,
32:14you believe that my boss, R.K. Maroon,
32:17leaves a save on Marvin Acme's head
32:19so that the city of Thun
32:21falls into his hands?
32:22Yes, that's what I think.
32:27Can he stay here for a few days?
32:30He won't do anything stupid, will he?
32:38Where are you going?
32:39Back to the office.
32:54Oh, please!
32:55That would be settled for now.
32:57At least for the next time,
32:59Roger Rabbit has found a shelter.
33:02Valiant is on his way to his office.
33:05And who is waiting for him?
33:07With deep eyes,
33:09a twisted mouth
33:11and a lot of charm,
33:14Roger Rabbit's crazy wife.
33:17Mr. Valiant!
33:19Mr. Valiant!
33:22You have the wrong impression of me, Mr. Valiant.
33:25I'm just a puppet in this game,
33:27just like Roger.
33:28Can you help me find him?
33:29Just tell me your price
33:31and I will pay it.
33:33Oh, that was fat.
33:35You still need the rabbit
33:37so that the plan works.
33:38No, no, no!
33:39I love my husband.
33:40But you have the wrong impression of me.
33:42You don't know how hard it is
33:44to be a woman who looks like me.
33:50you don't know how hard it is to be a man
33:53who looks like a woman who looks like you.
33:55I'm not bad.
33:57I was just drawn like that.
34:00Didn't I get you
34:01when you were playing with the old Egg Me
34:02bakka bakka cake?
34:03You didn't get me, Mr. Valiant.
34:05You were forced to take these pictures.
34:07What do you mean?
34:09Maroon wanted to blackmail Marvin Egg.
34:11I didn't want anything to do with it.
34:13But he said
34:14if I didn't pose for the bakka bakka cake photos,
34:16Roger would never get a job again.
34:18I really couldn't allow that.
34:20I would do anything for my husband, Mr. Valiant.
34:25What a wife!
34:27I'm desperate, Mr. Valiant.
34:29Don't you see how much I need you?
34:31Blanche d'eau in watercolour, Eddie.
34:37excuse me.
34:39Goodbye, Eddie.
34:41My offer is fixed.
34:43Think about it.
34:47That's it!
34:50Can you explain to me
34:51why she hugged you?
34:53She wanted a suitable spot for a knife stab.
34:55Oh, stop it, Eddie.
34:56I caught you with your pants down.
34:58Yes, because I...
34:59Dolores, I mean...
35:01Dolores seems to be angry.
35:03Valiant doesn't seem to care.
35:07Come on, Dolores.
35:08You don't think
35:09that a painted whip
35:10could turn my head?
35:11She's just trying to get the knife in her fingers.
35:13That's not all she's trying to do.
35:15Now listen to me, Dolores.
35:17Listen to me.
35:18I want you to go shopping.
35:20I want you to buy yourself a new swimsuit.
35:22Because you and I are going to Catalina.
35:24I'm about to solve the case.
35:26No, you're not, Eddie.
35:27That's why I came here to tell you.
35:29I was at the court of law.
35:31Now it's not about tattoos
35:33Now it's not about tattoos,
35:35as you thought.
35:36It's about Cloverleaf.
35:37You want tattoos.
35:39You made the highest offer.
35:41And if Mr. Agnes Testament
35:42doesn't show up until midnight,
35:44Cloverleaf will get the tattoos.
35:47At midnight today?
35:49Yes, exactly.
35:50First you buy the tram,
35:52then you want to get tattoos?
35:55I don't get it.
35:57Valiant shook his head.
36:00He couldn't get used to all of this.
36:03Dolores was shocked.
36:05They went to their bar.
36:07And there...
36:09Well, what Roger Rabbit did there,
36:12you'll find out in the second episode of
36:15Wrong Game with Roger Rabbit.
36:30Wrong Game with Roger Rabbit
