The Dumb and Dumber Mini Bike Road Trip Common Tread XP

  • 4 hours ago
00:15Wait up!
00:18Got room for one more if you still want to go to Aspen.
00:34Where did you find that?
00:37Some kid back in town.
00:39Traded the van for it straight up.
00:41I can get 70 miles to the gallon with this hog.
00:45You know, Zach, just when I think that you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and
00:55do something like this.
00:59And totally redeem yourself!
01:00You want to go to Aspen?
01:01Oh yeah!
01:02Your eyes do not deceive you.
01:23On this episode of CTXP, we are attempting to recreate the minibike road trip from one
01:28of our favorite movies, Dumb and Dumber.
01:31To the layperson, that means we're going to ride this Polestar minibike together from
01:39the plains of Nebraska here, where it is very windy and extremely cold, up into the Rocky
01:44Mountains to a little place called Aspen.
01:47Mmm, California.
01:50Now, in the movie, the characters, Harry and Lloyd, make this trip in less than three minutes.
01:59We're there!
02:02In reality, it's about 400 miles with an elevation gain of more than 15,000 feet.
02:08And considering our bike only makes 6.5 horsepower and has to carry both of us, we are going
02:12to be lucky if we make it there in a week.
02:14Speaking of the bike, take a look at this showstopper.
02:18Zach and I built it, and it is a very accurate replica of the minibike in the movie, and
02:22that is so that our experience can be more legitimate.
02:25Now, we've got a Polestar engine like you'd see in a lawnmower.
02:28We've got tiny little five-inch wheels.
02:30We've got no suspension.
02:32Of course, it's all bolted very haphazardly to a frame that we bought off the internet
02:36and cut in half and lengthened so that it could carry two adult men with childlike minds
02:41down the open road.
02:45So that's it.
02:46From Nebraska to Aspen on a mission to deliver this briefcase and myth-bust the Dumb and
02:52Dumber minibike road trip.
02:53And it starts just as soon as we can ride into this wind, 20 miles an hour at 29 degrees.
03:00I'm excited to start, but I know the enthusiasm is just going to nosedive as soon as we're
03:04actually out there.
03:05Maybe this guy will give us a ride.
03:07Looks way more comfortable to have a windshield.
03:11I mean, I do.
03:15I appreciate it.
03:16You know, get on it.
03:20As much fun as it sounds to recreate an iconic movie scene, we were pretty reluctant to start.
03:28It was too cold to stand still, and we had a sneaking suspicion the ride was going to
03:33be miserable.
03:34My legs cramped on the run house there.
03:39If things went well, we would be in Aspen in a few days.
03:45If things went really well, the hog would break down, and we would end this awful experiment
03:51Smells rich.
03:52Clear back.
03:53Clear forward.
03:54Pin this hog.
03:55Aspen or bust!
03:56That was the peak of the excitement right there, was taking off.
04:07Car back.
04:08Ah, s***.
04:09Can you hear me?
04:10Barely, yeah.
04:11All right.
04:12Oh my God, it's cold.
04:13This is going to be a really long trip.
04:32Maybe we were just trying to convince the guys in the chase van, or maybe riding this
04:36hog actually makes you dumb.
04:40Either way, we were in character in no time.
04:46You pulled us off course there, coming apart.
05:01Your body movements have a lot to do with where the bike goes.
05:04Okay, good to know.
05:05I'm trying to look over your right shoulder, but I'll stay on this side.
05:1428 miles an hour.
05:16Look at that, folks.
05:17We're going 28, 29.
05:18I can't tell if we're going uphill or downhill or on the flat, but let's see.
05:24We're about to hit a downhill.
05:3332 miles an hour.
05:53We're misfiring.
05:56Well, I don't think we're getting 70 miles per gallon.
06:01Oh, no.
06:02You know what?
06:03I was waiting for a break anyway.
06:07Oh, man.
06:08What's the mileage?
06:11We've only gone 27 miles?
06:13That's very discouraging.
06:14Supposedly, the hog that they use in the movie got 70 miles per gallon, but we were getting
06:28less than a...
06:29Oh, we're getting a third of that.
06:31We've got to gas up, and we should honestly probably give it a once-over, considering
06:34this is its first real outing.
06:37My wrist hurts so bad because...
06:39Because you're holding it just wide open?
06:41I have to hold it open, and it's vibrating, and those mittens are made of some weird material,
06:45so the grip just keeps rotating in my hand, and I have to keep rolling and holding on.
06:50So maybe we'll tighten the throttle so you can just have a cruise control?
06:55Yes, please!
06:56Of all the problems we expected to have on this trip, gas mileage was not one of them.
07:05A bigger issue were Zach's thin wrists, so we tied a rubber band around the throttle
07:11as a makeshift cruise control, a foolproof plan.
07:17That's going to be so much better.
07:19Is it working?
07:21I mean...
07:23It's going to be better.
07:27That was exciting!
07:28It roosted me!
07:29Did it?
07:33I left the cruise control on when I started it.
07:34It's almost like we're dumb!
07:35Oh man.
07:36You ready?
07:38Oh my god.
07:39Oh my god.
07:40Oh my god.
07:41Oh my god.
07:42Oh my god.
07:43Oh my god.
07:44Oh my god.
07:45Oh my god.
07:46Oh my god.
07:47Oh my god.
07:48Oh my god.
07:49Oh my god.
07:50Oh my god.
07:51Oh my god.
07:52Oh my god.
07:53Oh my god.
07:54Oh my god.
07:55Oh my gosh.
08:01Tank full and throttle open, we attacked the plains with new confidence.
08:06It was time to make some distance.
08:17Out of gas again.
08:19It's definitely running like s***.
08:21It's all searching and doing weird stuff.
08:30It's so noxious back there, I'm starting to get a headache.
08:33I can smell it.
08:35It's not pleasant.
08:36The hog runs so rich and poorly that we're both getting carbon dioxide poisoning.
08:41And getting terrible mileage.
08:43And getting our fillings vibrated out.
08:47Between the garbage gas mileage and poisonous exhaust fumes, all signs pointed toward the
08:52engine trying to burn too much fuel.
08:54Also known as running rich.
08:56But, we had to take a look at the spark plug to confirm it.
09:00Oh my god.
09:02So we thought it was running rich.
09:05Typically speaking, a dark spark plug indicates a rich condition.
09:08What about inky black hole spark plugs?
09:10What about one that looks like a piece of, yeah, coal?
09:15Let's lean it out a little bit.
09:17Don't you have a jet?
09:18Yeah, you want to do it already?
09:19I don't know.
09:20Might as well.
09:21We're only going up in elevation.
09:23We had a smaller jet, which would limit the amount of fuel going into the engine, but
09:28we hadn't expected to use it until the air got much thinner up in the mountains.
09:33The fact that we already needed it to make the engine run right was a potential problem.
09:38We also discovered that our fuel tank had come loose from all of the vibration,
09:42which brings us to a CTXP Road Trip Pro tip.
09:45Always travel with a chase van full of bungee cords.
10:08Day one on the road on our Dumb and Dumber adventure.
10:11We're about 30 miles outside of Fort Collins.
10:14With that smaller jet, the bike is running a lot cleaner, a lot faster.
10:18Cruising along at 35 miles an hour.
10:20That's all the good news.
10:22The bad news is that with only about 80 miles on the hog so far, the rear tire is looking
10:27perilously close to being worn out.
10:30There's no way that tire's going to make it all the way to Aspen, but I guess we'll
10:33deal with that when it blows out.
10:37When it blows out.
10:53We made it to our hotel that night and made sure to book a room on the ground floor.
10:59The day went pretty well after lunch and the little hog was trucking in the afternoon,
11:11booking across those plains.
11:13It was lovely, warm, calm, smooth sailing.
11:16However, that high average speed and fine running engine caused us a pretty major problem.
11:22We actually wore out our rear tire, so a little over 100 miles today and the tread is pretty
11:27much bald down the center, so that sucker is clearly not going to make it.
11:30The good news is that your little 5-inch tires that we've got here are actually very common
11:35lawn and garden tractor tires.
11:37Wouldn't you know it?
11:38We found a replacement at the tractor supply store for $18.
11:42Now we're going to slap it on so we can carry on tomorrow because tomorrow's a big day.
11:46We're headed up into the Rocky Mountains.
11:49We've got a little more work to do tonight before we get our rest so we can hit the road
11:53bright and early tomorrow.
11:57The next day we had to try and climb the Rocky Mountains.
12:02It was the end of Easy Street for Team CTXP.
12:27Sharp curve, look out.
12:30Body English.
12:33Is that the wheelie bar dragging when we corner?
12:37Oh my gosh.
12:38Kind of sketchy.
12:39Yeah, very sketchy.
12:40It's going to get interesting today.
12:46According to the map, we'd only gone four miles today.
12:51According to the map, we'd only gone four inches after riding all morning.
13:00But the jetting report was good.
13:02We were now getting more than 60 miles per gallon.
13:05That's not far off the 70 MPG promised in the movie.
13:15This is the first hill where the hog is really slowing down to a crawl.
13:20We're wide open.
13:22We're barely going running speed.
13:24Still that beat's walking.
13:27Starting to get real steep, people.
13:37As far as movie myths go, we can confirm that riding a minibike over a mountain pass
13:42will occasionally slow down traffic.
13:45But corner by corner, mile by mile, we were on our way.
13:58We have slowed to a crawl, but we're still trucking.
14:02That John Denver wasn't full of spit after all.
14:05We must be getting close to the top, right?
14:08I see snowy peaks all around us.
14:11We've said so many times we thought we were getting near the top.
14:14It's very cold.
14:16We wanted it to get colder at some point because we wanted it to be authentic.
14:20It feels authentic now.
14:25At 10,000 feet of elevation, the mountains were offering us a frigid welcome.
14:31And we still had more than 200 miles to get to Aspen.
14:37That is a cold wind.
14:39Dang, that is nippy.
14:44So cold.
14:45I can't feel my lips.
14:51Oh, I see a sign.
14:52This might be the top.
14:5610,276 feet.
14:59Hammer Pass Summit.
15:14After a successful summit, we descended into warmer weather.
15:18Frostbite was no longer a concern, but as usual, we had other issues.
15:25We stopped to take a break because our butts hurt.
15:28But Ari just identified a little problem with the drivetrain.
15:32The drivetrain is quickly degrading.
15:36So this cover, it covers the little belt and CVT transmission.
15:40I think we lost a bolt from under there, so this thing's flopping around.
15:43And then my boot's been pressing against it, so the pulley shaft is literally worn through.
15:48So, you know, shedding plastic.
15:50And at the same time, the chain is not wearing well.
15:54This was a new chain when we left.
15:55And the way you actually adjust the chain tension is to slide the engine forward or back on this plate.
16:00However, it is already all the way forward.
16:03So, not only are we wearing out tires at a rapid pace,
16:07we're also wearing out other consumables that we don't really have in stock.
16:11But otherwise, it's going great.
16:13Otherwise, we're making great progress.
16:18Hey, Zach?
16:20I think we're going to need Allen keys. They're just different bolts.
16:24The little hog was taking some abuse.
16:28We fixed what we could and had to hope everything else would last.
16:33All right.
16:35I think we're ready to roll.
16:37Fired up!
16:45Let's really give it the business.
16:57As ridiculous as this adventure was, and as haggard as our little machine was getting,
17:03there was no denying that it was an incredible place to be.
17:07An incredible place to be on two wheels.
17:10Even if our wheels were small.
17:25You all right?
17:30You'll feel better after a moose burger.
17:37It turns out they didn't have moose burgers at the old Antler's Inn,
17:41but a full night of sleep made us feel so much better
17:44that the next morning, we were ready to roll the dice.
17:49We are currently 200 miles into our 400-mile trip.
17:52The problem right now is that in order to get from here to Aspen in California,
17:58we have to avoid a major interstate.
18:01And to do that, we have to take a dirt road short cut.
18:04But I don't really see what could go wrong with that.
18:06It ought to be fantastic with five-inch wheels, no suspension, and no fenders.
18:11We got plenty of suspension in our spine.
18:13Oops, am I?
18:17All right.
18:18Let's hope it starts.
18:36Let's do it.
19:01A new challenge for the hog, a dirt road.
19:04Yeah, if it wasn't suffering and getting punished before, it will now.
19:08At least it looks like a nice dirt road.
19:10We'll see how long that lasts.
19:31Oh, my God.
19:34Oh, my goodness.
19:37Oh, sh**.
19:40It turns out the whole no suspension thing is a little bit of a problem.
19:44Oh, please, no.
19:46Otherwise, OK.
19:54Oh, crap.
19:56Why is it so windy?
20:00The movie didn't show Harry and Lloyd taking any dirt shortcuts,
20:03but if they wanted to get from Nebraska to Aspen without riding a minibike on the interstate,
20:08this is the route they would have taken.
20:14Oh, God.
20:16Oh, good serve.
20:18Go, hoggy, go.
20:25Nice work, Z.
20:27All right.
20:29Cleared it.
20:33All right.
20:38OK, everybody, the dirt shortcut was not super fun for us or the machine,
20:43but it was efficient.
20:45We mobbed over that mountain pass in better time than we were expecting,
20:48so we only have 70 miles left to get to Aspen.
20:51We were going to do that tomorrow because it's tough going on this little bike.
20:56It's tough going.
20:58It does involve one more dirt shortcut, but now that we're here
21:01and it seems like we have time,
21:03it does feel like just the kind of bad idea worth trying.
21:06We are going to push through, so we have filled up the hog's tank.
21:08And if we're going to do the mileage to Aspen,
21:10we need to do something about this rear tire
21:12because once again, lo and behold, worn all the tread off a lawn and tractor tire.
21:16So NASCAR style pit stop and then get back on the road,
21:20get to Aspen and call this trip done.
21:22Why, Harry? Does your butt hurt at all?
21:24God, this thing is so miserable to ride.
21:26It's really hard to describe how much it hurts.
21:31Yet another thing the movie didn't show was Harry and Lloyd changing tires.
21:38This was tire number three for us.
21:41Shockingly, the lawn and tractor rubber wasn't cut out for two up touring.
22:01Pretty steep. Yeah.
22:22The break was pretty bad at the beginning of the trip.
22:24It's basically useless now.
22:26It hasn't broken in and got better with age.
22:28No, it has not gotten better.
22:29Has it gotten better with age?
22:30No, it has not gotten better with age, unfortunately.
22:33This is maximum braking right here.
22:37I'm not prepared to stop.
22:43Slow down, slow down.
22:47Oh my God.
22:49After two days on the road,
22:50we thought we had uncovered all of the bike's weaknesses,
22:53but it turns out the real chili pepper
22:55in the Hog's hamburger was slowing down.
22:59And it's tight again.
23:01It's tight again.
23:06That's a long way down.
23:07It's a long way down.
23:09Okay, okay, we're okay.
23:12Yep, yep, okay for now.
23:15I say pull over at the bottom,
23:16we'll see if we can make this thing, make an improvement.
23:20All right, stop it, stop it.
23:28It's a little nerve wracking.
23:33Pull the brake lever.
23:37Yeah, I can see the brake shoes in there.
23:42This is a really feeble setup.
23:44But yeah, we need to,
23:45this thing needs to get like shifted or something.
23:48Pretty rudimentary brake here,
23:50and we've already adjusted it a few times.
23:51It was pulled all the way forward,
23:52so not a lot of leverage when Zach pulls the lever.
23:54It's got some splines of a kind.
23:58We took it off, we're gonna rotate it all the way back
23:59to sort of reset it, so we've got some leverage.
24:07See how much it moves on there?
24:09This thing sucks.
24:13We might be, we might be out of luck.
24:16What's the matter?
24:18The matter is, it's a severely rudimentary machine,
24:21and in my vibration-inebriated and carbon dioxide
24:24poisoned state of being, I can't actually figure it out.
24:37Can you get in there with the screwdriver again?
24:40I guess that'll work.
24:41You're gonna adjust it back to where it was before.
24:43I would like to avoid that, but it seems like,
24:48it seems like that's what we're heading toward.
24:50All right, we are clearly getting a little slap happy,
24:54getting a little exhausted.
24:55The whole pushing through, you know,
24:58I'm not gonna say it was a bad idea yet,
25:01but we might be getting tired to the point
25:02where we're gonna start making mistakes.
25:09The one thing that's been going well for us
25:11is the engine starting and running strong.
25:15Running strong.
25:22To Aspen.
25:40That looks like rain.
25:42Oh, God.
25:43Oh, God.
25:46Ha ha ha.
25:48It had to happen.
25:51By the time we made it to our final stretch of pavement,
25:54most of the weather had come and gone.
25:57But with no fenders and suboptimal riding gear,
26:01even the leftover weather did some damage to morale.
26:05Yeah, I'm genuinely cold.
26:09Yep, just about at my limit here.
26:12Just a little bit farther.
26:15It is so cold, and my crotch is so wet.
26:19Ha ha ha.
26:26Spencer thinks he might be getting pulled over.
26:35Should I pull over?
26:36No, no, not yet.
26:39He's just, he might be passing us.
26:46Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
26:51We thought we dodged a bullet,
26:54but the officer was clearly interested in us.
26:59And we were fresh out of Tic Tacs.
27:07In the end, they must have had bigger fish to fry.
27:13Call it dumb luck?
27:18Is that the side?
27:19I think so.
27:21Woo hoo!
27:22Ha ha ha.
27:22Woo hoo hoo!
27:23We made it to Aspen!
27:25We are inside city limits.
27:27Woo hoo hoo!
27:30Aspen, California, where the beer flows like wine.
27:38Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
27:40I can't believe we're really doing this.
27:42On a mini bike, from Nebraska.
27:45Woo hoo!
28:08No movie magic here, folks.
28:10We actually rode this thing all the way to Aspen.
28:14My friend Zach here is frozen solid.
28:18We did it, dude!
28:19Ha ha ha ha ha!
28:29Thanks for driving the whole way.
28:35The wrong guy peed himself.
28:39I just couldn't wait.
28:41Actually, it was lack of fenders.
28:44But the sensation is similar in that my grundle is frozen.
28:48And you didn't get any of the warmth ahead of time.
28:49I did not.
28:52It's awfully pretty.
28:53It really is.
28:57Three days of riding, 382 miles,
29:01two and a half rear tires, seven gallons of gas.
29:06Based on our research, that's what it would have taken
29:09for Harry and Lloyd to get all the way to Aspen.
29:18It was a dumb trip.
29:20Aerie even did it without gloves.
29:23But if you've always wondered if it could be done,
29:26we're telling you there's a chance.
29:29Just don't expect to get exactly 70 miles to the gallon.
29:33Don't expect to make it there in three minutes.
29:36And most importantly, make sure that you do it
29:40with a friend that's as dumb as you are.
29:44And that's what you'll do best if you just
29:47hope that you can get there.
29:50Because there's a chance.
29:52But we're gonna get there.
29:54But remember, we have to pay the price.
29:57It's time.
29:58The price has been paid.
30:01And we have to get out of the way.
30:03We have to get out of the way.
30:05We have to get out of the way.
30:07And we have to pay the price.
30:09Trailer Price is 22,000 dollars.
