Adventure Trikes! Can-Am Ryker Rally vs. Yamaha Niken Common Tread XP

  • 3 hours ago
00:00This is a Can-Am Riker Rally.
00:11That is a Yamaha Niken.
00:13And we are going to ride these machines off-road over those mountains.
00:17Why you ask?
00:20It had something to do with um...
00:25It had something to do with the tires up front.
00:49So here's what we're thinking.
00:50In theory, three points of contact means excellent stability and excellent traction.
00:56And when you're riding off-road in the dirt, you don't always have a lot of traction and
00:59there tends to be kind of a high level of instability.
01:02So on paper anyway, three wheelers off-road makes perfect sense.
01:07However, that hasn't always worked out, some of you may know.
01:11There was the Honda ATC line back in the 80s which led to more lawsuits than Weinstein
01:16at a sorority house.
01:19And then you got the sidecar, which has been around since World War Zero, of course.
01:24But it's just kind of awkward and asymmetrical and heavy and slow.
01:28We did a sidecar episode.
01:29Yeah, we did a sidecar episode.
01:30It's just a motorcycle with abandonment issues, really.
01:33And that leaves us with these two suckers.
01:36Can-Am's 2024 Riker Rally is factory made for three wheel overlanding.
01:41It's got seven inches of fully adjustable suspension travel.
01:44It's got a big old 5.3 gallon tank.
01:47It's got hand guards to keep your fingers safe from all the roost.
01:50It's got multiple skid plates.
01:52It even has a rally mode that lets you spin the rear tire and get swazy in the dirt.
01:57Then we've got Yamaha's Niken, which was only sold in the United States for a few years.
02:03Originally, it was supposed to be a sport touring rig, but that's the wrong environment
02:07for this.
02:08You've got two wheels up front.
02:09You got all that traction.
02:10You don't need it on pavement.
02:11You need it way off road.
02:13It's clearly an adventure trike waiting to happen.
02:16Not to mention the upright riding position, the adjustable electronics, that wicked hundred
02:21horsepower engine, and five inches of suspension travel.
02:26Not quite.
02:27It's almost five inches.
02:28Almost five inches, which is plenty, I think.
02:33To test our theory that three wheels is the right number for off-road riding, we are going
02:37to take these two adventure trikes from here in Lone Pine, California, several hundred
02:42miles to the very symbolic town of Three Rivers, which just so happens to be on the
02:47other side of some of California's highest peaks.
02:55The plan was to take a route with the most varied terrain possible in order to get across
03:00California's Southern Sierra.
03:03That would mean riding through the rocky, sandy desert over here, through some snowy
03:09mountain passes in here somewhere, and then hopefully finishing our ride with twisty pavement
03:16and a hot shower right here.
03:22And of course, any legitimate off-road crusade involves hauling some amount of cargo.
03:28In this case, our camping gear, so that we could survive with only one single chase truck.
03:36A little bit of a magic sequence to get this thing started.
03:45Three cylinders of off-road aggression.
03:49I'm in gear and ready to go because, you know, my can-am's always in gear with a CBT.
03:54This is it.
03:55This is the test to see if we can take these machines on an adventurous route, if they
04:01hold up, if we have a good time, or, you know, if we blast ourselves to smithereens.
04:05Adventure Trikes, Sierra Nevada, tally-ho!
04:08You gonna roll it off of that thing?
04:11I'm gonna try.
04:13Very adventurous of him.
04:15How are you?
04:18Okay, well.
04:21It's got some gusto!
04:22For the uninitiated, this Yamaha Niken, strange as it may look, especially from the front,
04:51basically operates just as a normal motorcycle.
04:53I got front brake and throttle with my right hand, I got a rear brake with my right foot,
04:56I got a clutch with my left hand, and I shift with my left foot.
05:00From the steering stem back, it's basically a standard Yamaha MT-09.
05:04The Can-Am Riker, however, well, Arie, why don't you take it from here?
05:07I mean, I've never actually ridden a snowmobile, but as far as I can tell, this is a snowmobile
05:11on wheels.
05:13It does not have a manual transmission.
05:14It has a CBT, so it's twist and go, so I do not have a clutch or a shift lever.
05:19And then the brakes are linked, so all I have is this one pedal down here.
05:22So very simple to operate, although not particularly easy to steer, a little bit heavy on the steering,
05:28but it's very stable.
05:29I don't see myself falling over anytime soon.
05:32Yeah, I don't know if I can say the same.
05:39Now that we are off and on the road, we can address a couple of queries you all might
05:44Number one, why didn't we modify these motorcycles more?
05:48That is fair.
05:49However, this GTX-V Adventures, like most of them, is not usually about whether or not
05:54we can build a monster truck or build some crazy custom.
05:58This is more about what an adventure trike can do from the showroom, figuratively.
06:03And to be honest, we did try to modify them.
06:06We wanted to put burlier tires on the Niken, but it's got these 15-inch front rims that
06:11there just aren't knobby tires available for, so it's rolling on what it was born with.
06:16We did put a TKC70 on the rear because the stock tire was worn out, and we did put beefy
06:21truck tires on the front of the Riker, but the bike totally freaked out.
06:26It threw an error code, it went into a limp mode, it just would not run properly, so we
06:30went back to the stock, but we left the fenders off because it looks badass.
06:36Just to be clear, we're not on vacation here, everybody, okay?
06:40We're trying to do serious research and work, so we're going to be looking for mud, for
06:44water, for dirt, for sand, for snow, whatever we can find to see how these badnellies hold
06:51up in the context of a true adventure.
07:02As fate would have it, just downhill from the jagged, snow-capped peaks of the Sierra
07:08are the Olancha Dunes.
07:11400 acres of sediment from an ancient river, eager to swallow any machine that dare enter.
07:19Going straight for the tough stuff.
07:23We'll see, I mean, all these contact patches should be good for dunes.
07:28I think I got a lot more surface area than you, so if it's actually loose, man, the TC
07:33is so, oh yeah, it's totally cutting my fun.
07:37It starts to spin and then it shuts off.
07:38I'm going to turn right off.
07:40Well, I got rally mode, which I've been kind of excited to do.
07:43Oh, that's right.
07:45It shows my little three-wheeler looking all swayzy with a symbol and then the TC turned off.
07:50Okay, making TC off.
07:57Adventure trikes in the sand, yeah.
08:01Adventure triking.
08:04I mean, I love the fact that I can't fall over.
08:12It's really a big confidence boost.
08:20Picking my way slowly.
08:22Don't think slow is going to work forever, though.
08:25Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
08:34With all of that extra stability, we really thought our three-wheelers could dominate
08:38the dunes.
08:40And for once, we were right.
08:43Ah, this is awesome.
08:55Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
09:11Good job, man.
09:13That was great.
09:14You're doing awesome.
09:17We were suspicious that the can-am might actually be pretty fun in the sand since, you know,
09:22in the sand since, you know, you can't tip over
09:24and it's got nice big footprints on the sand.
09:27But so far, the Nikon's surprisingly good too.
09:30I think we have to hope that the density
09:32of the sand doesn't change much, agreed?
09:34I think that's benefiting both of us.
09:35But yeah, this thing's got a lot of surface area
09:37and I can't fall over.
09:39It's got the flotation we were hoping for.
09:41Honestly, that's a lot of fun.
09:43I apparently can't fall over either.
09:44This is no kickstand.
09:48So the objective is to get through the dunes
09:50and we've already eyeballed what we hope is our route,
09:53which is that nice, subtle incline
09:55up the face of that whole dune ridge.
09:57I'm feeling up for it.
09:58How about you, dude?
09:59I'm optimistic.
10:14The Grand Dune.
10:16I mean, you're talking about how much horsepower that has.
10:18Do you know how much it has?
10:19Isn't it like 80, 70-something?
10:20Yeah, it's not as much as your bike
10:22and it's a little harder to control on account of the CVT,
10:24but I've got all this flotation with these tires
10:26and I can't fall over.
10:27I mean, you could auger at any moment
10:29and go over the handlebars.
10:31I do have the ability to tip over,
10:33but I have more horsepower
10:35and I have control over my transmission.
10:38Which is proving to be a little helpful in the sand.
10:40It is, it is.
10:41I like your confidence and I am your friend
10:45and I wish you the best.
10:46Well, I'm willing to go first.
10:49We'll see how I feel once I actually start charging at it.
10:51But I'm ready, I'm ready.
10:52I'm ready to do this.
10:58All right, buddy.
10:59Hopefully see you on the other side.
11:02Travel swiftly and safely, my friend.
11:05I'm my three-wheel chariot, okay.
11:08Uh-oh, not a good start so far.
11:11Come on, baby.
11:12All right, here we go.
11:19Might have to get up in the saddle here, up on the pegs.
11:22Let's go.
11:25Oh, it's getting lumpy.
11:26You're getting kicked out of the seat.
11:29He's got it, he's got it.
11:38Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
11:43Oh my God, that's so great.
11:45Oh my God, that's so great.
11:49That was like kind of a lot of air.
11:51I could see blue sky underneath that breaker
11:54as he went over the zone.
12:02All right.
12:04Time for the Nike and Dune time.
12:06Ha ha!
12:16Come on, Zach, you got it.
12:19Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
12:27Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
12:32That was so great, dude.
12:37Jumping a 600 pound Nike off the lip of that
12:39was too much for me.
12:40Well, you still caught air.
12:41I chickened out a little bit.
12:44I feel like today's been a success.
12:47I'm ready to rock and roll.
12:47Good job, man.
12:52In a rare event for CTXP,
12:54we headed to camp with just enough light
12:57to set up our tents.
12:59Day one was a sandy victory,
13:02but our adventure still had some literal mountains to climb.
13:29Today's the day, everybody,
13:31that the actual adventuring starts.
13:33We've just had appetizer courses so far.
13:35We have a lot more boxes to check
13:37if these trikes are truly going to be adventure machines,
13:40Yeah, we worked our way down the Sierra Nevada,
13:42and now we are actually going to punch in.
13:44Terrain is probably going to get rougher.
13:46I'm anticipating a lot of rocky, Jeep-style roads,
13:48where I think the Riker is going to do really well,
13:51whereas Zach is still vulnerable to falling over.
13:55We also might find some trails
13:57that are a little bit narrower,
14:00or require more than, whatever,
14:01five inches of ground clearance.
14:03We don't know,
14:04and that's the fun thing about being on an adventure.
14:07I think we're looking forward to it.
14:09Obviously, there are a lot of questions,
14:12and there are not a lot of answers,
14:13but that's what we're here to find.
14:14Hey, man, I think rough terrain, more challenges,
14:17I'm ready for it.
14:18Bring it on.
14:30We left behind the sand dunes of the high desert,
14:33heading west and up.
14:35We could practically see our campsite
14:37from the top of the climb,
14:39but suddenly, it felt a world apart.
14:46Ooh, wow, look at that whole hillside,
14:50all covered in yellow.
14:51I like how it follows the ridgeline.
14:54All these purple flowers, too.
14:56Damn, gorgeous.
14:58Well, this is a California super bloom.
15:00Got a lot of rain this winter.
15:02Also, not a bad road to ride, I gotta say.
15:18As we climbed into the Sierra,
15:20the air cooled, and the forest closed in around us.
15:25The scenery was lovely,
15:27but soon, we had a problem.
15:30It's a lot of snow, man, be careful.
15:33It's not really snow so much as it is.
15:36It's on its way to being ice.
15:37It is snow that is compacting.
15:46I don't really know what to do here.
15:48I would say rear wheel in a trough,
15:50plow the front tires, and paddle.
15:52All right, don't live my chances, but...
15:58Easy peasy.
15:59Oh, okay, that was great.
16:01Woo, okay, okay.
16:04Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
16:06Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
16:10One, two, three.
16:13It's not that heavy.
16:14Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
16:19We can't be stopped.
16:21We cannot be stopped.
16:22Ha, ha, ha, ha.
16:25Oh, oh, are you gonna make it?
16:27You're gonna make it.
16:28I think so, I think so.
16:29Getting on some thicker stuff.
16:31Look at that.
16:32Dig in, let's go, Ryker.
16:35Right before the wind.
16:39Even as the pavement gave way to snow,
16:41our three wheelers seemed pleasant.
16:44They were able to keep up with the snow.
16:46They were able to keep up with the snow.
16:48They were able to keep up with the snow.
16:49They were able to keep up with the snow.
16:51Our three wheelers seemed plenty capable.
16:56These New England boys weren't about
16:57to let a little frozen water stop them
16:59from getting through the pass.
17:09All right, how do we deal with this?
17:20Ha, ha, ha.
17:26Come on, come on, come on, come on.
17:28There we go, there we go, there we go.
17:31Wow, I got him, I got him, I got him.
17:38I'm gonna come save you.
17:39I'll come get you out, don't worry.
17:45Not any minute now.
17:52One, two, three.
18:02Hurry up.
18:05Smells hot.
18:18That was, that was me hopping on a foot peg
18:21like I would with a motorcycle.
18:23Stomping on the brake and getting chucked over the front.
18:27Also, oh, I thought this popped off like strategically,
18:31but I broke it with my abdomen.
18:35That was ridiculous.
18:39Get a little rock going.
18:40Yep, yep.
18:40Uno, a dos.
18:42A tres.
18:46Either ice has gotten icier since we lived with it,
18:51or our trikes weren't quite as rugged as we thought.
18:59We had only covered a fraction of our route
19:01and the snow showed no signs of disappearing.
19:07It's a lot of work.
19:09I got my face shield down for roost.
19:12Okay, here we go.
19:27Oh my gosh.
19:31I mean, we only have a little bit more to go.
19:34We're getting too old for this act.
19:37We're getting too old for this act.
19:38Yeah, we're getting too old.
19:40A one.
19:41A one.
19:41A two.
19:42A two.
19:43A three.
19:49Yeah, we're good, we're good.
19:54Now throw yourself over the front of your bike.
19:58It's how the pros do it.
20:01Bury me here.
20:03I hate to say it, guys,
20:06but I think this is as far as we go.
20:12It sucks to turn around,
20:13but the fact of the matter is
20:14you'd have to be at a snowmobile to get through there.
20:18And considering how hard it's been to go,
20:20not that sad to turn around, actually.
20:23Back from whence we came.
20:33Tails between our legs,
20:34we backtracked to lower elevation
20:36and made our way around the mountain pass
20:38rather than through it.
20:40As far as setbacks go,
20:42at least it was a pretty one.
21:02This road might be a little loose and dusty and weird,
21:05but compared to riding on snow,
21:07I feel like a real hero, agreed?
21:09It's a lot better terrain, that's for sure.
21:11And a sandy, dirty road in a remote place,
21:14I mean, this is a great box check off for our ADV tests.
21:18Not to mention, look where we are, dude.
21:20Like, who cares if you're here on a bicycle
21:23or a paraglider or a Volkswagen van?
21:26It doesn't really matter.
21:27This is a beautiful place to be.
21:28The flowers are popping off.
21:29I feel truly adventurous.
21:31No matter how many wheels I have,
21:33I feel fortunate to be here.
21:34And we've got another five or 10 miles of this,
21:37and then we get to camp for the night
21:39and recuperate from what was a challenging day.
21:54Another fine night of camping here in California.
21:57More lovely freeze-dried meals, more lovely weather,
22:00all brought to you by the six capable wheels
22:03of these two adventure trikes.
22:05Yeah, I mean, maybe it's because I'm closing in on 40,
22:07but I kind of like not having to put my feet down at stops.
22:10And honestly, being able to kick it in reverse
22:11instead of pushing the thing, I could get used to this.
22:14I mean, and as for Mr. Niken here,
22:16if it just had some knobs on the front tires,
22:19I feel like it'd be on easy street.
22:20Like, they're not exactly perfect.
22:22Like we said, we didn't really modify them,
22:23so they could be better, but they're working great,
22:25which is good because we think that today
22:27we can push through to our final destination
22:29of three rivers, but it is going to involve riding
22:32and navigating some more aggressive terrain.
22:35The good news is, everybody,
22:36is that it's only 10.30 in the morning.
22:37We're getting a nice early start,
22:39and that means success is just over the next hill.
23:06After getting turned around by a snow-covered pass
23:09the day before, we found another route
23:12at a lower elevation that appeared to follow dirt roads
23:15across the foothills and eventually toward three rivers.
23:19So, what do we know about where we're going, Gary?
23:23We have two points on the map.
23:24We have a map that suggests there are roads
23:26that go between those two points,
23:27but we don't know much more than that.
23:29Yes, it isn't that delicious.
23:31That's the whole idea behind adventure riding,
23:33is, you know, maybe you get through, maybe you don't.
23:36Maybe the terrain gets tricky.
23:37Maybe it remains smooth like this,
23:39but we're going to find out.
23:41It's part of the fun.
23:43There's some technique to riding this thing,
23:45but it's actually pretty fun to drift it.
23:48And you're definitely going into corners
23:49a lot faster than I feel comfortable.
24:03Rerouting is part of any adventure ride,
24:06and this route was much better.
24:09Perhaps the Riker Rally and Niken
24:10weren't literally made to do this sort of thing,
24:13but the trikes were happy, and so were we.
24:20That's not good.
24:25Is it locked?
24:27Yes, sir. Very locked.
24:30Okay, well, locked gate.
24:32This is the bane of CTXP filming.
24:35We did pass an OHV route
24:38that was labeled Black Diamond Most Difficult,
24:40and we talked about it and decided we weren't ready yet,
24:42but looks as though it's going to be a baptism by fire
24:45for our three-wheelers.
24:47Necessity is the mother of adventure triking.
24:51Excuse me. Excuse me.
24:53Excuse me.
25:11We have reached the dirt road shortcut portion
25:14of our program here on CTXP,
25:16and as usual, couldn't be more confident.
25:21We're going to barge on through this 4x4 trail.
25:23You kidding me? You need four wheels to get through here?
25:25We got three. We'll be in great shape.
25:27And I don't know where to put them,
25:28because it's a two-track or a single-track world, right?
25:31And we got three wheels.
25:32We're trying to straddle both.
25:34And, yeah, I think I just need more of a run-up.
25:37That's the attitude I like.
25:38You just need a little bit more of a run-up,
25:40and everything will be fine.
25:41And I forged the path through the dunes,
25:43so why don't you go first this time?
25:45That's so nice of you.
25:50TC off, dude.
25:52TC off, good call.
25:55One, two, three wheels, I can do this.
26:01I can adventure trike onward and upward.
26:04Yeah, dude!
26:10Yeah! Yeah!
26:12Ha ha ha! Yes!
26:15He just made it look super easy,
26:17a little like me probably jumping up a dune.
26:19I'm going to put it in reverse
26:21and back up to get a run at it.
26:27Say a little silent prayer.
26:33Ha ha ha!
26:37Big rock in the trail.
26:41Let's go, Riker!
26:47First hill climb, no problem.
26:49Most difficult, my left testicle.
26:52Nice, buddy!
26:54Ha ha ha! Thank you.
26:58Here we go.
27:07This is awesome.
27:09This is actually a lot of fun.
27:13In some ways, it's a lot like riding a regular ADV,
27:16where the trail might not necessarily be super challenging,
27:19but you've got to really pick your lines.
27:21Oh, we've got a little wall water crossing.
27:23Across I go on the Nikon.
27:27Double water crossing.
27:31I jammed your radiator into the...
27:33Ha ha ha! Nice!
27:38I don't know, everybody.
27:40The adventure trikes are doing pretty well.
27:43We've got the best ideas!
27:46Ha ha ha!
27:48Look at it go!
27:50It's like a billy goat!
27:56and upward.
28:05Oh, boy.
28:07Okay, okay, okay.
28:11Straddling these ruts is nerve-wracking.
28:21Each new challenge with the Riker
28:23requires some thinking.
28:27Some needle threading.
28:29Oh, my gosh!
28:39Getting rocky.
28:41Oh, boy.
28:43Oh, wow.
28:46The terrain just changed.
28:48Oh, my gosh.
28:50Oh, boys.
28:58I don't think...
29:00I don't really see a path forward for me.
29:02A path forward for either of us?
29:10Look at him go.
29:13Ah, f***!
29:17Most difficult, my left testicle.
29:20My left testicle.
29:23Ah, f***!
29:27Nice dismount.
29:29Ah, rats.
29:35One, two, three.
29:37One, two, three.
29:39Okay, okay.
29:42I can get under it.
29:44One, two, three.
29:50She a big girl.
29:54Is it still rolling?
30:00Not going so well
30:02with the adventure trikes.
30:04We've hit at least
30:06one significant obstacle.
30:08Hopefully, this isn't it.
30:12Whatever advantages my three-wheeler
30:14had on-road with that flexible
30:16front end quickly disappeared
30:18as we tried to push it up a steep,
30:20rutted, off-camber truck trail.
30:26Luckily, the Niken was still
30:28fully functional and our drive
30:30to get over the hill was still intact.
30:36Okay, ready?
30:40Here we go.
30:45You're on your own, dude.
30:55This might be lunchtime.
31:10All right, slow and steady.
31:17One, two, three.
31:19Come on, come on, come on.
31:21Here we go, here we go, here we go.
31:29Push, push, push, push, push, push.
31:35Sorry, sorry, sorry.
31:41Ha, ha, ha.
31:43All right, I'm turning it.
32:03Nicely done.
32:05Come on.
32:09Coming up for you.
32:11Yeah, yeah.
32:17Come on.
32:25Teamwork makes the dream work.
32:29Fucking easier than
32:31adventure trikes.
32:35Top of the hill.
32:43In some ways,
32:45we knew this was coming.
32:47People would have stopped following us
32:49with cameras years ago if everything
32:51always worked out.
32:53Still, we had faith
32:55that if we just got both machines
32:57to the other side of this hill,
32:59we would make it to three rivers
33:01before nightfall.
33:05It looks steeper
33:07and significantly longer
33:09than what we just struggled up
33:11for the last 45 minutes.
33:13It looks like a wall
33:15from here.
33:17Should we just hurl ourselves at it?
33:23It just kind of keeps going up the hill,
33:25getting steeper and more rutted
33:27and messier.
33:31I think we've reached the limitations
33:33of not only our hardware,
33:35but our skills.
33:39I'm saying no-go, dude.
33:41I don't think we can do it.
33:49I mean, this is kind of part of an adventure, right?
33:51You can't always make it through.
33:53You can't always succeed.
33:55It's about going out there and seeing what you can do.
33:57If we'd stayed on pavement,
33:59we wouldn't have seen all this.
34:01And there's still
34:03plenty of challenge ahead of us as we go
34:05down that which we came up.
34:11Once again, we found ourselves
34:15But it didn't exactly solve our
34:19This could be tricky for both of us.
34:21Easy does it.
34:23Don't turn into a bobsled.
34:25I wish you could look back
34:27to see what my technique is.
34:31Look at this top tire just sliding.
34:35Oh boy, this is...
34:37Oh, I'm going fast. Oh, I'm going too fast.
34:39I don't want to go this fast. Careful.
34:45I got to ride it out.
34:47I got to ride it out.
34:53That was pretty spooky.
35:01Could we have made it farther up the trail
35:03if we had more skill or fewer wheels?
35:07But our trikes made it
35:09deeper into the wilderness than we expected.
35:11And were surprisingly fun
35:13doing it.
35:15Plus, they looked pretty sweet
35:17blasting through water.
35:31Back on the
35:33beaten path,
35:35we were reminded that our machines
35:37are probably best suited to pavement.
35:47We took in the twists and turns
35:49of the Sierra foothills
35:51and enjoyed the last few rays of sunlight
35:53splashing over California's
35:55Central Valley.
35:57Wind in our face
35:59and only 100 miles to go.
36:17Oh my god, I'm so tired.
36:19So tired and so dusty.
36:21So dirty.
36:23So unshowered
36:25we are after days
36:27on the old dusty trail.
36:33Just looking for that Three Rivers sign.
36:35Hey, look.
36:37Three Rivers.
36:39Five miles.
36:47There it is.
36:49There it is.
36:53Three Rivers.
36:58Good job, buddy.
37:02It's 1130.
37:04But we made it.
37:06We are here in Three Rivers.
37:08Three wheels, Three Rivers.
37:10Right? Everybody get it?
37:12We're having fun.
37:14We're having trouble because we're tired
37:16on account of what we've been through.
37:18I mean, we left the Eastern Sierra
37:20where it was hot and beautiful
37:22and yet there was snow at the top of mountains
37:24and we rode through dunes
37:26and we rode through mountains
37:28and we saw a California super bloom.
37:30I mean, it's been an incredible adventure.
37:32And then eventually on to
37:34some 4x4 trails
37:36on our 1x3 vehicles
37:38and the 4x4 divided by
37:42I'm not very good at math.
37:44But it didn't work out.
37:46We had to turn around is the point.
37:48But we're here. We made it.
37:50And now that we're here
37:52we can
38:06Truth be told
38:08we went to Three Rivers
38:10because it had the word three in it.
38:12And we thought that was cute.
38:14But we were
38:16a little worried that these trikes would be
38:18a total liability getting there.
38:20And boy were we wrong.
38:22The Can-Am may have the whiff
38:24of a marketing gimmick that would unravel
38:26at the first bump in the trail
38:28and yet it was often easier
38:30and more fun to ride than a regular
38:34Especially in the dunes.
38:38Yamaha's experimental three-wheeler
38:40is just as baffling as we remember.
38:42Totally bizarre
38:44to look at
38:46but incredibly normal to ride.
38:48It's far from
38:50It's far from
38:52the worst motorcycle you could take in the dirt
38:54and a fun window into
38:56what an adventure trike could be.
39:00Three-wheelers can be weird
39:02and limited on the street
39:04and even weirder and more limited
39:06in the dirt.
39:08Then again
39:10if you're afraid of things that go against the grain
39:12motorcycling itself
39:14might not be for you.
39:28I know what we need to do.
39:30What we do at the end of every episode.
39:32Oh we need a hug.
39:34We came to Three Rivers to hug.
39:36There it is.
39:38Good job.
39:40Good riding buddy.
39:44Let's park these things and go to sleep.
39:46Oh my god.
39:50Hey yo Common Dread, X Pierce, Zach
39:52and Ari here to talk to you about the sponsor
39:54for this episode which is actually quite simple.
39:56It's the channel that you're watching right now.
39:58RevZilla produces these videos
40:00that hopefully entertain you, inspire
40:02you to get out and ride with funding
40:04that comes when you buy stuff
40:06from RevZilla. So whether it's a helmet or a jacket or
40:08tires for your bike, some of that money goes
40:10towards making these shows.
40:12So keep that in mind next time you need something for you
40:14or your motorcycle that if you buy from
40:16you help make these videos.
40:18Thanks for watching everybody. See you next time.
