2022 Honda Rebel 500 Review Daily Rider

  • 4 hours ago
00:00Heyo everybody, Zach Gords here with RevZilla and welcome to another episode of Daily Rider
00:11where we learn about motorcycles as we ride.
00:14On today's show, Honda's Rebel 500.
00:18So this machine shares an engine with the CBR500R, CB500X, and CB500F from Honda.
00:24It also shares a name and some styling with the Rebel 300 and Rebel 1100.
00:29In other words, plenty to talk about, about how it fits into Honda's lineup and how it
00:34relates to all those other bikes.
00:36But perhaps most importantly, is it a good daily rider?
00:40Time to hit the road everybody, let's go!
00:49Alright everybody, almost time to go, but before we do, a friendly reminder.
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00:57QuadLock makes mobile device cases, chargers, and mounts for every vehicle we cover on Daily
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01:22Alright everybody, it's Rebel time.
01:25Let's get down to business here.
01:27This is the 471cc Parallel Twin at the heart of the Rebel 500, 180 crank.
01:36So sometimes you talk about 180 crank versus 270 crank and that's the orientation and firing
01:40order of the crankshaft and the pistons inside the engine there.
01:44So this one is a 180 crank, a little more traditional historically, similar to a Kawasaki
01:50Ninja 650, a Yamaha R3, something like that.
01:55As opposed to a 270 crank, which gives you a little bit more of a V-Twin kind of feel
01:58and sound, a la Honda Africa Twin or Triumph Street Twin or Yamaha MT-07.
02:09So yeah, quick run down of the engine there.
02:10We'll talk more about how that performs as we ride.
02:13Of course, right side up fork, big beefy 130 section front tire.
02:18That's pretty wide.
02:20Single Nissan caliper and single rotor.
02:22We'll talk more about brakes as we ride as well.
02:25Other than that, pretty basic architecture here, right?
02:28You got a basic steel tube frame, mid controls, not a lot else to it.
02:34Just an engine and wheels basically, which is all good.
02:37Key is down on the side, cruiser style.
02:42Let's fire it up, shall we?
02:45All right, all right, all right.
02:50And it comes in this lovely green color, which I actually really like.
02:55And one update or 2020 update I think was LED headlight, so it's got this kind of weird
03:00arachnid headlight, but it works pretty well, I think.
03:05And sharp looking, better than the old halogen one or whatever it was.
03:11Okay, go kids.
03:16Let's get our Rebel on.
03:20Away we go.
03:27All right, everybody, let's talk about specs, shall we?
03:32It's quick conversation here on the Rebel 500.
03:36It weighed in on the daily rider scales at 413 pounds, which is pretty light, I would
03:46Although not really lighter than a, I don't know, a Yalaheim T07, something like that
03:51has a bigger engine, and I think it weighs 407 or something, anyway, whatever.
03:56Fairly small, fairly light bike.
03:57As far as the seat height, that is 27.2 inches.
04:00You can see I've got a very significant bend in my leg sitting at a traffic light here.
04:04It is very low.
04:06Yeah, I often point out that the Honda Grom, which is a 125cc Minimoto from Honda, has
04:15a 30 inch seat height, so it is very approachable, this Rebel 500, and that's nice.
04:25The tank looks kind of small, and it is kind of small.
04:282.9 gallons of gas in the Rebel 500.
04:33And yeah, the price, I didn't even mention the price yet, what an idiot.
04:37You'd think I'd be better at this by now.
04:39$6,400 for the Rebel 500, which is not too bad for a capable little cruiser, as we'll
04:48find out.
04:49All right.
04:50Go Rebel, go!
04:51All right, all right.
04:57As for horsepower and torque numbers, I don't think Honda actually claims anything, but
05:01I believe it's pretty agreed upon, it's about 50 horsepower, if memory serves.
05:06I'm totally pulling that off the top of my head, 47 or 49 I want to say, as someone dynoed.
05:10Not a hugely powerful engine, but enough to get up and go, as we'll see as the ride continues
05:17As for basic ergonomics, how the bike feels to sit on and how it interacts with your body,
05:23it is quite good.
05:24It is also very approachable.
05:28It's a very compact riding position.
05:31And so I think for smaller riders, it'll fit quite well.
05:35And if you're much over six feet, you're going to probably feel a little bit mini bikey on
05:42It's taken us a minute to get up to speed here on the open road, but now here we go.
05:48We're at 65, 70 miles an hour, cruising down the freeway on the Rebel 500.
05:52And I got to say, it's pretty good about this.
05:53I had more questions on my Instagram post about, you know, could I use this bike for
06:01light touring?
06:02You know, I'm not talking about riding around the world, but just like, you know, weekend
06:05trips and that kind of thing.
06:06Yeah, I think so.
06:07For sure.
06:08You're going to want to make sure that the riding position fits you, as I sort of alluded
06:12to before, but in general, the engine's totally up for it.
06:15I mean, it just sort of loping along at this speed.
06:20How fast is the engine spinning, you ask?
06:22Nobody knows, but despite the lack of tachometer, it's a, it's an easy enough engine to get
06:28used to.
06:29And it does not feel particularly buzzy, especially for a fairly small engine on the highway at
06:35this speed and the roll on power.
06:37If you're going 75 and you want to go faster than that, we'll go wide open here for a second.
06:42You know, 80, 85, it didn't happen, didn't happen amazingly quickly, but it's got plenty
06:49of get up and go to trot down the freeway, if that's what you want to do.
06:53The other thing you might want to sort out for long distance travel or any kind of even,
06:57you know, short weekend trips and that kind of thing would be the seat.
07:01I don't think it's particularly good for long distances, and I imagine there are some aftermarket
07:07options that are a little bit thicker, a little more plush.
07:09And keep in mind, you get quite a bit thicker seat and not sacrifice a whole lot of approachability
07:15from a seat height standpoint, because the seat's so low to begin with.
07:19I would, I would probably make that upgrade if I owned this bike.
07:23Because after, I don't know, 45 minutes or so, I start to get pretty tired of this saddle.
07:30We usually talk about fuel mileage in this section of road, and I didn't do the math.
07:39I remember I got 135 miles out of a tank and the little fuel light came on at 117,
07:48I think.
07:49So range is not super excellent, and I think I put 2.6 something gallons of gas in it.
07:57I'll have to, we'll have to do that math at a stoplight or something like that.
08:01But anyway, you can expect a little more than 100 miles out of a tank of fuel.
08:09So yeah, for travel, you're going to want to plan out your gas stations pretty, pretty
08:17But as far as riding around the city, you get plenty of days commuting depending on
08:21how long your commute is, and it's not so bad.
08:25Last but not least in this section is mirrors, and the old mirrors on the Rell 500 are pretty
08:32They start to get a little buzzy if you want to go like, you know, 80 or something like
08:37But in general, quite smooth and very stylish.
08:40Match the aesthetic of the bike quite nicely, in my opinion.
08:45I wish they stuck out maybe two inches more.
08:50I think you get a slightly better view that way, but I get it.
08:53It's a, you know, they want the mirrors to be kind of tight and keep the the cockpit
08:57compact and and have the bike looking sharp.
09:00So I guess I can't blame them for that.
09:04All righty, we're just about done with this red light, right?
09:08That's like, yeah, and we're off in to the neighborhood to test the Rebel 500's urban
09:18And of course, the old stop sign challenge.
09:21I haven't done a lot of stop sign tests here and try and get to a zero miles an hour on
09:27the speedo without putting our feet down.
09:29Unlike what that car just did.
09:32Yeah, that's that's a little clutch feel problems there.
09:36The person behind me probably thinks that I'm DUI in here or something.
09:42So yeah, clutch feel is not super excellent.
09:46It's a it's very light.
09:50The pull of the clutch lever is very light and I'm not saying this is there's a direct
09:55relationship here, but I would prefer that the clutch feel the clutch pull was a little
10:00heavier and I just had slightly better feel.
10:02Sometimes the Ninja 400 from Kawasaki suffers from kind of a similar thing.
10:06I sometimes feel like the clutch pull is so light.
10:09It's just it's hard to to to get a taste for it.
10:12But the more you ride the bike, the more it comes around.
10:14It's not a huge deal, but it is something I noticed when I hopped on.
10:18In general, the Rebel 500 is exceedingly polite and easy to use around town.
10:24The on off fueling isn't perfect, but it's pretty good.
10:28And the seat height is so low that if you do need to reach for the ground, it's right
10:36And the engine dynamic and character is really easy to use.
10:40It's gentle, but there's enough pep to gather the way of traffic.
10:43If you need to, it's a it's a really, really, really agreeable and pleasant bike to to
10:51ride around an urban or suburban environment.
10:54Oh, I messed that one up.
10:56Had to put my foot down, but I didn't have to reach very far, did I?
11:02Lovers Lane, where we talk about passenger accommodations and the Rebel rides alone,
11:08No passenger seat on the Rebel 500.
11:10I did get a lot of questions on Instagram about riding two up on this bike, and there
11:15were certainly suggestions that there are aftermarket options to put a passenger seat
11:19on this bike.
11:20I did not do a whole lot of research on that front, so sorry about that.
11:24But I will say that a bike this size and of this style is typically not very good for
11:29a passenger unless you have a sissy bar back there.
11:32Even cruisers, even small Harleys and Indians, when they have a passenger seat, a lot of
11:36times the seats kind of sloped back or it's just a little perch.
11:39It doesn't have a lot of infrastructure back there to support a passenger and to to sort
11:46of, yeah, keep them on board.
11:49They're going to have to hold on pretty tight and that kind of thing.
11:52Plus, bikes like this often don't have a whole lot of rear suspension travel.
11:57The Rebel 500 here has 3.8 inches, I believe, of rear suspension, which is pretty good
12:04considering, but still not great in the grand scheme of motorcycling.
12:09And I don't think a bike like this is ultimately going to be super comfortable for a passenger.
12:16Dipping into the twisties here on the Daily Rider route.
12:19And you might not think that the Rebel 500 was particularly inspiring or good at this
12:27kind of riding.
12:29And you'd be right.
12:30It's, I mean, it's fine.
12:33Don't let me, I'm not trying to say that it's bad or scary or unwieldy or anything like
12:38It's just, you know, it's pretty balanced for having that big front tire I was pointing
12:44out earlier on there.
12:45It doesn't take too much effort to turn in or to sort of hold a curve.
12:50But the thing that it does that I dislike the most is when you leaned over and you hit
12:55a bump and it kind of, it'll get a little twisted up and wobble a little bit.
13:00And it's not unstable by any stretch of the imagination.
13:03It's not going to, you know, it's not going to sort of fly out of control in the middle
13:07of a corner at all.
13:09It's just not going to inspire you, especially if you are a new rider, new-ish rider to sort
13:17of take curves at speed.
13:19And I suppose if you're into taking curves at speed, you might not really be interested
13:23in a Rebel 500 anyway.
13:24But them's the notes.
13:26Whoa, almost hit the guardrail there.
13:30Probably looking at your phone, huh?
13:34One thing I did want to point out that I haven't mentioned thus far is the engine case.
13:38Do you see how it sticks out a little bit?
13:41I sometimes notice it hitting my right ankle.
13:45It's not in the way of the foot peg or anything like that.
13:48But this is something I noticed.
13:50And I noticed that the engine has a lot of clearance on the left side.
13:52And I think it's a little bit odd that it's asymmetrical like that.
13:57Like I said, it's not a huge issue.
14:00But it does stick out right next to the foot peg.
14:05So this little case cover on the side of the engine, I think you'll find yourself using
14:08that a fair amount for what it's worth.
14:14Off we go.
14:17OK, the old Rev limiter.
14:22In general, the engine in the Rebel 500 I don't find to be particularly inspiring.
14:30I don't get a real kick out of it when I rev it up.
14:34It doesn't really tickle my fancy, you might say.
14:39But it's very utilitarian.
14:41It does the job, absolutely.
14:44There's nothing wrong with the performance.
14:46The power is nice and linear.
14:49I just don't particularly like the sound.
14:51It doesn't really have a lot of character, I don't think.
14:55So it's a good engine to use in this platform.
15:00And the CB500F we mentioned, the CB500X we mentioned, the CBR500.
15:06It works well in all those applications because it's so kind of versatile.
15:10But I don't know.
15:14It doesn't make me giggle like some other engines do.
15:24All righty, we got a red light.
15:31We can talk about the dash, right?
15:34Dash is very simple.
15:36You got your time at the top.
15:37You got your speed in big letters here.
15:40And you got your gear position indicator over here, which is nice.
15:43Fuel gauge at the bottom.
15:44And then it's a green light.
15:46And then this middle piece of information here I have set up to show trip A
15:50because that's what I use to calculate fuel mileage.
15:53And you can cycle through some of this stuff.
15:54You tap, what is it, this button over here?
15:57So you can do trip A, trip B.
15:58I think average fuel economy, odometer, that kind of stuff is in there.
16:02But in general, very simple.
16:04My big complaint about the dash is that it's not particularly easy to read.
16:09Especially if the sun hits it just right.
16:11And sort of like ambient light is a certain way.
16:14It's a little hard to see.
16:16It's very, you know, it's stylish.
16:18It's slick.
16:19It's small and round and retro and clean.
16:23And simple.
16:23And I appreciate those things.
16:24But I wish the contrast was a little higher.
16:28All right, another red light.
16:30So we can talk about the dash a little more.
16:33So yeah, these buttons on top are the ones that cycle through those
16:37little pieces of information there.
16:40Let's see.
16:41We've already talked about the dash.
16:43Let's calculate that fuel mileage.
16:46So it was 135.7 miles.
16:50I remember that.
16:51And I don't remember the exact amount of gas.
16:54It was 2.6 something that I put in there.
17:01Okay, so yeah, low 50s.
17:04I think that's probably a little unflattering for the Rebel 500.
17:08I think I probably, I think you should expect to get slightly better mileage than that.
17:13But that's the data.
17:15That's what I saw.
17:16So you've got the information.
17:19I think I wouldn't be surprised to see 60 or even 65 miles to the gallon,
17:23especially if you were putting around surface streets,
17:26this kind of thing and not riding it on the highway as much as I did.
17:31Off we go.
17:38All right, yellow light, red light.
17:39Let's slam on the brakes, shall we?
17:42Brakes are pretty good.
17:44You do have to clamp on the lever to get the front to really bite.
17:48But I think it's tuned gently or to provide gentle brake feel.
17:55And I think for a bike, you know,
17:59designed for people who might be less experienced on a motorcycle,
18:02I don't think the calibration is out of whack.
18:05And it's got ABS.
18:06So, you know, if you really need to stop, just slam it on there
18:11and the computer will have your back, which is nice.
18:13So as we head for our dirt road shortcut,
18:17I do want to discuss the other Honda models that I mentioned.
18:20You get your Rebel 300, which is a little sibling to this bike,
18:23which we'll talk about a little bit more at the end of the show.
18:27And the Rebel 1100, which uses the Africa Twin engine,
18:31basically, and is a larger version of this bike in style.
18:35Both good bikes.
18:36I did get a bunch of questions about the other CBs, the CBR 500,
18:40the CB500F, and the CB500X.
18:43And people wanted to know which one I preferred.
18:46I would go with the CB500X because it suits me.
18:50I like the versatility.
18:51I've ridden it off-road and on little trails and stuff like that.
18:53And it's not an off-road bike, but it handles it pretty well.
18:56And I think it's a kind of an underrated motorcycle in general.
19:01The CB500F, though, is one of my sort of all-time favorite bikes
19:05to recommend for anyone who likes off-roading.
19:09Who wants something basic.
19:11I would recommend a CB500F above this.
19:15But if you like the style of this, I get it.
19:19It's stylish.
19:22All right.
19:24Time to ride a cruiser down a dirt path thingamajig.
19:27And no need to stop and shut off traction control.
19:32There's none of that happening.
19:35And here we go down our dirt road.
19:40And yeah, just enough power to spin it up.
19:43We got the big balloon tire.
19:44It's probably gonna be good for riding in the sand.
19:47No big deal.
19:48I mean, it's not so bad, actually.
19:50The suspension really, it's unrefined, but it's not bad considering.
19:56I think I'm more comfortable right now than I would be on a Harley 883 Iron or something.
20:03You know, typical Honda.
20:05It did pretty good work.
20:07It's not great, but it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
20:11All right.
20:11Speaking of as bad as I thought it would be.
20:13Jump time.
20:20I don't know if I'd recommend that.
20:22I don't think I would.
20:24It's not a dirt bike.
20:27It's not a jumper, everybody.
20:29But you know, mid controls, I can kind of get my butt off the seat a little bit.
20:32And that kind of thing.
20:36We survived, though.
20:37We survived.
20:39All right, we got a little straight stretch here.
20:40We can see if this thing will do a wheelie.
20:41I don't think it's going to be much of one.
20:45I hit the rev limiter eventually.
20:48That was a bad wheelie, though.
20:50Not bad, little guy.
20:52You done did it.
20:54If I could have grabbed second gear up near the balance point, I would have been better off.
20:57But I wasn't ready for that.
21:00Still, hot diggity dog.
21:03Rebel 500 wheelie.
21:06All right, can we back it in on the Rebel 500?
21:11A little bit, right?
21:13Just dump the clutch.
21:15ABS doesn't like you to do stuff like that.
21:20You know, not the safest thing to do.
21:23But you can get a little back in.
21:26And them cruiser tires made this little chirp, didn't they?
21:30That's kind of fun.
21:34All righty, kids.
21:35We survived another daily ride.
21:40It's time for a U-turn test on the old Rebel 500.
21:46We've only got two parking spaces.
21:48We think we're gonna be able to do it.
21:49It's a pretty agile little fella.
21:52I think we might be able to do it.
21:54Oh, two parking spaces is tight, though.
21:55And that person's right up on the line.
21:58I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
22:01Full lock, feet up.
22:04Oh, we're so close.
22:06Man, just over two parking spaces.
22:09You know, two and a little bit.
22:12That's not too bad.
22:13That's really not too bad at all.
22:15The other thing I didn't mention, actually, I just realized, is ground clearance.
22:18Which I never had an issue with.
22:20Never had an issue with.
22:22You can see, I can drag the pegs if I lean over.
22:25But it really is not that big a deal.
22:28Which is pretty good for a cruiser.
22:29You can swing through some twisties and not drag the pegs.
22:33All righty, and wouldn't you know it?
22:35We've got a little, a little sibling here to greet us.
22:40And we can compare these bikes a little bit in just a minute.
22:43Rebel 3 Hundo, everybody.
22:45Let's listen to this engine one more time.
22:50Yeah, like I said, it doesn't really do it for me.
22:52Doesn't blow my hair back as far as sound or feel.
22:55But certainly nothing wrong with it.
22:58Let's see, is the key in this guy?
23:00Chow is.
23:01So we can listen to this one, in case you're interested.
23:04A little single.
23:08Same engine as is in the CBR 300 and CRF 300L, et cetera.
23:16So there you go, a couple of Rebels.
23:21Things to keep in mind, differences between the two,
23:23is basically just the engine.
23:26Which means, and weight.
23:28So the Rebel 500, I told you 413 pounds on our scales.
23:32Rebel 300, 371 pounds on our scales.
23:36But ergonomics and fit wise, they're going to be basically identical.
23:41And last note, of course, is price.
23:44Which, 6,400 bucks for the Rebel 500.
23:474,700 bucks, I believe, for the Rebel 300.
23:53So yeah, a little less weight, a little less money.
23:57And yeah, I think there are a couple of questions
24:01regarding the two bikes in the Instagram question.
24:02So let's dive in to that.
24:07Before I forget, I want to mention,
24:09because I don't know if there's an Instagram question about this.
24:11And I did see a couple of questions about the Rebel 300 versus the 500.
24:16As far as which one to get.
24:17And I think the 500 is pretty unintimidating.
24:22It really, it doesn't do a lot to scare people off, I don't think.
24:27And I think if you're interested and you can't decide between the two,
24:31the 500 will allow you to have a slightly bigger radius.
24:34It has a little bit better get up and go.
24:36It'll cruise down the highway at 80 if you want it to.
24:38Whereas the 300 will be just tapped out going 80.
24:43And if it starts going uphill, it's going to be less than that.
24:46So I think the 500 leaves more room to grow into
24:49and will have you satisfied for a little bit longer.
24:53That's my take on it.
24:54But don't let me talk you out of the 300 for being a bad bike,
24:57especially if you don't care about traveling distances
25:00or at that kind of speed.
25:02But I don't know, that's just my inclination there for what it's worth.
25:07All right.
25:07First question is from Mr. Wolford, who asks,
25:11after riding the 500, how do you feel about the drivetrain
25:13being used in the upcoming scrambler platform, the CL500?
25:16Yes, I don't know a whole lot about the CL500.
25:19That as of this video being recorded, there isn't a whole lot of information out.
25:22But I'll say this, I'll reiterate what I said about the CBR500
25:27and the CB500X, CB500F.
25:29The engine will be good for that.
25:31It'll be fine.
25:31It's very versatile.
25:33It's a bowl of Cheerios, you know.
25:40It'll put some calories in your belly and it'll get you where you need to go.
25:44It's not wildly inspiring, I don't think.
25:48But as far as for a platform like that, like a little scrambler 500,
25:52I think it'll be perfectly good.
25:53And I hope that bike is cool.
25:56I think it has a lot of potential.
25:57Next question is from Jusifiguitilintili,
26:02who asks, most people look back fondly on their first bikes
26:05and wish they could have kept them.
26:07Will the Rebel elicit the same response?
26:09Good question.
26:10I like this question a lot.
26:11I think so.
26:12Like I said, I'm not inspired by the engine character particularly,
26:15but it's a great little bike.
26:18And it will deliver you to faraway places or nearby places.
26:24It looks great.
26:25It works well.
26:27It does all the things a motorcycle should do.
26:29And I think that if you had a Rebel 500 as your first bike,
26:31you would absolutely look back fondly on it.
26:34I don't think that you'd be missing out on a lot.
26:37So yeah, for sure.
26:38Next question is from Cousin Mike,
26:42who has thoughts on the Rebel 500 versus Royal Enfield INT 650.
26:46Yeah, yeah.
26:51A little bit apples and oranges, I think,
26:53in part because of the riding position and the style of the bike,
26:55but also because the INT 650 really is a retro looking and feeling bike.
27:04It really is a sort of a...
27:07It takes the Triumph Bonneville or Triumph Street Twin concept
27:11and goes a step further, I think.
27:14Whereas the Rebel 500 is a modern powertrain and a modern bike,
27:18and it just sort of has neoclassic looks.
27:21Personally, I'd go for the Royal Enfield INT 650
27:24because I really like the engine a lot in the INT 650,
27:29and I think the styling resonates with me more than the cruiser style of the Rebel,
27:35even though the Rebel's sharp looking.
27:38So I would go Royal Enfield.
27:39But, you know, I also live in Los Angeles,
27:43and I have access to lots of different things.
27:49Where I'm going with this is if your dealer network is,
27:51you know, if your closest Royal Enfield dealer is 850 miles away,
27:54and you have a Honda dealer close by,
27:56I think that would probably skew my decision a little bit, too.
28:00So something to keep in mind.
28:01And, of course, Hondas have an amazing reputation
28:04for dealer network and reliability and all that stuff,
28:06which should not be overlooked.
28:09Next question is from ColdStartsMoto,
28:11who asked,
28:11My dad is aging out of his big Harley Davidson because it's just too heavy.
28:16Is this the best downside for an aging rider who must, quote, keep it cruiser?
28:23Is it the best option?
28:25I don't know.
28:26I mean, it's certainly...
28:29I mean, you can go smaller, as we can see here.
28:31But I don't know that I would recommend that necessarily.
28:34Like I said, especially for an experienced rider,
28:35someone who's been riding a big Harley for a while,
28:37they just need something smaller.
28:38I think this would be a good route to go.
28:41I think there are other options.
28:44What are the other options?
28:45I guess we can talk through them.
28:46You got your Kawasaki Vulcan S.
28:47It's a little bit bigger engine, a little bit bigger bike.
28:50You got your Suzuki S40, right?
28:56The big, like, sort of 600 single that goes back to the mid-1800s.
29:00So that's another option.
29:02I think this is a good option.
29:06I don't know that I would...
29:10I don't know that your dad will be quite as inspired by this bike
29:16as he is maybe even an Indian Scout 60
29:21or something that's equally low
29:24and perhaps less intimidating than his big Harley,
29:26but still smaller.
29:28All that said,
29:30if you're after basically the least intimidating
29:34cruiser style bike that you can get,
29:36yeah, this has got to be near the top of the list.
29:38The last question is from CJJ15,
29:42who asks,
29:42what type of classic deli sandwich would you compare this bike to?
29:47Yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:48Well, so I think maybe a CB500F might be like a peanut butter and jelly.
29:58That it's just a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a classic.
30:01It's a, it'll do anything, you know,
30:03eat it for breakfast, eat it for dessert.
30:06I'm a huge fan of peanut butter and jellies
30:08and I'm a huge fan of the CB500F.
30:10This is a little more polarizing, I think.
30:15I would say this is ham and cheese on wheat with iceberg lettuce,
30:21tomato that's not quite ripe,
30:23and the cheese is provolone.
30:25So it's, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a classic.
30:28It's a go-to.
30:29It's, it's a solid deli sandwich,
30:33but it is, it, you know, you got,
30:35if you don't like ham,
30:36then you're, then you're not really going to be interested in it.
30:39And, and I'm, I'm a person who doesn't eat ham sandwiches
30:41because I don't really, I don't like ham.
30:43More of a, more of a turkey fellow myself.
30:45Point being, like I said, the cruiser style isn't something
30:49that I necessarily long for.
30:52And the being over six feet tall,
30:56the, the very compact riding position
30:58isn't something that I'm necessarily interested in.
31:01But could you, could you ever say that a ham and cheese sandwich
31:05is a bad option in a deli?
31:07Probably not.
31:08And I'd say that's the same for the Rebel 500
31:10and the Rebel 300 to a certain extent.
31:12All right, everybody.
31:13Thank you so much for your Instagram questions.
31:14I had a load of really, really good ones.
31:16I just had to pick a few there.
31:17Thank you so much.
31:18Keep them coming for future episodes.
31:20For now, let's put this Rebel 500 on the Daily Rider leaderboard.
31:26Hey, everybody.
31:26All right.
31:27Welcome inside Rebs of the West here.
31:30Last time, if you are an avid watcher,
31:33you'll remember that we had the Dumb and Dumber bike
31:38set to go to the Denver RevZilla store.
31:40Now we got the CT90 from Alaska
31:43and it is getting all crated up to go to the Brooklyn store.
31:50So if you're in and around New York City
31:53and you want to check out the CT90 in person,
31:57keep an eye out for the RevZilla store opening
31:59and, yeah, the display.
32:02It should be cool.
32:03More to the point.
32:03We're here at the Daily Rider leaderboard
32:05and we have got a Honda Rebel 500 to put on the board here.
32:09So as a friendly reminder,
32:10the top of the leaderboard here,
32:12we got a Touareg 660 from Aprilia,
32:14Suzuki GSX-S 1000 GT,
32:16Palouse and the Harley Panamerica,
32:18followed by Tiger Sports 660,
32:20MV Agusta and the BMW S1000RR.
32:23Down here, we got a Honda Navi and a ZeroFXE.
32:26Uh, so what do we, what do we, what do we think here?
32:29MV Agusta Turismo Veloce.
32:32Uh, 20-something thousand dollar,
32:34um, sport touring bike, basically.
32:37Uh, would I recommend a Rebel 500 instead of that bike?
32:40In some cases, yes.
32:42However, I often fall back on the sort of,
32:44if they're sitting next to each other in a garage,
32:46which one am I going to take?
32:47Uh, and is the Rebel 500 a smarter purchase?
32:51Yeah, probably.
32:53But is it more exciting, more dynamic,
32:56more fun, more capable, more advanced, more?
33:00No, it's not.
33:01Uh, so I don't think I'm going to put the Rebel 500 above that bike.
33:05Uh, BMW S1000RR, also not super comfortable.
33:10Same as the Rebel 500, not, not a ultra comfortable bike.
33:13But, uh, and the BMW S1000RR, of course,
33:17it's got a lot of technological features, you know?
33:21Uh, whereas the Rebel 500 doesn't have anything to offer, really.
33:24Uh, as far as technology,
33:25aside from ABS and turning gasoline into forward motion.
33:29So, it's a little tricky.
33:31Uh, ZeroFXE, all-electric bike?
33:36I loved it.
33:36I loved it!
33:37But no, Rebel 500 is better.
33:39S1000RR, also no.
33:42Rebel 500 is going to go above the S1000RR,
33:46um, because realistically, it is more approachable.
33:50It is a good, good daily rider.
33:53It's solid.
33:54As far as the, uh, the archive board here,
33:58I might recommend a Rebel 500 over an MT-03.
34:01I might do it.
34:02CBR 500?
34:03Ooh, maybe not.
34:05Indian FTR?
34:05Probably not.
34:07So, we're down in this neighborhood here, somewhere.
34:10Um, anyway, uh, a pretty good finish.
34:13A pretty good bike, as we learned today on the daily ride.
34:17Um, I really, I enjoyed it.
34:19And again, thank you so much for all your Instagram questions.
34:22Those were great.
34:23I had a lot of fun with them.
34:24Uh, and if you need a good, good solid ham and cheese,
34:28Look no further than the Rebel 500.
34:30Thanks again, everybody, for hanging out.
34:31Hope you learned something.
34:32Hope you had fun.
34:33See you next time on Daily Rider.
34:36The other thing you're going to want to keep in mind
34:37for any kind of distance travel is the seat,
34:40which, um, is not particularly plush.
34:44I mean, it's fine for what it is,
34:46but you saw the way it looked.
34:47It sort of looks like a little, uh, you know,
34:50overcooked piece of pasta sitting down there.
34:52A little cup of padding that sits on the notch of the...
34:58F***ing A.
34:58What am I talking about?
