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Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 4 Elliot Minds The Store Squeeze Makes A Promise


00:00Elliot minds the store.
00:07There. Putting the schedule up on the bulletin board sure will make things easier around here.
00:12That was a great idea, Stretch.
00:14Oh, well. It's no big deal, really.
00:18Of course it's not. Anybody could have come up with that.
00:22You didn't.
00:25Yeah, well, that's because I was too busy thinking up an even better way to organize the workshop.
00:31What if we took all the paperwork, put it on a clipboard, and put that up on a bulletin board, too, huh? Huh?
00:46I knew it was a great idea.
00:48Yeah, I guess you were right, Turner.
00:55Or maybe not.
00:58Now what are we going to do?
01:00Well, the first thing we have to do is get a stronger hook to hold up so many great new ideas.
01:06And you know what that means.
01:08Kelly's hardware store!
01:12Wait! Isn't today the day Kelly's having her super sale?
01:16Squeeze is right. It's probably going to be very busy in there today.
01:21Yeah, but Kelly asked us to come help her set up for the sale anyway.
01:24It was in the work schedule, remember?
01:26Oh, yeah. I remember.
01:29Then let's go!
01:31Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
01:39Hop, hop, jump in!
01:41Come on, let's go!
01:43Hop, hop, jump in!
01:45Si, vámonos!
01:47Hop, hop, jump in!
01:49Si, vámonos!
01:51Hop, hop, jump in!
01:53Don't move too slow!
01:54Keep up!
01:55Let's get to work!
01:57We wrap it up!
02:04Buenos dias, Mr. Lopart.
02:07Good day to you too, Manny.
02:13What are you doing, Mr. Lopart?
02:16Warming up.
02:17I want to make sure I'm the first one in the door at Kelly's super sale today.
02:22That way I can get the best bargains.
02:25Hey, that's where we're going.
02:27Uh, what?
02:29You're going there now?
02:31But the sale doesn't start until ten.
02:34Oh, don't worry, Mr. Lopart.
02:35We're not going to the sale.
02:37We're just going to help her set up.
02:39All right, then.
02:41Because, you know, nobody is going to beat me into that sale, Manny.
02:50You see that?
02:51Now I'll be totally prepared in case I'm attacked by a fire hydrant in the middle of that store.
03:04Hi, Kelly.
03:05Hi, Elliot.
03:06Hola, Manny.
03:07Hey, what up, dudes?
03:08I'll be with you in a second, Manny.
03:11All right, let's go over it one more time, Elliot.
03:14If someone asks for a part and you don't know where it is, what do you do?
03:19Um, uh, just one second.
03:23Um, it's coming to me.
03:28You look it up in the parts catalog, right?
03:32That's it.
03:34I knew it.
03:36Okay, then what do you do?
03:39That isn't enough?
03:42You've got to find the part and ring it up on the cash register, remember?
03:47Oh, yeah.
03:48I always forget that part.
03:51Elliot's going to help me with the sale.
03:55Uh, so what do you need us to help you with, Kelly?
03:58Let me show you.
03:59I spent all night getting it ready.
04:05Wow, it's beautiful.
04:08Squeeze is right.
04:09With a display like this, I'm sure your sale will be a big success.
04:12Thanks, Manny.
04:13Now, I just need to fasten it to the wall because it would be a big disaster if it fell.
04:20That shouldn't be a problem at all.
04:22Right, Tools?
04:23Psst, Manny.
04:24Don't forget about our bulletin board.
04:28Kelly, we were hoping to buy a part for our bulletin board.
04:31Oh, no problem.
04:32I was just going to grab a quick breakfast before the sale starts.
04:36But I'm sure Elliot could help you with that.
04:43Oh, man.
04:44I don't know.
04:45Oh, come on now, Elliot.
04:47You can do it.
04:49I mean, if it had to do with a skateboard or a set of drums or something, I understand.
04:54But this place?
04:56I don't think I can do it.
04:58You'll do fine, Elliot.
05:00Besides, with Manny as your first customer, how hard can it be?
05:05We'll be back before you know it.
05:06Bye, guys.
05:07Bye, Kelly.
05:13Uh, welcome to Kelly's hardware store.
05:19May I help you?
05:22Oh, see.
05:23The bulletin board in my workshop fell down today.
05:25So, we need to buy a stronger hook to hold it up.
05:29Um, maybe you should look for it in the parts catalog.
05:34Of course.
05:36A hook.
05:41Oh, here it is.
05:451130 Leaside Lane.
05:49I think that's the phone book, Elliot.
05:52Maybe you should look for it in the parts catalog.
05:55Maybe you should look for it in the parts catalog.
05:58Oh, right.
06:01That's a much better place to find them.
06:07Here, let me help you with that.
06:10I think you might find what you're looking for right about there.
06:16Oh, right.
06:17Here it is.
06:19Yeah, we've got them.
06:21Let me just go and get them from the stockroom.
06:23Uh, Elliot?
06:25I think the stockroom is that way.
06:30My bad.
06:31Be back in a second.
06:32Oh, brother.
06:34Give him time.
06:35Learning something new can be hard sometimes.
06:38Found them!
06:39Yeah, that's it.
06:40Good job, Elliot.
06:41Thanks, dude.
06:42Er, Manny.
06:44Well, thanks for coming by.
06:46And come back anytime to Kelly's Hardware Store.
06:49Aren't you going to ring it up on the cash register?
06:53Oh, no!
06:54I knew I forgot something.
06:56I'm so bad at this.
06:58It's tough, man.
06:59It's all right, Elliot.
07:01Everybody makes mistakes when they're learning something new.
07:04This, Manny?
07:05It's got a point.
07:07Well, the important thing is just to learn from them and be ready the next time.
07:13So, how much do I owe you?
07:18For a hook?
07:19Are you sure?
07:22My bad again.
07:24I read it wrong.
07:25It's actually just $5.
07:28Oh, no!
07:29Not my new shirt!
07:31Don't worry.
07:32I'll help you.
07:33I'm a hammer.
07:39Man, that's so much money!
07:41Yeah, I can't open the drawer.
07:43Looks like you're there to stay.
07:44I'm sorry.
07:45I'm sorry.
07:46I'm sorry.
07:47I'm sorry.
07:48I'm sorry.
07:49I'm sorry.
07:50I'm sorry.
07:51I'm sorry.
07:52I'm sorry.
07:53I'm sorry.
07:54I'm sorry.
07:55I'm sorry.
07:56Looks like you're there to stay.
07:57Hey, here.
07:58I got it.
08:05It's stuck.
08:06The important thing is not to panic.
08:09Even though that's exactly what we should do!
08:14I can get it out.
08:23We're okay.
08:25Elliot, are you alright?
08:27It's no use.
08:28I can't do this.
08:30I told you.
08:31If it's not a skateboard or a drum set,
08:34I'm completely useless.
08:37Don't be so tough on yourself, Elliot.
08:40You just need a little confidence.
08:44Yeah, Turner's right.
08:46You just have to believe in yourself.
08:48Well, how can I do that?
08:50It's easy.
08:52You just have to look like you're confident.
08:54Because if you look confident, you'll feel confident.
08:58And if you feel confident, you'll be confident.
09:02Try it!
09:04I don't know.
09:06Come on.
09:07Stand straight.
09:08No slouching.
09:11Doesn't that feel better?
09:13Now stick out that chest because you are the man.
09:22That's it.
09:23I quit.
09:24I can't believe one dude can mess up so much.
09:27You know, I've got an idea.
09:33I heard somewhere that if you do what you're good at,
09:36confidence is sure to follow.
09:39What was it you said you were good at?
09:42Skateboarding and playing drums.
09:45Then get that skateboard.
09:49I don't know if that's such a good idea, Stretch.
09:52Don't worry, Matty.
09:53I know just what I'm doing.
09:58All right.
09:59Now try standing on the skateboard.
10:02In the store?
10:04Kelly would be mad.
10:06It's just for a minute.
10:11Feel better?
10:12A little.
10:15Now try riding around a little.
10:18Stretch, maybe this isn't...
10:23How do you feel now?
10:26A lot better.
10:31Look out!
10:37You were right the whole time.
10:39I feel awesome.
10:46Oh no, no!
10:48I made things even worse.
10:50And Kelly's going to be back any minute.
10:52What am I going to do?
10:54Well, um...
10:56Tengo una idea.
10:58I've got an idea.
10:59You know, Elliot,
11:00the balance you showed on your skateboard
11:02might just come in handy in piecing that display back together.
11:06It could?
11:08And that drumming of yours,
11:09it's perfect for using a hammer like Pat.
11:12Wait, are you saying
11:13I could fix it before Kelly got back?
11:17Well, with a little help, I don't see why not.
11:19You just gotta believe in yourself.
11:24Let's get going and fix it right.
11:26Twist and turn.
11:27Make it tight.
11:29Trabajamos juntos.
11:31We work together now.
11:34Cut it, measure it.
11:35Tap it flat.
11:37Bend and twist.
11:38Just like that.
11:39Each of us has a special job.
11:42We work together.
11:44Todos juntos.
11:45We can fix it right.
11:49Muy bien, Elliot.
11:51Very good.
11:52You see, you have more talent than you thought you did.
11:58I'm back.
11:59Any problems while I was gone?
12:01Nothing I couldn't handle.
12:03With a little help from my friends.
12:07Oh, thank you, Elliot.
12:09You did a great job.
12:11Oh, it's almost time for the sale to begin.
12:13I better open the door.
12:16I told you I'd be first.
12:22I got it.
12:24Fixing mistakes is one thing I sure know how to do.
12:28Are you okay, Mr. Lopart?
12:30So what you gonna buy, Mr. Lopart?
12:32That was good, Mr. Lopart.
12:34Do it again.
12:35Ha, ha, ha.
12:40Squeeze makes a promise.
12:46Is it ready, Manny?
12:48Almost, Dusty.
12:50How many more pieces?
12:52Just three more pieces to go.
13:00The Handy Manny Express is ready to roll.
13:05Now who wants to push the go button?
13:07I do!
13:22What happened, Manny?
13:24I forgot to connect the new caboose I bought today.
13:27What's a caboose?
13:29The caboose is what you call the last car on the train.
13:32But where did I leave it?
13:35That's where I left the caboose.
13:37Vuelvo pronto. I'll be right back.
13:39I love Manny's new train set.
13:42Si, me gusta mucho. I like it a lot.
13:45Me, too. Me, too. Me.
13:52Run, Rusty, run!
13:55Corre, corre!
13:57Run, Rusty, run!
14:07Thanks, Manny.
14:09No hay problema, Rusty.
14:13Sorry, Manny.
14:15Está bien. It's okay.
14:17We'll have the train working again in no time.
14:23Hola. Handy Manny's Repair Shop.
14:25You break it...
14:26We fix it!
14:28This is Manny.
14:29Buenos tardes, Manny.
14:31Habla Senora Portillo.
14:33¿Cómo estás?
14:34Oh, good. Good afternoon to you, Mrs. Portillo.
14:37We're doing great.
14:38Is there something we can do for you today?
14:40Yes, Manny. Can you come by my house?
14:42I have a table with a broken leg.
14:44Do you think you can fix it?
14:46A broken table leg? No problem, Mrs. Portillo.
14:49We'll be right over.
14:50Gracias, Manny.
14:53But what about the train?
14:55We can work on the train when we get back from Mrs. Portillo's house.
15:00Okay, tools. We got a job to do.
15:03Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
15:11Hop, hop, jump in.
15:13Come on, let's go.
15:15Hop, hop, jump in.
15:17Sí, vámonos.
15:19Hop, hop, jump in.
15:21Don't walk too slow.
15:22Keep up.
15:23Let's get to work.
15:25Muy rápido.
15:33Hola, Mr. Lopart.
15:34Hello, Manny.
15:36Let me give you a hand with those.
15:38No, thanks, Manny. They're not as heavy as they look.
15:41Where are you off to today, Manny?
15:43Oh, we have to go to Mrs. Portillo's house to fix a broken table leg.
15:47But when we come back...
15:48We're going to fix our train.
15:50Train, huh?
15:52Well, if you like trains, you're going to love what's in this box.
16:02What is it?
16:04It's a lollipop.
16:07And it's also a train whistle.
16:18That's the strangest train whistle I've ever heard.
16:22Must be broken.
16:23I'll try another one.
16:29That's odd.
16:34These aren't candy train whistles.
16:37They're candy dog whistles.
16:40What's that?
16:43Oh, my!
16:44Come back here, Fluffy!
16:46See you later, Manny.
16:50Adios, Mr. Lopart.
17:03Hola. ¿Cómo estás, Manny?
17:06Hola, enemientes.
17:08Hola, señora Portillo.
17:13And hello to you, too, Carlos.
17:17Thanks for coming over so quickly, Manny.
17:20Let me show you the broken table.
17:24It's definitely broken.
17:26Do you think you can fix it, Manny?
17:28It's Maurice's favorite table.
17:30Who's Maurice?
17:32Maurice is my pet chameleon.
17:36No hay problema.
17:38Excelente, Manny.
17:40Maurice will be so happy.
17:42He loves that table
17:44because it sits by the front window
17:46and he gets to enjoy the warmth of the sun.
17:49Isn't that right, Maurice?
17:57I, uh, don't see anything.
18:01Maybe he stepped out for a walk.
18:04Maybe he stepped out for a sandwich.
18:06Yeah, looks pretty empty to me.
18:15You don't have to be afraid, Rusty.
18:18Chameleons can change colors
18:20to blend in with the things around them.
18:25Don't you worry, Maurice.
18:27We'll have your table fixed in no time.
18:30Right, Tooth?
18:31Right, Manny.
18:35Let's get going and fix it right.
18:38Twist and turn.
18:39Make it tight.
18:41Trabajamos juntos.
18:43We work together now.
18:46Cut and measure and tap and flap.
18:48Bend and twist.
18:50Just like that.
18:51Each of us has a special job.
18:53We work together.
18:55Todos juntos.
18:57We can fix it right.
19:00Es perfecto, Manny.
19:02It's perfect.
19:04Gracias, Manny.
19:05Gracias, Tools.
19:07Anytime, Mrs. Portillo.
19:10You're so cute.
19:12Come on, Tools.
19:13Let's get back to the shop
19:14so we can finish setting up the train.
19:18I think we're a tool short.
19:23Looks like someone found a new friend.
19:26Squeeze, time to go.
19:28Okay, Manny.
19:29Bye, Maurice.
19:31I'll miss you.
19:33Squeeze, would you like to take care of Maurice for the day?
19:41Carlos and I are going out of town
19:43for the day to visit my sister.
19:45And I think Maurice would love the company.
19:48Can I, Manny?
19:51I guess it would be okay.
19:56Now, Squeeze, you must promise me
19:59that you'll take good care of Maurice.
20:02And most important of all,
20:05make sure that his tank cover stays closed.
20:08Otherwise, he could get out.
20:10I promise.
20:15Manny, I think Maurice is hungry.
20:18Okay, Squeeze.
20:19You can give him some food.
20:21It's right next to the tank.
20:22Not too much, Squeeze.
20:24Okay, Manny.
20:39Hola, Handymanny's Repair Shop.
20:41You break it...
20:42We fix it!
20:44This is Manny.
20:45Hi, Manny.
20:46Hola, Kelly.
20:47What can we do for you?
20:49Well, actually, today it's what I can do for you.
20:52Can you come down to the hardware store?
20:54I have a surprise for you.
20:56A surprise?
20:57For me?
20:58A surprise?
20:59We love surprises.
21:01Si, yo amo sorpresas.
21:04Okay, Kelly.
21:05We'll be right there.
21:07Come on, Tools.
21:08We have to go to Kevin's.
21:22Hola, Manny.
21:23Hi, Tools.
21:24Hola, Kelly.
21:26What's the big surprise?
21:28Is it a bunch of red balloons?
21:31No, Squeeze.
21:33Here you go, Manny.
21:39These are the safety goggles I ordered last month.
21:42I promised that I'd call you as soon as they arrived, remember?
21:46Si, I remember. Gracias, Kelly.
21:48Oh, well.
21:49If there's one thing I'm good at, it's keeping a promise.
21:54Now, Squeeze, you must promise me that you'll take good care of Maurice.
21:59And most important of all, make sure that his tank cover stays closed.
22:05Otherwise, he could get out.
22:07I promise.
22:12Que pasa, Squeeze?
22:13What's wrong?
22:14I just remembered I forgot to close the cover on Maurice's tank.
22:19Oh, no.
22:20That means...
22:21Is a chameleon on the loose?
22:25A chameleon?
22:26Yeah, Maurice's Mrs. Portillo's pet chameleon.
22:29I promised to take care of him today.
22:32We better get back to the shop.
22:33Thanks again for the safety goggles, Kelly.
22:35Oh, my pleasure, Manny.
22:37Bye, Tools.
22:45Él no está aquí.
22:47He's not here.
22:48Okay, everyone, spread out.
22:50We gotta find Maurice.
23:05Okay, on three.
23:08Uno, dos, tres.
23:14I'm sorry.
23:15I was hiding.
23:16I'm afraid of chameleons.
23:20Hola, Manny.
23:21Hola, herramientas.
23:23Oh, hola, Mrs. Portillo.
23:26How was your visit with your sister?
23:28Just wonderful, Manny.
23:30She was feeling a little sick, so I brought her some chicken soup.
23:34Oh, that was very nice of you.
23:36Hot chicken soup feels really good when you're sick.
23:39Es verdad, Manny.
23:40Now, where is my sweet Maurice?
23:43I can't wait to see him.
23:50Mrs. Portillo, there's something I have to tell you.
23:55I was feeding Maurice and the foreman, and Kelly said she had a surprise, and...
24:00Well, I forgot to put Maurice's cover back on, and now he's escaped.
24:08Oh, dear.
24:09I'm sorry I broke my promise, Mrs. Portillo.
24:13I'm glad you told me the truth, Squiz, and I'm sure you didn't mean to leave Maurice's cover off.
24:22We'll keep looking for him, Mrs. Portillo.
24:24I'm sure he's hiding in the shop somewhere.
24:28Here, lizard, lizard.
24:38It's Maurice!
24:40He was there the whole time.
24:43Hello, my little Maurice.
24:45Did you have a fun day?
24:50See, Squiz, Maurice is fine.
24:53Oh, good.
24:56I'm sorry, Maurice.
24:58I'm sorry, Mrs. Portillo.
25:00I promise to never break a promise again.
25:03I promise.
25:04Gracias, Squiz.
