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Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu _ Episode 36 _ Season 3


01:30In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
02:00The history of Anatolia in the 13th century is a great story.
02:06A brave warrior's story written with the light of faith, justice, and love,
02:13who not only changed the fate of his tribe, but also the fate of the entire Islamic world with his steadfastness and courage.
02:22The family of Oghoz Turks, the Kayi tribe, was in search of a land where their descendants could ascend to the heavens.
02:31Kayi tribe's leader, Suleiman Shah's son, Ertugrul Ghazi, risked his life, wealth, and loved ones for the sake of Islam,
02:43and defeated the traitors and other enemies of Islam in the Salybian, Mongolian, and Seljuk empires.
02:55In 1280, after the death of Ertugrul, his son Usman conquered the great Ottoman Empire.
03:04Thus, this family of Oghoz Turks ruled for 600 years on three continents.
03:12This drama is famous for its serial, historical characters, and incidents.
03:42I am not aware of the attackers, but there was a Turkish archer who saved the soldiers from this attack.
03:59Our dear landlord will be killed tomorrow.
04:06He will break his dear friend Ertugrul's arms.
04:26Tell me one thing, you keep eating all the time.
04:29You are constantly killing your enemies.
04:31We called you a bear, but you are really turning into a bear.
04:45You will never be deceived by my face.
04:50You do not know how many stories, how many dreams are hidden in my great existence.
04:56Oh, what is the matter, Bamsi?
04:59Tell us so that we can also know, Bamsi brother.
05:03Do I have your permission, my dear brother?
05:08Permission granted, Bamsi.
05:11Thank you very much.
05:12My dear brothers, I will tell you a story.
05:15You will never ask me if this is a fact or a story.
05:18Okay, brothers?
05:19Okay, Bamsi brother.
05:20Thank you, my dear brothers.
05:22Now listen, once there was a man named Deli Dumrul, who was very brave.
05:29My dear brothers, that brave man was also very stubborn.
05:33But before all this, that brave man was as strong as a rock.
05:38He was so strong that he could shake the entire mountain with one hand.
05:43And he could break the rock with the blow of his sword.
05:50Listen to the rest, brothers.
05:51One day, he built a big bridge over a dried-up spring.
05:56What is the use of building a bridge over a dried-up spring, brother?
06:01My dear brothers, he was as intelligent as Dwanbhai in our tribe.
06:10Listen to the rest, brothers.
06:11Deli Dumrul built a bridge over a dried-up spring.
06:14And he took 30 coins from the one who used the bridge.
06:17And the one who did not use it, he forcefully took 40 coins from him.
06:23That is why people called him crazy.
06:25And no one had the courage to face him.
06:29Then, my dear brothers, suddenly one day, a man died in a nearby tribe.
06:34Everyone was crying there.
06:37And when this news reached Deli Dumrul's ears, he immediately went there.
06:42When he saw it, he asked people, who killed this brave man?
06:46People said that the time of the case was over.
06:49So Israel came and took his life.
06:52So, my dear brothers, crazy Deli Dumrul was very strong and powerful.
06:58But he was as intelligent as Dwanbhai in our tribe.
07:04He asked, who is Israel?
07:07How can he kill a man in our tribe?
07:10He raised both his hands and started praying to God.
07:13Oh my God, show Israel in front of me.
07:16So that I can fight with Israel.
07:19So that I can fight with Israel.
07:21So that I can bring back this man's life.
07:23He said these words and went back from there.
07:26He started walking.
07:27He kept walking and walking.
07:29And while walking, do you know who he suddenly saw?
07:39Now you tell me, who did he see?
07:43The angel of death.
07:54So, my dear brothers, when crazy Dumrul tried to attack Israel,
07:58he immediately threw him down.
08:01My dear brothers, as soon as he started capturing the soul of that crazy man,
08:06he immediately threw him down.
08:09At that moment, crazy Dumrul came to his senses and started praying to God.
08:13Let me go.
08:14Don't capture my soul.
08:17Then, my dear brothers, Israel answered him.
08:20He will give his life in the same way that someone else gives his life in his place.
08:29So, my dear brothers, crazy Dumrul immediately went to his mother and asked her,
08:34can she give her life for him?
08:36His mother did not answer.
08:38Then he went to his father, to his brothers.
08:40Everyone refused to listen to him.
08:43Then, my dear brothers, he understood everything.
08:46Now his time has come.
08:48And it is time to leave this world.
08:52Then he went to his house and told his wife,
08:55make a list of my debts.
08:57And told him the whole situation.
08:59Then his wife said,
09:01What is the use of living in this world without you?
09:04Tell Israel to come here and take my life in your place.
09:13Very good.
09:14My dear brothers, as soon as his wife said these words,
09:18Israel immediately appeared in front of him.
09:21As soon as he started capturing the soul of that woman,
09:24that crazy Dumrul could not stop himself.
09:27He fell on his knees.
09:29He raised his hands.
09:31And started praying to Allah.
09:33He said,
09:34O my Allah, if you want to take my life,
09:37then take our lives together.
09:42My dear brothers,
09:44Allah became very happy with this prayer of Dumrul.
09:49And Allah gave life to both of them.
09:53My dear brothers,
09:54wait a minute.
09:55First tell me,
09:56what did we learn from this story?
10:02If you cannot tell,
10:03then I will tell you.
10:06The thing is,
10:07my dear brothers,
10:08this story tells us that
10:10before dying,
10:12kill your soul.
10:16My dear brothers,
10:17before dying,
10:18kill your soul.
10:20My dear brothers,
10:21what is the value of our life?
10:23We should know this.
10:25When death comes,
10:27our swords and all our weapons become useless.
10:33Before we face Israel,
10:36we have to fight the devil and defeat him.
10:39We have to fight the devil and defeat him.
10:50Tell me one thing,
10:51Bamsi brother.
10:52If this is the case with you,
10:54then there is no woman who would give her life for you.
10:59Then what will you do?
11:12it is better if you come back to your senses.
11:15Otherwise, I will kill you.
11:40You scared me, Kutluja.
11:43What are you doing here,
11:44Aibu's wife?
11:46I am preparing food for Amir Sadateen.
11:50Last time when I saw you,
11:52you were preparing food for the late Tuktamish brother.
11:57May Allah have mercy on him.
11:59He was an innocent man.
12:03He was absolutely innocent.
12:06But those who poison him cannot be innocent.
12:10Those who poison him have been punished.
12:13Ural has taken revenge from Simon.
12:16May Allah protect our leader.
12:21If his helpers were not present in the tribe,
12:24he would never have been able to poison Tuktamish brother.
12:32Are you in a hurry to go to Dubai, woman?
12:36Jalpan Khatun is waiting for me.
12:41Then go to her.
12:43I will talk to you later.
12:46Amir Sadateen's house
13:04Fill this up, my brother.
13:07Thank you very much.
13:21Thank you very much, brother.
13:40Bouncy, what are you doing?
13:41Will you eat everything?
13:42Leave something for the landlord.
13:46Brother, do you think I was eating to satiate my hunger?
13:50I was just checking if there was any poison.
13:53What poison will affect you, my brother?
13:56No one, brother. I am a strong man.
14:01Duan, keep an eye on everyone in the market.
14:04Tell Aleko to welcome all the merchants who come to the party.
14:09No stranger should come in.
14:11Okay, my brother.
14:16You don't look well, brother.
14:18If you keep eating like this, you will become a buffalo.
14:21And Haleela Khatun will not even look at you.
14:27I am going from here.
14:29I am starving.
14:33God will ask you.
14:35I am going from here.
14:43Have you taken all the necessary precautions, brother?
14:45I have taken all the necessary precautions, brother.
14:48Today is a very important day for the people of the market and the neighborhood.
14:53There should be a good reception.
14:55You don't have to worry at all.
14:58I think Amir Sadateen must have found it difficult for the landlord to come here.
15:05And it is possible that he will try to create a rift between you and the Sultan, brother.
15:11We just need peace, brother Artuk.
15:15No matter what Amir Sadateen says to the Sultan.
15:19As long as we keep our unity and cooperation with the landlord,
15:24the Sultan will also be completely satisfied.
15:27That is enough for us.
15:30It is not a good omen for Amir Sadateen to stay in the Chavdar tribe for so many days, brother.
15:38The leaders of the devil have united at one place.
15:42Ural and Amir Sadateen will help each other in the conspiracy of discord.
15:47Let them do the conspiracies they want to do.
15:50Allah is enough for us.
15:52You are absolutely right, brother.
15:55May I come in, brother?
15:57May I come in, brother?
15:59Come in, Abdul Rahman.
16:08Your guests have arrived, brother.
16:27Come in.
16:37Chorpan Khatun, Khutrooja may be suspicious of me.
16:42He is asking about Dr. Mir again and again.
16:45Did you tell him anything?
16:46Not at all.
16:50Keep your mouth shut.
16:53You can go now.
16:57Chorpan Khatun, you have once again arranged for the best hospitality.
17:03May Allah bless you.
17:05Thank you very much, Baba.
17:08Come on, call everyone.
17:51Welcome, Helena.
17:53Thank you very much, Sultan Ali.
17:54Thank you, Mr. Ertugrul.
18:01Welcome, Commander Veselius.
18:14He is the brave soldier who saved my life.
18:18I am very grateful to you, young man.
18:20What is your name?
18:21My name is Bamsi, sir.
18:23Helena Khatun said a lot about me.
18:26Allah helped me and I saved her.
18:29That's all.
18:35Helena, we can sit somewhere else until the work is ready.
18:51Come with me.
19:22I am once again grateful to you for your hospitality.
19:26I am very happy to meet you again.
19:29I hope we will meet again, Inshallah.
19:32I want you to keep coming here to meet me.
19:35Yes, but now you will have to come alone to our feast.
19:42Next time you want to come, let me know.
19:45I will be waiting.
19:47Our soldiers will not let you have any trouble on your journey.
19:50And your father will be satisfied.
19:53Your soldiers are very brave.
19:55I have seen their bravery with my own eyes.
19:57Especially Mr. Bamsi.
19:59He risked his life to save my life.
20:04Bamsi is just like that.
20:06He is very brave.
20:09But don't be fooled by his looks.
20:12He is very kind at heart.
20:14You are absolutely right.
20:16He is very quiet.
20:17But he makes a lot of noise when he sees me.
20:24Bamsi, for the first time in his life, he is interested in a woman.
20:30He feels shy when he sees you.
20:33How can such a brave man be shy?
20:47Let's go.
21:32Jesus Christ said,
21:34I am the door of guidance for you.
21:37Before I came, everyone was robbing thieves.
21:40But no one believed him.
21:45Thieves only come to rob and kill.
21:48But my purpose of coming here is to tell the truth.
22:24May your soul rest in peace.
22:27My dear Ganesh.
22:29You supported me in every difficulty.
22:33You were very loyal.
22:39Here you are.
22:41In the name of God.
22:43In the name of God.
22:51In the name of God.
23:10In the name of God.
23:21Everyone knows the reason for my coming here.
23:26I want the safety of the Turk tribe.
23:31And you know that
23:33to ensure this safety,
23:36we will have to do some other blessed work.
23:38You are right.
23:40Blessed work brings peace.
23:43And the most blessed work is to establish a marriage.
23:48Because a marriage
23:50promotes closeness,
23:53and unity.
23:59I wish
24:01that this peace and tranquility
24:03should be established
24:05on this beautiful land.
24:06You are right.
24:08My dear Ganesh.
24:11We have been looking for this peace for a long time.
24:15I know.
24:17That is why I have decided that
24:21according to the words of God and His prophet,
24:27I ask you, Aslihan Khatun,
24:31to be my wife.
24:36Aslihan Khatun
24:38Aslihan Khatun
24:40Aslihan Khatun
24:42Aslihan Khatun
24:44Aslihan Khatun
24:46Aslihan Khatun
24:48Aslihan Khatun
24:50Aslihan Khatun
24:52Aslihan Khatun
24:54Aslihan Khatun
24:56Aslihan Khatun
24:58Aslihan Khatun
25:00Aslihan Khatun
25:02These are the arrows that Lutero used on your daughter
25:06during the murderous attack.
25:10He used the seal of the Kayi tribe
25:13and deliberately tried to abduct her from our tribe.
25:21We Turks use the wood of the Sanobar for our arrows.
25:25But not the wood of every tree of Sanobar.
25:28We choose the best wood.
25:31But the one who made these arrows used ordinary wood.
25:36For the preparation of our arrows,
25:39we specially use ready-made and shiny leather
25:42so that the pressure of the air does not change the direction of the arrows.
25:46But in these arrows,
25:48the wings of the birds are used, which are not found in our arrows.
25:58What do you want to say, Mr. Ertugrul?
26:02Cowards who destroy peace and tranquility,
26:05the Kayi are not even among the Turkic tribes.
26:29Even though you know that there are traitors among us,
26:33you are still saying this.
26:39The construction and construction of this arrow is not of the Turkish style.
26:44It is of the Byzantine style.
26:48In the eyes of this world, our best arrow style is also
26:52if you had made such arrows,
26:55instead of doing jihad in the way of Islam,
26:58we would have been forced to be slaves of the tribes, Commander Veselius.
27:06And today we are not in these areas,
27:10nor do we sit on this table and eat.
27:14Therefore, if there is a traitor,
27:18you will have to find him among your own people, Commander Veselius.
27:25Remember this.
27:26The son of Suleyman Shah, Ertugrul,
27:30will not sit in peace without beheading that traitor.
27:42Rest assured,
27:44it is my responsibility to find those traitors and punish them soon or later.
27:50And all of you,
27:51listen to this.
27:54The one who saved my daughter's life
27:58and to establish peace between the two governments,
28:02without worrying about his own life,
28:05the one who fights,
28:07this brave man,
28:09is my trustworthy and loyal friend from today.
28:19I swear that
28:21as long as I am alive,
28:24I will do everything I can to strengthen this friendship.
28:38I hope that Mr. Ertugrul has realized the importance of friendship.
28:50The son of Suleyman Shah, Ertugrul and his tribe
28:55have set traps,
28:59fought wars,
29:01and have reached your territories.
29:04This tribe
29:06knows the trouble of treachery
29:08and the relationship of friendship very well.
29:11They know the value
29:13and the value too.
29:15We are friends of friends.
29:19And enemies of enemies.
29:26The landowners of Karajasar
29:28are present here at our feast today.
29:33Everyone should know
29:35that from today,
29:37their friend is our friend
29:39and the enemy is our enemy.
29:44Therefore, in order to continue our friendship,
29:47I have paid off all the debts of Karajasar people.
30:09this is the promise of the son of Suleyman Shah, Ertugrul,
30:13that there is only one place for traitors,
30:20and that is hell.
30:42I dedicated my entire life
30:44to the kingdom
30:46and then
30:48to the tribe.
30:49Your Highness,
30:52I fought countless wars for the kingdom.
30:57If I could not be a martyr,
30:59I accepted the honor of being a Ghazi
31:01for my satisfaction.
31:06in these days,
31:08when my sword has become rusty,
31:11you have given me
31:13and my tribe
31:15that honor which I cannot describe in words.
31:19Certainly, this relationship will be a great honor for me.
31:28And, I am sure
31:30that it will also be a source of honor for my children.
31:36I want that
31:38my children also openly express their opinions on this matter.
31:44I am very happy that
31:45you have considered my dear wife worthy of you, Your Highness.
31:51This step of yours
31:53will prove to be beneficial for the unity of the tribe
31:56and also for the establishment of the kingdom.
32:03For a beautiful woman like Aslihan,
32:06this relationship is appropriate, Mr. Jandar.
32:08Mr. Jandar!
32:26Aslihan can tell you more about this, Baba.
32:29Aslihan dear,
32:32let us know your opinion on this matter.
32:43What do you think about the alliance of the Ameer-e-Hazrat?
32:46What do you think about the alliance of the Ameer-e-Hazrat?
33:17The Ameer-e-Hazrat has agreed to the alliance of the Ameer-e-Hazrat.
33:28By establishing the alliance
33:30and by increasing the trade,
33:32you have given the traitors a hard time.
33:35Thank you very much.
33:37Before returning to the fort,
33:39I would like to talk to the merchants.
33:41I would like to tell them that the trade will continue.
33:43In this way, both our friends and enemies will be at peace.
33:47That's a good idea.
33:50Let's go.
34:05Why don't you say something, dear?
34:09Tell us.
34:10Everyone is waiting to hear your answer.
34:26The offer of the Ameer-e-Hazrat
34:29is a source of respect for you.
34:32It is also a source of honor for me.
34:40Being the wife of the Ameer-e-Hazrat,
34:43who has taken care of the great responsibilities of the Sultanate
34:46in the palace of Sultan Alauddin,
34:49means that I will also be burdened with responsibilities.
34:56there is no such responsibility that you cannot fulfill.
35:00I have devoted my entire life to serving my brother.
35:04For the sake of my tribe,
35:07my father,
35:09for the sake of my brothers.
35:13I used to think that my bed is in the tent.
35:17I never thought that it would be in the rocky walls of the palace.
35:25I thought that when I have children,
35:27they will grow up in open fields like me.
35:32Not in the four walls of the palace.
35:41what are you saying?
35:48my daughter,
35:50what are you trying to say?
35:59If this is the decision of a Sardaar,
36:02then you will find me at your feet.
36:04But if you ask me my opinion,
36:08then I will say that
36:13for such a girl,
36:15Ameer-e-Sadateen himself should not have made such a proposal.
36:19The girl who has always
36:21preferred such a tribe where she has spent her childhood,
36:27I have never dreamt of a palace.
36:46it is evident from your words
36:49that you deserve to live in the palace, Aslihan.
36:57Give me some time, Sardaar.
37:01has made a proposal for me.
37:04I want to think about it.
37:06I want to think about it.
37:28Hey, merchants of the market!
37:31Listen carefully, merchants of the market!
37:37Listen carefully!
37:39Sardaar Ertugrul
37:41along with the landlord
37:43has started a business in the market
37:46for the convenience of the merchants.
37:49He is coming here himself
37:52to talk to you.
37:55Hey, merchants of the market!
38:01Sardaar Ertugrul
38:03along with the landlord
38:06has started a business in the market
38:09for the convenience of the merchants.
38:12He is coming here himself
38:14to talk to you
38:16and listen to your problems.
38:24Be happy, merchants of the market!
38:26Did you see this mountain bear, Samsa?
38:28He is so strong.
38:29By the grace of God,
38:36Long live, Sardaar Ertugrul!
38:45A benevolent asset in the trade market!
38:55Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:02Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:06Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:11Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:15The Jewish Muslim Orthodox want to say that we are very grateful to Brother Ertugrul.
39:22Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:26They have not only saved us from traitors, but also from robbers.
39:30Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:34They have helped us a lot.
39:36They have also ended illegal trade.
39:38Because of them, our trade has also improved.
39:40Peace, tranquility and justice have been established in our market.
39:43Long live the King! Long live the King!
39:49The merchants respect you a lot, Brother Ertugrul.
39:52It is my duty to distribute the wealth given by Allah with justice.
39:55This is the reason for my respect.
39:57Long live the King! Long live the King!
40:01Long live the King! Long live the King!
40:07Long live the King! Long live the King!
40:11Long live the King! Long live the King!
40:15Long live Ertugrul! Long live Ertugrul!
40:21Halima, I am very sorry to hear about your father and brother.
40:27There are traitors everywhere, Helena.
40:31I hope that Brother Ertugrul will find the traitors in our area and bring them to justice.
40:42Long live Ertugrul! Long live Ertugrul!
40:49Long live Ertugrul! Long live Ertugrul!
40:55Long live Ertugrul! Long live Ertugrul!
41:06Honorable merchants of Hanli Bazaar,
41:08I would like to inform you that the trade between Hanli Bazaar and Karajahisar has resumed.
41:16I have also issued orders for your convenience, so that you can get your money soon.
41:24Long live the King! Long live the King!
41:40The landlord is in trouble!
41:42The landlord is in trouble!
41:44Save your children!
41:46Turgut, there is the attacker!
41:48Soldiers, be alert!
41:50Hurry up!
41:54Run! Run!
41:56Run! Run!
41:58Save your children!
42:00What happened?
42:04Bring the horse!
42:06Keep an eye on all sides!
42:08The enemy should not escape!
42:10Go and find the killer!
42:12Save us!
42:14Save us!
42:16Close all the roads!
42:18I want that man here!
42:20Bamsi, quickly pick up the landlord and take him inside!
42:22Father! Father!
42:24For God's sake, help my father!
42:26Bamsi, pick him up!
42:28My son!
42:30Save my father!
42:34For God's sake, help my father!
42:36Move aside!
42:38Move aside!
42:40Move aside!
42:42I told you not to trust the enemies!
42:44But they didn't listen to me!
42:46Don't forget!
42:48This matter will not end so easily!
42:50Ertugrul, this incident happened in front of your market!
43:48Brother Turgut!
43:54He has gone that way!
43:56Follow me!
44:02Follow me, sir!
44:04Follow him, soldiers!
44:10Keep your head straight, landlord!
44:12You will be fine!
44:16Stay awake!
44:18Brother Artuk will not let anything happen to you!
44:20Father, nothing will happen to you!
44:31Your market, your inn, your guest.
44:36If you can't find that scoundrel,
44:39then in the eyes of the king, you will be responsible for it, Arturul Sardar.
44:49Since the day I came to your castle,
44:52the conspirators have been following me, you see.
44:56You always talk about sedition and conspiracies,
44:58but know that this market is the abode of sedition.
45:01Arturul Sardar, if that scoundrel is not caught today,
45:07then consider this market over.
45:12I will find that criminal very soon.
45:15But when I find the one who is behind this conspiracy,
45:19then remember that he will not even get a place in Tabar.
45:26Now it will be the job of this rich man,
45:31how to seduce his heart.
45:35My daughter,
45:38is entrusted to you.
45:42Oh God, what have you done, Arturul?
45:45You have ruined everything.
45:48Whatever your decision is,
45:51your brother is with you, remember that.
45:56Bamsi is with you.
45:59I am with you.
46:17I am with you.
