Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu | Episode 3 | Season 1

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Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu | Episode 3 | Season 1
01:53You have two days.
01:55If you don't return the prisoner,
01:57your end will be very bad.
02:06Sultan's most important man, Umar.
02:11Now the fire of revenge will burn all the Muslim states.
02:15Baba, get well soon.
02:17We will leave immediately.
02:20Even if the whole world is against us,
02:23we will never support a tyrant.
02:26To avenge your murder,
02:28I will shed the last drop of my blood.
02:30I will kill all those who took you away from me.
02:33I promise you.
02:35The Turks will pay dearly for your death.
02:50How are you?
02:51Is the pain lessened?
02:53I am fine, by the grace of God.
02:55You don't worry.
02:57It is the grace of God.
02:59Thank God.
03:01May God give you patience.
03:03If you need anything,
03:05let Yigit know.
03:07Mr. Ertugrul,
03:09Yigit has told me everything.
03:11You have done a favor by saving our lives.
03:15We owe you.
03:17Our elders have taught us this.
03:19There is no debt.
03:21You don't even know who we are and who they were.
03:25Helping someone unknowingly
03:27is the sign of a good man of God.
03:30May God forgive you.
03:32I am leaving.
03:34You take rest.
03:41Listen carefully.
03:44Listen to me carefully.
03:46We have to leave from here very soon.
03:49We have to arrange for a ride as soon as possible.
03:52But no one should know about this.
03:54Why? What happened, Baba?
03:55You are still not well.
03:57We have to go.
04:01there is no other way.
04:03We have to stay here for some more time.
04:06We have to cause harm to the Qa'i tribe.
04:14I am going to Astabal.
04:16Why don't you take rest for some time?
04:18You have just come back from Chirki.
04:20I have to see new horses in Astabal.
04:22I may have to go to Halab.
04:23You make arrangements for me to go.
04:25Okay, I will make all the arrangements.
04:28I want to know
04:30whether you have decided to go to Halab or not.
04:33Don't say that.
04:35Sit down.
04:38I suggested you to go to Halab.
04:40Who else will be sent besides me?
04:43That is true, but…
04:44What do you mean by but?
04:46Why are you troubling me early in the morning, Seljan?
04:48Okay, I don't trouble you.
04:49But I am worried
04:50that when you come to know that you are not going to Halab,
04:53you will be shocked.
04:55We should have high hopes.
04:57Who else will go besides me?
05:07are feeling sad because I am going away.
05:10I want you to give me good news
05:12when I come back.
05:16Okay, go and make arrangements for going to Astabal.
05:18I will make the necessary arrangements for you here.
05:21You will have to travel for a long time, Guntuktu.
05:27I know how to end your sadness.
05:29Brother, I need permission to come inside.
05:34Come, Hamza. Come.
05:37Is everything okay?
05:38Brother, Suleman Shah has called for you.
05:43It will be good news.
05:44It will be good news.
05:46Allah will help me.
05:53O Allah, help me.
06:07I have decided that
06:13will go to Ertugrul as our ambassador.
06:29I need to talk to you.
06:32I will meet you here.
06:34I need to talk to you.
06:37Wait here.
06:43make arrangements for the journey.
06:45Send news to Ilyas as well.
06:47He will also go with you.
07:04Hurry up!
07:05Hurry up!
07:06Hurry up!
07:07Hurry up, Guntuktu!
07:08Hurry up!
07:14I won!
07:15I won!
07:16No, I had reached first.
07:17I had crossed the line first.
07:18You are cheating.
07:19I reached the line first.
07:21Ask Aikiz.
07:22Who will Aikiz ask?
07:24I will ask.
07:25I will ask.
07:26I will ask.
07:27I will ask.
07:28I will ask.
07:29I will ask.
07:30I will ask.
07:31I will ask.
07:32I will ask.
07:33If I ask Aikis what she wants, she'll be on your side.
07:36Don't say that, Bamsi.
07:39Why would I lie?
07:42If you do that again, I'll break your head.
07:44If you have the guts, break it.
07:46You don't have the brains or the strength.
07:47You only have the arrogance.
07:48Yes, yes.
07:49I'll show you my strength.
07:50You have the guts?
07:51Come, fight me.
07:53Have you gone mad?
07:56What happened to Arturo?
07:59Salman Shah called him in the morning.
08:01Everything will be fine, God willing.
08:03Looks like we'll have to go hunting again.
08:05Hunting is such that the hunter himself wants to hunt.
08:16Get ready.
08:17We have to go to Aleppo.
08:21We're going to Aleppo, Bamsi.
08:26I was getting fat just sitting here.
08:30Inform Ilyas as well.
08:31He has to come with us.
08:51I advised you to go to Aleppo.
08:54I told you that Al-Aziz needs soldiers.
09:00Why did you do that, Baba?
09:11You think my decision is wrong.
09:15But remember,
09:16more than you,
09:17I know the sincerity of the situation,
09:19not you.
09:21Baba, if you knew the sincerity of the situation,
09:24none of this would have happened.
09:26The famine has destroyed everything.
09:29And this
09:31is because of your wrong decisions, Baba.
09:33Stay in your limits.
09:34You're old now, Baba.
09:35And this old age has become our weakness as well.
10:13Take your hands off me.
10:23Get your soldiers ready.
10:25You'll have to sit in Baba's place.
10:27Remember that.
10:28Tell me his name.
10:32The man who attacked.
11:12Do you also think that I should have sent Gundugdu?
11:19He has experience in this.
11:21He's lost his mind.
11:23He's burning in the fire of selfishness.
11:30And I know how to quench the fire.
11:39Listen to your inner voice.
11:41The responsibility of protecting your guests lies with the tribe.
11:45On their behalf,
11:46you have to achieve your goal without any worries.
11:50Don't return empty-handed from Aleppo.
11:53The responsibility of the tribe's honor lies with you.
11:56Your failure is the failure of the tribe.
12:00We have to get rid of Al-Aziz at any cost.
12:03Remember that.
12:05And for this, we are ready to make the biggest sacrifice.
12:09But remember,
12:10the honor of our religion and the deal of honor
12:13will not be accepted at any cost.
12:16Always keep your religion high.
12:19Show them that a true Muslim is a follower of his religion.
12:27May God bless you.
12:29You have honored me by electing me.
12:33Pray that I return victorious.
12:39What happened?
12:43Gundugdu, what are you doing?
12:49Come inside!
12:52Wake up!
12:58Get out!
12:59Get lost!
13:14What happened? Tell me.
13:18He's sending for Ardun.
13:22I told you...
13:23Shut up!
13:33Drink some water.
13:35Cool down your anger.
13:37What happened?
13:39He's sending for Ardun.
13:41Cool down your anger.
13:50I'm sure it's your mother's doing.
13:52I have to do something.
13:54I have to do something so they'll know who I am.
13:58You won't do anything like that.
14:00Think rationally, not emotionally.
14:02I don't want to do anything!
14:05I have a way.
14:07Prepare your own soldiers.
14:09When your useless brother returns from Aleppo,
14:12he'll realize his mistake.
14:15And you'll win.
14:17You'll have to sit in Baba's place.
14:25I'm scared of you leaving, Durgut.
14:28I feel like...
14:30I'm going to suffocate.
14:33Is this the first time I'm going to the sea?
14:36I don't know when we'll be one, Durgut.
14:39I feel like this distance will kill me.
14:41I'll be left waiting for happiness.
14:46May God protect you from every trouble.
14:50This is my prayer.
14:54Whenever there's hope that we'll be one,
14:56some trouble comes our way, Durgut.
15:03I promise you this.
15:06After I return from Aleppo,
15:09you'll be my bride.
15:12We'll have a grand wedding.
15:14Aikis and Durgut will become one
15:16and no one will be able to separate them.
15:19We'll have the most beautiful couple in the Kayi tribe.
15:23And all the women will rush to see you.
15:27I'm sure my Aikis will look so beautiful as a bride
15:30that everyone will be mesmerized.
15:40I heard about your brother's death.
15:42Believe me, I'm very sad, Titus.
15:44You can understand my pain, Elanora.
15:46Because the Muslims killed your father too.
15:51May God help you. May the journey be easy.
15:53Take care of yourself.
15:55I'll be back soon.
16:10The fire of vengeance in Titus' heart
16:12will prove to be very useful for our goal.
16:16Vengeance will be taken by Titus,
16:18and we'll benefit from it.
16:20You'll see, Elanora.
16:22This way, we'll get closer to our goal.
16:25The death of Bisol will prove to be very profitable.
16:30May God forgive Bisol.
16:39Let's go.
16:59After selling this gift,
17:01I think Suleiman Shah wants to rectify his mistake.
17:05He respects our rich soldiers.
17:09But I'm the only one who can solve your problem, Karadoglu.
17:13The time you've been given
17:15will be over by tomorrow morning, Karadoglu.
17:17And after that,
17:19the anger of the Seljuks will turn into hatred
17:22and will destroy your entire tribe.
17:25You'll also be a part of that destruction, Karadoglu.
17:28How dare you!
17:30I know very well that the Sultan is unaware of your actions.
17:33And your men are not worthy enough
17:35to free those prisoners from Suleiman Shah.
17:38You want a warlord for this task.
17:43And for this attack,
17:45you'll have to seek permission from the Sultan.
17:47What do you think?
17:49That the Sultan will grant you permission for this attack?
17:53Without his permission,
17:55you can't do anything, Karadoglu.
17:58But doing this is neither better for you
18:01nor will it prove to be better for us.
18:05I have a suggestion for you.
18:09I can accept your suggestion,
18:12but on one condition.
18:14If you tell me the name
18:20of the man who attacked you.
18:30Suleiman Shah's son,
18:44Bamsi, go on.
19:03So, you're leaving.
19:09Early in the morning for Aleppo.
19:14Are you ready?
19:17A soldier is always ready.
19:20That's right.
19:22Once you get used to it, everything becomes easy.
19:25But getting used to it can be difficult.
19:32I'll be back.
19:52Take care.
19:55My prayers are with you.
19:58May every difficulty be easy for you.
20:02May you go in peace and return in peace.
20:06May you be successful.
20:15I am hopeful for success and happiness for my people.
20:22Your father will be happy.
20:25And you?
20:31I must have left by now.
20:33What do you mean?
20:35Your father can't send you away
20:39until I return.
20:48I hope you have a safe journey.
20:51Take care.
20:54Take care.
21:04I suspect that the prisoner who is our guest... not a relative of Sultan Alauddin.
21:11You have nothing to do with this.
21:13I know.
21:15I have nothing to do with this.
21:17What do you want to say?
21:19Come to the point.
21:21You have to fulfill one of my conditions.
21:51I am leaving with the hope of getting you, Halima.
21:54May your journey be easy, Ardurul.
21:58I will definitely repay you for this favor.
22:02That's more like it.
22:34Just like Aikiz is my daughter...
22:37...Halima is also like my daughter.
22:41Don't worry about them.
22:46May God have mercy on us, Damir.
22:50All your problems are easy.
22:53You have trusted me...
22:55...and brought me closer to you.
22:58You have made me your companion.
23:02I am thankful.
23:04God will protect everyone.
23:07Halima is your trust.
23:09Don't worry.
23:11Go. May God protect you.
23:19May God protect you.
23:36Be happy.
23:38Always be safe.
23:41You have been entrusted with a heavy responsibility.
23:44You have to protect the Kayi tribe.
23:47Never bow down before a tyrant.
23:50May God make your journey easy.
24:05May God protect you.
24:17May God protect you.
24:47May God protect you.
24:49May God protect you.
24:51May God protect you.
25:16If you are leaving, you may never return.
25:19If you return, you may never find us.
25:22I am leaving with the hope of finding you, Halima.
25:25May your journey be easy, Ardurul.
25:49May God protect you.
26:19May God protect you.
26:39What did your father do to you?
26:43He gave the younger brother the authority over the elder brother.
26:49May God protect you.
27:19May God protect you.
27:39I knew you would come.
27:55I am not worried about those ordinary prisoners, Kara Toigar.
27:58They have escaped from your area.
28:01I am only looking for the person who dared to kill my brother.
28:10You look like an executioner to me.
28:12Be patient.
28:14Be careful.
28:15This executioner can kill you too.
28:19Are you going to vent your anger on me?
28:23A few tribes couldn't handle the music you sing.
28:30What do you want in return for that person's name?
28:33I am going to tell you a lot more than this.
28:38In fact, I can even hand that person over to you.
28:43It's not a problem for me.
28:45Because I can do this much favor to ease your pain.
28:51I will definitely pay you back for this ungrateful favor.
28:55This is...
29:01Suleiman Shah's son, Ardurul.
29:38Suleiman Shah's son, Ardurul
30:09Hi, girls.
30:11Come to me and listen to what I have to say.
30:15I'll be right back.
30:33When are you leaving?
30:36When are you leaving?
30:41After Baba gets well.
30:43Don't dream about it.
30:46A person likes his own place.
30:49If you have any shame, then go away from here.
30:53It's not a sign to ask a guest to leave.
30:56That's why no one is saying anything.
31:00You are the one who is suffering, Halima.
31:03You are the one who has healed your wounds.
31:05You gave me a place to hide my head.
31:07Will you pay me back for all these favors?
31:14As long as you are here,
31:17the people of the tribe will be in danger because of you.
31:21Go away from here.
31:43What did you tell him?
31:46What was necessary for him.
31:50Will you tell him what is necessary for him?
31:54I am thinking for the betterment of the tribe.
31:57His stay here is not only a threat to us.
32:03You are the daughter of a chief.
32:06You have no idea about your traditions.
32:12Use your brain, Saljan.
32:14Otherwise, you will regret it.
32:28What happened?
32:38We have to follow them.
32:57To be continued.
33:27To be continued.
33:57To be continued.
34:30Because this is my territory.
34:32I rule here.
34:34And in my territory,
34:36what I want will happen.
34:38If anyone finds out that I am involved with the Suleymanids,
34:43the game will be over.
34:45That man is the murderer of my brother, Bisol.
34:48I will capture him alive.
34:50I won't let him die so easily.
34:53That's how it should be, Titus.
34:56Torture him so much that he begs for his death.
35:03I convinced Kara Toigar, Chief.
35:05He said that we should host his prisoners until he recovers.
35:10Did you find out anything about him?
35:12I tried a lot to make him talk.
35:15But if he had come for them,
35:17then I think he is a very important prisoner.
35:20We should take full advantage of this opportunity.
35:24You had called me, Chief.
35:28You are tired from the journey.
35:30Go and rest, Karduglu.
35:32As you wish, Chief.
36:03Get me out of this wound, Kakoja.
36:06Allah will make it better.
36:09I think this wound will cause my death.
36:13I want to know every moment.
36:15As you wish, Chief.
37:01Baba, everything is ready.
37:05I have kept the food too.
37:08We will leave tonight.
37:10Don't worry at all.
37:12I have taken the necessary medicines from the doctor.
37:16Haleema, what happened to you?
37:18Why are you so worried?
37:20Allah will make everything better.
37:22Don't worry.
37:24When will that day come, Baba?
37:27How will we live?
37:41We should not despair of Allah's mercy.
37:45He is the one who has helped us till now.
37:51Everything will be back to normal.
37:54Everything will be back to normal?
37:58When will our prayers be answered?
38:04Baba, I am tired.
38:06How long will we run around like this?
38:10How long will we live like this?
38:12Won't we be at peace?
38:18Tell me, dear.
38:20What happened?
38:22The Lohars of the tribe have come.
38:24Deli Dehmeer.
38:26Bring them in.
38:30Peace be upon you.
38:32Peace be upon you.
38:34Sit down.
38:36Baba, Dehmeer has prepared a sword for you.
38:40The Lohars of the tribe are very good.
38:42They make excellent weapons.
38:44No, dear.
38:46I am just an ordinary Lohar.
38:48I have made this for you.
38:51Thank you very much.
38:52There is no need to thank me, dear.
38:54In the absence of Ertugrul,
38:56a weapon is very important for you.
38:59So that you can protect yourself.
39:01Accept my gift.
39:03I am working in my factory.
39:05But I have my eyes on your tent.
39:07Let me know if you need anything.
39:10Who can harm us?
39:17Listen, my daughter.
39:19Ertugrul is like a son to me.
39:21And that is why he has entrusted me with your safety.
39:36This is what I feared.
39:40Let's go.
40:02We have to go that way.
40:04Tell Ertugrul that the horses are tired.
40:06They should rest for a while.
40:08He won't stop.
40:09He is eager to return.
40:11If you have the courage,
40:12you can talk to him.
40:22Shall we rest for a while?
40:24The animals are tired.
40:26He is right.
40:27It would be better if we rest for a while.
40:32Okay, set up the tents here.
40:34We will leave before dawn.
40:36Duan, light the fire.
40:38As you wish, brother.
40:49We have to follow them.
41:08Let's go.
41:38Let's go.
42:08Let's go.
42:39Let's go.
42:53Peace be upon you.
42:55Peace be upon you too.
42:57What happened to this deer?
43:01It is badly injured.
43:03It seems that a hunter has attacked this innocent animal.
43:09I think I was the hunter.
43:14If you were the hunter,
43:16then you are a very stupid hunter.
43:22You are so innocent.
43:24God has given you a new life.
43:27God willing, you will recover soon.
43:30May God protect you.
43:32My prayers are with you.
43:34May God protect you.
43:36My prayers are with you.
43:55Asha, my child.
43:58Run away.
44:01Where will you go?
44:02We will go to Aleppo.
44:04You have to go back to where you came from.
44:12Where do you want to go, son?
44:15I am going to Aleppo.
44:16I see.
44:17Then you will have to be careful.
44:20There are beasts in the jungle and the air is foul.
44:24Don't get lost here.
44:32May I know your name?
44:49If you do anything in my area, it won't be good.
44:52Even if Sultan Alauddin finds out,
44:55he will be in trouble.
44:57I have complete faith in your ability.
44:59That is why I have chosen you for the most difficult mission.
45:03I am Andalusia Evenularabi.
45:10From which tribe are you, Ertugrul?
45:29To be continued...
45:59To be continued...
