Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1953) COMIC-STRIP TEASE

  • 29 minutes ago
The Charm and Wit of "Mr. and Mrs. North": A Look Back at the Classic TV Series

In the golden age of television, a show captured the hearts of America with its blend of mystery, comedy, and romance. "Mr. and Mrs. North" was a sophisticated series that brought to life the adventures of a married couple who found themselves embroiled in various crimes and capers, often solving them before the police could.

The episode "Comic-Strip Tease" is a prime example of the show's unique charm. In this episode, the Norths come to the aid of Mrs. Helsir, a store owner whose son has fallen in with the wrong crowd. With the help of their friend McCoy, a newspaper cartoonist, they cleverly integrate the boy's situation into a comic strip, using the power of storytelling to influence real-life events.

This episode, like many others in the series, showcases the Norths' quick wit and resourcefulness, as well as their deep compassion for those around them. It's a reminder of the timeless appeal of good storytelling and the impact that art can have on society.

"Mr. and Mrs. North" remains a testament to the era it was produced in, reflecting the values and aspirations of post-war America. It's a show that deserves to be revisited, not just for nostalgia's sake but for its quality content that still resonates today. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, there's something truly special about the adventures of Jerry and Pamela North that continues to entertain and inspire.

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Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30The New York neighborhoods contrast quickly.
00:49In a few short blocks, they change from mansion-lined boulevards to unkept streets with mangy tenements.
00:56Mr. and Mrs. North, for example, live in a pleasant Greenwich Village apartment on St. Ann's Place.
01:01But just around the corner, terror may reign when a group of young boys meet outside a small grocery store.
01:11What's up, Buck? You joining those Dodgers?
01:13Yeah. Gonna play ball with Mr. Stevenson.
01:18That kind of game playing ball with us.
01:22See what I mean?
01:23What's the matter? Didn't Stevenson come across?
01:25No. So we're gonna beat some brains into his head.
01:29With the bats?
01:30Sure. Cops catch us with these. Stop for batting practice.
01:36All out of that. Let's go.
01:51You forgot to leave our money with your clerk, Mr. Stevenson.
01:54I didn't forget. There isn't going to be any money.
01:59You rotten little...
02:17Come back. Please, come back.
02:19I'm never coming back. And don't call me Herman. My name is Herbert.
02:24Oh, Mrs. North, I beg your pardon.
02:26What was all that about?
02:27Oh, it was nothing. Please, come in.
02:34What can I do for you, Mrs. North?
02:36Well, I'd like a rubber band for a cat.
02:38For a cat?
02:39Well, actually, it's more than one cat. It's a whole tribe of cats. And so I made a catapult.
02:44A catapult? Cats, catapult. What a language.
02:50Well, actually, it isn't a catapult. It's more of a slingshot.
02:53A slingshot?
02:54Uh-huh. Here it is.
02:56Oh, now I know what you mean. We have this in the old country, too.
03:00The cats sharpen their claws on it.
03:03Oh, no. What you're thinking of is a scratch post.
03:06A scratch post.
03:08In the evening school, they didn't teach me anything like this.
03:12Maybe I won't never learn it.
03:14Oh, of course you will. You're doing fine. Everyone in the neighborhood is so proud of you.
03:18They are? Oh, Mrs. North, you cannot know what it means to come to this country, a stranger, and find the people so kind and good and helpful.
03:29If only my son.
03:31Oh, that's all right. He'll be all right. He's young.
03:34Oh, Herman is a good boy, but his friends, this gang, oh, they are bad. Very bad.
03:42Well, all children his age are a little wild.
03:45Oh, those boys are not wild. They are evil and rotten.
03:49They lie and steal and have secret meetings.
03:54And to them he wants to belong.
03:57Have you gone to the police?
03:58Oh, no, no. I'm afraid of the police.
04:02I couldn't go to the police.
04:04But these are different. They're here to help you.
04:07Oh, no, no. It was the police who took my husband away to Buchenwald.
04:13Have you ever heard of Buchenwald?
04:17Look at me, a woman who looks twice her age.
04:22Oh, excuse me, Mrs. North.
04:24Why don't you lie down and back for a while? I'll take care of the store.
04:28Thank you, Mrs. North.
04:33Oh, what can I do to help you?
04:36I want a greeting card.
04:37A greeting card? There must be some someplace.
04:40What do you call these?
04:41Oh, I knew we had some.
04:43Is this all you got?
04:45Oh, no. We have cigars, cigarettes, films, razor blades.
04:48Oh, no, I don't want any of that. I just want to get a card from my boss, the old go-to-sick.
04:52Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
04:53Sorry nothing. He'll outlive all of us.
04:55The gang at the office wanted me to pick out a get-well card.
04:58Well, we have some lovely ones.
05:01How's this?
05:03Our wish is sweet. Our wish is yummy.
05:05We hope you get well in your tummy.
05:07Oh, no, no good. It's not working on this tummy.
05:12Well, how about this one?
05:14Our song is happy and not at all dergery.
05:18We hope that you will come out of your surgery.
05:20That's good. I like it.
05:22How much?
05:23Shall we say a dollar?
05:25Well, you can say it, but I won't pay it.
05:28Oh, but that includes a condolence card as well, you know, just in case.
05:32Oh, say, that's a good idea. It would save me a second trip in case the old boy conked out.
05:37Here you go.
05:42You know, I think I'll send him the condolence card first.
05:51I made a sale.
05:52I heard. Thank you, Mrs. North.
05:54And Mrs. North, please do not say it to Herman when he brings tonight the paper.
05:59I won't. And don't you worry. Everything will work out just fine. You'll see.
06:03Oh, here's just what I want.
06:04For the cats?
06:05Yes. They meet every night under Jerry's window.
06:08Drives them crazy. They're so out of key.
06:11I hit them with this.
06:12Oh, you hurt them.
06:13Of course not. I use marshmallows.
06:16The cats love them. They pick them up and run away and eat them somewhere else.
06:20Oh, that's wonderful. I have to order some.
06:23Oh, do that. I use tons of them.
06:25Well, goodbye. I must be running along now.
06:32Tons of marshmallows.
06:37What a country.
06:47Jerry, I like your place.
06:49Oh, I'll kill that Pam.
06:51I'll kill her and give myself up. No jury would ever convict me.
06:54I think I'll put her in my comic strip. I'm running short of laughs.
06:59I want you to draw her hanging by the neck, falling over a cliff, turning over in a car.
07:04Well, it sounds good.
07:06What could have happened to her?
07:08First she loses her key. Then she borrows mine.
07:11Then she says she'll be home ahead of me, and now she's an hour and ten minutes late.
07:15How about a picture of her boiling in oil?
07:19Wonderful. In deep fat.
07:25Don't look now, but I think I detect a trim pair of ankles wending our way.
07:35Jerry North, and whoever your friend is, what are you doing here on the floor?
07:39I'll have you know, young lady, we collapsed from exhaustion waiting for you.
07:44Well, why didn't you sit inside? It's ever so much more comfortable.
07:48Did you hear what the little lady said?
07:50I did. Runniful acoustics here on the floor.
07:53The reason I didn't go inside is that we're locked out.
07:57You have the key. The key I gave to you when you lost yours.
08:00Oh, excuse me.
08:02Well, silly, why didn't you get the superintendent's key?
08:05Because that's the key I borrowed to lend to you.
08:08Jerry, I don't know why it is, but you always manage to make everything sound so complicated.
08:13Open this door.
08:14All right, you don't need to get huffy just because I'm a few minutes late.
08:17A few minutes? They've changed doormen twice since we got here.
08:33Wait a minute.
08:39Why didn't you look for it?
08:45He was sitting on it.
08:47Don't look at me. I'm a bachelor.
08:57Very commercial idea, Mac.
09:01Don't you, Pam?
09:02Don't I what?
09:04Don't you think a book based on Mac's comic strip would be a good idea?
09:08What comic strip?
09:10Where were you during dinner, dear?
09:12Sitting right across from you, darling.
09:15Stop that.
09:16But I'm just doing this for you.
09:18After all, you're the one who's annoyed by the cats. I feed like a top.
09:22The name is McCoy.
09:23And for your information, darling, he is the creator of Trip Henley Detective,
09:27the foremost newspaper comic strip in the country.
09:31Are you the real McCoy?
09:32Seems rather hard to believe, doesn't it?
09:35Why, you're famous.
09:36Everybody knows that cute Trip Henley.
09:39I must start reading it again.
09:41My wife is nothing if not the soul of diplomacy.
09:45Pam, will you please stop that for a minute?
09:47I'm trying to convince Mac that he should put Trip Henley into a book.
09:50Now, what do you think of the idea?
09:54Well, honestly, I don't think that children can pay three dollars for a book.
09:58Mrs. North,
10:00Trip Henley is read by millions of people daily from every walk of life.
10:03Why, both the man in the White House and the guy who sweeps off his steps
10:07make a grab for the paper every morning just to find out what Henley is up to.
10:11Children. Children.
10:13Why? Why?
10:15Gee whiz.
10:17Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
10:20All creative people are touchy though, aren't they?
10:22Well, I can't even touch Jerry.
10:24Since when?
10:26Oh, I'm sorry too, Mrs. North.
10:29I liked your dinner.
10:31My Elsa loved your brandy.
10:33Jerry, I can't go along with you on that book idea.
10:36Why not, Mac?
10:37Because I'm running out of ideas. That's why.
10:40I haven't got enough left of my strip.
10:42Much less for a book.
10:46Gee, what a hot marshmallow.
10:47That does it.
10:48Now, the police will probably be here any minute.
10:51No harm done. The apartment's dark.
10:52Oh, fine. You probably knocked out the lights and the tenant.
10:55Now, Pam, will you please stop trying to hit cats before they break down this door and arrest us all?
11:00Oh, Jerry, you're such an alarmist.
11:03I told you. They're here.
11:04Now, hide that thing.
11:14Good evening.
11:15Oh, Mrs. Houser.
11:16Come in, come in.
11:17No, no, please. I do not want to disturb.
11:20Here's your paper.
11:21But where's Herman? Why didn't he bring it?
11:23I do not know, Mrs. North.
11:24He didn't come home.
11:26Oh, I'm nearly out of my mind.
11:28He always said he wants to run away, and now he has done it.
11:32I'll never see him again.
11:34Oh, no, no. Of course you will.
11:36Herman's a good boy, and he loves you. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you.
11:39Yes, but these other boys.
11:41A hundred dollars they want from him to join the gang.
11:44A hundred dollars to become a thief like they are.
11:47But I won't give it to them, even if I have.
11:50Here, Mrs. Houser. Drink this.
11:52Oh, thank you.
11:58Oh, I'm intruding.
12:00You have a guest.
12:01Not at all. This is Mr. McCoy, Mrs. Houser.
12:04How do you do?
12:05How do you do?
12:06Mr. McCoy is a famous cartoonist.
12:08He draws Trip Henley, detective.
12:10Oh, I'm honored to meet you, sir.
12:13Even Herman loves Trip Henley.
12:16He reads it every day.
12:18You see, he's really a good boy.
12:20Now, what's all this about a hundred dollars?
12:23It's blackmail.
12:24Only because Herman is so anxious to belong.
12:28When we first came to this country, they laughed about him.
12:32At his clothing, his accent, everything.
12:35But now they say they'll accept him if he pays a hundred dollars to join.
12:40And if not?
12:41Then they say they'll take it anyway.
12:44Rob the store.
12:46And that I will do nothing because my son is part of the gang.
12:50Very neat.
12:52When do they threaten to do this?
12:54The only time where I have even near a hundred dollars is at the end of the month.
13:00If customers pay.
13:02That's three weeks from now.
13:04Jerry, there must be something we can do.
13:06Well, I'd call Wigand in on the case, but that would only get the kid in trouble.
13:11Listen, Jerry, I have a wonderful idea.
13:13Why doesn't Mac put this story in his comic strip?
13:17Well, Herman reads it every day.
13:18It would show him that people know what his gang is up to.
13:20It would be a warning.
13:21Oh, I don't know, Mrs. North.
13:23Sounds a little screwy.
13:25But you said you were running out of ideas.
13:27This gives you a chance to involve Trip Henley in something worthwhile, something true.
13:32I don't know.
13:34Might work out.
13:35Of course it will.
13:36Mrs. Helster and her son came to this country seeking shelter, seeking safety.
13:40We can't just stand by and do nothing while a bunch of teenage hoodlums get them into trouble.
13:46Mrs. North, my Elster thanks you.
13:49Well, come on.
13:50Let's get over to the store before the boy gets back.
13:52Mac will need background.
13:53Daddy's little helper.
13:56Come on, Mac.
14:08But you won't use my face.
14:10People would know me.
14:12My son would...
14:14Only in the last strip, honey.
14:16You know, for the big payoff.
14:19Got all you need, Mac?
14:21Wonderful face, Mrs. Helster.
14:23Makes me want to paint again.
14:25Don't you worry.
14:26Mr. Mac knows best.
14:27Who's the leader of this miniature mob, Mrs. Helsey?
14:30A boy called Monk.
14:31He's rotten and evil like a young storm trooper.
14:34Where does he hang out?
14:35They have their meetings in a little shack two blocks from here in an empty lot.
14:40I ought to get a peek at this Monk if I'm going to have him tangle with Trip Henley.
14:45I think I'll call him the Bandanda Bandit.
14:49When you finish up here, why not let's take a run over there, Mac?
14:53Do you mind if I borrow this camera and some film?
14:55Oh, you take anything you want, Mrs. Lewis.
14:59Where are you going, Pam?
15:00I'll be right back.
15:01So kind of you people to take all this trouble.
15:06Now you have to go.
15:08Please, quickly.
15:16Mother, where are you?
15:18Just here.
15:19Just locking up.
15:21Who are those people in the store?
15:24Just customers.
15:25Oh, my son.
15:26Why do you make for me such trouble?
15:33You don't know what trouble is, Mrs. Helsey.
15:45You don't know what trouble is.
16:16Hit me.
16:20How come you beat me all the time?
16:22I'm sharp, see.
16:23I'm sharp.
16:28Think the old lady's going to come across?
16:31She will when Monk gets through with her.
16:46What happened, Monk?
16:47Did you get it?
16:50Scared the wits out of her.
16:54She'll come across.
16:56What happens if she doesn't?
17:09I'll make her sorry she ever got out of the prison camp.
17:16What are you doing up there?
17:18Taking pictures.
17:20Well, get down off there.
17:23I didn't know there was anybody inside.
17:25Well, there's no need to be rude about it.
17:27Help me down.
17:28Get down the same way you got up.
17:31I will.
17:38I'm sorry.
17:39I'm sorry.
17:40I'm sorry.
17:41I'm sorry.
17:42I'm sorry.
17:44I'm sorry.
17:55Don't waste it on me, lady.
17:57Just hand over the camera.
17:59Oh, I certainly will not.
18:00Give me the camera.
18:14Here's your picture box, lady.
18:16Now, what's all this about?
18:18Well, it's really quite simple.
18:20You see, I'm on a committee that's working for slum clearance in this neighborhood.
18:25It's outrageous the way they've let it run down.
18:28We're going to build a playground.
18:30You know, to keep children like you off the streets and out of trouble.
18:33That's what I call a real noble idea.
18:36Ain't it, fellas?
18:38Now, listen to me.
18:39You tell your committee we like it like this, see?
18:42We don't want no playground.
18:44And stop snooping around here.
18:46Now, beat it.
18:50Oh, Herbert, anything wrong?
18:52No, Mrs. North.
18:53You know this screwball?
18:55I deliver her paper every night.
18:57Well, then why don't you go home and read it, huh?
19:00I think we were going to build a swimming pool.
19:08What'd your lady say?
19:10She... she says she doesn't have the money.
19:21Now, listen, you little punk.
19:23I want that money.
19:25You get me that money or I'll take that store and I'll throw it right in the street.
19:40See you in the funny paper, monk.
20:11What do you want?
20:13Hand over some money or I'll wreck the joint.
20:17And be quick about it.
20:21I'll fix you.
20:22Take that.
20:24This is what happens to all foolish kids who think they can beat the law.
20:29Come along, monk.
20:36Oh, that's wonderful, Mr. Mack.
20:38That ought to do it.
20:39When do you plan to break it?
20:40Tomorrow's evening edition.
20:42What if it works?
20:43It's got to.
20:44They plan to make good their trip tomorrow at midnight.
20:46You think monk will see it?
20:47Oh, he'll see it.
20:48I fixed it with Herman to deliver one to the shack for free, compliments of the slum clearance league.
20:53Oh, dear, you're wonderful.
21:00A dirty rat.
21:02Who tipped them off?
21:05No, I didn't do it.
21:06Then it must have been your mother.
21:08How could you?
21:09She doesn't know him.
21:10Is that your mother's face or isn't it?
21:12Well, if he thinks he's got me stuffed, he's got another thing coming.
21:16I'm going over to that store now.
21:25Listen, punk.
21:26You do as I tell you to and your mother won't get hurt.
21:29Come on, then.
21:30Act as if nothing's wrong.
21:31You're hurting my arm.
21:32How could worse than that if you make one wrong move?
21:36You see that?
21:38You can make a hole in the back of your head bigger than a basket.
21:41Remember that because I'm going to be right behind you.
21:45I figure you go around in front of the store and see the coast is clear.
21:48All right, come on.
22:15Who is he?
22:17I want to hurt him.
22:19It's me, Mother.
22:24My darling, I couldn't sleep.
22:35I'm worried, Jerry.
22:36There's no answer from Mrs. Helter at the store.
22:38She's probably asleep.
22:40But I told her I'd call and find out what effect the comic strip had on the boys.
22:43Don't you think we ought to go over there?
22:45We've got two hours yet before they make good their threat.
22:48Well, I'm uneasy.
22:49Well, now, don't tell me your woman's intuition is hinting at something wrong.
22:55I did it!
22:56The man, he was here in the store.
22:58Mrs. North took your picture.
23:00Let the whole world see how filthy and rotten you are.
23:05Let everybody who is good and kind see your dirty, evil face.
23:11You foreign scum.
23:17I want that money or I'll take it.
23:20I'm warning you for the last time.
23:22Where is it?
23:24I would rather be dead than see my son become like you.
23:32He's gone to the cops.
23:34No, he ain't.
23:35I know where he's gone.
23:37I'm warning you.
23:38You call the cops.
23:39You'll never see Herman alive again.
23:52Jerry, I'm terribly worried.
23:54Maybe we'd better get over there.
23:55Come on.
23:56Oh, Mrs. North.
23:57Mrs. North, he's going to kill my mother.
23:59Take it easy, son.
24:00Nothing like that's going to happen.
24:02But he is.
24:03It's all my fault.
24:04I just wanted to belong to the gang.
24:06I didn't know they were like that.
24:08Pam, give him some water.
24:09I'll call the police.
24:15Feeling better?
24:18Drop that.
24:19Drop that phone.
24:22You, turn around.
24:24Turn around!
24:27I said turn around!
24:32Jerry, I finally hit something and it wasn't even a cat.
24:35It was a rat.
24:36I cannot tell you how grateful I am to both of you.
24:42Pam, what are you doing over there?
24:44I'm picking out a card.
24:46For what?
24:47For Monk.
24:48I'm going to send a special delivery to his cell.
24:50I think this is appropriate.
24:52Bars, bars, everywhere.
24:54And not a drop to drink.
24:56Everybody's happy that you wound up in the clink.
24:59Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
25:02Everybody's happy that you wound up in the clink.
25:25Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
25:29A John W. Loveden production.
25:32Produced by Federal Telefilm.
25:35Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:37Featuring Francis DeSales.
25:52This has been a film presentation.
