Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1954) SUSPECTED

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Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1954) SUSPECTED

Step back in time to the bustling streets of New York City in 1954, where the charming and witty couple, Mr. and Mrs. North, are on a mission to solve crimes and outwit the police in their own sophisticated way. The episode "SUSPECTED" from the classic TV series "Mr. and Mrs. North" is a perfect blend of mystery and humor, featuring the dynamic duo, Richard Denning and Barbara Britton.

In this intriguing episode, Pam North's compassionate nature leads her to take in a woman who attempted suicide. This woman, once the paid companion of an elderly silent film star, finds herself entangled in a scandal, implicated by the tabloids in the death of the actress. The plot thickens as the late actress' playboy son enters the scene, unable to fathom the absence of his inheritance.

The episode "SUSPECTED" is a fascinating look at the societal norms and media influence of the 1950s, wrapped in a comedic drama that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It's a testament to the show's ability to tackle serious issues with a light-hearted approach, making "Mr. and Mrs. North" a beloved series of its time.

For those who appreciate the charm of vintage television, "SUSPECTED" is a must-watch. It's a window into the past, showcasing the style and storytelling of an era gone by. So, why not take a nostalgic trip with Mr. and Mrs. North? You can find the full episode available for viewing, ensuring a delightful experience for fans of classic TV mysteries.

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:20Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:40Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:50Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
04:10Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
04:20Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
04:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
04:40Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
04:50Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:10Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:20Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:40Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
05:50Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:10Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:20Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:40Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
06:50Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
07:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
07:11May I offer you a cigar?
07:13Oh, thank you.
07:14I'll smoke it after dinner.
07:16Be my guest.
07:19Since you've been away from the country and your mother for over ten years,
07:24there are a great many details you should know.
07:26Forget the details. How much do I get?
07:29Briefly, in as few words as possible.
07:33Briefly, then, you're broke.
07:37What did you say?
07:40I said you're broke. Bankrupt. Without funds.
07:44What are you trying to do, pull some kind of racket?
07:48If you wish to hire a competent accountant...
07:51The old girl was loaded. Where did it all go?
07:54By complying with your regular and exorbitant financial demands,
07:58your mother finally brought herself to the point where she died penniless and in debt.
08:01I'm not asking for a lecture.
08:03I don't believe you anyway.
08:05Nevertheless, it's true.
08:11The insurance. She always carried a large policy.
08:14That is true. There is a policy for $50,000.
08:17You are named as beneficiary.
08:19Well, why didn't you say so?
08:21One moment.
08:22The insurance company has refused to pay off.
08:25And it is highly doubtful if they ever will.
08:30What kind of swindle is this?
08:33In the event of death by suicide,
08:35and there is a strong presumption your mother took her own life,
08:38the policy is automatically void.
08:40But who said she killed herself?
08:43It would be difficult to prove otherwise,
08:45despite the innuendo as one of our leading tabloids.
08:58The necklace.
08:59The Dahlgren Diamonds. She never parted there.
09:01Where is it?
09:08That's the baby.
09:10Not quite.
09:11They're paste.
09:16Do you mean to tell me these aren't the Dahlgren Diamonds?
09:19I'm sorry.
09:20At some time exactly when, I don't know,
09:22your mother disposed of the original jewels
09:24and replaced them with this inexpensive replica.
09:30I'm overdue for dinner.
09:31Stop in at my office tomorrow morning.
09:33There are a few formalities.
09:39I'm rather curious.
09:41What do you intend to do?
09:43Do? What do you mean?
09:44Well, to my knowledge, you've never had a job.
09:46Never equipped yourself for anything.
09:48Going to work for the first time at your...
09:50Oh, get out!
09:53Good night.
09:59Oh, go away.
10:30Mr. Dahlgren.
10:31Oh, I don't want anything.
10:44You looking for trouble?
10:45Could be.
10:46That's good.
10:47I've got lots of it. Help yourself.
10:50How about a couple of samples?
10:54Money gone?
10:56No insurance?
10:57Want to commit suicide?
10:59Dahlgren Diamonds?
11:06What about the diamonds?
11:08That's a big joke.
11:09They're gone too.
11:10They're gone?
11:14Just those phonies left.
11:16Oh, money.
11:30Listen to me.
11:32You're too drunk to know what I'm talking about.
11:36So I'm drunk.
11:37You want to make something of it?
11:38Okay, okay, I apologize.
11:43Who the devil are you, anyway?
11:45I write a column for the Globe.
11:47We met at the airport, remember?
11:53Well, what's on your mind?
11:55I think you and I can do each other quite a bit of good, Mr. Dahlgren.
11:59First of all, what do you know about Carrie Foster?
12:07Who's she?
12:09Your mother's companion at the time of her death.
12:13I've had a wild hunch about this.
12:15Now with the Dahlgren Diamonds turning on face, the whole thing adds up.
12:19Your mother was murdered.
12:21Probably because she found out about those not being real.
12:26What did you say?
12:27Now listen to me carefully.
12:28I went back to the paper and I checked our files.
12:31Now I want to tell you about Carrie Foster.
12:33A sweet little old murderess.
12:56Look at this.
12:58Thank you for everything.
13:00Oh, Jerry, what are we going to do?
13:02Carrie still doesn't have any money and no place to go.
13:04Let's throw on some clothes and go after her.
13:06At this time of night, she shouldn't be too hard to find.
13:40There she is, Jerry, getting into that cab.
13:52Buddy, are you drunk or something?
13:53Take it easy.
13:54Nobody's drunk and nobody's hurt.
13:55You missed my friend Fender by that much.
13:57I missed her, didn't I?
13:58What are you so nervous about?
13:59With guys like you driving, I've got a right to be nervous.
14:02Hey, wait a minute, lady.
14:03What are you doing with my fare?
14:05We're taking her home with us.
14:06She won't need the cab.
14:08How do you like that?
14:10How do you like that?
14:11What's a guy like me supposed to do to make a living in this racket?
14:15Let's preserve your professional standing.
14:17Oh, yeah.
14:18I guess so.
14:20Hey, wait a minute.
14:21Wait a minute.
14:23Supposing the woman don't want to go with you.
14:25Maybe this is a snatch.
14:26Maybe I should call a cop.
14:27Why don't you do that?
14:28It's all right, driver.
14:29I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.
14:41All right, now, carry.
14:42Sit down.
14:44And remember, dear.
14:46We're your friends.
14:47We want to help you if we can.
14:49I have no right to impose on you.
14:51You've been wonderful, but...
14:52But what?
14:53There's something about me you should know.
14:56Something I should have told you.
14:58You don't have to tell us anything, Carrie.
15:00I've got to, Mr. North.
15:02Then maybe you'll see why it'll be better for you if I go now.
15:07Some years ago, well, before I worked for Adele Dahlgren,
15:11I worked as a companion for an old lady in Inlet.
15:14Her name was Mrs. Corey.
15:16And she lived in a little house just outside of Bridgeport.
15:20Well, one night, she was found...
15:26Well, that's a terrible thing, but I don't see how that...
15:29But don't you understand?
15:31Sooner or later, someone, possibly that reporter,
15:34is going to find out about Mrs. Corey.
15:36They're going to say that it isn't coincidence
15:38that people I work for die under peculiar circumstances.
15:42They'll call it a pattern.
15:45You've both been wonderful.
15:46I'll be all right now.
15:48Now, wait a minute.
15:50You haven't done anything wrong,
15:52and we're going to see to it that nobody pushes you around.
15:55But that newspaper, they'll...
15:57they'll smear your name all over the front page.
15:59Oh, hang the newspaper.
16:01We'll worry about that when we come to it.
16:08Keep ringing. This is urgent.
16:10Go away. I'm sleeping.
16:12Well, this should wake you up, Mr. Dahlgren.
16:14Seems you may be able to collect
16:16on an insurance policy of your mother's, after all.
16:18I told you I don't want to.
16:21I'm going to sleep.
16:23I'm going to sleep.
16:25I'm going to sleep.
16:27I'm going to sleep.
16:29I'm going to sleep.
16:31I'm going to sleep.
16:33I'm going to sleep.
16:35I'm going to sleep.
16:37I'm going to sleep.
16:40He hence the diamonds were a motive for murder.
16:42I'm coming right down to your office.
16:52Coming, coming.
16:58Well, my friends the press.
17:00It was a great story.
17:02Shall I get you a drink?
17:04Uh, thanks, but I think you'd better hear what Mr. Koster
17:06has to say before we start to celebrate.
17:07Mr. Coster?
17:08That's me.
17:08Mr. Coster is a jeweler and one of my constant readers who phoned me early this morning
17:12to let me know of a slight error in today's piece.
17:16Go ahead. This is Mrs. Dahlgren's son.
17:18About three years ago, Mr. Dahlgren,
17:20your mother came to my shop.
17:22She gave me the Dahlgren diamonds to sell.
17:25I did so, acting as her agent.
17:28She also commissioned me to make for her an imitation necklace,
17:33worth perhaps a few hundred dollars.
17:35This I did.
17:37That is the true story.
17:42Thanks, Mr. Coster. I'll be in touch with you.
17:44Do you wish me to make a statement?
17:46Later. I'll take care of it.
17:48Good day to you, Mr. Dahlgren.
17:51Boy, when I make a mistake, it's a beaut.
17:54Just think of it.
17:56Your mother dies under mysterious circumstances.
17:58Somebody very close to her snaffles her diamonds.
18:01I find a police report that her companion tried suicide right after the inquest.
18:05Would you mind telling me what all that adds up to?
18:07Shut up.
18:08All adds up to murder with a clear-cut motive
18:10and an obvious attempt to avoid punishment?
18:13Only it wasn't that at all.
18:15Edson, I said shut up!
18:19If Carrie Foster had succeeded in her suicide attempt,
18:23she would have been branded a murderess.
18:25Well, sure. I just finished telling you that. What's the...
18:27Well, I guess that's as close as I'll ever come
18:30to collecting out my mother's insurance.
18:34Still, I... I would like to have a chance to
18:38make all this up to Carrie,
18:39to let her know that I'm sorry she was given a bad time.
18:44Well, I guess that's understandable.
18:50A retraction in the paper isn't going to make you look very smart, is it?
18:54What are you driving at?
18:56Well, I just thought that it might be better all around if
18:59I had a chance to straighten this out quietly.
19:02Sure, that'd be a break for me, all right, but what about Coster?
19:04He's expecting to read a retraction in my column.
19:06I'll take care of Coster.
19:08I think I can convince him it's the best out for all concerned,
19:11to just let the whole matter die.
19:14Okay, it's worth a try, Whitney.
19:16Personally, I read Coster as one of those good citizens
19:18who'll hold out for a public statement from us.
19:22We'll see.
19:24I've got to go down to the attorney's office. I'll see you later.
19:32Mr. Dahlgren.
19:34Well, you locked my door, Mr. Dahlgren. Why?
19:37Just say I like privacy.
19:39Why? I can't have my door locked.
19:42I'm in business. My client's in business.
19:45I'm not in business.
19:47I'm in business.
19:49I'm in business.
19:51I'm in business.
19:53I'm in business.
19:55I'm in business.
19:57I'm in business.
19:59I'm in business.
20:01I'm in business. My customers won't know what to think.
20:23Yes, this is Carrie Foster.
20:30What? What was that?
20:32So, Miss Foster, if you will meet me and Mr. Coster at the attorney's office,
20:37we can clear your name at once.
20:40Excellent. I... We'll be waiting for you at Mr. Strauss' office.
20:52This is your popular music station, W.W.O.,
20:56and now we bring you five minutes of the latest news.
20:59Hey, Pam, kill that thing, will you?
21:02Kill what thing?
21:04The radio. I can stand music while I'm working,
21:07but that voice of doom newscaster is another matter.
21:10Police are investigating the brutal slaying of Jerome Coster,
21:13whose mutilated body was discovered within the hour.
21:16More work for poor Bill Wigan than the police.
21:20Jerome Coster?
21:22And Senator Honeycutt stated this morning
21:24that he would call his committee into immediate secession.
21:27Oh, no, we missed it.
21:29He did say Jerome Coster had been murdered.
21:31And Carrie told us that Jerome Coster was to be at that lawyer's office
21:35to meet with her and Whitney Dalgan.
21:37Oh, what was the name of... Strauss.
21:40What are you thinking, Jerry?
21:42We'd better get down to Mr. Strauss' office and see what's going on.
21:45I don't see how a dead man can clear Carrie's name.
22:23Miss Foster.
22:26I'm Whitney Dalgan.
22:28I wanted to catch you before you got to Strauss' office.
22:31You're in trouble, Miss Foster.
22:33Trouble? But I thought you said...
22:35I was wrong. This is a trap.
22:37When you go into that office, you'll find the police there waiting to arrest you.
22:40Come this way.
22:42I'm trying to help you.
22:47But I don't understand, Mr. Dalgan.
22:49The jeweler is waiting to identify you as the party
22:52for whom he made the paste replica of my mother's necklace.
22:55He'll try you for murder. And you'll be convicted.
22:58But that's ridiculous.
23:00I didn't kill your mother.
23:02And I don't know anything about her necklace or the jeweler.
23:05Police won't believe you. Remember, you tried to commit suicide.
23:08Then there was that other woman you worked for who died.
23:12Take me to the office. We'll see what they believe.
23:16All right.
23:18But remember, I tried to warn you.
23:28I guess Strauss' office must be down this way. Come on.
24:09It's gone. It's all gone.
24:11Money, the diamonds. Nothing left. Nothing.
24:14What'll I do?
24:16What'll I do? What can I do?
24:19Stop moaning, Dorban. You've got it made.
24:21Three meals a day, a roof over your head,
24:23and if you're lucky, a view of the river.
24:25From now on, the people of the state of New York
24:27are going to take care of your future. Come on.
24:33I know you're gonna miss her cooking.
24:35Oh, those cakes are...
24:37Your release is in the cab, Karen.
24:39I'm ready. But I do hope your friend Mr. Stewart
24:42will be satisfied with my work.
24:44Mr. Stewart's a darn good writer and one of my favorite people.
24:47And he certainly needs a good housekeeper.
24:49But remember, I warned you.
24:51I know. He's an old bachelor and a terrible wolf.
24:55Well, I'd better hurry.
24:57Goodbye, Karen.
25:05Women are the...
25:07Yes, dear? You were saying?
25:10The most wonderful.
25:14THE END
