Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1954) LOON LAKE

  • 20 minutes ago
The Enigmatic Charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North": A Look Back at "Loon Lake"

The 1950s were a golden era for television, birthing a genre that combined mystery, drama, and a touch of glamour. Among the gems of this era was "Mr. and Mrs. North," a show that brought sophistication and wit to the small screen. The series starred Richard Denning and Barbara Britton as a married couple living in New York City who, much to the chagrin of the police, had a knack for solving crimes before the professionals could crack the case.

One episode that stands out is "Loon Lake," which aired in 1954. This particular story follows a vicious counterfeiter who, after escaping from prison and undergoing plastic surgery to alter his appearance, hides out in a remote cabin. The twist? He lures the Norths to this secluded spot with the intention of killing them. It's a tale of suspense and danger, with the Norths unwittingly walking into a trap set by a desperate criminal.

The episode is a perfect example of the show's ability to blend tension with the domestic charm of the Norths' relationship. It showcases the era's storytelling style, where even the most perilous situations were infused with a certain elegance and poise. The chemistry between Denning and Britton is palpable, making viewers root for the couple not just to solve the mystery, but to survive.

"Loon Lake" is a testament to the enduring appeal of "Mr. and Mrs. North." The show may have been a product of its time, but its influence can be seen in the countless crime-solving duos that have graced our screens since. For fans of classic television, revisiting this episode is a delightful journey back to a time when wit was as important as the whodunit.

For those interested in experiencing this classic episode, it can be found on various video platforms, allowing a new generation to discover the charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North" . So, why not take a trip down memory lane and immerse yourself in the suspenseful yet stylish world of "Loon Lake"? It's a piece of television history that continues to captivate audiences, proving that some stories truly are timeless.

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:00Hold it right there.
02:26Get your hands up.
02:32Matt, are you okay?
02:34Good enough.
02:35Where's the car?
02:36Around the side.
02:37All right, let's go.
02:38All right, turn around.
02:53Police dragnets have been set up throughout the Midwest
02:55as the hunt for Matthias Weber continues.
02:57The search for Matthias Weber is now in its fifth day
03:00with no sign of the escaped convict.
03:02Pennsylvania State Police have joined in the manhunt,
03:04although it is still believed that Weber is hiding out somewhere in the Midwest.
03:23There's a car coming, Doc.
03:42What's that for?
03:44We need a car, so I'm going to get me a car.
03:47Why don't you use your head for a change?
03:49We're murderers in distress.
03:51We can get help without a gun.
03:52Well, this is just in case we run into trouble.
03:55Look, we can't afford trouble.
03:57Put it back.
04:00Are you trying to tell me what to do?
04:02Just saying what Matt would say.
04:04Put the gun back in the car.
04:31Need any help?
04:32Sure could use some.
04:34I got a tow chain in the trunk.
04:36I'll get it.
04:37Thanks, French.
04:40That looks like a short pull ought to do it.
05:03He's fastened the chain to the car.
05:17We could use some help, too, you know.
05:19Hmm? Why?
05:21We're lost.
05:22In fact, I think we've been lost ever since we turned off the main road two hours ago.
05:26Nonsense. Charlie's fishing lodge must be around here somewhere.
05:30Well, I don't know.
05:32Of course, we might have passed the turnoff back there.
05:36I'll ask him.
05:37Good. I don't want to spend the night in the car.
05:40I want to be indoors somewhere.
05:42Any place that's nice and cozy will be fine.
05:46Overcivilized. That's your trouble.
05:49Take it away.
06:09Thanks a million.
06:10Don't mention it.
06:11Say, I wonder, would you happen to be able to tell us how we can get to Charlie Devlin's place on Loon Lake?
06:18Never been there before, and we kind of got lost.
06:20I'll tell you what. Suppose you follow me. That'll be best.
06:23Oh, if you're sure it wouldn't be too much trouble.
06:25No, not a bit. One good turn deserves another.
06:29Nice guy.
06:41Is this Devlin's Lodge?
06:43No, this is Tomahawk Lodge, my place.
06:45It's too late to go hunting for Devlins.
06:47We'll have something to eat, find a place for you two to sleep, and drop you off at Devlin's in the morning.
06:51Oh, I thought you...
06:52Oh, not another word. It's all settled.
07:04This is Mrs. Wilson. Her husband's an invalid.
07:07I'm Dr. Randall, Mr. Wilson's physician, and Clay here is his chauffeur.
07:11I'm Jerry North, and this is my wife, Pam.
07:14Hi. How do you do? I do hope it won't be too much trouble.
07:20It's all right, isn't it, Bonnie?
07:23Sure, Doc.
07:24Yeah, sure, Doc. Whatever you say, Doc.
07:28Here. Take this up to your boss.
07:32I'll get you some supper.
07:34May I help?
07:35Oh, it won't take long. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.
07:38Oh, fine.
07:42Been out hunting?
07:44Yeah, I tracked for some quail. No luck, though.
07:46Say, you must be quite a shot, Doc, hunting quail with a rifle and in a bad light at that.
07:53He wants you upstairs.
07:55If you'll excuse me, my patient.
08:09Why'd you bring them here?
08:11Because I think we can use their car, man.
08:13We got a car, and I'll do all the thinking, Doctor.
08:17Why'd you pick up that paper in town?
08:19The police have our car pegged. We couldn't drive 20 miles without being picked up.
08:22Well, maybe so. But why'd you bring the people here?
08:25I told you, for their car. Nobody's looking for it. It seems to be in good shape.
08:29We can use it for the getaway.
08:31What do we do with the man and his wife?
08:34I'll figure out something when the time comes.
08:36No, Doctor. I'll think of something, and in my own good time. Understand?
08:43Yeah, Matt, sure. You're the boss.
08:47Don't forget it.
08:50Oh, Doc.
08:52Yeah, Matt?
08:53I dropped a cigar butt. Pick it up.
09:03That's nice. I like you to keep this place real neat.
09:37What's the matter?
09:39I've had about as much of him as I can take.
09:46Let me see if I can't help with dinner.
09:48Very good.
09:57What's the matter? Don't they need any help?
09:59Well, offhand, I'd say they're doing very well by themselves.
10:04You can sit down. I'll get some more plates.
10:08Are we going to wait for the others?
10:09No, Mr. Wilson's confined to his room. It's for Claire.
10:20Help yourselves.
10:23I don't guarantee nothing. Cooking isn't one of my strong points.
10:26I'll say it ain't.
10:27Who asked you?
10:28Shut up and pass this stuff over here.
10:29I'll pass it. I'll bounce it right off your thick head.
10:31Listen, you.
10:32Now, sit down, both of you.
10:35Since when did you start giving the orders around here?
10:40Now, look, Claire, I told you to sit down. I'm not going to tell you again.
10:44Okay, Doc. Okay, for now.
10:47Well, I think we'd better be running along.
10:49It's been awfully nice. Goodbye.
10:51Now, wait a minute.
10:52Let him go.
10:58Thanks again.
11:02What did you say?
11:04Let him go.
11:06I didn't say it. He did.
11:12What's the matter?
11:13Won't start.
11:17How very unfortunate.
11:35The rotor's missing from the distributor.
11:38The rotor?
11:39Why would anybody want a thing like that, huh?
11:42You should know. You're the one who took it.
11:47I haven't got it. Come on, search me.
11:49Go ahead.
11:59Looks like he's out cold, lady.
12:01Let's see if we can't snap him out of it, huh?
12:05How would you know?
12:08You coward. You wouldn't hit him if he was facing you.
12:12Come on, let her go.
12:13Are you kidding?
12:14I wouldn't scratch my eyes out.
12:15I wouldn't, too.
12:16You see what I mean?
12:17Bonnie. Bonnie, I'll take her in the car.
12:18Come on, Mr. Smith. Don't give me any trouble.
12:20Come on, give me a hand with him.
12:27Where should we take him, Doc?
12:28I'll put him in my room. He'll be safe there.
12:58Where'd you learn to throw that left, Doc? In medical school?
13:00Come on, get him upstairs.
13:12Yeah, what do you want?
13:13Don't just stand there. Come here.
13:27What's the matter, Doc? You look sick.
13:29Maybe you ought to take some of your own medicine, huh?
13:31Get out.
13:49Jerry. Jerry!
13:56Oh, darling, are you all right?
13:59I was so frightened.
14:03I feel like I tangled with a runaway locomotive.
14:08What happened? Was it Clay?
14:14Where are we now?
14:16We're locked up in Dr. Randall's room.
14:20Who was that?
14:23Loon, I think.
14:26We've got to get out of here, stumbly.
14:29Jerry, help me.
14:30We can make a rope out of the bedding and toss it out the window.
14:36That won't work, Pam. Come here.
14:41Over there by that big tree, the moonlight's reflecting from his gun.
14:46Oh, Jerry, what are we going to do?
14:49I'll think of something.
14:51I just can't figure this out.
14:53These people, what are they doing here?
14:55Why are they keeping us locked up?
14:57I don't know.
14:59Do you suppose...
15:05Do you hear that?
15:09What is it?
15:11Maybe I'm going crazy, but it sounds like a printing press.
15:15A small hand job.
15:17A printing press?
15:19Oh, I give up.
15:24Jerry, look at this.
15:26It's a story about a jailbreak.
15:29King of counterfeiters, still at large.
15:31What's that got to do...
15:33Did you say counterfeiters?
15:36Yes, people that hide out with printing presses.
15:39Matthias Weber.
15:41He is the professor.
15:43Says he's considered a genius at engraving and printing.
15:47The police warn he's a very dangerous man.
15:50The car sounds like the one downstairs.
15:52Let me look at that.
15:53Picture on page two.
15:58What do you think?
16:00It could be.
16:01It's a face that'll be hard to forget.
16:04Well, it's not clay.
16:05It isn't the doctor, that's for certain.
16:09That leaves Mr. Wilson, the invisible invalid.
16:14Mrs. Wilson is hardly the conventional type.
16:19Well, she and Doc have more than a casual interest in each other.
16:22Did you notice that?
16:28Well, guess we might as well wait and see what happens.
16:38We better go down and get ready to move fast.
16:54Watch your step.
16:59All right, back up there.
17:04All right, Clay.
17:05You stay out of this.
17:08You tired of living, Doc?
17:10Hold it, or I'll blow your head off.
17:13All right, that's enough.
17:24Tie him up.
17:26All right, get over here.
17:39You should be upstairs, Matt, taking it easy.
17:42Why do you take over, Doc?
17:44I'm just talking as your physician.
17:46Well, my physician.
17:48A quack that couldn't even make the grade in a mail-order medical school.
17:51Some doctor.
17:52He fixed your face for you, didn't he, Matt?
17:54Shut up.
17:55Go in the kitchen and get me some coffee.
17:57Tell me, Doctor, in your professional opinion,
18:01when can I get a look at what's underneath these bandages?
18:03Today, tomorrow, when?
18:04I told you, Matt, there's too much danger of infection.
18:07That operation wasn't performed under what you'd call ideal conditions.
18:10All right, don't give me more of that mumbo-jumbo.
18:13Yeah, Matt?
18:14Hurry up with the coffee.
18:21Right away, Matt.
18:24Now, why were you holding a gun on Clay?
18:26He wanted to kill North.
18:27I had to stop him.
18:30You, uh, you figure we can let him live.
18:33Well, I thought we could use him as a hostage.
18:34He's got plenty of...
18:35Clay was right.
18:36We gotta get rid of him.
18:39The other boss man.
18:42That's right.
18:43But you seem to have trouble remembering it.
18:47It's dusty wheat.
18:48Don't you know how I like it?
18:49You were yelling at me to hurry.
18:50I thought you...
18:51You thought?
18:52Now, when did you start thinking?
18:53Now, take that stuff out there and make it strong.
18:55Do you understand?
19:04The newspaper certainly made something out of nothing, Professor.
19:10Just what are you talking about, Professor?
19:14The king of counterfeiters, the genius.
19:16That's a laugh.
19:18Shut up.
19:19You're really just another mug like your boy here.
19:22Doc's the only one with any brains around here,
19:24and he's the one that's going to wind up with the jackpot.
19:27Jerry, be careful.
19:28I told you to shut up.
19:29Sit down, Clay.
19:30Sit down.
19:36Now, I call the turns.
19:38I'm the head man around here.
19:40I got the game figured out before you
19:43or anybody else even starts playing.
19:46So you say.
19:47I say Doc wins it all.
19:49And if you're very lucky,
19:51you may even wind up with your old cell back.
19:53He's stolen for time, Matt.
19:54Don't listen to him.
19:55Oh, changing your tune now, Doc?
19:58Why don't you take a look at his handiwork, Webber?
20:01Why don't you take a look at what's under those bandages?
20:04You got the answer to that, Matt.
20:06You don't want any infection.
20:08Bonnie wants me to do the operation.
20:09You trust her, don't you?
20:11No, not with you around.
20:13Get her in here, Clay.
20:30Come on, Matt wants you.
20:32Oh, you're not taking her word for it.
20:34She and Doc are close, too close.
20:36You just said so yourself.
20:38Go on, Matt, shut him up.
20:39You'd like to shut me up, wouldn't you, Doc?
20:42What's the matter, Webber?
20:44You afraid to see what's under those bandages?
20:46You afraid to find out you've been played for a sucker?
21:02Right there's where you stay, Doc.
21:31How do you like it, sucker?
21:34You win, Doc.
21:35What do you want?
21:37And I'm taking it.
21:38The plates you engraved, the bills you ran off.
21:41Bonnie, the works.
21:44Get the stuff, Bonnie, let's get out of here.
21:46But if you let him live, he...
21:48I want him to live.
21:49I want him to walk around with that brand I put on him.
21:52Get the stuff.
21:55I'll give you a run for your money, Matt.
21:59I'll give you a run for your money, Matt.
22:01You can have his car.
22:03See how long you last before they pick you up.
22:15So long, Matt.
22:19Goodbye, Doctor.
22:22Clay, did you take care of their car, did you?
22:38You were a good man, Clay.
22:43Well, who's top dog now?
22:47Sure, I made some mistakes.
22:50This, for example.
22:52But the mistakes I make aren't the fatal ones.
22:57Hey, you don't seem so talkative now.
23:02Well, it's just as well.
23:04That explosion will bring a lot of people and I got to be going.
23:08Now, someday a good surgeon will fix up my face.
23:11Till then, I got nothing to worry about because you two will be dead.
23:16You'll pay for this some way, somehow.
23:19Very amusing.
23:52An antidote, there must be one.
23:55You cut me loose and I'll help you.
23:57The knife, get the knife!
24:19Charlie Devlin's Fishing Lodge.
24:44Now, for a while there, I never thought we'd make it.
24:46I still can't believe we're here.
24:48Well, onward and upward.
24:54Pam, the fishing tackle, the fishing gear, where is it?
24:58Isn't it in there?
24:59No, I thought it was under the bags.
25:00What could have happened to the stuff?
25:02I know where it is.
25:05In the garage in New York.
25:06You put it there so you'd be sure not to forget it.
25:08Oh, no.
25:10What are we going to do in a place like this for a whole weekend without our fishing tackle?
25:17I'm sure we'll think of something.
25:42Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Lou Landers.
25:45Produced by John W. Loveton.
25:48A John W. Loveton Production.
25:52Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:55Featuring Francis DeSales.
26:08This has been a film presentation.
26:15This has been a production of WGBH.
