Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1954) HOMICIDE LIMITED

  • 23 minutes ago
Step back into the nostalgic world of 'Mr. and Mrs. North' with the classic episode 'Homicide Limited'. This 1954 gem is a perfect blend of mystery, drama, and a touch of comedy, showcasing the sophisticated and witty crime-solving duo, Jerry and Pamela North. Living in the bustling New York City, the Norths have a knack for winding up in the middle of intriguing crimes, often outsmarting the police to solve them first.

In 'Homicide Limited', the couple finds themselves embroiled in a thrilling murder mystery aboard a train from New York to Florida. The episode begins with a scene that sets the tone for suspense: an attractive blonde is found murdered, and the Norths, true to their nature, take it upon themselves to unravel the mystery before the train reaches its destination.

What makes 'Mr. and Mrs. North' stand out is the chemistry between the leads, Richard Denning and Barbara Britton. Their on-screen partnership brings life to the characters, making each episode a delightful watch. The show's ability to combine elements of comedy, drama, and mystery creates a unique viewing experience that keeps audiences hooked.

For those who appreciate the charm of black-and-white television and the allure of classic whodunits, 'Homicide Limited' is a must-watch. It's a testament to the timeless appeal of 'Mr. and Mrs. North' and the era of television it represents. So, why not take a trip down memory lane and enjoy a piece of TV history? You can find episodes of 'Mr. and Mrs. North' available on various platforms for a nostalgic viewing experience.

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:00Jerry, isn't that the most fabulous women's suit?
01:23Oh, darling, you must be tired.
01:26Or else this is the new old Jerry North.
01:35Well, glad to have met you.
01:55She's even prettier when you're not wearing glasses.
01:58Well, I...
01:59If you ask me, it's a pretty sneaky thing to do, ogling the girls behind your dark glasses.
02:04Oh, just call me a peeping tom.
02:06What am I supposed to do?
02:07Keep my eyes shut?
02:08Of course not, darling.
02:09I want you to enjoy the wonders of nature.
02:12But I'm afraid I have bad news for you.
02:15Well, that particular subject of your nature study is a girl I met in the beauty parlor this morning.
02:19Her name is Smith.
02:20Miss Smith.
02:21Now, what's the bad news?
02:24Well, I believe she said that she has a ticket for the night plane to Havana.
02:28And we're leaving on the night train from New York.
02:34Say it like you are.
02:36The Northern Flyer now leaving for New York.
02:39Via Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Washington, and Baltimore.
02:47See, Jerry, I told you we had plenty of time.
02:49Sure, we must have 30 seconds.
02:51Look out, Pam.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53Why, Miss Smith, I thought that you were...
02:55I am sorry.
02:59Come on, darling.
03:00It's none of our affair.
03:06Say, what is this?
03:07A gag?
03:08It's okay, Polly.
03:09You can take the cuffs off her now.
03:11I thought you were a cop.
03:13She is, sweetheart.
03:15My cop.
03:16$50 a day in expenses.
03:19You mean...
03:21You mean you had me kidnapped right out of my hotel?
03:24Why, no, honey.
03:26Not kidnapped.
03:28We're eloping.
03:29You and me and a couple of reliable witnesses.
03:32Romantic, isn't it?
03:33You mean you and I, we're getting married?
03:36Yeah, as soon as this train hits a certain town.
03:38In little old Georgia.
03:39It's all arranged.
03:42Is it all arranged?
03:44I don't remember anybody asking me about it.
03:47Knew there was something I forgot.
03:50Well, how about it?
03:51I'll give you a quick answer.
03:52No, I wouldn't marry you.
03:54I'm not asking you.
03:56I'm telling you.
03:57That federal grand jury up in New York
03:59is going to hand down a criminal indictment
04:01sometime in the next 24 hours.
04:03It'll say something about income tax evasion
04:05on the part of Frank Bonner, the bookmaker.
04:07Got that?
04:09I was already here in Miami with plane tickets to Cuba.
04:12Shut up.
04:13The treasury men will pick you up wherever you went.
04:16I won't talk, Frank.
04:17Really, I...
04:18I know.
04:19Not when we're Mr. and Mrs. Bonner.
04:21A wife can't be made to testify against a husband.
04:26Very neat.
04:29Did Laughing Boy figure this out for you?
04:32Ernie does my bookkeeping.
04:34I do my own thinking.
04:36You're just lucky I'm not the old-fashioned type.
04:39I'm a lucky kid, all right.
04:42You said it.
04:43Because there are other ways of making sure
04:45you don't talk out of turn.
04:47An old-fashioned guy would have thought of them first.
04:53But, uh...
04:56We don't have to worry about that.
04:59Do we, honey?
05:08I don't understand you at all, Jerry North.
05:11You were interested enough in that girl back at the hotel.
05:16That girl, Miss Smith.
05:19The one in the next compartment with that old battle axe.
05:22At the hotel, you could hardly take your eyes off of her, remember?
05:26I'm the fickle type.
05:28Once I see those hard little lines around a girl's mouth
05:31and those hard little bracelets around her wrists,
05:33romantic notions, fly out the window.
05:36I don't understand any part of it.
05:38Miss Smith told me she was taking the plane for Havana,
05:41so why is she here on this train?
05:43Well, from the looks of her companion in those handcuffs,
05:45I'm sure she isn't on the train by her own choice.
05:47And that's as far as I go.
05:49But, Jerry, why?
05:52Why what?
05:53Why was she brought on this train in handcuffs?
05:55Oh, I left my crystal ball back in Miami.
05:59Now, look, darling, all we know about your Miss Smith
06:02is that she has a very unlikely name.
06:05A lot of people are named Smith.
06:07Too many people who want to lose their real identity temporarily.
06:10But aside from that, your Miss Smith was about to leave the country.
06:13It would appear she's been arrested.
06:16Does this suggest anything to you?
06:19A famous international spy.
06:23I'll bet that's the answer.
06:25Just think, Jerry, a regular Mata Hari.
06:29And she stayed in the same hotel with us,
06:32and now she's in the next compartment on the train.
06:35Oh, Jerry, isn't that romantic?
06:37Did you ever hear of James X. Batchelor?
06:43I never did either.
06:45He's got a story in this magazine.
06:47It's great.
06:48It's a raw, lean style of writing.
06:50Hard-hitting, masculine.
06:52Strictly a young Hemingway.
06:55Where are you going?
06:56Find the conductor and get a rocket off to my secretary.
06:59I want a book from that man.
07:04Why don't you give us a table?
07:05I'll meet you in the diner as soon as I've sent this wire.
07:13Your bride-to-be is hungry.
07:19Ring for the porter.
07:20We'll get some food in here.
07:21Well, why can't we eat in the diner?
07:23Because I like it in here.
07:25Oh, stop.
07:26I'll behave.
07:28You don't want me to get that cooped-up feeling
07:30before we're married.
07:32If you ask me, Frank, it makes us look more legitimate.
07:34Do you know everything open and above board?
07:36Who asked you?
07:41You'll be a good girl.
07:43But you won't get your dessert.
08:04Now I know just how John Sutter must have felt
08:07Now I know just how John Sutter must have felt.
08:09Who, dear?
08:11Sutter, the man who discovered gold in California.
08:15You're still brooding about that mystery woman
08:17in the next compartment.
08:19Oh, you're hopeless, darling.
08:21I know it's a romantic idea, but...
08:25The token-tagger lady just came in.
08:28Sit against the window.
08:30Sit in the...
08:36Sit in the...
09:02What are you having, Monica?
09:04I thought maybe brook trout?
09:06Why don't you get the waiter?
09:16Would you tear up a slip?
09:18Well, I... I changed my mind about the trout.
09:21Did you have to tear up a slip?
09:23Well, let's not make a big thing of it.
09:25Get me another slip.
09:27Give her another 10, please.
09:30If I can just bring out a book by this man Batchelor,
09:32it'll be the literary goldmine of the decade.
09:35That'll be nice.
09:47Yes, dear?
09:49I think you'd better use this, unless you're planning to lick your fingers.
09:51What's the matter with me?
10:00Get a match, sir?
10:02Yeah, sure.
10:15What's the matter, dear?
10:20Oh, I just went down the wrong way.
10:22I'm all right.
10:25Jerry, I don't feel very hungry.
10:27Do you mind taking me back to the compartment?
10:29Oh, of course, dear.
10:31Excuse me.
10:54I'm in trouble, and...
10:56What do you have to say about that?
10:58Oh, now, take it easy, darling.
11:00If she were in some sort of immediate danger,
11:02all she had to do was yell for help.
11:04The dining car was full of people.
11:06Maybe they were holding a gun on her.
11:08A .50 caliber machine gun concealed in one of the stuffed olives?
11:11No, Pam.
11:13The odds are she's got a wheel loose somewhere.
11:16Just wants attention.
11:18It's a very common psychosis.
11:20Well, she's entitled to our sympathy, but...
11:22Oh, Timothy, my foot.
11:24We've got to find out what's wrong and help her.
11:26Now, look, Pam, we can't...
11:32Yes, Gerald North?
11:34A wire for you, sir.
11:35Oh, thank you.
11:46Oh, no.
11:48Something wrong, dear?
11:50You're good at mysteries.
11:51See what you can make out of that.
11:53Dear boss, contacted Batchelor's agent.
11:56Nothing but double talk.
11:58No address or info on Batchelor.
12:01Is this guy for real?
12:04I don't know what to think, Jerry.
12:06Well, that's a refreshing admission.
12:11You're Gerald North, the book publisher.
12:14The conductor said you were.
12:16I'm Timothy.
12:18Oh, well, that's nice.
12:19And who are you?
12:21Opal Crump.
12:22I hope I can talk with you for a moment.
12:24Don't just stand there, Jerry.
12:25Invite Mrs. Crump in.
12:27Or is it Miss?
12:29Mr. North, I've written a book.
12:32Well, that's wonderful, Miss Crump.
12:35I'd like to talk to you about it,
12:37but I have a very important wire I want to get off at the next stop,
12:41if you'll excuse me.
12:43Hurry back.
12:45Oh, he's nice.
12:50Well, Frank's having a cigar.
12:52I want to have a talk with him.
12:58A talk?
12:59About what?
13:01There's a way out of this, you know.
13:05What did you say?
13:07I could help you get away.
13:09I'd turn Frank in.
13:10He'd die in prison.
13:11I can even arrange that.
13:13You would double-cross me?
13:16For you, I would, Monica.
13:17I've always loved you, Monica.
13:19Why do you think I've hung around
13:20and covered up for Frank shady deals?
13:22For money?
13:23No, for you.
13:24I thought, if only she were in trouble,
13:26if I could help her, if only I had enough money.
13:28Stop right there, Junior.
13:30Without Frank, you couldn't make a fast hundred.
13:33I know a man who'll pay me a hundred Gs
13:35to testify against Frank.
13:40We could get married.
13:41We could go away to Spain.
13:44We could get married.
13:45We could go away to South America, to Europe.
13:47Just the two of us.
13:53Just the two of us.
13:55Mr. and Mrs. Ratt.
13:57No thanks.
13:59Thanks, no prize.
14:01But at least he's a man.
14:06Don't touch me.
14:07You'll make my flesh crawl.
14:14And that's how we spent our vacation.
14:20I can't imagine what could be keeping Jerry
14:22so long in this car.
14:23It's all right, dear.
14:25Don't worry about me.
14:27Perhaps I'd better go find him.
14:28I understand how it is with you young people.
14:31You can't bear to be apart.
14:33Tell Mr. North I'll call on him
14:35at his office in New York.
14:37And it's been nice talking to you.
14:39Thank you, dear.
14:40It's been a pleasure, Opal.
15:14She's dead.
15:15Why, don't you give me any trouble.
15:58Hold it.
15:59Right where you are.
16:00You're under arrest for murder.
16:01You can't arrest me.
16:03You're not even an officer.
16:04Let me go.
16:05Oh, a smart dame, aren't you?
16:06Fast with the answers.
16:08What's going on here?
16:10You're interfering with the law.
16:12That woman's under arrest.
16:13Don't you believe her?
16:14She's not even an officer.
16:15She's a fake.
16:17Wait a minute, Pam.
16:18What's this all about?
16:19The girl in the next compartment,
16:20she's been murdered.
16:21I found her on the floor of their room.
16:23If anyone's going to be put under arrest,
16:25it should be her.
16:26She's been impersonating an officer.
16:28Why, you little...
16:29Now, you just take it easy, ma'am.
16:30We'll find out about this.
16:32All right, folks.
16:34Let's keep the door clear.
16:43Remember Bob Arden telling us
16:45that officers only carry revolvers?
16:47Well, she was carrying an automatic,
16:49and that's how I knew she was a phony.
16:50All right, darling.
16:51Now, let's get back to the murdered girl.
16:53Well, I thought I heard some strange noises
16:55coming from this compartment,
16:56so I came out to investigate.
16:57And I knocked, and there was no answer.
16:59So I shoved the door a little like this,
17:01and it opened, and I...
17:05What have you done with her?
17:07What have we done with who?
17:08What is she talking about?
17:09What are you doing here?
17:10Mister, we caught your friend
17:11holding a gun on this lady.
17:13And Mrs. Norris,
17:14she says there was a dead woman
17:15in your compartment.
17:17I saw her.
17:18She was lying right there.
17:20Tell them you were here.
17:21It's your story.
17:22You tell it.
17:23Now, just a second.
17:24If there was no body,
17:25what was that business with the gun
17:26and all that talk about arresting my wife?
17:28I caught her snooping around in here,
17:30and I thought I'd teach her a lesson.
17:32Uh, are you...
17:34I am?
17:36Well, you got my deepest sympathy,
17:37but can't you keep in your mind
17:38Oh, now, look here.
17:39You can't be...
17:40I'm sorry we disturbed you, Mr. Bonner.
17:42It won't happen again, sir.
17:44But I tell you, I...
17:45Yes, ma'am.
17:46It'll be all right.
17:47You just take it easy now.
17:49Hey, mister, my gun.
17:56I wonder where she is.
17:58That's a good question.
18:00And I'm interested in the answer.
18:03If you'd done anything to her...
18:05I'd never lay my hands on her.
18:07I never laid a finger on her.
18:09And where is she?
18:10You're supposed to be watching her.
18:12This is a double-cross unit,
18:13screwball next door, cooktop.
18:15Yes, Polly.
18:16Who are you working for?
18:17I told you, I don't know anything.
18:19She sent me to the club car to look for you.
18:21You weren't there.
18:22When I got back here,
18:23that North woman was in the room.
18:24You're lying.
18:26Where are you hiding, Monica?
18:28I'll give you just ten seconds to tell me.
18:30Stay away from me.
18:31You killed her,
18:32and I know what that makes me.
18:34I'm not gonna be your pet, see, Mr. Bonner.
19:05Pam, are you all right?
19:06No, I'm being crushed to death.
19:09Jerry, you're simply going to have to go on a diet.
19:12Oh, come on, Jerry.
19:13Something's happened.
19:23Try and find her.
19:26Watch your step, Mr. Bonner.
19:35Excuse me.
19:46Looks like your missing corpse
19:47decided to take a little stroll, don't he?
19:50You wait here, I'll have a look.
19:58Get that spot over here.
20:04Come on.
20:34Come on.
21:05You murdered her.
21:09Let her go, Ernie.
21:12I was outside on the tracks.
21:14I saw a snake in here.
21:22What do you want, Ernie?
21:34Get back.
21:44Are you all right?
21:45Oh, Jerry, I'm scared.
21:47Don't worry.
21:48He won't get far.
22:05He killed Monica.
22:07He would have killed me.
22:09He shot Bonner.
22:10Still, it's a horrible way to die, Jerry.
22:13What are you doing in there?
22:15I'm arranging a future for Mr. Bonner.
22:18I'm Treasury.
22:20Followed Bonner down to Florida and back.
22:22After I patched him up,
22:23I thought I'd see what I could do for the taxpayers.
22:26This evidence should keep Mr. Bonner
22:27out of circulation for quite a while.
22:30Next stop, Pennsylvania Station.
22:36Oh, Jerry, I'll never get this thing closed.
22:42Let me see what I can do.
22:48I don't understand.
22:49We didn't have any trouble with this bag at the hotel,
22:51did we?
22:52No, sir.
22:53We didn't.
22:54We didn't?
22:55No, sir.
22:56No, sir.
22:57No, sir.
22:58We didn't have any trouble with this bag at the hotel.
23:02What are you doing?
23:03Stealing blankets from the Pullman Company?
23:05Jerry, what a thing to say.
23:06Of course not.
23:08Let's see.
23:09What is it?
23:13What's this?
23:14And where did it come from?
23:16Well, Jerry, you see...
23:17Don't tell me.
23:18I know that sweet little old lady, Miss...
23:20Miss Croft.
23:22How can you do this to me?
23:23You know I haven't got time
23:24to read every ambitious amateur's crosswinds.
23:27It's a thousand pages.
23:28I ought to make you read it.
23:30I hope Miss Crump thought to put her address in it
23:32so we can mail it back to her.
23:34Crosswinds by James X. Batchelor,
23:36Opal Crump of...
23:38James X. Batchelor.
23:40Opal told me that's her pen name.
23:42You darling, you sweetheart,
23:44you ever-loving little goldmine.
23:47Kathy's here.
23:48We just walked in the door.
23:50It's your office, Susan.
23:52Oh, yes, Susan.
23:53We had a wonderful trip.
23:55Take his coat off.
23:58That's right.
23:59Oh, we had a ball.
24:00Of course, the curl in the next compartment
24:02on the train hurt it,
24:03but I guess that's about par for the noise.
24:06What's on your mind?
24:12I see.
24:13Well, thank you very much, Susan,
24:14for the information.
24:15I'll make it in this afternoon.
24:18Something wrong?
24:22Susan just located Francis X. Batchelor.
24:24He's a patient at the Walter Reed Hospital
24:26in Washington, D.C.,
24:28which brings up a very interesting question.
24:30How did his name get on this manuscript?
24:34Well, you see...
24:36Come on, Pam.
24:38I want to know whose idea it was
24:39to give Opal Crump a pen name.
24:41This particular name.
24:44Well, that figures.
24:45But why?
24:46Just to make sure I'd read the book.
24:48Oh, now, really, Pam,
24:49you drag me in and out of murders,
24:51trap me into reading novels
24:52written by sweet little old ladies, and...
24:56Oh, I love you anyway.
25:12Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
25:16A John W. Loveden production.
25:20Produced by Federal Telefilms.
25:23Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:25Featuring Francis DeSales.
25:40This has been a film presentation.
25:49© BF-WATCH TV 2021
