Weekend Weather – More wind and rain? 15/08/19

  • 2 days ago
Following last weekend’s unsettled weather, is there an improvement on the way for this weekend or can we expect more wind and rain? Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern has the weekend forecast.


00:00Hello, and welcome to the Met Office forecast for the weekend.
00:04If you've got any outdoor plans this weekend, two reasons to be slightly positive.
00:10It's not going to be as bad as last weekend, and there will be some sunny spells in between
00:15the frequent heavy showers.
00:17But it will also be windy, and those winds, well, not great for the middle of August.
00:24If you're camping, if you've got outdoor events planned, those winds could prove disruptive.
00:29So worth keeping an eye on.
00:31Certainly some filthy, potentially disruptive weather for England and Wales.
00:36For Friday evening's rush hour, yellow warning in force for western parts of England and
00:38Wales as the heavy rainfall slowly moves through.
00:42Windy with that as well.
00:43For Scotland and Northern Ireland, drying up through Friday afternoon.
00:48Clear spells and scattered showers following the persistent rainfall of the morning.
00:52And then that weather, the clearer weather at least, following into western parts of
00:55England and Wales by the end of Friday night.
00:58Rainfall there.
00:59Only slowly clearing.
01:00It's tied in with a cold front.
01:03And we do say goodbye to that cold front for a time on Friday afternoon and into the overnight
01:10It's tied in with this area of low pressure, mind you, and the parent low doesn't move
01:15very far through the weekend.
01:17It remains anchored over northern Scotland, just sitting there to the north of a very
01:23lively jet stream.
01:25And when we're on the cool side of the jet stream with low pressure in charge, we can
01:29expect blustery showers or longer spells of rain throughout the weekend.
01:35Tight isobars on that low pressure as well, so fairly windy at times.
01:40Now we start off Saturday with at least some sunny spells and after the overnight rain
01:45clears, East Anglia and the south east favoured for some sunny spells through Saturday morning.
01:49But you can see the strength of the breeze there, you can see scattered showers rattling
01:54through virtually everywhere, but the heaviest and most frequent showers, Western Scotland,
01:59Northern Ireland.
02:00Odd rumble of thunder with these as well, and the winds picking up coastal gales by
02:03the end of Saturday for Western Scotland.
02:07But there will be some sunshine in between the showers, at least for a time before it
02:11starts to cloud over again in the south and in the sunshine temperatures up into the low
02:1520s in some southern and eastern areas.
02:20Cloud in the south though increasing because we're going to see the return of this weather
02:25This is the feature that brings Friday night's rainfall, but it then pushes back up across
02:31southern and southeastern parts of the country for Saturday night.
02:35So a soggy night to come, nothing particularly heavy, but it looks fairly damp for south
02:40east England in particular as that weather front just wanders by.
02:46Meanwhile, low pressure again remains close to the north of Scotland, wrapped around it
02:51occluded fronts and they'll provide the focus for longer spells of rain I suspect, one pushing
02:57through western parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland early Sunday and then that moves into
03:01Irish sea areas by Sunday afternoon.
03:04And there could be some really heavy and prolonged rainfall associated with that, so we'll keep
03:08an eye on that one.
03:09Parts of Northern Ireland, north Wales into northwest England.
03:13And a squeeze in the isobars here means that it will be particularly windy across say Irish
03:18sea coast on Sunday itself, northwest England for example.
03:23So that's one to watch out for if you do have any outdoor activities planned.
03:28Slightly less windy for Scotland, but that of course means that the showers could be
03:32slower moving.
03:33In between the showers as always there'll be some sunny spells, especially around lunchtime
03:37in the south east, but further showers rattle through for Sunday afternoon.
03:41Plenty going on through the weekend, but essentially it's just on and off rain, sunshine
03:47in between, a keen breeze and feeling cool.
03:51In other words, not particularly summery, but I do have some good news if you're after
03:57some return to summer sunshine because although we keep the low pressure into the start of
04:02next week, we keep the jet stream to the south, watch what happens.
04:06The jet stream becomes much less powerful, much less organised and allows an area of
04:12high pressure to drift slowly in around the middle of next week.
04:17It's not going to bring an instant heatwave, it might not even bring much sunshine at first,
04:22but next week higher pressure eventually will lead to drier and brighter weather and by
04:28the end of the week it will start to warm up.
04:31So some good news on the horizon there if you've got any holiday plans through next
04:34week, but for the time being plenty going on and you can keep up to date with all the
04:38very latest by following us on social media.
04:40Bye bye.
