• last week


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:11You're going to have to source your second-hand stock
00:14and then sell it to the public.
00:16The team set up shop...
00:18Where did you get these from? Do you love that?
00:20..in trendy East End London.
00:22What about a chair? No.
00:24Let's think, you know, realistically, how many items are we going to sell?
00:29For project manager Tom, less was more...
00:32I don't think we've got anywhere near enough.
00:34..leaving team-mate Adam to scavenge for stock.
00:37Found some great stuff in the sketch.
00:40We're selling crap and turning it into style.
00:43Laura's team set out to turn trash into cash.
00:48I've got no clue in this. I don't buy this shit.
00:51But Gabrielle's tarted-up tat failed to take off.
00:55Please come and take this furniture off of me!
00:58In the boardroom...
01:00Looks like your stinginess paid off here.
01:02..a win for Tom...
01:04Laura, I don't think you did get the plot.
01:06..left Laura to defend her big spend.
01:09You bought a lot of stuff and the shop looked like a tip.
01:13Gabrielle kept talking.
01:14I've made a lot of decisions and I've taken a lot of responsibility.
01:17What did you do yourself?
01:19Gabrielle, that is so unfair.
01:21But Jane was lost for words.
01:23The thing is, Jane, nothing tells me
01:25that you are this great business person,
01:27so on that basis, Jane, you're fired.
01:30She became the fourth casualty of the boardroom.
01:34Now 12 remain to fight for the chance
01:37to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
01:50Good morning. Good morning. This is Lord Sugar's office.
01:54Lord Sugar would like you to meet him at York Hall in East London.
01:58The cars will be with you in 20 minutes.
02:00I'm sorry, I can't make it.
02:02I'm sorry, I can't make it.
02:04I'm sorry, I can't make it.
02:06I'm sorry, I can't make it.
02:08The cars will be with you in 20 minutes.
02:10OK, thank you very much. Bye.
02:14The car's coming in 20 minutes. You've got 20 minutes to get ready.
02:17Where are we going? York Hall.
02:19What is York Hall, Tom?
02:21Could be a call centre. York Hall.
02:23York Hall is in Yorkshire, isn't it?
02:25Ah, York Hall. Oh, right, OK.
02:39Us girls are disappearing, like there's no tomorrow.
02:43There's no tomorrow.
02:47This time, we're going to smash this
02:49and send someone home from Team Phoenix.
02:54Bethnal Green, East London.
02:57York Hall.
02:59Venue for world-class boxing, sport and leisure.
03:04Keeping companies fit for almost 100 years
03:08and still attracting local heavyweights.
03:18Good morning. Good morning, Boris.
03:20Well, welcome to York Hall.
03:23This is a famous place in the east end of London.
03:27The health and fitness industry,
03:30the health and fitness industry is worth a fortune.
03:34But what has become even more popular
03:36is the innovation of new fitness trends.
03:41And so your task this week
03:43is to come up with a new fitness programme.
03:47And where's the money? Well, I'll tell you where the money is.
03:50You are going to go and try and licence your new fitness trend
03:55to some of the country's leading health club chains.
03:59It's got to grab the public's interest
04:02and the fitness industry's investment.
04:05If they like it, they're going to licence your class nationally.
04:09The team that makes the most money from sales of the licences will win
04:13and in the losing team, one of you will be fired.
04:18So, everything clear? Yes, sir.
04:20Right, off you go.
04:23Group exercise is a billion-pound industry.
04:29From dance-based Zumba...
04:32..and spinning...
04:35..to body pump.
04:38Selling the rights to branded classes can turn movement into money.
04:43Teams have two days to develop new fitness class concepts,
04:47then licence the rights to run them.
04:53First job, choose a leader.
04:55Yeah, just to speed this up, guys,
04:57I do this type of thing day-to-day, actually.
04:59I'm very, very knowledgeable about what the sector is.
05:01I know exactly what's required.
05:02For me, it's a bit of a no-brainer, to be honest.
05:04I think we should just crack on on our BPM.
05:06Has everyone agreed on that? Yeah. Perfect stuff.
05:08OK, I'm very much the right man for the job,
05:10given what I do on a day-to-day basis.
05:12I've been in health and fitness quite a few years now.
05:14I mean, the task itself could be a little bit of banana skin,
05:17because if we don't win, then my neck's purely and simply
05:20on that chopping block and I'm aware of that.
05:22Right, guys, project manager straight away.
05:24I'm going to throw my hat straight in the ring. I want this.
05:26I think this task is ideally suited and I think across the group,
05:29everybody's got a slightly different interest in terms of sports and hobbies
05:32and I think I can lead this and we'll win.
05:34Can I just put myself forward?
05:36Being a horse rider, competing in show jumping,
05:39I'm quite passionate about being team leader as well.
05:42I think that looking at who we're actually pitching to,
05:44these major gyms, that's where I work out.
05:46I feel strongly that this is my task.
05:49Shall we vote? All in favour of Ricky?
05:53Outside of work, I am a professional wrestler.
05:56They call me the fitness.
05:58I've been the heavyweight champion of the wrestling world,
06:00I'll be the heavyweight champion of the business world.
06:02You'll always witness the fitness with Ricky Martin.
06:06It's head-to-head.
06:08Health and fitness insider, Stephen,
06:11facing recruitment manager and lord of the ring, Ricky.
06:16We need to look at where the trends lie
06:18and we need to follow those trends and give them something new.
06:21Martial arts, dance classes, the kind of Zumba classes,
06:24body combat, taking that military element,
06:26the kind of boot camp type element, they're popular at the moment.
06:29I think something like the street dancing
06:31and incorporating something with the kickboxing or something.
06:34Street dance jumps out to everyone, I would agree with that entirely.
06:37It's a very popular dance in sports.
06:39I think the martial arts and the street dance combined,
06:41they're our potential largest markets.
06:43Anybody got a dancing background will know what they're talking about.
06:46I'd be a dancer.
06:48On the other team, a different set of ideas.
06:51I deal with gym membership specifically
06:53and within every gym that I'm part of,
06:55there's classes in excess of 90, 100 a week.
06:57In terms of what the fitness centres will be looking for,
07:00they're looking for something completely unique.
07:03My idea is a fit skip.
07:05Skipping classes, it's original, loads of strap lines and names
07:09you could use, fit skip, hip to skip.
07:11Got it? Skip. OK. Love it.
07:13I've got a couple of ideas,
07:15one of them being some sort of dating class.
07:19Speed dating is really popular at the moment
07:22and one of the trends is actually people meeting someone at a gym.
07:25I don't know how exactly that would work.
07:27I'd hate to be all hot and sweaty and talking to someone.
07:31Katie, you have a second idea? Yeah, I do.
07:33There's kind of a retro theme,
07:35which is all sorts of different equipment you used as a kid.
07:38That's quite cool.
07:39So if we can develop a class that's very 80s and retro,
07:42we can have a look at what that involves,
07:44something completely unique and different.
07:48London's West End.
07:50Convinced retro is the way forward,
07:53half of Stephen's team head down to an 80s dance troupe.
07:56Fantastic, that was.
08:09First of all, thanks for your time.
08:11We're looking for a bit of inspiration today.
08:13We're actually going to come up with a new class
08:16that's going to be in gyms.
08:17Are you a member of gyms at the moment?
08:19Do you do classes?
08:21Do the classes use any sort of equipment whatsoever?
08:23Yeah, weights.
08:24Right, OK.
08:25Would you girls skip?
08:26How do you skip?
08:28Yeah? You love it, OK.
08:31Do you know any routines at all?
08:33Just get a picture in mind that you could use these,
08:35because in gyms they've got balls very similar to this.
08:45You're working your upper body,
08:46you're working everything at the same time.
08:49Take it down to the bum.
08:51That turns up your bum.
08:54So, girls, is there any sort of craze that's hung around,
08:56you know, we don't want a bubble, we want something that's good,
08:59we want something with shelf life?
09:00We've been thinking, like, dance moves,
09:01like Michael Jackson and the Frillamoos.
09:04Everyone has a go at doing them, even on the dance floor.
09:06Two, then you start walking again.
09:08One, two, three.
09:10Switch, switch.
09:12And then obviously you can lean a bit more into that.
09:15You've got to get that into your lower back and your arms.
09:18Switch, switch, and then back.
09:20To finish off with, like, reach to one, reach...
09:23You know, and everyone knows what they're up to.
09:26Work out, taking shape and carting some retro kit,
09:29it's time to go.
09:33So, Stephen, how do you think it went in there?
09:37To be honest, I'm really excited now.
09:39I think we've found something.
09:44London's Docklands.
09:47On the other team, it's ringside for wrestler Ricky and his girls.
09:55We're mixing a kind of a street dance
09:57with a mixed martial arts theme together.
09:59And is there, like, a unique move to Thai kickboxing that week?
10:02Cos we don't want it to look like boxer size.
10:05This, this, you can do this.
10:10Really, really excited.
10:11Seeing these mixed martial arts guys has given me some great ideas.
10:14Jab, jab, foot across, elbow.
10:17It's about making sure that it's doing its purpose.
10:19It's getting people fit, it's toning people up.
10:21If we can get them dancing,
10:22then we couple that in with a few simple moves.
10:25We've got everything.
10:29Out to blend Ricky's martial arts with street dance,
10:32the rest of his team.
10:33I'm Dwayne.
10:34Gabrielle, nice to meet you, girls.
10:37You look smart.
10:38Thank you. You all look very cool.
10:40Keeping track, technology entrepreneur Nick.
10:44If you were showing your grandma how to street dance,
10:47what would be the first moves that you'd show her?
10:49I'd probably show her some knee jack swing.
10:51Can you show us those?
10:52This one.
10:55Right, OK.
10:58I don't really know much about street dancing.
11:00The girls are showing us different moves.
11:02We've decided that the swing jack style,
11:04the swing something jack,
11:05is probably going to be something that might fit in
11:07with our exercise regime we're going to put together.
11:10After you've danced for a while,
11:12what areas of your body kind of ache in terms of, like, muscle?
11:15Your back, your arms, your legs, your neck.
11:19All over, body workout.
11:21Martial arts is a lot more about having discipline,
11:24doing things in a certain way,
11:25so I think if we can combine the two,
11:27we could come up with something really, really good.
11:29Can I join your group?
11:33Regrouping to merge martial arts with street dance,
11:37Ricky and his team.
11:40A lot of it is elbows and knees, whereas boxercise is punches,
11:43and the key one was this spinning elbow,
11:45so it was jab, jab, step across, elbow behind.
11:48All it needs is a name.
11:50The idea was, like, beat battle, fight to the music kind of thing.
11:53I quite like beat battle. Yeah.
11:55Definitely. Interesting, yeah.
12:00Hi. Hiya. Hello. How are you?
12:03Overseen by fitness expert, Lindsay...
12:06So, have you got any fitness experience?
12:08I danced when I was younger. Oh, OK.
12:11Time to create beat battle.
12:14You're the king of the dance, you can...
12:16Yeah, no, no, no.
12:17But you've got to be in the martial arts as well.
12:19Start lower down, and then just sort of work your way up,
12:23and then sort of work up a weight.
12:25I think, at the moment, they've got so many ideas,
12:28and they're trying to put so many things in there.
12:30Really think about the different parts of your body,
12:32and warming up every single... So here? Yeah.
12:35This move, actually, I thought it was quite a good concept.
12:39Just a subtle one, not too much. Yeah, just a gentle look.
12:42Just look over your shoulder like that.
12:44You don't want to make it too girly and too dancey.
12:48Back at York Hall.
12:50It has to be unique, OK? Yes.
12:51So the actual moves are going to be retro.
12:53The music, actually, is going to take you on a journey.
12:55Stephen's retro workout shapes up.
12:58I think that what we should do is look at the props that we've got,
13:01and then we should assess, right,
13:03the hopper works this muscle and this muscle,
13:05then the skipping is for the cardio.
13:07So then we know that every retro thing we've got
13:09has worked everything on the body.
13:11Say we pitch to a gym that has, you know,
13:14125 places across the country.
13:16Are they going to buy 1,000 space hoppers, you know, 500 skippets?
13:20I think that we should concentrate on maybe using...
13:22Conventional gym stuff that they've got.
13:24That's my personal opinion.
13:26The only way we're going to win this big is to take a risk.
13:30Tom got nervous when the other team were suggesting
13:32incorporating a hopper and a hulu,
13:34because where are the gym going to store all of this equipment,
13:37or how are they going to afford to buy all of this equipment?
13:40They really have to start thinking about the ideas they're coming up with.
13:43I've got all your input, OK? This is what we're doing.
13:45Very simple. We're going for a retro theme.
13:48What about names?
13:51What I thought would be a good idea, guys,
13:53let me know what you think, incorporates train and a theme.
13:56Groove Train. Groove Train.
13:58Groove Train, right, the Groove Train. Groove Train.
14:01Helping to keep Groove Train on the rails...
14:04I am your fitness consultant to help you today.
14:06How's it going? Nice to meet you.
14:08..fitness expert Stuart.
14:10We're going for a retro feel to the session.
14:12It's got to be fun, number one. It's got to be intense, number two.
14:15And something that people feel they can go and have a bit of a laugh in.
14:18OK. Tell me what you're hoping to achieve from it as well.
14:21Well, this, I'm trying to work out my core.
14:23I'm also getting my heart rate going.
14:25It's actually quite a lot of fun, as Katie said to me.
14:27The muscles are working. When you're down in this position,
14:29you know, we're adding the bouncing bits in,
14:31it's like the middle part of a squat you perform.
14:34While Stephen's half of the team build a retro routine...
14:38What's this called? Give us a name for it. Hip Groove.
14:41The Swing-A-Ling. We should write these down so we don't forget.
14:45The other half plan a video promo to market the concept.
14:49Just so we're all on the same page.
14:51We're doing these five signature moves, 80s feel.
14:53OK, well, maybe you lead them, cos you know it all. You lead.
14:56I don't know it all. I'm saying, are we all on the same page here?
14:59I'm not being rude. I'm saying, cos you know about the dances,
15:01maybe you just lead and we'll kind of just observe.
15:03Yeah, yeah. OK, OK.
15:05Casting himself as choreographer, market trader Adam.
15:09Hey, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, Jake.
15:11Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Tom. Nice to meet you.
15:13We're putting together a new fitness regime
15:15featuring five signature moves, so I'll very quickly show you them.
15:19So the funky lunge was sort of this movement, OK?
15:23OK, do you want me to do it with you? Yeah, yeah, brilliant, brilliant, yeah.
15:26Yeah, and then maybe you could step it up by moving your arms as well.
15:30That sort of thing. No, you weren't really punching out.
15:32It was more like that, OK?
15:36I took the lead role in the casting session.
15:38Jade was really creative on. She wasn't being very creative,
15:41so, you know, I took on the creative role there.
15:44The thing we're thinking of is this, you know, with the claws,
15:47and then this.
15:49The other two were like, well, if you know it all, you do it.
15:52And it was like, it's not a case of who knows it all,
15:54it's we should all know it all.
15:56And then, again, throwing it right back. Yeah, OK.
16:019pm. Routines ready.
16:04Tomorrow, both teams must shoot a promotional video.
16:12Morning, everyone. Morning, everyone.
16:15Nick, Laura and Dwayne, you guys are going to be shooting the film
16:18and you're going to be editing it all this afternoon.
16:20As far as the video goes, you've got me as sub-team manager, haven't you?
16:23Correct. Only because I've done something like this before,
16:26I think if I'm taking it on, I have to, like, have the final decision
16:29in some of the scenes and the shots.
16:31If you need to make a decision like that, you can make that decision.
16:358am. Both teams split.
16:39Half to prepare tomorrow's pitch...
16:45..half to film the video.
16:47Yes! No, this will work.
16:50Directing Beat Battle, drinks entrepreneur Dwayne.
16:54Every move that yous have put together yesterday,
16:57if we break them up as small as we can,
16:59they'll be easier to look at.
17:01If we break them up as small as we can, they'll be easier to learn.
17:04But before filming begins, a change to the script.
17:08I'm thinking, why not simplify it a bit more,
17:10because it will be easier to film, it will be easier to navigate.
17:13Before we miss out a certain step, we need to talk to the PM about it.
17:16I don't think it's that big a deal that we need to bring the PM.
17:20Teaching the moves to their on-screen dancers, wedding shop owner Laura.
17:25I think you need a dancey one as well.
17:27I think the bop kick's very dancey with that.
17:29I think, you know, when we talk about the vision of what the film will look like,
17:33my big concern now is to make sure that we do create a martial art dance routine,
17:37not just a dance routine.
17:39We are in danger of just creating a dance routine.
17:42Two, three, four.
17:48The 80s nightclub.
17:50Nice to see you again.
17:52You were obviously very good yesterday.
17:55Shooting location for Groove Train.
17:58Right, congratulations, well done for making the cut.
18:01So, loads of energy, big smiles, and let's make a video.
18:05Picked for an on-screen performance, refrigeration entrepreneur Azar.
18:10Azar, you don't look very happy.
18:12What? You don't look very happy.
18:14Those shorts look a bit small to me.
18:16Just a little bit, I think. It's very 80s.
18:21You need to sort these shorts out, seriously.
18:24These look really good.
18:26Mate, that looks some business.
18:28Appointed to direct, Jade.
18:30We're going to do the introduction with you.
18:32That's fine, that's on its own, but with these guys behind him.
18:35What's your role, Adam?
18:37I'm choreographer. Right.
18:39And everyone quiet, go.
18:41Do you want to keep fit but most of all have fun?
18:44Burn up to 300 calories?
18:46Shorts were a little bit tight for my personal liking.
18:49To be honest with you, I wouldn't usually do this in a normal gym,
18:52but the product itself is a niche product.
18:54It is unique, it's a risk, but it's a risk that could pay off
18:58and obviously it could be financially rewarding.
19:02Can I suggest an idea, basically?
19:04When I say, welcome to the groove train,
19:06you fade in a spinning ball, maybe?
19:08We'll do that in editing.
19:09I need to be involved in all this conversation, guys,
19:11cos I'm telling the dancers what to do, so let's whisper a scene.
19:14This is the conversation. Right, OK. So that's your introduction?
19:17Yeah, that's the talk about introduction.
19:20That's what it is.
19:21Everybody quiet, please!
19:23I'm not really sure what Adam's role is today.
19:26It must be hard, cos everything is defined as well,
19:28but he just keeps telling everyone to smile when they're doing well.
19:31So dancers, just so you know, nice and relaxed, dead easy,
19:34exactly what we did before, loads of energy.
19:36Quite annoying, really, but let's get on with it.
19:38What a feeling you all know...
19:47In full swing, the beat battle promo.
19:51One, two, three, four...
19:53A DVD would normally have the instructor facing the camera,
19:57but you're just wanting to show a class being taught...
19:59Show it as it would be delivered in the class.
20:01..which would be me facing them. Yeah, OK, thank you. Yeah?
20:04When you're actually teaching them, once you've done it,
20:06they'll assume you go forward, right?
20:08No, when you've... Teaching them forward?
20:10No, you usually... Teach them like this.
20:12That's what I thought. Is that right?
20:14Can we agree on that? She's going to face them.
20:16That's not a discussion point. She's said it three times now.
20:19In my experience, these sort of tasks, where cameras are involved,
20:23always end up in a squabble.
20:25Like I've tried to explain, that first one is her giving it.
20:28Just keep repeating it, you know what I mean?
20:30And I can begin to see fissures appearing in the closely woven team.
20:35You've just done that from a different angle.
20:37But that's what I mean, I want it from this angle.
20:40Laura? Do I get on the...?
20:42I was just waiting on you. That's cool, yeah.
20:45Working relationships started off a little bit icy.
20:48I think Dwayne came with a storyboard and a plan,
20:52and he was getting quite frustrated just with myself and Nick having an opinion.
20:57I disagree, but it doesn't mean...
20:59As I say, if one person leads it, I'm happy to go with it.
21:02I feel like everything's being questioned
21:04and it's just making it increasingly difficult.
21:06I don't feel like we're working together, if I'm honest.
21:09I'm just taking a step back and I'll just let him get on with it.
21:12And cut. Well done, guys. I believe that's a wrap.
21:18North London.
21:21At the office of a fitness DVD company, Beat Battle gets branded.
21:26Our poster, we're wanting something quite graffiti,
21:31like, you know, quite edgy.
21:36I'm very happy with what we've got here.
21:39Next job, decide what to charge for rights to their class.
21:43I think we'll just want to know how much it costs,
21:45what discount they'll get for the year,
21:47and if they book it into more clubs, that's what they'll get.
21:50And rehearse tomorrow's pitch.
21:53Hi, everyone. My name's Ricky Martin.
21:55I'm here today on behalf of Team Sterling.
21:57We've tasked ourselves with the objective
21:59of coming up with a unique fitness regime.
22:01It was really good to get a chance to pretty much role-play
22:04with both the girls as well, to put ourselves in that situation,
22:07because you can never be too prepared.
22:09We're extremely excited to present this fresh, unique
22:12and exciting programme to you, and we are really...
22:14I'm leading the team, and I think everybody would agree with me
22:17that it's a motivated team, the guys are happy,
22:19there's no falling out, there's no bickering,
22:21there's no arguing, everybody's really happy.
22:25That was so stressful for me, guys. It was really, really difficult.
22:28There was a disagreement at every single stage.
22:31Yep. I agree.
22:33I thought, I can't even say what I want to say here,
22:35because I feel like I'm going to upset you, Laura.
22:37Ditto. Ditto. I felt I couldn't say what I wanted to say there.
22:40Yeah, but to be fair, if you wanted to manage the video,
22:42put yourself forward for it yesterday.
22:44Don't turn up with all your ideas now...
22:46No, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
22:48It's the same thing happening again.
22:50We have an opinion and you just don't like it.
22:52No, no, no, no, it's not that. It is. It is.
22:54Dwayne, listen, people have got an opinion, you have to listen to them.
22:57I was made to feel stupid when I was trying to get the first shot.
23:00We need to harden up a bit. No, I'm not soft.
23:02I'm actually getting a bit pissed off about it, if I'm quite honest with you.
23:05It's the fact that you're trying to make out like I was some sort of disruption.
23:08You were to me. To me, I felt you were disruption.
23:10Right, well, fine. There just wasn't time for that.
23:12There just wasn't time and it wasn't useful.
23:14OK, I've taken your point on board now.
23:16Thanks very much. Thank you.
23:18Let's be friends on this, OK? Yeah.
23:20Shake hands, guys. I'm all for...
23:22No, let's not force it, like, I think...
23:29What shall we talk about?
23:33On the other team, nearing the end of its journey...
23:37Burn up to 300 calories.
23:39Improve stamina and tone muscle.
23:42..Groove Train...
23:44We're going to have to finish Welcome to the Groove Train as a close-up.
23:49..and one unhappy passenger.
23:52I don't understand why it's in and out so quick from the get-go.
23:55I believed it was going to pan out, do you know what I mean?
23:58Whereas it's like, boom, boom.
24:00Have we got any proper slow panning out, have we got, about?
24:04Apparently, Jade's a creative one in the group.
24:06I personally haven't witnessed anything.
24:08All she creates is problems.
24:10Can we just... We'll try this first and then see what happens,
24:13cos we can add that pan out to it.
24:15Have we got any panning out, though?
24:17She doesn't shout me down, no-one could do that,
24:19but she just doesn't listen.
24:21I don't know if she's sick or deaf or what it is,
24:24but I'm really struggling with working with her today.
24:31Next door, the fight for Beat Battle rumbles on.
24:35What's the next part?
24:36So, as Laura's turning round,
24:38it's almost like she's giving the instructions to warm up, yeah?
24:41Yeah. I feel like we both disagree.
24:43We do, but you know that.
24:45I do feel like I could have just thrown the team off and done it myself.
24:49At some points, I really wanted to do that.
24:51I just was sick and tired of fighting with them all day.
24:54I wanted to get the result, OK, and then it would be a logo screen,
24:57which would be Beat Battle.
25:00But we've got a really good video and I'm actually happy with it.
25:03Go on, you've got something to say. No, no.
25:05No, please, I want to hear it. I don't have anything to say.
25:22Today, both teams must pitch their fitness class concept
25:26to three health club chains.
25:30The team offered the most money for licences to run its class will win.
25:35I really believe that we've got a really good product.
25:38I really believe that we've come up with a really good idea.
25:41The video could be the make or break of however good the product is.
25:44If the video doesn't sell it, it might not work.
25:47First team into top fitness chain Virgin Active, Beat Battle.
25:52Pitching, project manager Ricky.
25:55Good morning. Thank you very much for your time this morning.
25:58My name is Ricky Martin and we've come up with a new concept,
26:01a new class called Beat Battle.
26:04Hi, let me introduce you to Beat Battle,
26:06a brand-new exercise class combining martial arts and dance.
26:10It's going to help tone and tighten, help with core stability,
26:13weight loss, but most importantly, it's fun.
26:16Let's go.
26:185, 6, 7, 8.
26:20Beat Battle is a unique combination of dance and mixed martial arts.
26:24Get fit, have fun and burn calories.
26:28Beat Battle, right to the music.
26:32We're extremely excited about this new class.
26:35We feel like it is innovative, we feel like it is fun,
26:38and for us, it's about making the product right that works for you
26:41and works with us.
26:43Lastly, I'd like to discuss the pricing.
26:45I never like to discuss that first because, for me,
26:47this is about fitness and it's about fun,
26:49but we've come up with an extremely generous pricing strategy.
26:52It would be, on a monthly basis, £45 per month for the class.
26:59If you wanted to take it on a yearly basis,
27:01we'd offer you an even better deal, which would give you two months free.
27:05You say this product is unique.
27:07Have you had a look at what else is out there?
27:10We did look at a number of classes.
27:12We were looking at things like boxer size.
27:14It's very different to boxer size because there's the dance element
27:17and it involves a lot more of your knees and your elbows
27:19than necessarily just your fists.
27:21Looking at the quick demo, it looks very similar to me.
27:25Thank you very much. Thank you. Excellent.
27:27Thank you. Thank you very much.
27:31I think we need to learn from the questions they ask for our next pitches,
27:34things about what the concept is, the idea is.
27:37We could show more moves and show more elbows.
27:42Ricky's a showman, though, isn't he? He loves his wrestling.
27:45I think he sort of goes out of his brush.
27:47Hey, guys, you know, I can see him doing that quite well,
27:50but at the end of the day, it's about the product.
27:54And I believe we've got a good product.
28:00First for Stephen and his team, the UK's biggest chain...
28:05..Fitness First.
28:07We're here today to present to you a fantastic, unique fitness class
28:10that exists nowhere else in your marketplace.
28:12We'll bring the fun back into fitness.
28:15Please allow me to present Groove Train.
28:19Do you want to keep fit but most of all have fun?
28:22Burn up to 300 calories, improve stamina and torn muscle.
28:27This is a top-to-toe retro express workout about to sweep the nation.
28:33Welcome to the Groove Train.
28:35The dance floor entrance, working the shoulders, back and hamstring.
28:40The hula hoop, working the core, abdominal area.
28:45The groove press, working the chest, thighs and trice.
28:50The Groove Train, working that core, abdominal area.
28:57Top-to-toe express in only 30 minutes.
29:00It looks like you had loads of fun making that video.
29:04So, do you want to talk about the package?
29:07Now, obviously, this is a new workout class.
29:09I mean, we're all very excited about it and hopefully you guys are too.
29:13So, we've priced it accordingly.
29:15£35 per club on a monthly basis.
29:18Obviously, we're aware that, you know,
29:20yourselves have around 143 clubs here in the UK.
29:23The pro rata cost, if you wanted to take it nationwide,
29:26would be about £15,000.
29:28But, again, obviously, wanting to work with you guys,
29:31we would reduce that cost to £13,500.
29:36Bearing in mind we've got hula hoops there and space hoppers,
29:39what does that do to your studio capacity?
29:42You'd lose probably eight people in that class, if that was the case.
29:45Eight people, but we can run very, very successful
29:4730-minute functional classes with 30 people and no kit.
29:51Would every participant need a space hopper?
29:54As part of the licence agreement,
29:56you would be supplied with the space hoppers, the skipping ropes.
29:59Where would we keep them all?
30:03The lady on the right scared the life out of me.
30:06I think the main concerns from their point of view
30:08was space in terms of the balls,
30:10but there are many gyms with Swiss balls
30:12which are very similar to the space hopper without the ears, basically.
30:15No problem.
30:20Next for Ricky's team...
30:24..a fast-expanding, low-cost fitness chain.
30:27Good afternoon. Thank you very much for your time with Meeting Bus today.
30:31But this time, it's live.
30:34So we're going to demonstrate one of the routines
30:36with our presenter in the video, Laura.
30:41You don't need to be an expert at dancing or martial arts.
30:44I personally wouldn't just go to a martial arts class
30:47or anything like that, so to be able to incorporate it into a dance class,
30:50it's offering just that something a little bit different.
30:53We do have another volunteer, Duane.
30:56So I'm going to demonstrate the super punch.
31:00Oh, sorry, got that wrong.
31:02All right, so it's...
31:05And as he holds it, he would tuck in all of his core area here
31:08to keep it tight and to keep its strength.
31:10That's enough, Duane, I know you're struggling there.
31:14The idea of that move is to keep it as true to the mixed martial arts.
31:17I do think it will appeal to a much wider audience in our market.
31:23I thought it went awesome. It went really well.
31:28I keep on asking this question about stock and it's doing my head in
31:31because you're definitely not talking more than £20 a club.
31:342,000 space hoppers made out of rubber.
31:39Next to pitch, Stephen's team.
31:43How much does all that kit come to you for one person,
31:45so one hula hoop, one skipping rope, one hopper?
31:47How much would it cost?
31:49Yeah, in terms of costings, the space hopper,
31:52the cost price would be £2.
31:54The hoop itself would be £1 and the skipping rope would be 50p.
31:58They've got themselves in a real mess over this offer of free equipment.
32:01Firstly, the gyms cannot understand how this works in their business model
32:05and now they're pulling prices literally out of the air.
32:11The last hit for Beat Battle.
32:17Thank you very much for watching.
32:19Do you think there's a big enough differentiator between typical dance class?
32:22I think at the moment you've got your options of either going to a dance class
32:25or going to a combat class.
32:27Personally, I look at the both and I really wouldn't know what to choose.
32:30I think this would be, you'd be in the middle.
32:32I mean, if we look at the markets,
32:34the martial arts industry in the last 12 months
32:36has gone from 28% to 39% of people signing up.
32:39The dance in the last two years has increased by 103%.
32:42So people wanting to get into these markets, the demand is there
32:45and I think it would complement what you've already got.
32:47Thanks, that's a good answer, by the way.
32:50I don't think we've really used the props at all in your pitch.
32:53I just think we've got the props, let's use them.
32:55Would you even maybe have you sitting on the walls?
32:58Let's not go too far.
33:03Still sporting their retro kit.
33:06OK, with the hoop you're going round.
33:08What is it? Look, excuse me.
33:10Last stop for Groove Train.
33:13OK, if you want to throw in Saturday Night Fever,
33:16you can, and they absolutely love it.
33:18So there's a fun element to that.
33:20All props that you see before you today
33:22will be included within the licence,
33:24so your clubs will be supplied with the balls,
33:26the hoops and the skipping ropes.
33:28In terms of our target market,
33:30specifically we're targeting towards a female market
33:33of all ages and ability levels.
33:35Is this not really a kids' class
33:37that you're trying to dress up as an adult class?
33:40In terms of its practicality with children,
33:42it would well have to be a girls' class.
33:44In terms of its practicality with children,
33:46it would 100% work.
33:48You know, as soon as I got on a hopper,
33:50I was like, this is great fun, it breaks, you know...
33:53All boundaries. Yeah, absolutely.
33:57Fast footwork over.
34:01Figures to Lord Sugar.
34:05Next workout...
34:08..the boardroom.
34:14You can go through to the boardroom now.
34:36Good afternoon.
34:38Good afternoon.
34:41Good afternoon.
34:46Right, well, the point of this is,
34:48there's a lot of money to be made in the licensing
34:51to these fitness centres.
34:53£60-odd million one company makes in licensing alone.
34:57The whole thrust of the exercise
35:00was to come up with something special,
35:02a new trend of some kind, yeah?
35:05So I think we'll start off with Sterling.
35:09Ricky, you were the project manager, yeah?
35:11Yes, I was, Lord Sugar.
35:13We quickly came up with the concept of mixing two popular trends,
35:17which is mixing mixed martial arts with dance.
35:20So you had two completely different types of...?
35:22Which was the idea.
35:23There's concepts on the marketplace
35:25where you can do dance or combat in the gym,
35:27but to mix the two together is quite a unique concept.
35:30So you ended up with something like a punch-up in the disco, then?
35:34Probably a nicer way to put it, but, yeah, along those lines.
35:37Who kind of crafted the video?
35:39The video, actually, Dwayne quite gladly put himself forward.
35:43Do you know anything about making videos?
35:45Yeah, I've put together a promotional video myself,
35:48an idea that I had a couple of years back.
35:50Directed it all right, Laura?
35:52Yeah, in the end we ended up with something which...
35:54Did you have any input into the production of the video?
35:57But Dwayne kind of took the lead on the directing of the video.
36:00There was a bit of confusion, wasn't there?
36:02Do you think Dwayne might have lost his way slightly?
36:04Well, we just wanted to bring our ideas to the table as well.
36:07Who was in charge of making the video, then?
36:09Dwayne. Dwayne.
36:10Let's have a look at this video.
36:13Hi, let me introduce you to Beat Battle,
36:15a brand-new exercise class combining martial arts and dance.
36:19It's going to help tone and tighten,
36:21help with core stability, weight loss,
36:23but most importantly, it's fun.
36:25Let's go.
36:27Five, six, seven, eight.
36:29Beat Battle is a unique combination of dance and mixed martial arts.
36:33Get fit, have fun and burn calories.
36:36Bar for endurance.
36:39Scissor kick will help with weight loss and flexibility.
36:43Double punch for lean muscle.
36:46Or to help with your posture, the super punch.
36:50And most importantly, have fun.
36:52Beat Battle, fight to the music.
36:57And then I gave you three fitness centres to pitch to
37:02and who did the main pitches?
37:04I led all three pitches, Lord Sugar.
37:06Do a good job?
37:09OK, how do you think you did?
37:11We got some very good buying signals, I thought,
37:13particularly from the Fitness First chain and also from Pure Gym.
37:16All right. OK.
37:18All right, Phoenix, who was the team leader?
37:20That was myself, Lord Sugar.
37:22And if I remember rightly, you're in this business?
37:25Well, I've often said in this boardroom that, you know,
37:27the team leader should be the person that actually comes from it.
37:30Who's better to lead you than somebody who knows about it?
37:32So how did you get on?
37:33Well, we came up with retro as an overall trend or overall theme.
37:37The idea being that we actually know pretty much all there is to know
37:41in regards to martial arts and dance,
37:43cos they're out there at the moment,
37:44but try and get a completely alternative view.
37:47Who was the kind of choreographer of it then?
37:50That was myself.
37:51No, no, in terms of sequence.
37:52Oh, sorry, yeah, sorry, I thought...
37:54I was fast-forwarding then.
37:55I was at the photo day video shoot then, sorry, Lord Sugar.
37:58Right, so who actually crafted the moves and all that stuff?
38:02I crafted... Well, we worked together.
38:04I did all the... To ensure the exercises were right.
38:06So who was the director of the video?
38:08I was the director.
38:09And what was you... You were just getting a bit excited there.
38:11What was your participation?
38:13I was the choreographer, Lord Sugar.
38:16And frustrated director, I think.
38:18Yeah, we had a few ups and downs, but we got there in the end.
38:23Let's have a look at it, shall we?
38:26Do you want to keep fit but most of all have fun?
38:29Burn up to 300 calories.
38:31Improve stamina and torn muscle.
38:34This is a top-to-toe retro express workout about to sweep the nation.
38:39Welcome to the groove frame.
38:41The dance floor entrance.
38:43Working the shoulders, back and hamstring.
38:49Adamant, working the abdominal area.
38:56The hula hoop, working the core, abdominal area.
39:05The funky squat, let's work those hamstrings.
39:09The groove train, working that core, abdominal area.
39:16So if you're looking to keep fit, have fun or lose weight,
39:20it's time to get on the groove train.
39:22The top-to-toe express workout in only 30 minutes.
39:27Right, am I missing the point here?
39:29Is that in then, this moment?
39:31It is very much in, Lord Sugar, at the moment.
39:34OK, who'd done the pitches to the three companies?
39:38That was myself, Lord Sugar.
39:40I heard from Karen that you made some offers
39:43which didn't stack up from a financial point of view.
39:46Yes, as part of the licensing agreement,
39:49they would obviously initially require the equipment,
39:52as an example, the space hoppers, the skipping rope and the hoop.
39:55Who's going to supply that?
39:56We would supply that as part of the licensing agreement.
39:58Do you know how much these hoops cost and all the other things cost?
40:01You plucked out of the air figures, space hoppers were £2,
40:04skipping ropes were 50p and hula hoops were £1.
40:08I did ask you all to come up with some regime that loses pounds.
40:12I didn't expect it to be my pounds.
40:14If you charge someone, I don't know, 100 quid for a licence
40:17and those things, for example, cost £150,
40:21then it's a flawed business model, is it not?
40:25There was a healthy profit.
40:27If we were to sell the annual licences, there was a very healthy profit.
40:31All right, well, shall we see how we got on with these three people?
40:38Nick, Team Sterling with fitness first.
40:43Right, well, they didn't want to licence it.
40:46But they did see the potential and, interestingly,
40:51prepared to pay a one-off fee to develop the product with you.
40:58How much?
41:03Karen, the same people.
41:06Hated it. OK. No orders.
41:11Nick, on the Pure Gym.
41:14Well, now, they were prepared to take licences at £45 per month
41:20but only on a three-month trial basis across all 22 clubs.
41:26So that gave you sales of £2,970.
41:31And the same people, Karen, for Phoenix?
41:33Didn't like it. No orders.
41:39And now, Nick, for you on Virgin.
41:44That's a zero.
41:48And, Karen, Phoenix for Virgin?
41:51Didn't like it.
41:53Well, didn't like it for the target market that you were offering at.
41:58But did like it for the family market.
42:00With the space hopper and the hula hoops, mum can go with child
42:04and that really fits in with their family themes.
42:08So, they've offered £17.50 a month for a licence for a six-month trial
42:14across 122 clubs,
42:18making a total licence order of £12,810.
42:27Right. Well, whichever way you look at it,
42:30£12,810 is playing...
42:37So, team Phoenix, you seem to have pulled it off.
42:42I think you were lucky that you had someone who was in the business.
42:46I'm not so sure you were so lucky with the choreographer,
42:49but that's another story.
42:52Right, you're off to an exclusive London spa
42:56where you're going to enjoy yourself with massages and various treatments.
43:01All right, have a good time.
43:13Well, go off now and I'll see you back here shortly
43:17and we'll discuss it in a little more detail, OK?
43:28Wow, look at this, guys. Look at this.
43:30This is not bad, is it? It's lovely.
43:32It's what you get for winning this half, eh?
43:40She's alive, innit? You get used to her. Yeah.
43:43It came off, you know.
43:45We're at the health spa, they're in the ballroom,
43:47so another win for team Phoenix.
43:49Leading the team to a victory in my industry feels absolutely fantastic.
43:53It was quite a stressful bordering, but now, amazing.
43:56If there was ever a taste of success, this was it.
43:59What do you reckon, Steve?
44:18I'm shocked. I'm actually shocked.
44:21The way I see it at the moment from feedback we've got
44:23is that everything they saw, some parts of it they didn't think were professional enough
44:26or they thought needed further development.
44:28We need to face the fact that the product wasn't good enough.
44:30Unfortunately for Ricky, the buck might stop with him.
44:33It'll be a really hard decision if that is it
44:35because he's managed the team very, very well and he's, you know...
44:38I was impressed with him.
44:40I think we'll have to wait till we get back in there
44:42to find out where the problem actually is.
44:44I think we'll have to wait till we get back in there
44:46to find out where the problem actually lies.
44:48I'm so gutted. I'm really, really gutted.
44:51I think we've been cheated, if I'm honest.
44:54It's not going to be nice in the boardroom now
44:56because normally there's an out-and-out person that can take responsibility.
44:59I think, yes, there was difficulties with getting some shots from the video,
45:02but the video wasn't what failed the task.
45:04It was good. I feel that it's just tough.
45:06I'm going to stand by the fact I don't think it went wrong.
45:09It did, though. I mean, we did lose.
45:26Can I turn the candidates in, please?
45:28Yes, Roger.
45:45The headline here is that everyone says,
45:49yes, it's a good idea, but not executed properly.
45:53They said watered down the dance.
45:56So it looks pretty samey that things are on the market.
46:00Ricky, you, Jenna and Laura...
46:06Yep. ..developed the routine. We did, yes.
46:09So if you had this idea of the martial arts in this,
46:13surely part and parcel of developing the routine,
46:16you would have actually put your hallmark on it
46:19and said, I want to see a bit more martial arts in it.
46:22All of the sequences had martial arts elements to them.
46:24Exactly. They were very, very clear.
46:26Where the dilution has gone is when they went on the video,
46:28all we saw was dancing, we didn't see a lot of knees,
46:31we didn't see the elbows, and the combat element was missed in the videoing.
46:35I'd have to look at the responsibility there to be with yourself
46:38because you did take the sequences into that room
46:40and you did push them through
46:42and it was clear in the sequencing element
46:44your bias was more towards the dance.
46:46Ricky, no, I don't agree.
46:48We very much wanted to combine dance and martial art
46:50and, yes, it was agreed that dance would feature.
46:52What I'm saying is the dance did feature, but didn't show beat battle.
46:55I'm going to be totally honest here.
46:57I think you did a fabulous job, Laura.
46:59I'm not liking the way this is going, to be honest with you, at all.
47:02Let's see where it goes.
47:04I can't finish speaking first.
47:06Because, and you can't deny this, Laura, I did say,
47:09you know, I think we should throw some more different kicks and stuff in.
47:12Laura obviously felt that more dance moves should go in.
47:15No, I didn't. Let me finish.
47:17I'm not going to go at you because if you let me finish...
47:19It sounds like you are, to be honest with you.
47:21See, the thing is, your video was your shop window.
47:24Yeah. That was your selling tool.
47:26OK. And that's where the negative comments have come from.
47:30Duane, you were responsible for producing the video.
47:33Absolutely, definitely, Lord Sugar. I did take lead on the video.
47:36I think, in fairness to the video, I think the video did show...
47:39All of the moves?
47:40All of the moves, it absolutely did.
47:42It showed them in equal context and everything that was featured...
47:45So why didn't that back?
47:46Guys, you're missing the point. It showed all of the moves,
47:48the moves were right, but it cut out some of the key bits of the combat element.
47:51And that's why the people...
47:52So you put it down to the editing, then?
47:54I'm putting it down to the video and in the editing, that's correct.
47:57The video and the editing.
47:58Can I ask you a question? Yes.
47:59When you compare your video to Phoenix's video,
48:01don't you think your video looks a bit dull?
48:03I also think the other one looks very cheesy and it wouldn't attract me.
48:06I'd be much more inclined, personally, to go to the one that we presented.
48:09But I think you're missing the point.
48:11It might have been a bit cheesy and that's why they bought it.
48:16Can I just go over the pricing?
48:18A lot of comments from these people here was that it was a bit expensive.
48:23OK. I'll take responsibility for the price and I was part of that team.
48:27Do you know what these other people did, really?
48:31I would be keen to hear a little bit more from Nick.
48:34I did some of the editing. We had quite a few riffs in the group on that day.
48:38I think I brought the team together quite well.
48:41Listen, Ricky, you have to make a decision
48:45as to which two people you're going to bring back in this boardroom.
48:48Yeah. I'm looking to bring back Dwayne with me
48:51for the downfall of the video and the editing
48:53and I'm looking to bring back Laura of me as well for the dilution of the combat.
48:58The other three of you go back to the house, yeah?
49:09I'm going to have a chat with Nick in particular
49:13because he was with you all the time.
49:15So just step outside for a while and I'll call you back in shortly.
49:21Thank you, Richard. Thank you.
49:24Do you think the pricing was the killer?
49:27No, I don't think the pricing was the issue
49:29because if they loved the product and didn't like the pricing,
49:32they'd negotiate it down, simple as that.
49:34The unanimous sort of reaction of the health clubs to Ricky's pitch
49:39was that he was good.
49:41They just didn't much care for the video.
49:44And then, you know, Dwayne,
49:46his responsibility for the poor editing, is it Laura?
49:50It would be true to say that Laura delivered the moves.
49:54But on the other hand, Dwayne directed them.
50:01Yes, will you send through the men, please? Yes, Lord Sugar.
50:12Well, Ricky, I have to say
50:15the people that actually contributed the most
50:18are the ones that you have chosen to bring in,
50:21and it may be the ones that did the least get away with it.
50:26Yes. Well, yes.
50:28I think the observation is correct,
50:30but I have to consider if the job was done correctly.
50:33Perhaps you can tell me, then, why you brought Laura back in here.
50:37OK, I brought Laura back in here because, listening to the feedback,
50:40Laura's element was focused more on the dance and less on the combat,
50:43and I was very clear to say that it's not a dance video,
50:46we do need the combat elements,
50:48and, unfortunately, what was executed was more dance.
50:50OK, and, Laura, did you do every single sequence that you were asked to do?
50:54Yes. Lord Sugar, this is risky, but Laura shouldn't be here.
50:57She came and delivered, she contributed.
50:59But you must see, she was the person who brought the sequencing across to you,
51:02and she was responsible for ensuring the message was clear.
51:05She was the messenger of the moves that you all put together.
51:08If you didn't like the moves that were featured in the video,
51:10you should have said in the beginning, Ricky.
51:12The moves weren't displayed adequately, they were named incorrectly,
51:14so the reason I brought Laura in with me...
51:16The reason I brought Laura in with me
51:18is because the message which we put together in the creation
51:21did not come apparent when the video was completed.
51:23It was your message. It was your message, Ricky.
51:26Brian, if it's not Laura, who do you think?
51:30It's Ricky. I think Ricky is ultimately responsible for the failure of this task.
51:33But don't you think the shop window, which was the video,
51:35was something which you claimed that you were in charge of,
51:38you were the director?
51:40Yes, I was completely responsible for that.
51:42We're three people with three different opinions
51:44and we're all going in different directions.
51:46You said you directed and edited a fitness video previously,
51:49so I delegated responsibility in the correct places.
51:52What I'm saying that you're doing is trying to avoid our responsibility, Ricky.
51:56I'm having to think now, even with five weeks into the process,
52:00of people that have the aptitude for what I'm looking for.
52:04So why do you think I should consider you?
52:07Because, Lord Sugar, I know that I am rough,
52:09but there's a lot of potential there to be moulded.
52:11I'm very creative. I've gone out, I've proved myself
52:13and I've created and launched products before.
52:15What I'm hoping to do is take this opportunity to become something
52:18and be the best. I want to be the next big thing.
52:21Who do you think should be fired for the failure of this task?
52:24I think it should be the project manager, Lord Sugar.
52:26He's hid away for the first few weeks. He hasn't done anything.
52:29I do take responsibility for the video.
52:31I'm not going to try and shy away from that late in the stage.
52:34I don't think he's hidden away. Why do you say that?
52:36Because I don't believe he took responsibility.
52:38You're doing what you always do. You're getting emotionally involved.
52:41No, I have emotional character. I didn't take responsibility.
52:44I take responsibility for delegating a task to you which you failed on.
52:47In fact, the man who said he could do the job, under-delivered.
52:51Like Lord Sugar said, at least we put ourselves forward.
52:54If you were so concerned about the message being diluted
52:56and what you wanted there, you should have gone to the editing.
53:00Ricky, can you tell me why you shouldn't be fired?
53:03I shouldn't be fired because I did look at everybody's skill sets,
53:06I did delegate them in the right places.
53:08You're only as good as your weakest team member. People didn't deliver.
53:11And I honestly believe, with the materials I had in place
53:13to lead the three pitches this morning, that if I wasn't leading that,
53:16we wouldn't have even got the orders that we did get.
53:18The feedback for the pitches were quite good.
53:20The people thought they were quite good.
53:22So who should be fired today?
53:23I would say Dwayne should be fired today
53:25for failing on the video and the editing.
53:27And Dwayne?
53:28I think it should be the project manager, Lord Sugar.
53:31Do you know what? I think we have gone as far as we can go in this.
53:36So I'm going to summarise, and in summarising,
53:39I don't want any interference now.
53:41I'm going to give you as I see it, OK?
53:44Laura, this is the second time for you...
53:47Yes, I understand. ..in the final three.
53:49And last week, it was very touch and go.
53:53And I did say I will be keeping my eyes closely upon you on this, OK?
53:57Yes, I understand.
53:59But I can't really understand what Ricky's brought you back in here for.
54:02I can't understand either.
54:03So what I'm going to say to you, Laura, is you survive again.
54:06Thank you, Lord Sugar. OK?
54:10Ricky, I think you brought the wrong people back in here.
54:13I think it's a big lesson that I've learnt from doing so.
54:16Yeah, it's a lesson you've learnt.
54:18And that's a bad management move, that is.
54:20A very, very bad management move.
54:27..you put yourself forward to produce the video.
54:31I personally believe that the video was the main cause
54:35of the failure of this task.
54:37And therefore, Dwayne...
54:40..you're fired.
54:41Thank you, Lord Sugar. Thank you, Karen.
54:43Thank you, Nick.
54:45OK, I see.
54:55You've got Nick and Karen to thank for you staying here today, Ricky.
55:00Thank you very much.
55:01Because they've kind of given me reasonable reports
55:04on your performance to date.
55:07Because if it was solely on today's task,
55:10I've got to tell you, you were very close to leaving also, all right?
55:14My eyes are still on you.
55:16Thank you, Lord Sugar. Thank you very much for the feedback.
55:41Lord Sugar knows what he wants, and unfortunately this time it wasn't me.
55:44That's not going to take away from me.
55:46I've got a lot to give, a lot to prove,
55:48so I'm going to go out there and do that.
55:50I'm hoping that... You've not seen the best of me yet.
55:57I mean, Dwayne 100% was the right person to go on this task.
56:00I wasn't worried.
56:05It could have been any single one of us going in that boardroom.
56:08It could have been any of us. Ricky was really hard.
56:10And Ricky was actually a good PM. Like, he did manage a team well.
56:13I don't think Ricky really deserves to get fired.
56:25Lord Sugar knows who I am. He knows what I've got.
56:28To anyone who hasn't been in that bottom three, I'll tell you,
56:30he might not know you that well, so you need to make sure,
56:32if you get there, you stamp your authority on it.
56:35In the fight for Lord Sugar's quarter-million pound...