The Raspberry Worm Story _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 days ago
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Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age.
The Raspberry Worm Story in English | Story | English Story | Fairy Tales in English | Stories for Teenagers | Fairy Tales | ‪@EnglishFairyTales‬
00:00The Raspberry Worm
00:06Once upon a time, in the simple town of Rosenburg, in a little home by the woods, lived a family of four.
00:14Anna and her three children, Edward, Chloe, and Zoe.
00:19They would use raspberries to make fruit preserves like gems and jellies.
00:24This was the heart of the town's food, raspberries.
00:28Come on, kids. Breakfast is ready.
00:31Coming, Mother.
00:32Edward, stop it.
00:34Ha ha. I got you.
00:36Eat your food now, kids. Edward, stop bullying your sister.
00:40They were all eating their breakfast just when Chloe screamed loud.
00:46What is it?
00:47It's a worm.
00:49Ew. Where did it come from?
00:51It was on the raspberry, the big one.
00:54Kill it.
00:57Let me just crush it.
00:59Edward, ew.
01:01No. Don't do that.
01:03And Chloe, why so much fuss over a tiny little worm?
01:07Just blow it off.
01:09Chloe took a raspberry leaf and carefully dragged the worm onto it.
01:13She went out into the yard with Zoe to help the worm to safety.
01:18Chloe, look there. A sparrow.
01:21If we leave Little Wormy here, the sparrow will eat him up in no time.
01:26Let us go into the woods then. We can keep him there.
01:29The girls went into the woods and found a small raspberry bush where they set the little worm free.
01:36This is the perfect place for Wormy.
01:39How lucky he is to have this dark red roof above him, surrounded with so many beautiful trees and flowers.
01:46They made their way back home.
01:48And later that night, they all sat down for dinner and ate some delicious sandwiches and yummy raspberries and cream to their heart's content.
01:57They ate and ate till all the raspberries had been finished and relished every bite of it.
02:04We seem to have finished all the raspberries.
02:06And now we have none left to preserve for the winter.
02:09Zoe and I shall go into the woods tomorrow and get some more raspberries, Mother.
02:14Very well. Then make sure you pick the freshest berries.
02:18Yes, Mother.
02:19The next day, Chloe and Zoe got ready to go to the woods to pick the fresh and juicy berries.
02:26Chloe picked up the blue basket and Zoe the yellow one.
02:30Be safe, girls, and make sure to be home before sunset.
02:35You know, it's not safe in the woods after sunset.
02:38And greet the raspberry worm for me.
02:41Tell him the next time I see him, I shall eat him up.
02:46And so, Chloe and Zoe made their way through the woods, jumping over fallen trees and through the bushes,
02:53getting caught in the branches of trees filled with sweet and juicy fruits, brushing through the woods looking for the raspberry bushes.
03:01The duo went on till they reached a part of the forest with berries all over.
03:06Elderberries, bilberries, blueberries, but no raspberries.
03:11They continued into the forest searching for the raspberry bushes and went on and on,
03:17deep into the woods until they landed in a big plain with raspberry bushes everywhere,
03:23as far as one could see, which would only leave one's mouth watering.
03:28This is unbelievable. So many beautiful red raspberry bushes everywhere.
03:34All the bushes were filled with dark red raspberries that the two little ones had never, ever seen before.
03:42The two feasted on the juicy red raspberries and picked some, and in no time, their baskets were full to the brim.
03:50Now, let us take these baskets back home.
03:54No, wait. Let us pick some more before we go.
03:58And so they picked more of the juicy raspberries and filled up the pockets of their aprons and got ready to get back home.
04:06Both the girls held a basket in one hand and their aprons in one hand and made their way home.
04:12Chloe and Zoe walked and walked, but they lost their way.
04:16They had never been so far deep in the woods before.
04:20They could not find any road nor path to lead them back home.
04:24And to make matters worse, the sun was beginning to set.
04:29The shadows of the trees were long, and the birds were flying back to their home as the day was closing in.
04:36Uh, I'm a little worried. I don't know where we are.
04:41Don't worry, Zoe. I'm sure we're near the end of the woods,
04:44and we'll see the smoke coming from the chimney at home pretty soon.
04:48As they continued to wander through the woods, it became dark, and they got even more scared.
04:55They walked and walked until suddenly they heard a small little fairy fly right in front of them, startling the little girls.
05:04Ah, a fairy. Hello.
05:07The fairy gestured to them to follow her and flew a bit ahead, looking back at them, waiting for them to follow.
05:15Just then they heard a growl from the woods behind them, and the girls quickly rushed to follow the fairy.
05:21The fairy led the girls to a huge plain filled with bushes and then disappeared into thin air.
05:28Where are we?
05:30It's dark. I can't see anything.
05:33Wait, I think I know where we are. We are back in the raspberry woods.
05:38Zoe and Chloe were tired from walking all day and began to cry as they dropped on the grass.
05:53I'm scared and so hungry. I wish I had a sandwich to eat right now.
06:00As she said that, she felt something in her hand.
06:05Oh, what a miracle. I have a sandwich in my hand.
06:09I have one too. If only I had a nice glass of milk too.
06:15No sooner did she finish her sentence that she felt something in the grasp of her little hands.
06:21Zoe, Zoe, I have a glass of milk in my hands.
06:25This is magical. I have one too.
06:28I'm sure this is the work of the lovely fairy that guided us here.
06:33And so the girls ate and drank the milk and satisfied their hunger.
06:38Ah, I hope we find a nice place to sleep now.
06:43Just as they said that, they found themselves next to a soft bed for them to sleep on.
06:49And so, Chloe and Zoe covered themselves and slept through the night.
06:54The next morning, as Chloe woke up, the sun was shining bright.
06:59They were surrounded by the beautiful green trees of summer,
07:02and the birds were flying about chirping and singing their beautiful melodies.
07:07Ah, how beautiful this is, to sleep among the woods surrounded by beautiful raspberry bushes.
07:15Chloe, wake up!
07:17They looked at each other in wonder, realizing that they slept in the woods.
07:22They looked at the bed which they slept in, made of the finest straws of flax,
07:27and covered leaves and a soft bed of moss.
07:30Is this a dream? Pinch me, Chloe, because I think I'm still dreaming.
07:35Ouch! I didn't mean for you to actually pinch me.
07:39Well, now you know you aren't dreaming, sis.
07:42I wonder where the good fairy is that has been so kind to us.
07:47Just then, they saw a sparkle burst in the air in front of them.
07:52And there she was, the fairy floating in front of them, smiling and waving at them.
07:57Oh, hello! You have been so kind.
08:02Just then, an old man walked out from behind the raspberry bushes in an elegant white coat and a red cap.
08:10He had a dress cane with him, which had a red crystal raspberry crown,
08:14which gleamed like a ruby in the light.
08:17Ah, I see you've met Seraphina. Allow me to introduce myself.
08:23I am King Rubus, the King of Raspberries.
08:27I reign over the kingdom of raspberry bushes, and I have lived here for thousands and thousands of years.
08:35I sent Seraphina to save you from the beast that runs through the woods at night.
08:41I did not want to scare you in the darkness of the woods.
08:45The girls were amazed at the idea of being the King of Raspberries,
08:50and had a big grin on their face as they listened to the King.
08:54I have been cursed by the spirit of the elements, Eramos,
08:59who rules over all the earth, wind, water, and fire,
09:03that every one hundred years, I shall turn into a vulnerable raspberry worm.
09:10This is his way of teaching me the value of the gift that I have so gracefully been given.
09:18So he told the girls about how it was the day that he had transformed into a raspberry worm,
09:25and was carried with the raspberry that landed in Chloe's plate.
09:29I would have been eaten or trampled had it not been for you two who saved me.
09:35And as you dragged me onto the leaf, I had twisted my leg, causing me to limp around.
09:42I lay under the bush that you had left me at till sunset,
09:46and as soon as I transformed back into my normal form,
09:50I looked for you, so that I could thank you for saving my life,
09:55and reward you for your kindness.
09:58Then I found you both here in my kingdom,
10:01and wanted to come thank you without frightening you.
10:05He told them that he would send Seraphina along with them
10:09to guide them through the woods back to their home, safe and sound.
10:13Thank you so much for keeping us safe, kind sir.
10:17You are most welcome, my children.
10:20Expect to find gifts waiting for you once you return home.
10:25Then tell Edward I shall eat him up the next time I see him.
10:29Oh, please don't do that. Please forgive him.
10:34Don't worry, I forgive him. Revenge is never good. I was just joking.
10:41The girls let out a sigh of relief, and they hugged King Rubus.
10:45Goodbye, my little kind hearts. Always be this kind and generous.
10:50The two girls picked up the baskets and followed Seraphina
10:54as she took them through the woods back home.
10:57As soon as the girls reached the house, Seraphina waved goodbye and disappeared.
11:03There was great joy and happiness when the girls had reached home.
11:07Oh, I am so glad you girls are okay. Where were you all night?
11:12I told you the woods aren't safe at night.
11:15The girls explained everything to their mother and Edward,
11:19and told them about King Rubus and his enchanted kingdom.
11:23I am just glad that you two are fine and back home.
11:27Oh, an old man had come by earlier and left this for you.
11:33When they looked in the basket, they saw two beautiful bracelets
11:37studded with shiny red stones in the shape of raspberries.
11:42Wow, this is so beautiful.
11:46Edward, there's something for you too.
11:48It was a silver brooch in the shape of a raspberry worm.
11:53Edward was quite ashamed, and he understood what it meant,
11:57and never did he ever harm another being and was always kind.
12:02How wonderful. Now I shall go get dinner ready, kids.
12:06Go and wash yourselves and get dressed for dinner.
12:09Just as their mother went into the kitchen,
12:12she was surprised to find ten baskets on the table
12:15filled with juicy red raspberries.
12:18She wondered how it got there,
12:20but guessed it was a gift from the Raspberry King.
12:24And so they all made their raspberry preserves,
12:27and since they had so many,
12:29they started selling the bottles of jam by the dozen,
12:33at last proving that if you are kind to others,
12:36irrespective of who it is,
12:38you shall get kindness in return.
