Princess Rosette Story _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 weeks ago
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Princess Rosette Story | Stories for Teenagers | ‪@EnglishFairyTales‬

Parental Guidance:
Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age.
PRINCESS ROSETTE story in English | English Story | Fairy Tales in English | Stories for Teenagers | Fairy Tales | ‪@EnglishFairyTales‬


00:00Princess Rosette
00:07Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen who had two beautiful sons and one little daughter
00:15who had such beautiful golden hair that no one who saw her could help loving her.
00:22When it was time for the christening of the princess,
00:25the queen invited fairies from all over the world and threw a splendid banquet.
00:32Thank you for the wonderful banquet. We shall now ask for your leave.
00:38Do not forget your usual good custom. Tell me what is going to happen to Rosette.
00:44Your highness, we fear that Rosette may be the cause of great misfortunes to her brothers.
00:53They may even meet with their death through her.
00:56That is all we have been able to foresee about your dear little daughter.
01:01We are very sorry to have nothing better to tell you.
01:07The king and queen were deeply saddened.
01:10For the next few days, the king consulted with his ministers and wise men from various parts of his kingdom.
01:17But none could come up with a solution.
01:21Meanwhile, the queen kept weeping by baby Rosette's cradle.
01:26My dear, it seems that there is but one last hope.
01:31The king tells the queen that in a great forest near the castle, there lives an old hermit
01:38and that people come from far and near to consult him.
01:42Then we better go and ask his advice.
01:45Perhaps he will know what to do to prevent the misfortunes which the fairies foretold.
01:51They set out very early the next morning on their horses and the king's men rode behind.
01:58When they reached the forest, they dismounted for the trees grew so thickly that the horses could not pass
02:06and made their way on foot to the hollow tree where the hermit lived.
02:12The hermit at once recognized the king and the queen.
02:16Welcome, king and queen. What do you come to ask of me?
02:22The queen tells him all that the fairies have foreseen for Rosette and asks what she should do.
02:29And the hermit answers that she must shut the princess up in a tower and never let her come out of it again.
02:38The queen thanks and rewards him and they hasten back to the castle.
02:43In a great tower, the princess was kept and the king and queen and her two brothers would go to see her every day
02:51so that she might not be dull.
02:54The eldest brother was called the Great Prince and the second, the Little Prince.
03:00They loved their sister dearly.
03:04Soon after, both the king and the queen were taken ill and died on the same day.
03:12All the bells in the kingdom were told.
03:16Everybody was sorry, Rosette especially.
03:21It is time for you to take the throne.
03:25The dukes and counselors put the Great Prince upon a golden throne and crowned him with a diamond crown.
03:34Long live the king! Long live the king!
03:38Long live the king!
03:42Now that we are the masters, let us take our sister out of that dull tower which she is so tired of.
03:50Good morning, dear brother. Please take me out of this dull tower for I am so tired of it.
04:01Let us get away from this ugly tower and very soon the king will arrange a grand marriage for you.
04:08When Rosette saw the beautiful garden full of fruits and flowers with green grass and sparkling fountains, she was astonished.
04:17Wow! This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
04:25What is amusing you so much?
04:28What is it?
04:30It is a peacock.
04:32It is a beautiful creature. I declare that I will never marry anyone but the king of the peacocks.
04:40But little sister, where shall we find the king of the peacocks?
04:44Oh, wherever you like, sire. But I will never marry anyone else.
04:50The king and the prince considered how they should find the king of the peacocks.
04:55They made a portrait of the princess which looked very much like her.
05:00Since you will not marry anyone but the king of the peacocks, we are going out together into the wild world to search for him.
05:09In the meantime, mind you take good care of our kingdom.
05:14Thank you for taking all the trouble on account of me. I promise to take great care of the kingdom.
05:22The king and the prince set out from the castle.
05:25The king and the prince went on and on, so far that no one has ever been farther.
05:33They asked everyone they met.
05:35Do you know the king of the peacocks?
05:37But the answer was always no.
05:44At last, they reached a road that had peacocks in every tree and their cries could be heard a long way off.
05:53The road led them to a city where they found men and women dressed entirely in peacock's feathers.
06:01They soon saw the king who was driving about in a beautiful little golden carriage
06:08which glittered with diamonds and was drawn at full speed by twelve peacocks.
06:14The king and the prince were delighted to see the king of the peacocks.
06:20You look like strangers. Who are you?
06:24Sire, my brother is a king like yourself and I am a prince.
06:30And this is a portrait of our sister, the princess Rosette.
06:34We have come from very far away to ask if you would like to marry her.
06:39Is her heart as golden and beautiful as her hair?
06:44She is hundred times as good as that.
06:48Very well. I will marry her with all my heart and keep her very happy.
06:55She shall have whatever she likes and I shall love her dearly.
07:00Only I warn you that if her heart is not as golden and beautiful as that of her hair,
07:06I shall punish you.
07:09Oh, certainly. We quite agree to that.
07:13Very well. Off with you into the kingdom's guest chambers and stay there until the princess arrives.
07:21Soon, Rosette received a letter from her brothers saying that the king of the peacocks was found
07:28and she was to pack up all her treasures as quickly as possible and come to them.
07:33As the king of the peacocks was waiting to marry her.
07:37The king of the peacocks has been found and he is ready to marry me.
07:42Rosette decided to leave her brother's kingdom to the care of the wisest old man of the city.
07:49Take charge of everything. Make sure the people are happy and content until the king returns.
07:54She sets out, only taking with her her nurse, the nurse's daughter and her little green dog, Frisk.
08:02They take a boat and put out to sea.
08:06When Rosette and Frisk fall asleep, the wicked nurse reaches out to the boatman.
08:12Do you want to make a fortune?
08:15Certainly I do.
08:16Well, I will give you a hundred gold coins if you help me throw the princess into the sea.
08:22And when she is drowned, I will put her beautiful clothes upon my daughter
08:27and we will take her to the king of the peacocks who will be only too glad to marry her.
08:34The thought of getting a hundred gold coins made him agree to the wicked nurse's proposition.
08:40The wicked nurse, the boatman and her daughter picked up the princess along with the feather bed and Frisk
08:48and threw them into the water.
08:51Now luckily, the princess's bed was entirely stuffed with phoenix feathers
08:57which are very rare and have the property of always floating upon water.
09:02So Rosette went on floating about as if she had been in a boat.
09:07Frisk, who suddenly woke, began to bark.
09:11He barked so long and so loud that he woke up Rosette and all the fish
09:17who came swimming up around the princess's bed, poking at it with their great head.
09:22They have tricked us!
09:24The wicked nurse and the boatman were by this time,
09:28The wicked nurse and the boatman were by this time quite a long way off.
09:32Let us make haste to land for we must be quite near the city of the king of the peacocks.
09:39The nurse's daughter put on Rosette's prettiest frock
09:43and covered her with diamonds from head to foot.
09:47The boat now reached the shore of the kingdom of the king of peacocks.
09:52When she stepped from the boat and the escort sent by the king of the peacocks caught sight of her,
09:58they were very surprised.
10:00Bring me something to eat, else I will have all your heads cut off.
10:05Not only does she not have golden hair, she is wicked too.
10:09What a bride for our poor king!
10:12She certainly was not worth bringing from the other end of the world.
10:16The procession was long and it advanced slowly.
10:19And the nurse's daughter sat up in her carriage trying to look like a queen.
10:24She would give slaps and pinches to everyone she could reach.
10:29Meanwhile, Rosette and Frisk with the help of the fish reached the shore of the kingdom of peacocks.
10:37Thank you so much friends.
10:39I shall never forget your help and tell your tales to my friends and family.
10:44We should hurry up.
10:45The procession reached the palace where the king of the peacocks waited with Rosette's brothers to welcome the princess.
10:52The false queen stepped out of the carriage and kicked a nearby peacock.
10:58Out of my way!
11:00What? You too call yourself king and prince?
11:05Dare to play me such a trick?
11:08Your sister is a princess.
11:10King and prince, dare to play me such a trick?
11:14Your sister does not have golden hair and she is definitely not kind.
11:20Do you propose that I marry this cold-hearted creature?
11:25But she is not our sister.
11:28There is a misunderstanding.
11:30Lies, lies and only lies.
11:34Guards, let them and their sister be shut in my great tower as prisoners.
11:43Rosette runs towards the king of the peacocks with Frisk behind her.
11:49She kneels down in front of the king.
11:51Oh, king of the peacocks, I am the real princess Rosette and she there dressed as me is my nurse's daughter.
12:00The king of the peacocks was shocked.
12:04Rosette explained everything to the king of the peacocks.
12:08Guards, seize the nurse and her daughter and bind them with ropes and throw them into the sea.
12:15The guards immediately leave the brothers, seize the wicked nurse and her daughter
12:21when Rosette turns towards the king of the peacocks and says
12:24Oh, king of the peacocks, please don't harm them.
12:28Please forgive them for their greed got the better of them.
12:32If you forgive them, they will surely learn from their mistake and never wish harm upon anyone.
12:39The king of the peacocks was very impressed by Rosette's gesture of kindness
12:44towards the wicked nurse and her daughter despite them trying to harm them.
12:50He smiles.
12:51Not only is your hair golden, your heart is as golden as it can ever be.
12:58I am very impressed.
13:01The king of the peacocks forgives the wicked nurse and her daughter.
13:06The nurse restores to Rosette all her dresses and jewels and the bushel of gold pieces.
13:13The king of the peacocks made ample amends to the king and prince for the way in which they had been treated.
13:19The wedding was held at once and they all lived happily ever after.
13:25Even Frisk, who enjoyed the greatest luxuries and grandest treats, lived happily ever after.
