Przepis na życie odc. 50

  • 8 hours ago
00:30All the strawberries up there, there's nothing so sweet and so true
00:34As sweet as you
00:37Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
00:39A thousand babies could bake you those cakes
00:42But all I have would be a bed
00:45There's nothing so sweet and so true
00:48As sweet as you
01:00My love, so strange
01:11This day she makes a fool out of me
01:16When we're out and about
01:20But she makes me happy
01:24And that's all I know
01:29Hi, Mom
01:36Oh my, oh my, you missed me so much
01:39It's nice that you're here
01:41Where's the kid?
01:43He's reading a book in his room
01:46What's he doing?
01:48Listen to how Irena Kwiatkowska reads children's stories
01:51Oh my, I used to love her
01:53And how was it at Zośka's?
01:54It was great, I wish I hadn't seen her face
01:56Of course, of course
01:58And why now?
01:59Why the hell now?
02:02Okay, I'll go and listen to Irena
02:13Come back, come back
02:15Dark night, dark and cold
02:22Come back, come back
02:25Come back, Janek
02:38Come back, come back
02:47Come back, Janek
02:52Thank you, Viktor
02:54I'll be waiting
02:58Take care of yourself and I'll call you tomorrow
03:02Thank you, Viktor
03:04I'm glad I could help
03:06If you need help, you can ask a nurse from the hospital
03:11And if you want to learn how to feed a droplet yourself, just call me
03:15Do you think I should learn how to feed a droplet?
03:18I don't think I'll need it for a long term
03:21So, goodbye and come back to him
03:26Thank you, Viktor
03:28Thank you, bye
03:29See you
03:47Are you feeling better?
03:50Your head still hurts so much
03:53It's better now
03:55I'm sorry
03:57Why are you apologizing to me?
03:59I don't understand why you didn't want us to call the ambulance
04:02Are you embarrassed or what?
04:04It's normal, you've been to the hospital so you have the right to feel weak
04:09It's just that...
04:11Now it's going to happen more often
04:20It's not the best
04:24Because you're sick
04:26Today you're sick, tomorrow you'll be healthy
04:40I know what hunger is
04:42I know, because I grew up in a poor neighborhood
04:46Columbus, Ohio
04:48When I think about it
04:50I feel disgust and terror
04:53Jesus, is it because of hunger or Ohio?
04:56This disgust, this terror
04:58That's not what it's about, you hear me?
05:00Why are you reading this to me?
05:02So you can hear my voice
05:04Can you hear it?
05:05Can you hear it now?
05:06I'm hoarse, can you hear it?
05:08I don't care about the top, I care about the bottom
05:10Bata, look
05:12Look, look how it sounds now
05:14Can you hear how it sounds now?
05:16And now, and now
05:18Can you hear how it sounds?
05:20You're so funny, you're laughing sometimes
05:24Oh Jesus, okay
05:27The picnic is at 3
05:29No, the picnic is at 3, I can't
05:33I'm listening
05:35I can't, Bata, I'm sick
05:37Andrzej, you promised me this
05:39Because of some stupid sore throat?
05:41What a terrible phrase
05:43Can you hear yourself sometimes?
05:45You know what, I really don't understand what's going on with you lately
05:47You don't understand because you're only thinking about yourself
05:50And you don't pay attention to me at all
05:52Yes? So I can say the exact same thing about you?
05:54And perfectly
05:56I assume that you're not going to participate
05:58In the movement for the rights of oppressed women
06:00Because your throat hurts a lot
06:03And you're probably deadly afraid that you're going to die
06:05According to what your Yasnowicka told you
06:07Daruj sobie te żółci
06:09Ten Jarczak się ciebie wylewa
06:11Wiesz, ten ruch na rzecz kobiet uciśnionych
06:14Ja bym się tam zapisał, jakbym był kobietą, wiesz?
06:16No i powinieneś, wiesz, bo jęczysz jak wiejska płaczka
06:18Bo mnie uciska!
06:23Wiesz, co zrobiłaś? Ja straciłem głos!
06:26Bardzo dobrze, bo mam dosyć słuchania ciebie!
06:36Ty powiesz mi, co się stało?
06:38Nie teraz, dobrze?
06:40A kiedy?
06:42Przecież wiesz, że coś jest z tobą nie tak
06:44Jesteś smutna, ponura
06:46Byle gówno cię rozpraszam
06:49Przepraszam cię, Mania
06:51No ale ty mnie nie przepraszaj, tylko powiedz mi, o co chodzi, no
06:54Pogłóciłaś się z Jerzem?
06:58Wiesz co, ja już nie wytrzymuję tej waszej karuzeli
07:01Czy wy naprawdę nie możecie jak normalni ludzie się spotkać, pogadać, nie wiem, obgadać wszystko, no?
07:18Nie, nie, przepraszam was
07:23Co się dzieje?
07:25Coś dziwnego dzieje się z Tadeuszem
07:27On, chyba Anka jest bardzo chory
07:29Wiesz, ci lekarze ze szpitala potwierdzili, że te jego bóle głowy to
07:35Będą się teraz coraz bardziej nasilały
07:43No i w końcu przyszedł jego znajomy, wiesz, Wiktor
07:47I Wiktor powiedział mi, że ja powinnam się nauczyć obsługiwać kroplówkę
07:58Ty coś wiesz
08:02Ty coś wiesz i...
08:05Nie chcesz mi powiedzieć
08:08O ja cię pierdzielę
08:16Musisz mi powiedzieć
08:20Musisz mi powiedzieć
08:28Przepraszam cię
08:39Jesteśmy, możesz schodzić
08:43Zilka nas pewnie zagada na anon
08:45Zobaczysz, przez całą drogę do przepisu będziemy musieli wysłuchiwać o Michale Drzewieckim
08:50Jak to ona sobie mogła wypoczywać w Kazimierzu, a przez niego to...
08:54Już przestań, Stefuś
08:56Jilka się zakochała jak wariatka
08:59Już to widać, znam ją dobrze
09:02Mówmy się, że to może być łabędzi śpiew ten Michal
09:06Stefuś, nie bądź okrutny
09:10To temu na górze to powiedz
09:12Nie wszyscy mają tyle szczęścia co my
09:15Że spojrzeliśmy na siebie i od razu ciach
09:18Jaki ciach?
09:20Stefuś, pamiętam jak cię zobaczyłam pierwszy raz
09:23Pomyślałam sobie, co to za śmieszny człowieczek
09:26Kto dzisiaj paraduje w muszce?
09:28A to było 25 lat temu
09:31A widzisz, muszka ciągle modna
09:40Może najpierw jakiś dzień dobry?
09:43Gówniany, a niedobry
09:49Słuchajcie, jedziemy, bo muszę się zanurzyć w wir pracy
09:53To jest koniec
09:55Z czym?
09:56Jaki koniec?
09:57Z Michałem koniec
09:58Jak tu siedzę, to przysięgam wam
10:00Przysięgam wam, że już nigdy w życiu się nie zakocham
10:06Dobra, jedziemy
10:17Cześć Kuba
10:18Dzień dobry pani Polu
10:19Ja jestem, jestem już od godziny
10:21Tak to wszystko tutaj zaaranżowałem
10:23Trochę kwiatków dodałem
10:25Tak kobiety to lubią, prawda?
10:27Tak, żeby było bardziej w kobiecym duchu
10:29Jak chciałeś, żeby było w naszym duchu
10:31To trzeba było pozawieszać na ścianach zdjęcia nagich facetów
10:34Nie podoba się
10:35Nie, bardzo mi się podoba Kuba
10:37Ale wiesz, ja nie będę mogła się tym zajmować
10:42Jak to? Przecież jest wykład inauguracyjny
10:44Mamy pierwsze spotkanie z naszymi pierwszymi klientkami
10:47A pani ma wygłosić mowę, którą napisałem
10:49Tak, ale ja muszę wracać do domu
10:53Co się stało?
10:57Wszystko mi się wali Kuba
10:59Ja nie mogę być teraz trenerem, nie mogę być kołczem
11:02Nie mogę nauczać innych kobiet jak mają żyć, bo sama nie potrafię w tej chwili żyć
11:06I muszę wrócić do domu
11:08Nie, nie, przecież pani Polu, nie, ja błagam panią, to nieprawda
11:12To jest nasza pierwsza lekcja z naszymi klientkami
11:15Ja tak starannie prowadziłem selekcję naszych klientek pod kątem...
11:19Wiózł stalia biodra te sprawy
11:21Nie, pod kątem zaangażowania, inteligencji, przyswajania wiedzy
11:26Pani nawet nie wie ile ja im o pani mówiłem jako o naszym głównym trenerze
11:31Pani nie może nas tak po prostu sobie teraz zostawić
11:34Jest pani dla nas ważna, bardzo ważna
11:36One na panią czekają
11:40Nie może nas pani zostawić
11:43No wiem, a donkaj, dlatego przygotowałam coś w domu
11:46A wiesz co my dla ciebie mamy?
11:48Niech zgadnę, tiramisu
11:50A skąd wiesz?
11:52Dobra, powiedz mi, a poza tym wszystko w porządku, otworzyliście już dla gości?
11:55Okej, radzimy sobie
11:57Fajnie, że rura pękła, bo musimy popracować nad menu
12:00No i jakoś mniej gości mamy, chyba sezon urlopowy się rozpociął
12:04Dobra, Aldonka, ja już tylko wpadnę na mazerek, no i zaraz do wiatru przychodzę
12:12Aldonka, muszę kończyć
12:14Mam gościa
12:17Co ty tu robisz? Przestreszyłeś mnie
12:19Przecież i tak nigdy nie zamykasz drzwi
12:21No dobra, no ale...
12:25Dzięki rozśmieszeniu
12:28Musimy się spotkać w przepisie, co jest
12:30A Jerzy...
12:32Jerzy będzie?
12:36Nie wiem
12:38Mam nadzieję, że tak
12:40Chciałabym pewne rzeczy zrozumieć
12:46A, cześć
12:47Jerzy, cześć, jak miło
12:49A, przepraszam
12:51A co, ty byłeś na wizycie kontrolnej też?
12:53Nie, chrypka
12:55Struny foniatry
12:57Zacisk ranowy
12:59Z nerwów
13:01A czym się tak denerwujesz?
13:03Beata, ja próbowałem
13:05Wiesz, twoich rad, ale...
13:07Nie, nie pomogło
13:11Nie zawsze się udaje
13:13Ale chociaż zdążyliśmy ślub wziąć
13:15Przepraszam, ja oszczędzam głos, wiesz
13:17Muszę lecieć, wiesz
13:19A ty?
13:25Dojrzewam, wiesz, do tej decyzji
13:27Myślę, że tak
13:29Naprawdę? No to pamiętaj to porządnie
13:31Na kolana, wiesz
13:33Piaty, pierścionek, seręczyny
13:37Muszę lecieć
13:39Kciuki trzymaj, bo...
13:41Dzisiaj, wiesz
13:43Dobrze, trzymaj
13:49Nie widzisz, co się dzieje?
13:51Facet robi sobie z ciebie jaja, zdradza cię
13:53Po co ci w ogóle o tym powiedziałam, Maciek? To nie jest twoja sprawa
13:55Jak nie jest moja sprawa?
13:57Ja nie mogę patrzeć, jak tęsknisz do tego sukinsyna
13:59On cię wykorzystuje
14:01Jeszcze jesteś ostatnią osobą, z którą chcę w ogóle o tym gadać
14:03A no, już to, że widziałaś u niego
14:05Nagą panią doktor
14:07Ale co, po co tutaj przyszedłeś, tak?
14:11Nie bądź ślepa, otrząśnij się
14:13To twoje życie
14:31Nie powinienem się wtrącać
14:35Wiesz, że mówię to, bo...
14:37Masz rację
14:39Jezus, ja mam już taki męski ukoj, Maciek
14:41Ja już nic nie wiem
15:01Muszę już iść
15:09Pani doktor, właśnie tutaj ustawiamy dźwięk
15:13I z tego miejsca
15:15Wygłosi pani takie krótkie wystąpienie
15:17Ale pani wiaru, dlaczego tak pani mówi?
15:19Jak można zakładać, że krótkie?
15:21Przecież ja muszę wszystko ludziom dokładnie wytłumaczyć
15:23Tylko jeśli nas zrozumieją, mogą nas popierać
15:25No a im więcej podpisów pod petycją, tym lepiej
15:29Ale to mi się podoba
15:31Co to jest za estratka?
15:33No, to jest podest przygotowany
15:35Na występ artystyczny
15:37Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie. Pani się myli
15:39To jest idealne miejsce dla mnie
15:41Ale, ale...
15:43Pani doktor, przecież tutaj jest takie ładne tło
15:45Jest zielono. Ładne tło dla fotoreportażu
15:47No tym bardziej, co ja mam w obcasach na trawie przemawiać?
15:49A jak ja się zakopię pod ziemię, to co będzie?
15:53No rzeczywiście, rzeczywiście, widzę
15:55Tylko co ja zrobię z tym chórem?
15:57Z czym słuchać?
15:59Z chórem
16:01My tu chór mamy mieć?
16:05To mi się podoba, my jesteśmy w starej pracy kompletnie
16:07I myślałam, że się wykażemy jakąś większą wyobraźnią
16:09Jest z nimi tak, bardziej walecznie
16:11jakiś punkowy zespół
16:13A nie, lepiej niech oni się nie rzucają w oczy
16:15To by świetnie
16:17Niech oni stoją po destratku
16:19A to będzie świetne miejsce dla mnie
16:21Tylko ja jeszcze potrzebuję takie schodki z boku, dobrze?
16:23Muszę mieć dobre wejście
16:25I będą, będą, właśnie
16:31Ustalimy taki harmonogram
16:33...individual meetings... that we can fully...
16:42...get to know your problems.
16:46I think that once a week we'll organise a session... discuss progress.
16:56That's all for today.
16:59Thank you very much.
17:16Excuse me, I'd like to say a few words.
17:24Do you know what's the worst?
17:27The most difficult?
17:31At first, it's a small doubt.
17:35Only then does it turn into overwhelming fear.
17:40Fear of an unknown future.
17:43Fear that we won't make it.
17:46Fear that life will drive us away.
17:49Our task is to confront this fear.
17:52To fight this fear.
17:55I don't want this fear to take the most beautiful moments of my life.
17:59I don't want this fear to control my life.
18:02I won't let it invest my emotions and feelings in fear.
18:06Believe me, even the best therapy won't help.
18:10I know that your life is similar to mine.
18:14It's like a run through hell in sweatpants.
18:19But the most important thing is not to give up.
18:22And I'm going to do it.
18:25Not to give up.
18:27See you.
19:13I'd like a bucatini.
19:16Didn't you read the information on the goat?
19:18What goat?
19:20And I'm inside.
19:22You're so funny. A great Polish joke.
19:24Yes, yes, yes.
19:25Irena, Wanda is asking for you.
19:29I'm so sorry.
19:30I'm terribly sorry.
19:31We have a terrible back problem.
19:32A broken pipe.
19:33And we're all so nervous.
19:35I'm sorry again.
19:37Can I give you a hand?
19:38Drink some water.
19:41What are you doing?
19:42Wanda, I can't take it anymore.
19:45Call Karol.
19:46Let him replace me.
19:47I can't.
19:48Karol won't replace you.
19:49Because he called Stepka in the morning.
19:50That he has his maneuvers.
19:52Kamkino group will fight.
19:58Listen, where are those maneuvers?
20:00I don't know.
20:01Probably on the palms.
20:02On the palms.
20:03Okay, Wanda, give me the bag.
20:05Yes, definitely on the palms.
20:06Listen, I'm so sorry.
20:07Forgive him.
20:08Forgive him.
20:09Forgive him.
20:22What are you doing?
20:24I'm sorry.
20:42Where are you?
20:48How could you do this to me?
20:50A doctor doesn't get sick.
20:53And if a doctor gets sick, he doesn't give up.
20:56I don't give up, you understand? I'm going to fight!
20:59And I advise you as well. Get ready for war with this disease.
21:02No matter what kind of shit got stuck to you.
21:07You have to tell me right away what it is.
22:10What are you doing here?
22:14I love you!
22:19I love you!
22:38Aldona, fennel in a feather, tomato, eggplant, zucchini in a cube.
22:43Fusilli al dente, and you prepare spinach for shrimps and tuna, okay?
22:47I'll wash your hair. Oui, chef.
23:01Every picture tells a story, so they say.
23:09Long before we met, my heart was painting you.
23:14Now I'm standing here just staring at your face.
23:22And not even a thousand words would do
23:28how you're filled with such an unexpected face.
23:44And I'm here just staring at your face.
23:49And not even a thousand words would do
23:53how you're filled with such an unexpected face.
23:57And I'm here just staring at your face.
24:02And not even a thousand words would do
24:07how you're filled with such an unexpected face.
24:14No, no, no, no, no, no!
24:16Good morning!
24:17Good morning, good morning!
24:19I'm very sorry, but you can't be here.
24:23Under the stage. Yes.
24:26Why under the stage, not on the stage?
24:30Well, because our leader made such a decision,
24:33and she's terribly crazy, it's hard to get along with her.
24:37You know, Mrs. Alia, I'll try.
24:39Because we represent art, right, Andrew?
24:42And I think that we should have some kind of a right.
24:46Yes, yes, but I'm in.
24:50Mrs. Nutka, I'm very sorry,
24:53because I know what it means when there's a leader,
24:56because I have a leader at home,
24:58and it's such a heavy nut.
25:00And if you don't...
25:02Andrew, Andrew, I'll buy every lie from you.
25:05We're going down the stairs.
25:07I'll show you the right way.
25:09We're going down.
25:10Thank you very much, here.
25:13Quickly, quickly.
25:32What's going on?
25:34Mrs. Nutka, I'm sorry, I don't...
25:37I don't feel ready for the performance yet.
25:39But you're ready!
25:40Because I decided so!
25:42What is this?
25:43Is this some kind of insubordination?
25:45What is this?
25:48Do you want to ruin our whole choir?
25:50And your great career?
26:00Prepare the cover for 12 people, okay?
26:03We don't know if Mańka will come and Kajtek.
26:09I don't know.
26:15So, Maluch, are we ready or not?
26:18Is something missing?
26:20Let's do this.
26:35Andrew, Andrew.
26:36Breathe in and out.
26:39Breathe in and out.
26:41Okay, but slowly, slowly.
26:43Don't tense up. One more time.
26:45Breathe in and out.
26:47Okay, one more time.
26:50It's all because of stress.
26:52Everything will be fine. Yes, yes.
26:53Don't get nervous.
26:54Close your eyes.
26:56And breathe in, breathe in and out.
26:59Andrew, don't look there.
27:01Why are you looking there?
27:03Breathe in and out.
27:05Now we're going to have an exercise, you know,
27:07for your vocal cords,
27:08because we all have a problem with it.
27:10Andrew, you the most.
27:13Now repeat after me.
27:22Kiss me.
27:23Kiss me.
27:24Kiss me.
27:29Oh, watch out, hot lasagna.
27:31Here you go.
27:35Mom, will you help me?
27:38Will you help me?
27:39Wait, wait.
27:40Okay, thank you very much.
27:41Watch out, it's hot.
27:42Do you have a spoon for lasagna?
27:56Do you do this on purpose?
27:57You can't look at everyone in the eye.
27:59Nothing will happen if he waits a little.
28:01I've been waiting for two years.
28:05You can't look at everyone the same way.
28:07Nothing will happen if you wait a little. I've been waiting for two years.
28:20Will the doctor be here?
28:22No, listen, Ania said he'd come later.
28:24That's better, because there will be more food for us.
28:26Oh, I'm sorry.
28:27It's great food. We're going to eat here.
28:30You know what, don't be rude, because not only did you pay for the cleaning, how much?
28:34How much did he pay?
28:35300? Ania, how much did he pay?
28:38For the cleaning?
28:403,000? So now you want to eat this dinner too?
28:42But woman, where will you find such a place for this amount in Warsaw?
28:46I wanted to shout 12, but unfortunately my mother took your tiny ass.
28:51Well, I didn't notice that you spent too much time on him.
28:54Because you were busy evaluating mine.
29:00Hey, fast water, fast water, asked the girl about Janicka.
29:12Hey, the forest is green, the village is green, and my Janicek is cute.
29:20Hey, they said, hey, they said, hey, that Janicka was stolen.
29:28Hey, he was stolen by the orphans, hey, and the sheep.
29:36Hey, the girl is listening, hey, the girl is crying, hey, Janicka, don't worry.
29:44Oh my God!
29:45My dears, my dears.
29:49I'm sorry, I didn't tell you.
29:52But I told you about the picnic, Andrzej, you promised you'd come.
29:56Well, you see what an opportunity I am.
29:59It's not funny, Andrzej, at all.
30:01My dears, I, this choir, it's for you.
30:04Did you like it?
30:05I can't stand it, what do you mean?
30:09Have you ever heard of Janusik the bandit?
30:12He's a scoundrel, he just doesn't...
30:14He doesn't let me talk.
30:16Is this how you treat me?
30:18Is this how you treat a singer?
30:21I'll... I'll...
30:23I'll kill you!
30:30I'm sorry, Mother.
30:32I got carried away.
30:34I'm sorry.
30:40Good morning.
30:41There was a reservation here.
30:42The name is Koszelc.
30:43Here you go.
30:48They're not here yet.
30:50So, you're meeting Zośko Liziecki, right?
30:53Why Zośko?
30:56I'm meeting my parents.
30:58Who are your parents?
31:00I wanted to introduce you.
31:01Is that a bad thing?
31:03Are you crazy?
31:04Maybe I don't want to meet them at all?
31:06But you introduce every girl to your parents, right?
31:14Wait, this is the first time in my life.
31:16It's very important that we get to know him.
31:18Girls, yes.
31:20Okay, let's sit down.
31:25Now I see why.
31:26You're beautiful.
31:32So, what are we ordering?
31:35It was a good idea.
31:40To Janosik.
31:42Yes, yes.
31:45To Zbój!
31:47Stop it, really.
31:54You explain it to me, you know?
31:55Because it takes me a lot.
31:58That you're not interested in serious matters.
32:04You're interested in the problems of the modern world.
32:09And you're interested in such shit like a whore from the House of Culture.
32:16A serious doctor.
32:20I hope no one has ever seen you with me.
32:24Everyone has seen us.
32:25I'm sorry.
32:26You got drunk on a picnic.
32:29I'm sorry.
32:35Did you call Andrzej?
32:37I called.
32:38But I didn't call because the doctor's cell phone is off.
32:43I'll call tomorrow, you know, to a Swiss clinic.
32:48You're drunk.
32:52I won't give up.
32:54I know.
32:56You want to protect me, but...
32:59You won't stop me, you know?
33:02You won't stop me.
33:03I'll do everything.
33:04I'll sacrifice all my strength to fight with this fucking whore of yours, you hear me?
33:09Because I love you.
33:11And I won't let anyone take you away from me.
33:28Just beautiful.
33:33You should have hit the ball harder.
33:37Maybe that would have made her a bit more conscious.
33:41You're a serious doctor.
33:43The mother of my child.
33:45And you're a serious social worker.
33:48Don't mess with an innocent child.
33:53I just didn't like your fucking talk.
33:57Don't mess with me. You'd do better if you didn't mess with me.
34:01Now I have to get drunk to get down to your high level.
34:04Don't wave me here.
34:06It's impossible for you to reach my level at any time, my dear.
34:13I had to teach you everything.
34:16Everything, yes?
34:18And who took care of Cornelia for the first few weeks?
34:21Why are you so happy? Take care of that memory of hers.
34:24Because when she comes back from Masuria, maybe you won't see her at all.
34:27Stop it!
34:28Don't play with my child!
34:33Don't play with my child!
34:36Give it back!
34:38This is my job, habilitationist!
34:40I won't give you a job now, habilitationist!
34:43This is my job!
34:45The whole first grade!
34:48Fourth grade!
34:50How did I hang myself?
34:52How did I hang myself?
34:53Oh Jesus.
34:56Oh Jesus, how did I get drunk?
35:01Have you been drinking since yesterday?
35:02Are we able to talk calmly?
35:12What's the matter?
35:13What's the matter?
35:17I wanted to talk to you, but I see you're busy.
35:22Because I invited a lot of guests.
35:24Yes, I told you it's not a good place to talk.
35:26You were talking to them all the time.
35:29Jesus, stop it. We're starting all over again.
35:32This is my friend.
35:33Your friend?
35:34Yes, my friend. He was very helpful when you erased me from your memory.
35:38Helpful, yes?
35:39Calm down.
35:40Or maybe he's just jealous of you, huh?
35:43Or maybe you were giving him hope when we had amnesia, huh?
35:46Like Duchamp.
35:47Stop it, okay?
35:49You wanted to have a warm corner, right?
35:51If I didn't remind you...
35:53Why do you keep talking about my flaws?
35:55Maybe we should talk about you, huh?
35:58Yes? About the psychologist?
35:59What was that?
36:00Naked and in a diaper?
36:01What was smearing in front of my eyes in your apartment, huh?
36:04A phantom?
36:05Or Mrs. Dorota Cassini?
36:08Have you ever seen a naked guy in my bed?
36:11Okay, Anu, calm down.
36:12No, it's not okay!
36:13What are you going to do with your sick, over-complexed ego
36:16if you suspect me of having an affair with every guy who smiles at me?
36:21I never even thought that I could sleep with another guy.
36:26And I think that what happened between us was something serious.
36:33I don't get it, okay?
36:34Actually, it's my fault.
36:39I admit...
36:41I wanted to comfort Ania.
36:45But as I can see, it was unnecessary.
36:48So, goodbye, everyone.
36:50Bye, Jurek.
36:55Did he really comfort you?
36:58You know what, Jerzy?
37:00Go to your Dorota.
37:03If she's the only woman who understands you so well
37:06and comforted you beautifully when you were sick,
37:08then go to her.
37:09If it's too much for me, get married to her.
37:11I've had enough of you, you know?
37:36I love you.
37:47I love you too.
38:00I love you too.
38:06I love you too.
38:12I love you too.
38:25I love you too.
38:32I love you too.
38:37I love you too.
38:41I love you too.
38:50I love you too.
38:53I love you too.
39:06I love you too.
39:32I love you too.
39:36I love you too.