All Creatures Great and Small S05E04

  • il y a 7 heures
All Creatures Great and Small S05E04


00:30Donc, j'étais à environ 30 milles à l'est de Tobruk,
00:34les dunes le plus loin que j'ai pu voir,
00:36pas le endroit où tu veux te trouver en blanc.
00:39Laissez-moi vous le dire.
00:40Et puis, tout d'un coup, je le sens.
00:43Un bout de pistolet dans mon dos.
00:46Tu plaisantes.
00:47Malheureusement, non.
00:48Mon sang s'est froid.
00:50Qu'as-tu fait ?
00:51Rien d'autre que de faire.
00:53Jeter un coup de main dans le dos.
00:55Tu plaisantes.
00:56Malheureusement, non.
00:57Mon sang s'est froid.
00:59Je me tourne vers lui et je lui pose la tête.
01:02Et voilà.
01:04Tall, méchant,
01:05en plein sang.
01:08C'était qu'un camelleux, et j'ai eu un coup de poing dans sa bouche.
01:12Tristan !
01:13On pensait qu'on avait un véritable.
01:14C'était un vrai, s'il vous plaît.
01:16Il voulait revenir au camp pour déjeuner.
01:18On l'a appelé Gobbler,
01:19le camelleux le plus faim dans tout Tobruk.
01:22Regardez ça.
01:23Le plus calme de tous les Dharabi.
01:25Il devrait vous emmener plus souvent sur le bus.
01:28Mon oncle Tristan, heureux d'être de service.
01:35Vous me stockez, Mme H ?
01:37Vous ne devriez pas.
01:38C'est bon, merci.
01:39Vous devez faire ça pour nous tous.
01:41Et M. Carmody.
01:42Carmody est de retour ?
01:43Vous n'avez rien dit ?
01:44Je n'ai pas eu le temps de lui dire un mot autour des camels.
01:46Il s'est mis à chercher vous depuis la station.
01:48Avant que je me souvienne,
01:49M. Crabtree était là plus tôt,
01:51à propos de la nourriture du chien.
01:53C'était urgent, n'est-ce pas ?
01:55Il a dit qu'il allait attendre jusqu'à la matinée.
01:57Mais il a l'air inquiétant.
01:59Je peux aller le voir ?
02:01Vous voulez m'aider ?
02:03Je n'ai pas peur. Je préfère rester ici.
02:05J'ai mis un visage à la bouteille.
02:23M. Herriot.
02:24Merci de venir.
02:25M. Crabtree.
02:26Votre chien a l'air prometteur.
02:28Oui, il s'est réveillé.
02:30J'ai de bonnes carottes cette année.
02:32C'est une bonne nouvelle.
02:35Descends, mon garçon.
02:38Tu t'es fait un chien.
02:40Je ne l'ai pas fait.
02:41Il est doux.
02:42Il a juste le goût de mettre la fenêtre au feu.
02:44C'est une blague.
02:46Vous avez un chien à manger ?
02:49Elle ne mangera pas.
02:50Je ne sais pas pourquoi.
02:52Elle peut être âgée, mais...
02:54Je ne voulais pas la laisser trop longtemps.
02:56Ne t'inquiète pas.
02:57On arrive à la fin.
03:01Mettez-les sur la bouteille.
03:04Oh, et c'est votre vêtement propre de la dernière fois.
03:06En haut de votre chambre.
03:08Oui, je l'ai vu. Merci.
03:11Je n'ai pas remarqué que les deux lits étaient fabriqués.
03:17M. Farnon ne pensait pas que vous aimeriez partager avec M. Carmody.
03:24Parlez du diable.
03:27Il est là.
03:28Comment a-t-il passé votre voyage ?
03:31Je suis très heureux d'être de retour, Mme Hall.
03:33Comment est-ce que Donkester vous traite ?
03:34Pas très bien.
03:35Ils mettent les nouveaux recrues à leur rythme.
03:37Tristan Farnon, Richard Carmody.
03:39Le célèbre Tristan Farnon.
03:41Comment allez-vous ?
03:43Mon remplacement.
03:44On se rencontre enfin.
03:45Techniquement, j'étais le remplacement de James.
03:48Bon, de toute façon,
03:49félicitations pour le fait que mon frère soit sorti.
03:51Beaucoup ont essayé, peu ont survécu.
03:53Je ne vois pas pourquoi cela serait le cas.
03:55M. Farnon m'a appris beaucoup.
03:57C'était extrêmement stimulant.
03:59Richard a juste terminé ses finales à Londres.
04:01Ah oui.
04:02J'ai entendu tout à propos de vous, les garçons de l'Université royale.
04:04Je crois que les célébrations ont été bien organisées aujourd'hui.
04:07Pas pour moi.
04:11Eh bien...
04:12Eh bien, nous pouvons résoudre ça plus tard, j'espère.
04:14Dans les droves.
04:15C'était tout de même.
04:16J'ai des choses à faire ici.
04:17Comme quoi ?
04:18J'ai réussi à récupérer les bactéries que je vous ai dit.
04:21De l'Université Lab.
04:22Vous l'avez fait ?
04:23Peut-être que nous pourrions les cultiver ensemble.
04:25J'en serais ravi.
04:33Omnia probate, quod bonum tonete.
04:37Prouvez tout, gardez vite ce qui est bon.
04:44Vous m'auriez peut-être prévenu.
04:46Secrets multipliés, Spawn de Mini, Killjoy.
04:49Oh, laissez-moi.
04:51Ne vous en faites pas.
04:52Gardez la tête ouverte.
04:54Ça peut prendre un peu d'habitude.
04:56Mais il n'est pas un Killjoy.
04:58Il a choisi les bactéries contre les boules.
05:02Honnêtement, pourquoi j'ai l'impression d'avoir passé mon temps précieux dans une bibliothèque ?
05:05Ça ne sera pas si mal.
05:06C'est facile pour vous de dire.
05:07Vous n'avez pas besoin de partager une pièce avec l'homme.
05:21Je peux contrôler l'articulitis traumatique.
05:24Elle n'est pas enceinte.
05:26Il y a-t-il des changements dans sa diet, récemment ?
05:28Non, elle mange toujours comme d'habitude.
05:31Elle mange normalement comme un chien.
05:33Enfin, avec son appétit, en tout cas.
05:36Ça pourrait être la réponse.
05:38Si ses yeux sont plus gros que son dos, c'est peut-être l'indigestion de trop de nourriture.
05:46C'est pas si sérieux ?
05:47Bien, rien que la dose d'huile de linseed ne va pas se nettoyer.
05:50Commencez-la sur quelques ounces.
05:52Elle devrait être bien plus brillante par la matinée.
05:54Les doigts croisés.
05:56Merci, monseigneur.
06:07Quand est-ce qu'il s'est dépassé la rage ?
06:09J'ai dû trouver quelque chose qu'il ne pouvait pas trahir.
06:11Un rot.
06:12Tu peux jouer la prochaine fois, je suis à propos de Thrash Richard.
06:14Non merci, c'est tout gris pour moi.
06:16Pourquoi ne pas chercher un autre jeu ?
06:20Ou, encore mieux, nous pouvons voyager à travers le quartier pour un cap-noir.
06:23Escaper les clôtures de la pipe et des slipers.
06:26Je t'aurai arraché sur mes roues, j'ai peur.
06:31C'est un début.
06:32Jim, tu vas vouloir son feed.
06:37Siegfried, oui ?
06:38Muggins !
06:39Quoi ?
06:40Pour jouer aux règles de Muggins, tu dois déclarer les règles de Muggins.
06:42Les règles de Muggins sont toujours en jeu avec des expériences d'opposés.
06:44C'est juste moi alors.
06:48Tristan m'a séduit.
06:50Ce qui signifie qu'ils sont miens.
06:51Oh, tu mens. Je demande un replay.
06:53C'est contre les règles, je m'en fiche.
07:02C'est bon, c'est bon, c'est juste moi, ne pleure pas.
07:05Ne pleure pas.
07:06Siegfried, j'ai oublié.
07:11Doucement, doucement, doucement.
07:14Oh !
07:17Mettons ça là.
07:32Oh !
07:33Mon père !
07:34Chut, chut, chut.
07:36Tu es dans le couloir.
07:37Est-ce que ça a l'air ?
07:39Je ne t'ai pas vu dans le noir.
07:40Pourquoi nous crions au milieu de la nuit ?
07:42Il a commandé mon lit.
07:44C'était le mien auparavant.
07:45C'est dans ma chambre et dans ma maison.
07:47Oh, pour Dieu, pourquoi n'as-tu pas réglé ça auparavant ?
07:50Il a disparu dans le pub.
07:51J'ai été coincé dans des bâtiments militaires pendant des mois.
07:54J'ai gagné la douce embrassade de mon propre lit.
07:56Non, c'est logique, je l'ai depuis que je travaille ici,
07:58couvrant les appels de nuit.
07:59Comment est-ce logique ?
08:00Si tu es dehors la nuit, tu n'es pas dans le noir.
08:02Disait l'homme qui roule à 1h du matin.
08:08Que suggères-tu, Mr. Farnon ?
08:12Tu es un homme élevé.
08:14Je te suggère de résoudre ça entre vous deux,
08:43Tristan était content quand il a partagé avec James.
08:46Il était toujours un étudiant, alors.
08:48Et Richard est si agréable, une fois qu'on le connaît.
08:52Est-ce que Tristan se sent un peu...
08:55laissé ?
08:58Non, non, ce n'est pas ça.
09:01C'est vrai.
09:02En tout cas, je leur ai dit de s'en sortir.
09:05C'est ça.
09:07C'est ça.
09:09C'est ça.
09:10Je leur ai dit de s'en sortir.
10:07Excusez-moi, madame,
10:08pouvez-vous répéter ceci ?
10:10Pas de soucis. J'ai dormi assez tôt.
10:14Je dois m'excuser aussi.
10:16Je suis désolé, Tristan m'a presque tué à la mort,
10:18ce qui a fait que l'ensemble de la maison s'est réveillée.
10:20Richard, tu dois aller au manoir, le plus vite possible.
10:22C'est compliqué ?
10:23Non, c'est un oiseau.
10:24C'est une édition exotique pour Mme Bumfrey.
10:26Apparemment, il a été emprisonné à l'étranger par un des soldats.
10:29La maison a été requisitionnée comme une convalescence armée pour lui.
10:33Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec l'oiseau ?
10:34Rien, c'est à l'abri.
10:35Oh mon Dieu !
10:36Oui, ça a causé un délire là-haut.
10:38Je peux imaginer.
10:39La patronne ne savait pas à qui aller.
10:41Je suis ravi qu'elle soit venue nous voir.
10:44J'adore les oiseaux.
10:46Tu as jamais vu un dans l'espace ?
10:48Seulement l'Ordada. Et toi ?
10:49Oui, Cairo est en train de s'entraîner avec eux.
10:54Allons chercher l'enfoiré alors.
10:55J'ai peur que j'ai une liste complète d'opérations.
10:57Laissez-moi savoir comment vous faites.
11:03C'est une grande maison.
11:04Ça pourrait être quelque chose comme un oiseau dans un haystack.
11:08Tristan va t'aider.
11:11Je le ferai ?
11:12On dirait que tu es familier avec les oiseaux.
11:14Seulement dans le sens général.
11:16En plus, il ne travaille plus ici.
11:17Oui, je ne travaille plus ici. Il y a ça.
11:19Je ne l'appellerais pas un travail, c'est plus un favori.
11:21Ça vous donnerait une chance de vous connaître mieux, n'est-ce pas ?
11:24Je pense que nous avons déjà un bon compris grâce aux quartiers proches.
11:27Je ne pouvais pas imposer.
11:28Tu ne le ferais pas, n'est-ce pas Tristan ?
11:35Pas du tout, Mme H.
11:38Heureuse de t'aider.
12:05Est-ce que vous avez réussi à l'obtenir ?
12:07Heureusement non.
12:08Je ne comprends que ce que les gars m'ont dit.
12:10Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
12:11C'est qu'il s'écoule autour du quartier, sous les lits et tout.
12:15Quand quelqu'un a l'air d'essayer de l'attraper,
12:17il s'écoule.
12:19Ça me fait penser à quelque chose de particulier.
12:22Je ne suppose pas que vous n'ayez pas une description de sa taille ou de ses marquages.
12:25Ne m'embrasse pas, mon amour.
12:27La taille d'un oiseau, c'est le mieux que je peux faire.
12:29Les oiseaux viennent de très grandes variétés.
12:32Laisse-le avec nous.
12:33On lui donnera le lieu.
12:35Il ne sortra jamais de ton cheveu.
12:38Si ça se trouve près de mon cheveu, tu le sauras.
12:46Je propose qu'on essaie de penser comme un oiseau.
12:49Mon Dieu.
12:50Où choisirons-nous de se cacher ?
12:52Dans un endroit chaud et secoué, sans doute.
12:55Bonne chance pour ça. Je vous verrai plus tard.
12:58On ne peut pas se cacher.
12:59Vous avez promis de trouver le oiseau.
13:00Il n'y en a pas un.
13:02Elle n'a qu'un mot pour le dire, ce qui signifie qu'elle a sa jambe enlevée.
13:09Où allez-vous ?
13:10Trouver un endroit chaud et secoué.
13:13Prenez un repas.
13:14Appréciez la chasse des oiseaux.
13:30A la maison.
13:52Où sont les lits ?
13:53Hello, Mrs. Pumphrey.
14:00Mr. Farnon, how wonderful to see you.
14:04You're quite well, I hope.
14:05Oh, fighting fit, thank you.
14:07I'm relieved to hear it.
14:14Looking for something?
14:16I've lost a painting I'm very fond of.
14:18It's a landscape of the Moors rendered in oils.
14:22Someone must have moved it.
14:23Don't they need to ask permission for that?
14:25Unfortunately not.
14:27Every time my back's turned, something's been moved or rearranged.
14:33Must be a challenge, sharing your house with strangers.
14:37It's a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things,
14:39but I did try to take up the matter with Matron yesterday.
14:43She barely paid me any heed at all.
14:46Preoccupied with the snake, I should imagine.
14:50A snake?
14:53There's a snake?
14:56Well, that's debatable.
15:13Hello there.
15:20Sorry to disturb.
15:33Are you looking for someone?
15:36Well, no, not a person exactly.
15:39Don't suppose you've seen a snake?
15:44I think I'd remember.
15:46It'd definitely liven the place up a bit.
15:50So you've palled up with Tricky?
15:52He's anyone's for food.
15:54He's good company, though.
15:59Dickens fan, are you?
16:00It's like wading through treacle.
16:03I thought I was the only person who felt that way.
16:05Lyra's as old as this bleeding house.
16:08What would be more to your taste?
16:10Can't beat a good swashbuckler.
16:12How about you?
16:13Scientific periodicals, mostly.
16:16Well, each to their own.
16:22Anyway, I should go.
16:24This snake you're after, could it be venomous or whatever?
16:30Depends on the species.
16:32Quite a few types, are there?
16:34Approximately 4,000 worldwide.
16:36And did you know they're the second largest group of reptiles after lizards?
16:39Oh, no trouble.
16:41Mrs. Pomfrey, any luck finding that painting you're after?
16:45Not yet, no, but more worryingly, Mr. Farnon's just told me about our uninvited guest.
16:53Nothing to report as yet, but we're leaving no stone unturned.
16:57You didn't think I should know?
16:58I didn't know you were here.
17:00Well, I am, as is Tricky, who I imagine looks quite tasty to a reptile on the prowl.
17:08He could be in danger.
17:09We can't just have people coming and going willy-nilly.
17:12This is a hospital.
17:13It's Tricky's home.
17:15Not at the minute it isn't.
17:17Ah, now, I should just...
17:18And if you wouldn't mind looking for my painting, matron, I'd be extremely grateful.
17:25Mrs. Pomfrey, I'm trying to make the best of being overworked and understaffed.
17:31The painting will have to wait.
17:35We should really fetch Tricky, just to be on the safe side.
17:40We could split up, take a ward each.
17:43Yes, good thinking.
17:45You'd better start with the library.
17:48Unless you have any objection, matron.
17:52Not at all. Be my guest.
18:03Oh, you wee scamp!
18:05He never got here again.
18:06Oh, shame to admit it.
18:09Rose has improved, I hope.
18:11Well, I gave her that linseed oil, like you said, but she's not too clever still.
18:18Hello, Mr. Ugly.
18:20Mr. Harriet.
18:21It's a stoppage.
18:23You can tell a mile off.
18:25Still thanking your lucky stars, I'll bet.
18:28Feeling any better?
18:31I'm grand, thank you.
18:33So that's the trouble, then?
18:34The stoppage?
18:36Well, there could be some kind of obstruction, yes.
18:39With digestive troubles that are often notoriously difficult to diagnose.
18:42She just needs a right good gallop.
18:45My father swore by it.
18:47Best way with a stoppage.
18:49Well, don't let us hold you up.
18:58I'll try a lavage first.
19:00If there's something blocking her up, it'll get things moving along.
19:03So, no galloping, then?
19:05No galloping.
19:06It means well, but it's an old wife's tale.
19:08It's not veterinary advice.
19:13So my mate Ronald's inside the tank,
19:15minding his own business, when he hears this rattling sound.
19:20Yeah. Damn thing's only got inside and made itself at home.
19:23A rattlesnake in a tank?
19:24The venom's deadly.
19:25He should have seen her come jumping out.
19:27I've never known men move so fast.
19:31Sounds like you had quite the adventure over there.
19:33I never had a mind to travel before, but it certainly opened my eyes.
19:38What was the best part?
19:40I couldn't get enough of the heat.
19:42And the food.
19:44Some of the sights were out of this world.
19:47But the best part?
19:49It's probably this.
19:52My ticket back here.
19:54To see my girlfriend and my family.
19:57Don't get me wrong, I accepted my lot.
19:59I did my duty, you have to.
20:02But the truth is,
20:04everyone out there is just counting the days
20:08until it's time to come home.
20:15If you don't mind me asking,
20:17how did you come to be injured?
20:24Lieutenant Farnon, good to meet you.
20:25And you, sir?
20:26Private Harry Tucker.
20:28Sorry if Mr. Carmely's bombarded you with questions.
20:32Weren't you taking it easy?
20:34Yes, I was.
20:35But Mrs. Pumphrey wants Tricky back.
20:38He'd clearly rather stay with Harry.
20:41You'll keep an eye on him, won't you?
20:42Of course.
20:46But you're telling Mrs. Pumphrey,
20:47and believe me, she's not in a pleasant mood.
20:52He went that way.
20:55Nice to meet you.
21:03Come on.
21:08Come on.
21:24Why is he so feisty all of a sudden?
21:26He's bonded with Harry.
21:27Seems to be a great comfort.
21:29That's why I wanted him to stay.
21:31Harry's got him hooked on tidbits, more like.
21:34Have you got a decent hold?
21:36He's not a great Dane.
21:49I were hoping to bit your brains, Mr. Bosworth.
21:52I'm in need of a mattress.
21:54I don't suppose you've got one to spare in donations?
21:58But only if you're sure it's spare.
22:00I'd hate to take something I shouldn't.
22:05Thank you very much.
22:06That'll be James.
22:07Now, is there any chance someone could bring it round today?
22:11Hello, darling man.
22:15Look who it is.
22:16Mummy's come in.
22:18Yes, she is.
22:21Good morning.
22:24See, Crabtree's got a co with a blockage, I think.
22:27I'm going to have to head up after lunch.
22:29Did you flush her out?
22:30Twice, no change.
22:33Oh, well, it's time yet.
22:35Like watchpops are cows.
22:37I know, but Sid can't afford to lose another animal.
22:39I want to get it right.
22:41What makes you think you won't?
22:43The postman said I should give her a gallop.
22:46Mr. Oakley?
22:47Well, he thrives off telling folk what to do.
22:50I know, but Sid was quite anxious.
22:52I don't want him to think I'm not being thorough.
22:54Well, give the cow a gallop, then.
22:56Would you try it?
22:57Well, if it's what he wants, he'd put his mind at rest.
22:59It's his cow.
23:02It could be rather satisfying to prove Oakley wrong,
23:05especially when it doesn't make any difference.
23:07Two birds, one stone, eh?
23:10It's two birds, one stone.
23:13Ha, ha, ha!
23:25No, it's no good.
23:26Stuck fast.
23:27We might have to try and shin out of the window.
23:30Locked, I believe.
23:32No sign of a key.
23:40Well, let's hope someone passes by.
23:43This is hardly a thoroughfare.
23:45Mrs. Pumphrey's already looking for Tricky.
23:47She won't rest till she finds him.
24:02You know, it was rude of you to interrupt
24:03my conversation with Harry.
24:06You asked him outright how he was injured.
24:08What's wrong with that?
24:12He might not want to relive what happened.
24:14But I asked, and he was quite happy.
24:16Well, why don't we try?
24:17Just sit in quietly for a moment, hm?
24:31Mr. Farnon, about that snake.
24:34Oh, for the last time, it doesn't exist.
24:38You might want to reconsider that hypothesis,
24:41as he seems rather determined to prove you otherwise.
24:57Good old Mr. Bosworth.
24:59Much more comfy.
25:01Any sign of James?
25:03Not since before.
25:05He's been struggling with the Crabtree's cow.
25:08He seemed a bit out of sorts about it.
25:11Well, I don't mind having Jimmy, if you want to go.
25:14No, I can't give you another job.
25:16Jimmy's not a job.
25:19He's my favorite.
25:21I insist.
25:23Well, let me give you a hand shifting this upstairs first.
25:26No, don't you worry.
25:27I won't be shifting it.
25:29About time Mr. Farnon made himself useful.
25:35Isn't he?
25:40What a magnificent specimen.
25:47Led us on quite the merry dance, haven't you Mr. Python?
25:51We'll be safe and warm in here.
25:53That's it.
25:56Make sure he can't get out.
26:07I'm beginning to understand why you didn't want to look for him.
26:10I put it down to laziness, but it was something else entirely.
26:14Makes perfect sense now.
26:15The last thing I am, Carmody, is lazy.
26:18You're a paedophobic.
26:20Petrified of snakes.
26:21I'm not petrified of anything.
26:27I just avoid them at all costs.
26:29How does one manage that in Egypt?
26:31With great difficulty.
26:33Anyway, don't tell me you're an expert, are you?
26:36Nothing of the kind.
26:37This is the first python I've seen in the flesh.
26:40Read lots about them, though.
26:46Catching it, that was...
26:48That was brave.
27:00She's no better, but she's no worse either, and that's a good sign.
27:04But what now then?
27:07Well, the lavas is still making its way through her system.
27:10Let's wait a little longer before we do anything else.
27:14She'll come, right? You'll see.
27:15I'm glad she's in your hands, Mr. Wright.
27:19I've been wondering...
27:22It might not be my place to ask, though.
27:25Go on.
27:26I hope it wasn't anything too serious.
27:29Whatever it was that got you sent home.
27:32Oh, erm...
27:34It was brucellosis, actually.
27:37Not from here?
27:38Could have been.
27:40Sorry, I... I didn't know.
27:43Well, it's not your fault.
27:45It was just a fever every now and then, nothing of any consequence, really.
27:49Unless you happen to be flying planes, of course.
27:52Anything doing?
27:54Not yet.
27:56While I finish my round,
27:58I'm ready and willing to gallop her for you.
28:01No charge.
28:05It's up to you.
28:06She's your co-host, the club tree.
28:12All right, yeah. Go on. Let's give it a go.
28:21Mrs. Pumphrey's taking her time?
28:25She'll find us.
28:27As long as she hasn't been speaking to the matron again, got herself thrown out.
28:30Why would she do that?
28:33She hasn't been making herself very popular.
28:36Not happy sharing the place.
28:44And she might not be the only one who's being territorial.
28:50Am I about to find out I've done something wrong again?
28:55I meant me.
28:58Perhaps I overreacted very slightly
29:01about the room.
29:04I apologize.
29:09And I apologize for taking your bed without asking.
29:13Harry told me a little about how eager he was to return home.
29:17I must admit, I'd only considered the logic of the matter before,
29:20not the feelings you might have about it.
29:22As I said, slight overreaction.
29:26I'm in your way. I'll find somewhere else.
29:30I did intend to offer, but I confess, I've grown rather fond of the place.
29:36Skeldale tends to have that effect on people.
29:39It does.
29:45My parents spent most of the year abroad.
29:50So I grew up in boarding school.
29:53It's been novel to put roots down somewhere.
30:00Then you'll stay.
30:02And we'll share.
30:05Only if you're sure.
30:07I'm sure.
30:12That's if we ever manage to escape, of course.
30:15Yes, I've had an idea about that.
30:17Oh, really?
30:19An ingenious plan? Come on then, let's hear it.
30:44That'll do it. Mark my words.
30:47Reckon we'll let James be the judge of that.
30:49Well, have a look. I'm not wrong.
31:05No, it can't be. Has it made it worse?
31:08No, no.
31:10She actually sounds surprisingly good.
31:13There now. What did I tell you?
31:22I promise you it was the timing, not Mr Oakley.
31:25He must have galloped to us at the precise moment the lavage took effect.
31:28You're all right, Mr Elliott. I know you put the effort in.
31:31She's on the main day anyway, and that's what matters.
31:33Thank you.
31:35I reckon things turned out for the best, don't you?
31:37The galloping?
31:40We're both lucky, in a way.
31:43Glad some good came of it.
31:45See you next time, Mr Crabtree.
31:47See you next time.
31:55Get away with you! Get away!
32:00You frightened the life out of me. I'm sorry.
32:04Are you all right?
32:06The ship lifts the pounce on people.
32:09I should have expected it. It's silly, really.
32:12I didn't mean to scare him.
32:14Where's Jimmy, anyway? Is he with his Auntie Jenny?
32:17Misses all.
32:19You could take me to the drovers on the way home, if you like.
32:21I can, can't I?
32:23I reckon you've earned a breather.
32:25I'm fine.
32:26Good for you.
32:27I've had Jimmy, laundry and Tristan's bed to contend with,
32:30so I'm having a drink.
32:32And I'm not arguing.
32:39Help! Help!
32:41Help us!
32:43Mrs Pumphrey.
32:45Look at this.
32:46Oh, Tricky.
32:48I could hear you miles away.
32:51Who's being murdered?
32:52No one.
32:54We were trapped.
32:55The handle broke.
32:56Tricky didn't want to leave the ward, so ran in here to hide.
32:59Oh, dear. He does take his duties very seriously.
33:02Maybe he could smell that dreadful snake
33:04and led you as far away from it as possible.
33:09Or the opposite, in fact.
33:13Is it real?
33:14Oh, definitely real.
33:16Oh, Tricky.
33:18I'm so sorry.
33:21Would you like to meet him?
33:26You see, he might look frightening,
33:29but he's harmless.
33:30Just a long way from home,
33:32in need of somewhere warm to lurk.
33:34Rather misunderstood, I suppose.
33:36When you put it that way,
33:38he doesn't seem so dreadful after all.
33:41Just trying to make sense of where he's ended up, poor thing.
33:46You're quite all right, Mr Farner.
33:48Fine. Put the lid back on.
33:52You must be exhausted after your ordeal in that room.
33:56Leave Mason to me.
33:58I'll give her the good news.
34:00We don't mind saving you the bother.
34:02Don't look so worried.
34:04I intend to be civil.
34:06Very wise.
34:08You take care of yourself, Tricky.
34:11Be sure to keep the lid on that box, Mr Carmody.
34:16Goodbye, dear boys.
34:21Come on then, Mr Python.
34:23Let's get you back to the surgery.
34:27Wait, what?
34:28He's staying here, isn't he?
34:32Did something else happen?
34:36I wanted to do a good job for Mr Crabtree.
34:38It was frustrating,
34:40but we got there in the end.
34:43We don't shut each other out, James.
34:45I'm not.
34:50All right, there was one thing,
34:52but it was barely worth mentioning.
34:56Him and Oakley,
34:58they both said I was lucky
35:00not to have got brucellosis.
35:02Well, you were, I suppose.
35:06That one visit could have changed everything.
35:12You don't agree?
35:14I'm not sure, to be honest.
35:18You were sent home before you finished your training.
35:20Look, that's fortunate in anyone's book.
35:23The training's as dangerous as the real thing.
35:26Certainly felt that way when my crew was shot down.
35:32Do you remember that?
35:36I didn't want to frighten you
35:38in case I flew again.
35:41It's all right.
35:44Would it help if you told me about it now?
35:58I've made my peace with it.
36:05I'm so sorry, James.
36:09I'm sorry too.
36:12I'm so sorry, James.
36:16We should go.
36:19Not just yet.
36:21There's something I want to take care of first.
36:30Mrs. Pomfrey.
36:32They're taking it down to make room for a notice board.
36:35Turns out they put it into storage for safekeeping.
36:39Don't tell me it's the wrong one.
36:41It's perfect.
36:43Thank you.
36:44Caretaker found it, not me.
36:47We've both found ourselves in rather trying circumstances, haven't we?
36:52Not quite what we planned,
36:54but we forge ahead as best we can.
36:57You're doing an excellent job for these men.
37:00I'm sorry if I've made things more difficult.
37:04I might have been too brusque before.
37:07But I'm not myself with that snake creeping about.
37:09It puts me right on edge.
37:10You'll be glad to hear that it's been apprehended and removed.
37:15I might finally sleep tonight then.
37:19I'll be sure to give you a notice in future.
37:21I didn't mean to be a nuisance.
37:24Mrs. Pomfrey.
37:26The lads think the world a tricky.
37:29And it's obvious that you care about them a great deal.
37:31Yes, I do.
37:34I always wanted this house to be a haven for them.
37:37I just didn't quite realize
37:39I'd have to move out as part of the bargain.
37:43This is my father's work.
37:46It's a view from the house where I grew up.
37:50You didn't grow up here then?
37:52Oh, goodness me, no.
37:55I was such a fish out of water when I first arrived.
37:58But this picture was always a piece of home.
38:02I'll take it back to the cottage with me.
38:06I hope it helps you to feel more settled.
38:09Thank you. I'm sure it will.
38:13Come on, darling.
38:15Madame Pomfrey.
38:17Madame Pomfrey.
38:19Madame Pomfrey.
38:38There you go.
38:40Sorry I gave you a fright.
38:43Come on, Shep.
38:45Look what James has brought you.
38:47It's juicy and delicious.
38:49I'm sorry, boy.
38:53Do you think I've broken his spirit?
38:55I think his spirit's doing just fine.
38:59I've named him Schrodinger, after the thought experiment.
39:02Because he was existent and nonexistent simultaneously.
39:06I see.
39:07I see.
39:08I see.
39:09I see.
39:10I see.
39:11I see.
39:12I see.
39:13I see.
39:14I see.
39:15I see.
39:16I see.
39:17I see.
39:18I see.
39:19I see.
39:20I see.
39:21I see.
39:22I see.
39:23I see.
39:24A private joke.
39:26Although I definitely prefer the nonexistent version.
39:29Which is why I'm putting my foot down.
39:31He's not coming anywhere near the bedroom.
39:33I'd be willing to negotiate on that.
39:35I'd be willing to negotiate on that.
39:38All right.
39:39I suppose you can keep my bed in exchange for no snake.
39:50What's so funny?
39:51I was pulling your leg.
39:53In jest.
39:56For entertainment.
39:58He won't be living in our room.
40:00That would be ridiculous.
40:02Well, then I take back what I said about the bed.
40:04Have a look at this.
40:06Could that be the beginnings of scale rot?
40:10We'll have to treat it topically.
40:12Keep him clean and dry until he's recovered.
40:15Oh, Mrs. Hall, there you are.
40:17That's lovely news.
40:19Isn't it?
40:20I only have one question.
40:22How did you end up in the manor together?
40:25Mrs. Hall insisted. Tristan helped.
40:28Is that so?
40:31All's well that ends well.
40:36I think I'd better move on and head upstairs
40:38just to get some fresh air.
40:40I'll see you later.
40:41Good night.
40:42Good night.
40:43Good night.
40:45I think I'd better move on and head upstairs
40:47just in case this one gets peckish.
40:50Would you give us a hand?
41:03I'm sorry I made a fuss.
41:06I'm sorry for not being a better referee.
41:10Still, Mrs. Hall seems to have acquired a mattress.
41:13We'll be queuing up to sleep in the cupboard now.
41:17She didn't need to go through any trouble.
41:19No, I said that.
41:20But she's got this huge soft spot, you see.
41:30I kept it empty for a year.
41:33Your room.
41:37I thought you ought to know.
41:43At one point, I thought he was going to throw it
41:45around his neck like a scarf.
41:46His face was priceless.
41:49How did the pair of soldiers cope?
41:50Luckily, they didn't see the snake.
41:52But Harry was tickled when Tricky gave us the slip.
41:54Who's Harry?
41:55Served in the 5th Tank Regiment.
41:57Injured in North Africa.
41:59I'm sorry to hear that.
42:01It was inspiring hearing about his travels and adventures.
42:03I'm sorry to hear that.
42:04I'm sorry to hear that.
42:05I'm sorry to hear that.
42:06I'm sorry to hear that.
42:07I'm sorry to hear that.
42:08I'm sorry to hear that.
42:09I'm sorry to hear that.
42:10I'm sorry to hear that.
42:11I'm sorry to hear that.
42:12He was.
42:14He made me wonder
42:15if I should follow in his footsteps.
42:17And join a tank regiment.
42:20You couldn't see me drive in one?
42:23Richard, it took three people
42:24to teach you to drive a car.
42:26I've plenty of strengths to owe you.
42:27Stick with the vetting.
42:28That's how you do your bit.
42:31Probably not the best idea I've ever had.
42:34No, I can confidently say it's the worst, my friend.
42:37Fair enough.
42:38Je peux dire avec confiance que c'est le pire, mon ami.
42:41Pas de blague.
42:53C'était une nuit indisturbe, grâce à vous.
42:58Non, je n'ai pas fait grand-chose.
43:00Non, j'ai juste lissé les eaux, encouragé une amitié.
43:05J'ai tiré ma tête d'un grand bol de sable.
43:08Merci pour vos efforts.
43:17J'aime quand la maison est remplie.
43:20Et heureuse.
43:21Moi aussi.
43:25Où est-ce qu'on la garde ?
43:30Carmody trouvera un zoo pour nous aider.
43:41Oh, Mme Hall est une angele.
43:44Ce lit est un bonheur.
43:46Très bien essayé, mais ça ne va pas marcher.
43:49Quoi ?
43:51Tu es en train de me faire croire que la plage est plus verte.
43:54Mais on a pris notre accord.
43:55C'était complètement sous la main et tu le sais.
43:59Si tu ne t'en soucies pas, j'ai vraiment besoin d'un peu de sommeil.
44:03En tout cas, j'ai plutôt apprécié notre escapade.
44:08Oui, moi aussi.
44:13Tu pourrais dire que tu m'as élevé.
44:16Comme des bactéries.
44:19Comme des bactéries, exactement.
44:23Bonne nuit, Tristan.
44:25Bonne nuit, Richard.
44:33Je trouverai une façon...
44:36... de récupérer mon lit.
44:39Je ne m'attendais à rien de moins.
44:43Que le meilleur homme gagne.