• last year
(Adnkronos) - “È fondamentale un’iniziativa come il Salone delle Csr per creare consapevolezza su come costruire un progresso che non produca danno”. Lo ha detto Cristiana Rogate, presidente Refe – Strategie di Sviluppo Sostenibile, intervistata dall’Adnkronos Prometeo all'Università Bocconi di Milano, durante il Salone delle Csr che quest’anno si intitola “Sfidare le contraddizioni”.


00:00It's been 25 years since I've been in charge of SIESAR and what today is called sustainability.
00:12The goal is precisely to translate it into a common language, in an orientation of choices and behaviors,
00:21not only of businesses, but also of institutions, of civil society organizations, up to individual citizens.
00:28Sustainability, in fact, unlike SIESAR, is not only a corporate social responsibility,
00:34but it is a real new driver for a development model that can be called such,
00:40for a development model that guarantees progress, therefore progress, improvement,
00:45to the living conditions of present human beings, but also of future generations.
00:51It is therefore essential, first of all, to understand the meaning of sustainability,
00:56to support it, to take care of it, to nourish it, to maintain it over time, to protect it.
01:02What is it? Our common home.
01:04And so it is essential for an initiative like that of the Salon,
01:07because more and more all the inhabitants of this common home will have to be aware
01:12of how to build progress that does not cause damage,
01:16to quote one of the principles of sustainable finance, the DNSH.
01:21So a model that does not cause damage to ourselves, to our health, to the prosperity of our communities
01:27and, of course, to our children, grandchildren, future generations, and to the environment from which we all depend.
01:34So it is essential to train and be aware of what we are talking about,
01:38and then for us at REFE we have always included in the method of realizing to realize the other great part,
01:46that is, the strategic convergence, the multidimensional measurement and a clear and meaningful restitution
01:55that activates a constructive communication between companies, institutions and their stakeholders
02:01in order to really ally and build paths of common good,
02:06where collective well-being and individual well-being are in fact the faces of the same medal.
