• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Parlare di sostenibilità in questo momento è paradossalmente facile, perché l'argomento è abbastanza di moda. Personalmente ho fatto un intervento al Salone della Sostenibilità per parlare di intelligenza artificiale applicata alla sostenibilità, altro argomento di moda su cui però ci sono tante contraddizioni”. Sono le parole di Alberico Tremigliozzi, CEO & Founder RE2N, a margine del panel ‘La sostenibilità dell’intelligenza artificiale’, tenutosi nel corso della prima giornata della dodicesima edizione del Salone della Csr e dell’Innovazione sociale, in svolgimento all’università Bocconi di Milano fino all’11 ottobre.


00:00What do you think about the topic of sustainability?
00:06Talking about sustainability is paradoxically easy at the moment,
00:09because the topic is quite fashionable.
00:13Personally, I made an intervention at the Sustainability Salon
00:17to talk about artificial intelligence applied to sustainability,
00:21another fashionable topic,
00:23on which, however, there are many contradictions,
00:26such as the theme of the Salon.
00:28In the sense that the application of artificial intelligence algorithms
00:32to sustainability can help from many points of view,
00:35from an environmental point of view,
00:37to calculate, for example, the scope 3 and the impacts,
00:40from a social point of view,
00:42to try to create solutions for more disadvantaged categories.
00:45On the other hand, however,
00:47it leads to a deep reshuffle of what are the already consolidated activities,
00:56both from a work and knowledge point of view.
00:59So there is a deep contradiction
01:02in the application of artificial intelligence.
01:05Our side, what we are doing,
01:07is trying to ride what we think will be the great impact,
01:15that is, the modification of the human-machine relationship,
01:18which will lead many people to relate to technology
01:22and knowledge in a completely different way,
01:25and, above all, extrapolating a much more important value,
01:30much more significant,
01:32in the face of also high costs,
01:34probably both social and environmental.
