Krisis Myanmar Sebabkan Aktivitas Kriminal Lintas Batas

  • 2 days ago
Dalam Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) ke-44 dan ke-45 ASEAN di Vientiane, Laos, Menteri Luar Negeri, Retno Marsudi mengatakan krisis di Myanmar yang mengganggu stabilitas negara tersebut menyebabkan banyaknya aktivitas kriminal lintas batas seperti perdagangan manusia hingga judi daring di Kawasan ASEAN. Retno mengatakan bahwa kerja sama di antara negara ASEAN perlu diperkuat untuk mengatasi sejumlah kejahatan kriminal yang muncul.


00:00In the 44th and 45th ASEAN High-Level Conferences in Vientiane, Laos,
00:05Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that the crisis in Myanmar
00:09that disrupts the stability of the country
00:11causes a lot of cross-border criminal activities,
00:14such as human trafficking to gambling in the ASEAN region.
00:18Retno said that cooperation between ASEAN countries
00:21needs to be strengthened to overcome a number of crimes.
00:26In the 44th and 45th ASEAN High-Level Conferences in Laos,
00:30Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that the crisis in Myanmar
00:34that disrupts the stability of the country
00:36causes a lot of cross-border criminal activities,
00:39such as human trafficking to gambling in the ASEAN region.
00:44Retno said that cooperation between ASEAN countries
00:47needs to be strengthened to overcome a number of crimes.
00:55Retno said that cooperation between ASEAN countries
00:58needs to be strengthened to overcome a number of crimes.
01:03Indonesia also engages in bilateral cooperation
01:06with Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines
01:08to deal with cross-border crimes,
01:10especially those related to technology.
01:12According to Retno, bilateral cooperation with local authorities
01:16is needed because it is related to the handling
01:18or evacuation of victims of Indonesian citizens
01:21in the country that is involved.
01:23There is a concern about transnational organized crime,
01:27online scamming, fraud.
01:32It is a concern for almost all countries.
01:35And this concern is expressed in the context of Myanmar.
01:39So Myanmar, which is unstable,
01:42causes a lot of activities related to criminal activities
01:49that are cross-border.
01:51Therefore, cooperation between ASEAN countries
01:55needs to be strengthened.
01:58In addition to bilateral cooperation,
02:00the leaders of ASEAN countries also agreed
02:02a declaration at the Indonesian General Assembly in 2023.
02:05The declaration emphasizes the cooperation
02:07in handling cross-border crimes
02:09involving victims not only from Indonesia,
02:11but also from ASEAN member countries.
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