Akses Layanan Kesehatan Tanpa Repot ala Insurtech

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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Jumat (11/10/2024) dengan Tema Akses Layanan Kesehatan Tanpa Repot ala Insurtech."


00:00Thank you, Mr. Mirza, for joining us again in the CreateUp segment.
00:09This time, Mr. Mirza, we will discuss access to health services without hassle,
00:14like InsureTech or HealthTech.
00:17To discuss it, we will discuss it with the CEO of Ray, Mr. Evan Tanotogono.
00:25How are you, Mr. Evan?
00:26Amazing. Very good.
00:28Thank you for joining us this morning.
00:32Mr. Evan, can you tell us more specifically,
00:36Ray.ID, is it more to InsureTech or HealthTech?
00:41Or actually HealthTech but more detailed to InsureTech, what is it like?
00:46Yes, we are HealthInsureTech.
00:48We are a digital platform that has a vision to connect
00:52between the healthcare industry and the financial industry.
00:55So, as a matter of fact, what we do is we integrate
01:00health protection products into end-to-end healthcare.
01:04We transform protection products that are usually paper-like,
01:09dealing with paper, terms and conditions, policies,
01:14so we deal with people.
01:16So when people are healthy, when people are sick,
01:19we provide end-to-end healthcare.
01:22So, as a member, they feel served by healthcare,
01:26but from the payer side, which is usually insurance,
01:30they also feel that the healthcare can be very optimal.
01:35So, for this reason, we have some who say we are HealthTech.
01:40It's true because the majority of what we do is in the field of technology
01:45and the health ecosystem.
01:47And we can't solve the issue of health insurance.
01:51For example, a high claim ratio only by looking at the papers and policies.
01:56We have to look deeper into the healthcare itself.
02:00But there are also friends who say that we are InsureTech
02:04because we help healthcare payers, we help healthcare financing
02:09so that healthcare financing can be sustainable,
02:12can be profitable to be given to the community.
02:16So, Ray's collaboration with which parties?
02:22So, our business model is that we help healthcare payers,
02:28the majority of which are usually health insurance.
02:31We help them transform from health insurance products
02:35which are usually limited to policies,
02:38so now we integrate with the end-to-end healthcare.
02:41Now, when people are sick, we want to provide,
02:45starting from mild symptoms to care management,
02:49until dealing with claims.
02:51We have to arrange that.
02:52Then also when people are not sick,
02:56we also have to take care of it.
02:58Starting from the nutrition program, the preventive aspects,
03:02then after people have chronic diseases,
03:04usually there is management for chronic diseases,
03:08we do everything.
03:09So, our business model is that we help conventional insurance companies
03:13to be better and provide health protection in the form of end-to-end healthcare.
03:20But besides that, we also help other healthcare payers.
03:25For example, like corporates,
03:28there are many companies that do self-insurance,
03:31we also help a lot there.
03:34So, you cooperate with corporates,
03:37and also conventional insurance companies.
03:40How many corporations and conventional insurance companies
03:44have joined or collaborated with Ray?
03:48We now have a total of 200,000 members,
04:00and this includes more than 100 organizations,
04:05100 companies, some of them, as I mentioned, self-insurance,
04:09some of them have used their own insurance,
04:14but they become healthcare payers
04:17for nutrition, mental health, and other wellness programs.
04:21Then, the majority of those 100 companies
04:25are also policy holders of insurance.
04:30We are now working with more or less, if I'm not mistaken,
04:33the last 7 insurance companies that have used Ray
04:39as their strategic healthcare partner.
04:42So, we become an operating partner
04:45to build healthcare technology, healthcare ecosystem,
04:50whatever insurance needs from the health innovation side,
04:54but this time, we don't want to take money
05:00or profit from insurance, but on the contrary,
05:03we build from the perspective of insurance companies
05:06to make sure they have a sustainable business.
05:10We take care of healthcare.
05:12Okay, later we will go further,
05:14there are already 200,000 claims that have been helped
05:17since Ray was established in the year or operated in the year?
05:21200,000 members that we are now in the process of cleaning.
05:25Okay, since what year?
05:27We started operating in 2022,
05:31but we stopped in 2021.
05:34Okay, later we will discuss further,
05:37it means Ray is present to be a kind of solution
05:43for insurance companies or corporates like that.
05:47Later we will discuss further,
05:50we will be back in the CreateUp segment.
05:54Thank you for joining us again,
05:56and we will still discuss with the CEO and Co-Founder of Ray.
06:00This is an insurance tech company,
06:03or in the field of health,
06:06or you can also say health tech,
06:08Mr. Evan Tanotogono.
06:10Mr. Evan, you said earlier that there are already 200,000 members
06:15that have been processed since it started operating in 2022.
06:19That's amazing.
06:21Why are insurance companies or corporates
06:26that have insurance, especially in the field of health,
06:29should use Ray?
06:32Okay, good question.
06:35So maybe if we talk about health insurance,
06:39now the problem faced by all industries
06:42is actually two.
06:45The claim, usually the performance claim,
06:47so maybe friends who have insurance
06:49must also feel,
06:50oh, why did we have a fairly large repricing last year?
06:54The price is quite high.
06:55One of the factors is because the claim ratio of the insurance company
06:59is quite high.
07:01So, the data of AAJI, the Indonesian Association of Insurance Companies,
07:04in the first semester is even above 100%.
07:06It means that the company issues a claim fee
07:10which is more than the premium received.
07:12So, you can imagine that this insurance,
07:14when they manage their health,
07:16actually they are a bit at a loss.
07:21Not ideal, right?
07:23That's right.
07:24The second one is usually when we talk about healthcare.
07:27Now insurance is likely to manage the claim,
07:30it works with the conventional TPA,
07:33the party admin, to manage the claim.
07:35But the claim only happens when the person is sick.
07:38Only a small part of the healthcare.
07:40Well, that's why it's usually very transactional.
07:43The paper is handled, the TNC is handled,
07:47no one cares about health overall,
07:51and it's also not private-focused.
07:53Whereas actually for people,
07:55what is needed is when they are sick,
07:57there are people who take care of it,
07:58there are people who book it,
07:59there are people who pay for it,
08:00and when they are healthy,
08:01they have access to live healthier.
08:04So that's why when we work together with insurance,
08:08our motto is simple.
08:10We say we are not TPA,
08:12TPA is just an admin to manage the claim.
08:15We are a health tech partner.
08:17We innovate in the field of technology,
08:19develop healthcare innovation for insurance,
08:23from the insurance mindset,
08:24we focus on how to build insurance,
08:28deliver proper healthcare, end-to-end, holistic,
08:32and we also focus on the claim performance of the insurance.
08:35So we can see there are several companies that I can share,
08:39that have used us,
08:40there are those whose claim ratio is above 120%.
08:43Like us, we are now below 60%.
08:46So there are some that maybe we also pilot
08:49with some insurance,
08:50we ask which one is usually naughty.
08:53Naughty in a way that the claim ratio of the portfolio is bad,
08:56or can't manage the hospital,
08:59the claim ratio can be above 200%,
09:01we manage it,
09:02and usually we optimize it more than twice.
09:05Okay, Mr. Evan,
09:06so if someone wants to claim,
09:08as a member,
09:09it still has to go to the insurance company,
09:12later it will be directed to the REI automatic system, right?
09:17We actually help insurance,
09:20in terms of becoming an insurance partner,
09:23to take care of all the healthcare services
09:26from the insurance itself.
09:29Including one of them is the claim.
09:31So when we work with the member,
09:34it's better to have an application,
09:37we are available 24 hours,
09:38starting from when he is sick,
09:40he can go to the doctor,
09:41the claim is also through there,
09:42the wellness is also from there.
09:43Okay, if you want to be more specific,
09:45just visit the REI application.
09:47In short, Mr. Evan,
09:48what is the target profit?
09:51The target profit,
09:52because we are a startup,
09:54so basically with,
09:56we also just funded yesterday,
09:59and it will be needed for us to innovate,
10:02now we are more innovative in the healthcare field.
10:05At OJK, we have passed their sandbox as well,
10:09as a digital health innovation.
10:11Now we are part of health innovation,
10:15with DTO MN Cash,
10:16for how we see the interoperability
10:20with what will be the National Electronic Medicine.
10:23So it's going there,
10:24but every now and then it keeps growing.
10:29Okay, Mr. Evan,
10:30good luck for REI,
10:32and hopefully it can help more companies,
10:35insurance companies,
10:36and also health in the water.
10:37See you again.
10:38Greetings to the friends at REI.
10:41And Mr. Mirza,
10:42that's it for the CreateUp segment this time,
10:44because our time is limited,
10:46but before we finish,
10:47we update the position
10:48from the Salam Gabungan price index
10:50until now, Mr. Mirza,
10:51where IHSG up to 9.29 minutes
10:54in western Indonesia,
10:55moving in a positive territory,
10:58sustained since the strengthening,
10:59up 0.57%,
11:01or since the opening earlier,
11:03at 7,521,
11:05up 41 points,
11:07with the exchange rate against the US dollar
11:09strengthening at 15,609,
11:11up 0.33%
11:13against the US dollar.
11:15Thus, the lines of stocks
11:16that become top gainers and top losers,
11:18among them, Mr. Mirza,
11:19are Pani, Bumi, Pegas, BRMS, Buka,
11:22and KPIG, as well as Goto.
11:24Meanwhile, there are LIVE,
11:26Fern, GRIA, MANG, PDPP,
11:29DMMX, Tekim, Adi,
11:31and several others.
11:32Properties still support the strengthening of IHSG,
11:35Mr. Mirza, and all sectors
11:38are moving in a positive territory
11:40until now.
11:45And Mr. Mirza,
11:4690 minutes have passed,
11:47I accompanied you in Power Breakfast,
11:48I hope today's discussion
11:50can be a reference and source of information for you.
11:53Keep sharing your information
11:54only on IDX Channel,
11:55your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
11:58Don't forget to watch the Market Review program
12:00that will be presented in a moment
12:01with our friends,
12:02Prasitwi Bowo,
12:0310 o'clock, West Indonesia time.
12:05And because the future must move forward,
12:07I am Investor Saham.
12:09I am Prisa Sampurdhatu.
12:10See you.
