Keberlanjutan Sektor Pertambangan dan Energi

  • 20 hours ago
Presiden Joko Widodo menitipkan tiga pesan penting untuk keberlanjutan sektor pertambangan dan energi di dalam negeri. Jokowi memberikan pesan perihal program hilirisasi atau pengolahan dan pemurnian khususnya pada sektor pertambangan dalam negeri. Jokowi meminta program tersebut terus dijalankan karena memberikan nilai tambah bagi negeri.


00:00President Joko Widodo
00:05President Joko Widodo has issued three important messages for the continuation of the energy and mining sector in the country.
00:11Joko Widodo has issued a message regarding the Hillerization Programme, or processing and purification, especially in the mining sector in the country.
00:18Joko Widodo asks that the programme continues to be carried out because it adds value to the country.
00:24Joko Widodo has also issued a message that the production of crude oil in the country must be increased.
00:28The reason is that the lifting of crude oil in the country continues to decline from year to year.
00:33Joko Widodo insists that this condition must be immediately overcome by boosting the production of Indonesian oil.
00:39Joko Widodo urges Indonesia to become a friendly country with incoming investments, one of which is to accelerate the licensing process.
00:46According to Joko Widodo, investments that come to Indonesia will open up great job opportunities.
00:51In addition, it will facilitate exploration so that oil and gas lifting can increase.
00:57The added value in the SDM sector is very important because it is very valuable.
01:05The added value must be in the country.
01:10The added value must be in the country, not the crude oil that we send, raw materials that we send,
01:20and then those that are enjoyed by other countries.
01:23It can't be like that.
01:25It can't be like that anymore.
01:28Job opportunities are created there.
01:32They enjoy the benefits.
