Nineties Eastenders (20th January 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (20th January 1998)
00:42Oi! What are you two doing?
00:45Show me!
00:50Dad! Dad!
00:52You OK?
00:54I'm fine.
00:55You sure?
00:56Yeah, really, I'm fine. He missed my arm. He's a little sod.
00:59Oh, look at this!
01:01Don't worry, a couple of rude words, I ain't gonna stop.
01:06But a tin load of nondrip will.
01:08Why? A kid like that...
01:10Dad, it wasn't him!
01:12Someone put him up to it.
01:15I thought we could get a takeaway or something.
01:17I could bring back a video from the shop.
01:20The miracle of home cinema will be ours.
01:22Home cinema? Isn't the telly a bit small for that?
01:24Well, maybe.
01:26We haven't got five speakers.
01:29Or a knife and digital surround sound.
01:32But I could turn the lights out and show you to your chair with a torch.
01:34How's that?
01:35Well, sorry, Nigel, not tonight.
01:38I'm going round to Josh's this evening.
01:40He said he'd help me with my homework.
01:41Oh, he did, did he?
01:42Yes, he did, actually, if that's all right with you.
01:44Well, you've changed your tune, haven't you?
01:45I mean, only the other week you couldn't stand Miss Hay,
01:47now you're going round to her house.
01:48Well, this is different.
01:49Yeah, obviously.
01:50Oh, Nigel, there's no need to be like that.
01:51Josh has been amazing helping me.
01:52He doesn't have to do it.
01:54I thought you'd be pleased.
01:56There you go.
01:58Now, go easy on it, will you?
01:59That's all we've got.
02:00Yeah, OK.
02:01But wouldn't it be better if you looked after it?
02:02Well, I want you to look after the store today.
02:04I want to be at home when Gita comes around.
02:05Still nothing?
02:07What happened here?
02:08I shut my eye on the van door.
02:10See you later.
02:11Yeah, see you.
02:12Any news?
02:14Well, where's he off to?
02:15Well, he reckons he'd be better off at home.
02:17It's a terrible burden, you know, Paulie.
02:21You left 15,000 quid.
02:23All that money, it's a responsibility.
02:25That's what it is.
02:27To spend it properly, wisely.
02:29It's me duty.
02:30You see, Paulie, what I've been left is a...
02:34A legacy.
02:35And there are so many deserving causes.
02:38I must choose carefully.
02:39You're not going to give it away?
02:41I feel as if I'm being tested.
02:43I've got to do the right thing, the Christian thing.
02:46Yeah, but don't you think...
02:48Here, what if I donated it to medical research?
02:51Oh, maybe.
02:53Or the church?
02:55Why not keep it?
02:57Oh, no.
02:58Oh, I couldn't do that.
03:00Look, she cared about you.
03:02She wanted you to be happy.
03:04Well, if you put it like that...
03:07You talk about wanting to do the Christian thing.
03:10I think that giving away money,
03:12expressly against the wishes of someone who can't do anything about it,
03:15is positively un-Christian.
03:18What an interesting way to look at it.
03:20Well, it's the only way, if you ask me.
03:22So what you're saying is, to spend it on me is the right thing to do?
03:27Yeah, and there wouldn't be no guilt in it,
03:29because that's what she wanted.
03:30Yeah, that's right.
03:31Oh, thank you, Paulie.
03:33We all have our cross to bear.
03:35As I was saying, it's heavy burden.
03:41How are you feeling?
03:43A bit shell-shocked as well.
03:45Heard you moving around last night.
03:46You all right?
03:47Yeah, it's nice and quiet.
03:49Only the time of my own, you know.
03:51June and the Dad won't even feel I'm here.
03:53I feel apart.
03:54I know what you mean.
03:55Do you?
03:57Funny as it may seem.
04:00Last night I did a lot of thinking, yeah?
04:03I want to look after Mum when she comes home.
04:05You what?
04:06I mean it, Dad.
04:07I want to take care of her, help her.
04:08Have you any idea what you're taking on?
04:09Yeah, it's funny as it may seem.
04:12Look, I thought we'd go to visit the hospital this afternoon
04:14after she's had a chance at rest.
04:18We'll talk about this later.
04:20I mean it, though, Dad.
04:21I know.
04:22I must go.
04:25That's four.
04:27Say what?
04:28Even I know you don't take four sugars in your tea.
04:33I'm sorry, Claire.
04:35I mean it.
04:36I really am pleased Josh is helping you,
04:38and I'm sure he's a good kid.
04:39Well, why were you like that this morning?
04:41What have you got against him?
04:43Then why make it so hard?
04:44Because it's a bit hard for me, too.
04:47But that's OK.
04:48See, you're growing up, Claire.
04:49I mean, it's time you had a few secrets,
04:51and it's time you had other people to care about
04:53apart from just me.
04:54Is that what you think?
04:56There's no one more important than you.
04:58Well, there will be.
05:00The trick is for me not to get jealous
05:02and for you not to feel guilty, OK?
05:04So you go and see Josh,
05:05and if he can get you to memorise your periodic tables,
05:08then he'll have my blessings.
05:10Simon says you're not coming out to the stall today.
05:13No, I don't think so.
05:15But it might do you good.
05:16Get out, you know, take your mind off things.
05:18No, I'll feel.
05:19I'll stay here just in case, you know.
05:21So you've got no idea where Geeta might be?
05:24Indra put her on the train from Sheffield yesterday as planned,
05:27and that was the last anyone saw of her.
05:29And you got to the station, all right?
05:31Yeah. Well, yeah.
05:32Well, did you?
05:33Just about.
05:34You did go to meet her, didn't you?
05:36I mean, I saw you leave.
05:37Well, there you go, then.
05:40I was late.
05:42You left them bags at home?
05:43Yeah, well, I went somewhere else first.
05:46Just somewhere else, all right?
05:51Tell me what happened, Sanjay.
05:53Forget it, Mark.
05:54What were you doing?
05:56Why didn't you meet Geeta and Shamira off the train?
05:58Look, I don't want to talk about it.
05:59What were you doing?
06:00Who did you see?
06:02Tell me what happened, Sanjay.
06:03The truth, now.
06:06No news?
06:08Maybe she's got the face coming back.
06:10I reckon Sanjay could be a bit of an anvil sometimes.
06:12Yeah, well, let's hope he's something like that, eh?
06:13Please go.
06:17Recognise it?
06:19No, should I?
06:20Belong to that kid you sent to vandalise the building work?
06:22No, you don't think I had something to do with that, do you?
06:24You would do anything to stop the work on the hostel.
06:26It's true I don't want it, and I've made no secret of that.
06:28But getting some kid to spray paint, that's not how I work.
06:31That kid did more than that. He had a go at my dad, too.
06:33He did what?
06:34Sprayed him right in the face. Just missed his eyes.
06:36Is he OK?
06:37Well, he was lucky he wasn't blinded.
06:39But thanks for asking.
06:40That's terrible.
06:41You're damn right.
06:42Like I said, I had nothing to do with it.
06:44I mean, honestly, I'm as upset as you are.
06:46Not quite as upset.
06:48Now, I can understand why you're frustrated,
06:50and I can appreciate why you want to find somebody to blame,
06:52but please, give me some credit.
06:54Just remember, I'm watching you.
06:56So it would seem.
07:00What was all that about?
07:01Oh, someone sabotaged the building work outside the hostel last night.
07:04And why's he talking to you about it?
07:06He thought I had something to do with it.
07:08Which I don't.
07:09Well, I'm pleased to hear it.
07:11I left early to pick up the gear, about 9.30,
07:14plenty of time before I had to be at the station.
07:16It was dead simple, really.
07:17A friend of a friend had some stuff which he wanted to shift quickly.
07:20It was good stuff and all.
07:21Design and labels, a lot.
07:23I could make a killing.
07:25Oh, yeah. Real McCoy.
07:27The real Stolen McCoy.
07:29You don't learn, do you?
07:31Well, who's going to know?
07:32Well, Gita, for one.
07:33Well, I knew she wouldn't have gone for it, and it was too good to miss.
07:35That sort of stuff flies off the rails.
07:37I could have got rid of it in a couple of days.
07:38So where's the harm?
07:39Come on.
07:41Tell me where I am.
07:42I got to the lock-up where he had the stuff.
07:44What, your friend's friend?
07:46He wanted more dosh, much more than we'd agreed.
07:49I told him to stuff it, which is when he tried to get tough.
07:51And that's where you got...
07:52Yeah, he slammed the door on my fingers.
07:54I mean, it's pretty pathetic, really.
07:56I paid him what we'd agreed, got in the van and drove off.
07:59I was only about ten minutes late.
08:01So did the police know about you being late?
08:04Is that a joke?
08:07Tell them.
08:08Don't be stupid. What am I supposed to say?
08:10Well, it might be important.
08:11No, I don't believe that.
08:12I mean, it was only ten minutes, maybe 15.
08:1415 minutes, that's hardly anything.
08:16It's much more likely she got off the train somewhere on the way down, innit?
08:19I mean, nothing could have happened to her, not then.
08:21I wasn't that late.
08:22Do you want me to put it in the window?
08:24I'm putting them all over the square.
08:26What do you think?
08:28Actors, singers, dancers for all new production of Good Queen Vic.
08:32Auditions in community centre, Monday 2pm onwards.
08:35Everyone welcome. Step up and have a go.
08:38It's the story of our lives.
08:39Oh, that's great.
08:40I like that bit at the end, it's very catchy.
08:42I thought so.
08:43So you've finished it then, have you, the play?
08:45Pretty much.
08:46Just got a few bits and pieces to tidy up, that's all.
08:48Oh, that's wonderful.
08:49I don't know about that.
08:50I do.
08:52You know people around here better than I do.
08:54Do you think I'll find my cast out there?
08:57Well, us lot?
08:58Well, I've never ever done anything like this before,
09:00but, well, not without getting on the outside of several pints first.
09:04Well, we'll just have to see what Monday brings then, won't we?
09:06There is one thing.
09:09I know Claire's been seeing quite a bit of Josh,
09:11and I appreciate all his help with everything.
09:16And, well, Claire and boys, I'm sort of...
09:20I'm glad it's Josh.
09:26No, Sanjay, it's the police.
09:28Sergeant Kidman and...
09:30Norton. They came by the shop.
09:32Any news?
09:33Not yet. We'd like to ask you a few questions.
09:35Well, you'd better sit down.
09:36I'll put you in a ring around Gita's friends, see if anyone's heard anything.
09:39Have they?
09:40No. What about you? Have you found out anything?
09:42Very little, sir, I'm afraid, but it's early days yet.
09:44That particular train made one unscheduled stop on route to St Pancras.
09:47Engineering works outside Leicester.
09:49Well, maybe she got off then. Would anyone have seen her?
09:51I mean, she was with a little girl, after all.
09:53Well, you can rule that out, I'm afraid.
09:54You see, the doors are always locked when a train stops outside a station.
09:57She couldn't possibly have got out then.
09:59Which leaves us with the scheduled stops, of which there were five.
10:01If you have any photos of your wife and daughter, we'd like to have them.
10:04See if anyone recognises them.
10:06Yeah, all right. It's a long shot, though, isn't it?
10:08You'd be surprised, sir, what members of the public notice.
10:10We'll also be studying the closed-circuit TV cameras at St Pancras.
10:13They often throw something up.
10:14What about the hospitals?
10:15No one matching her description, or your daughter's,
10:17was admitted last night to any hospital on the route.
10:19Never mind description. If she was in hospital, she'd have given a name.
10:22Only if she was able to, sir.
10:25You said you had more questions.
10:27That's right, but first can I ask you to fill this in, please?
10:30What is it?
10:31It's routine, I'm afraid.
10:32It's now 24 hours since you went to meet your wife.
10:35If you can fill that in, we'll get it off to the Missing Persons Bureau at the yard.
10:38Missing Persons Bureau?
10:40They'll coordinate everything from now on.
10:41Contact the local police stations along the main line,
10:43copy photographs, interview your wife's friends, relations,
10:45anyone who might shed some light.
10:47They have the resources, sir, the database.
10:49It's best if they do it.
10:50So if you could just fill it in.
10:51You've given me two here?
10:53One's for your daughter, sir.
10:55Yeah. Yeah, I might come along.
10:58Tony's going to cover it for the Gazette, aren't you?
11:00I'll be there, pencil sharp.
11:01Oi, Tony!
11:02Yeah, what do you reckon?
11:04Keanu Reeves.
11:05More like Vic Reeves.
11:06See you later.
11:07See you later.
11:08All right.
11:09Don't look now, but we've got another assignment.
11:11I've got Max on the phone.
11:13Apparently he wants us to forget about covering the opening in the old people's home
11:15and do this instead.
11:16This is much more important.
11:17Why? What have we got there?
11:19Interview Ian Beale.
11:21More than that, we've got to treat him with kid gloves.
11:23Allow him his say and don't do anything that might upset him.
11:27I don't know. It's what Max wants.
11:28And since when I last looked, he was still our editor.
11:30What Max wants, Max gets.
11:31So it's all arranged.
11:33Your cousin and our prospective counsellor will kindly see us later this afternoon.
11:37I can't wait.
11:38You'll just have to be patient.
11:41Well, he said he'd come over about lunchtime.
11:43He must have got held up or something.
11:44Well, you see, love, everything will be OK.
11:46Rob will know what to do.
11:47Oh, I hope so.
11:48Jessie keeps talking about her mum.
11:50It's like she's forgotten all the stuff that went on before.
11:52Well, maybe she has, but she is only little.
11:55Who knows what she remembers?
11:57Let me know what Rob says, though, eh?
11:58Yeah, will do, Mum.
11:59See you later.
12:00All right, Mum.
12:02What happened there? Any news?
12:05The police popped by a little while ago.
12:07They talked to her.
12:08Then she took them across the road towards the flat.
12:10Seen Sanjay?
12:11Yeah, this morning.
12:12How's he doing?
12:14What's that got to do with anything?
12:15If your wife was under any sort of pressure,
12:17any history of depression, that sort of thing,
12:19it could be relevant.
12:20No, she was fine.
12:21No psychological problems.
12:22Oh, you mean, was she bonkers?
12:24Well, people can do things for all sorts of reasons.
12:26We're just trying to build a picture, you know,
12:28trying to understand your wife's condition.
12:29She didn't have a condition.
12:30Had she been upset, bothered by anything?
12:33No, no.
12:34So, no problems at home, then?
12:36Definitely not.
12:37Everything was perfectly normal?
12:39And Mrs Kapoor?
12:40Everything was fine.
12:42Listen, I really must open up the shop, sir,
12:44if you'll excuse me.
12:46Of course, you've been very helpful.
12:48Now, we have a description of what your wife was wearing
12:50yesterday from her sister.
12:51Oh, you've been speaking to Indra, have you?
12:53Well, the local police in Sheffield have, yes.
12:55So, now, what time did you say you left to meet your wife?
12:57Why do you want to know that?
12:58Well, like I said, sir, building a picture.
13:00I went to meet her on the 11.49.
13:02I told you.
13:03And you left here at...?
13:06Something like that.
13:08Well, who cares what time I left?
13:10What matters is she wasn't there when I arrived.
13:12Now, Gita hasn't run off, I don't believe that.
13:14Something's happened to her.
13:15Now, why aren't you out there looking for her?
13:17Why don't you try and find her?
13:21Are you OK?
13:22Well, that depends.
13:23On what?
13:24On whether you're planning on having a go at any of my other customers.
13:27Oh, that.
13:28Yes, that.
13:29Do you know what happened?
13:30Some kid turned over the building site and some stuff got damaged.
13:33Why are you talking to Ian about it?
13:34You don't think he had anything to do with it, do you?
13:36I don't know.
13:37What does that mean?
13:38Well, I haven't got any proof.
13:39I just think...
13:40You wouldn't put it past him?
13:42Did you see him?
13:44Well, the kid that did it?
13:45Briefly, before he legged it.
13:46What did he look like?
13:47Well, it was hard to tell in that light.
13:50No reason.
13:51Do you honestly think Ian would do something like that?
13:54I don't know.
13:55Really, I don't.
13:56This morning, I was certain it was him.
13:57But now?
13:58I mean, a grown man paying a kid to vandalise a building work.
14:00No-one's that petty, are they?
14:03So, how long have you been working for them?
14:05About 18 months, give or take, you know.
14:08And how do you find them, as a couple?
14:11Unlike any other, I suppose.
14:12Work well together, do they?
14:13Yeah, I'd say so.
14:14Equal partners, that sort of thing.
14:16Well, I'll put it this way.
14:17Sanjay don't get to do anything on his skit.
14:19He wants to do it as well, if you know what I mean.
14:21So, she wears the trousers, then, does she?
14:23You could say that.
14:25Does Mr Kapoor find that hard, sometimes?
14:27No, I don't think so.
14:28He's got used to it.
14:29When Gita sets her mind on something, that's it.
14:32Oh, but, really, they're pretty happy.
14:34I see.
14:35Did you see Mr Kapoor leave to fetch his wife?
14:38Yeah, he'd been looking forward to it for days.
14:40And he left about...?
14:42About 9.30.
14:43About 9.30.
14:45Yeah, that's right.
14:46I remember thinking it was a bit early, but I thought,
14:48well, maybe he can't wait any longer.
14:49You know, over-excited and that.
14:51He seemed on edge.
14:52Oh, a bit.
14:53Wouldn't you be?
14:54You were on this stall yesterday morning, I take it?
14:57Yeah, that's right.
14:58Longer hours, I expect.
15:00Yeah, well, you get used to it.
15:03Did you take any breaks?
15:05Oh, a quick tea break, mid-morning, usually.
15:07So, you saw Mr Kapoor leave to go to the station?
15:10I think so, yeah.
15:11And what time was that then?
15:12Oh, it was about, um...
15:14I can't remember exactly.
15:16Well, 9, 10, approximately.
15:20Well, it was in the morning, obviously.
15:24Look, um, I'm sorry, is that all?
15:26I've got to see this man, it's family stuff.
15:28I'll come back, Mr Feller,
15:30if there's anything more I need to ask him.
15:34Sorry I'm late, Mark.
15:36What was that, a bit of trouble?
15:37No, it's nothing.
15:38Do you fancy a drink?
15:39Yeah, sure.
15:40Good, cos I could certainly do with one.
15:42This is a wind-up, right?
15:43No, I've never been more serious.
15:45Me, write the music for some poxy play?
15:47Do me a favour, man, I've got better things to do,
15:49like getting a band together, remember?
15:51Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot you were turning work down.
15:53Silly me.
15:54Yeah, but an amateur play.
15:56At a community centre with this lot,
15:57it's hardly live at a Hollywood Bowl, is it?
15:59Yeah, but it'll be good for the band all the same.
16:01How do you work that out?
16:02Cos it'll get you writing again.
16:04Look, you've got Rusty, right?
16:06Well, now you have to write some new songs.
16:08It's not the same thing, is it?
16:10We won't be able to use these songs in the band.
16:12Maybe, maybe not.
16:14But you'll be doing what you do best,
16:16which will make you happy,
16:17which is good for the band.
16:18I suppose.
16:20All right, you're on.
16:22But why are you and Hugh getting involved?
16:24It's hardly your thing, is it?
16:26No, but on the other hand,
16:27a community play needs actresses,
16:28and we all know what they're like, don't we?
16:30The pressure of performance, the nerves, the tension,
16:33the sexual sparks fly and the passion burns.
16:35And you're planning on being there to give you a helping hand?
16:38That's an actor's life, isn't it?
16:40I'm gonna love it.
16:41Jessie seems to think that Nicole will be allowed out in a couple of weeks.
16:44That can't be true, can it?
16:45No, actually, it is.
16:46Come again?
16:47Nicole was on remand for some time,
16:49so her sentence is gonna reflect that.
16:51It doesn't necessarily mean she'll get Jessie back.
16:53I mean, she stands a good chance, doesn't she?
16:55I mean, she's her mum, isn't she?
16:56It's up to the court.
16:57The local authority have an interim care order.
16:59They're gonna want to make it a full one.
17:02Nicole will stand up,
17:03give them what they want to hear.
17:05How much she's cleaned up her act, she's very sorry.
17:07And can I have my daughter back, please?
17:09I thought they'd lap it up, wouldn't they?
17:10I mean, it's bad enough losing Jessie without her going back.
17:13Well, it's too late, isn't it?
17:14I mean, she's convinced Jessie already.
17:16I mean, after everything.
17:18It's not like Jessie still loves...
17:20Well, she probably does.
17:22You should make room for the fact that Jessie still loves her mum.
17:25I mean, it's not a bond you break easily, Mark.
17:27So what are we gonna do?
17:28You're gonna carry on looking after Jessie as normal.
17:30You're not gonna worry about the courts
17:32or what Nicole might say or what they might decide.
17:34Your only concern, as it has always been,
17:37is Jessie's welfare.
17:38And what if we lose her?
17:40Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
17:43We wondered, Mrs Kapoor,
17:44if there was anything you wanted to add to the information Sanjay gave us earlier on.
17:47Oh, no, I don't think so.
17:49Sanjay said everything was fine before his wife left.
17:52Is that how you'd describe it?
17:54I really don't think...
17:55You know, the critical period when trying to find a missing person
17:57is the first few days.
17:59After, say, 72 hours, the trail begins to get cold.
18:02People begin to forget what they saw.
18:04More of their recollections become unreliable.
18:06Most times, someone going missing opens a whole can of worms.
18:09Sometimes the family members are completely frank,
18:12and other times they keep quiet,
18:15out of embarrassment or fear.
18:17But if it all ends badly, if we end up recovering the bodies,
18:21those people are always going to be left asking themselves,
18:23what if?
18:25What if I'd told everything I knew early on?
18:28Would it have made a difference?
18:30Well, there was some personal stuff.
18:33Go on.
18:35My son and his wife were trying for another baby.
18:38They were not successful.
18:40They tried outside methods.
18:42IVF, that sort of thing?
18:44That's right.
18:46It was a difficult time, distressing.
18:49Geetha was...
18:51She needed to get away.
18:53I see.
18:55May I ask with whom did the inability lie?
19:02May I ask with whom did the inability lie?
19:10Hello, Mr Rose. Mrs Rose is just on her way up.
19:12Is everything all right?
19:14Yeah, she's been doing a psychometry test downstairs.
19:18Well, they test things like her recall, her attention span.
19:20Sort of a one-server to make sure everything's working properly.
19:22A bit like an M.O.T.
19:24She should be here any moment.
19:26How is she?
19:28Yeah, she's making good progress.
19:30It's surprising, but she is a bit edgy.
19:34Mm, a bit short-tempered, sharp.
19:36Well, I see it's not a good day.
19:38Pay no attention. It's not that everything's all right.
19:42Apart from crippled vision, the feeling somebody stuck an ice-pick through my left eye
19:44and happened to be pushed around in one of these damn things, everything's peachy.
19:48Hello, Mum.
19:50So, how were the tests?
19:52I was OK on the oral, but I think I messed up on the practical.
19:54And Susan?
19:56I don't know. It was a test, all right?
19:58I thought she recited a bunch of words and asked me to recite them back.
20:00Same with numbers.
20:02Dozens, it seemed, like, in no particular order.
20:04Then he showed me pictures.
20:06Could I tell the odd one out?
20:08And he just kept on asking questions
20:10without telling me if I was right or wrong
20:12or going really mad.
20:14It just went on and on and on.
20:16So if you want to know how it went,
20:18I'd ask a doctor if I were you.
20:20Did you, um, tell them what time I left?
20:24Suddenly I forgot. Know what I mean?
20:26Cheers, mate.
20:28Why don't you just tell the cops?
20:30Well, why should I?
20:32Well, it would save me having to lie to them for a start.
20:34Well, it's only a little time.
20:36I went out on a limp to cover for you.
20:38In case you don't realise, I don't take too kindly to that.
20:40Look, it's got nothing to do with Gita.
20:42I mean, why make it more complicated than it is?
20:44Because if they get a sniff of something, they don't let go.
20:46I remember with Dad.
20:48Don't mess with them, Sanj. It's not worth it.
20:50No, you're making too much of it.
20:52That's right, Sanj. You're the expert.
20:54Can you confirm the details on this form, please?
20:58This is all about Gita.
21:00And about what you wrote about her height, distinguishing marks and so forth?
21:02That's all accurate?
21:04Yeah, of course.
21:06What's going on?
21:08We'd like you to come with us, sir.
21:10What's all this about?
21:12There's a woman, Mr Kapoor, matching your wife's description.
21:14We'd like you to identify her if you can.
21:16Hold on a minute.
21:18What do you mean, identify her?
21:20Just come with us, sir. Please.
21:22Where is she? Is she at the station?
21:24Oh, no.
21:26It won't take long, sir.
21:34The police were interviewing everybody, weren't they, Matthew?
21:36Yeah, not that I can tell you much.
21:38Yeah, asking all sorts of questions.
21:40You know, what was Gita and Sanj's marriage like?
21:42You know, when did Sanj leave to meet her?
21:44How do they work together? All sorts.
21:48Yeah, she's been missing all day now. It's a complete mystery.
21:50So it would seem.
21:52Look, could you, uh,
21:54go and find a vase for these flowers, please, Matthew?
21:58All right, then. I'll go and ask a nurse.
22:02You can at least sound interested,
22:04for Matthew's sake.
22:06Well, forgive me, but I've got one or two things of my own to worry about.
22:08I'm doing my best here.
22:10Yeah? We all are. Matthew, too.
22:14OK, I'm sorry.
22:16Do you think I can get you a drink, something to eat?
22:18You can help me out of this ridiculous thing, if you like.
22:20Are you sure?
22:22They want me down for the test, and I felt so helpless.
22:24And I'm not.
22:26I can do everything today that I could last week.
22:28I know I can.
22:30All right, then.
22:32Let's do it.
22:48I couldn't find a vase,
22:50so I decided to improvise.
22:52Well, that's a urine bottle.
22:54Oh, mate, it was empty.
22:58She's got a very sensible head on her shoulders.
23:02Very wise.
23:04What's she say?
23:06Told me to spend the money on meself.
23:08Well, that is wise, and sensible.
23:10And Christian.
23:12Yeah, if you say so, Mrs C.
23:14So I've been thinking.
23:16I need to rent meself somewhere round here.
23:18To live?
23:20That's right, dear.
23:22It's time I come home.
23:24Oh, that's great.
23:26I'll see you later. Bye.
23:28I thought you were going round to Josh's tonight?
23:30I am. I just wanted to pick up a few books first.
23:32Oh, right, good.
23:34I won't be late.
23:36I've got school day tomorrow.
23:38Listen, instead of you going over there again tomorrow night,
23:40how about you ask Josh for a meal with us?
23:44Eating? Eating a meal?
23:50If I was to invite Julie too, would that be a problem?
23:52You want to invite Miss Hay for tea?
23:54With Josh. I thought it would be nice to have them both over.
23:56Oh, I suppose so.
23:58Do you fancy her?
24:00Of course not.
24:02Not in a little bit?
24:04Not at all.
24:06Because I think she fancies you.
24:08You reckon?
24:10Well, she's always talking about you.
24:12Yeah, but you're not interested, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.
24:18I hear they'll be able to start work tomorrow.
24:20Oh, that's good. I'm glad.
24:22Saw Ian. What did he say?
24:24Denied it.
24:26Said he understood and sympathised with my frustration.
24:30You still think he's behind it? Could be.
24:32But let's face it, as far as sabotage goes,
24:34he's pretty feeble.
24:36Should have had him, though. Ian?
24:38No, the kid.
24:40He turned out to be letting some little toerag get away.
24:42Come on, Dad. It wasn't your fault.
24:44Maybe I'm just getting past it.
24:46Maybe you're just feeling sorry for yourself.
24:48Yeah, maybe you're right.
24:50Let's go in. I'm cold.
24:52Paint came out then, I see.
24:54Shame. I thought we'd match your eyes.
24:58We'll be looking for music to combine a wide range of voices.
25:00Baritones, tenors...
25:04I'm sorry?
25:06Well, plenty of parts for women.
25:08Well, yeah, you know, completely balanced.
25:10Yes, there are plenty of female roles, as you ask.
25:16Well, welcome aboard.
25:18Hiya. Everything OK?
25:20Yeah, brilliant.
25:22I wanted to ask you... Yes?
25:24Well, I was just wondering,
25:26since Claire's seen quite a bit of Josh,
25:28I wondered if you and him would like to come over tomorrow
25:30for, like, well, something to eat?
25:32It's just something simple, you know,
25:34but that is unless you're doing something already,
25:38I'd like that very much. You would?
25:40Yes. Right, OK.
25:42Shall we say 7.30
25:44or 8 if that's not convenient?
25:467.30 will be fine. OK.
25:48I'll see you tomorrow, then. 7.30?
25:58What happened?
26:00They took me to the mortuary.
26:02They had someone there.
26:04A woman.
26:06Same age.
26:08Same height.
26:10Not much of a face.
26:12Someone had cut her up.
26:16It smelt odd in there, like a dentist's.
26:20The body was already out, lying.
26:22Um, and, see, I was expecting to see Gita
26:24just lying there, you see, and...
26:26It must have taken me five seconds
26:28to realise, you know,
26:30It must have taken me five seconds to realise...
26:32It wasn't her?
26:34No. I don't know who it was.
26:36I just stared at her,
26:38whoever she was. I looked at her,
26:40and I didn't care.
26:42I just thought,
26:44it's not Gita, and the relief.
26:48But it doesn't mean she's safe.
26:50It doesn't mean anything.
26:52It just wasn't her this time,
26:54that's all.
26:56But someday they'll come again,
26:58and there'll be another room.
27:00There'll be another body.
27:04And next time,
27:06there won't be any mistake.