Nineties Eastenders (2nd February 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (2nd February 1998)
00:00It's cool, isn't it? I'll see you later, Winston, yeah.
00:27Sant, how are you?
00:28All right, don't ask. Where's Mike? Is he all right?
00:30Yeah, he's, er, gone to the clinic.
00:32Right, so you're gonna put up with Connor taking you to school, then, yeah?
00:34You were hoping it was gonna be Ruth, weren't you?
00:36I want to show her my painting.
00:38Oh, is she back, then?
00:39Well, it's supposed to be. Train must have been delayed or something.
00:43Jeez, Sant, I'm sorry. I didn't think.
00:46Hello, bruv. You got any change for lingerie?
00:49What, the joys of being young, free and single, eh?
00:51Yeah, tell me about it. What's up?
00:54Sometimes you wonder why you get out of bed, don't you?
00:57This came in a post.
01:03I thought you were expecting this.
01:05I was.
01:07For the rest of me life, innit?
01:08What, you're just gonna sign it?
01:10I don't know what I'm gonna do.
01:12There comes a time in all our lives, Kat, when we have to stand up and be counted,
01:15and there's not many of us, is there?
01:17So you're behind him all the way, are you, Doc?
01:19In these dark days, Mr Beale shines like a beacon.
01:23He is an inspiration to us all,
01:25and I, Dorothy Carton, am privileged to offer him my support.
01:29Are we talking about the same Ian?
01:31Personally speaking, I'd be proud to have a son like him.
01:34I can understand you saying that.
01:36You don't think he might have been a bit hard on Alex?
01:38No, I do not. Even vicars can make mistakes.
01:42Well, I think you could give him a bit of credit.
01:44Oh, well, I am sure that he means well,
01:46and he's certainly made an impression on some people round here,
01:49but I, for one, will not live next door to a house full of drug addicts and criminals,
01:52just because he tells me to.
01:54And now, if you'll excuse me, I will finish composing my letter.
02:01I get the impression that Ian ain't your favourite person right now.
02:04Picked up on that one, did you?
02:06Kat, have you got a sec?
02:08I'll be quick. I'm expecting a delivery.
02:10And what's that?
02:11I've just been talking to Phil about a divorce.
02:14So how are you feeling?
02:15Well, it don't really matter, does it?
02:16Well, of course it matters.
02:18Grant, Phil made it quite clear that he wants the whole thing over and done with,
02:21so fine, let's just get on with it.
02:22What about you?
02:23I keep thinking he can't hurt me anymore,
02:25but he still manages to get to me.
02:27It doesn't have to be like this.
02:29We could be friends, we could talk.
02:30He knows that he's failed and he can't handle it.
02:33He used to hit the bottle now, he just bottles it up.
02:35That don't mean he doesn't care.
02:37So you think I should try and talk to him?
02:39Yeah, I do.
02:41Let's go for lunchtime, it's better than being here.
02:44Those are two weeks of yours for now, yeah?
02:46Yeah, and we've got to get a result, so we might need a bit of pressure.
02:50That's not a problem.
02:51You sure?
02:52I'm sure.
02:56Welcome home.
02:57Have you been away?
02:58Yeah, Scotland.
02:59How'd you have your time?
03:00Well, not really, my dad died.
03:02Oh, right, sorry, I didn't know.
03:03No, it's okay, Phil.
03:05I've got a bit of shoot off, I'll see you at 12, yeah?
03:08You're looking well.
03:10Do you know where Mark is?
03:12He went to the doctor's, for his test.
03:14Oh, of course, how could I forget?
03:16My head's all over the place.
03:18Well, that's understandable.
03:20So how's Jessie?
03:22Really looking forward to seeing you.
03:24Is she excited about tomorrow?
03:26She's had me and Mark organising this birthday party for the last two weeks.
03:30She sounds like she's happy.
03:32I think it's in her nature, nothing seems to really get to her.
03:35Not even the prison.
03:37How do you mean?
03:38Well, you'd think seeing her mother after all this time would be confusing.
03:41Prisons are not nice places.
03:43That's what they tell me, at least.
03:45I should imagine they are.
03:47Can't tell you how glad I am to see you.
03:49Fist fingers, chips and beans every night.
03:51There's only so much a man can take.
03:53I'm going to see if Mark's back, I'll catch you later?
03:57Oh, let me do that.
03:58Oh, sorry, oh, I'm really sorry.
04:00You missed me, don't worry.
04:02I'm really sorry about this, I shouldn't have let the kids paint this morning,
04:05but once they get an idea in their heads, breakfast or no breakfast.
04:08And then I was early.
04:10Don't worry.
04:11Do you always make them porridge?
04:13That's just a thing this week, I haven't quite got the hang of it yet.
04:16You see, Peter don't like toast, Lucy don't like eggs,
04:18and, well, Stephen, he only really likes chocolate spread.
04:21I love your house.
04:23Do you work from here full time?
04:25Yeah, and look, I promise you, it's not normally as chaotic as this.
04:29It's the tidy houses that get me worried.
04:32Have you got a girlfriend?
04:34No, not at the moment.
04:36Let's try and melt the wall, I feel totally inadequate.
04:39Look, if Matthew wants to look after his mum, good on him.
04:42I can't say I'd be that keen if it happened to me.
04:44You can hardly object.
04:45Yeah, but I ought to be doing something.
04:47Cheers, Cass.
04:48I've got to have a word with Mark, we'll get together later, yeah?
04:50How'd it go?
04:51Well, I won't get the results till next week.
04:53Let's hope it's good news, yeah?
04:55It'll be the best birthday present I could have.
04:57You've got a pretty good one waiting at home.
05:00Ruth's back, she was looking for you.
05:02You go off, mate, I'll look after the stall, yeah?
05:05Listen, don't forget about tonight, we'll have a few drinks in the Vic.
05:08Cheers, mate.
05:09See you later.
05:10Matthew, what are you up to?
05:11Oh, I'm just taking my video back.
05:13Yeah, what did you get?
05:14Something for Demi Moore, innit?
05:15Just trying to get a few acting tips out of you.
05:17What, from Demi Moore? Please.
05:18Oh, wait, you reckon me to teach Demi a thing or two?
05:20Anyway, what time's the rehearsal?
05:22Oh, it's 5.30. Exciting, innit?
05:23Well, I don't know why they want me there, I'm only in the crowd scenes.
05:26Yeah, well, it's the first one, and Julie wants everybody to be there.
05:29You frightened of making a fool of yourself?
05:31Oh, that's good,
05:32cos I don't want you changing habits of a lifetime, do I?
05:35Can I help you?
05:36I've come to see the editor.
05:37He's a bit busy. Maybe I could help.
05:39I don't think so. I need to see the man at the top.
05:42It's Mrs Cotton, isn't it?
05:43How do you know?
05:44I've seen you round the square. I'm Polly Becker, friend of Tony Hill's.
05:47Oh, oh, he's a very nice boy.
05:49How can I help you?
05:50Well, I wouldn't mind a cup of tea while I'm waiting for the editor.
05:53Well, to be honest, I don't...
05:54Polly, what's happened to that report?
05:56Dorothy Cotton, Max Townsend, editor of the Walford Gazette.
05:59Oh, pleased to meet you.
06:02Is there somewhere with a little more privacy?
06:04Who are you?
06:05I am an ambassador from Albert Square.
06:08Well, I'm sure Miss Becker can take care of this.
06:10I'd be happy to, but this report's going to tie me up all morning.
06:13Shall we go through?
06:26Where have you been all my life?
06:28You know where I've been.
06:29Look, I'm sorry I couldn't wait this morning.
06:31Oh, when they said that the train was going to be late,
06:34how can you help thinking about Dieter?
06:36Is there any news?
06:38That's terrible for Sanjay.
06:40So, how was the clinic?
06:42Yeah, it was fine.
06:43Good. How's Jessie?
06:45Yeah, she's great. She can't wait to see you.
06:47And I can't wait to hear about what's been happening while I've been away.
06:50But, Ruth, um...
06:53Are you OK?
06:55Are you sure?
06:56Of course.
06:59So, have you been getting on all right with Connor?
07:01Yes, it's been a great laugh.
07:03Jessie runs rings round the pair of us, you know.
07:05Sounds like you've been having fun.
07:06I tell you, Ruth, I haven't felt this good in ages.
07:09That's great.
07:10I mean, of course I've been missing you like crazy.
07:12Oh, and I've missed you.
07:14Are you going to give me that, or what?
07:16That's for Jessie.
07:19Oh, Mark.
07:20Oh, happy birthday.
07:25I'm sorry.
07:27Don't worry about it.
07:29Well, thank you for bringing this in, Mrs Cotton.
07:32You make some interesting points.
07:34Oh, thank you very much.
07:35I'm sure Mr Beale will be thrilled to have your support.
07:38Well, Albert Square has long been in need of a leader,
07:40and little did we know that all the time he was there in our midst.
07:44I would have brought you in one of me photos,
07:46but I thought you'd prefer to use your own man.
07:49We don't run photos on the letters page.
07:51Oh, pity.
07:52You know, it's funny that people are always telling me
07:55that I have a way with words.
07:57Thank you, Mrs Cotton.
07:58Oh, thank you.
08:02Who is that woman?
08:04Uncle Nutter.
08:05Thanks, Polly.
08:06Are you going to publish your letter?
08:14Hi, Mum.
08:15What do you want?
08:16Can we talk?
08:17No, Ian, we can't.
08:18Mum, I'm sorry.
08:19And you think that's going to make it all right?
08:20Kat, if you want to get off for a bit...
08:21No, I don't.
08:22Mum, we really need to sort this out.
08:23Keep your voice down.
08:24No, I won't.
08:25Right, I'll see you back at my house in a quarter of an hour.
08:31I thought you didn't trust me with the jag.
08:34Well, that could stop a man from realising his dream.
08:37Just take it easy, all right?
08:39Do I have to?
08:40And try and get us there in one piece if you can manage it.
08:46Watch your back, Mrs Cotton.
08:50How are you?
08:51Very well.
08:52I spent the first part of the morning discussing you
08:55with the editor of the Walford Gazette.
08:57I'm sorry.
08:58I proposed a letter giving Ian Beale my all-outed support.
09:02I see.
09:03I've been watching you.
09:05What have I done?
09:07You work hard.
09:08I'm impressed.
09:09Oh, thanks.
09:10How would you like to go full-time
09:12until Keita gets back, starting today?
09:15You're joking.
09:16Do I take that as a yes?
09:17Well, I'll have to look at all the other offers, but thanks.
09:22Am I allowed lunch break?
09:24Off you go.
09:26Happy birthday.
09:27How does it feel to be so old?
09:29How did you know it was my birthday?
09:30I live with your mother.
09:31Yeah, you do, don't you?
09:32You're full of beans.
09:33Yeah, Neilham's just offered to make me full-time.
09:35Is that what you want?
09:36That'll do for the minute.
09:37Anyway, this is for you.
09:40Thanks, Mary.
09:41Hope you have a really great year.
09:46So where do you think that should go, Mrs Cotton?
09:48Well, that ain't my concern.
09:50Do you know? I think it is.
09:51I beg your pardon?
09:52I don't think we should pass them by on the other side of the street.
09:54The good Samaritan went to the aid of a man what was set on by thieves.
09:58He was a victim of just these sort of people.
10:01So someone like your son, Nick, isn't it?
10:03He don't deserve a second chance.
10:04My son?
10:05He were led astray.
10:07Don't you think every mother would say the same about her son?
10:09There are some as are rotten through and through.
10:12And who's to decide which is which,
10:14who deserves a chance in this life and who doesn't?
10:16You and Ian Beale?
10:18You said it yourself, God.
10:19Judge not and ye shall not be judged.
10:21Do you remember the rest of it?
10:23Condemn not and ye shall not be condemned.
10:25Forgiven ye shall be forgiven.
10:27Or you could just carry on on the other side of the street.
10:36Is it me?
10:38You haven't opened your mouth since we left the Arches.
10:40I've just got a lot on my mind, that's all.
10:43Right, let's get to work, shall we?
10:46So, what do you want to talk about?
10:48I owe you an apology.
10:50I was out of order.
10:51Oh, tell me something I don't know.
10:53I said things I shouldn't have.
10:54To me? Or about Alex?
10:57The graffiti was a stupid idea.
10:59I just wanted him to know how people were feeling.
11:01I don't believe the way you treat people sometimes.
11:03I can't understand it.
11:04Mum, I'm under a lot of pressure.
11:05That doesn't make it all right.
11:07Yeah, I know.
11:08You said things about Alex that you knew weren't true.
11:11He believes in the Oscar.
11:12He hasn't got some ulterior motive.
11:14I'm not too sure if the same could be said about you.
11:16What do you want, Mum? Blood?
11:18It's all right, I'll handle it.
11:25Look, lads, I don't think I can pay you this week.
11:28You what?
11:29Things are a bit tight, you know.
11:30So when do you think you can pay us?
11:32Well, see for yourself.
11:34I mean, we're not exactly doing a roaring trade at the moment.
11:37So you'll pay us when business picks up, will you?
11:39Yeah, of course.
11:40I just need a bit more time.
11:42You know, I don't think you get this game.
11:44Look, give me a break here, will you?
11:46There's a call for you, Steve.
11:50Sorry, lads.
11:54Can I get you to drink?
11:55I don't think so.
11:57I spend the whole time trying to figure out what she's up to.
12:00The worst thing is, she knows exactly how to get to me.
12:03You do lay yourself open to it.
12:05I can't help it. Cindy knows me better than anyone else.
12:08It's weird.
12:10You fall in love with someone,
12:12you want to find out everything about them
12:15and it doesn't enter your head that one day they'll use it all against you.
12:18But it doesn't have to be like that.
12:20I remember dancing with your dad in the Vic the day our divorce came through.
12:24It didn't work out for us, but he never made me feel bad about it.
12:28You and Phil talking?
12:30Not really.
12:31I filed for a divorce.
12:34Last week.
12:35Well, I can't say I'm surprised.
12:37I think things should go through pretty quick.
12:39He's not going to contest it?
12:41Well, that's one blessing.
12:42I wish I could get rid of Cindy as easily.
12:44I don't want to get rid of him.
12:46You want him back?
12:47No, but he's Ben's dad. I want us to be friends.
12:50Do you think you can manage that?
12:52I don't know.
12:54I really don't know.
12:58I've had enough of this.
13:00You can come back tonight.
13:02I don't like people taking me to a mug.
13:04Are you coming or what?
13:08One second, John.
13:11Give me a badger moment.
13:13Are you having a laugh?
13:15No? Good, cos I ain't got a sense of humour.
13:17Now, we're going to start again, all right?
13:19And I think you're going to have to make up for the aggravation you caused us.
13:21Now, do we understand each other?
13:23Yeah? Good.
13:24I'm glad about that.
13:26Do you think I've got any chance of getting through to Phil?
13:28You've certainly got more chance than me and Cindy have.
13:31At least you and me are talking.
13:34And you will laugh, Alex.
13:36Mum, can I ask you a favour?
13:39I've got a visit this morning from the welfare officer.
13:41She wants to meet you and talk about the kids.
13:44You've got no shame, have you?
13:46Not a lot.
13:54All of a sudden, the world looks a rosier place, doesn't it?
13:57Annie will be pleased.
13:59Amazing how people respond to a little bit of encouragement.
14:02I thought you were going to lose her, didn't I?
14:04Nearly did.
14:06But you're all right now?
14:07Yeah, come on.
14:08I'm going to go and see my boy,
14:09and then let's see if you can really drive this mugger.
14:12There you go. Congratulations.
14:15So who's going to be managing this restaurant of yours, then?
14:17No idea. Are you interested?
14:18My boy's interested in your business, George.
14:20Don't worry about the competition, are you? Hardly.
14:22This is mine.
14:25Happy families again, are we?
14:27Oh, yeah. Breakfast is really pleased.
14:29Getting her to sleep last night wasn't the easiest thing in the world.
14:31Well, it's really nice to see you again, isn't it?
14:33Oh, yeah. Well, we certainly missed you on the darts team.
14:35Welcome back.
14:36Oh, thanks, Pete.
14:37Oh, Maggie.
14:38After rehearsals? Why?
14:39It's my birthday.
14:40Oh, Mark, happy birthday.
14:42Cheers. Look, we're going to come in for a few drinks.
14:44Would you like to join us?
14:45Oh, I'd love to.
14:46Go ahead, Mum. We'll manage.
14:47Oh, thanks, sweetheart. I'd like that very much.
14:49Happy birthday, mate.
14:52Come on.
14:56I'll get another glass.
14:57What's this made of?
14:58Well, the council's approved the plans for the restaurant.
15:00There's nothing stopping us now.
15:01Oh, this is brilliant news.
15:02I thought you'd be pleased.
15:03So, all these arguments about what sort of place it's going to be
15:05we need to make a decision.
15:06Well, you know what I think?
15:07Upmarket traditional British.
15:09We're getting away with charging 20 quid for a shepherd's pie in the West End.
15:12Yeah, but this is Walford.
15:13How about Italian?
15:14That's a good idea.
15:16What kind of thing have you got in mind?
15:17Old-fashioned trattoria?
15:18Czech tablecloth?
15:19Spaghetti carbonara?
15:20Family atmosphere.
15:21Exactly, people will love it.
15:22I was thinking of something I'll know's like.
15:24George, you're a genius.
15:25How come you didn't suggest this before?
15:27It just occurred to me.
15:28Listen, I've got to run.
15:29I think you've made a good decision.
15:32I saw Corner this morning.
15:35Why didn't you tell me you took Jessie to see Nicole?
15:39I was going to.
15:41Later tonight.
15:43So, what's happening?
15:45Nicole's finished her detox.
15:47She's clean.
15:48She wanted to see Jessie.
15:50It's all right, Ruth.
15:51You told me everything was fine.
15:52Yeah, but your dad had just died.
15:54You must have realised I wanted to know.
15:57What's going on, Mark?
15:59I reckon it's a good omen.
16:01Well, we've won the battle for the restaurant.
16:02Now we can get on and win the battle for the election.
16:04The odds are against us.
16:05You do realise that, don't you?
16:07I never thought it was going to be easy.
16:08That's the trouble with being an independent.
16:10Yeah, well, it's too late to do anything about that.
16:11Anyway, I still think it could work in our favour.
16:13It could be, but we've got to get you a higher profile.
16:16People have got to know who you are and what you're about.
16:18And they've got to keep on being reminded.
16:20Have a think.
16:21See what we can come up with.
16:23Ian, I know you're busy fighting a good fight,
16:26so I won't keep you long,
16:27but I just wanted you to know
16:29I've delivered my letter.
16:30Oh, yeah?
16:31Yeah, the editor was most impressed.
16:33Good on you, doll.
16:34Yes, well, if there's anything further I can do for the cause,
16:37just say the word.
16:40You should stop.
16:42I thought I was doing the right thing.
16:44You should have thought a bit harder.
16:45I'm never good enough to deal with.
16:47I didn't want to upset you.
16:48You have.
16:51I'm sorry.
16:52I know you meant well.
16:54I just hate the thought of losing her.
16:56Well, so do I.
16:57What was she like?
17:00I didn't meet her.
17:01Does she want to see Jesse again?
17:03I don't know.
17:05This is going to be much tougher than we thought.
17:10I'm sorry I forgot your birthday.
17:12I don't care about my birthday.
17:14You're home now.
17:15That's all I care about.
17:17Listen, I'd better go.
17:18I'll get something nice in for tea.
17:20See you later.
17:23We're going to get through this, aren't we?
17:25Of course we are.
17:31It's George.
17:33Is everything all right?
17:35You're coping, then?
17:37Well, listen.
17:39I've got a proposition that might cheer you up.
17:41I love a good Christian feud.
17:43I can't believe you're letting Doc Cotton get to you.
17:45It's not Doc.
17:46You could have fooled me.
17:48Do you want to know what really riles me?
17:50People think Ian Bill cares about the community,
17:52and I couldn't give a damn.
17:54He has lived around here all his life.
17:56Don't you start.
17:57The boy's making a stand.
17:58I take my hat off to him.
17:59Do me a favour.
18:01The only thing Ian's out for is himself.
18:03Don't tell me you're falling for the charm offensive and all.
18:05He's motivated, committed, passionate.
18:08Dad, he's a real little capitalist pig.
18:12You've got your fists up at last.
18:14Get a pen and paper.
18:16You and me are going to write our own little letter to the Gazette.
18:19What are we going to say?
18:20Exactly what you've just said.
18:21Ian Bill's a fraud.
18:22The only reason he's opposing the trust is to get elected.
18:25The only reason he wants to be elected is to line his own pockets.
18:28He won't know what's hit him.
18:30Why don't I meet you at the restaurant later?
18:32Yeah, fine.
18:33Auntie Pauline's got the kids, so it's not a problem.
18:35It won't hurt to clarify exactly what you and I want.
18:38Hi, Ian.
18:39Hiya, Pat.
18:40All right. See you about seven.
18:42Bye, love.
18:43You and your mum sorted things out?
18:45She all right?
18:46Yeah, we've both got the same problem.
18:47What's that?
18:48Once somebody gets under your skin, they're with you forever,
18:50whether you like it or not, especially when there's kids involved.
18:53What can I get you, Pat?
18:55Gin and tea, thanks, darling.
18:57Bit of Dutch courage for later, eh?
18:59Why would I need Dutch courage?
19:01Queen Victoria must be a bit of a challenge for you.
19:04Yeah, I suppose it is.
19:05I guess I'll rise to the occasion.
19:07I always enjoyed a challenge.
19:09Thanks, dear.
19:14Bit quiet, innit?
19:17How you doing?
19:18Yeah, I'm all right.
19:19I've bought a present for Ben.
19:21A book.
19:22I thought I might bring it over later if that's OK.
19:24Yeah, of course it's OK.
19:26Ben will be pleased to see you.
19:27Yeah, well, we're all happy then, aren't we?
19:30See you later.
19:36I know Pat was feeling a little nervous.
19:38Martin and Lenny aren't here either.
19:40Oh, Lenny's going to get some music from the Sods.
19:42Which Sods?
19:43The Salford Street Operatic and Dramatic Society.
19:45Sods, as opposed to the Wards.
19:47Ah, don't tell me, the Walford Operatic.
19:49Well done.
19:51It's all very confusing.
19:52OK, we'll give them five minutes,
19:54and while we're waiting, we'll play a game.
19:56What sort of game?
19:57It's all right, I play it with the kids at school all the time.
19:59It's just a way of loosening up, that's all.
20:01Yeah, the kids may be.
20:02Oh, and you're a side-grown app, OK?
20:03Oh, come on, Sanjay, we're going to play a game.
20:05Just pretend you're back at school.
20:07I thought this was a play rehearsal.
20:08Yeah, me too.
20:09Well, half the people aren't here,
20:10so we might as well do something.
20:11Are you all right, Frit, and you, Peggy?
20:13Well, I think I'll sit and watch, darling.
20:16My back's not too good.
20:18OK, OK, forget the game.
20:20Let's rehearse the play.
20:21Ready whenever you are, Julie.
20:25Your bath's ready, Jess.
20:26Mark's gone off to rehearsals, so he'll see you in the wick.
20:29OK, come on, bath time.
20:31She wants to tell you a joke first.
20:33Go on.
20:34Who's the king of all the vegetables?
20:37I mean herbs.
20:38I have no idea.
20:40Elvis Parsley.
20:42Who told you that one?
20:44My mum.
20:45You tell it really well.
20:47Can I have more?
20:48No, I think it's time for your bath.
20:50Why don't you go up and I'll be with you in two minutes, OK?
20:53You promise?
20:58I'll just sit at the bed first, then I'll go out.
21:01Thanks for babysitting.
21:02You look like you could use a drink.
21:09I felt one or two of them definitely showed some promise.
21:12Oh, yeah.
21:13Would have been nice if one or two more of them
21:16Never mind.
21:17We'll get there.
21:18With me and you in charge, I ain't got no doubt.
21:21Thanks, Tiffany.
21:22Hey, well done this evening.
21:24You're going to make a great mum faucet.
21:26You've got real star quality.
21:28Oh, thanks.
21:29To a winning team.
21:33You like Italian food?
21:34I love it.
21:35You could have fooled me.
21:36I think it's a really good idea.
21:38I'm not arguing.
21:39I just think we all need to be clear why we're doing it.
21:41Annie, Ian.
21:43Oh, no.
21:44Excuse me.
21:45I saw you in the club.
21:47Didn't know you knew Annie.
21:48Yeah, she's my election manager.
21:50Of course she is.
21:51You're a lucky man.
21:52Yeah, she's great.
21:53I'm helping her out with her new restaurant, too.
21:55Planning permission came through today.
21:56Sounds like you're pretty involved.
21:57Yeah, I suppose we are.
21:58Don't you come to the club for a drink?
21:59Not a member.
22:01Well, come as my guest.
22:02Well, I've got to pick the kids up from their aunts,
22:04but I could get a babysitter for tomorrow night.
22:06OK, tomorrow night's a date.
22:07I look forward to it.
22:08You can give me an update on all the council gossip.
22:10I'm sure Annie Palmer knows everything that's worth knowing.
22:12Maybe something passed her by.
22:14See you tomorrow.
22:16Julie, I'm ever so sorry, love.
22:18We were wondering what happened to you.
22:20Is everything all right?
22:22I had a cup of tea and fell asleep.
22:24Oh, wow.
22:25Thanks for making the effort.
22:26So much for the leading lady.
22:33Everyone all right for a drink?
22:35Let's not have empty glasses, is it, Ruth?
22:37No, I'm all right.
22:38It's your husband's birthday.
22:39Let yourself go, darling.
22:41Honestly, I'm fine, thanks.
22:43Happy birthday to you.
22:46Happy birthday to you.
22:50Happy birthday, dear Mark.
22:54Happy birthday to you.
22:57Go on, make a wish.
22:58There you go.
22:59Go on, Lisa.
23:08It's really nice.
23:10That's no trouble.
23:11I made too much anyway.
23:13Have it, I suppose.
23:14You're luckier than me.
23:16I've always liked your macaroni.
23:19It's good we can still do this, isn't it?
23:23It's funny.
23:24You upstairs putting Ben to bed, me in the kitchen, this.
23:27How's Ian doing?
23:29I'm fine.
23:30Still on a vicar's case?
23:31Oh, you know Ian.
23:34Do you remember what a hard time he gave us when we first started seeing each other?
23:38I expected a knife in his back every time I walked out your front door.
23:41I'm surprised he never tried that.
23:44It's almost like he's always blamed himself.
23:46What for?
23:48Well, for Pete not being there, I suppose.
23:50It's like he's had to make up for it.
23:53He's always had some funny ideas, hasn't he?
23:55Do you know, I've forgotten how much I like this.
23:59I've made some tea.
24:00Oh, thanks.
24:02She still asleep?
24:05I'm shattered.
24:06That journey must have taken it out of me.
24:08No one would be in a party mood after that.
24:12I was watching you earlier.
24:14With Jessie.
24:16You're so natural with her.
24:18She's not even your own child.
24:20Well, there's something about her.
24:21You love her.
24:23Yeah, I do.
24:25You put me to shame.
24:27What do you mean?
24:29I've never been much of a dad to Mary.
24:31And she's my own flesh and blood.
24:33I'm sure you've been there when it mattered.
24:35No, I wasn't.
24:37I palmed her off on my mother so I could go off chasing girls
24:40and drinking myself stupid.
24:42Sometimes I didn't see her for months on end.
24:45Now you're both living in Albert Square.
24:47It doesn't seem to make a lot of difference.
24:50I'm not a very good man, Ruth.
24:52I wouldn't say that.
24:53I've spent most of my life doing things I shouldn't have.
24:56Well, haven't we all?
24:58I've only ever striven for an easy life.
25:01Responsibility's a word I don't really understand.
25:05What, you run away?
25:09What about you?
25:12Don't tell me you never run away.
25:14Put it this way, I'd be lying if I said it never crossed my mind.
25:20So, um, you didn't have a game in the end, then?
25:22None of the boys wanted to play.
25:24Well, I will. I'm always game.
25:26I can't put my finger on it, Tiff, right,
25:28but your acting really reminds me of someone.
25:30Oh, what, someone famous?
25:31Yeah, Ricky said you had a Demi Moore video.
25:33No, it's not Demi Moore.
25:35It's Roger Moore, that thing you do with your eyebrows.
25:37You're so pathetic, do you know that?
25:39So you're telling me you've never been in love?
25:42I don't believe you.
25:44OK, I'm lying.
25:45What was her name?
25:46Rose McGuire.
25:48And was she really beautiful?
25:51Where did you meet her?
25:52Around the back of the school assembly hall.
25:55What age were you?
25:58Are you sure that was love?
26:01Ah, corner.
26:02Ah, root.
26:03Come on, tell me the truth.
26:05We were playing kiss chase.
26:07Rose grabbed me and dragged me around the back of the building.
26:10In my experience, that's grounds for love.
26:12And how are you spelling love?
26:15That's right, isn't it?
26:17Yeah, I never won any prizes for spelling either.
26:23Well, maybe I'll go for a drink over at the Vic.
26:26Make sure he doesn't fall over on the way home.
26:28Sounds like a good idea.
26:29Will you still be up when we get back?
26:31I think I'll turn in.
26:32See you in the morning, yeah?
26:37I've enjoyed myself.
26:38Yeah, me too.
26:39Thanks for dinner.
26:42It means a lot that we can get together and have a nice evening.
26:45But there are things you don't want to talk about.
26:47Well, the divorce.
26:48Oh, yeah.
26:49What's the point?
26:50Because any day now, tomorrow morning for all I know,
26:53the petition's going to land on your doormat.
26:55Yeah, it's done.
26:56This morning.
26:58Why didn't you tell me?
26:59Well, it came from your solicitor.
27:01So what are you going to do?
27:03Well, I told you I ain't going to fight it.
27:05Ben belongs with you.
27:07I've signed the papers and sent them off.
27:09You've been right for a long time, Cath.
27:11We've both got to move on, haven't we?
27:13Well, I'll make sure my solicitor don't drag his feet.
27:16The sooner we get it over with, the better, eh?
27:19Night, then.