Nineties Eastenders (24th February 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (24th February 1998)
00:26Lovely morning.
00:27If you say so.
00:28Doing anything today?
00:32Right, shall I get some lemons on the way back from college?
00:36You still upset about Terry?
00:38What is about lemons?
00:40Well, it's the last day before Lent.
00:43Pancake day?
00:45Shall I get some?
00:46Oh, if you like. I'm not bothered.
00:52You're early.
00:54Yeah. Thought I'd help you get ready for the rush.
00:56Very generous. I've made the tea.
00:58Is your friend all right still to work here tonight?
01:00Yeah. He's desperate for the extra cash.
01:02I'm desperate for a night out.
01:04Who's the party just the other night?
01:05Yeah, I know, but...
01:06Oh, I see. It's this girl.
01:08You don't think she's gonna be there?
01:10She might turn up. I've invited her.
01:11Well, that's hardly the attitude.
01:12She's worth having. She's worth fighting for, isn't she?
01:15What's all this fighting talk?
01:16Well, it's true, though, isn't it?
01:18Maybe. But I'm talking about you.
01:20You're a different woman compared to yesterday.
01:23What happened?
01:25I woke up this morning and I realised
01:26that my wedding anniversary is just round the corner.
01:29And I perked you up?
01:30No. But life's what you make it.
01:33You've just got to get on with it.
01:34Nah, it's more than that.
01:35Yeah, you're right.
01:37I bumped into Phil last night.
01:39There's this person who likes me, a friend.
01:44I found Phil threatening him.
01:46Well, it seems that way.
01:48Up till now, I didn't think he felt anything.
01:49So you think there's some hope? You and him?
01:51Of course not.
01:53He just took me by surprise, that's all.
01:55You still going ahead with the divorce?
01:56It was just an incident, Mick. Nothing's changed.
01:59You know my mother's got a saying.
02:01The food not done till the pot licked dry.
02:03What's that in English?
02:05She says it when any one of us gives up at something.
02:07Well, ending my marriage was hardly a decision I took lightly.
02:09I realise that, but if you listen to yourself,
02:11you're saying that it's not all over,
02:13that there's still something there.
02:15This woman Phil had an affair with.
02:17Oh, don't start that again.
02:18Go and face her so you yourself can see what's important.
02:21Mick, I understand what you're trying to do.
02:23So you'll go?
02:24It's too late for that.
02:26Me and Phil, we're too far down the road.
02:29You're the one that's doing the walking.
02:30You could turn back any time.
02:34Mark, we need to decide what's happening tomorrow.
02:37I'm not interested.
02:39We're doing this for Jessie, remember?
02:41OK. So what's the plan?
02:43I told you.
02:44Well, then tell me again.
02:45Nicole can either pick Jessie up straight after school,
02:48or she can wait until Jessie's had her tea
02:50and take her from here.
02:54You know what I think?
02:56Nicole can jump in the lake for all I care.
02:57Mark. What do you want to do, then?
02:59It's not about what I want.
03:00We're both involved in this.
03:02Since when?
03:03You're the one who's been making all the decisions around here.
03:05Never mind, I'm late.
03:07But I'll go along with whatever you decide, all right?
03:09You're a great help, you are.
03:21Hiya. Alex.
03:23Got enough books?
03:24Oh, yeah, you'd think so.
03:25Every time I go in, I get another reading list.
03:27By the way, I've been thinking.
03:28You did the right thing, helping Lorna out.
03:31Well, you're the one who founded the bed sit.
03:33Only because you brought her to my attention.
03:34That was good of you.
03:35It was the least I could do.
03:37Besides, she did me a favour.
03:38After she went, Mum chucked all the alcohol out.
03:41So, what's the bed sit like?
03:43It's not exactly a palace.
03:44But Lorna's a tough cookie.
03:46She's putting a brave face on it.
03:47Oh, yeah, my auntie Kath's on it.
03:49Oh, yeah, my auntie Kath's off to her address.
03:50Will you give it to her?
03:52When have I got a moment?
03:53Well, she's only there.
03:54I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment.
03:55I'll see you later.
03:56All right, bye.
03:58Right, how much?
03:59Not sure, say a tenner.
04:01What's going on?
04:02Don't worry, I'll put it back.
04:03I just can't remember where I put my purse.
04:04What do you want money for?
04:06I need a couple of quid to mend my shoes.
04:08All this time, he's been walking around with holes in them.
04:11That's all right, give them here.
04:13When I'm going past it later, I'll drop them in for you.
04:15Oh, thanks, Grant.
04:16I'll just be a minute.
04:18You're going soft in your old age.
04:20Not as soft as you falling in for his little scams.
04:22Oh, I feel sorry for him.
04:23He's obviously still missing Irene.
04:24Anyway, I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt for a change.
04:26He's got to be telling the truth sometimes, hasn't he?
04:29All right.
04:31Where did you put the sharp knife?
04:33Who wants it?
04:34Terry, he seemed in a bit of a hurry.
04:38So he'd just walk away, is that what you're saying?
04:40All I'm saying is before we go rushing in there
04:42making a pig's ear of things,
04:43we'll at least check on that.
04:45I agree.
04:46Well, you've changed your tune, haven't you?
04:47Yesterday, he was biting me head off.
04:49Personally, I think it's a waste of time.
04:51But I'll check out this firm, see if they exist.
04:53You're not the one that has to go out there, are you?
04:54Just don't be surprised when I come back and tell you
04:56the publican was taking us for a ride.
04:58And don't you be surprised when you find out
05:00you've been set up for a fool.
05:04Yo, where's the party, Roy?
05:05Oh, man, you don't want to know.
05:07Bad mood ain't the word.
05:08What's he got to be down about?
05:09The guy's in the money.
05:10Yeah, he's got a woman trouble, though, innit?
05:12What? Are you kidding? You?
05:14Maybe these will cheer him up.
05:16No, man, I'm telling you, this is serious.
05:17Look, yesterday, right, he gets a phone call
05:19of some girl from his past.
05:20Ever since then, he's been acting real weird.
05:22Only one thing to do when these things catch up with you.
05:25Face it like a man.
05:26Mm-hm, and how do you do that?
05:28Run like hell.
05:31Well, I don't know how that's happened,
05:32but I've completely run out of clay taters.
05:34Anything I can do to help?
05:35No, it's all right, we can be back soon.
05:37Anyway, what's this good news?
05:38Oh, yeah, welfare officer's finished their report.
05:40Yeah? Yeah, my solicitor's already phoned up
05:42for his copy, and don't ask me why,
05:43but I've just got a really good feeling about this.
05:45Well, let's hope it does the trick.
05:46Oh, and I told him about Cindy being pregnant.
05:48He reckons I shouldn't pick her up on it yet,
05:49cos we can use it later to our advantage.
05:51How's that?
05:52Well, he can suggest in court that she's having enough trouble
05:53looking after three kids, and with another one on the way...
05:55Oh, that's the point.
05:57Oh, pregnant.
05:58I don't know what that bloke sees in her.
05:59That's none of your worry.
06:00Well, fancy saddening yourself with a woman
06:02who's got three kids.
06:03If I'd have known better, I'd say you were jealous.
06:06I'm joking, I'm just curious.
06:08One man's meat is another man's poison.
06:10Haven't you heard the saying?
06:11Anyway, don't you think you've got enough on your own plate
06:13to worry about? I was just...
06:15All right, you're all right.
06:19There's a new tiny cat.
06:20Hello, Courtney.
06:21Got time for a quick cuddle?
06:22Oh, of course I have. Come here, beautiful.
06:23Here you go.
06:24I'll leave you mums to it, shall I?
06:26Yeah, all right, then. I'll see you later.
06:29So how's Grant coping with you being a student mum?
06:31Yeah, great. He's a proper arse husband these days.
06:33Just goes to show the right sort of handling
06:34you can get a man to do anything.
06:36Even a Mitchell.
06:39No, you and Grant have come a long way.
06:41I'm really happy for you.
06:44Is that it?
06:45You tell me.
06:46I don't know the first thing about making pancakes.
06:48What about one of these?
06:50A fresh one's better.
06:51Yeah, I suppose so.
06:53Well, as is you.
06:54As it's me what?
06:55I'll take a copy.
06:58Oh, great.
07:00There you go.
07:01I'll let you know how I got on, shall I?
07:03Yeah, sure.
07:04See you.
07:05Goes on a bit.
07:06I enjoy it. Talking to customers is the perk of the job.
07:09You say so.
07:10I do.
07:11Of course, not every customer has all the time
07:12to stand around and chat.
07:13Anything else?
07:14No, it's gone.
07:16I might have to come back.
07:17You do that.
07:21Do you know there's a party at the Squat tonight?
07:24I've got an invite.
07:26You can come if you like.
07:27You wouldn't be asking me out now, would you?
07:29Well, I just thought that...
07:30Wouldn't your girlfriend be jealous?
07:31Well, it's not like we joined at the hip or anything.
07:33Pleased to hear it. That'd be painful.
07:34It's not really her scene anyway.
07:37So you're interested, yeah?
07:38I'll check my diary.
07:40Oh, I forgot. Are you going to the party tonight?
07:44Look, I was wondering...
07:46Oh, money.
07:47I'm completely skim.
07:49Just a tenner till I get paid.
07:50Well, what happened to the money I gave you last night?
07:52This is an emergency.
07:53Oh, yeah?
07:54I need to get my shoes out of the menders.
07:55I'd asked Tiff, but you know how that husband of hers
07:57controls her purse strings.
07:59Look, this is humiliating enough as it is.
08:01One pair of shoes to my name and they'll be an held hostage.
08:07I appreciate this, Paul. Thanks.
08:10Hello. Hiya.
08:12You all right?
08:14Fine. And you?
08:17Ben? Oh, he's doing well.
08:19He'll be over the moon later. Phil's going to...
08:21Better go.
08:22Yeah, me too. T-cell crisis over at the cafe.
08:25Oh, Sarah said you were asking after Lorna?
08:29Her address. I was going to pop it in.
08:31Yeah, well, when I spoke to her the other day,
08:33I was in a bit of a state. I wanted to apologise.
08:35She doesn't seem to have any friends.
08:37I'm sure she'd appreciate a visit.
08:38I'm sure she'd appreciate a visit.
08:49I'm sorry, Mick.
08:50Listen, do you folks have an early lunch?
08:52How early? Now?
08:54That advice you gave me, I think I might pay her a visit.
08:58Good on ya.
09:00What's wrong with everyone? It's like a morgue in here.
09:04Yeah, well, you're long for this, Sarah, and we're rushed off our feet.
09:06As long as it is only an hour, we're here to make a profit.
09:09George said he'd pop in around now.
09:10Yeah, if he can tear himself away from that new restaurant of his.
09:13You're right. He's spending far too much time there these days.
09:16Yeah, well, it's not surprising, is it, really?
09:17I mean, that Rose woman, she's a bit of all right, ain't she?
09:21Get off you!
09:27I'll cut it out.
09:29Is that any way to greet a friend?
09:30Yeah, well, if you don't mind, I'm enjoying my own company.
09:33Oh, come on, man, snap out of it.
09:34You've got half a Walford coming to your place tonight.
09:36Yeah, well, that's their lookout.
09:37What is it?
09:39You know what they say, a problem's sheared.
09:41Yeah, and they also say two's a crowd.
09:43No, I think you mean...
09:43No, I don't.
09:55Hey, what time's the party?
09:56You're not invited.
09:57What do you mean? I live there.
09:58There is no party. It's been cancelled, all right?
10:05You all right?
10:07Not really.
10:08Ah, not you as well.
10:10No offence, mate.
10:12I'm just not in a chatting mood.
10:16There you go, love.
10:17Oh, thanks, Peter.
10:19OK, so you think Walford's a dump.
10:22I did once and then it grew on me.
10:24And as for the business up west, that's the past.
10:26You've got to look forward now.
10:28Giuseppe would be proud, believe me.
10:30Proud to know you moved on.
10:31You saying you knew my father better than me?
10:33Concentrate on this new business. It'll be a success, believe me.
10:36Very nice of you.
10:38You're the one in charge, Johnny.
10:40I'm just a backseat investor, along with the other two.
10:43In a couple of months, when that restaurant's opened, it's over to you.
10:46And you're a good worker.
10:47Mark my words, you'll have no trouble putting that place on the map.
10:50Do me a favour. Don't patronise me.
10:53I'm only looking out for you and your family.
10:55So what are you trying to do? Step into my father's shoes?
10:58Yeah, OK, I'll get the message you don't trust me.
11:00Fine. We'll have to work that out as we go along.
11:02Curse it, what you're saying is you're not up to the challenge around this place.
11:06Hello, Dad.
11:08Are you all right?
11:09A bit of a stressful day, but I'll cope.
11:11What are you two up to?
11:12Well, Gianna and I were just about to make a toast to the new business.
11:15Well, I'll drink to that.
11:20To success.
11:33Oh, hang on. Do you live here?
11:36Well, you'd better ring the bell. We've had too many burglars.
11:53What were you doing in there?
11:55I can't stop. See you later.
11:56I want that money back. All of it.
11:59I wondered whether you'd be back.
12:01I have.
12:02I saw you from the window. Come to apologise, have you?
12:07Don't worry. I often have that effect on people, get them upset.
12:11You were a bit weird, though.
12:13I'm sorry. You caught me at a bad time.
12:15How did you find me?
12:16Alex, the vicar.
12:18You must have gone to some trouble. Anyway, apology accepted.
12:21Do you think I could come in?
12:23What for?
12:24No offence, but if you've come to finish off your camera,
12:27if you've come to finish off your counselling, I think you're the one who needs help.
12:30No, it's not that.
12:31What then?
12:34All right for tonight?
12:37I hear the women have set to show the men how it's done.
12:40Oh, darts, eh? Yeah.
12:44Last thing on your mind, huh?
12:47Completely forgotten.
12:49Well, cancel it, if you're not up to it.
12:51Nah, I'd be letting the others down.
12:53So what? If you're left on your mind.
12:56I'd better go.
12:57There's no need to talk now if you don't want to.
13:02You've got to look at these things matter of fact.
13:05Sure, it's sad if Jessie goes,
13:07but if you let her get to you, how are you going to cope with the next faster kid that comes along?
13:11Yeah, you're right.
13:13I wish I could see things the way you do.
13:15Young, free and single, that's the secret.
13:17What, instead get old and married? Thanks.
13:20Well, being a couple has its advantages.
13:22Like what? Remind me.
13:24To jump into a nice warm bed every night.
13:26Well, if you sleep with your backs to each other.
13:28Then you should learn the secret of every good marriage.
13:30Never go to bed on an argument.
13:32Always have a kiss and a cuddle instead.
13:34Sure, this would be a fine thing.
13:36Come on, I'm trying to cheer you up here.
13:38Well, you were doing all right until you started on about the wonders of being single.
13:42All right, once again, from the top.
13:50See you later.
13:54Sorry to interrupt.
13:56Oh, I was just leaving.
13:58Thanks, Cora.
14:00I'm looking for Phil.
14:01Haven't seen him.
14:02If you do, can you tell him I need to speak to him?
14:04Another meeting?
14:05Between me and him.
14:13You can sit. The bed won't bite.
14:17I'm not sure about the bugs, though.
14:23To relax you, you look like you've done a runner from somewhere.
14:28There's something you need to know.
14:30I'm not who you think I am.
14:32Which of us is?
14:34I'm Kathy Mitchell, Phil's wife.
14:37I should have told you, I'm sorry.
14:39So what are you doing here?
14:41Come to spy on me, have you?
14:43No, I just want to talk.
14:45You bitch.
14:46I'm the bitch?
14:47You're the one who slept with my husband.
14:49So what have you come to do about it?
14:51Come on.
14:54Do you mind?
14:56Excuse me.
15:01Deep in your thoughts, was you?
15:04It's not bad news, I hope.
15:06There's some kind of disease around here.
15:08Why people can't keep their nose out of other people's business.
15:11Well, it's the East End, dear.
15:13You've got to expect it.
15:15I mean, it's the same way you come from, innit, Wales?
15:18Mind you, it's very different from the old days.
15:20Days gone by, I knew every face in the neighbourhood.
15:23Like one big happy family we was.
15:25Don't give me that.
15:26Families aren't happy.
15:28Never have been, never will be.
15:30Oh, what a terrible attitude, especially with one so young.
15:33Must be bad news.
15:35Have you tried reading a good book?
15:38Corinthians 2nd.
15:40Oh, great.
15:41I'm being chatted up by a blimmin' Bible basher.
15:43Chapter 1, verse 4.
15:45Oh, get a life.
15:47I am.
15:48It's waiting for me up there.
15:50Look, love, this is the only life you've got,
15:52and it's down here, not up there in the clouds.
15:54So why don't you get out and live a bit before it's too late?
15:57It's obviously too late for you, me boy.
16:02Sorry, I take it back.
16:05Oh, I mean, so you should,
16:07cos you was very much in love with me.
16:10I was.
16:11I was.
16:11Oh, I mean, so you should, cos you was very rude.
16:14Thanks for interfering.
16:16You've made me take a bit of my own advice.
16:21What was it? A one-night thing?
16:23Were you in love with him? Did you want a relationship? What?
16:25Ask him.
16:26I want to wear it from you.
16:27Never satisfied.
16:29There's you, back with your husband.
16:31Back to your cosy little threesome.
16:33Here's me, no home, without my kids, stuck in this place,
16:35and you're chasing me for answers.
16:37No-one did this to you.
16:38Oh, excuse me for self-pity.
16:40You drink, you sleep around,
16:41you deserve all you get, you little tart.
16:43I meant you had problems before you met Phil.
16:45You both did.
16:46So what were you looking for?
16:48How could sleeping with someone else's partner
16:49possibly make things better?
16:50I didn't stop to ask myself.
16:52I'm being serious.
16:53So am I.
16:54It was great.
16:55It was worth it, and I'd do it again.
16:57You weren't the first, you know.
17:03The other night,
17:05you said you missed your kids.
17:07I can't see much evidence of you trying to get them back.
17:09I'll get them back.
17:10And how?
17:11By drowning in that stuff?
17:13You can't spend your life not dealing with problems.
17:16Sleeping with my husband...
17:18with Phil.
17:19Can't you see it wasn't real?
17:21You're just running away.
17:23If you want change, you've got to face up to things.
17:25You've got to believe you're worth something.
17:27Like you, you mean.
17:28I know how much I'm worth.
17:30Is that why you stayed with the man who cheated on you?
17:33What did he tell you?
17:35He told me everything.
17:36That it was just a little fling,
17:37that I chased him and you believed him.
17:39Well, what would you call it?
17:41You're not together now, are you?
17:43Are you asking or telling?
17:45Maybe he's not here right now,
17:47but he won't stay away for long.
17:49You see, me and Phil, we had something.
17:51Yeah, sex was terrific, but it was more than that.
17:54He needed something from you, but you couldn't give it to him.
17:57I could.
17:59He'll be back.
18:00It's as simple as that.
18:02So you can stand there as long as you like,
18:04looking down your nose at me, telling me what you're worth.
18:06We both know he was kidding themselves.
18:08It's you who can't face the truth.
18:11Get on with your life, Luna.
18:14Get yourself together and think about those kids.
18:18I don't need your advice.
18:20I'll go for what I want.
18:21I'm going to get him back.
18:23You'd do that?
18:25It's funny.
18:26You're so sure about everything,
18:28you think he'd have bothered to tell you.
18:30Tell me what?
18:31We're halfway through a divorce.
18:33You and Phil?
18:35So if you really want him, good luck to you.
18:38Cos I sure as hell don't want him any more.
18:40When did you split up?
18:42Last year.
18:48I can't understand it. Where have all these people come from?
18:51Work must have got around.
18:53Best comedy dance team in town.
18:57Peggy, have you seen Terry running out of glasses?
18:59How am I to know? Can't you see I've got me hands full?
19:02Busy enough for you, is it?
19:04Get out of my face, Grant, and get down that cellar.
19:06They need another barrel.
19:09You're wanted.
19:11I thought instead of paying once, we could be fancy and have a cup of Suzette.
19:18Don't you need alcohol for those?
19:20Not necessarily.
19:21You realise we don't have any?
19:23There's a lot of them.
19:24That's a stupid thing to do. Why didn't you stop me?
19:26I thought it was a good idea.
19:27Here I am paying for the same stuff I chucked out,
19:29and that's not stupid.
19:31I don't remember Vicar.
19:32You're a bad influence, you are.
19:36What are you two gawping at? There's plenty more to bring in.
19:39You mean the party's on?
19:40Of course the party's on.
19:41Why the change of plan?
19:43Stupid question. You've only got one life, haven't you?
19:51Looks like maybe these people do exist.
19:54What do you mean, maybe?
19:56Either they do or they don't.
19:58Let's say they do.
19:59How do you know?
20:00I've contacted some of my associates in the business.
20:03They've heard of these guys.
20:05But according to them,
20:06they're nothing more than a bunch of chancers sniffing around.
20:09Well, that's nothing. They're coming across to the public.
20:11And you're prepared to take his word?
20:13We don't even know if he's paid up like he says he has.
20:16He could be playing us off against them.
20:18Best way to deal with this is ignore it.
20:20Business as usual.
20:21Well, I think you're wrong.
20:22Phil, if we don't go in there tomorrow morning,
20:24we're going to look like mugs.
20:26We've got to show this public, and we mean business.
20:28When I came into this, we agreed a partnership.
20:30Now, in my book,
20:31that means discussing things and making decisions together.
20:34Well, what do you think we're doing right now?
20:36Oh, don't push me, Annie.
20:37You don't know who you're dealing with.
20:39You can bow out any time.
20:40No-one forced you into this.
20:42Is that what you want?
20:43Your choice.
20:44Like it or not, I'm in the driving seat.
20:46I'm the public face of this operation.
20:48And if anything goes wrong, it's my reputation on the line.
20:51Don't give me that.
20:52It was your old man that got you into this.
20:54If it weren't for George, you'd be nothing. Sure, yeah.
20:56You know how to talk big,
20:57make a few frightening noises,
20:58but don't kid yourself, that's all it takes.
21:00Now, you need me, so let's not pretend otherwise.
21:05Well, you understand this...
21:06No, no, no, no, you understand this.
21:08Now, it's my neck on the line out there,
21:10and I ain't risking it for your ego.
21:12So we either do this thing my way, or we call the whole thing off.
21:15Cos you sure as hell ain't going to survive on your own.
21:21You got a light?
21:29I hardly ever smoke.
21:30I thought I'd bring a couple, calm the nerves.
21:32What have you got to be nervous about?
21:35You going to that party?
21:36Yeah, you?
21:39Oh, pub.
21:41I came all this way to see someone.
21:43Now I'm here, I realise the pig isn't worth it.
21:45Mm, sometimes works out like that.
21:48I enjoy the party.
21:50Do you want to come?
21:53I could do with a company.
21:55A company at a party?
21:56You know what it's like, you walk in on your own.
21:59I know a few people, but I don't really know them.
22:02You'd be doing me a favour.
22:04Give you a light, what more do you want?
22:06Three drinks.
22:08I've got me own.
22:10Oh, what the hell.
22:17I'm a bit busy, Tiff.
22:18Don't you think I'd give you the money if you needed it?
22:20You're right, I should have been straight with you.
22:22So what did you need the money for?
22:23It's not important now.
22:24Yeah, right.
22:25It's like a still-tragedy, eh?
22:31I'm really sorry.
22:32You said it wasn't a problem.
22:34I completely forgot.
22:35It was a nice one at the nursery.
22:36I had to get Ian to pick him up.
22:37You'll get him here.
22:38Oh, don't bother.
22:39He's got more important things to do.
22:40Quick, Kathy, you're on next.
22:41Shall I take him?
22:42No, no, it's all right, I've got him.
22:44Look, I'll take him back to yours and put him to bed.
22:46No, I'll do that.
22:47We're nearly finished here.
22:48It's late.
22:49Well, whose fault's that?
22:50Come, son.
22:51Go and sit Grandma, all right?
22:53Come on.
22:55Come on.
23:04How often does he work late?
23:05When he's wanted.
23:06Can he take the night off just for once?
23:08Obviously not.
23:09Do you have one of these?
23:10What is it?
23:11I don't know.
23:12Could be pancakes, could be anything.
23:14Ah, revolting.
23:17Chris, I thought you weren't coming.
23:20I missed the party.
23:22I'll let him get to you, you know.
23:23Call some cabbage.
23:24Get him.
23:25I need to know what he's playing at.
23:26You don't.
23:27You're mending for the time.
23:28Not this one, not the way we work.
23:29I need to know.
23:30Then what?
23:31Then maybe I can stop drinking this stuff.
23:36You made it?
23:37Of course I did.
23:38Had to cancel a few previous arrangements, though.
23:40Do you want a donut?
23:41No, not yet.
23:46So, did you like my party, then?
23:48Yeah, it wasn't bad.
23:49What was he celebrating?
23:50Just introducing himself to the area.
23:56How about a drink?
23:58I'm in a cola.
23:59My brother, Jan, he still thinks I'm 12.
24:01Maybe the next one, yeah?
24:05This is Lorna.
24:06You a friend of Hugh's?
24:07I don't have friends.
24:11Wish me luck.
24:12Go for it.
24:14Watch it.
24:15This is a big problem.
24:16I, uh, I took the night off.
24:18I told you I didn't, no?
24:19It's not about that.
24:20We need to talk.
24:21I had a phone call at the club.
24:26You all right?
24:27Yeah, he's fine.
24:33I'm sorry.
24:34I'm sorry.
24:35I'm sorry.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:37I'm sorry.
24:38I'm sorry.
24:39I'm sorry.
24:40I'm sorry.
24:41I'm sorry.
24:42I'm sorry.
24:47Sure you don't want to take him upstairs?
24:49Ay, no way, Cole, look, besides, Kathy's already got a young man,
24:51better see this one through to the B'Rae.
24:53You don't have to give us too much, just give us a shouty.
25:01Come on, look, let's talk about this outside, now.
25:03Don't touch me.
25:04Who is she?
25:05Mum, just take Ben upstairs.
25:06I want to know what's going on.
25:07Mum, just take him upstairs.
25:08Had a good time, did you?
25:09Is that what I was?
25:10Good time Lorna?
25:11Or maybe you don't remember that you're making a fool of yourself. Of course. I'm making a fool of myself
25:16Why do you think I'm here? Let's go outside. Come on. Oh, yes, Phil. Let's do it your way for a change
25:21Okay, if you don't know where this that's where you're wrong
25:24Come on, Phil. I'm listening
25:27We all want to know why you dumped me
25:41I need to have a word. Outside. What? I can't. Not in here. Speak up. I can't hear you. It's about your father. Outside. What about him? What about him? Your sister ran the club. Your father's dead.
26:11I'm sorry I had to do that, and I'm sorry I never got back in touch with you. But it don't give you the right to do what you did in there.
26:22Oh, but you have all the right. You can do what the hell you like. Why didn't you tell me you'd left your wife?
26:27I never promised you anything, and I never told you anything that weren't true.
26:30You loathe me that much. I don't loathe you. Phil, you don't loathe me. You don't love me. What do you feel for me? Pity?
26:38Yeah, I pity me too. I pity the day I ever set eyes on you. Don't you think I felt worthless enough before I met you? Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore. I'll just slip away, shall I, quietly. No fuss. You won't hear from me again. Ever. Just don't send any sodding flowers.
27:00Lola, what are you going to do?
27:01What do you care? Go to hell!