Nineties Eastenders (7th January 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (7th January 1998)
00:30You see, what are you doing up all by yourself?
00:34Where's Mary? You shouldn't be getting your own breakfast, should you?
00:36And where's your dressing gown? The eating's only just come on. You're gonna freeze.
00:39You stay there, and I'll get your dressing gown for you.
00:43What's it got to do with...
01:00It's your job to hear her.
01:12Well, how can I, if I was asleep?
01:14Well, if you were doing your job properly, you'd get a bed at a sensible time.
01:16Lesser that.
01:18Why are you taking that out on me?
01:20I beg your pardon?
01:21Whenever things don't go right, you're always finding someone to blame.
01:23Who said things weren't going right?
01:24Well, they can't be, otherwise you wouldn't be like this.
01:26Do you want your pay rise?
01:27Do you want me to stay?
01:29Is it or is it not your job to look after the children?
01:32Of course.
01:33Right, well, that's all we're talking about.
01:35Right, I'm out.
01:36Yeah, looks like it.
01:37Well, don't bother checking on the doorstep, cos the milkman won't come yet.
01:40I'm going to the shop.
02:00What kind of time do you call this?
02:02I was just about to phone the police.
02:04I've told you before about all these wild parties.
02:06Just you wait till the bishop finds out.
02:08It was an emergency at the refuge.
02:10I had to sort it out.
02:11What kind of emergency?
02:13It's confidential.
02:14What are you doing up so early?
02:16I was worried about you, son.
02:18I haven't slept a wink.
02:25Did you ever see him?
02:28Confessed the idea of being a single mum.
02:31And he loved me.
02:33He still does.
02:36I could tell when I met him last night.
02:37Poor sod.
02:39Does that worry you?
02:41Don't be silly.
02:43He'll come in very handy, though.
02:45Do you want me to give you a lift this afternoon?
02:46I can wait outside the car.
02:47No, it'd only wind him up.
02:51Look, the kids have been upset too much.
02:54I don't want them upset any more.
02:57Do you ever think how I might feel about that?
02:59Maybe I want to see the kids.
03:01I'd quite like to think the boys would want to see me as well.
03:03Yes, I know, Nick, but not today.
03:05Right, not today, no.
03:07Doesn't stop me giving you a lift, though, does it?
03:09I don't know.
03:14Oh, look at the state of this room.
03:17You know, the one good thing the army ever did for you
03:20was to instil a bit of self-discipline.
03:22But look at you now.
03:25Have you gone back to wearing the same socks two days running?
03:28You what?
03:29Yeah, I think you have.
03:31Look, Mum, will you leave those things where they are, please?
03:33Well, if you don't look after yourself, someone's got to,
03:35and there's a cup of tea for you there.
03:36Will you leave it, please?
03:38Yeah, your father had his faults,
03:40but the one thing you could always say for him,
03:42he hung his trousers on the back of the chair
03:44before he went to bed at night.
03:47And he also took all the loose change out of the pockets
03:50and put it on the bedside table.
03:51Yeah, well, I'll take care of it.
03:53Oh, come on.
03:54How much longer is this going to go on for, eh?
03:56You what?
03:57You and Tiffany sleeping in separate rooms.
03:59It ain't healthy.
04:00Yeah, well, it ain't down to me, is it?
04:01Well, I don't see you making any moves towards her.
04:03What, you really think I'm going to do it in front of you?
04:05So you are trying, are you?
04:07Of course I'm trying.
04:08Look, Mum, will you stop it? I've asked you twice.
04:10Look, what's this?
04:12Look, give it here, please.
04:14Is this what I think it is?
04:15An eternity ring?
04:17Well, when did you buy this?
04:18Mum, will you give it here?
04:19Aren't you putting the cart before the horse?
04:21Shouldn't you be thinking about getting your marriage sorted out?
04:23For the last time, just put it down and get out.
04:25I can sort my own mess out.
04:27I hope you know what you're doing.
04:30The only one down there, right inside next to the chip shop.
04:35And I know you from somewhere.
04:37You can cut out the wisecracks.
04:39Have you noticed Winston's improved his stock?
04:42That, my dear father, is the beauty of capitalism.
04:45Everyone benefits.
04:46Remember where I was yesterday?
04:48Where you were yesterday.
04:50Good man.
05:13Oh, hello, Pat.
05:14I'm sorry I've overslept.
05:16I had a bit of a rough night.
05:18Yeah, Ben's normally had me awake ages before now.
05:21How busy are you at the moment?
05:24Right, well, I'll put some clothes on and be straight over.
05:26Yeah, as soon as I've dropped off at nursery.
06:12Come in, darling.
06:13I just phoned her. She was still in bed, overslept.
06:15What's wrong with your mum?
06:16Well, she'll be as quick as she can.
06:17Don't matter. I'll catch her at home.
06:18I tell you, no wonder Winston's worried.
06:21Why's that?
06:22That son of yours.
06:24I've been looking for a copy of this for the last 18 months,
06:27ever since my record collection got trashed.
06:29I mentioned it to him last week.
06:31He got me a copy this morning. 5.99.
06:33That's an absolute bargain.
06:35Be sad when he has to go back to school.
06:37Not from where I'm standing.
06:38Sixth form go back later than the rest of them.
06:41No, he was due back Monday,
06:42but the pipes burst and the heating packed up.
06:44Oh, same thing happened at Claire's school.
06:46Oh, yeah, they've fixed it now.
06:48Yeah, she went back this morning.
06:49Here you go, love.
06:50Cheers, mate.
06:51Has Claire's school got anything to do with Matthew's?
06:53No, completely separate.
06:54Only thing is, when the pipes burst, the stage got wrecked,
06:57so that's the school play down the toilet.
06:59We're going to try and put it on somewhere else,
07:01you know, make it into a community event.
07:03Don't know where to start, though.
07:05Don't suppose you fancy getting involved, do you?
07:07Sorry, Nigel.
07:08There's someone I have to go and see.
07:11Thought you'd write a phone last night.
07:13I'm sorry, but I'm a bit behind.
07:15Why should I have phoned?
07:16Because I went to see Nick Holland yesterday.
07:18Oh, yeah, of course.
07:19I've got a lot on me mind.
07:21You've got a lot on your mind?
07:22Oh, don't start, please.
07:24Come on, how'd it go?
07:27The guy's a snake.
07:28He's not going to play by the rules.
07:29Well, did you expect him to?
07:30That's not what I wanted to hear, Mum.
07:32What have I said now?
07:33Have you got any idea of the pressure I'm under?
07:35Even if it was just Cindy's court case, that'd be bad enough,
07:37but I've got her coming round to visit the kids again this afternoon,
07:39I've got a nanny who can't get up in the morning,
07:41and I've got that hostel on the doorstep.
07:43Sometimes I feel like my head is just going to explode.
07:45Can't you just let it go?
07:47Well, you did your best,
07:48but the plan of admission's gone through now.
07:50There'll be one thing less to worry about.
07:52Which side are you on?
07:56The spirit of Fred's prize is alive and well, I see.
07:59Yes, thanks.
08:00The beauty of capitalism.
08:01I know.
08:02Bit of a buccaneer, eh?
08:03A Freddie Laker?
08:05A Richard Branson?
08:07I don't mourn myself or anyone but me, actually.
08:09Fancy yourself, don't you?
08:10Not with most women in the Bible, you know.
08:12There's quite a lot of fancy.
08:13I don't suppose you can lend me 10p?
08:15I've got to make a phone call.
08:16You've got a phone in your office?
08:18No, no, no, that's for council use.
08:19This is a private call.
08:20See, I was just going to phone your school.
08:22Because from what I gather,
08:24half the schools in the borough are closed due to burst pipes.
08:27Amazing coincidence, isn't it?
08:30Who told you?
08:31I put two and two together.
08:33I'm learning more from this than I ever will at six.
08:35Pack up your stall and go, now.
08:38That is, as a market inspector to a stallholder.
08:41Put your hands up!
09:12Oh, morning.
09:38All right?
09:39All right?
09:40Two sticks.
09:44Kathy, I'm trying to recruit volunteers
09:46for a community play we want to put on.
09:48I don't suppose you...
09:49Not now, Nigel.
09:51No way.
09:52But it'd be like a community event.
09:54Julie's already started rewriting the script.
09:56I am not going to dress up as a pearly king
09:58and sing Roll Out The Barrel.
09:59It's not going to be anything like that.
10:01Yeah, sure.
10:03I've just heard that Aunt Sal's is going to the camp tomorrow.
10:06She's going to give it another go, her old man.
10:09Well, you know, if she can, then...
10:11Why are we still doing our accounts by hand?
10:13I don't know. Ask Mum. It's her job.
10:15What's this?
10:17Computerised stock records.
10:18You know how much something like this costs?
10:19Yeah, well, this pub's still in the Flaming Stone Age.
10:21Yeah, well, I've tried talking to Mum about it
10:23and she reckons she's too old to learn about computers.
10:25Yeah, but I'm not.
10:26All right?
10:27Leave it with me.
10:28What's that supposed to mean?
10:29Patience, all right?
10:31Look, I'm sorry about just now.
10:33I wasn't completely with it.
10:35So what exactly did this Nick say to you?
10:37He tried to spook me.
10:38Well, it looks like he did a good job.
10:40Do you think I should give up on this and all?
10:42No, of course not.
10:43Look, can we be friends, please? I am on your side.
10:46It just feels like I'm on my own.
10:47Well, come on, then. What did he say?
10:49He reckons Cindy's going to get off.
10:51Well, that's ridiculous.
10:52You weren't there.
10:53But how?
10:54He wasn't going to tell me that, was he?
10:55Well, look, if you're that worried,
10:56why don't you go and see a solicitor?
10:57That's what he's there for.
10:58What's the point?
10:59Well, at least you feel like you're doing something.
11:01Well, maybe.
11:02Yeah, maybe.
11:04I've got work to do.
11:09Now, that calls the gap.
11:11Thanks very much.
11:12You don't run the breakfast over at your place, Nick?
11:14Not so much breakfast, more the company.
11:16Are we talking about Alex?
11:18He was up all night rescuing fallen women.
11:20See, I'm wrong.
11:21Hi, Gav.
11:23Don't worry about it.
11:24At that refuge place.
11:25Then he comes home in a foul mood.
11:27Very Christian.
11:28I decided it was best to make myself scared.
11:30I'll see you.
11:32Well, at least somebody had a good night's sleep.
11:35No, you won't put me on hold.
11:37Phone me back.
11:39I've got some good news.
11:41They've approved me, love.
11:42We're in business.
11:43Oh, yeah?
11:44Well, don't look too thrilled, will you?
11:46It's just things have moved on.
11:48How come?
11:49It was my birthday yesterday,
11:51and you never got me so much as a card.
11:53Didn't know it was your birthday.
11:54But Daddy did.
11:55And guess what?
11:57He's given me financial control of the business,
12:00which means we can raise as much capital as we need
12:02whenever we like.
12:03I've always meant to be partners.
12:05We are.
12:06Well, how can we be partners
12:07if you're stumping up all the readies?
12:08What interest rate are they charging you?
12:10That's not the point.
12:11I want it the way it was.
12:13Your money.
12:15So, when do we see Johnny again?
12:18Tomorrow afternoon.
12:20Hang on.
12:23Yeah, I want to change my stationery order.
12:26Same logo, same letterhead,
12:28but with one small adjustment.
12:30Where it says Financial Director George Palmer,
12:33I'd like you to replace it with
12:35Financial Director Annie Palmer.
12:39I threaten to leave,
12:40and then he offers me the pay rise.
12:42And has he been behaving himself since then?
12:44You'd think he would, wouldn't you?
12:46No, he was back in Adolf Hitler mode this morning.
12:48Well, they've got your answer.
12:49Just keep threatening to leave.
12:51There'll be 50 grand a year by the end of the week.
12:53Oh, no, he said he was going to be out all morning.
12:56Before you say anything,
12:57I've got Stephen off to school,
12:58the twins are upstairs playing,
12:59I've hoovered the downstairs,
13:00I've made all the beds,
13:01I've done the washing and drying,
13:03and I've got the shopping in for today.
13:04This is the first time I've sat down all day.
13:06I wasn't going to say a word.
13:07Just to let you know,
13:08I'm off to see my solicitor this afternoon.
13:09I probably won't be back in time for Cindy's visit.
13:11All the usual rules apply.
13:12Don't leave her alone with the kids.
13:15I'll be back as soon as I can.
13:16And go easy on those chocolate biscuits.
13:18Don't think I haven't noticed.
13:20Morning, Ian.
13:21Now do you believe me?
13:38What's going on?
13:39Ian, I'd like you to meet Mr Bradford.
13:41He's the architect who's drawn up the plans for the conversion.
13:44Are you taking the mic?
13:45You asked me what was going on, so I told you.
13:47Excuse me.
13:48You can wipe that smile off your face.
13:50I wasn't smiling.
13:51You may think you've won,
13:52but there's an election in, mate,
13:53and once I'm on the council,
13:54I'm going to get the planning commission overturned.
13:56Do you understand?
13:57The hostel would have been up and running
13:58for the best part of two months,
13:59so you'd be wasting your time.
14:01Let's accept it as a fact
14:02and try and find ways of addressing people's fears.
14:04I'm telling you, that hostel ain't a fact,
14:05and you can tell Mr Bradford
14:06that I'm going to go over every inch of his plans.
14:08And if I so much as find a plug socket
14:10that breaks building regulations,
14:11I'll have him, and I'll have you.
14:13Right, come here.
14:17That's one very unhappy man.
14:19Oh, yeah?
14:20Can I have a word?
14:21Not a piece for the wicked, I think the phrase is.
14:24I've got a system.
14:25All right, it's old-fashioned,
14:26but I know what I'm doing.
14:27It works for me.
14:28Look, I'm not talking about going the whole hog.
14:30You can forget the computers.
14:31But you hate doing the books.
14:32She wants to get involved, so why not?
14:34But she hasn't got any experience.
14:35And neither did you when you first started.
14:37And how's she going to get any unless you let her?
14:39I don't know.
14:40Look, I'm not talking about giving her the licence.
14:42She just wants to get involved.
14:43For my sake.
14:45Oh, I see.
14:47I will when I get the chance.
14:50Oh, hello, love.
14:51Oh, that's a nice smile.
14:53That's because I'm a man free of responsibilities.
14:55How come?
14:56Well, there comes a stage in your life
14:57when you're putting all the hard work,
14:58starting to take your foot off the gas a bit.
15:00What are you talking about?
15:01Which means that from now on,
15:02you and I will be having to spend a lot more time together.
15:04I don't get it.
15:05I've handed over the financial side of the business to Ellie.
15:07What do you call semi-retired?
15:09The usual, please, love.
15:11So, how do you fancy a day out round the cells?
15:13Just try and stop me.
15:15I thought you were doing last quarter's VHC.
15:17All right, I got the message.
15:20I was just thinking,
15:22if we put a false beard on you,
15:24you could be Prince Albert.
15:27Oh, shouldn't you be wearing this?
15:29The chain's broken.
15:31I've got just the thing.
15:33I use it for pulling hairs out of my ears.
15:37So, do you fancy yourself as Prince Albert then?
15:40Aren't you putting a cart before the horse?
15:42Have you got a director and a stage manager?
15:44Who's going to do your lights, your costume, your publicity?
15:46When I was a curator up in Liverpool,
15:48we did something like this.
15:49We had just these kind of problems.
15:51Well, you're running around trying to drum up support,
15:53but you haven't got the proper organisation to back it up.
15:55What you need is a committee.
15:57Then you can delegate tasks.
15:58Aren't you brilliant.
15:59So, do you want to be chairman then?
16:01Get your committee together.
16:02Then you can elect a chairman.
16:04I'll do that.
16:05There you go.
16:07One good turn deserves another.
16:08That should keep the vampires away.
16:11So, with George not working so much,
16:12we want to spend more time together.
16:15So that means I'm going to be wanting to do a bit less around the pub.
16:18But Peggy, I do enough shifts as it is.
16:20I'm not talking about behind the bar.
16:21Oh, the book she made?
16:22Yeah, if you fancy it.
16:24You've changed your tune, what's brought this on?
16:26Well, like I said, George has got more time on his hands.
16:28Yeah, but...
16:29Look, if you don't want to do it, just say.
16:30Have you been talking to Grant?
16:31I'm not getting any younger.
16:33I won't be running this place forever.
16:35No, but did Grant put you up to it?
16:36Come on, you can tell me.
16:37I won't be cross.
16:38Just tell me.
16:39Well, he might have said something.
16:41He cares about you.
16:43He really is making the effort.
16:47What was that for?
16:48Just my wife saying thank you.
16:50What was it?
16:51It said marriage was a death of romance.
16:53Morning, Dad.
16:54Morning, boss.
16:55You can get him in for that.
17:02Well, I'll be back in an hour, I suppose.
17:04That's OK, I've got my paper.
17:06Oh, come here.
17:07Come on.
17:11What if it all goes wrong?
17:13This could be the last time I see my kids like this for ages.
17:16Have I ever let you down?
17:18Have I?
17:19All right, now give the boys a big kiss from me.
17:22Tell them I miss them.
17:30Why did you agree to see him in the first place?
17:33I couldn't help it.
17:34I had to know.
17:35I wish you'd spoken to me first.
17:36I just want to know what you think they're up to.
17:38Up to?
17:39They've got something up their sleeve.
17:40Like what?
17:41Well, I don't know, do I?
17:42That's why I wanted to see you.
17:43Did he give you any clue as to what it might be that he's got up his sleeve?
17:47You're the lawyer.
17:49I may be a lawyer, but I'm not a mind reader.
17:51I want something done.
17:52Look, calm down.
17:54Did it ever occur to you why this Nick character asked to see you in the first place?
17:58He wanted to rattle you.
17:59He wanted to push you into doing something stupid,
18:02and by the looks of it, he's made a pretty good go of it.
18:04You weren't there.
18:05I mean, he was being a smug git.
18:06And did you expect him to be a frightened little mouse?
18:09Look, if it's reassurance you want, I can give it to you.
18:12The CPS have got a watertight case.
18:14We know she abducted the children, and she can hardly deny that.
18:17Mr Nick Holland may well be a smug git, but he's not a magician.
18:22I'll see you in court tomorrow.
18:24That's it?
18:25Well, I have seen you on very short notice, and I do have other clients waiting.
18:31And, uh, smile.
18:33It's going to be all right.
18:37The kids are asking for chocolate biscuits. Have you got any?
18:39Um, there's only two left.
18:40Oh, well, don't worry. They can go without.
18:42Um, chocolate biscuits are a bit of an issue around here at the minute.
18:45Why? What's he been saying?
18:46I'm meeting him out of house and home, apparently.
18:48Oh, that sounds familiar.
18:50I am so glad...
18:51So glad what?
18:53It's not fair on you.
18:54So glad you're not living with him anymore?
18:57You must have loved him once.
18:59Yeah, I remember that date.
19:01It was a Tuesday, I think.
19:04You wish you'd never married him.
19:06If I never married him, I wouldn't have had the twins, would I?
19:08That's the point, isn't it?
19:09It's why I put up with him for so long.
19:12I suppose you know all about it.
19:14I suppose you know all about it.
19:16About what?
19:17The shooting.
19:19I'd heard about it, yeah.
19:22I don't ask questions. Better that way.
19:24I know what people must think about me.
19:26But if they knew, if they really knew...
19:30The thing is, I was a bit crazy then.
19:32You don't have to explain. I've been crazy too.
19:35To know all is to forgive all.
19:37Something like that.
19:38People always want to judge, don't they?
19:40But they weren't there. They weren't part of it.
19:42They should just learn to shut up.
19:44That's what I think, anyway.
19:45What are we talking about here?
19:47This, your married man?
19:49I was 16. I didn't know what I was doing.
19:51He took advantage of me.
19:52All right, he took advantage of me.
19:55Doesn't mean I wish it never happened.
19:57I knew what I was doing.
19:58Listen, we all make mistakes.
20:00Yeah, and we have to live with them.
20:01And if we didn't make mistakes, wouldn't life be so boring, eh?
20:04Some of the best fun I've had in my life has been when I've been making mistakes.
20:08Better go get those chocolate biscuits.
20:10Oh, I thought you weren't supposed to leave me alone with the kids.
20:12Sod them.
20:13Who cares?
20:18You never get sick of it.
20:19Sick of what?
20:20Being a green girl, sir.
20:21That's a job.
20:22Yeah, but surely you get sick of it.
20:23You know, how many different ways are there of selling a pound of sprouts?
20:26That's better than working in an office.
20:28Better than doing nothing at all.
20:29Now, that's the whole point.
20:31I'll have a pound of onions, half a pound of carrots, and a bulb of garlic, please.
20:36What are you up to?
20:38I thought with your missus being away and me being at a bit of a loose end,
20:41you could do with a decent meal inside you at the end of a hard day's green grocery.
20:45So I'm cooking a spaghetti bolognese, what do you say?
20:48Hello again.
20:49We're out of chocolate biscuits, so I'm stocking up with supplies
20:52before Ian finds out and clamps me in irons.
20:55What was that about?
20:57That cousin we have in common.
20:59One biscuit short of the whole assortment.
21:04Speak of the devil and he looks over your shoulder.
21:08Is that Mary I just saw going into the shop?
21:11Well, she's supposed to be looking after the kids.
21:14Let's go and tell Mary.
21:31What's going on?
21:32We're just playing a game.
21:34Can you come through to the kitchen, please?
21:36Just do as I say.
21:38Be back in a minute.
21:43What's he doing out there?
21:44He's waiting to give me a lift home.
21:45And where's Mary?
21:46She's gone to get some chocolate biscuits. What is the problem?
21:48You know full well what the problem is.
21:49Ian, what do you think I was going to do?
21:50Is everything all right?
21:52What was the last thing I said to you before I went out this morning?
21:54Well, come on, are you deaf or what?
21:56We were out of chocolate biscuits.
21:57What was the last thing I said to you this morning?
21:59Not to leave Cindy alone with the kids.
22:02Ian, leave it.
22:03Shut up. What are you going to do?
22:04I was only gone a couple of minutes.
22:05Have you got any idea how long it takes to bundle three kids into a car?
22:07Oh, this is ridiculous.
22:08I told you to shut up.
22:09Oh, believe me now.
22:10This is what he's like.
22:11Understand now why I left him?
22:12Why I thought she wanted to get out from the day I married him.
22:14Pack your bags, you're fired, and you can clear off and all.
22:16I think I can hear Lucy crying.
22:17Stay there.
22:18Go on, I told you to go.
22:20You're an unhappy, sad, nasty man. Do you know that?
22:23Go on, go pack your bags.
22:24And what are you waiting for? Your boyfriend's outside.
22:25There's no way I'm leaving you with the kids when you're like this.
22:27Are you saying I'd hurt my own children?
22:29Have I ever laid so much as one finger on them?
22:30You don't have to, Ian.
22:31I'm asking you nicely, Cindy, for the children's sake.
22:34Will you please leave this house?
22:41It's not your fault, understand?
22:43It's not your fault.
22:45Daddy's angry with me and Mary.
22:46And it'll be better soon, I promise, all right?
22:49I love you.
22:53I'll see you in court.
22:54If there was any justice.
22:57It doesn't matter.
23:08Just go back in there and put a video on or something.
23:10I'll be in in a minute.
23:23What's happened?
23:24I knew it was a mistake.
23:25What's he said to you?
23:26Just go, please, just go.
23:32It's all right.
23:33Mark's just gone to get Pauline.
23:34He'll only be a minute.
23:35Now tell me again exactly what he said to you.
23:37I'd only just gone to get a packet of biscuits
23:39because I knew he'd be angry if he found out they were all gone.
23:52Is that the wife?
23:54And Ian's fired you?
23:56Tony had to get my stuff out.
23:58I couldn't bear to hang around.
23:59It's all right.
24:01You can leave that with me.
24:03What have you done now, you silly girl?
24:05It's not her fault.
24:06It's that nephew of yours.
24:08Where are you going, Conor?
24:10He's got to realise if he picks a fight with my daughter,
24:12he's picking a fight with me.
24:13Oh, no.
24:15I don't know what to do.
24:16I've nowhere to go.
24:17Oh, come with me.
24:18I'll look after you.
24:19Mark, just make sure Conor doesn't do anything silly.
24:22Come on, let's dry these tears, shall we?
24:26It's only because I love you, you've got to understand that.
24:29You're the most important things in the world to Daddy.
24:32Daddy was wrong to lose his temper like that.
24:35But even growing up's do silly things sometimes.
24:38Open up!
24:39Come on, I want to speak to you. Open up!
24:42Stay here and I'll be back in a second, all right?
24:45Just watch your video.
24:47Open up!
24:52Go away, my children are very upset.
24:53Yeah, well, my kid's very upset as well.
24:55Open up!
24:59You listen to me, you stink!
25:00All right, all right, all right, calm down, calm down.
25:02What gives you the right, huh?
25:03She was under express orders.
25:04I don't give a flying toss what she's done.
25:06You don't speak to my daughter like that.
25:08She was told not to leave my kids alone.
25:09You heard me say it.
25:10There's no word for squirts like you.
25:11You know the bully young girls like that?
25:13The word's coward.
25:15Now, you give me one good reason
25:16why I don't stick my fist down the back of your throat.
25:23You ever do anything like that to my daughter again,
25:26you'll be eating hospital food for a month.
25:29You get me?
25:32Which is her room?
25:34Upstairs, first on the left.
25:40Don't, Mark, all right?
25:42Just don't.
25:43He was bound to be upset.
25:45Totally unjustified.
25:46We weren't there, all right?
25:47We don't know the full story.
25:48Yeah, well, I hope Connor's as reasonable about it as you are.
25:52Well, he's gone to see Ian now.
25:54Why didn't you tell me that as soon as you came in?
25:56He's only going to give him a piece of his mind.
25:58He's not going to hit him.
25:59Well, how do you know?
26:00Stay here.
26:01I've got Mary next door.
26:02I don't give a monkey's.
26:04I'm just coming to see him.
26:07He's just worried about his kids, that's all.
26:08Don't start trying to make excuses for him, Mark.
26:10I'm not making excuses for him.
26:11No wonder his missus ran off.
26:12Who wouldn't?
26:13Where's Ian?
26:14What have you done to my son?
26:15It's all right, Kev.
26:16No harm done.
26:17I'll tell you one thing for free, though.
26:18If that son of yours is a 24-carat fruitcake,
26:19he needs psychiatric help.
26:20Either that or a personality transplant.
26:26Where are the kids?
26:28It's all right.
26:29They're watching a video.
26:30What have you done?
26:34Oh, come here.
26:37It's all gone wrong, Mum.
26:40It's all coming down around me ears.
26:42I've lost it.
26:43I know I have.
26:44What have you lost?
26:47Things are going to get off, and...
26:48I'm going to lose my kids, Mum.
26:49Don't be daft.
26:50How could she possibly get off?
26:52I don't know.
26:53I just feel it.
26:55What am I going to do?