Nineties Eastenders (1st January 1998)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (1st January 1998)
00:26Happy New Year.
00:28Happy New Year.
00:30Are you still thinking of working today?
00:33What's wrong? Are you upset?
00:35No, Ricky, I'm ecstatic.
00:37Of course I'm upset. My best friend just stabbed me in the back.
00:40Don't let her get to you.
00:42She's an idiot going back to Grant after what he did.
00:46Oh, come here.
00:50Don't forget about what happened last year.
00:52It was 1998.
00:54This is gonna be a year, I promise.
01:08Are you serious about these prices?
01:10It's there in black and white, innit?
01:12Haven't left yourself much of a profit margin.
01:14What's this space, as they say?
01:16I've been calling you for ages.
01:18I was asleep. I didn't hear you.
01:20What can you think of sleeping? There's a whole year waiting to start.
01:23I mean, you won't fulfil your ambitions by sleeping your life away.
01:26I mean, look at it. 1998.
01:28This is gonna be the year that does it for me.
01:30Does what?
01:31Everything. I get custody of my kids, my wife gets done for abduction,
01:34I could even be councillor, be all by the end of it.
01:36I wish you luck.
01:37There's no such thing as luck, not in this life.
01:39It's all down to you. It's all according to how you make your bed.
01:41Any chance of me going back to mine?
01:43Not when the kids need their breakfast.
01:45Right, I'm off to work.
01:46It's New Year's Day.
01:49There's hordes of people out there, knackered and hungover from yesterday
01:52and in no mood to cook.
01:53If you hadn't have dragged me away from Hugh and Lenny's, I might have been one of them.
01:56Well, thank your lucky stars I did.
01:57Think of what a state you'd be in otherwise.
01:59Have you never thought of just enjoying yourself and relaxing for a change?
02:03And then I think of the kids, the future that I'm building for them.
02:05That's why I put in the hours.
02:06I'll see you later.
02:10And don't...
02:11Don't forget, their mum's coming over to visit.
02:14The kitchen's a mess.
02:15Might be an idea if you clean it up before she gets here.
02:22I brought you some breakfast.
02:26What's that?
02:27The bucket's starting up.
02:30There you go.
02:33Did she sleep all right?
02:35No, she woke up crying.
02:36It took me ages to set her down.
02:39She must have had a bad dream.
02:40Yeah, well, it's not surprising.
02:41Babies are sensitive.
02:42They pick up on things.
02:44Do you want me to take her while you eat your breakfast?
02:46No, I want her here with me.
02:49Can I get you anything else?
02:53How's your head?
02:58Look, is that racket bothering you?
03:01Well, if it starts up again, yeah, just let me know.
03:04I'll, er...
03:05I'll run you a bath.
03:09Just because I'm here,
03:10I don't think things are back to the way that they were.
03:15BBC, with me, Dominic Wood...
03:17You keep me busy for a while.
03:18It's over a hundred pieces in the boardroom alone.
03:21Oh, all right, you might want to do it later.
03:23Here, have something to get you low.
03:25Sick to death of these stupid programmes.
03:27Where's the blasted room notes?
03:33Look, I'd feel so useless sitting here.
03:35You're not.
03:36You're getting yourself better.
03:38Look, why don't we have a look at me cookbook?
03:41Look, why don't we have a look at me cookbook?
03:44We'll find some tasty low-fat recipes.
03:47You must be desperate for some decent grub after all that hospital work.
03:50Look, I'd hardly be going in to do hard labour, would I?
03:53Just turn a few pages, make a few phone calls.
03:55That is all I would be doing.
03:56You heard what the doctor said, Roy.
03:59You've had a lucky escape, love.
04:00Now, don't push it.
04:02Come on.
04:04You've got to give yourself a bit of time, love.
04:06The business ain't going to disappear
04:07just because you're not there for a couple of weeks.
04:09Look, there's something I've got to do.
04:12You can't wait.
04:13All right, let me do it.
04:14What is it?
04:16It's the rates on the porter cabin.
04:18They're way overdue.
04:19And if I don't do something about it today,
04:21well, you might just as well kiss the business goodbye.
04:24Look, I'm sorry, love.
04:26I should have faced up to this long ago, but...
04:28I just sat on the problem,
04:30hoping that some miracle would come along and make it disappear.
04:35Check, please.
04:36When are you going to have a word with that son of yours?
04:39That's him.
04:40The one who's been dragging it out of my business with his so-called music.
04:43He's working on a record store.
04:45How else are people supposed to hear what he's selling?
04:47Well, my customers aren't interested, thank you very much.
04:49Oh, give the boy a break.
04:51Show a bit of initiative and everyone wants to slap you down.
04:54Come back Winston, is all I can say.
04:56And happy new year to you.
04:59I only want a bit of toast, Mrs C.
05:01Remember my diet.
05:02You don't want me keeling over that heart attack like Roy Evans.
05:04Oh, go on. Just a munch won't hurt you.
05:07Besides, with bones like yours,
05:09dieting could do you more harm than good.
05:12I mean, they aren't like mine, are they?
05:15Little delicate things.
05:16Bones like yours need covering, Nigel.
05:19Stop you falling apart.
05:21What do you think, Clare?
05:23Well, I'm not sure I go along with that logic, Mrs C.,
05:25but, er, thanks for the treat.
05:27Oh, my pleasure.
05:28Least I could do after you and Clare letting me stay like you, eh?
05:35Is this the sort of stuff Josh's band plays?
05:37And how do you know?
05:38He was talking to me about it.
05:40You actually spoke to Josh?
05:42This sounds serious.
05:43Stop it.
05:44Oh, what an awful din.
05:46Somebody turn it down, for goodness sake.
05:49Oh, hello, Sonia.
05:50Are you joining us?
05:52If you'll have me.
05:53Of course we'll have you.
05:54Go on, order what you like.
05:56If you can hear yourself speak about the din.
06:00Is Michael in here?
06:02Come on.
06:03Night pollution, that's what it is.
06:05Enough to wake the dead.
06:06Anyway, as I was saying to Nigel,
06:09I've had a lovely time staying with you both,
06:11but I really ought to get back to Rochdale,
06:14sort out all that business with the solicitor.
06:17It's been nice having you.
06:18That's what I told her.
06:19I said she can come back any time she likes.
06:21Then again, what's the rush?
06:24I'm on a public holiday.
06:26Why spend it sitting on a train
06:28when I can be with me two friends?
06:32Now, look, if you're trying to protect me from having another attack,
06:35you're going about it the wrong way.
06:37Those rates have got to be seen to, not in two weeks, today.
06:40Oh, for goodness sake.
06:41Look, there's no use going on at me.
06:43I'm not going to be able to take things easy
06:45until I've dealt with them.
06:46Look, I don't even have to leave the house.
06:48All you have to do is pop in and bring me a couple of files from my desk.
06:51Now, that is all I am asking.
06:53Roy, I don't want you getting upset.
06:54Well, I won't, not as long as you do what I ask.
06:56No, no, about what I'm going to tell you.
06:59Whilst you were in the hospital, the bailiffs came.
07:03They gave us three days.
07:05They were going to seize everything in the house.
07:07It's all right, love.
07:09I got a loan. I paid off the debt.
07:12You got a loan? Who from?
07:14Well, who do you know with that kind of money?
07:17Not Frank.
07:19Oh, no, no, I don't believe you.
07:22After everything that we...
07:24What else could I do?
07:25They were standing on the doorstep, threatening to march on me.
07:27The doorstep threatening to march off with everything we own.
07:30So you had to call on Frank?
07:32No, he just happened to be around.
07:34Oh, how very convenient.
07:36And I suppose he just happened to have enough cash in his pocket, did he?
07:39No, he paid by cheque.
07:41Surely the important thing is that we don't have to sell the business.
07:44A couple of minutes ago, you were sitting there, worried sick about losing it.
07:48And now, thanks to your ex-husband, I can sit here and enjoy my jigsaw.
07:52That's how very considerate of you both.
07:56Phil! Where you going?
07:58Just popping around the arches.
08:00See if you were getting in today.
08:02I've just got to check up on something.
08:04You all right?
08:07But tell me if I'm sticking my nose in.
08:09About you and Kev getting a divorce.
08:11Good news travels fast, doesn't it?
08:13So it's true?
08:15I've just got to get on with it now.
08:17What Stan's done.
08:18But you're all right?
08:19What do you think?
08:21Is Mum there?
08:22Not yet, no.
08:24Well, I'd probably give her something else to moan about.
08:26Oh, that's right.
08:41Happy New Year, sweetheart.
08:43For some, maybe.
08:44What's the matter, maybe?
08:45You want some signatures? I'll do some for you.
08:47You've done enough already, thank you very much.
08:49Come on, Pat, you're not still worried about me sorting out the bailiffs, are you?
08:53It's 1990, I told you.
08:55Come on, forgive him, OK?
08:57Try telling that to my husband.
09:02You got a message from Ruth?
09:03Yeah, five minutes ago. She's calling back.
09:05Where does she sound?
09:06Like Ruth.
09:07How's her dad?
09:08We'll soon find out.
09:13Yeah, how's it going? How are you?
09:15Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
09:17And your dad?
09:20I see.
09:23Happy New Year.
09:24How's Roy?
09:25Ask when I'm in a better mood.
09:27What's that?
09:28He is home, though.
09:29Oh, yeah, first thing.
09:31Couldn't wait to see the back of that hospital.
09:33Well, they say home's best.
09:35So what can I get you?
09:37Oh, I promised Ian I'd get some signatures for the residence meeting on Monday.
09:41Opposition to that hostel.
09:42Yeah, I know.
09:43And then we've got a meeting about the town hall next week.
09:45I'll have to think about it.
09:47Oh, your choice.
09:48Listen, you couldn't do me a favour, could you?
09:50Could you cover for me later? Only about ten minutes.
09:52Yeah, of course.
09:53Don't know why you want my cheerful mug around the place, though.
09:55Oh, come on, Pat.
09:561998 is not going to be anything like last year.
09:59Yeah, that's what I thought. Now I'm not so sure.
10:01Well, maybe this will be a chance for you, eh?
10:03Fresh start.
10:04Nothing fresh about my life, love.
10:06Well, that's the way I'm looking at it.
10:07Good for you.
10:09I've asked Phil for a divorce.
10:11How did he take it?
10:13I'm not really interested.
10:14It's just me and Ben who matter now.
10:16Oh, that must have taken some doing.
10:19Yeah, it did.
10:20It's still a bit scary, though.
10:22But I know I've done the right thing.
10:24I've got to move on.
10:25You're a brave woman.
10:27Can't think what gave you the strength to finally go for it, though.
10:35Oh, Roy.
10:36Is Pat about?
10:37No, she's not.
10:38Oh, I see.
10:39Only, I'm on my way back up to Manchester
10:41and I thought I'd like to say goodbye.
10:43I'll pass the message on.
10:44Roy, Roy, please, please.
10:46I miss you, old son, and I really am glad you're on the mend.
10:50And I know what you're thinking.
10:52Oh, and what would that be then, Frank?
10:54You seem to know so much about me these days.
10:56There was a reason for doing what I did
10:58and it's got nothing to do with what's in your head.
11:00Surprise me.
11:06Sorry we couldn't stop at the club.
11:07Dad's got clear-out fever.
11:09He's been in that office for ages.
11:11That's OK.
11:12So, what did you want?
11:14I thought I'd do a bit of digging around for you
11:17about your Uncle Johnny.
11:21How old do you know?
11:22I don't really.
11:23So what did you find out?
11:25Well, from what I hear, he's a bit of a player.
11:28He's well-respected and in with the big boys.
11:31They're a local firm, well-established.
11:34He runs one of the most successful protection rackets around.
11:38Mostly it's been smooth-going money for old Roy.
11:40They've had a bit of agro recently, though.
11:42Like what?
11:43Oh, the firm's trying to muscle in, that sort of thing.
11:46Nothing Uncle Johnny couldn't handle, though.
11:48He's got it well under control now.
11:50And that's it.
11:52But how long have you known?
11:54I did diagnose a couple of months ago.
11:56Hell of a shock, I can tell you.
11:58I was numb for a week.
12:00But then, you know, you kind of snap out of it
12:02and start thinking about the family.
12:04That's the reason I came back, you know,
12:06to make sure everyone was OK.
12:07Yeah, of course, I see.
12:08And when I gave that money to Pat,
12:10it was to make amends for the past.
12:13Anyway, I'm not going to need money where I'm going.
12:17Do you mean it's...?
12:19Well, you've all got to go sometime, haven't you?
12:21I'm only grateful I have the warning.
12:23You know, it gave me time to settle my affairs
12:25and repay my debts.
12:27Frank, look, I don't know what to say.
12:29You're a very brave man.
12:31No, no, not at all.
12:33When you're faced with it,
12:34you haven't exactly got a choice, have you?
12:37Roy, now look,
12:38this is for you when you get the all clear, yeah?
12:42Look, would you like to come and sit?
12:44No, no, no, I'm a bit pushed.
12:46Is there anything I can do?
12:48You can promise me this won't get round the square.
12:50I don't want Pat knowing.
12:52I give you my word.
12:54That's good enough for me.
12:56Look, I'll do something.
13:01Oh, Kathy.
13:02Is Alex in?
13:03No, he's, er...
13:05He's at the church doing the Holy Matrimony thing.
13:08Oh, wedding.
13:09That's nice.
13:10Is it?
13:11A couple of years' time, what are they?
13:13Another statistic on a divorce scrap heap.
13:16Oh, not necessarily.
13:17Oh, come on.
13:19It's an outdated, repressive institution.
13:21Why people need a certificate beats me.
13:23In an ideal world, we should just follow our hearts.
13:26Have I come at the wrong time?
13:28Oh, I'm sorry.
13:29I'm so used to getting my soapbox out with Alex,
13:32I sometimes forget myself.
13:33Actually, he'll be finishing off about now.
13:35Why don't you meet him at the church?
13:37Thanks, I will.
13:38And, er...
13:39Happy New Year.
13:40You too.
13:50Thanks for the treat.
13:51Oh, you're welcome.
13:52Proper removal service would have cost me
13:54at least another bag of chips.
13:55Well, in that case, I'll have a large pickle gherkin.
13:57Hard work moving, isn't it?
13:59You should know.
14:00How many times do you tell me you've moved since you've come in?
14:02Oh, at least three.
14:03I can't have any time before that.
14:04Where do you reckon your next move will be?
14:06I don't know.
14:07I think you might be back with Simon one day.
14:09I told you, that's history.
14:10Him and Chris are doing very nicely, and good luck to them.
14:13Very charitable of you.
14:14It's not like we're married.
14:16Oh, if anyone calls,
14:17tell them I'm over at the other shop.
14:18I'll be half an hour, OK?
14:20What about you?
14:21I'm having the time of my life.
14:23Different club every night.
14:24I can't believe what I've been missing.
14:27Where are you off to?
14:28Er, just go up the road.
14:29Yeah, well, hop in.
14:30I'll give you a lift.
14:31Oh, no, I can't.
14:32Pat's coming for me.
14:33Maybe I should leave it.
14:34Oh, for sure.
14:35I said Cindy's come for a visit.
14:36What, already?
14:37What's she playing at?
14:38Well, Mary's out, hasn't she?
14:39That's not the point.
14:40We agreed time.
14:41She should stick to them.
14:42Well, why don't you nip off home?
14:43Check if Mick's OK.
14:44Why wouldn't it be?
14:45I'm not saying that Mick's wrong.
14:46I'm just saying you feel uneasy.
14:47I know what it is.
14:48It's finally hit home, hasn't it?
14:49This could be her last visit for quite a while.
14:53You're not feeling sorry for her?
14:54Of course not.
14:55Not for what she did.
14:56She deserves it.
14:57It's just that...
14:58Well, she is their mother, isn't she?
15:04I know what you're thinking.
15:05I know.
15:08Busy day in Thailand.
15:09Don't you want to come sit next to Mummy?
15:11I made some coffee.
15:14They're enjoying the video.
15:15I never meant for them to watch it now.
15:17Every time I come over, it's like I have to win them over again.
15:20You know, whenever my dad came back, I was always glad to see him.
15:23But I never showed it.
15:24Too much hurt there.
15:26I've got to be careful.
15:28I don't want our Lord and Master to catch me with my feet up.
15:30You're giving him a hard time, is he?
15:31He's got this way about him, hasn't he?
15:33You're not allowed to have fun without feeling guilty about it.
15:35Oh, you must hate it, you.
15:37That's the job.
15:38And I love the kids.
15:41It's all right.
15:42I just miss them so much.
15:44I know what you mean about Ian not having a sense of fun.
15:46Last night, I was at a New Year's party.
15:48He had me leaving at a minute past midnight.
15:50Felt like Cinderella.
15:51There's only two things that get Ian going.
15:53Ringing up the cash till and slapping batter on wet fish.
15:57Can I have some of that?
15:58Yeah, why not?
15:59I'm sure Ian won't notice.
16:00Is that why you left him?
16:02That and 600 other reasons.
16:04You stuck it out a long time.
16:06Yeah, well, I had to.
16:07It was the kids.
16:09In the end, I was just miserable.
16:12Had a few, you know, affairs to keep my sanity.
16:17I have lived, you know.
16:18What, a little thing like you?
16:20Back home, fell for the wrong man.
16:22Creep didn't tell me he was married.
16:24You shocked now?
16:26No, I'm not the sort of person to go all moral on other people.
16:28Live and let live, that's what I say.
16:30Me too.
16:31Come on, let's drink to that.
16:32Oh, I'm on duty.
16:33What was he going to do, breathalyze you?
16:35You never know.
16:36I go on, just a touch.
16:38Live dangerously, that's what I say.
16:40I'll drink to that.
16:42What's going on?
16:44Is this what you call coming to visit your kids?
16:46Getting blind drunk and paying them no attention.
16:48And you, that brandy is coming straight out of your wages.
16:50She was...
16:51Go, go.
16:52I'm not interested in anything you've got to say.
16:53Just get out.
16:59Happy New Year.
17:00Same to you.
17:01What can I get you?
17:03I heard you come to the vicarage.
17:05Yeah, that's right.
17:07Well, it was nothing really.
17:08It doesn't matter now.
17:09You sure?
17:11I was...
17:12I was going to...
17:14You first.
17:15No, you.
17:17We need to talk.
17:18Last week...
17:19Yeah, I know.
17:20So we both agreed what happened, it was a mistake.
17:25It was Christmas madness.
17:27We were both fraught.
17:28It was one of those things.
17:31And you?
17:33What are you going to say?
17:35More or less the same.
17:37So we can say it never happened.
17:41I mean, it's good to clear the air.
17:45I'd better leave you to it.
17:55Which one's the bathroom?
17:58Don't I bother you?
18:00When are you going for lunch?
18:01I don't know.
18:02I'll treat you to something in a bit.
18:03I ain't hungry.
18:04I'll come and get you, all right?
18:05Stuff knows to us.
18:06You're local as well.
18:10Is my accent that bad?
18:13I said I quite fancied some hot chestnuts.
18:16You've packed me a bag of sprouts.
18:20Must be the music, eh?
18:21Enough to shatter your eardrums.
18:23Oh, I'm sorry, Con.
18:24I was miles away.
18:25I was sitting without Ruth.
18:27Nothing's changed with her dad.
18:28Her mum's really upset.
18:30Looks like she's going to have to spend another month
18:32not being in Scotland.
18:33Looks like you could do with a drink, apparently.
18:35I could do with something.
18:36You're on.
18:38Is that up a blow?
18:39We never have music like this.
18:40That's because he does not have a clue, mate.
18:41It's all about getting the right suppliers.
18:43Can you turn it up a bit?
18:47Mark Inspector.
18:49You don't listen, do you?
18:51I forgot.
18:52Just remember, when you go back to school,
18:54there's no use left having to work with this lot.
18:59Well, it's nice to see you back at work.
19:02So what about you? Still seeing Chris?
19:03Well, why wouldn't I be?
19:04Well, I just thought maybe.
19:05He's not some fly-by-night, you know.
19:06He's serious.
19:07Oh, serious.
19:08So, um, have you and him...
19:09That's none of your business.
19:11Last week.
19:13So, definitely over Tony?
19:15Tony who?
19:17Right, a lager, please.
19:18What do you want, Bee?
19:19Orange juice, please.
19:21Hurry up.
19:23You look too embarrassed to come over.
19:26It's her loss, not yours.
19:31So what's this about?
19:33After our talk this morning, you got me thinking.
19:36I'm going to have another word with George,
19:38see if I can get him to change his mind.
19:40He'd be banging your head against a brick wall.
19:42Thanks for the support.
19:43It's old age he's got to him.
19:45He don't want to know any more, does he?
19:46It happens to the best of them.
19:48I suppose you're right.
19:49It's a nice thought while it lasted.
19:51Still, it seems a shame to let it go.
19:54Well, there's no reason you couldn't do it without George.
19:58Why not?
19:59I mean, everything's in place,
20:00taking over Bee a piece of cake.
20:02Yeah, but running it, that's a different matter.
20:05Protection's out of my league.
20:07Besides, those sort of people
20:08wouldn't respect a woman playing their game.
20:11I'd like you to give in so easy.
20:13I hate to admit this, but I couldn't handle it.
20:16Not on my own.
20:18No, you're right.
20:20What you need is a bit of help.
20:22The right sort.
20:26You do the business.
20:28I collect the money.
20:29Get another couple of geezers on the phone.
20:31We'll be rolling.
20:36He's asking eight grand.
20:37We'll have to meet him.
20:39See how serious he is.
20:40I'd like to know a bit more about the people he works for.
20:43Yeah, same here.
20:45So, what are you doing next Monday?
20:54Look what you could do with it.
20:56No time off for good behaviour, eh?
20:58Can't escape the admin, unfortunately.
21:00Goes with the territory.
21:02How about a couple of minutes?
21:03Rest your brain a bit.
21:05Yeah, why not?
21:07Did you manage to see Cathy?
21:09Yeah, yeah.
21:10Thanks for helping out at Christmas.
21:12We had a little chat.
21:13Any chance of some of that with your old man?
21:16I'm thinking of divorcing your mother.
21:18Well, come on.
21:20Let's hear the sermon.
21:21The one about sanctity of marriage.
21:23Maybe I'm the wrong person for this.
21:25Why? Because you're my son?
21:27Because it's all a mystery to me, people and their feelings.
21:30Isn't that what you're all saying?
21:31I have no feelings, no emotions.
21:32So why ask my opinion?
21:34I'm not a saint, you know,
21:35giving the right to bestow my blessing on all and sundry.
21:37So it's right what Cathy said about you.
21:39For once, you're acting like a proper human being with feelings,
21:42not some holy dog collar.
21:44Dad, you've got to do what you think is best.
21:47Whatever you decide, I'll try and understand.
21:50Why the sudden change?
21:52Just because there are rules doesn't mean they're right for everyone.
21:55Sometimes you just have to find a way that suits you.
22:02You finished?
22:05Er, Frank was here earlier.
22:08Did he say you gave him a piece of your mind?
22:12I apologised.
22:14Yeah, for being such an idiot.
22:16He was helping you and, by extension, helping me.
22:18I should have been more grateful.
22:19You've changed your tune.
22:20I think I saw the Frank that you probably saw when you married him.
22:23He's a decent bloke.
22:25What's going on here?
22:27This ain't a trick, is it?
22:28Get me going so we start arguing again?
22:30No, it's no trick.
22:31Look, I shouldn't be telling you this, but I feel I have to.
22:34Telling me what?
22:35I wouldn't want to stand in the way of you two saying your goodbyes.
22:39What's he going on about?
22:41He's going out to Manchester,
22:42he's not disappearing off the face of the earth.
22:45Where are the kids?
22:47Taking a nap.
22:49Where's Cindy?
22:50What do you mean?
22:51Just checking she hasn't sneaked back.
22:53What were you two laughing about?
22:56Come on, you were having a whale of a time.
22:58About me, was it?
22:59You think you've made a friend there, don't you?
23:01I don't know why you make out she's so bad.
23:03Make out?
23:04She seemed all right to me.
23:05You don't know anything about her.
23:07Maybe she's changed.
23:08You've been here two minutes and you're trying to tell me she's changed.
23:12You've been here two minutes and you're trying to tell me about my own wife.
23:15I mean, what did she say to you?
23:16Nothing, we were just talking.
23:17I thought she was being really nice.
23:19And you think she was genuine?
23:20Well, let me tell you something.
23:22The only reason my wife is ever nice is when she's after something.
23:25Like I said, we were just talking.
23:26You don't know the half of it.
23:28And you won't hear it from her.
23:29I mean, oh, no.
23:30Far easier to paint me as the villain.
23:31Never mind what she's done to her own family.
23:34Do you know the agony that woman has put me through?
23:37And those kids.
23:39Those poor kids.
23:41We have been to hell and back because of her.
23:43I'm sorry.
23:44I didn't mean to upset you.
23:53Oh, hello, Pat.
23:55I haven't seen your dad, have you?
23:57No, not since this morning.
23:59Dad's leaving today, isn't he?
24:02Has he said anything?
24:04About what?
24:07I'm just getting used to having him around.
24:11You're going to miss him, aren't you?
24:13Well, he's my dad, isn't he?
24:25Anything you've got to say, you can say to my lawyer.
24:29I'm not interested.
24:33All right, six o'clock.
24:35By the post office in Georgetown.
24:38Because I said so.
24:40We either meet at that very spot or we don't meet at all.
24:46So much for a result, eh?
24:48Well, like it says, 50% off the mark price.
24:50Be hype yourself, will you?
24:52Haven't you got many other colours?
24:54Hello, Don.
24:55Here, babe, what do you think about this for Janine?
24:58Please tell me it's not true.
25:01It's not true.
25:02Don't joke.
25:03What are you on about?
25:05What I told me.
25:08Come on.
25:10Why didn't you tell me, Frank?
25:13What is it that you've got?
25:15Terminal inexactitude, to be exact.
25:19Comes on me when I'm in a fix.
25:23You mean that ain't true?
25:24That's what I said first off.
25:26Look, I landed you in a mess.
25:28I wanted to get you out of it.
25:30Put on a spot, that was the best I could come up with.
25:32How could you do that, Frank?
25:33I'll tell you.
25:34In fact, you're the last person I expected to fall for that load of old soffie.
25:37You are...
25:39You haven't changed at all, have you?
25:41Yeah, well, I presume, would you?
25:47Matthew, I am not going to say this again.
25:49That is my stereo and I want it off that stall.
25:51What is the problem if I'm looking after it?
25:54Use Winston's stereo.
25:55That's what it's there for.
25:56Winston's is prehistoric.
25:57Anyway, why is it so important, eh?
25:59In a couple of days you'll be back at school.
26:00You see, that is the problem with your generation.
26:02Anything that's out there to be had, you're frightened to go for it.
26:05Less of your lip.
26:08How does it feel?
26:10You're now standing on the very spot on which I should have been killed.
26:13You don't understand how sometimes you forget.
26:15Get carried away with the idea that somehow you're innocent.
26:17Well, this is to remind you.
26:19You deserve everything that's come into you.
26:20Can we go now, please?
26:22Can't stomach it.
26:23Neither can I.
26:24Look, why won't you believe me?
26:25This isn't about me.
26:26It's about the kids.
26:27Why are you doing this to them?
26:29Save your breath.
26:30You're going to pay for what you did and I'm going to stand in that court
26:32and I'm going to save her every minute of it.
26:34I can't understand why you want to hurt your own flesh and blood.
26:36The only person that's going to get hurt is you.
26:38And you know that.
26:39Please, Ian.
26:40I am begging you.
26:41All you've got to do is say that you lied.
26:43Say I never took the children away.
26:44You gave me permission.
26:45Ian, think of the money.
26:48Don't insult me.
26:49Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean that.
26:51I understand you want to be in control.
26:53Have things your own way.
26:55But I just want to see my children be with them.
26:57I will do anything.
26:59Those children need me.
27:01They've got their father.
27:02Oh, yes, for how long?
27:03All you're doing is destroying them.
27:04Driving them away.
27:06Whatever you think of me, Ian, they love me.
27:08I am their mother.
27:09Those children are going to grow up and know what you've done.
27:12And when the time comes,
27:13they're going to hate every selfish bone in your body.
27:18Ian, just think what you're doing.
27:20See you in court.
27:27Coming up this afternoon,
27:28detective drama with Burj Iraq at 3.15.
27:31A Place to Call Home is next.