ONE QUEEN in an ALL WOLF School!

  • last week
00:00Aren't you full?
00:01Oh no, Grandma!
00:03Oh no, my Grandma got eaten by a werewolf.
00:07And all I have left to remember her
00:08are these tennis balls that used to go on her wall.
00:09Girl, oh!
00:10Hey guys, look, it's a doggie bag.
00:12More like a body bag.
00:14Ooh, come on, we'll take her body back to the cave.
00:17She'll be a perfect midnight snack.
00:19Ooh, yummy.
00:20I'm not dead, I'm just sad.
00:21I'm not dead, I'm just sad.
00:23Come on.
00:24Let me go!
00:26Stop it!
00:27Let me go, let me go, let me go!
00:28Whoa, what the, huh?
00:30Where am I?
00:32Oh, glorious leader, we have hunted.
00:35Another wolf, oh no.
00:36Come take a look, your majesty.
00:38Please don't eat me, I'm not food, get away!
00:40Wait, no, I didn't mean to throw that,
00:43please give it back, please?
00:45That's my Grandma's.
00:46Oh, we don't eat humans, it's a part of the treaty.
00:49Wait, where's the wolf that ate my Grandma?
00:51Wait, wait, wait, wait, Grandma?
00:53That wasn't us, that was probably one of the other packs.
00:56Tell the wolf that ate my Grandma.
00:57Oh my.
00:58What the heck, what are you doing?
01:01Please don't put me in it.
01:01All right, babe, don't come looking for us.
01:03What do you mean?
01:05All right, come on, boys, let's get out of here.
01:06Oh, I'm so sad, my Grandma.
01:11I got dragged around and everything.
01:13Hey, you bum, get out of here!
01:14My front yard isn't for you.
01:16Wait, wait, hey, oh, oh, ow!
01:19And don't come back.
01:21Wow, you know, that's kind of the most oppressing thing
01:23I've seen all year.
01:25Eh, humans are cruel creatures.
01:26Yep, don't mess with them.
01:28It couldn't get worse.
01:30Great, now I have no home, no Grandma, nowhere to go.
01:33Come on, guys, she looks so sad, but hey.
01:36Yeah, she does.
01:37All right, fine, we can keep her,
01:39but I'm not taking her on walks, all right?
01:41All right, Zane, grab her.
01:43Hey, don't bite me, no!
01:45Ugh, I just wanna lie down and.
01:48Oh, shut up already.
01:56All right, guys, punishment corner's been cleared out,
01:58should be fine for our guest.
01:59Sad right, Zane, leave me alone.
02:02All right, just go on, having her all kind of sad
02:04is just making me, you know, kind of bad, I don't know.
02:07What, why should I?
02:09Go on.
02:10All right.
02:12Oh, hey, good girl.
02:14My Grandma.
02:15Oh, why don't you have a treat?
02:16My Grandma likes treats.
02:19I don't like bones, though.
02:20Oh, she doesn't like it?
02:22My Grandma could give me treats, please leave me alone.
02:25What is happening?
02:27Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what's your problem?
02:28Why don't you like wolves?
02:29Music killed my Grandma.
02:31Wait, what?
02:32Wolves killed my Grandma because the music was on.
02:34Well, I mean, did your Grandma deserve it, or?
02:37Oh, that's rude.
02:38It's a valid question,
02:39her Grandma could have been taking puppies or something,
02:41we don't know.
02:41My Grandma would never.
02:42Can I have the jewel back?
02:44It's all I can remember my Grandma by is a gem.
02:46Well, you took her dead Grandma's jewelry.
02:49Yeah, not cool, Eren.
02:50Whatever, I don't want it, you can have it back.
02:54Grandma, I've got the necklace.
02:56I'm, wait, the moon's beautiful tonight.
03:11What just happened?
03:11Why was that animated?
03:12Whoa, what was that?
03:13Ah, but now we can't eat her if she's a queen.
03:15Wait, I can't be the wolf queen.
03:17I made it very clear, I'm very angry with wolves right now.
03:20I don't know, you're a wolf now,
03:21you can't be angry at yourself, that would be weird.
03:24How dare you?
03:25I can't believe it.
03:26Take your treats back.
03:26I don't need them.
03:27I don't want to be a wolf queen.
03:28You are crazy.
03:29Oh, put me down.
03:30No, if you want to act like a baby,
03:31then we're going to put you in time out.
03:33Fine, maybe I'll enjoy it.
03:35Leave me alone, I'll be in time out.
03:36I'll be in the best time out you've ever seen.
03:38Would you calm down?
03:39No, I am calm.
03:40She's in trouble.
03:42I am calm.
03:43I can't believe this, they don't think I'm calm.
03:45I am the calmest I have ever been.
03:48Aw, stupid necklace won't come off
03:49and I don't want to be the wolf queen.
03:50I don't like this,
03:51but I only have this to remember my grandma by.
03:53Guys, are you sure we just can't send her back?
03:55I mean, maybe the humans will end up wanting her.
03:57Oh, well, I mean, they couldn't try to take her by force.
04:00You know, we could just kill her.
04:02No, no, she's a wolf and a queen.
04:04We can't do that now.
04:05Oh, then you should open the store and let me out.
04:06I can listen to your conversation, you know.
04:09Now you're eavesdropping?
04:10You know what?
04:11This isn't how we treat each other.
04:12Garth, let her out.
04:15I mean, don't be crazy, all right?
04:16Maybe I'll try.
04:17I'll try to be calm.
04:18Wait, wait a minute.
04:19Is that a ball?
04:22It's mine, it's mine.
04:22It's my grandma's.
04:23It's my grandma's.
04:25No, no, no, no, no, no.
04:26Drop the ball, drop the ball, drop the ball, drop the ball.
04:27Leave me alone.
04:28You know, you could howl just to make him stop.
04:30I don't howl.
04:31I am not a wolf.
04:32I am never gonna be a wolf.
04:33Well, for someone who's not a wolf,
04:34you want the ball like a wolf.
04:35Just because I have a wolf,
04:36you're just telling me that I am a wolf.
04:36Get that ball.
04:37Get the ball, get the ball.
04:38You want the ball so bad?
04:41I want the ball.
04:41What the?
04:43Oh, check it out.
04:45Oh, this is cute.
04:47And yoink.
04:48Oh, wait, wait, wait.
04:48That's, wait, that was my friend.
04:50I loved it.
04:51All right, boys.
04:52Enough balling around.
04:53Come on.
04:54Ball, come on.
04:55You got enough energy to chase balls
04:56and you got enough energy to hunt.
04:57All right.
04:59I'm taking this with me, though.
05:00I'm not much of a hunter,
05:01so I'm gonna stay here and cry.
05:02Oh, no, no, no, queen.
05:03You gotta show them how it's done.
05:04Plus, I'm a little bit tired of babysitting you now, so.
05:05Wait, hey.
05:06Can you stop picking me up, guys?
05:07Come on.
05:08Put me down.
05:09I want my tennis balls back.
05:10This is perfect.
05:11All right, boys.
05:12I'm all around here.
05:13Watch out for the human trap.
05:14What are you guys trying to do?
05:15Teach me how to be a wolf?
05:16This isn't some kind of school, is it?
05:17Why would you guys try to teach me this?
05:19You idiot.
05:20The traps aren't for sheep.
05:21It's for wolves.
05:23That's actually what I was talking about.
05:24All right, stop picking her up.
05:24The first lesson of wolf school
05:25is to hunt down a sheep and bring it back to the pack.
05:28All right, chop, chop.
05:29Let's go.
05:29I can do this.
05:30I can learn this.
05:31I can do this.
05:32Just because I'm learning
05:33doesn't mean I'm a wolf.
05:34It's still like.
05:34Oh, it's so cute.
05:35I can't be a little mammoth.
05:36So cute.
05:38Um, I'll take this one for now.
05:41Oh my goodness.
05:43Was this your mommy?
05:43I didn't think about that.
05:44Oh no.
05:45I'm so sorry.
05:47Oh, baby wolf.
05:49Oh no.
05:50That was great.
05:51There we go.
05:52This should trick them.
05:53I should be able to get my revenge this way.
05:56All right.
05:57Now the sheep's gonna get revenge.
05:59I know it's a circle of life,
06:00but still I want to protect the sheep
06:02because I wanted someone to protect me
06:03when I left my grandma.
06:05Oh, sheepy.
06:06Sheepy, sheepy.
06:08Come here.
06:09I just want to eat you.
06:10Bah, bah, bah.
06:15Follow me, follow me.
06:16You delicious little thing.
06:16Oh my goodness.
06:17Oh, there we go.
06:18Oh, what's this?
06:22You might want to think before you leave.
06:24You know, you've been bad.
06:26Hey, wait a second.
06:27Sheep, get back here.
06:28Oh no, no, no, no.
06:29Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
06:30I don't know if I can take more than one wolf.
06:32Let's see.
06:34Wait, is this trapped?
06:36Fell into a trap.
06:38Look at the little man down there.
06:40I hope you have fun.
06:42Where did they go?
06:43Uh-oh, uh-oh.
06:44Aaron isn't here to save you.
06:47I could eat you and no one would ever know.
06:49Oh no.
06:50You know, funny thing about that is there's a bear trap.
06:53Oh, I didn't do it right.
06:54You're going to have to do a little better than that
06:56in order to save yourself.
06:57What about this?
07:00I didn't realize that would actually work.
07:02That power's so cool.
07:04Okay, wait.
07:05I am the queen.
07:06Wait a minute.
07:07No, I'm me.
07:08I'm not a wolf.
07:09I'm me.
07:12Okay, I deserve that.
07:13Oh, not such a clever queen now, are we?
07:14I can be sometimes.
07:15I'm smarter than the other wolves at least.
07:17I mean, that's completely true,
07:18but that's because they're really dumb.
07:20I'm gonna take you to your grave.
07:23All right, but can you please
07:24free the boys from their traps?
07:25We kind of need them.
07:27I guess I can do that.
07:28Just trying to get away.
07:29Starting with Garth first.
07:30He's coming for power, dad.
07:31Let's go.
07:32Who's still out there?
07:35Gotta go.
07:36Smell you later, boys.
07:37Oh, please.
07:37You too.
07:38We can smell them from our dad.
07:40Ain't that the truth?
07:41What's going on?
07:43Just ignore them for now.
07:44We gotta free these idiots from your traps.
07:45Starting with this little guy right here.
07:47Yeah, that's fine.
07:48We stuff it as a pack.
07:50Nothing you guys can do.
07:51Get me out of this pit, please.
07:53Also, why are you dressed like a sheep?
07:54Oh, just be quiet, okay?
07:55Listen, I kind of want to eat you right now.
07:57I can't believe I'm back here for bad behavior.
07:59Hey, can you at least tell me
08:00about those other girl wolves, you know?
08:02Kind of want to know about them.
08:04Maybe they're cool.
08:05Maybe they're my grandma, you know?
08:05Maybe they're bad news and we don't talk about them.
08:07Yeah, and they're dumb pretty, man.
08:08Clean cave.
08:09Yeah, all those horrible things are true.
08:11Oh, yeah, that sounds awesome.
08:13Can we go see them?
08:14Can we go see them, please?
08:14Not awesome.
08:15I don't know if you know if they're wolves.
08:16Be glad that you're here, all right?
08:17You wouldn't last a second with them.
08:18What do you mean?
08:19They seemed nice.
08:20They didn't seem like they would be my grandma.
08:21Like, dad, I can't believe this.
08:24Wait a minute.
08:26Maybe I could ask for forgiveness, then permission.
08:29Let's see.
08:30Maybe I can actually escape.
08:32I can't escape.
08:33I can save myself.
08:34I'm gonna get out of here.
08:36Wait, I'm getting close to something.
08:38Come on.
08:39Oh, maybe this is the way out.
08:41Oh, yes, I did it.
08:44I can live on my own.
08:46We sure got those points good, didn't we?
08:48Wait, it's the girl wolves.
08:49Hello, fellow girl wolves.
08:51My name's Aphmau.
08:52I saw you guys before and I wanted to introduce myself.
08:54Wait, that necklace.
08:56Oh, yeah, this old thing.
08:57It's my grandma's.
08:58Nothing special.
08:59I just became the wolf queen and everything
09:00and now I'm in a school.
09:01Were you hanging out with those boy wolves?
09:03Yeah, they're trying to teach me all about wolf stuff.
09:04Yeah, well, come on.
09:05You can stay with us.
09:07Oh my gosh.
09:09We're gonna have the most fun ever.
09:11Ladies, this is not fun.
09:12When I said I'll let y'all cook,
09:14this is not, sacrificing me isn't what I meant.
09:16Can we talk about this?
09:17Sacrificing a wolf queen is a very good thing for us.
09:19Oh, definitely.
09:20Okay, we need to elaborate on that.
09:21Oh, I knew I smelled food.
09:24You know you're not supposed to be eating humans,
09:25especially that.
09:26Hey, stop it.
09:27Back off.
09:28Whoa, what's going on?
09:29Bad boys get on it.
09:30All right.
09:30Come here, you.
09:31What's happening?
09:33Oh no.
09:34Oh no.
09:34Oh, oh, okay.
09:36Watch out.
09:37Can I get some help getting out of here, please?
09:38Watch out.
09:39Yep, yep, no worries.
09:40Remember what I told you, by the way.
09:42Thank you so much.
09:43All right, babe.
09:43I'm starting to think you're a lot of trouble.
09:44Yeah, I'm starting to think so, too.
09:45But look, I'm literally just...
09:46You're the craziest girl I've ever met.
09:48Here, let me untie you.
09:49Okay, thank you.
09:50I'm sorry.
09:51All right, boys, how we doing?
09:52Come on, Zane, you gotta take her out.
09:54Wait, what's going on over there?
09:55All right, it's over.
09:56I'm just gonna bite you.
09:59Oh, please.
10:00I'd like to see you try.
10:02Wait, I've got this.
10:05There we go.
10:06All right, now I can deal with you myself.
10:07You wanna tie me up and cook me?
10:08I can't believe it.
10:10Wait, when did I get so strong?
10:13You're a wolf now, babe.
10:14You're a lot stronger than a human.
10:15It comes with the territory.
10:16I still feel human, though.
10:17Zane, I know you have a crush on her,
10:19but next time, take her out right away.
10:20Either way, can we get back?
10:22I'm starting to get hungry.
10:24Yeah, I think we're all getting a little bit hungry.
10:25I guess.
10:26Oh, finally, I broke free!
10:28Wait, that over for you?
10:30When I come up with something?
10:31Come on, kid, wake up!
10:32Well, I'm hungry for a zetter bite.
10:33We're just letting go.
10:34All right, boys, grab her.
10:35Let's get out of here.
10:36Wait, no.
10:37Wait, what?
10:38Because we're hungry and we need to eat.
10:38Guys, come on.
10:39Oh, man.
10:40All right, let's go.
10:41Get comfy.
10:42I'm walking on my own.
10:43Babe, you're the queen.
10:43You gotta be carried.
10:44That's what these guys are for.
10:45Okay, fair point.
10:48Wait, what's this?
10:48Oh, great, another one of your tricks.
10:51No, no, no, this is the guy that kicked her.
10:52Garth, put her down.
10:54Oh, what the?
10:55Just be quiet.
10:56We can't let them know where we live.
10:57Okay, fine.
10:58What are they saying?
10:59All right, everyone.
11:00I've found a way to rid ourselves
11:02of those smelly wolves once and for all.
11:05Do we really smell that bad?
11:06Now, all we need is the wolf queen's power.
11:10All right, boys, we gotta get her out of here.
11:12What, me?
11:14Oh, gee.
11:15There she is!
11:16Quiet, tiny man.
11:17I'm gonna bite off your head.
11:17Oh, now, would you really stop that girl
11:19from coming back to her people?
11:21She is a human after all.
11:23I don't know, she kind of looks
11:24more wolf than human now to me.
11:26I saw my grandma get eaten.
11:27I've been through a lot.
11:29I, wolves try to sacrifice me, too,
11:31but I'll go back with them.
11:32Wait, what?
11:33Would you do that?
11:35I would take off the necklace and give it back,
11:36but it's kind of thick, I'm sorry.
11:37Yeah, so, wise choice.
11:39Now, run along, little doggies.
11:41We humans have business to attend to.
11:43All right, boys, I think it's time to grab a snack and go.
11:46Peace was never an option to mine.
11:48I know, I do.
11:49Ha, you know what?
11:50Uh, I'm sure their families are worried.
11:52Now, come on.
11:54You'll regret this, humans.
11:54Okay, you just kind of left them like that?
11:56Yeah, don't worry.
11:57Here, why don't we go to my house after you?
12:00Wait, wait, what?
12:01What the?
12:02Me, it's you.
12:04What are you guys doing here?
12:04What are you doing here?
12:05Wait, what's going, why would you trap,
12:07why would you trap me?
12:09Actually, yeah, I guess you're right.
12:11With you here, I don't need the others.
12:12Let me just get my robot.
12:12Wait, what's going on?
12:13And, uh, here.
12:14See you later, let's go.
12:15Oh, my goodness.
12:17Oh, what did you do?
12:19You're just as bad.
12:20I can't believe this.
12:21What the?
12:22I've been trying to scam your old grandma
12:24out of that thing for years,
12:25but she was too smart and stealthy.
12:27My grandma?
12:30Oh, yeah, she was a force to be reckoned with.
12:31Was super scary to work with.
12:33Anyway, hand it over.
12:34No, I am not handing over my grandma's stuff.
12:37She must have kept it from me for a good reason.
12:38What the?
12:39I'm gonna keep this the whole time.
12:40Okay, fine.
12:41I think a couple hours in here should change your mind.
12:45Good luck.
12:46The wolves could have changed my mind before
12:47and I was in their place for a couple of hours.
12:49I can find a way out.
12:50I found a way out once before and I can do it again.
12:52If I could dig.
12:54Let's see.
12:55Wait a minute.
12:56All right, right here.
12:57Yep, I can do it.
12:59I got myself out.
13:00I am so...
13:01Okay, wait a minute.
13:02Where'd the wolves go?
13:02I kind of miss them.
13:03Even if they did eat my grandma.
13:05Let's see.
13:06Guys, wait a minute.
13:07With this music box,
13:09you're the one who got my grandma.
13:10At least I'm back at my grandma's place.
13:11I can stay here for a little bit.
13:13Let's see.
13:15Maybe there's more that my grandma was hiding from me.
13:21What does this thing do?
13:22What does it mean?
13:23Okay, thanks grandma, wherever you are.
13:27Wait a minute.
13:29A crossbow wolf heads?
13:30What is going on?
13:32My grandma kicked a puppy?
13:35I can't believe it.
13:37Grandma, you were supposed to be a kind little old lady,
13:41but you hunted the wolves.
13:42I misjudged everything.
13:44I don't know anything at all.
13:47I need to do better than my grandma did.
13:49Wait a minute.
13:51What is this?
13:52Oh my gosh.
13:53I can turn anything into a little wolf.
13:54It's so cool.
13:55Maybe give me a little boost here to go back up.
13:59Actually, maybe you could be a little taller.
14:01I know how that feels.
14:02Hey, you know what?
14:04Us shorties stick together.
14:05You got this.
14:07Where are the boys?
14:08Oh my goodness.
14:09No, no.
14:10Go back.
14:11Go back, okay?
14:12I have to deal with this.
14:13I need to make up for my mistakes earlier.
14:14Ha ha ha ha.
14:16Without your leaders,
14:17you three are just a bunch of dumb pups.
14:19We're not dumb.
14:21Yes, you are.
14:22I gotta help them somehow.
14:23I'm here to help your precious human.
14:25Wait, you scared me.
14:27The wolf, we must help them.
14:29Too late for that.
14:29It's a full moon and it's a blue moon.
14:32What does that mean exactly?
14:33Is that a problem?
14:34It means that all wolves go crazy
14:36and won't listen to reason anymore.
14:39What are you all doing?
14:40How are you even doing that?
14:40We gotta, we gotta help.
14:42What do we do?
14:43You've gotta do something to calm us down
14:45or we're gonna kill all these humans.
14:51It's the other humans, not me.
14:53I could have done that from the start.
14:54Oh my gosh.
14:55The wings now.
14:56I gotta keep going to stop everyone.
14:58Calm down.
14:59Listen to me everyone.
15:04It's working.
15:05Hey, I think I did something.
15:06I feel better.
15:07Everyone's being calm.
15:08I did something.
15:09Woo, useful.
15:10Whoa, wait, whoa, whoa.
15:11All right, let's see.
15:13What just happened?
15:16I guess I finally proved myself as the wolf queen.
15:18It's not under my involvement here.
15:20I feel like I had a little bit of a mistake.
15:21I mean, that's true.
15:22You did guide me, but maybe you can help me out.
15:23Maybe you can teach me more.
15:24You definitely have a lot of-
15:25I mean, I've learned a lot about-
15:27Wait, what are those?
15:28I don't know.
15:29Are those treasures?
15:30What is that?
15:32Calm down.
15:33Back off.
15:35Get out of here.
15:36Get out of here, human.
15:37Wait, what's that item?
15:37All right.
15:38Let's calm down.
15:39We can be friends.
15:40Let's see.
15:41Maybe I can do this.
15:42Wait, wait.
15:42What are you doing?
15:44Wait a minute.
15:45Everything's lighting up.