NO MAN COULD SATISFY HER IN THE ENTIRE VILLAGE #africantales #folktales #africanstories

  • last week
This powerful African story brings to life a tale about a young woman named Oluchi whose life takes an unfortunate turn.

Oluchi is the daughter of Pastor Nduka in the small city of Obu. Raised in a devout Christian family, she is taught the virtues of purity and saving herself for marriage from a young age.

Her friendship with Amaka, the supposed daughter of a village witch doctor, causes strife with her parents. But Oluchi remains loyal to her friend despite the warnings.

When Amaka's fiancé Ekele is unfaithful, Oluchi attempts to plead his case, only to fall victim to a horrible violation.

Consumed by trauma and fear of bringing shame to her family, Oluchi hides the truth. But an ancient curse unleashed by Amaka's vengeful father begins turning her into an insatiable "village harlot."

As Oluchi's life spirals out of control, her desperate parents fight to save her from this evil affliction.

Will they be able to break the curse before it's too late? Or will Oluchi's cherished purity be lost forever?

Witness the gripping unfolding of this impactful African story exploring traditional values, the sacred bonds of friendship, and the grim consequences of hatred and vengeance.

Thank you for watching!

#Africantales #tales #folklore #africanfolktales #folktales #hotafricanfolktales #africanstory
#africanstory #folktales #africantales #africanstories #africanvillagestory #africanstorieswithmorallessons #africanfolktalesshortstories #nigerianbedtimestories
00:00Towards midnight it started raining. Oluchi woke up from her sleep and suddenly felt as if something had dropped on her body
00:07She started having a strange itchy feeling. Oluchi could hear someone talking in her head
00:13You need it go to his room and let him sleep with you
00:19Once upon a time in a small African city called Obu, there lived a young lady named Oluchi
00:27She was the daughter of the pastor of the small church in Obu. Her father's name was Pastor Unduka and her mother's name was Nnena
00:35Oluchi was a well-brought-up girl from a godly family. Pastor Unduka preached about purity
00:41He had married his wife as a virgin and desired for his daughter Oluchi to keep her virginity
00:47until marriage. From a young age
00:50Oluchi was taught the importance of living a chaste life and keeping herself for her future husband
00:57as a respectable lady should. After completing her secondary education at the community college
01:03Unduka enrolled Oluchi as an apprentice with the popular tailor to learn tailoring skills
01:09This was to keep Oluchi busy and engage while waiting for her to gain admission into the university. At the tailor shop
01:17Oluchi met a young lady about her age named Amaka
01:22The two girls instantly became friends. After work each day, they would walk home together
01:28Chatting as they trek along the busy roads before biding each other goodnight at the junction leading to their respective houses
01:37Unlike Oluchi, Amaka did not live with her parents. Instead
01:41she lived in a small house that had belonged to her late maternal grandmother. A few weeks after Oluchi started her tailoring training
01:49One of her mother's friend named Ginnika paid Oluchi's mother a visit one evening to warn her about
01:57Oluchi's new friend Amaka. According to Ginnika, Amaka was the daughter of a witch doctor named Ezemu
02:04Rumors circulated that Ezemu had used his dark powers to kill Amaka's mother
02:09Which was the reason Amaka left her father's house to live alone after her mother's death. Ginnika advised Nena
02:17To warn Oluchi to cut all ties of friendship with Amaka, the daughter of the evil witch doctor
02:23When Oluchi returned home that day, her mother sat her down and told her everything
02:29Ginnika had said about Amaka and the need for Oluchi to end their friendship immediately
02:36However, for the first time in her life
02:39Oluchi stood up to her mother and refused. No mama
02:42I don't care what you say about Amaka's father. Amaka is a good girl and an amazing friend
02:50Nothing you say can make me end our friendship
02:53Oluchi declared. With that, Oluchi continued her close friendship with Amaka. The two quickly became best friends
03:02Sharing secrets and everything else. As one of the good and well-behaved girls in the small city
03:08The young prince named Chike took an interest in Oluchi
03:12And came to ask for her hand in marriage
03:15Oluchi's parents were delighted as such an honor and gladly gave their blessing for the union
03:21You see Amaka also had a boyfriend named Ekele
03:26Who had promised to marry her as well
03:29Amaka would visit Ekele during the weekends and spend the entire time with him
03:35One afternoon
03:36Amaka paid Ekele an unexpected visit at his house and was shocked to find him in bed
03:43With another girl. Over the years, Amaka had heard stories of Ekele's terrible reputation
03:50With being unfaithful to women and sleeping with anything under skirt, but she had never believed the rumors
03:58Until this very moment when she saw the truth with her own eyes. In a burst of anger
04:04Amaka threw the engagement ring Ekele had given to her a few weeks earlier down on the floor
04:11She told him that it was over between them and stormed out of his house utterly heartbroken
04:18Amaka went back to the tailor's shop in tears crying uncontrollably from the painful heartbreak
04:25Oluchi did her best to console her friend, but Amaka only cried harder. On their walk home
04:32Amaka narrated everything that had happened to Oluchi in more detail
04:36Oluchi felt genuine pity for Amaka having to go through such an awful betrayer. She tried her best to cheer her friend up
04:46This is not the end of the world Oluchi assured her
04:49I am sure you will find a better man who will truly love and value you soon enough. Later that night
04:56As Amaka sat on the bed in her small house
05:00She began to remember all the good moments and memories
05:03She had shared with Ekele that his promises to make her his wife one day
05:09Why should I allow just one incident of him cheating to ruin everything we had together?
05:14Perhaps I overreacted
05:16Amaka thought out loud to herself. The next day
05:20Oluchi was shocked when Amaka told her about her new plans to go back and beg Ekele for forgiveness
05:27To take her back. I think I overreacted Oluchi
05:31Amaka admitted. With that she asked Oluchi to accompany her to Ekele's house
05:37To apologize to him and take back the engagement ring
05:41She had thrown away in anger
05:43Oluchi was not at all in support of the idea of Amaka going back to the same man who had cheated on her
05:50Heart of the blue without any signs of genuine remorse
05:54But Amaka's heart was set utterly infatuated and she simply would not listen to Oluchi's voice of reason
06:02warning against it
06:05Amaka was determined to win back Ekele's affection no matter what it took despite his hurtful betrayer
06:12The plan was that Oluchi would go in first to speak to Ekele on Amaka's behalf
06:17Once she was able to convince Ekele and get him to agree to take her back
06:23Then Amaka would come in and so the two young ladies set out together towards Ekele's house
06:29To put this plan to action
06:32Once they arrived Oluchi went inside alone while Amaka waited under a tree beside the house as they had planned
06:40beforehand. Inside Oluchi found Ekele looking incredibly sad and depressed sitting on a mat
06:47Drinking some fresh pan wine, Oluchi greeted him politely and
06:52Told him that she had come to talk to him about Amaka and the situation between them. Ekele welcomed her cordially and
06:59Mentioned her to join him on the mat. He stood up briefly heading into his small kitchen area
07:06Unknown to Oluchi, inside the kitchen Ekele opened a small pouch and added a mysterious powdery substance
07:13Inside an empty cup before pouring some of the pan wine into that same cup
07:18Ekele returned and handed the cup of pan wine over to Oluchi
07:22She thanked him and took a sip of the tainted drink and that was the last thing Oluchi could remember
07:30Oluchi woke up some time later to find herself in a complete daze
07:35Lying on Ekele's bed in the devastated state
07:39With her clothes scattered everywhere
07:42It didn't take long for the sickening realization to hit her
07:46Ekele slept with her and forcefully stripped her of her precious virginity
07:51Just as Oluchi was trying to make sense of this horrifying situation
07:56Amaka came bagging into the house after growing impatient for waiting too long outside
08:03Amaka was utterly shocked at the scene of her best friend Oluchi in such a compromising state on Ekele's bed
08:11Before Oluchi could get a word out to explain, Amaka let out a piercing scream of anguish and betrayal
08:19You evil man! You forced yourself on me and took my virginity, all my pride and purity!
08:25Oluchi cried. Amaka's face contorted with rage. You lied, deceitful slick!
08:31I knew you were flirting, but I never imagined you would stoop this low. Our friendship is over, you disgraceful hallucinator!
08:39And with that, Amaka waved her hand and turned back out of the house, leaving a traumatized Oluchi behind in her wake
08:48Despite the false assumptions and misunderstandings, Oluchi could not find it within herself to go chasing after Amaka to try explaining what had really happened
08:59She felt so ashamed, dirty and utterly devastated over having her innocence stolen in such a cruel way
09:08In the days that followed, Oluchi became very different from her usual self. She always looked sad and withdrawn
09:15However, she could not bring herself to tell her parents that she had lost her virginity
09:21The most precious thing they wanted her to keep until marriage. Her father would see her as a worthless trash if he found out
09:29What use is a girl who is no longer a virgin? Oluchi thought about the prince
09:34Would he still want to marry her if this got out? So many thoughts ran through Oluchi's mind
09:40Oh, what about Amaka? Would she understand that Oluchi was also a victim here? Would Amaka ever forgive her?
09:48Oluchi cried. The next day, Oluchi decided to visit Amaka to at least explain what really happened to her
09:56As soon as Amaka saw Oluchi coming towards her house, she quickly chased her away
10:02How dare you show your face here?
10:04You little harlot! Amaka shouted as she chased Oluchi out of her house
10:10Not wanting to hear what Oluchi had come to say. After Oluchi left
10:14Amaka continued thinking about the perfect way to deal with Oluchi
10:19I will visit my father and you will become the harlot that you truly are, Amaka concluded
10:26That evening, Ezemo was seated in his shrine
10:30I was shocked to see his daughter Amaka standing at the door after so many years
10:35In tears, Amaka told her father how the person she considered her best friend had betrayed her
10:42by taking away her future husband
10:45Father, I want you to make that harlot a public toilet for all the men in the village, Amaka said
10:54Ezemo laughed. Truly, a lion cannot give birth to a goat
10:59Amaka, you are truly your father's daughter
11:02Ezemo continued. Now take this kalabar and call her name into it three times and your wish will be granted, my daughter
11:10In three days, she will become even worse than a harlot
11:15Running after all the men in the village, Ezemo assured his daughter
11:21After trying in vain to beg Amaka for forgiveness, Oluchi decided she could not live in guilt forever
11:28She must continue her life
11:30Whether a virgin or not
11:33Three days later, the prince paid a visit to Oluchi and her parents
11:39He expressed his desire to take Oluchi to the palace to meet his parents and spend some time with them before the wedding
11:47Oluchi's parents agreed. It was a brilliant idea and excited Oluchi
11:53Packed a few belongings and followed the prince to the palace to meet his parents, the king and the queen
12:00Upon arriving at the palace, prince Chike introduced Oluchi to his parents
12:05And they were delighted to meet her and impressed with their son's choice of a wife
12:11Ah, the pastor's daughter
12:14The king said excitedly
12:16After dinner, they all said good night and Oluchi was shown into a very beautiful room
12:22Where she will be staying during her time at the palace. Towards midnight, it started raining. Oluchi woke up from her sleep
12:30And suddenly felt as if something had dropped on her body. She started having a strange itchy feeling
12:36Oluchi could hear someone talking in her head
12:39You need it go to his room
12:41And let him sleep with you the voice said and so Oluchi stood up
12:46As if being controlled
12:48She left her room and went into the prince's room. I am good. She said she can
12:55The prince held her in a warm embrace hoping it will somehow keep her warm
13:00But then Oluchi started moving her hands
13:03down his body
13:05The prince was surprised at first
13:07Because he was told that Oluchi was a virgin and he intended to keep it that way until their wedding night
13:14Are you sure you want to do this? He asked. Yes, my prince Oluchi replied and so he slept with her
13:22However, it didn't end there
13:24As Oluchi kept asking for more and more until dawn. By the break the prince was exhausted
13:32And tired but Oluchi was still ready to go on
13:36What manner of a lady is this? The prince asked. The frustrated prince took Oluchi out of the palace
13:42Without saying a word to the king and queen
13:45He took her straight back to her father's house and told them that the wedding was off and left
13:50When her parents asked Oluchi what went wrong at the palace
13:54She lied to them that the prince was angry because she refused to allow him to touch her
14:00You have done well my daughter
14:02Do not compromise your purity for anyone prince or not
14:07Unduka said and hugged his daughter proudly
14:11The next day on her way to the tailor's shop the strange itchy feeling and the strange voice in her head started again
14:20Oluchi you need a man now it thundered
14:24Just then she sighted someone coming from the other side of the road
14:28It was Kalu a young man who had asked her out months ago, but she turned him down
14:35Kalu was surprised to see Oluchi smiling at him
14:39Unlike her usual friend when she asked him to leave her alone before Kalu knew what was happening
14:45Oluchi had hugged him tightly Kalu quickly seized the opportunity
14:50Took her to a nearby bush and slept with her, but Oluchi was not satisfied
14:55She kept on demanding for more
14:58Until Kalu ran for his dear life
15:00And so she continued moving from one man to another begging them to sleep with her
15:06But no one could satisfy her soon rumors began spreading about Oluchi the harlot that no man could satisfy
15:15Word got to Unduka, but he refused to believe what they are saying about his daughter
15:21These are unbelievable lies. My daughter is a good girl. He would say Oluchi knew she needed help
15:28But who would she run to?
15:30Her parents would be heartbroken to find out about her activities with men
15:35She just hoped that one day the itch and everything would stop
15:39One fateful night Oluchi woke up with the strange itch again
15:44She needed a man as soon as possible
15:47But it was late into the night. The only man nearby was her father
15:51The itch became so intense that Oluchi quietly sneaked into her father's room with tears in her eyes
15:59Begging him to sleep with her
16:02Unduka was dumbfounded
16:05It was all true after all you foul spirit in the name above every other name
16:11I command you to come out of her
16:13Unduka started praying fervently then I woke up and joined them and they all prayed till daybreak
16:20By morning Unduka called some of his trusted church members
16:24They continued praying until the evil spirit that Amaka's father had sent to Oluchi's body left
16:31And she was delivered to the glory of God
16:34months later Oluchi got admitted into the university in the big city
16:40And left the small city for school leaving all the awful experiences behind during her final year
16:47Oluchi met a young man named Afam
16:50They fell in love and he soon asked her for her hand in marriage after graduation Oluchi and Afam got married
16:57And she moved to the big city to live with her husband
17:00However, Oluchi and Afa constantly visited Obu to see her parents
17:06On one of their visits Oluchi saw a mad young woman begging for alms on the road when she stopped
17:14To give her something she instantly recognized who it was Amaka
