WEALTHY MAN DISGUISED AS A POOR MAN TO FIND A WIFE ( TRUE LOVE) #Africantales #tales #folklore #folk

  • 2 days ago

00:00Once upon a time, in a well-known city called Jaiye, there lived a wealthy family that had only one son, Michael, who was pressured to get married early.
00:15But Michael wanted a responsible wife, so he decided to disguise himself and relocate to a neighboring village to live the life of a lowly poor man in hope of finding a responsible lady for a wife.
00:33Jaiye was a city known for flexing. It was almost impossible to find a decent lady in Jaiye city.
00:43When Michael told his parents about his plan, they kicked against it. They could not imagine their own son, the heir to such a massive empire, living in a poor village like a lowly poor wretched man.
01:00However, Michael convinced them that he is already well known by almost everyone in Jaiye city as their son, and so every woman would be willing to do anything to win his heart, concealing their true nature and pretending to be who they are not just to impress him.
01:22His parents eventually saw eye to eye with Michael's plan and allowed him to go ahead with his plan, but they gave him only two years to return with a bride or they would provide one for him by themselves, and he would be left with no choice but to accept any woman they choose for him.
01:45For the next one month, Michael left his hair unkempt and his beards unattended to, so he would look very tattered and wretched. After that, he went to the market and got some cheap clothes. He started his journey to the nearest village he could find.
02:05When Michael got to the bus stop, the driver asked him where he wanted to go. Michael thought for a while and answered the driver, I was a trader, but I lost all that I had. I am looking for a village with good and kind people where I can reestablish myself from scratch.
02:27The driver looked at Michael with pity and compassion and he suggested to him, let me take you to my village. My people are very nice and you will have no difficulty reestablishing yourself over there.
02:43Michael thanked the driver and boarded his bus. They drove for a long time and after some hours, they arrived at a village. Unlike Jayeye City, it was underdeveloped, but they had the basic social amenities.
03:01The driver took Michael to his home and introduced him to his wife and children. The driver's wife welcomed Michael wholeheartedly after her husband explained to him about Michael's predicaments. She prepared a room for him in their home. It was a very small and scanty but neat room, but Michael did not complain.
03:27The next day, Michael began his mission of finding a responsible lady he could marry. Adapting to their way of life was difficult, but he was determined to see it through to the end. He started by finding a job and eventually got one at the market square. He was given a wheelbarrow and his job was to carry foodstuff for customers from their market to their homes.
03:55Michael was well built so the job wasn't too difficult for him. Most of the people he offered his services to were rude and unkind to him. They disrespected and talked down on him because of how he was dressed and what he did for a living.
04:13After staying in the village for a year and six months, Michael was already giving up on the idea of ever finding a responsible bride. He made up his mind to accept whoever his parents were going to provide for him because it was already two years. He discussed with the driver and told him that he wishes to take a bride, but all the ladies he has met in the past 18 months were all rude and harsh towards him.
04:43However, the driver urged him not to give up yet. Instead, he suggested that Michael went to a different market other than the one he has been frequenting since he came to the village. Perhaps he would meet new people as some villagers prefer the other markets. But he warned Michael that wheelbarrow pushers didn't earn a lot of money there.
05:08One week after Michael started frequenting the suggesting markets, he saw two ladies in the market while he was scouting around for customers. They had just finished buying quite a lot so he ran to them offering to help them carry their purchase.
05:26Their names were Lovett and Grace. They obliged. But while Lovett was rude to Michael, Grace was kind towards him. As he carried their purchase on his wheelbarrow to their house, Lovett warned him severely to ensure that none of their product dropped on the floor while Grace urged him to be careful that the road was not smooth.
05:52When they got to their house, Lovett went inside the house and instructed Grace to pack the items inside the store. Michael offered to help her with the tasks. When he was done, he asked her,
06:06Why is your sister rude to you? Why did she leave all the work for you?
06:11She's my step-sister and she's older than I am. I guess it's my responsibility to do whatever she instructs.
06:19They talked a little bit more before she called on Lovett, her elder sister, to pay Michael. Lovett came and threw the money on the floor for Michael to pick like a beggar. Then she went back inside.
06:35Grace apologized for her sister's rudeness and thanked Michael for helping her with the tasks.
06:42From the little conversation Michael had with Grace, he got to know that Grace was an orphan. Her mother died many years ago and her father took in another wife, who was already Lovett's mother.
06:56A few years later, her father also died, leaving her at the mercy of her step-mother, Helena.
07:04Grace was being maltreated and ordered around like a slave. She did all the washing, cooking and cleaning of the house. She had nowhere else to go, so she had to endure.
07:16Although Lovett was more beautiful than Grace, Michael had already fallen deeply in love with Grace's personality.
07:25The next day, Michael asked the driver's wife about Grace. The village was a small one and everyone knew each other.
07:34The driver's wife told Michael that Grace was a very nice and humble lady and almost everyone in the village loved and admired her.
07:42Michael then asked her, if she is loved and admired by everyone, why isn't she married yet?
07:50Grace had many tutors, but Helena, her step-mother, is very wicked.
07:58When a wealthy man comes for Grace's hand in marriage, Helena will insist that the man should marry her daughter Lovett instead.
08:07Helena would go ahead to say all sorts of bad things about Grace just to make the tutor reconsider his decision.
08:16Michael felt very sad after hearing about Grace and what she had been going through in the hands of her step-mother.
08:24He made up his mind that he would marry her.
08:27The next day, Michael took his wheelbarrow to the market in anticipation of Grace.
08:32He didn't see her for the next few days until a week later. He was fortunate to see her in the market all alone.
08:41He quickly ran to where she stood and placed the sack she held in his wheelbarrow.
08:49Grace laughed. It isn't too heavy. I can carry it myself. Besides, I don't have any money to pay you today.
08:58Don't worry. I will serve you today for free, Michael said.
09:03Michael followed her until she bought everything she came to buy at the market and then helped her to carry the goods home.
09:11But he didn't reach her compound. He stopped few miles to their compound so that her step-mother wouldn't query her for allowing Michael help her.
09:21This continued on for three months.
09:23Whenever Grace came to the market, she would spend more time because she was with Michael. They both enjoyed each other's company.
09:32Her step-mother noticed that Grace always spent more time in the market over the months and asked Lovett to monitor her.
09:41On that particular day that Lovett was asked to monitor Grace, Grace and Michael spent some time with each other,
09:48talking and laughing after she had finished buying what she came to buy at the market.
09:54On their way home, Michael told Grace that he had fallen in love with her and would like to marry her.
10:01Grace was shocked at the statement.
10:05But you don't know me, she protested.
10:09I know you are kind and generous, Grace, and I want you in my life. Please say you would marry me.
10:18You're equally a hard-working and benevolent man, but I'm afraid my step-mother wouldn't make it easy for you.
10:26Don't worry about her. If you feel the same way I do, I will take care of the rest.
10:33Grace didn't understand what Michael meant by he would take care of the rest, but she accepted to marry him.
10:40In joy, Michael lifted her up and held her in a tight embrace.
10:44Unknown to them, Lovett was looking at them from afar.
10:49Lovett quickly caught up to them and laughed at the both of them.
10:54A slave falling in love with a beggar. What a perfect couple. I think you suit each other just fine.
11:04Don't worry, my mum would hear about this.
11:07Then she walked away, leaving Grace and Michael shocked.
11:11Michael urged Grace not to worry, but this time he followed her home to meet her step-mother.
11:19When they arrived, Helena was already waiting for Grace at the door.
11:24Immediately Grace showed up, she gave her a dirty slap and asked her to kneel down under the sun.
11:32Michael felt deeply hurt and sad.
11:35Out of anger, he told Helena that he loved Grace and would like to marry her.
11:40Helena laughed heartily at his statement and looked at him from head to toe.
11:47You wretched poor fool. Can you afford to take care of yourself, yet alone taking care of this thing called Grace?
11:55I believe we can manage, Ma. What would it take to have us, my wife, please?
12:00Well, if you love her so much, I would have given her to you for free because she's useless to me.
12:07But tradition demands that you provide some items.
12:10Then give me a list and I will have the items ready in a week's time, if that's all it takes.
12:17Helena was insulted by Michael's air of arrogance.
12:21She went inside the house and wrote down a list of expensive items.
12:25Out of anger, she returned and threw the list at him.
12:29But the wind blew the paper on which the things were written to where Grace knelt down.
12:34She picked it up and glanced at the items.
12:38Unseeing the amount it totaled, she exclaimed.
12:43Michael collected the list from her.
12:47He simply looked at the total and took a look at it.
12:50Michael collected the list from her.
12:53He simply looked at the total and told her he'd be back in a week as promised.
12:58Helena laughed at him as he left,
13:02believing that Michael, a common wheelbarrow pusher,
13:06cannot afford the items even if he walked every single minute of his life.
13:11Michael went back to the driver's house that afternoon.
13:15The driver was at home when he arrived.
13:17He told the driver to take him back to Jaie City.
13:21The driver was surprised at his sudden request,
13:25but took him as he requested.
13:28When they got to the motor park where they had first met,
13:31Michael told the driver to take him to a particular company.
13:36Are you sure?
13:38That company is one of the biggest companies in Jaie City.
13:42Most widowed people are denied access.
13:44Talk more of a struggling man like you.
13:48Don't worry. Just take me there and I'll pay you.
13:52The driver did as Michael instructed and took him to the company he requested.
13:58Immediately the guards outside saw Michael.
14:01They quickly raced towards him and collected the bag he was holding.
14:05The driver was astonished at their reaction.
14:09Michael asked the guards to pay the driver
14:11and they gave him a bundle of new notes,
14:15exceedingly above the price he had mentioned and agreed with Michael.
14:20Michael thanked the driver and entered the company
14:23after promising to reach out to him later.
14:26Michael went straight to meet his father in his office
14:30and informed him he has found the woman he wanted to marry.
14:34Coincidentally, his mother entered the office at the same time with a beautiful lady.
14:39She was shocked when she saw Michael dressed like a beggar with dirt and bushy hair.
14:46Mom, Dad, I have found the woman that I want to marry.
14:50You gave me two years but I was able to do it in a year and ten months.
14:55Michael's father hugged him happily.
14:58But his mother appeared a little disappointed.
15:01Immediately the lady who came in with Michael's mother heard what Michael said.
15:05She stormed out of the office with Michael's mother running after her.
15:10Michael didn't understand what happened.
15:13But his father explained to him that his mother already had someone she wanted him to marry,
15:18even before he went in search of his own bride.
15:22Michael's father welcomed him wholeheartedly
15:25and granted him the permission to marry Grace.
15:29In one week, Michael returned to the driver's village with a convoy of luxury cars
15:39and a bullion van which contained all the items Helena had written down on the list.
15:46When the driver and his family saw him, they couldn't believe their eyes.
15:51Michael gave the driver a new bus and a lot of money to take care of his family.
15:56Then he went to see Helena.
15:59Lovett and Helena were shocked to see Michael looking young and handsome
16:06as opposed to the tattered and unkempt man they knew him to be.
16:11The bullion van was parked in front of their house
16:14and some muscular guy started to offload its contents at Helena's front door.
16:21Grace was equally astonished by Michael's appearance.
16:24She was upset that Michael lied to her about his true status.
16:29Michael ran after her and pleaded for her forgiveness.
16:33He explained his reason for doing what he did and Grace understood him.
16:38They hugged each other and entered one of the cars.
16:42Lovett tried to be nice to Michael on seeing how weird he was
16:47but Michael ignored her and drove off.
16:50Michael arrived Jair City with Grace and took her to the best hair salon and fashion brand.
16:57When they were done fixing Grace up, she looked even more beautiful than Lovett
17:04and the lady his mother had previously brought to him.
17:08Michael took Grace home and introduced her to his family.
17:12His father embraced Grace and accepted her as his daughter-in-law
17:16while his mother respected his wishes and welcomed Grace into the family.
17:21In a month's time, they had the best and luxury wedding of the year.
17:28Their wedding was the talk of the town for two weeks.
17:33It was the feast of the year and they lived happily and joyfully ever after.
17:40The moral lesson of this story reminds us that
17:43no matter our condition or situation, always be humble and diligent in all you do.
17:50The people around you would be a testament to your personality
17:54and this would open doors of opportunities for you
17:58because lots of people would be willing to stand up for you.
18:02The driver got a new car and favour from Michael
18:07because he was benevolent to even a complete stranger.
18:10So despite how cruel the world may be, always show kindness
18:15because you never know which of your random acts of kindness
18:20will unlock doors of favour to you.
