THREE MEN Couldn t SATISFY HER #AfricanTale #AfricanFolklore #Tales #Folks

  • 2 days ago
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#africanstory #folktales #africantales #africanstories #africanvillagestory #africanstorieswithmorallessons #africanfolktalesshortstories #nigerianbedtimestories
00:00Once upon a time in a big bright village lived Simbi. Simbi was very rich and pretty.
00:06She had a big house, lots of shiny clothes and many sparkly jewels. Her father gave her all this
00:13money before he went to the stars. Everyone in the village said, wow, when they saw her.
00:20But Simbi was a bit different. She liked to be with people who had lots of money like her.
00:26She didn't play with those who had less. Even when they smiled at her, she sometimes didn't
00:33smile back. Her father was not like that. He was nice to everyone and shared his money.
00:40People loved him very much. They still like Simbi, hoping she'd be like her father one day.
00:48Simbi didn't think about getting married. Her mother said, Simbi, you're not getting younger.
00:54Find someone nice. But Simbi would shake her head. She said, no, I want someone very special.
01:02He must have more money than me. Be super nice and never been married. People whispered,
01:09who could that be? No one is like that here. So Simbi waited and waited, thinking about the man
01:17who would be just right for her. She believed somewhere, somehow she'd find him. But for now,
01:25she enjoyed her riches, her big house and her shiny things. Not ready to share them with anyone
01:32yet. One sunny day, Simbi met Mazi. Mazi was from another village, not too far away. He was rich,
01:40just like Simbi. He also got his riches from his family, just like she did. Simbi liked him
01:47because he was rich. Mazi liked her too. So they decided to get married and live together. At first,
01:54everything was sweet and happy. They laughed, ate yummy food and lived in a big cozy house.
02:02Simbi and Mazi seemed perfect for each other. But after a while, things started to change.
02:08Simbi liked to make all the decisions. She wanted to be the boss. When Mazi said,
02:14let's do this, Simbi would often say, no, we do it my way. She thought because she was rich
02:21and a bit older, she should be in charge. One day, Mazi had to go on a trip. He told Simbi,
02:29please stay home till I come back. But Simbi didn't listen. She went out to play with her
02:36friends and traveled far away without telling Mazi. When Mazi came back, he found the house
02:42quiet and empty. He asked, where is Simbi? The worker said she left to have fun with her friends.
02:51Mazi waited for one day, two days, three days. Then Simbi came back. Mazi was very upset.
02:59Where did you go? He asked. Simbi didn't like the question. Why do you ask? I can go where I want,
03:07she said. They argued loud and long. Mazi said, you should respect me. I am still the head of
03:14this house. But Simbi didn't agree. She was angry. I don't need to listen to you. Any man cannot
03:22control my life, she said. And with that, Simbi packed her bags and went back to her own village,
03:29leaving Mazi and their home behind. She was single again, back in her big house,
03:36thinking about what happened. People in the village whispered about Simbi and Mazi,
03:42wondering what would happen next. Simbi's mother was sad too. She said, no marriage is perfect,
03:49Simbi. But Simbi didn't want to hear it. She thought she would just find another man,
03:55a better one this time. After leaving Mazi, Simbi met Ayo. Ayo wasn't rich like Mazi or Simbi,
04:03but he had a big heart. He was the kindest man in the village. Simbi thought, well,
04:09he is very caring. That's one thing I wanted. So Simbi and Ayo decided to get married.
04:17Since Ayo wasn't as rich, he had to move into Simbi's big house. He did everything to make
04:23Simbi happy. He cooked yummy meals, cleaned the house till it sparkled, and even gave Simbi
04:31foot rubs after her long days. Ayo would sometimes buy Simbi pretty dresses with the little money he
04:38had. He always said, I just want you to smile, Simbi. For a while, Simbi loved it. She was happy
04:46she could control him. It was as if Simbi was the husband and Ayo was the wife. She felt like a
04:54queen. Ayo was always there, making sure she was comfortable and happy. But soon, Simbi started to
05:02feel something was missing. Simbi saw that Ayo didn't bring in any money. He spent his days
05:10making sure she was happy. But the big house and shiny things needed money to stay. Simbi thought,
05:17Ayo is nice, very caring, but he's too lazy. He never contributed much to the family. Instead,
05:25all he does is just sit and enjoy her own labor. Then one evening, Simbi sat down with Ayo. She
05:33said, you are very kind, Ayo. But kindness doesn't fill our pots with food or keep this house.
05:40Ayo felt sad. He wanted to make Simbi happy, but he didn't know how without money. Simbi's mother
05:47talked to her. Simbi, you have to choose. Do you want Ayo's kindness or someone who brings in money?
05:55A man who has so much time to care all day and night would barely have much time for work, my dear.
06:03Simbi thought hard. Finally, she said, I need more than kindness. So Simbi told Ayo,
06:11you need to leave. You're not the husband I need. Ayo was very sad, but he packed his bags and left.
06:19Simbi was alone again. She had everything she wanted in her big house, but she wasn't happy.
06:26She missed Ayo's kindness but wanted more. The villagers whispered, Simbi has sent another
06:33husband away. What will she do now? After Ayo left, Simbi felt a bit lonely, but then she met Kofi.
06:41Kofi was like a dream. Everything she had wanted in a man. He was handsome. He was rich, very rich.
06:49He was also kind and caring and he had never been married. Simbi thought, wow, Kofi is just perfect.
06:57So Simbi and Kofi got married and it seemed like Simbi finally found her perfect match.
07:03Kofi was everything Simbi wanted. He bought her beautiful things, took her to fun places
07:10and always made sure she was smiling. They danced, they laughed and their house was full of joy.
07:16Simbi felt very lucky, but after some time, things started to change again. Kofi was nice and all,
07:24but Simbi sometimes forgot to be nice back. She didn't say please or thank you. She didn't cook
07:30or clean. She thought, Kofi loves me, so I don't need to do these things. Kofi had friends and
07:37family who would come over. Simbi didn't greet them nicely. She just said hello without smiling.
07:45Kofi's family was very important to him, especially his parents. But Simbi didn't visit
07:51them or help them. She said, why should I? They can take care of themselves. Kofi's parents noticed
07:58this. They said, Kofi, a wife should be kind and respectful, not just to her husband, but to his
08:06family too. They were upset. They told Kofi, Simbi isn't right for our family. Kofi was sad,
08:14but he knew his family was right. He loved Simbi, but he also knew respect and kindness were
08:22important. So, Kofi talked to Simbi. He said, we can't be together if you don't respect me and my
08:30family. Simbi was shocked. She didn't expect this, but Kofi had made up his mind. Simbi packed her
08:38things and went back to her village alone again. Back home, Simbi thought about Kofi. She had
08:45everything she wanted, but she still wasn't happy. She started to wonder, maybe it's not just about
08:53finding the perfect husband. Maybe I need to be a better wife too, but it was too late for her and
09:00Kofi. Because when Simbi came back to her village after leaving Kofi, she got a big surprise. A flood
09:09had come and washed away a lot of the village, including the farms that made Simbi so rich.
09:16Suddenly, Simbi didn't have all her money anymore. Her big house didn't feel so big when there
09:23was no food to eat or money to spend. Simbi and her mother had to leave their big house.
09:29They moved into a small hut, much smaller than anywhere Simbi had ever lived. At first, Simbi felt
09:36very sad. She missed her soft bed, her shiny things, and her beautiful clothes. Now, she wore simple
09:45dresses and helped her mother cook with whatever food they could find. Living in the small hut,
09:53Simbi started to think a lot. She remembered Mazi, Ayo, and Kofi. She thought about how she acted
10:01with them. I had three good husbands, she said to herself, but I wasn't a good wife. I wanted to be
10:09the boss with Mazi. I didn't value Ayo's kindness, and I didn't respect Kofi or his family. Simbi saw
10:18that she had been looking for the perfect husband without thinking about what it means to be a good
10:23wife. I was not nice, Simbi realized. I did not share or help. I only thought about what I wanted.
10:32In the small hut, Simbi learned to live with less. She talked to her neighbors, the ones she had
10:38ignored when she was rich. They were nice to her. They shared their food and stories. Simbi started
10:46to help others too. She shared whatever she and her mother had. Simbi's heart began to change in
10:52the small hut. She learned to say please and thank you. She learned to listen and not always be the
10:59boss. She found out that being rich with money wasn't the same as being rich in heart. One day,
11:06Simbi said to her mother, I was wrong. It wasn't my husband's fault. It was mine. I forgot to be
11:14kind and respectful. Her mother hugged her. She was happy to see Simbi understanding. Living simply,
11:21Simbi learned a big lesson. She discovered that being happy doesn't need lots of money or being
11:29in charge. Happiness comes from being kind, sharing and respecting others. Simbi was ready to be
11:38not just rich but also a good person. As Simbi started to live her new simpler life,
11:44she met someone unexpected. His name was Gogo. Gogo was very different from the men Simbi had
11:52married before. He wasn't rich and he had been married once. He didn't match any of the things
11:59Simbi used to want in a husband. But there was something special about Gogo. He was kind. He
12:06laughed a lot and he cared about Simbi in a way no one had before. Simbi and Gogo became friends.
12:14They talked, they helped each other and they laughed together. Simbi liked how Gogo made her
12:20feel. She didn't worry about being rich or being in charge. With Gogo she was just Simbi. One day
12:27Gogo asked Simbi if she would marry him. Simbi thought about it. Gogo didn't have a lot of money.
12:34He wasn't what she had always said she wanted. But Simbi realized those things weren't what made
12:42her happy. Being cared for, sharing laughs and helping each other, that's what made her happy.
12:50So Simbi said yes to Gogo. They got married and started their life together in this small hut.
12:57It was a happy life, simpler than Simbi's life before but fuller in many ways. Gogo and Simbi
13:05didn't have much but they had each other. They shared everything they had and worked together
13:12to make their little home a place of love and laughter. Simbi was loyal to Gogo. She didn't
13:18look for someone richer or more powerful. She learned to appreciate what she had. Gogo and
13:25Simbi respected each other. They listened when the other spoke and they helped each other without
13:31needing to be asked. Their neighbors saw how happy Simbi and Gogo were. They saw how Simbi had changed.
13:39She was kinder, she smiled more and she helped others. Simbi had grown. She learned that happiness
13:46didn't come from having the most money or being in charge. Happiness came from sharing life with
13:54someone who cared, from being kind and from being content with what you have. Simbi and Gogo's
14:00marriage was not like the stories of riches and palaces. It was a story of true happiness found
14:07in a small hut with simple clothes and simple food but it was their story and it was filled
14:13with love. Simbi finally found what she was looking for, not in wealth or power but in a heart that
14:21matched hers. In the choir of a beautiful evening, Simbi sat outside her small hut looking at the
14:28stars. She thought about her long journey from the days of living in a big house with lots of
14:35shiny things to now living simply with Gogo. Her heart was full. Simbi remembered how she once
14:43thought that having a husband who was rich, caring and never married would make her happy.
14:49She had married Mazi, Ayo and Kofi looking for happiness in what they could give her
14:57or how they made her feel but each time something was missing. It wasn't until everything changed
15:05until she lost her wealth and lived a simpler life that Simbi found true happiness. With Gogo,
15:13Simbi learned that happiness wasn't about being rich or being in charge. Happiness was about
15:20sharing, understanding and loving. She learned that no marriage is perfect. Every relationship
15:27has its challenges but it's how you face those challenges together that matters. It's about
15:35understanding each other, making compromises and being there for one another. Simbi realized her
15:42mistakes. She saw that she had been looking for perfection in her husband without being willing
15:48to give the same in return. She understood that a happy marriage isn't about finding someone who
15:55meets all your criteria but about building a life together where both partners feel valued and
16:02loved. As Simbi looked at the stars, she felt grateful for her journey. It had taught her about
16:09the true meaning of love and happiness. She was thankful for Gogo, for his love and for the life
16:16they shared together. The moral of Simbi's story is clear. No marriage is 100% complete. What makes
16:24a marriage perfect is not finding the perfect person but finding someone you can grow with,
16:31understand and compromise with to build a strong loving relationship. Happiness comes not from
16:39seeking perfection in others but from appreciating what you have and from the love and understanding
16:47you share together. Simbi's story is a reminder that the key to a happy life and a happy marriage
16:54lies not in the wealth or status of your partner but in the love, respect and understanding you
17:00share and that in the end is the most precious thing of all. I hope you enjoyed the tale. If so,
17:08please like the video, share it with your family and friends, comment on it and don't forget to
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