He POUNDED His Only DAUGHTER ALIVE #AfricanTale #Tales #AfricanFolklore #Folks

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"He Got His Money the Wrong Way:" This African tale follows Tari, a hardworking farmer in a faraway village, whose life takes a dramatic turn when he accepts a tempting but dark offer. Discover the power of love, the dangers of greed, and the true meaning of wealth through this enchanting story.

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00:00Once upon a time, in a faraway village, there lived an old man named Tari.
00:06Tari was not rich, but he had a very beautiful and happy family.
00:11He was a hard-working farmer, but he didn't have a farm of his own.
00:16Instead, he worked on other people's farms.
00:20Tari made sure his wife and children were always satisfied, even though they didn't have much.
00:26Tari's wife was beautiful and worked as a trader in the market, selling vegetables and fruits.
00:33Every morning, she prepared her goods with a smile and went to the market to support the family.
00:39Tari and his wife had three children, two sons and a pretty daughter.
00:45They were all happy and loved each other deeply.
00:48Though they didn't have much money, their home was filled with love and joy.
00:53In the evenings, after a long day's work, Tari would come home tired but content.
01:00His wife welcomed him with a warm meal, and the children ran to hug him.
01:05They would sit together, laugh, and share stories.
01:09Tari's life was simple, filled with love and joy,
01:13showing that true wealth is measured by the happiness shared with those you care about.
01:18Tari had many friends in the village, but they were all wealthier than him.
01:24As time went on, these friends began to drift away because Tari was not as rich as they were.
01:30They didn't want to be seen with someone who was so poor.
01:34Tari felt sad, but he always told himself,
01:38My family is what matters most.
01:41One day, there was a big gathering in the village.
01:45Tari decided to go, hoping to enjoy some time with his old friends.
01:51When he arrived, he saw his friends laughing, eating, and drinking together.
01:57They seemed happy to see him at first and invited him to join them.
02:02Tari sat down and shared a meal with his friends.
02:06But after they finished eating, something happened that made Tari feel very sad.
02:12One of his friends stood up and said,
02:15Tari, since you are not as rich as us, you should pack the plates.
02:20Tari was shocked.
02:21He said, We are all friends, and I'm older than you all.
02:26Just because I don't have as much money as you, doesn't mean you can treat me this way.
02:32Everyone should pack their own plate.
02:35But his friends laughed and said,
02:37If you don't pack the plates, we'll tell the seller that you haven't paid.
02:42That will be even more embarrassing for you.
02:46Tari had no choice.
02:48He packed the plates and left the gathering feeling very sad and humiliated.
02:54He walked home slowly, thinking about how unfairly he had been treated.
03:00When he got home, his wife noticed he was unhappy
03:04and asked, Tari, what happened?
03:07Tari sighed and replied,
03:10My friends treated me badly today because I am not as rich as they are.
03:16But it doesn't matter.
03:17I will always do my best for you and our children.
03:21Tari continued to work hard every day, despite the way his friends treated him.
03:27He knew that his family needed him,
03:29and he was determined to make sure they were always happy and taken care of.
03:35Even though he was sad, his love for his family kept him strong.
03:40Tari was known in the village for his hard work.
03:44He worked on many different farms, but he never had a farm of his own.
03:49He would spend long hours in the hot sun, planting and harvesting crops.
03:54Sometimes, the people he worked for would not pay him right away.
03:59They would say, come back tomorrow, Tari.
04:02But when he returned, they would still not pay him.
04:06Tari's friends, who were wealthier, often took advantage of him.
04:12They would ask him to do menial and degrading tasks,
04:16like washing their clothes or cleaning their houses.
04:19One day, Tari asked a friend for some money to buy food for his family.
04:24His friend laughed and said,
04:27If you want money, you must clean my house and wash my clothes.
04:32Tari felt humiliated, but agreed because he needed the money to feed his family.
04:39He spent the whole day cleaning and washing.
04:42And by the time he was done, he was exhausted.
04:46His friend gave him a small amount of money, much less than what he had earned.
04:52But Tari took it without complaining.
04:54Another time, Tari worked on a friend's farm from sunrise to sunset.
05:00He worked tirelessly, but when it was time to get paid,
05:04his friend said, I don't have the money right now.
05:07Come back next week.
05:09Tari felt frustrated, but he had no choice.
05:13He needed the work to support his family.
05:15Despite all the unfair treatment and hard work, Tari never gave up.
05:22He would wake up early every day and go to work.
05:26No matter how tired he was, he knew his family depended on him.
05:32And he wanted to make sure they had enough to eat and a roof over their heads.
05:38The time for harvest arrived and Tari knew it was a chance to earn some money.
05:44He decided to approach Chief Azuka,
05:48the richest man in the village who had the biggest farm.
05:52Tari hoped that working for Chief Azuka would help him provide better for his family.
05:58Early one morning, Tari went to Chief Azuka's house and greeted him respectfully.
06:04Good morning, Chief Azuka.
06:06I would like to help with the harvest on your farm.
06:10I have my two sons who can help too, Tari said.
06:14Chief Azuka looked at Tari and said,
06:18Very well, Tari, my farm is large and I need all the help I can get.
06:23You can start tomorrow.
06:25The next day, Tari and his two sons woke up before the sun rose.
06:30They made their way to Chief Azuka's farm and began working tirelessly.
06:35They worked under the hot sun, picking crops and placing them in large sacks.
06:41They worked through heavy rain, determined to finish the harvest on time.
06:46Tari's sons were strong and hardworking, just like their father.
06:51Together, they made a great team.
06:54Day after day, they labored on Chief Azuka's farm, their hands rough and their backs aching.
07:02But they never complained because they knew
07:05their hard work would bring food and happiness to their family.
07:09Finally, after many days of hard work, the harvest was complete.
07:14The crops were neatly packed in sacks and stored in the barn.
07:20Tari felt a sense of accomplishment and relief.
07:23He wiped the sweat from his brow and said to his sons,
07:27We did it. Now let's go and get our payment from Chief Azuka.
07:32Tari went to Chief Azuka and said,
07:35Chief, we have finished the harvest. Can we please have our payment?
07:39Chief Azuka nodded and handed Tari some money.
07:43Here is one third of what I owe you. Come back tomorrow for the rest, Chief Azuka said.
07:49Tari was surprised.
07:51Chief Azuka had never asked him to return for the rest of the payment before.
07:56But he took the money and thanked the chief.
07:59When Tari returned home, he gave some money to his wife and said,
08:04Cook a delicious meal for the children tonight. They deserve it.
08:09That night, Tari's wife noticed he was not sleeping.
08:13She turned to him and asked,
08:15Tari, why are you so moody? Did something happen at Chief Azuka's farm?
08:22Tari sighed and replied,
08:24Chief Azuka did not pay me fully. He told me to come back tomorrow for the rest.
08:30I am worried because he has never done this before.
08:33His wife hugged him and said,
08:36Don't worry, Tari. You have worked hard and everything will be fine.
08:41Let's enjoy our meal with the children tonight.
08:43Tari nodded and tried to put his worries aside.
08:47He knew he had to go back to Chief Azuka the next day to get the rest of his payment.
08:53Despite his concerns, he remained hopeful and continued to focus on his family,
08:58who were his greatest source of strength and happiness.
09:02The following day, Tari returned to Chief Azuka's house
09:06to collect the remaining payment for his hard work.
09:10As he approached the Chief's grand house, Tari felt a mix of hope and worry.
09:15He needed the money but was wary of the Chief's unexpected generosity from the previous day.
09:22Chief Azuka greeted Tari with a warm smile.
09:26Ah, Tari, welcome back.
09:29Come, sit with me. Let us share some food and drink,
09:33he said, gesturing towards a table laden with delicious food.
09:37Tari hesitated but sat down as the Chief's maid served him.
09:42The hospitality felt unusual and Tari couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
09:49However, he decided to listen and see what Chief Azuka had to say.
09:54After they had eaten, Chief Azuka leaned back in his chair and said,
09:59Tari, you have worked hard all your life.
10:02You deserve more than just a few coins for your labor.
10:06I have an opportunity for you to become rich without all this hard work.
10:11You just have to see my old friend at the edge of the forest.
10:16Tari was taken aback.
10:19Chief Azuka, what do you mean?
10:21How can I become rich without working hard?
10:25The Chief smiled and replied,
10:27There is a way, Tari, a way that requires a small ritual but no bloodshed.
10:33You are getting older and soon you won't be able to provide for your family through physical labor.
10:40Think about it.
10:41Tari's heart raced.
10:43The idea of becoming rich without hard work was tempting but he was also cautious.
10:50I don't know Chief Azuka.
10:53This sounds risky.
10:54What kind of ritual is this?
10:57Chief Azuka reached into his robe and pulled out a large bundle of money.
11:03He handed it to Tari and said,
11:06Here, take this.
11:07It is ten times the amount I owe you.
11:10Think of it as a gift, a small taste of what you could have.
11:15Take your time to decide.
11:17There is no rush.
11:19Tari's eyes widened at the sight of so much money.
11:23He had never seen such a large sum in his life.
11:28He took the bundle with trembling hands and thanked the Chief.
11:32Thank you, Chief Azuka.
11:34I will think about your offer and let you know my decision.
11:38As Tari walked home, his mind was filled with conflicting thoughts.
11:43The money in his hand felt heavy and the offer weighed even heavier on his heart.
11:49When he arrived home, his wife saw the bundle of money and her eyes widened in surprise.
11:57Tari, where did you get all this money?
11:59She asked.
12:01Tari sighed and explained everything that had happened.
12:05Chief Azuka gave me this money and made an offer for easy riches.
12:10He said it involves a ritual but no bloodshed.
12:14I don't know what to do.
12:15It's so much money and it could change our lives.
12:19His wife listened carefully, her face full of concern.
12:24Tari, this offer sounds too good to be true.
12:28We have always lived honestly and worked hard for what we have.
12:32Be very careful.
12:34Easy riches can bring great trouble.
12:37Tari nodded, knowing she was right.
12:40I will think about it carefully.
12:42We must not rush into anything that could harm our family.
12:46That night, Tari lay awake, staring at the ceiling.
12:50The money was hidden safely, but his thoughts were far from peaceful.
12:56He knew he had to make a decision soon,
12:58but he wanted to ensure it was the right one for his family.
13:02The promise of easy riches was tempting, but the unknown risks kept him cautious.
13:08Tari spent the next few days wrestling with Chief Azuka's offer.
13:14The bundle of money was a constant reminder of the wealth that could be his.
13:20He thought about his family, his children's future, and the endless struggles they had faced.
13:27The temptation of an easier life was hard to resist.
13:31One evening, as the sun set, Tari made up his mind.
13:36He decided to accept Chief Azuka's offer, hoping it would bring prosperity to his family.
13:43He told his wife,
13:45I have made my decision.
13:47I will go to the forest's edge tomorrow and meet the old man for the ritual.
13:53His wife looked at him with worried eyes, but nodded.
13:59Tari, please be careful.
14:02Our family's happiness means more than wealth.
14:06Promise me you will come back safe.
14:09Tari hugged her tightly and promised,
14:12I will come back safe.
14:14This is for our future.
14:16The next day, Tari made his way to the forest's edge where the old man lived.
14:22The forest was dark and thick, with trees that seemed to whisper secrets.
14:28Tari's heart pounded as he approached the old man's hut.
14:32The old man, with a long white beard and wise eyes, greeted him.
14:37Ah, Tari, Chief Azuka told me you would come.
14:40Are you ready for the ritual? the old man asked.
14:44Tari nodded, his voice trembling slightly.
14:47Yes, I am ready.
14:50The old man led Tari to a clearing in the forest.
14:54In the center of the clearing was a circle made of stones,
14:59and inside the circle were strange symbols drawn on the ground.
15:04The old man began to chant.
15:06His voice low and rhythmic, filling the air with an eerie feeling.
15:12Tari stood in the circle, feeling a mix of fear and anticipation.
15:18The old man approached him with a small bowl of dark oil and said,
15:23This ritual will grant you wealth without shedding blood.
15:27Rub this oil on your body and the gods will bless you.
15:32Tari took the oil and, with trembling hands, began to rub it on his skin.
15:38The old man continued to chant, and the air around them seemed to shimmer.
15:43As Tari applied the oil, he felt a strange warmth spread through his body.
15:48The old man then placed his hands on Tari's head and said,
15:53You have been chosen. The gods will grant you riches.
15:57But remember, there is always a price to pay.
16:01Be wise and use your wealth for good.
16:04With those words, the ritual was complete.
16:08The old man handed Tari a small pouch filled with gold coins.
16:13This is just the beginning.
16:15More will come to you.
16:17Go now and take care of your family.
16:20Tari thanked the old man and left the forest,
16:23his heart filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
16:28When he returned home, his wife and children were waiting for him.
16:33He showed them the pouch of gold coins and their eyes widened in amazement.
16:39Tari, is this real? His wife asked, holding one of the coins.
16:45Yes, it is real. The gods have blessed us,
16:48Tari replied, hugging his family tightly.
16:52Our lives will change for the better now.
16:55That night, they celebrated with joy and hope.
16:59Tari felt a sense of relief, believing that the dark decision he had made
17:04would bring happiness and prosperity to his family.
17:09Little did he know, the true cause of his choice was yet to be revealed.
17:14In the days that followed the ritual, Tari's life began to change dramatically.
17:20His humble home was soon filled with wealth beyond his wildest dreams.
17:26Gold coins, fine clothes and beautiful ornaments adorned their once simple abode.
17:33Tari, who had always been seen as the poorest man in the village, was now one of the wealthiest.
17:40The villagers were astonished.
17:42Everywhere Tari went, people would stop and stare,
17:46whispering to one another about his sudden fortune.
17:50How did Tari become so rich overnight, they wondered.
17:53Some speculated that he had found a hidden treasure,
17:57while others believed he had been blessed by the gods.
18:00Tari's friends, who had once shunned him because of his poverty,
18:05now flocked to his side, eager to bask in the glow of his newfound wealth.
18:10They praised him, invited him to their homes
18:14and treated him with the respect they had previously denied him.
18:18But Tari remembered how they had treated him before,
18:22and he was cautious in his interactions with them.
18:26At home, Tari's family was overjoyed with their new lifestyle.
18:32His children wore fine clothes and had plenty of food to eat.
18:36They could now afford things they had only dreamed of.
18:40Tari's wife, however, felt a mix of joy and concern.
18:45She loved seeing her family happy.
18:48But she couldn't shake the unease about the mysterious source of their wealth.
18:52One evening, as they sat together in their newly furnished living room,
18:57Tari's wife turned to him and said,
19:00Tari, I am happy that we have all these things now.
19:04But I am worried.
19:06How did this happen so quickly?
19:09Where did all this money come from?
19:11Tari took her hand and looked into her eyes.
19:15The gods have blessed us, my love.
19:17They have seen our struggles and decided to reward us.
19:22I made a promise to them, and they have fulfilled it.
19:26You don't need to worry.
19:27His wife sighed, still feeling a shadow of doubt.
19:32I trust you, Tari.
19:33But please, be careful.
19:36Sometimes, great wealth can bring great trouble.
19:40Tari nodded, understanding her concern.
19:42I promise, I will always look out for our family.
19:46We have worked hard, and now it is our time to enjoy the blessings.
19:52As days turned into weeks, Tari's wealth continued to grow.
19:56He invested in land, bought more livestock, and even started his own farm.
20:03The villager's curiosity only grew.
20:06But Tari kept the secret of his wealth close to his heart, sharing it with no one.
20:12Despite the luxurious life they now led, Tari's wife kept a close watch on her husband.
20:19She noticed how he seemed more distant and preoccupied at times,
20:24as if a burden weighed heavily on his shoulders.
20:28She knew Tari loved their family dearly, but she couldn't help but wonder if the price of their
20:34newfound wealth was higher than they realized.
20:36For now, the family enjoyed their prosperity,
20:40and the village buzzed with stories of Tari's transformation.
20:45Little did they know, the true test of Tari's choices,
20:48and the price of his wealth, were still to come.
20:52As Tari's wealth grew, his old friends, who had once abandoned him due to his poverty,
20:57began to return.
20:59They were eager to be close to him again, drawn by his newfound riches.
21:04Every day, they would visit Tari's house,
21:07showering him with praise and asking how he had become so wealthy so quickly.
21:13One afternoon, as Tari sat in his grand living room,
21:17a group of his old friends came to see him.
21:20They brought gifts and spoke with exaggerated enthusiasm
21:24about how happy they were to see him doing well.
21:27Tari, old friend, one of them said,
21:30We are so proud of you. You have achieved so much in such a short time.
21:35Please tell us your secret. How did you become so rich?
21:40Tari smiled politely, but felt uneasy.
21:43He knew that revealing the true source of his wealth would bring trouble.
21:47I have been blessed by the gods, he replied.
21:50They saw my hard work and decided to reward me.
21:54His friends exchanged glances, not entirely convinced.
21:59One of them leaned closer and said,
22:02Come now, Tari. We are your friends. You can trust us.
22:06There must be more to it than just divine blessings.
22:11Tari maintained his calm demeanor.
22:13It is the truth. The gods have been kind to me.
22:17I cannot explain it any other way.
22:20His friends were persistent. They visited him regularly,
22:24each time trying different ways to coax the secret out of him.
22:28They would flatter him, bring him lavish gifts,
22:32and even offer to share their own wealth in exchange for his knowledge.
22:36Tari, think of how much more we could achieve together.
22:40Another friend suggested,
22:42If you share your secret, we can all be wealthy and powerful.
22:46But Tari remained firm.
22:48He knew that the secret of his wealth was not something he could share lightly.
22:53It was tied to a dark ritual,
22:56and he didn't want to drag anyone else into the dangerous pact he had made.
23:01I appreciate your offers, my friends, but I must decline.
23:05I cannot share what is not mine to give, Tari said.
23:09As time went on, his friends' persistence began to wane.
23:14They grew frustrated with Tari's reluctance
23:18and started to distance themselves once more.
23:21Some even whispered behind his back,
23:24spreading rumors and speculation about the true nature of his wealth.
23:28Tari felt the strain of their suspicion and the weight of the secret he carried.
23:35Despite the luxurious life he now led,
23:38he often found himself longing for the simple, honest days before the riches came.
23:45He missed the genuine companionship he once had,
23:48even if it was tainted by poverty.
23:51At home, Tari's wife noticed his troubled demeanor.
23:55One evening, as they sat together, she gently asked,
24:00Tari, what is bothering you?
24:02I see the worry in your eyes.
24:05Tari sighed deeply and said,
24:08Our friends, they keep asking about our wealth.
24:12They do not believe it is just the God's blessings.
24:16I cannot tell them the truth, but their questions never stop.
24:20His wife squeezed his hand and said,
24:23We must stay strong, Tari.
24:26We have each other, and that is what matters most.
24:30Let them talk.
24:32As long as we know the truth, we can face anything.
24:36Tari nodded, grateful for her support.
24:40He knew that the journey ahead would not be easy,
24:44but he was determined to protect his family and the secret of their wealth.
24:49The return of his friends had reminded him that true loyalty and love could not be bought,
24:55and he cherished the genuine bond he had with his family above all else.
25:01With his wife's reassurance, Tari resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead,
25:07knowing that their strength as a family would guide them through even the darkest times.
25:13One quiet evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon,
25:17a messenger arrived at Tari's house with a message.
25:21The old man from the forest had summoned Tari.
25:25The message was brief and ominous, causing a shiver to run down Tari's spine.
25:31He knew that the old man's summons could only mean one thing, a demand.
25:37The next morning, Tari made his way to the edge of the forest where the old man lived.
25:43His heart pounded with each step, dread gnawing at his insides.
25:49When he reached the old man's hut, he found the old man waiting for him, his expression grave.
25:56Tari, the old man said, his voice as ancient as the trees around them.
26:02The time has come for you to fulfill your part of the bargain.
26:06The gods demand a sacrifice.
26:09Tari's heart sank.
26:11What kind of sacrifice, he asked, his voice trembling.
26:14The old man looked at Tari with piercing eyes.
26:18You must sacrifice your only daughter, Amina, to the gods.
26:23It is the price for the wealth you have received.
26:26Tari staggered back, his mind reeling with horror.
26:30No, not Amina.
26:32She is my only daughter.
26:34I cannot do this.
26:36The old man's face remained impassive.
26:39If you do not fulfill the gods' demand, you will lose everything, the wealth, your sanity,
26:47and your life.
26:48The gods will take back their blessings and you will be left with nothing.
26:53Tari felt as though the ground had shifted beneath him.
26:58The thought of losing Amina was unbearable.
27:02She was the light of his life, kind and gentle.
27:06Loved by everyone in the village, he could not fathom the idea of sacrificing her.
27:13Please, there must be another way, Tari pleaded, his voice breaking.
27:18I cannot harm my daughter.
27:20The old man shook his head.
27:22There is no other way.
27:24You have seven days to make your decision.
27:26If you do not sacrifice Amina, the gods will take her themselves and you will suffer the
27:34Tari returned home, his mind a whirlwind of fear and despair.
27:40He couldn't share this burden with his wife.
27:42The thought of telling her was too much to bear.
27:45Tari couldn't sleep.
27:47The old man's demand haunted him.
27:50Sacrifice Amina?
27:52How could he even think of it?
27:55Yet, the threat was clear.
27:58Refuse and he would go mad and his secret would be exposed.
28:02Tari paced the floor, his mind in chaos.
28:06I can't do this to my daughter, he whispered to himself.
28:11But the fear of losing everything, his wealth and his sanity gnawed at him.
28:17During the day, Tari watched Amina play, her laughter piercing his heart.
28:24She's my only daughter, he thought.
28:26But then the old man's voice echoed in his head.
28:30You have seven days or the gods will take her themselves.
28:35Tari tried to rationalize.
28:37I still have two sons, he thought.
28:41They can carry on the family name.
28:44He knew it was a terrible thought.
28:46But the fear of losing everything pushed him closer to making the unthinkable decision.
28:52His wife noticed his turmoil.
28:55Tari, what is wrong?
28:56She asked, but he couldn't tell her.
28:59He just shook his head, muttering, everything will be fine.
29:03The days passed, each one heavier than the last.
29:07On the fifth day, with his heart breaking,
29:10Tari finally decided to follow through with the ritual.
29:14The fear and the old man's threat left him feeling like he had no choice.
29:20He hoped somehow this terrible act would protect the rest of his family.
29:26But the decision tore at his soul, and he knew he would never be the same again.
29:33On the fifth night, Tari's heart was heavy with dread.
29:37He prepared the drink and the black oil, as instructed by the old man.
29:43His hands shook as he mixed the concoction.
29:47Knowing the terrible purpose it served, Tari found Amina playing in their yard.
29:52Amina, come here, he called softly.
29:55She ran to him with a smile, trusting her father completely.
30:00Drink this, my dear, and use this oil.
30:03It's very important.
30:05Amina hesitated, but took the drink.
30:08Okay, father, she said, trusting his words.
30:12She drank the potion and took the oil.
30:14As the potion took effect and Amina fell unconscious, Tari's heart broke.
30:20He carried her to the forest, each step feeling like a weight on his soul.
30:26Tari reached the clearing where the ritual was to take place.
30:30He laid Amina gently on the ground, her face peaceful and unaware of the horror about to
30:38He took a deep breath, his hands shaking as he prepared to complete the ritual by pounding
30:45her in the mortal that the old man had prepared.
30:48I'm so sorry, Amina, he whispered, tears streaming down his face.
30:54He knelt beside her, the weight of his decision crushing him.
30:59Just as he was about to proceed, a piercing scream shattered the silence.
31:05Tari, no, it was his wife, her voice filled with desperation.
31:11She had followed him, suspecting something was terribly wrong.
31:15The villagers, awakened by her scream, rushed to the forest, their torches lighting up the
31:23They found Tari kneeling over Amina and quickly restrained him.
31:28His wife ran to Amina, tears streaming down her face as she cradled their daughter.
31:35What have you done, Tari?
31:37She cried, her voice trembling with shock and grief.
31:41The villagers took Amina to the herbalist, hoping to undo whatever had been done to her.
31:48Tari was left behind, his heart shattered by the enormity of his actions and the realization
31:55of what he had almost done.
31:57That night, Tari was tied up and kept in his compound.
32:01The villagers guarded him, their faces filled with a mixture of anger and pity.
32:08Tari's wife wept throughout the night, unable to comprehend how her loving husband could
32:15be driven to such a terrible deed.
32:18As the first light of dawn broke, the villagers gathered outside Tari's home, murmuring in
32:24disbelief and anger.
32:26Amina had been taken to the herbalist, who was working tirelessly to reverse the effects
32:32of the ritual.
32:34Tari's wife sat beside their daughter, her tears falling silently, her heart breaking
32:40for what her husband had almost done.
32:43The villagers' anger grew as they learned more about Tari's actions.
32:48They couldn't understand how a man they had known all their lives could be driven to such
32:54a horrific deed.
32:56Their trust in him was shattered, replaced by a mix of outrage and sorrow.
33:02Tari must face justice, one of the elders declared.
33:05We must take him to the king.
33:08Bound and surrounded by the villagers, Tari was led to the king's palace.
33:13His head hung low, the weight of his guilt pressing heavily on his shoulders.
33:19The villagers whispered among themselves, their eyes filled with a mix of anger and
33:25pity for the man they once respected.
33:28In the grand hall of the palace, the king sat on his throne, his face stern and filled
33:34with disappointment.
33:36The villagers presented Tari before him, explaining the terrible events of the night.
33:42Tari, is this true?
33:44The king asked, his voice echoing in the hall.
33:48Tari, weakened by the ritual's backlash, fell to his knees and confessed.
33:54Yes, my king, it is true.
33:57I was manipulated by Chief Azuka.
34:00He promised me wealth if I performed a ritual, but I didn't know it would come to this.
34:06The king's eyes narrowed.
34:08Chief Azuka, explain yourself, Tari.
34:11With a trembling voice, Tari recounted the events leading up to the night of the sacrifice.
34:17He spoke of the old man in the forest, the ritual, and the immense pressure and fear
34:24that drove him to such desperation.
34:26The wealth came at a terrible price, Tari said, his voice breaking.
34:31Chief Azuka vanished after I accepted his offer.
34:34He knew what he was doing.
34:36He used me.
34:37The king listened, his expression growing darker with each word.
34:41He turned to his guards.
34:43Find Chief Azuka.
34:45He must answer for his actions.
34:48But when the guards searched for Chief Azuka, they found that he had already fled the village,
34:54leaving behind only the chaos and destruction he had orchestrated.
34:59Tari, you have committed a grave sin, the king said.
35:03But since you luckily did not take the life of your own daughter,
35:08thanks to your wife, I see the manipulation and fear that drove you.
35:13Your punishment will be severe, but your life will be spared.
35:17You will spend the rest of your days in prison,
35:20where your wife and children could come and see you often.
35:24But you'll work to atone for your actions.
35:27Tari bowed his head, accepting his fate.
35:31Thank you, my king, he whispered, tears streaming down his face.
35:37The villagers dispersed, their hearts heavy with the weight of what had transpired.
35:43Tari's wife returned to the herbalist's hut, where Amina was slowly recovering.
35:48She knew their family would never be the same,
35:51but she held on to hope that they could find a way to heal.
35:55As Tari was led away to his prison cell, he felt a deep sense of regret.
36:01He had lost everything he had ever worked for, all for the promise of easy riches.
36:08The love and happiness of his family, once his greatest treasure,
36:13had been shattered by his own choices.
36:16In his cell, Tari vowed to spend the rest of his life atoning for his sins,
36:21hoping that one day his family might find it in their hearts to forgive him.
36:27As Tari lay in his cell, the sounds of the village echoing faintly in the distance,
36:33he found a measure of solace.
36:35He had paid a high price for his wrong choices,
36:39but he hoped that his story would serve as a lesson to others.
36:43The love of family and the integrity of one's character
36:47were treasures far greater than any amount of gold.
36:51Tari's tale spread throughout the village,
36:54a reminder of the dangers of greed and the true meaning of wealth.
36:59Though he spent his remaining days in captivity,
37:02Tari's heart found some peace in knowing that his family had forgiven him
37:07and moved on to live good, honest lives.
37:11I hope you enjoyed the story.
37:13If so, please like the video, comment what you learned from the tale,
37:19and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more enchanting tales just like this one.
