• il y a 2 semaines
00:00This way to bear country. You'll know when you're there.
00:03As soon as you enter, you'll feel like a bear.
00:06A great grizzly bear. A Berenstain bear.
00:12We are the Berenstain bears.
00:14Mama, papa, sister, brother.
00:16We appreciate each other.
00:18We live in a split-level tree.
00:22Mama, papa, sister and me.
00:25Snuggest buds in a split-level tree.
00:29Here are more Berenstain bears.
00:31Petule, fetule.
00:32Big boy bear.
00:33A horsey.
00:34Honey bugger.
00:35I'm the mayor.
00:36And lots, lots more.
00:37Bears galore.
00:39You may think that this starts our show.
00:41Well, it does!
00:59C'est le jour de la sortie de l'école.
01:01Vous allez sortir de l'école aujourd'hui?
01:03C'est ce que j'ai fait la dernière fois.
01:07Les mystères les plus spooky.
01:11Monsieur Macho.
01:13Qu'est-ce que vous sortez?
01:15Plus de livres?
01:17Une fois, il y avait un petit dandelion heureux.
01:21Donnez-moi ce livre!
01:23Elle avait un jaune cheveu et un rouge nez.
01:26Le dandelion était aussi jaune que le soleil
01:28et deux fois aussi heureux.
01:30Puis un jour...
01:31Frère! Donnez-moi ce livre!
01:35Je ne suis pas sûr que j'ai pu tenir l'excitement.
01:39Bonsoir, les garçons.
01:41Comment vous avez aimé vos livres, soeur?
01:43Ils étaient très gentils, Mme Berenstain.
01:45Et comment étaient les vôtres, frère?
01:47Ils étaient légers, mignons et vraiment timides.
01:53Le case de l'étoile étrange.
01:57Le case des donuts dansant.
02:01Vous n'avez pas encore trouvé quelque chose?
02:04Tenez vos chevaux.
02:05Tenez vos chevaux.
02:08Le case de la cave qui pleure.
02:12Tout s'est passé sur une voyage de camp.
02:15Une voyage de camp étrange et terrifiant.
02:20Le cas de la cave qui pleure.
02:23La cave qui pleure.
02:30C'est une bonne chose que je ne l'ai pas dit.
02:38Hmm... Vous êtes allé à la librairie?
02:41Une bonne activité de l'écriture
02:43étend vos horizons,
02:45nourrit le cerveau.
02:46Et quels sont ces livres?
02:48Je pense que je vais regarder une petite nouvelle.
02:50Il faut continuer les événements mondiaux, vous savez.
02:53De l'océan à la mer, de la forêt à moi.
02:57La nouvelle d'aujourd'hui.
02:59Eh bien, le mien s'appelle
03:01Les Trois Petits Chatons.
03:03Et c'est à propos...
03:04Le mien est un mystère.
03:05Un mystère spooky.
03:07Il s'appelle...
03:09On ne doit pas distraire Papa
03:10pendant qu'il regarde la nouvelle.
03:13Oh non!
03:18Ha, ha, ha!
03:29Les Trois Petits Chatons
03:32Une fois, c'était trois petits chatons.
03:35J'ai le plus beau, sans aucun doute,
03:37a dit le premier chaton.
03:39dit le premier petit chien, j'ai les plus longues boucles et le plus rouge nez.
03:44Pas du tout, dit le deuxième chien, certainement je suis le plus joli.
03:49Ma peau est aussi lisse que la plus fine sel.
03:54Prenez votre place, s'il vous plaît, parce que je suis le plus joli, dit le troisième petit chien.
04:01Très bien, très bizarre.
04:05Wow, golly.
04:08Comment va votre livre ?
04:10Ah, ah, magnifique.
04:12Qu'est-ce qu'il s'agit ?
04:14Eh bien, il s'agit de ces gars qui partent sur une voyage de camping.
04:18Leurs noms sont Eddy, Teddy et Tom et ils sont des speedlunkers.
04:22Vous voyez, ce sont des gars qui explorent les caves.
04:25Et de toute façon, dites, voulez-vous que je vous lise ?
04:30C'est vraiment une cave qui a l'air spooky, dit Eddy,
04:34car il et ses deux amis regardent une cave qui a l'air bizarre
04:38à l'intérieur d'une vieille montagne.
04:42Oui, dit Teddy, ça ressemble à une bouche avec des dents.
04:46Allez, dit Tom, on ne peut pas laisser quelques dents cruelles nous effrayer.
04:50Ils s'approchent vers la bouche de roche.
04:55Une cave bizarre était encore plus spooky à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur.
04:59Je n'aime pas les apparences de cette place, dit Eddy.
05:02Pas un petit peu.
05:04On dirait qu'elle est remplie de monstres, des monstres de caves.
05:08Eh bien, dit Teddy, au moins,
05:11laissons ces sacs-papiers et reposons un instant.
05:14Puis, ça s'est passé.
05:16La cave a commencé à pleurer,
05:18avec un terrible bruit de sang,
05:21tout comme le sang.
05:28Aidez, criez les trois amis.
05:30Arrêtez, arrêtez de lire.
05:33Arrêtez, arrêtez.
05:36Je ne veux plus entendre.
05:39Chérie est un sacré personnage.
05:44C'est assez.
05:46Vous ne devriez pas laisser vos imaginations s'enfuir.
05:50Yeah, it's only a book.
05:56A stupid, dopey, scary book.
05:59Hey, sis?
06:01Your book's upside down.
06:06All right, now. Into bed.
06:08Let's settle down.
06:10Good night. Sleep tight.
06:12Good night.
06:13Good night, Mama.
06:14Good night, Papa.
06:17Good night.
06:18Good night.
06:19It sure is dark.
06:22No darker than usual.
06:24And I think I hear the crying cave.
06:28That's just an old hooty owl.
06:30It's like Papa says.
06:32You're just letting your imagination run away with you.
06:35Next thing, you'll be seeing cave monsters.
06:38I am seeing cave monsters.
06:42Great, big, horrible cave monsters.
06:54Help! Mama! Papa!
06:56Come quick!
06:57Help! Mama! Papa!
07:03Oh, my goodness!
07:07Oh, dear.
07:08The cave, it was crying,
07:10and there were cave monsters.
07:12Great, big, awful cave monsters.
07:14Right over there. I saw them. I did.
07:17Now, sweetie, you're letting your imagination run away with you.
07:21There's nothing over there but the clothes tree and the old chest of drawers.
07:25Cave monsters. I saw them.
07:28And I know they're not cave monsters because I made them myself.
07:32And I heard them. I know I heard them.
07:35They went,
07:37Do you know anything about this young fellow?
07:40It's like Papa said.
07:42She just let her imagination run away with her.
07:45Uh-huh. Well, let's just put it this way.
07:48If there's any more ooh, ooh, ooh,
07:52it's going to be followed by a little ow, ow, ow.
07:56All right. Let's settle down and get some sleep.
07:59Your Papa and I are going to bed now.
08:02Thank you, Mama.
08:04Leave the lights on? What about me?
08:07I can't sleep with the lights on. They keep me awake.
08:10Well, that's just too bad.
08:15Help! Cave monsters!
08:17Mama, Papa, come quick!
08:19Oh, thank you, Mama. Thank you.
08:22Oh, thank you, Mama. Thank you.
08:25Oh, thank you, Mama. Thank you.
08:28Oh, thank you, Mama. Thank you.
08:30Gee whiz!
08:32Well, you'll just have to make the best of it.
08:40Help, Mama, Papa!
08:44I can't sleep.
08:48I can't sleep.
08:52I can't sleep.
08:56I can't sleep.
09:01I can't sleep.
09:12I don't ever want to go through a night like that again.
09:16Me neither.
09:18Say, I think I have an idea.
09:21Sister, come with me.
09:23Where are we going, Papa?
09:25Up to the attic.
09:26The attic? But it's dark up there, even in the daytime.
09:30I know, sweetie, but there's something I want to show you.
09:33And anyway, there's nothing so special about the dark.
09:37It's just part of nature, like the light.
09:40It's that imagination of yours that makes the dark seem spooky sometimes.
09:45I wish I didn't have an imagination.
09:48Don't say that. A lively imagination is one of the best things a cub can have.
09:54It's imagination that lets us make paintings, create beautiful music, invent inventions.
10:01The trick is to take charge of your imagination, not let it take charge of you.
10:07Imagination, behave yourself.
10:11Last warning, imagination.
10:14Here it is, my old nightlight.
10:17The one I used when I was a cub and had a little trouble falling asleep in the dark.
10:22You mean you were afraid of the dark, too?
10:25Oh, sure. Most of us are, at one time or another.
10:30Brother, how did that book turn out?
10:33Are you sure you want me to tell you?
10:36Well, they got out of that cave so fast, they forgot their backpacks and had to go back.
10:41And when they got back, they figured out the mystery.
10:44There was a hole in the top of the cave, and the crying was the sound of the wind blowing across the hole.
10:50Like when you blow across the top of a bottle, like this.
10:58You know, I was pretty disappointed by the way the case of the crying cave ended.
11:04Oh? Why's that?
11:05Because I was hoping that the whaling would be a really scary monster.
11:13Hey, what are you trying to do? Scare a guy?
11:19Brother, you're just going to have to do something about that imagination of yours.
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