LVNDr 11 Español Audio latino HD
00:00:00I'll see you in the next video.
00:00:30Bye for now.
00:01:30Bye for now.
00:02:01It's obvious that it's because of the stress at school.
00:02:04Those girls went crazy.
00:02:07They need a doctor.
00:02:09Poor Silas, unfortunately. I feel sorry for him.
00:02:14I chose my cake!
00:02:16Look at my cake!
00:02:18I'm going to eat it!
00:02:19I'm going to eat it!
00:02:20I'm going to eat it!
00:02:21I'm going to eat it!
00:02:22Associate with...
00:02:23Juntar una cosa.
00:02:25Once mind goes to something...
00:02:27Once mind goes to something...
00:02:28No leas mientras caminas, te puedes tropezar.
00:02:31Pues prefiero que eso pase a dejar de estudiar.
00:02:34¿Te están presionando mucho?
00:02:37La culpa de todo es tuya.
00:02:39Desde que dejaste natación, te has vuelto más inteligente.
00:02:42Obtuviste el cuarto lugar.
00:02:44Ah, ¿eso?
00:02:46Eres un traicionero.
00:02:48No debí enseñarte a factorizar cuando me lo pediste.
00:02:51¡Ay, qué desgracia!
00:02:52Ya he dominado cálculo y geometría.
00:02:55Y eso te hace molesto.
00:02:57Vi que hoy tuviste economía del hogar.
00:02:59¿No te sobró pastel?
00:03:01Y creí que ya estabas lleno.
00:03:03Me lo comí todo.
00:03:04Qué envidiosa.
00:03:05Por eso vas a subir de peso.
00:03:09¡Qué feo deseo para alguien que entrará a la universidad!
00:03:12¡Retráctate! ¡Que te retractes!
00:03:14Oye, no eres la única, ¿sí? Estoy en las mismas.
00:03:17¡Pero tú solías ser un atleta tramposo!
00:03:27¿Qué es esto?
00:03:31Necesito mascarillas.
00:03:44Saqué esto de la última enfile.
00:03:46Hoy caduca.
00:03:52¿Qué es esto?
00:03:58¿Y qué?
00:03:59Ya le respondí.
00:04:02Todo está bien.
00:04:10¡Ay, no!
00:04:12¡Qué susto!
00:04:13Oye, te he dicho que no abras las ventanas cuando tengas eso puesto.
00:04:16¿No has visto que pareces Rick?
00:04:18Solo es una mascarilla de menta.
00:04:20Pues cómetelo. Eso no es para tu piel.
00:04:24Es como maquillar a un cerdito.
00:04:26No me molestes.
00:04:27Si algún día voy a la cárcel, seguro será porque te asesiné.
00:04:31¡A comer!
00:04:32Tía, yo también voy.
00:04:35Gracias a ti tendré pesadillas.
00:04:38Ya deja de molestar.
00:04:46Quiero el divorcio.
00:04:51Quiero el divorcio.
00:04:53¿El divorcio?
00:04:58Esto es muy repentino.
00:05:00¿Ya lo pensaste bien antes de llegar a esto?
00:05:03Lo he pensado por 20 años.
00:05:05Sinceramente, no creo que esto sea una sorpresa.
00:05:08Desde que nos casamos, casi no estamos juntos.
00:05:12Eso es porque...
00:05:23Tienes mucha razón.
00:05:26Y parece ser que esto pasaría tarde o temprano.
00:05:29Y era algo que no podía evitar.
00:05:32Luego discutimos los detalles.
00:05:36Me siento un poco cansada.
00:05:45Ni siquiera...
00:05:49...preguntaste la razón.
00:06:17¿Sigues aquí?
00:06:19Es mi día libre.
00:06:21La otra vez dijiste que tenías algo que decir.
00:06:24Me van a transferir.
00:06:26¿A dónde?
00:06:30Avísame cuando quieras que firme eso.
00:06:36¿Le decimos a Sung Hyo?
00:06:43Muy bien, aquí está. Lo hice yo, pero es una delicia.
00:06:46Amor, ¿no crees que es mucho?
00:06:48Te dije que me sirvieras aparte.
00:06:51¿Qué tiene de malo si somos familia, eh?
00:06:53Uy, ahora resulta que te importa la limpieza.
00:06:56Y lo dice quien vive en un cochinero.
00:06:58No sabía que los cerdos hablaban.
00:07:00Muy buen provecho.
00:07:01Ella dice que gracias.
00:07:06¡Me encanta!
00:07:07Es delicioso.
00:07:08Es más rico que los restaurantes con estrella Michelin.
00:07:11¿Ah, sí?
00:07:12No sé quién sea ese, pero eso es cierto.
00:07:14Mi comida es la más deliciosa.
00:07:19¿Qué, conoces a Michelin?
00:07:22Es broma, ¿no?
00:07:23Mentiste sobre ser la mejor estudiante.
00:07:26Ahora veo por qué siempre estás detrás de nuestra pobre Hisu...
00:07:29¡Dame eso!
00:07:30A ver, ¿qué comes, desgraciado?
00:07:33¿Esto tiene frijoles?
00:07:34Claro que sí.
00:07:35Los cociné junto con el arroz.
00:07:36Ay, pero ya te he dicho que no me gustan.
00:07:38Sí, pues son saludables, así que te los comes.
00:07:41Bueno, ya basta, ¿no?
00:07:42No grites tan fuerte.
00:07:44Está robando los huevos cocidos.
00:07:46Papá, necesito toda esa proteína.
00:07:48Tu padre ya está anciano, necesita más esa proteína.
00:07:51Ay, no.
00:07:52Qué ruidosos son.
00:07:56¿Esto que estoy masticando son anchoas?
00:07:59Se las puse porque iban a caducar.
00:08:01Ponerle anchoas al bibimbap arruina la esencia del plato.
00:08:04Y como están picadas, no se las puedo quitar.
00:08:07¡Ya basta!
00:08:08Solo Sunghyo puede comer esto.
00:08:09No se se.
00:08:11Sí, claro.
00:08:14Oye, hijo.
00:08:15Me alegra que dejaras todos esos polvos para ejercicio.
00:08:18Todavía tengo un bote.
00:08:20No puedo creerlo.
00:08:21Tú también necesitas proteína.
00:08:22Esto parece una mezcla de todo lo que había en la cocina, ¿no?
00:08:33Ahora uno francés.
00:08:35Es de cocina francesa.
00:08:37Lo compré por los dibujos.
00:08:39Pero la verdad, no logro entenderle nada.
00:08:42Blanquet de veau.
00:08:44Un estofado.
00:08:45Es un platillo clásico en Francia.
00:08:48Entonces, ¿aún lo hablas?
00:08:50Sí, todavía lo hablo un poco.
00:08:52Bueno, ¿y por qué no lo utilizas?
00:08:54¿Qué? ¿Quieres que te diga...
00:08:55Bonjour, mademoiselle, cada vez que te vea?
00:08:58¡Ay, no! ¡Qué horror!
00:08:59Ya no seríamos amigos.
00:09:03Léeme algo.
00:09:04Voy a tardar siglos en traducirlo.
00:09:06No quiero...
00:09:07¡Ay, ya, ándale!
00:09:08Solo unas cuantas recetas.
00:09:10Resume tu talento.
00:09:12¡Ay, qué fastidio!
00:09:17La blanquet de veau es un plat...
00:09:20...un plat emblematic de la France.
00:09:23A ver, aquí dice que la blanquet de ternera... un plato representativo de Francia.
00:09:28Y dice que las etapas por las preparar son fáciles.
00:09:31Y dice que los pasos para prepararla son muy fáciles.
00:09:35Le goût du plat a un touch très sophistiqué.
00:09:38El sabor del platillo tiene un toque muy sofisticado.
00:09:45El coco van, teóricamente, es gallo estofado en vino.
00:09:49Es un plato tradicional con gallo y vegetales.
00:09:52Todo desglasado con vino.
00:10:56Es que...
00:10:58...desperté y tu cara estaba cerca...
00:11:01...y había un arco iris en tu cara, ¿sí?
00:11:04Y por eso quise tocarlo, pero solo era por eso.
00:11:07No sabía lo que estaba haciendo.
00:11:10¡Qué calor!
00:11:15Oye, otro poco y me da un golpe de calor.
00:11:19Tú me pediste un favor y te dormiste.
00:11:22Ay, es que hacía un buen clima.
00:11:26Es mejor que ponga un toldo aquí arriba.
00:11:32Es que, ¿qué pasó con ese arco iris ahí?
00:11:35¿De dónde se reflejó esa luz?
00:11:39Qué extraño.
00:11:52¡Ay no, te abrí la cabeza!
00:11:54¿Estás bien?
00:11:56¿Qué te pasa?
00:11:58¿Cómo que qué? ¿Estás bien?
00:12:04Ay no, pero qué dramático.
00:12:07Me siento raro.
00:12:08Sí, ya.
00:12:10Y ahora te daré mi opinión como profesional.
00:12:14Vas a sobrevivir, ¿sí?
00:12:17Si tengo secuelas, voy a llamar emergencias.
00:12:20O quizá te reporte.
00:12:22Hace rato creí que necesitarías una ambulancia.
00:12:26¿De qué hablas?
00:12:27De nada.
00:12:29Pero estabas sonrojado.
00:12:32Dime, ¿sucedió algo con Sonio?
00:12:35No, nada.
00:12:37Claro, si tú lo dices.
00:12:40Y dime, ¿cómo está ella?
00:12:42¿Supe que Hyun Joon se fue?
00:12:48¿Se nota que estuve llorando?
00:12:52Se ve que tengo cosas por resolver.
00:12:55¿Por eso no habrá dicho nada de la leche?
00:13:00Se ve que estuvo llorando.
00:13:02No quiero presionarle.
00:13:04No creo que eso fuera correcto.
00:13:08Entonces dices que vas a rendirte.
00:13:11Ya tiene muchos problemas, no quiero empeorarlo.
00:13:15Ten, bebe.
00:13:17No, no quiero.
00:13:18Ay, vamos. Esto siempre ayuda a que despejes tu mente.
00:13:22Y te ayudará a que la mantengas abierta.
00:13:26Ay, no puede ser.
00:13:28¿Estás bien?
00:13:29Lo quitaste antes, ¿verdad?
00:13:30Lo siento.
00:13:31Ay, qué honda.
00:13:32¿Estás bien?
00:13:33¿Te parece que lo estoy?
00:13:42Sabe bien.
00:13:43Te lo dije.
00:13:45Lo que ustedes necesitan es algo que los active.
00:13:48Igual que esa bebida.
00:13:50Y todo estaría mejor.
00:13:52Comenzarían de nuevo.
00:14:02¿A ti qué te picó?
00:14:09¿Estás bien?
00:14:11Oye, ¡Mum!
00:14:12¿Qué te pasa?
00:14:20¿Señor qué?
00:14:22¿Señor qué?
00:14:27Vuelvo a repetirlo por si acaso.
00:14:30Es una buena chica.
00:14:32Sí, lo sé.
00:14:35¿Te quieres sentar?
00:14:37Iba a un sitio.
00:14:40Pero está bien.
00:14:48¿Esto es por el calor?
00:14:49Ah, sí.
00:14:57Ya ha pasado tiempo, ¿no?
00:15:02es engorroso.
00:15:05Sí, eso creo.
00:15:11Tenemos la misma edad.
00:15:13Y somos vecinos.
00:15:16E incluso hasta me diste consejos.
00:15:18Podríamos ser amigos.
00:15:21¿Qué te parece?
00:15:22Me gustaría.
00:15:24Significa que ahora seremos más cercanos.
00:15:27¿No es así?
00:15:28Sí, claro.
00:15:30Así es.
00:15:32¿Qué te parece?
00:15:36Es un giojo.
00:15:50Pero mejor regresemos a los apellidos, ¿no?
00:15:52Sí, esa es una excelente idea.
00:15:55Sí, qué bien.
00:16:00¿Qué te parece?
00:16:02Sí, qué bien.
00:17:32Ya acabo.
00:17:34Ya acabo.
00:19:04Do you think that's realistic?
00:19:06Well, I think...
00:19:07Of course, there are buildings that use sound in their structure.
00:19:10Heongchan, are you going to the site in the afternoon?
00:19:13Could you buy a flute on the way?
00:19:15A flute?
00:19:16Yes, I want it for its function.
00:19:18According to the hole you cover, that changes the direction of the wind and creates the sound.
00:19:22It's like a formula.
00:19:24I want to see how it works.
00:19:26That way, I can integrate it into the design.
00:19:29Tebek, right?
00:19:32Look at his eyes.
00:19:34I think we lost him.
00:19:35He has crazy eyes.
00:19:37Yes, well, I love those eyes.
00:19:39Because you can tell that what he does has love.
00:19:42You can also tell how crazy he is.
00:19:46Well, I have to go.
00:19:47Don't forget that flute.
00:19:49Oh, yes.
00:19:55What's up?
00:19:56Seunghyub, do you have time tonight?
00:20:00What? Why?
00:20:02I'd like to have dinner with you and your father.
00:20:08Okay, I'll make a reservation.
00:20:13See you.
00:20:31I thought you were going out for dinner, so I used the kitchen.
00:20:36What are you doing? That smells delicious.
00:20:38A French dish, but I don't think it's good.
00:20:42Is that really what you want?
00:20:46The more I cook, the more I want it.
00:20:48It's fun.
00:20:50The truth is, I don't like it.
00:20:52I don't like it either.
00:20:54I don't like it either.
00:20:56I don't like it either.
00:20:58It's fun.
00:20:59The truth is, that worries me a lot.
00:21:03It's a pretty difficult profession, and in your state, I don't want to imagine it.
00:21:07I agree with your father.
00:21:09It's a stressful job.
00:21:12I always see how hard your father works, and it's not easy.
00:21:16I know you're worried, but I know I'll be fine.
00:21:19I'll exercise, and I swear I'll take care of my health.
00:21:23I'll take care of myself.
00:21:29If you don't, I'll make you give up.
00:21:33That's right.
00:21:34If you get sick, you'll give up on your dream, and then we'll take care of you.
00:21:38Isn't that right, honey?
00:21:39Oh, that's delicious.
00:21:40I promise.
00:21:42Otherwise, you'll be responsible for me.
00:21:47Now you can relax, and if you want, you can leave the house if you get bored.
00:21:51Maybe you can go to Samsung, or maybe you can go to the gym.
00:21:55Maybe you can go to Samsung, or maybe you can go to the gym.
00:21:58There you go again with that.
00:22:00That's the mother I know. You ruined the moment.
00:22:03I only give ideas.
00:22:05If you get bored being here at home, you should thank me.
00:22:09And how is it?
00:22:11Really? Let's see, I want to try.
00:22:17Come on, daughter. Tell me, did something happen at school?
00:22:20Or why are you sad?
00:22:22Aaron was making fun of me.
00:22:25That I don't have a mom.
00:22:30Yes, I understand.
00:22:32And what did you do, daughter?
00:22:34I know it bothered you.
00:22:36I did what you taught me, dad.
00:22:38I told him that not all families are complete.
00:22:42That society only judges based on an ideology of what an ideology is.
00:22:49Yes, exactly.
00:22:51But he's stupid. He doesn't know what ideology means.
00:22:55Hey, dad.
00:22:56Are you allowed to leave work early?
00:22:59Well, your babysitter got into an accident, and I have to take care of you.
00:23:03And I'll do it until I find another babysitter.
00:23:06And when are you going to find another babysitter?
00:23:08I don't know.
00:23:10I can't find the right one.
00:23:13About that...
00:23:17Would you consider me?
00:23:25Hi, mom.
00:23:27Oh, it's my daughter!
00:23:29Hi, Yondu.
00:23:31Hey, you're just in time.
00:23:33Could you take care of the business?
00:23:35I want to go with Yondu to buy some ice cream.
00:23:37No, don't worry. I'll buy it for her.
00:23:39Don't worry, I want to buy it for her.
00:23:41Come on, let's go.
00:23:42Well, I'll go with her.
00:23:44In fact, that's my duty.
00:23:46Don't you think you're a little overprotective?
00:23:49How am I going to take care of her if you behave like this, Danjo?
00:23:53You what?
00:23:54Yes, I'll be her babysitter for a while.
00:23:58It's really not necessary.
00:24:00Oh, no. That's why we're neighbors.
00:24:03We're here to help each other, so you'd better sit down.
00:24:06I'll be right back, daddy.
00:24:07Let's go!
00:24:09Mom, I...
00:24:10Sit here, let's go.
00:24:25I'm sorry for what happened before.
00:24:38With the story of Sonyu...
00:24:40and then also your story,
00:24:42I got a little emotional.
00:24:46And that made my judgment cloud too much.
00:24:51I also want to apologize.
00:24:53Although what happened was sudden,
00:24:55I think it's my fault for not avoiding it.
00:25:00Uh, yes.
00:25:02Well, yes.
00:25:04But a lot of the blame is mine, you know?
00:25:07So, how about we share...
00:25:10half of all the blame?
00:25:12Yes, of course.
00:25:13I'll share half of all the blame.
00:25:16How about we share...
00:25:18half of all the blame?
00:25:20Yes, yes. I think that would be the best.
00:25:22Yes, very good.
00:25:29I wanted to reject your offer to take care of Sonyu.
00:25:31Oh, no, no. Don't worry.
00:25:33That's between you and my mother.
00:25:36Don't worry.
00:25:38I'm not going to meddle, don't worry.
00:25:40Thank you very much.
00:25:41But I promise to find someone quickly.
00:25:46They're back.
00:25:47Dad, look at all the ice cream and candy you bought me.
00:25:50I'm so happy for you, honey.
00:25:51You thanked them, right?
00:25:53The air should be on.
00:25:57Why is it so hot?
00:25:58What's wrong?
00:26:05So, what do you think about the food?
00:26:08I came here with a client a while ago to eat.
00:26:11And I wanted to bring them.
00:26:13Yes, I like it.
00:26:19I'm glad.
00:26:20It's almost impossible to book here.
00:26:23Fortunately, someone canceled.
00:26:26I was lucky.
00:26:28Yes, I understand.
00:26:34There's something I'd like to talk to you about.
00:26:47What is it?
00:26:49I'm being transferred.
00:26:55And now where?
00:26:57And for how long?
00:26:59To Africa.
00:27:01Maybe for longer.
00:27:07If possible...
00:27:09Maybe I'll take a vacation.
00:27:11Maybe I can even visit you with Dad.
00:27:15Sung Hyo...
00:27:18We decided to get a divorce.
00:27:23Our marriage has been broken for a long time.
00:27:26And we decided it's better not to force ourselves to be together anymore.
00:27:31Finishing this is the best decision for both of us.
00:27:37And the only thing we can say is that we feel it.
00:27:41I hope you can understand.
00:27:45I don't have to understand anything.
00:27:47It's his life and his decision.
00:27:53Don't worry about me.
00:27:55Just do it.
00:27:58It's true.
00:28:00I forgot I had something else to do.
00:28:03I have to go.
00:28:51Are you really going to Africa?
00:28:54You don't care about Sung Hyo.
00:28:56You're the only one here who doesn't respect my work.
00:28:59And you think leaving your family like this is respectful?
00:29:02Excuse me?
00:29:04You have no right to reproach that.
00:29:06You never stayed at home because you preferred the hospital.
00:29:08And when Sung Hyo and I lived in France, you only went to see us once.
00:29:12And that's why I'm telling you this!
00:29:14Oh, God.
00:29:19We'll talk about this later.
00:29:24It's me. Can you talk now?
00:29:26I'm a little busy. I'll talk to you later, okay?
00:29:29I'm sorry.
00:29:32Who was it?
00:29:33The colleague who's going with me. It's work stuff.
00:29:36Are you sure? Are you sure you're going to Africa for your job?
00:29:39What do you mean?
00:29:40And why now, having so many opportunities before?
00:29:42And also Africa! There's a civil war now!
00:29:45And why are they sending you to such a dangerous place?
00:29:47Because there are Korean citizens living there!
00:29:49If I only wanted luxury, why would I accept this job?
00:29:52Do you think this is your sense of duty?
00:29:54A woman with a child can't be as stupid as you!
00:29:57Oh, stop it! I'm tired of you harassing the child for everything!
00:30:01So Hee Sook!
00:30:02What? Do you want me to stay at home and dedicate myself only to the child?
00:30:06Well, I think you should think about it better.
00:30:08You should marry a woman who separates them.
00:30:10That's not the way to express yourself!
00:30:11The truth? I don't think I should marry you.
00:30:14In fact, I shouldn't have Sung Hyo either.
00:30:18You were the one who cut my wings.
00:30:20And you let me fly to be with that child!
00:30:23Because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have this life.
00:30:28I love my son.
00:30:30But I can't be just a mother.
00:30:39Sung Hyo...
00:30:50Sung Hyo...
00:31:10Ratatouille is a provincial dish from France.
00:31:13It's a stew of vegetables that includes aubergine, zucchini, bell pepper, tomato, herbs, and olive oil.
00:31:21And it's also a movie.
00:31:23I'm leaving.
00:31:24Go on.
00:31:34What is he doing calling at this hour?
00:31:42What do you want?
00:31:55Che Sung.
00:31:57Hey, wake up.
00:32:00You must be the one I talked to, right?
00:32:02Oh, yes.
00:32:03I told you.
00:32:04One moment he was fine, and the next he fell drunk.
00:32:07When he arrived, I imagined this would happen to him.
00:32:10He looked at me like crazy.
00:32:12Besides, he had a very sad look on his face.
00:32:14Anyway, I tried to wake him up.
00:32:17I couldn't.
00:32:18That's why I called you.
00:32:19Your emergency contact.
00:32:22Thank you, ma'am.
00:32:26Hey, get up.
00:32:28Come on.
00:32:29Get up, okay?
00:32:32Get up.
00:32:35Hey, it's not off.
00:32:39Look at everything you make me do.
00:32:44Be careful with this.
00:32:53How much is it?
00:32:55Of course.
00:32:56And you left two dishes that you didn't even touch.
00:33:01You have to lose weight.
00:33:03I can't take it anymore.
00:33:06Either you sleep right here,
00:33:08or you wake up and drag yourself to your house.
00:33:12Oh, that's horrible.
00:33:13I don't want to go.
00:33:17react, okay?
00:33:26I don't want to go home.
00:33:28You're too drunk.
00:33:30Are you going to sleep on the street?
00:33:37guess what?
00:33:39Today I went to dinner
00:33:42with my parents.
00:33:44And then?
00:33:47It's just that
00:33:50I think the last time was at my graduation.
00:33:56that's what you always do.
00:34:00Eating together as a family.
00:34:06For me,
00:34:08that happens very rarely.
00:34:13But today we had dinner together.
00:34:17But it doesn't matter.
00:34:21I didn't even finish eating.
00:34:31Every time I go to your house,
00:34:33there's always
00:34:35something I envy.
00:34:40It's your picture.
00:34:46Because in my house
00:34:49there's everything.
00:34:52But that's not it.
00:34:55there isn't.
00:34:58They think we don't lack anything.
00:35:03And it's the opposite.
00:35:22They're getting a divorce.
00:35:28It's something I feared.
00:35:34That one day it would come.
00:35:37I think since I was six years old.
00:35:44That was my biggest fear.
00:35:49And now I...
00:35:53I'm 34 years old.
00:35:57The time has come.
00:36:07And I'm still scared.
00:36:16how is it possible that it hurts so much?
00:36:20Even when I'm an adult.
00:36:25My mom and my dad...
00:36:30I know
00:36:32you already have a family.
00:36:36You each have your own life.
00:36:46I just...
00:36:48want the three of us to live happily together.
00:36:55And not everyone on their own.
00:37:07I love you.
00:37:09I love you too.
00:37:35Are you feeling better?
00:37:39Where am I?
00:37:41What happened?
00:37:42What are you doing here?
00:37:43I don't understand.
00:37:46Where am I?
00:37:50Give it to me.
00:37:53What I spent on bringing you here.
00:37:55Hey, my back hurts for carrying you halfway.
00:37:58And I also paid the bill.
00:38:00It was 47,000 won.
00:38:09Right now?
00:38:10Forget it.
00:38:12Do you have a migraine?
00:38:14Do you want water?
00:38:15Yes, it hurts a lot.
00:38:21Why are you taking so long?
00:38:22It's just water.
00:38:25why didn't you throw it away?
00:38:26This is over.
00:38:28If you drink it, you'll get sick.
00:38:31Oh, that's true.
00:38:33I think I forgot to throw it away.
00:38:37Give it to me.
00:38:58By the way,
00:38:59I do remember that yesterday I was drinking.
00:39:02And I didn't say anything strange, right?
00:39:05I'll tell you that...
00:39:07Yes, you did.
00:39:09What did I say?
00:39:11You told me about your...
00:39:14About your parents and how you feel.
00:39:18And I don't want you to suffer like when you were 7 and she left.
00:39:26is it so hard to ask her not to leave?
00:39:30Okay, I'm sober now.
00:39:33why do you always ask me to lean on you
00:39:35but you don't do the same in situations like this?
00:39:39Yes, I've leaned on you.
00:39:48You brought me to Rastras.
00:39:51You're very strong, huh?
00:39:52Who would've thought?
00:39:54Oh, no.
00:39:55I should have let you die of cold on the street.
00:39:57You're an ungrateful moron.
00:40:00get comfortable.
00:40:12Well, this was your fault.
00:40:29I didn't expect this process to last a whole month.
00:40:34And you need to come back.
00:40:36What are you going to do?
00:40:38I have to go and then I'll come back.
00:40:45It started raining.
00:40:47I have an umbrella here.
00:40:50It also rained at our wedding and at our registration.
00:40:54Do you remember?
00:40:57I remember.
00:40:59And they said
00:41:01that we would be happy.
00:41:04How did we end up like this?
00:41:07I mean, we didn't even fight that much.
00:41:10We didn't have the chance.
00:41:15And you blame me for that?
00:41:19No, it's my fault.
00:41:25Stay here.
00:41:54Ay, I'm sure it was around here.
00:41:58Hey, are you leaving tomorrow?
00:42:01That's the plan.
00:42:02It seems urgent.
00:42:04Hey, but even if it's urgent,
00:42:06I think all this is rushed, right?
00:42:09Wait, I'll call the girls now.
00:42:11This is urgent.
00:42:12Don't do that.
00:42:13It's not that big of a deal.
00:42:14I saw them recently.
00:42:15Besides, they must be very busy.
00:42:17I'll be back soon.
00:42:19Hey, that's not the problem.
00:42:22Skincare products.
00:42:23For you and your children.
00:42:24They're from France.
00:42:25I don't want to see you wrinkled
00:42:27when you return to Korea.
00:42:29How annoying.
00:42:33Fine, but you have to call me.
00:42:35Call me when you want kimchi
00:42:37or when you want to speak Korean.
00:42:40And when something bothers you, okay?
00:42:44Of course, I will.
00:42:46But why so soon?
00:42:54Sun Yu?
00:42:56I didn't know you were here.
00:42:57I wanted to see you before I left.
00:42:58Me too.
00:42:59It would be sad not to be able to say goodbye.
00:43:03Sun Yu,
00:43:05I am very proud of your great strength.
00:43:09I never worry about you
00:43:11because I know you are a strong person.
00:43:16I will always be grateful
00:43:18that you have taken care of Sung Hyo.
00:43:21Now that I'm gone,
00:43:22do you promise you will continue to take care of him?
00:43:26I'm leaving.
00:43:29Take care.
00:43:30See you.
00:43:36Sung Hyo is very sad.
00:43:45Since he was a child,
00:43:47he has always been waiting for you to return.
00:43:52he seemed to be playing hide-and-seek.
00:43:57He didn't want anyone to find him
00:43:59and he hid.
00:44:03But I think he just wanted you to find him.
00:44:12Thank you for telling me that.
00:44:27The ambulance has arrived.
00:44:28Where is the patient?
00:44:32I have Sanaki stuck.
00:44:37The suction cups have been anchored.
00:44:39We have to take them out.
00:44:41Oh, my God.
00:44:42He ate a poisonous mushroom!
00:44:45Where did the mushroom come from?
00:44:47My friend was bitten by a poisonous mushroom!
00:44:51What are you doing in this place?
00:44:56What do I do?
00:44:58I can't do this alone.
00:45:15Is that you?
00:45:48Take care of the poisonous mushroom.
00:45:50I'll take care of Sanaki.
00:46:08There's still one octopus left.
00:46:11Those octopuses have a poison called tetrodotoxin.
00:46:14We have to take him to the hospital.
00:46:33Thank you very much.
00:46:35You were my hero today, Marismamon.
00:46:58How dare you?
00:47:01I'm going crazy.
00:47:03Yes, that must be it.
00:47:18You're coming to my house today?
00:47:20You should have called me.
00:47:22I heard you worked at night and got here in the morning.
00:47:26You must rest well to save people.
00:47:29You're amazing, Yondu.
00:47:30The best helper.
00:47:33And do you know where my mom is?
00:47:35Here's your mom.
00:47:38Are you going out?
00:47:40And you're coming, too.
00:47:42And you're coming, too.
00:48:12I'm coming, too.
00:48:27Yondu, this seaweed soup and the shiitake are very important, okay?
00:48:36All of this will help you in your adult life.
00:48:39So record it.
00:48:43The eggs are also boiled in stone.
00:48:46Oh, that's true.
00:48:47Should I take the shell off?
00:48:50No, I can do it myself.
00:48:52How smart.
00:48:54Hey, Mrs. Do.
00:48:55Here I am.
00:48:56Oh, my God!
00:48:57You are...
00:48:58She's Yejong's mother.
00:49:00I'll be right back.
00:49:02Oh, my God!
00:49:03I can't believe it!
00:49:04What are you doing here?
00:49:06Oh, that's it.
00:49:08You peeled it very well.
00:49:09Do you want a boiled egg or a sweet?
00:49:12A sweet.
00:49:14If that's what you want.
00:49:15Well, here you go.
00:49:20Is it good?
00:49:23Have some shiitake, Yondu.
00:49:26Do you want to see something amazing?
00:49:29Oh, good.
00:49:32Let's see.
00:49:33Whenever you come to the sauna...
00:49:38You have to do this, but I forgot.
00:49:50Oh, how cute!
00:49:51Do you look good?
00:49:52Look, she has them too.
00:49:56How nice, right?
00:49:58I'm going to peel an egg for you.
00:50:00I didn't look at that girl for this.
00:50:08It's because I envy her.
00:50:10Because she has her mom.
00:50:12And I don't have one.
00:50:20What do you mean by that?
00:50:23Here I can see your daddy and your mommy.
00:50:31There will come a day when we all leave, you know?
00:50:36It's just that your mom left a little earlier.
00:50:43And you know what?
00:50:44It turns out that my dad also left earlier.
00:50:46But he sent me a lot of friends so I wouldn't get bored.
00:50:54What if your mom and my dad found each other on their long trip?
00:51:01And maybe that's why we met, to have a lot of fun.
00:51:05Wouldn't that be crazy?
00:51:08Look, and now we're good friends.
00:51:11When I'm with you, I have fun.
00:51:13Me too.
00:51:15So what if we play more?
00:51:18Now we'll have fun every day.
00:51:23Let's start.
00:51:24This will be great!
00:51:26I'll peel it for you.
00:51:32I haven't seen you lately.
00:51:35It looks like you haven't come in days.
00:51:39I just came for some clothes, I have to go.
00:51:55I'm leaving tomorrow.
00:51:58Yes, take care.
00:52:01I'll call you daily.
00:52:03When I can't, I'll send you messages.
00:52:06Like your birthday is at the end of the year.
00:52:08It's not necessary.
00:52:11As a child, I was excited when you said it.
00:52:15And I waited for it.
00:52:17There were days when I needed my mom.
00:52:22But not anymore.
00:52:30It's me.
00:52:52I love you.
00:53:22I love you.
00:53:52I love you.
00:54:22I love you.
00:54:31What are you doing?
00:54:32Who do you think you are to enter my office and sit in my chair?
00:54:35Did you wash your hair here?
00:54:37Didn't you go home?
00:54:38I have work.
00:54:41What are you doing here? Did something happen?
00:54:44I brought you something.
00:54:53Look, Sonio.
00:54:54That's still raw.
00:54:55Do you want to go to the hospital?
00:54:57Here you go.
00:54:58Son, come.
00:54:59Eat this.
00:55:00It's so hot.
00:55:01Do we really have to eat up here?
00:55:03It takes off quickly.
00:55:04Don't you like the view we have here?
00:55:07Oh, as if that takes away the heat.
00:55:09By the way, Mr. Jong Jong.
00:55:10He has a lot of dark circles.
00:55:12Yes, he looks like a raccoon.
00:55:13The raccoons will be his friends.
00:55:16Yes, I had a night shift.
00:55:18Oh my God.
00:55:19You didn't have to come.
00:55:20We could have done it another day.
00:55:22It's okay. It doesn't matter.
00:55:23Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
00:55:24Sleeping is not the only cure for fatigue, right?
00:55:26It's spending time with family and friends.
00:55:28That also helps.
00:55:29Yes, yes.
00:55:30It's true.
00:55:31This is...
00:55:33Something relaxing.
00:55:34By the way.
00:55:35I heard you haven't taken a vacation together.
00:55:38I hope you can escape this year.
00:55:42What if we take a picture?
00:55:44Oh no.
00:55:45Just look at that.
00:55:46No, no, no.
00:55:47It looks good.
00:55:48Just one.
00:55:49Your dress is beautiful.
00:55:51Hey, Sung Hyo.
00:55:53Come on.
00:55:54Just one picture.
00:55:55Just one.
00:55:58But the food will be in the picture.
00:56:02That's it.
00:56:04Sung Hyo.
00:56:05Look here.
00:56:06That's it.
00:56:07Here, here.
00:56:08One, two, three.
00:56:12I was cleaning, yes?
00:56:14And by chance, I just found it.
00:56:19Thank you very much.
00:56:21There's your picture.
00:56:23If you have one.
00:56:33You're not going to say goodbye to your mom at the airport?
00:56:39You're not going to say goodbye to your mom at the airport?
00:56:43What time does her plane leave?
00:56:47I don't know.
00:56:49Your dad must know, right?
00:56:51Let me call him.
00:56:57Yes, in fact, I was going to call you.
00:57:04What did you say?
00:57:10What's going on?
00:57:11I don't know.
00:57:12I just got here, too.
00:57:14I'll explain.
00:57:15Someone found this luggage alone.
00:57:17First they sent it to lost objects.
00:57:20But since it has this label, they sent it here.
00:57:23Yes, she was going to the airport.
00:57:24In fact, she was going to take a flight.
00:57:26Okay, I understand.
00:57:27I'll try to call her.
00:57:33In fact, that was the first thing we did.
00:57:36But her phone is inside.
00:57:39I'm coming!
00:57:40I'll be right back.
00:57:42He must be in trouble.
00:57:44He lost his luggage and his phone.
00:57:46But what happened?
00:57:48All his contacts must be there.
00:57:51Do you think you can open it?
00:57:54It's his birthday.
00:57:55Let me try.
00:57:59It's not.
00:58:00Try your dad's birthday.
00:58:06It's his birthday.
00:58:22He opened it!
00:58:24What was the password?
00:58:27It's his wedding date.
00:58:30Where do you think I am now?
00:58:32You must have an idea.
00:58:51How are you?
00:58:52Have you arrived yet?
00:58:53Good afternoon.
00:58:54I'm sorry, I'm late.
00:58:56How are you?
00:58:57Have you arrived yet?
00:58:58Good afternoon.
00:59:02Who am I talking to?
00:59:03I'm Che Giong Yong.
00:59:05Good afternoon.
00:59:07I'll explain the situation later.
00:59:09This is an emergency.
00:59:10Do you know where Hee Suk is?
00:59:15Has she arrived at the airport?
00:59:18She was supposed to go to her position today,
00:59:20but I don't know what time her plane left.
00:59:22Go to her position?
00:59:23But Ambassador Soh is retired.
00:59:29I guess she didn't tell you.
00:59:34I don't know if I should tell you this,
00:59:38but she's been acting strange.
00:59:43And what are these for?
00:59:45They're for your retirement, to thank you for your work.
00:59:48Whose retirement?
00:59:51These lilies in the valley smell really good.
00:59:55And seriously, who's retiring?
01:00:00By the way, when are you going to transfer me?
01:00:04If there's no date, I'll have to talk to the minister directly, sir.
01:00:08But you...
01:00:10Is this a joke?
01:00:12Seriously, they're beautiful.
01:00:14I told her she wouldn't get a diplomatic position.
01:00:19And I know she understood, but I think she forgot everything.
01:00:23It was as if she had never told you.
01:00:30Sorry, I have to find her soon.
01:00:32By any chance, do you know where she is?
01:00:38Oh, she's so insensitive!
01:00:41How could she leave without saying goodbye?
01:00:44And for some reason, we gave her the ice princess.
01:00:47This gift is a big insult.
01:00:49She said she feels it, and that she'll call us soon.
01:00:54Well, do you want to see what's inside?
01:00:56That's not from the Chateen brand.
01:00:58That's right.
01:01:00And it's very expensive.
01:01:03No, wait!
01:01:06I'm an expert in skin care.
01:01:08Are they facial creams?
01:01:10It says tonic.
01:01:11And this lotion.
01:01:15This one says tonic, and this one I think is a blocker.
01:01:18Oh, I don't know!
01:01:20Hey, we're not in France.
01:01:22Why can't you write it down so she can understand?
01:01:24Hey, calm down.
01:01:26Don't worry.
01:01:27I'll ask my daughter.
01:01:28She can help us.
01:01:29She has a better eye than I do.
01:01:32Oh, Sunghyo, Seonhyo.
01:01:33You're just in time.
01:01:34Help me.
01:01:35Excuse me.
01:01:36Do you know where my mom is?
01:01:39It seems she's lost.
01:01:55By any chance, do you know what happened?
01:01:57I found this on the machine.
01:02:05How can you take so many things without knowing what they are?
01:02:10Wasn't it saponin?
01:02:11It's not saffron.
01:02:13It's true, yes.
01:02:14I also remember it was saponin.
01:02:16Hey, I found your magazine in English.
01:02:18For some reason, it was in my bag.
01:02:20My magazine?
01:02:21But I didn't put it in there.
01:02:23By the withdrawal of whom, huh?
01:02:37Oh, I know I put my phone here.
01:02:48This is a common mistake.
01:02:51They are very similar.
01:02:53Anyone makes a mistake.
01:03:03Where are my things?
01:03:11Why did I come up to this place?
01:03:50Even yesterday, she and I still talked on the phone.
01:03:53He said he would go to the mountains.
01:03:56A mountain to which she has gone.
01:03:58I can only think of Galleon.
01:04:00We visited her recently.
01:04:02Dad, over here.
01:04:05How are you? Good afternoon.
01:04:08Excuse me.
01:04:09Excuse me.
01:04:10Have you seen this person around here?
01:04:14Oh, yes.
01:04:15I saw her a while ago.
01:04:17I think she came alone.
01:04:19Tell us where she saw her.
01:04:22I remember she was there for a while.
01:04:41We have to go.
01:04:46She wrote this.
01:04:50That is her letter.
01:04:58You know, I am actually Catholic.
01:05:01But I know that you are the loving and compassionate Buddha.
01:05:06So, could you make my wish come true?
01:05:11I don't want to forget my husband and my son.
01:05:17I don't want to forget you.
01:05:20I don't want to forget you.
01:05:23I don't want to forget you.
01:05:25I don't want to forget you.
01:05:28I don't want to forget you.
01:05:31I don't want to forget you.
01:05:33I don't want to forget you.
01:05:50Listen, sir.
01:05:51She probably left already.
01:05:53Don't worry.
01:05:55Listen, Chesung.
01:05:56We have to look for her in restaurants, hotels, and other places.
01:06:13Those are Mom's shoes!
01:06:17Are you sure about that?
01:06:19There is no doubt.
01:06:21I hope nothing happened to her.
01:06:25We have to look for her in this area.
01:06:27But there is a ravine down there.
01:06:29And it is getting dark.
01:06:31I will go look for her.
01:06:32No, I will go, son.
01:06:33I am the one who has to look for her.
01:06:35This is my duty.
01:06:37Then, let's go together.
01:06:39I will go look for her from top to bottom.
01:06:41You guys follow the path.
01:06:42Maybe you will see her.
01:06:47I promise.
01:06:49I will find her.
01:06:51Be careful.
01:06:54Let's go.
01:07:00We have to look for her.
01:07:08Be careful!
01:07:12I am sorry.
01:07:14Don't worry.
01:07:15If you are like this, you won't help at all.
01:07:18First, give me your hand.
01:07:22Don't worry.
01:07:23She is the smartest among us.
01:07:28Let's go.
01:07:29We have to find her.
01:07:44Where are you?
01:07:46Where are you?
01:08:11Answer me.
01:08:13Can you hear me?
01:08:19Do you know who I am?
01:08:22Do you recognize me?
01:08:27Thank you very much.
01:08:29Thank you very much.
01:08:32Are you hurt?
01:08:33Does it hurt?
01:08:39My leg.
01:08:42I sprained my ankle.
01:08:45But there was no one nearby.
01:08:47I wanted to call an ambulance, but I couldn't.
01:08:50I don't understand why you came here.
01:08:55Why didn't you tell me anything?
01:08:58Why did you lie to me about the transfer?
01:09:06I just wanted to put my ideas in order.
01:09:09Oh, how horrible.
01:09:11No, it's not true.
01:09:16I just wanted to maintain my dignity.
01:09:19I didn't want you to leave me.
01:09:21I would never leave you.
01:09:24I know your heart is not mine anymore.
01:09:27But I just wanted to hold on to you.
01:09:30That's why I lived all these years looking at your back.
01:09:34It's not like that.
01:09:36All these years we have distanced ourselves.
01:09:39And I always had to be careful.
01:09:44I've missed you.
01:09:45I've missed you.
01:09:48Since you were in France.
01:09:51When you were in Africa.
01:09:53Even when you were by my side.
01:09:56I've always missed you.
01:10:04Maybe that's why we ended up like this.
01:10:08For not saying anything.
01:10:26Are you okay?
01:10:27Oh, God.
01:10:29Oh, Sunghyo.
01:10:30What happened to you?
01:10:31You came too.
01:10:34Don't worry, honey. I'm fine.
01:10:37Don't worry. No, I'm serious. I'm sorry.
01:10:39I scared you, didn't I?
01:10:42Why the hell do they always do this to me?
01:10:46Their divorce.
01:10:48And your decision to leave.
01:10:50They always do what they want.
01:10:53Why do they never ask me?
01:10:59Why do they never worry about what I feel?
01:11:06Even at Christmas.
01:11:08I had to beg Santa Claus.
01:11:13I told him I wouldn't cry.
01:11:16And that I was going to be a good son.
01:11:23And I...
01:11:25I asked him to come back.
01:11:31And I also...
01:11:34I asked him to let the three of us eat.
01:11:43You never had any idea how much I tried as a child.
01:11:49And now, look, I'm an adult.
01:11:53But I'm sick of this affecting me.
01:11:57And yet...
01:12:01When I'm with you...
01:12:04I always become that seven-year-old again.
01:12:12My heart stopped in time.
01:12:16And even though I'm an adult,
01:12:19I'm still an idiot.
01:12:25Who still wants...
01:12:30To eat at the same table as you two.
01:12:38I'm sorry.
01:12:40Forgive me, son.
01:12:43Sung Hyo...
01:12:46I'm sorry, Mom.
01:12:49I always thought you hated me, son.
01:12:53I can't be just a mother.
01:13:04Sung Hyo...
01:13:12Sung Hyo...
01:13:20I'm so sorry, okay?
01:13:25Nothing I said at that moment is true.
01:13:27I don't know what happened.
01:13:29I'm sorry.
01:13:31Forgive me, son.
01:13:38I love you.
01:13:39Mom loves you very much, honey.
01:13:42I know I hurt you too many times.
01:13:45Because you seemed...
01:13:47You seemed more comfortable with my Sung.
01:13:53It's true.
01:13:55I'm more comfortable with her.
01:13:58But that...
01:14:00Despite everything...
01:14:06I always...
01:14:10I always missed you, Mom.
01:14:33Let's go, Mom.
01:14:40Because I still need you.
01:14:52Sung Hyo...
01:14:54I'm really sorry, honey.
01:14:58All this time I made you feel alone, right?
01:15:02I'm so sorry, honey.
01:15:05Sung Hyo...
01:15:06But I love you more than anything in this world.
01:15:12Don't cry.
01:15:13Don't cry, honey.
01:15:17I promise I'll never leave you alone again, honey.
01:15:20I'll always be here, okay?
01:15:39Hey, Dad, are you okay?
01:15:40I can carry her.
01:15:42It's okay.
01:15:44She's my wife.
01:15:46And I'll take her.
01:15:50Don't ruin the moment.
01:15:57I'm not heavy?
01:16:00Of course not.
01:16:02You're like a leaf.
01:16:05You're like the air.
01:16:10I love how they look.
01:16:13They've always been a lovely couple.
01:16:24Did you call them?
01:16:25No, but they said they were coming.
01:16:27There they come!
01:16:29There they are!
01:16:30Hey, what's wrong with you?
01:16:31Get me down for a moment.
01:16:32We were very worried.
01:16:34Fool, we thought something had happened to you.
01:16:36Wait, take this for the scare.
01:16:39At times like this...
01:16:40Take this, Xuanxiwan.
01:16:41I said I'm fine!
01:16:43What are you doing out here at this hour?
01:16:45Go home.
01:16:46It's late.
01:16:48Hey, do you really want that?
01:16:50Of course.
01:16:51You really don't want a hug?
01:16:53I don't want to.
01:16:54I'm all sweaty.
01:16:55I want to take a shower.
01:16:56Honey, could you...
01:16:59I appreciate your concern.
01:17:00Of course.
01:17:02Thank you all very much.
01:17:05Come on, come here.
01:17:06At least let's shake hands.
01:17:08Stop it, stop it.
01:17:09Don't cry.
01:17:10Look at her, it's okay.
01:17:11Let's see, wash your hands.
01:17:12The meeting is over.
01:17:13Is that all?
01:17:14And you, calm down.
01:17:15You're short of breath.
01:17:16And you two, good job.
01:17:25It looks like you twisted yourself.
01:17:27But it will be better if I take a x-ray tomorrow.
01:17:32And also a...
01:17:34brain resonance.
01:17:38They already told me everything that happened.
01:17:43You didn't tell him, did you?
01:17:47It's nothing serious.
01:17:49But I want to check what's wrong with you.
01:17:51Don't worry.
01:17:55And even if it's something very complicated,
01:17:57I'll be by your side.
01:18:00In good times or bad.
01:18:03In sickness or in health.
01:18:06I'll always be there to support you and take care of you.
01:18:10It was our vow.
01:18:15I had forgotten those words a long time ago.
01:18:18Well, now it's a new vow.
01:18:22You must be tired.
01:18:24Take a bath and rest.
01:18:26Just like you.
01:18:30I'm going.
01:18:38Wait a little.
01:18:40Do you want...
01:18:43me to take you to your room?
01:18:50Would you do that?
01:19:17What do you have there?
01:19:20A flute.
01:19:21You'll make the snakes come out.
01:19:23How silly.
01:19:25I need it to study it.
01:19:27For a structure.
01:19:29It was a complete chaos when we went to dismantle that, right?
01:19:38I'm going on a business trip tomorrow.
01:19:41And where are you going?
01:19:44When are you coming back?
01:19:45In two weeks.
01:19:46Who goes on such a long business trip?
01:19:49Two weeks is too long, right?
01:19:52It's an important project.
01:19:55If you get bored, you can go.
01:19:59But only if you're bored.
01:20:02And if you have nothing to do.
01:20:04The truth is, I don't think it will happen.
01:20:10Take care, okay?
01:20:12Of course.
01:20:51When you prepare the mussels, you must be careful to cut them and clean them well.
01:20:56Then you're going to boil them, but not for long, okay?
01:21:04I'm sorry.
01:21:10I'm sorry.
01:21:12I'm sorry.
01:21:13I'm sorry.
01:21:34I'm sorry.
01:21:50Playing alone is not fun at all.
01:21:53Imagine the invoker as the entrance to the division.
01:21:57Now I must allow the entrance of the air so that you can jump out of the air.
01:22:02No, wait.
01:22:04We want to order a chicken.
01:22:18I'm bored.
01:22:23Let's see.
01:22:25Today it's coq au vin's turn.
01:22:34Coq au vin is a traditional dish with marinated chicken and vegetables.
01:22:44Coq au vin is theoretically rooster stewed in wine.
01:22:48It is a traditional dish with rooster and vegetables, all deglazed with wine.
01:22:56And this?
01:22:58Did it stop?
01:23:00Was it only recorded up to here?
01:23:35If you allow it, it will be today.
01:23:39My feelings will not go away.
01:23:43Not tomorrow.
01:23:45Not the day after tomorrow.
01:23:48What is that? What does that mean?
01:23:55I don't know.
01:24:06If you allow it, it will be today.
01:24:09My feelings will not go away.
01:24:12Not tomorrow.
01:24:14Not the day after tomorrow.
01:24:25Not the day after tomorrow.
01:24:27Not the day after tomorrow.
01:24:54Hey, champon!
01:24:56Sonio, lend me your car.
01:24:58And the keys?
01:24:59Oh, yes, in my bag.
01:25:00This one?
01:25:01You lend me your car, right?
01:25:02Of course.
01:25:04But where are you going?
01:25:05I'm going to see Chesung.
01:25:09The drink worked.
01:25:10Active people are good.
01:25:13A few days later.
01:25:23Hello, director. It's me.
01:25:26Do you know where Sunghyo is?
01:25:44Why didn't you answer the phone?
01:25:48Oh, I had it in silence.
01:25:51And why are you here?
01:25:54I was bored.
01:25:56You said I could come.
01:26:00Are you serious?
01:26:04When you're not here, time goes by slowly.
01:26:09Time goes by slowly.
01:26:18And all the manga seem boring.
01:26:22Even the park is silent.
01:26:27And when you're not here, the days are monotonous.
01:26:31It's like a soup without salt or a dumpling without sauce.
01:26:34When you're not here, it's like I don't drink milk after taking a shower.
01:26:41I'd like to know if you want to drink banana milk.
01:26:49I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:04I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:07I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:09I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:11I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:13I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:15I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:17I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:19I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:21I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:23I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:25I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:27I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:29I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:31I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:33I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:35I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:37I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:39I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:41I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:43I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:45I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:47I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:49I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:51I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:53I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:55I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:57I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:27:59I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:01I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:03I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:05I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:07I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:09I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:11I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:13I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:15I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:17I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:19I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:21I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:23I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:25I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:27I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:29I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:31I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:33I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:35I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:37I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:39I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:41I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:43I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:45I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:47I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:49I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:51I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:53I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:55I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:57I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:28:59I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:01I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:03I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:05I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:07I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:09I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:11I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:13I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:15I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:17I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:19I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:21I can't believe you're talking about food right now.
01:29:23I can't believe you're talking about food right now.