WWF Monday Night RAW: May 6, 1996

  • 2 minutes ago
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00:00On behalf of the World Wrestling Federation, we extend our condolences to his family, friends and his fans.
00:07The World Wrestling Federation, for over 50 years, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:16Shawn Michaels is a home wrecker. Shawn Michaels ruined my marriage. Shawn Michaels ruined my life. I'll tell you how it happened.
00:41One, two, three, kid on his way to the ring.
01:09One, two, three, kid on his way to the square circle.
01:12The lock-up of the wild man, Mark Merrill, tonight on Monday Night Raw.
01:20Hello, everyone. Welcome to Monday Night Raw.
01:22Ben Shapiro along with Jerry The King Lawler and joined by Hunter Hearst.
01:26What do you mean? Come on, McMahon. We got some news tonight.
01:30You're not gonna believe it. You're not gonna believe what this poor lady is gonna tell us.
01:35It's gonna blow the lid of this whole Shawn Michaels scandal tonight.
01:39In action, in action tonight, the Undertaker, one on one with Owen Hart, the King of Hart.
01:45Yeah, but you're not telling it all, McMahon.
01:47Goldust is also gonna be at ringside to do some commentary. Something's gonna happen.
01:51And here comes the wild man, Mark Merrill.
01:55Yes, come on, two, three, kid, ready to lock up.
01:57But wild man Mark Merrill ready to get a little-
01:59Here they come, wild man Mark Merrill and Sable.
02:02Oh, my goodness.
02:04Oh, what are you impressed with, Herbert?
02:05Look, she's obviously wearing one of those candy leaf different Walmart sweatshop outfits.
02:10Look at that.
02:11She's looking good.
02:12Yeah. Look at her, Hunter.
02:14She looks like the Kentucky Derby winner, Brian Stone.
02:17And joining us as we stated earlier, Hunter Hearst, obviously.
02:22Well, Hemsley, certainly you will recall the first time wild man Mark Merrill and the one, two, three, kid met, will you not?
02:28Well, I think I remember it, and I truly believe that the wild man remembers it.
02:35Of course, that match resulting in disqualification when you blatantly came in, Mr. Hemsley,
02:39and put the pedigree, if you would, on wild man Mark Merrill and threw his face down into the candle.
02:46Without a doubt, and I'm sure it's something that he will never forget.
02:50We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our Canadian viewers joining Raw and Flagler's in the new VR.
02:54And tonight, Hunter Hearst, Hemsley out here doing commentary, much like Goldust will be later on
02:58when The Undertaker will be in action against Owen Hart.
03:01Also in action tonight, the British Bulldog, as well as Sonny and the Bobby Donners.
03:05Right now, it's the kid against wild man Mark Merrill.
03:09What about that, McMahon?
03:11See, Hunter, that's the kind of cheating you got to expect from Mark Merrill.
03:14I'm not so sure about that.
03:15Standing side headlock again applied by wild man Mark Merrill.
03:18Again, I think here in the World Wrestling Federation, you have to fight fire with fire on occasion.
03:22That would mean that Mark Merrill likes to do whatever is necessary when he meets you.
03:25Oh, my goodness.
03:26Hunter Hearst, Hemsley, in your house right now.
03:29Wild man Mark Merrill with the one, two, three, kid.
03:31Nice leapfrog by the kid.
03:32Off the rope and returns the favor.
03:35Mexican arm drag, nicely executed.
03:37Mark Merrill now with the advantage, winding up the one, two, three, kid.
03:40Once again, even you, Mr. Hemsley, have to be impressed with the athleticism of wild man Mark Merrill.
03:44Oh, I am impressed with his athleticism, Mr. McMahon.
03:48But I will tell you what, it takes more than that to be a star in the World Wrestling Federation.
03:52Let's see what he has in that oversized melon of his.
03:56Oh, I think you're gonna be finding it.
03:58Wild man Mark Merrill has all the tools.
04:00Nice takedown again.
04:01Wild man Mark Merrill, look at this, coming off the rope and-
04:03Watch it.
04:04A drop kick over the top.
04:05No fair.
04:06Come on, McMahon.
04:07Wild man Mark Merrill just had.
04:09He's a law man.
04:10He'll take chances like he's never seen before.
04:12A lucky move by Mark Merrill.
04:13I don't think it's lucky at all.
04:14The top down.
04:16That's not right, McMahon.
04:17The referee should take control of this situation.
04:19It should be a disqualification, right?
04:21You're right, it should be.
04:22And DiBiase has a valid complaint right now.
04:25As valid as Darryl Strawberry claiming that baseball blackballed him.
04:29As we see that drop kick again.
04:30And watch over the top rope here in a moment.
04:32Whoa, unbelievable action here.
04:34Come on, kid.
04:35You're gonna have to do something here.
04:38See, that right there is what I meant about seeing what's in his head.
04:42Not a wise move.
04:43A one, two, three kick showing he's a smarter athlete.
04:46And the kid, look at this.
04:50Yes, he's great, McMahon.
04:51He is, huh?
04:52He certainly thinks he is.
04:53You know, after In Your House, we just might get a chance to see what's inside Mark Merrill's head after another pedigree.
04:59What's inside your head?
05:00You see Sable on the outside of the ring.
05:01And you know that could very easily be you in the ring with Sable on the outside.
05:05And you treated her like a gentleman.
05:07But obviously, that was not the case.
05:10Come on, McMahon.
05:11Hunter doesn't need Sable.
05:13Just look at her at ringside.
05:14Her expression never changes.
05:16Hunter told me that he blew in her ear one time, and she said, thanks for the refill.
05:20Can't believe that.
05:21Listen to this capacity crowd reacting to the one, two, three kick.
05:24As we go back and take another look now.
05:26What about Sable, Hunter?
05:27Trust me, King, I've seen her facial expression change.
05:32Yes, you have.
05:33We all have.
05:34As a matter of fact, when you came out of ringside, made a fool of yourself.
05:36And whatever it was you said to Sable, she slapped you so hard, your facial expression changed.
05:41And of course, so did hers.
05:42And look at this right now.
05:43The one, two, three kid now.
05:44On top of Wildman, Mark Merrill, the sleeper hold applies.
05:48This is it, McMahon.
05:50Look at that, Hunter.
05:51Wildman, Mark Merrill, trying to fight off the sleeper hold.
05:55And the kid really applying the pressure.
05:57And right out here in front of Hunter Hearst, Tomsley, and Sable, Mark Merrill is down on the canvas.
06:04Not a good sign.
06:05The one, two, three kid won't have quite as much leverage from that vantage point, nonetheless.
06:10He might have enough.
06:13The capacity crowd very much behind Wildman.
06:15Mark Merrill, something you, Hunter, are going to have to contend with when you clash with the Wildman
06:20on the 26th of May in approximately three weeks.
06:24And Ted DiBiase likes what he sees at the moment.
06:27I guess you do too, King.
06:28Oh, look at that.
06:29Hey, there's some leverage for you now, McMahon.
06:31Come on, Raph.
06:35And the one, two, three.
06:36Look at that look on the one, two, three kid's face.
06:37Is he ever pleased with himself or what?
06:39That's right.
06:40The Wildman, that's a wild right now, is he?
06:42Well, no, he's not.
06:43No one would be with that forearm.
06:44And you better check it.
06:45Make sure it's not a choke.
06:46Quit whining, McMahon.
06:47You sound like Magic Johnson after the Lakers loss in the playoffs.
06:50The one, two, three kid in control at the moment.
06:52Hunter Hearst, Tomsley will have to contend with the skills of Wildman Mark Merrill in your house.
06:59And the kid applying more pressure.
07:00Trust me, in your house, I'll leave my mark on the Wildman.
07:04I'm sure you have big plans for Wildman Mark Merrill.
07:07And I wonder if those plans include Sable, who is out around ringside and very much,
07:11yes, there she is, very much in the corner of her man.
07:14What a striking combination Sable and the Wildman make.
07:17And you have to admit, Mr. Helmsley, that Sable is quite a lady.
07:21She's nothing but used garbage, McMahon.
07:23For a woman like her, for everyone I have, I have ten more ready to take their place.
07:28Wait a minute, Mark Merrill's back up on his feet.
07:30Trying the elbow again.
07:32The one, two, three kid.
07:33In a bit of trouble, coming off the rope now.
07:35Mark Merrill.
07:36No, the kid trying to-
07:39And there with a kick out.
07:41Mark Merrill caught the rope and down.
07:45Okay, he gets lucky every now and then.
07:47With a clothesline, the kid right back in cover.
07:49One, two, and a-
07:52Did he ever kick out?
07:54I thought the kid had him right there.
07:55That looks like a three to me.
07:57Does this not make you hot, Hunter?
07:58Most of these moves that this Wildman is using are moves that he's stolen from you.
08:03Of course they are.
08:04He doesn't have an original bone in his body.
08:07If he's gonna steal something, it might as well be from me.
08:10That's right.
08:11The one, two, three kid.
08:14Continuing to dominate at the moment, Wildman Mark Merrill, surprisingly so.
08:18You know why all the women love Hunter Hearst Helmsley?
08:21I think you're about to tell us.
08:22Well, because his name is not the only thing that's wrong about him.
08:26You ought to see his limousine.
08:28You ought to see his yacht.
08:30He knows how to treat a lady.
08:32The kid now.
08:33And again, going back to the sleeper hold.
08:35He had some success earlier on.
08:39The kid applying more pressure.
08:42This is it.
08:43He's got it stitched up now, McMahon.
08:44You gotta admit.
08:46The pesky one, two, three kid.
08:50And Mark Merrill down to the canvas.
08:53He's gone.
08:54This is it.
08:55And again, the problem with this is once Merrill goes to the canvas,
08:59the kid may not be able to cut quite off all that oxygen to the brain.
09:06Here we go.
09:07The champ begins.
09:09Hunter, once he puts it to sleep, what are you going to get in there and do to him, huh?
09:13Anything I want, King.
09:15Anything I want.
09:17Right on the rope.
09:18Come on, Raph.
09:19Look out.
09:21He looks up and he sees Ted DiBiase moving the rope.
09:22Oh, come on.
09:23This is a handicap match.
09:24That's right.
09:25Come on.
09:26The fans ending this match up behind Mark Merrill.
09:27The fans behind you seem to be following him.
09:29Is it possible that they don't leave me alone?
09:31Hey, wait a minute.
09:32Sit down.
09:33Hey, sit down.
09:37Would you please sit down?
09:41Hunter Hersh Jonesley working in this capacity.
09:44McMahon, can't you do something to control these people?
09:47Who's in charge around here?
09:48Who's in charge?
09:50Hey, I apologize, but these peons are a bunch of animals.
09:53How do you put up with this every week?
09:54Bad enough sitting here with McMahon, but you've got to contend with all of these idiots.
09:59I've done the same again.
10:00Please have a seat.
10:02One, two, three, kid with an opportunity to put Wildman Mark Merrill away here.
10:05Finish him off.
10:06And Ted DiBiase, double team.
10:08Wait a minute.
10:09Street brawling again.
10:11It's time to get go down.
10:12Street brawling.
10:13Welcome back, everyone, to more Monday Night Raw.
10:15Wildman Mark Merrill back up on his feet.
10:17Wildman Mark Merrill, the one, two, three kid having a go.
10:19Hunter Hersh Jonesley out here with the King.
10:21Oh, my goodness.
10:22And ringside.
10:24And take a look, if you want.
10:26And Wildman Mark Merrill, who's really turned it up a notch.
10:28Let's go.
10:30Down across the name.
10:32Wildman Mark Merrill bringing his capacity crowd alive.
10:34I got to admit, the kid's in more trouble than LZ right now.
10:36Come on, DiBiase, do something.
10:38On the top rope.
10:43All right, now's the opportunity.
10:45Come on, Trevor.
10:46Come on.
10:47No, no, no, no, no.
10:49No, he didn't.
10:50Man, pay attention to the match.
10:52That was two.
10:54That was so close.
10:56The kid.
10:59Now he's got to disqualify McMahon.
11:01Even you got to admit that.
11:03And that could just as easily be you, Hunter Hersh Jonesley.
11:05Don't count on it, McMahon.
11:07I'm going to teach that Wildman a lesson.
11:09Coming off, and look at this.
11:13Wait a minute.
11:16Wildman Mark Merrill.
11:17Wildman Mark Merrill.
11:19Trinsic victory.
11:21Go get him, Hunter.
11:23And Hunter Hersh Jonesley coming over to help the kid.
11:25Oh, come on.
11:27As if the kid doesn't have enough help already.
11:29With Ted DiBiase out around ringside, Hunter Hersh Jonesley helping the kid.
11:31He's a humanitarian, McMahon.
11:33A great humanitarian, yeah, right.
11:35All right, now's the time.
11:37Here we go.
11:39On the outside now.
11:41Wildman Mark Merrill ready to put the kid away.
11:43Hey, hey, hey.
11:47Get the kid.
11:49Get him now.
11:51Now's your chance.
11:53Look at this.
11:55Helmsley cheerleading the kid.
11:57Get him out of there, Raph.
11:59No, no.
12:01The one, two, three kid with Wildman Mark Merrill trying to set him up.
12:03The Wildman's not going to make it to In Your House.
12:05He's finished now, McMahon.
12:07From the top rope, the one, two, three kid.
12:09No, no.
12:11One, two.
12:13Yes, yes.
12:15Helmsley can't believe it.
12:17Helmsley getting out of dodge.
12:19And Hunter Hersh Jonesley will have to face Wildman Mark Merrill
12:24in approximately three weeks.
12:26Wildman Mark Merrill and Sable victorious tonight on Monday Night Raw.
12:32And earlier on, Hunter Hersh Jonesley said,
12:35well, you're going to find out what's in Wildman Mark Merrill's head.
12:38Questioning his brain matter.
12:40In a moment, we're going to take you back to a replay.
12:42Here we go, King.
12:44Watch how the Wildman hangs on to the top rope.
12:45He cheated.
12:47He is not cheating.
12:49It simply turned the moment right around.
12:51He knew exactly what he was doing.
12:53It's Hunter Hersh Jonesley up for the challenge
12:55against Wildman Mark Merrill.
12:57Speaking of challenges, let's take you back to last week.
12:59Savio Vega was right out here and listened to a challenge
13:01he made to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
13:03I beg you for the challenge.
13:05Do I call it here?
13:07Strut match.
13:09Do you accept?
13:11Yes or no?
13:13Well, of course, the answer was no.
13:15He did not take no for an answer.
13:17No, indeed not.
13:19He came into the ring and just to give Stone Cold
13:21a little dose of his own medicine there.
13:23That's how it feels.
13:25Vega still campaigning for that strap match.
13:27And Jim Ross caught up with Ted DiBiase
13:29and asked him this past weekend, would he reconsider?
13:31You want a Caribbean strap match?
13:33You got it.
13:35On one stipulation.
13:37My stipulation, Ross, and that is
13:39if you lose your kind of match, Savio,
13:41you become my chauffeur.
13:43Well, Savio Vega unquestionably
13:45has accepted that stipulation.
13:47That match is off.
13:49Let me get this straight now.
13:51Of course, if Savio Vega wins his
13:53Caribbean strap match, he's happy.
13:55But if he loses, he becomes
13:57the Million Dollar Man's chauffeur, right?
13:59That's right.
14:01Well, Savio is not going to be driving Miss Daisy.
14:03He's going to be driving Mr. DiBiase
14:05after in your house.
14:07That remains to be seen in action tonight,
14:09ladies and gentlemen.
14:11The Undertaker faces Owen Hart.
14:13He's in action as well.
14:15And, of course, Pato against the British Bulldog.
14:17However, when we return,
14:19we're going to get to the bottom of this.
14:21He smelled so good,
14:23and he was so gorgeous.
14:26Well, we ended up going to bed together.
14:32We're back at what you're about to see now,
14:34ladies and gentlemen.
14:36Well, it's a videotape of this lady
14:38who is making all kinds of outlandish claims.
14:40We can't vouch for her.
14:42Let me tell you the truth
14:44about the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.
14:47Shawn Michaels is a homewrecker.
14:50Shawn Michaels ruined my marriage.
14:54Shawn Michaels ruined my life.
14:57I'll tell you how it happened.
14:59My ex-husband, FNFza, was a professional wrestler
15:02and was on the road a lot.
15:04Shawn knew that.
15:06One day when FNFza was on the road,
15:08Shawn called me up and said that
15:09he needed to discuss a problem
15:11that FNFza had with me.
15:13So I invited him over.
15:15Well, Shawn didn't want to discuss
15:17a problem that FNFza had.
15:19Shawn wanted to discuss me and him.
15:22Well, the discussion got pretty heated.
15:25Well, it got downright hot.
15:28And Shawn and I were close,
15:31and he smelled so good,
15:33and he was so gorgeous.
15:35Well, we ended up going to bed together.
15:39He was incredible.
15:41He was the best I ever had.
15:44And after he held me
15:47and told me how special I was
15:50and how important I was to him.
15:53Yeah, I found out how important.
15:56The next time FNFza and Shawn
15:58were in the ring together,
16:00FNFza couldn't concentrate.
16:02He knew what had happened.
16:03He ended up losing the match.
16:06Shawn got exactly what he wanted.
16:10Shawn never called again.
16:13Shawn just used me
16:15and threw me out like an old shoe.
16:17Shawn didn't need me.
16:20And now I see him doing it to someone else,
16:24and I just can't let that happen.
16:28Shawn knew I couldn't resist him.
16:31He knew it.
16:33He ruined everything.
16:40Well, there it is, McMahon.
16:42That's proof positive that Shawn Michaels is a philanderer.
16:45I'm not so certain that footage,
16:47ladies and gentlemen, is applied to our television producers
16:49anonymously, so take that for what it's worth.
16:51And Lord only knows,
16:53our producers would do anything for a television rating.
16:55Well, let's take you back,
16:57and we heard this outlandish accusation last week.
16:59Shawn, I know that you want me.
17:02And Michaels' response?
17:04Mrs. Smith,
17:07with all due respect,
17:12please do not flatter yourself.
17:19And Diana's response?
17:23Well, I guess we know
17:26who wears the pants in the Smith family.
17:30And Bulldog's response?
17:32They were going at it tooth and nail!
17:35And now,
17:37that same British Bulldog,
17:39the World Wrestling Federation number one contender,
17:41the man who has the opportunity to be the champion
17:43at the expense of Shawn Michaels
17:45in approximately three weeks,
17:47the Bulldog now ready to lock up with Fatu.
17:50Yeah, Fatu and Shawn Michaels
17:52had better beware of the dog, McMahon.
17:55I'll grant you that.
17:57Notwithstanding, the Bulldog's
17:59very athleticism,
18:01he really has it all.
18:03Tremendous power, oh!
18:05And down goes the Bulldog!
18:07He can't believe Fatu just nailed him!
18:09Well, one thing you can't believe, McMahon,
18:11that footage we saw earlier,
18:13listen, that's not hearsay,
18:15that's not scuttlebutt,
18:17that's not rumor mongering,
18:19that's the truth!
18:21And Shawn Michaels,
18:23I mean, let's give him credit for what he has done
18:25here in the World Wrestling Federation.
18:27I'll tell you what he's done,
18:29he's been the WWF champion at WrestleMania
18:31and then has to face that monster,
18:33Big Daddy Cool Diesel
18:35in the No-Holes Barred Match.
18:37I mean, and now, whoa!
18:39And now, this, I mean, this accusation,
18:42this could scar Shawn Michaels for life.
18:44Well, it should!
18:46It's scandalous!
18:48I mean, this is just ridiculous!
18:50It's a shame that Phil Donahue
18:52has ended his 29-year talk show reign
18:54because, you know, this would make a great show.
18:56Shawn Michaels, the home wrecker!
18:57Diana Smith on the outside of the ring
18:59checking her husband,
19:01and actually, when you think about it,
19:03she has no business being at the ringside area.
19:05She should be in a seat.
19:07Wait a minute, McMahon,
19:09that's the only place she's safe!
19:12From Shawn Michaels!
19:14Aw, come on!
19:16The British Bulldog having some degree of difficulty,
19:18obviously, in figuring out Fatu
19:20in the early stages of this matchup.
19:22No, no, you've got everything wrong, McMahon.
19:24See, the only thing that's wrong
19:25is Fatu right here.
19:27I mean, you know, he's worried about his marriage.
19:29Here's Shawn Michaels trying to
19:31break the bonds of holy matrimony.
19:33Now, that's just an accusation.
19:35You don't know that to be true.
19:37Well, we just heard it,
19:39and we heard it from Diana.
19:41And you heard it from whomever that lady was.
19:43All right, there we go.
19:45Test of strength, perhaps,
19:47on the part of the British Bulldog, Fatu.
19:49I don't think I'm gonna go for this.
19:51The British Bulldog, an absolute powerhouse.
19:53That's right.
19:55Aw, come on, Ahmed Johnson
19:57certainly was different with that point of view.
19:59Oh, look at that!
20:01Oh, look at this!
20:03The Bulldog is distracted.
20:05Something is bothering the British Bulldog,
20:07and look at this, Fatu over there!
20:09Oh, no!
20:11Oh, come on!
20:13The Bulldog now in a steamer clothesline.
20:15Out goes Fatu!
20:17Now he's getting his mind right.
20:19A British Bulldog, an opportunist for sure.
20:21Aw, come on, as if he has no competition.
20:23Give me a break!
20:25What's he doing?
20:27Oh, now he's real impressive.
20:29Oh, he's sending a message to Shawn Michaels right now.
20:31I can tell you this.
20:33No one can rival Shawn Michaels in every respect
20:35quite like the British Bulldog can.
20:37Look at Diana.
20:39Yeah, no one can rival Don Juan Shawn in-
20:41Aw, come on!
20:43But you know, McMahon, he's just-
20:45I said it, he's a philanderer!
20:47Fatu sent him home!
20:49No, right into the steps.
20:51I just can't imagine.
20:53To what depths the British Bulldog will stoop
20:55That's the one thing that has eluded
20:57the British Bulldog in his tenure
20:59here in the World Wrestling Federation.
21:01He's been a tag team champion,
21:03he's been an Intercontinental champion,
21:05but he's never been the WWF champion.
21:07Yeah, and now, on top of all that,
21:09Shawn Michaels has made the Bulldog angry.
21:11This time, the Fox poked his nose
21:13in the wrong chicken coop, McMahon,
21:15and the Bulldog's ready to go for his throat.
21:17The British Bulldog now in control of Fatu,
21:19sets him up again, no.
21:23Right into the ring post.
21:25And by the way, ladies and gentlemen,
21:27live World Wrestling Federation action
21:29here in the United States as well as abroad.
21:31Yes, beginning this Wednesday
21:33in the Middle East in Kuwait.
21:35A whole huge Kuwaiti tournament
21:37with many WWE superstars.
21:39And of course, here domestically,
21:41beginning this Thursday in Erie, Pennsylvania,
21:43on to Hamilton, Ontario.
21:45I'll be there, I'll be there, McMahon.
21:47I understand that.
21:49And then upstate New York, Syracuse,
21:51this coming Saturday and Sunday
21:53in Binghamton, New York.
21:55You gotta love Cornette.
21:57I'm sure Shawn Michaels didn't love
21:59the comments of Jim Cornette last week,
22:01that's for certain.
22:03On both.
22:05Wait a minute, oh, some Fatu family members
22:07out on the ringside.
22:09What are they up to?
22:11We welcome you back to more WWF Raw.
22:13The British Bulldog locking up
22:15with Fatu in the squirt circle.
22:17Fatu and the family members
22:19off on the right-hand side of the screen.
22:21Fatu having great difficulty as anyone would.
22:23And Shawn Michaels likely as well
22:25with the family members looking on
22:27and disapproving thus far
22:29of Fatu's skills.
22:31But Fatu earlier on was really giving the Bulldog
22:33a run for his money,
22:35but that's not the case at the moment.
22:37That's right, the British Bulldog now,
22:39he's got his mind into this match.
22:41He's focused, he knows that his wife Diana,
22:43his lovely wife, his innocent wife,
22:45who's been the victim of this
22:47dastardly deed by Shawn Michaels,
22:49she's safe at ringside,
22:51so the Bulldogs feel a little better
22:53about this match now.
22:55Fatu, family members,
22:57and Fatu in trouble.
22:59No, Fatu's still in the match.
23:01Diana looking on at ringside.
23:03Uh-oh, the Bulldog can't believe
23:05Fatu's trying to get back out.
23:07Come on, squeeze him.
23:09Fatu now with the Bulldog
23:11to the ropes coming off.
23:13Oh, no.
23:15It's a reverse.
23:17Oh, no.
23:19What a dastardly thing to do.
23:21A desperate thing to do.
23:23The Bulldog will pull out all stops
23:25and I imagine he'll do this for Fatu.
23:27What will the Bulldog do
23:29in the Shawn Michaels WWF Championship match?
23:31He'll probably do the same thing,
23:35That's about the only thing
23:37that'll slow Shawn Michaels down.
23:39All right, here we go.
23:41Cornette coming around.
23:43Come on, turn around.
23:45Cornette right in front of us.
23:47Oh, no.
23:49I mean, consider,
23:51Shawn Michaels with the WWF Championship,
23:53he has to contend with the Bulldog
23:55in the ring.
23:57Diana will soon one day
23:59have to answer the questions
24:01that the public will,
24:03as a matter of fact,
24:05be asking her tomorrow night,
24:07America Online.
24:09Diana Smith, America Online,
24:119 o'clock Eastern.
24:13Not the only thing on the line,
24:17Their marriage is on the line.
24:19Diana's in the British Bulldogs.
24:21Look, she's a sincere,
24:23believable woman.
24:25Scooped and slammed.
24:27Again, alluding to the power
24:29of the British Bulldog.
24:31And no!
24:335-2 now.
24:35Whether the Bulldog is distracted
24:37with this alleged scandal or not.
24:41With an opportunity to put this win away,
24:43the Bulldog set up for the ride.
24:45Coming off the rope and back.
24:49Here he comes now,
24:51head of steam.
24:53Backs the Bulldog to the corner.
24:55Look out!
24:57The Bulldog has been Bulldog.
25:015-2 with the cover now.
25:03Cornette, you've got to do something.
25:05Almost a count of three.
25:07Come on, get him down.
25:09Get him down from there.
25:11Look at this guy.
25:13He'll sacrifice himself.
25:17My goodness.
25:215-2 with the momentum.
25:235-2 is going to have a victory here momentarily.
25:25Don't you see that, McMahon?
25:29If the Bulldog does that to Shawn Michaels,
25:31he can kiss that WWF title goodbye.
25:33I don't agree with that.
25:35That's not enough.
25:37The Bulldog can't believe that he can't put 5-2 away.
25:39Finish him off.
25:41Here it is, McMahon.
25:43Look at this.
25:45Look at the unbelievable power of the Bulldog.
25:47Power slam.
25:492 and a kick out.
25:51He got it.
25:53The patented power slam.
25:55Look at the smile on his face.
25:57That's right, McMahon.
25:59The Bulldog hasn't had much to smile about lately,
26:01but he will after In Your House.
26:03Look at that lovely Diana there.
26:05I can't wait to hear the questions they ask her
26:07on America Online, but I really can't wait
26:09until she goes on the entire talk show circuit.
26:11What do you mean?
26:13She's not going to do that.
26:15Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey.
26:17Then she'll tell the whole story.
26:19Shawn Michaels, next time you try to pull the wool
26:21over a woman's eyes, you better make sure
26:23you can afford the sweater, boy.
26:25He's the champ champion.
26:27Again, the controversy continues to swirl.
26:29Happily married.
26:31Happily married.
26:33As to whether or not these accusations
26:35have any merit whatsoever.
26:37However, certainly the physicality of the Bulldog
26:39has a great deal of merit when it comes to Fatu.
26:41A hard-fought matchup.
26:43And more hard-fought matchups to come here tonight,
26:45ladies and gentlemen.
26:47Owen Hart, the King of Hearts,
26:49talking about the Hart family.
26:51McMahon, when the gold dust gets out here,
26:53I got a little surprise in store for you,
26:55but I understand that gold dust
26:57is quite fond of you, McMahon.
26:59Let's listen to him.
27:01What you want?
27:03Let me tell you something.
27:05Hey, let me tell you something.
27:07You talking about you being my family?
27:09You ain't my family.
27:11The WWF is my family.
27:13This is my family.
27:19A little dissension in the family.
27:23Yet to come here, ladies and gentlemen,
27:25we'll join us non-title one-on-one
27:27against Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
27:29Duke the Dumpster Troci,
27:31likewise in action against, oh my goodness,
27:33the man they call Vader.
27:35And a special interview with the one,
27:37the only, the phenom himself,
27:39The Undertaker, who was scheduled
27:41for action here tonight on Raw.
27:44However, in the squared circle right now,
27:46Techno Team 2000,
27:49Travis and Troy.
27:51And they're set to take on Sonny
27:53and the Body Dynas
27:55as they strut their stuff
27:57down the squared circle.
27:59And here come the new
28:01WWF Tag Team Champions,
28:03the Body Dynas.
28:05And of course, the Body Dynas set to lock up,
28:07ladies and gentlemen,
28:09with the Rockers in a Tag Team Championship matchup
28:11that's gonna take place on Superstars.
28:13We saw last week here on Raw,
28:15the Rockers and the Godwins going at it.
28:17The rematch was held this past weekend.
28:19Sonny was out about ringside
28:21and distracted Finneas once again.
28:23It's tough to tell the Rockers apart.
28:25Watch this now.
28:27The Illegal Rocker goes upstairs.
28:29No, come on.
28:31That was definitely illegal.
28:33Watch, the official turns around.
28:35He just sees the big mop of hair.
28:37You're always trying to create
28:39some sort of controversy, man.
28:41I'm not creating any controversy.
28:43Sonny is.
28:45There's certainly no controversy
28:47when it comes to Burger King tonight.
28:50Monday Night Raw, brought to you by Burger King,
28:52where you can get your burger's worth.
28:53Find out where you can be all you can be.
28:55And Sonny certainly is all she can be
28:57with the Body Donnas.
28:59Sonny fan club.
29:01That's her own fan club
29:03around ringside here tonight.
29:05Yeah, the Body Donnas ready for action
29:07against Techno Team 2000,
29:09whom we have not seen in action
29:11in some time.
29:13Speaking of time, I want to take this opportunity
29:15real quick to wish Willie Mays
29:17a happy birthday today.
29:19He's 65 years old, McMahon.
29:21Very nice of you.
29:23Another George C. Scott.
29:25Now, wait a minute.
29:27You don't need to go there.
29:29Well, he's in a sex scandal, McMahon.
29:31Stop it.
29:33Everything is alleged.
29:35You don't need to go there.
29:37Let's keep our mind on action here.
29:39Oh, my goodness.
29:41We've got Travis up there.
29:43Travis, one-on-one.
29:45Let's skip.
29:47Other Body Donnas.
29:49Tag is made.
29:51Here comes Tron.
29:53Oh, right hand.
29:55Body Donnas sure don't want to lose this one.
29:57Look at the Body Donnas taking it to Techno Team 2000.
29:59And to the buckle.
30:01Wait a minute.
30:03Out around ringside, look at this.
30:05Harvey Wibbleman, ladies and gentlemen,
30:07continues to take notes on the officiating here.
30:09The WWE is preparing a report
30:11for President Gorilla Monsoon.
30:13I don't blame him.
30:15The officiating's been horrible, McMahon.
30:17You complaining about officiating?
30:19To the buckle.
30:21Nice block and zip to the buckle.
30:23Back to Techno Team.
30:25Troy and Travis Goodson.
30:27And tagging in again.
30:29Here we go.
30:31Oh, my goodness.
30:33I guess these guys are from the future, McMahon.
30:35Speaking of the future,
30:37there's something you ought to be interested in.
30:39In about a year, there's going to be a new peel-out
30:41that restores full function to infinite men.
30:43What are you talking about?
30:45Well, you can finally throw that pump away.
30:49He'll give new meaning to the term
30:51getting up in the morning for you, McMahon.
30:53On cover.
30:55We got one, two.
30:57And a kick-out by the Body Donnas.
30:59The Body Donnas nonetheless are in trouble.
31:01Techno Team 2000 pouring it on.
31:03Welcome back to more WWF Raw.
31:05Techno Team 2000, very impressive.
31:07And I don't think the Body Donnas were ready
31:09for Travis and Troy.
31:11Watching this match-up all the way through.
31:13The Rockers, you can bet they're picking up pointers
31:15on the Body Donnas.
31:17Techno Team 2000 with a leapfrog there.
31:19Oh, look out from the other side.
31:23Ladies and gentlemen, the New Rockers,
31:25they have a date with destiny, so to speak,
31:27to lock up with the Body Donnas
31:29for the Tag Team Championship in several weeks.
31:31And I must say, Marty Jannetty, Lief Kassidy,
31:33are you gentlemen nervous about this title opportunity?
31:37No, we're the New Rockers.
31:39We're not nervous about anything.
31:41Man, wake up and die right.
31:43We're the New Rockers.
31:45How can we be nervous?
31:47These guys are cool.
31:49Yeah, they're all right.
31:51Like I said, we're going to control them.
31:53Look, rock on.
31:55It's great to be a Rocker, right?
31:57It is great.
31:59Thank you very much.
32:01Rock on, McMahon.
32:03You like those guys, huh?
32:05No, I don't.
32:07What a bunch of cornballs, personality-wise.
32:09However, you can take nothing away from their athleticism.
32:11That's for certain.
32:15And they were very impressive against the Godwins.
32:17And the Godwins obviously would like to have
32:19another opportunity against the Body Donnas
32:21or whomever has the WWF Tag Team Championship.
32:23And look out.
32:25Oh, my goodness.
32:27Right on his head.
32:29Cover by Zip.
32:31Not enough to put Travis away.
32:33Marty Jannetty told me that Lief Kassidy
32:35is a much better partner than Shawn Michaels ever was.
32:39That's what he told me.
32:41Hard right hand, exchanging blows here.
32:43And Zip and the Body Donnas have been
32:45very much surprised at the effort put out here
32:47by Techno Team 2000.
32:49To the buckle and whoa!
32:51High-risk maneuver that backfired.
32:53I'm sure you've heard the stories
32:55about some of Shawn Michaels' past escapades.
32:57What do you mean by that?
32:59Well, you know what I meant.
33:01Come on.
33:03Let's not even go there.
33:05Although if anyone knows Shawn Michaels,
33:07it's certainly Marty Jannetty.
33:09That's right.
33:11Although you'd have to wonder if in fact
33:13Marty Jannetty claims that Lief Kassidy
33:15is a much better wrestler than Michaels ever was.
33:17One, two.
33:19Almost a count of three there.
33:21And Harvey is continuing to take notes
33:23on what the next revelation is going to be
33:25in the Undertaker-Goldust match.
33:27Goldust is scheduled to join us here tonight,
33:29ladies and gentlemen, for commentary
33:31when Owen Hart faces the Phenom.
33:33Goodness, the Undertaker.
33:35Yeah, McMahon, and you're going to have to be-
33:37Look at Harvey.
33:39Well, you look at him.
33:41I'd rather watch the action.
33:43You're going to be face-to-face with Goldust.
33:45He's going to be sitting right next to you.
33:47I'm going to put the chair right over there beside you.
33:49He's going to be next to you.
33:51And I understand he's got quite a crush on you.
33:53No, no, McMahon.
33:55What Goldust is fond of is toupees.
33:57And he really likes the one you're wearing tonight.
33:59Look, it's got imitation dandruff.
34:01I mean, tag is made.
34:03Here we go.
34:05We've got Troy in the corner now, in trouble.
34:07Body Dunners, obviously, double teaming.
34:09And, oh, and a shot there.
34:11Give it to him.
34:13Troy being set up.
34:15Wrist lock applied by Zip.
34:17Zip and Skip.
34:19Specialist, indeed.
34:21Tag team champions of the World Wrestling Federation
34:23receiving in a right hand and another one.
34:25Roundhouse right, yanking a hair behind the official's back.
34:27Right back in control.
34:29Driving a knee to the elbow area.
34:31Did you get that, Harvey?
34:33Write that down.
34:35Obviously, Sonny will be taking notes as well.
34:37And one thing the Body Dunners do extremely well
34:39is switch off.
34:41As a matter of fact, they look so much alike,
34:43it's very difficult to tell them apart.
34:45And here he goes, going upstairs.
34:47We've got Zip, high-risk maneuver.
34:49Hold the top rope.
34:51Elbow in.
34:53The momentum likely to shift here.
34:55And Sonny can't believe she thought
34:57there was going to be a tune-up match.
34:59No such thing here in the WWF.
35:01Here we go with Travis.
35:03Tag out, Zip.
35:05No, tagging out.
35:07Travis and Troy have not been smitten
35:09with Sonny's presses like Phineas.
35:11Travis and Troy taking care of business.
35:13Look at the tech, though.
35:15Team 2000.
35:17Hey, McMahon.
35:20Did you know gas prices are up 14% in the last three months?
35:21Oh, my goodness.
35:23Oh, no.
35:25Again, there's that switchoff we talked about earlier on.
35:27This would have to be legal.
35:29Techno team just ran out of gas.
35:31I don't think so.
35:33We've got Travis in there right now.
35:35All right, the legal body.
35:37Got a hard right hand there by Zip.
35:39And another tag has been made.
35:41All right, come on.
35:43That's skip, McMahon.
35:45Get skip out of there.
35:47What a frankensteiner.
35:49And look at the skip.
35:51It's a hard-fought victory for the Body Dynas.
35:53But a hard-fought victory.
35:55Give credit to Techno Team 2000.
35:57Yeah, skip and zip.
35:59Still, WWF Tag Team Champions.
36:01I think that was for you, King.
36:03Look at her strutting around.
36:05I'll take it.
36:07Sonny, the Body Dynas victorious.
36:09Standing by right now, ladies and gentlemen,
36:11Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, I believe.
36:13Yes, wait.
36:15The man they call Vader.
36:17Indeed, Vince.
36:19I'm here with Jim Cornette and Vader.
36:21Don't forget what happened right here on Raw.
36:23Vader at 450 pounds bouncing in those ropes
36:26and then coming down.
36:28Right there.
36:30Right there you see what he did to Yokozuna's leg.
36:32But I want to tell you something, gentlemen.
36:34On May the 26th, Yokozuna's going to be 100%.
36:36And he's looking for you.
36:38No, no, no.
36:40Don't worry, big man.
36:42He ain't going to be 100%.
36:44It's a bunch of lies.
36:46Because he'll never be 100% again.
36:48Because, Yokozuna, you're a 650-pound man
36:49and the strain when Vader comes after you again.
36:51Because you may have his power.
36:53You may have his size.
36:55But he's got the quickness you never had.
36:57He's got the agility you never had.
36:59And most of all, Yokozuna, he's got the heart
37:01that you lack.
37:03That remains to be seen.
37:05Because his is as black as yours and even blacker.
37:07Jim Ross, I've got a question for him.
37:09All right, Vince McMahon's got a question for you.
37:11Ask him about Dumpster next week.
37:13What about Duke the Dumpster Drosy right here next week?
37:15Oh, let me tell you something.
37:17If it's time to take out the trash,
37:19if it's time to take out the man,
37:21then the man they call Vader,
37:23Dumpster, your future's looking very, very dim.
37:25Because next week, you've got to face this
37:27and you ain't going to last.
37:29That remains to be seen.
37:31Who knows what's going to happen
37:33when The Undertaker joins us momentarily again.
37:35So 100 comes Goldust with Marlena in that stinking cigar.
37:37Yeah, get ready, McMahon.
37:39Goldust is going to run his gold fingers
37:41through whoever's hair that is you're wearing.
37:43What do you mean by that?
37:45Come on.
37:47I'm not really looking forward to this.
37:49The cigar smells good.
37:55Coming up next, ladies and gentlemen,
37:57Owen Hart one-on-one with The Undertaker.
38:06All right.
38:08Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
38:11We'll be right back with more WWF action.
38:16We are back, ladies and gentlemen,
38:17with more Monday Night Raw.
38:19And joining us here in the ringside area,
38:21Marlena along with Goldust.
38:23And we have been given a note,
38:25ladies and gentlemen, during the break,
38:27that stipulation we all have.
38:29All right, knock it off.
38:31That stipulation we have all been awaiting.
38:33It's going to be Goldust against The Undertaker
38:35in a casket match.
38:37What are you talking about?
38:39That's exactly right, the stipulation.
38:41What is this, Marlena, what?
38:43It's going to be a casket match.
38:45What is it?
38:47Hey, wait a minute.
38:49Where do you think you're going?
38:51Marlena and Goldust,
38:53I guess not liking to prevent.
38:55Well, I don't know where they're going.
39:03Goldust coming back with Marlena now.
39:08There won't be any place to run.
39:10There won't be any place to hide.
39:12One-on-one with The Undertaker
39:14in the casket match.
39:18And all I can say, Mr. Goldust,
39:23you might as well get used to the dark.
39:29Do you have any idea
39:31what it's like to be sealed inside
39:33that airtight, watertight casket?
39:36Forget that.
39:38Sure, sure, you ran from The Lawyer,
39:40but look what you ran into.
39:42You ran into The Undertaker.
39:43No, Marlena, I'm not getting in a casket.
39:45Forget it.
39:47No way, no way.
39:49One way or the other,
39:51the casket match will be coming down
39:53in your house.
39:55Goldust against The Phenom,
39:57The Undertaker.
39:59And can you feel already that chill in the air?
40:01Oh, no!
40:03No, no, no, no, no.
40:05Look at him.
40:07Oh, Jesus.
40:09Wait a minute, wait a minute.
40:11Tell him to cut, cut, tell him to cut.
40:13I don't know what he's caused
40:15except maybe a little sawing.
40:17Sawing and hammering, building up the casket.
40:19It's gotta be a casket match.
40:21And Goldust, ever since hearing that,
40:23has really been upset.
40:25You should see him sitting out here with us.
40:39Goldust beside himself.
40:41He can't believe
40:43he's facing The Undertaker
40:45in the casket.
40:47In the casket.
40:49Somebody's going into the casket.
40:51Come on, McMahon.
40:53Why don't you do the right thing
40:55and leave Goldust alone?
40:57You're trying to intimidate him.
40:59Indeed not.
41:01Goldust looking out at the process of The Undertaker.
41:03Sort of reminiscent of a Dennis Rodman
41:05book signing in Chicago yesterday.
41:07It's gonna be the latest thing
41:09and pro athletes are gonna all try
41:11to dress like Goldust.
41:13When you think about Goldust
41:15and his career here in the WWF,
41:17actually when things started out,
41:19he wasn't quite as bizarre as he turned out to be.
41:21Wait a minute, McMahon.
41:23You're saying when he first started in the WWF
41:25he wasn't all that bad?
41:27You sound like Marge Schott.
41:31Well, she said Hitler was good at first
41:33and then he just went a little too far.
41:35Alright, come on now.
41:37Owen Hart, ladies and gentlemen.
41:39He is crafty, he is cagey,
41:41he is the King of Hearts.
41:43This should be a highly competitive matchup.
41:45A little consultation here by Jim Cornette
41:47and Owen Hart with a few words of wisdom.
41:49And Goldust, oh my goodness,
41:51with a look of concern on his face
41:53looking straight up at The Undertaker.
41:55And The Undertaker making his move over this way.
42:02Bear in mind, ladies and gentlemen,
42:04that Goldust has been known of.
42:07Look at this, The Undertaker going after Owen Hart.
42:09Goldust has been known to be a great actor in the past.
42:12You wonder whether or not,
42:14he's pretending now,
42:16you wonder whether or not
42:18he really is that much afraid of The Undertaker.
42:20And look at this, Owen Hart now in trouble.
42:25Undertaker opening up on Owen Hart.
42:28That could easily be you in there, Goldust.
42:30That could be you.
42:34Yes, look at the depth.
42:36Look at the depth of his face.
42:38Can you feel it, Melina?
42:39Can you feel it, Melina?
42:41Oh my gosh, look at that.
42:43So tall.
42:45So cold and so clammy.
42:48Oh my God.
42:50I can't even touch it.
42:52How bizarre are you, Mr. Goldust?
42:55You have no earthly idea how bizarre I am.
43:00I don't know that we really want to know.
43:02Except that bizarreness is likely to be
43:04stuffed inside a casket
43:06when The Undertaker meets you
43:07in approximately three weeks in your house.
43:09Come on, McMahon.
43:11And The Undertaker right now
43:13with his clutches on Owen Hart.
43:15Oh my goodness, Undertaker laying it in
43:17and now intimidating the official.
43:21One moment he's scared to death,
43:23another moment he's...
43:25Look at his face.
43:27Could be an Academy Award winning performance, McMahon.
43:29What a find, Owen Hart.
43:31And oh my goodness!
43:37The Undertaker appearing right down on Goldust.
43:42And from time to time,
43:44we have seen the look of...
43:46Oh no!
43:48Look at that gatekeeper.
43:50I can think of some incredible things
43:52I want to do with that urn.
43:54The urn?
43:56Look at it.
43:58Owen Hart now working on the left leg
44:00of The Undertaker.
44:02And the official almost disqualifying Owen Hart.
44:04Owen Hart knowing full well
44:05that Owen Hart chalks up from The Undertaker.
44:07And Goldust looking right up.
44:09Wait a minute, Goldust is getting up.
44:11What's he going to do to The Undertaker?
44:13Uh-oh, here we go, McMahon.
44:15What's he up to?
44:17Get ready.
44:19We welcome you back to more WWF Raw.
44:21Goldust a bit outside, distracting the official
44:23and The Undertaker as well.
44:25And Owen Hart has the advantage.
44:27Oh look, McMahon, are you jealous?
44:29What is this?
44:31He's gone from caressing your toupee
44:33to now he's a Chevy chaser.
44:35Oh no, Paul Bearer, look at him,
44:37he's cornered now.
44:39Oh no, Goldust has him.
44:41Look at Paul, he's like Mikey.
44:43He likes it.
44:45No, no, no, look,
44:47all this while The Undertaker
44:49and Owen Hart are going at it
44:51in the square and circling.
44:53He's loosening his tie.
44:55Look out, some more chins will pop out.
44:57What's he doing now?
44:59He's unbuttoning his shirt.
45:01There's a count in the ring too.
45:03Undertaker not seeing any of this.
45:07Paul Bearer, oh my goodness,
45:09he is running away from ringside.
45:11That means The Undertaker
45:13does not have Paul Bearer on ringside.
45:15And Undertaker now with a boot to the midsection.
45:17Undertaker, if he looks up
45:19and there's no Paul Bearer
45:21and there's no urn,
45:23that could spell trouble for The Undertaker.
45:25The Undertaker now nonetheless in control.
45:27And look at that.
45:29Look at that, the most bizarre individual
45:31in the history of the WWF.
45:33Goldust, oh no.
45:35Owen Hart jamming the knee.
45:37Owen Hart
45:39working on the left leg
45:41and knee area.
45:43Oh my goodness.
45:45You think he's going to go after Cornette next?
45:47Only if it serves his purpose.
45:49I mean, this man is a master of mind games.
45:51Maybe even more so than The Undertaker.
45:53Goldust, you never know what he really means.
45:55He's out there and he'll say anything
45:57to gain an advantage.
45:59He'll do anything to gain an advantage.
46:01And he has gained one here tonight.
46:03No doubt about that.
46:05Paul Bearer's gone, don't you?
46:07Guarantee you he had to go take a cold shower.
46:15What was that?
46:19Undertaker, who has had problems
46:21with Owen Hart
46:23working on the leg area.
46:25Owen Hart
46:27capable of defeating anyone
46:29here in the World Wrestling Federation
46:31at any time.
46:33That's right.
46:35Undertaker's able to wake up
46:37after this match and find a tag on his toe.
46:39Oh, look out.
46:41Sort of like that William Colby guy.
46:43Going upstairs.
46:45It's Owen Hart.
46:47Dropkick nicely done.
46:49That's it.
46:50Finish him off.
46:52Owen Hart taking his time now.
46:54Perhaps should have gone for the cover.
46:56Owen Hart, Undertaker's legs up,
46:58steps through, sharpshooter coming up.
47:00Can he get, no.
47:02Undertaker has Owen Hart in the clutches.
47:03Goldust is going to have to do something here.
47:05Goldust on the outside.
47:07Undertaker now, right back up on his feet
47:09and driving the knee.
47:11And Owen Hart for the ride.
47:13Oh, no.
47:15Owen Hart set to have a birthday tomorrow.
47:17He may not make it.
47:19Although it's not Owen Hart in the casket match,
47:21it's going to be Goldust
47:23in about three weeks,
47:25a day of reckoning coming.
47:27And oh my goodness, the Undertaker now
47:29driving Owen Hart.
47:31Oh, no.
47:33He's still upset about the fact
47:35that Shawn Michaels made a pass at his sister.
47:37And Goldust trying to help Owen Hart get back.
47:39Trying to help him get back in the ring.
47:41He's all over the place, McMahon.
47:43A whole flock of them,
47:45Undertaker now.
47:47Look at the power.
47:49The Undertaker just exhibited
47:51enormous strength and oh, no.
47:53Bad news for Owen Hart.
47:55Down to the canvas.
47:57We've got a cover.
47:59We have a count.
48:01And we've got ourselves
48:03a casket match.
48:05Goldust didn't even try to help Owen.
48:07You can bet Owen Hart's
48:09going to be upset about this.
48:11The Undertaker
48:13facing Goldust
48:15in a casket match in approximately three weeks.
48:17Look at that look on that man's face.
48:19He is but sore.
48:21I don't think the Undertaker realizes
48:23that Paul Bearer is-
48:25Oh, wait a minute.
48:27Here comes a casket.
48:29Wait a minute.
48:31That could very well be the casket.
48:33In your house.
48:35There's a star on top of that casket
48:37with Goldust's name on it.
48:39And they're backing.
48:41From this vantage point, it looks like
48:43it's actually gold-plated.
48:45And Goldust now taking over.
48:47Don't go over there.
48:49He's backing out of here.
48:51He's going to back right into that casket.
48:53Goldust and Marlena
48:55running for cover.
48:57Running right into that casket.
48:59In your house
49:01in about three weeks.
49:03Who knows what's going to happen.
49:05Yeah, McMahon, and who knows
49:07what's going to happen next week here on RAW
49:09when Shawn Michaels goes up against
49:11Hunter Hearst Helmsley, huh?
49:13More on that Shawn Michaels alleged scandal.
49:15Plus, yes, the leader of the new
49:17WBF Generation in action.
49:19Michaels against Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
49:21Plus the man they call Vader.
49:23We'll get a word from the Undertaker as well.
49:25Join us next week for more RAW.
49:27So long, everybody.
