WWF Monday Night RAW: January 8, 1996

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Tonight on Monday Night Raw, after suffering a career-threatening head
00:04injury, Shawn Michaels makes a stunning revelation.
00:09Is the ego of Shawn Michaels so big?
00:14And as a man, is he so proud that he can't leave it behind?
00:19We'll find out.
00:20Plus, is Billionaire Ted planning another Raw ripoff?
00:23Boy, boy, yeah, that's good out here.
00:29And you will witness one of the most traumatic, the most graphic,
00:32the most shocking WWF title matches ever.
00:35As the courageous champion fends off his heartless brother-in-law.
00:39All that plus a special Slam Jam guest, it's Steam Gene.
00:43Welcome to Raw, how about that news Jerry Lawler?
01:11I'm gonna say one thing about Shawn Michaels, the man is a fool, McMahon.
01:16That's right.
01:17Of course, more on that later on, yes, in the ring in a moment.
01:19We have Hot Kushy, one-on-one against Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
01:23Plus, we're gonna find out finally who is the million dollar champion
01:27right here tonight.
01:28Yeah, and we're also gonna see him in action.
01:31Goldust, I can't wait.
01:34Yes, indeed, it's gonna be a night of bombshells, ladies and
01:37gentlemen, as a matter of fact.
01:38We're gonna announce just the Royal Rumble sweepstakes.
01:41We got all kinds of things happening right here in the middle of the blizzard of 96.
01:46Yeah, January the 8th, and I'm looking for Double J to come out here.
01:49And you know what he's gonna do to Hot Kushy?
01:52He's gonna shut him down like a New York airport.
01:55Is that right?
01:56Double J, Jeff Jarrett, ladies and gentlemen, on his way to the Royal Rumble.
02:00He thought he was gonna be on his way to actually enter the Royal Rumble match.
02:05One of 30 individuals, but no, indeed not.
02:08Based on what happened at the recent In Your House, Guerrilla-
02:11Ain't that great?
02:13Nah, yeah.
02:14Guerrilla Bond soon made a great decision saying, no, no, no, Double J.
02:18You're not in the Royal Rumble matchup.
02:20You're gonna be facing Ahmed Johnson one on one.
02:22To play for you.
02:23Listen, he's gonna sing.
02:26No, not tonight.
02:28He's got a new album, by the way.
02:30Let's take you back, however, ladies and gentlemen, approximately three weeks ago.
02:33Take a look at this, what a setup.
02:34Yeah, this was great, look.
02:36That's eccentric headache number one for Ahmed Johnson, number two.
02:43And that wasn't enough, that wasn't enough.
02:45Watch this.
02:46What were you and Double J up to, King?
02:48What were you trying to accomplish?
02:51Hey, Ahmed's the one that was running his big mouth about what he's gonna do to
02:54Double J.
02:58And watch this, unbelievable.
03:02Have a seat, Ahmed.
03:03Double J, Jeff Jarrett, taking it to Ahmed Johnson.
03:09My goodness.
03:12And they will be on a collision course at the WWF Royal Rumble,
03:16ladies and gentlemen, in Fresno, California.
03:20On January 21, exclusively on pay-per-view,
03:23as only the World Wrestling Federation can bring you.
03:25All right, there it is, a little, is that a Gibson?
03:27What kind of make is that?
03:28That guitar was given to Double J, presented to him, if you will,
03:32by his close personal friend, Garth Brooks.
03:35I tend to doubt that.
03:37What do you mean?
03:38Double J's got a lot of friends in low places.
03:40Yeah, I'm sure he does.
03:41Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, a modern day kamikaze on the left side of
03:44your screen.
03:45Hakushi, one of the great athletes here in the WWF, and against Double J,
03:48Jeff Jarrett, should be an outstanding matchup to open up things here tonight
03:51on Monday Night Raw.
03:53Look at this.
03:54Yeah, clever maneuver on the part of, wait a minute, scoop up now by Double J, and
03:57a big slam.
03:58Ha ha.
03:59Double J, Jeff Jarrett doing that strut, and Ahmed Johnson, ladies and
04:04gentlemen, is going to be in action tonight.
04:06And you sort of wonder, you know he's watching this match,
04:09you know he's warming up for his match.
04:12But is Ahmed gonna come down here and get a good close-up look at Double J?
04:15Well, maybe if he does, he might learn something.
04:18Is that right?
04:18That's right.
04:20Double J's greater than great.
04:22Greater than, that's the name of his new album, isn't it?
04:25That's right.
04:26Hakushi now being set up by Double J, and to the midsection now.
04:30Nice little pop face takedown by Hakushi.
04:32That wasn't fair.
04:35And Hakushi now over the top, and he lands right up on his feet.
04:39Nicely done.
04:40Look at this, Double J, Jeff Jarrett thinks Hakushi is out in the fifth row
04:44Look out, Double J.
04:45Look at the quick as a cat from the rope and, yeah.
04:51Hakushi with a takedown, now setting up Double J for the ride.
04:54Right off the rope and drop kick nails Double J, right in his teeth.
04:58Double J may be singing the blues after this match if he's singing at all.
05:01And wait a minute, look at that, high gear reverse.
05:03That's a smart move, you gotta give him credit, McMahon.
05:07Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
05:08He's on his way back to, where's he going?
05:11He's going back to the locker room.
05:13I don't believe it.
05:13He's had enough of Hakushi.
05:15Well, Hakushi's cheating like crazy.
05:17What do you mean?
05:18Look at this, Double J, Jeff, no, he's, now he's coming back.
05:23He doesn't want that blemish on his record.
05:28Double J, Jeff Jarrett, opening up things here tonight against Hakushi.
05:33Our first matchup tonight on Raw.
05:36We said before, there's gonna be a number of bombshells here coming tonight.
05:38Hey, there you go.
05:39Wait a minute, look at this.
05:41And a clever maneuver on the part of Double J, actually.
05:43He's brilliant.
05:44Not clever, he's brilliant.
05:46Double J, Jeff Jarrett, setting up Hakushi now.
05:49My goodness, what a clothesline that was.
05:52Hakushi, I believe, is going to defeat Double J, Jeff Jarrett, tonight.
05:57Right, yes, sir, right here tonight on Monday Night Raw.
06:01What's this?
06:02Double J now coming off the rope and, stay with us, we'll be right back.
06:07Welcome back, everyone, to my Monday Night Raw.
06:09Vince McMahon and Jerry The King Lawler here with you, and yes,
06:11in the ring right now, Double J, Jeff Jarrett,
06:13hanging onto the rope against modern day kamikaze Hakushi.
06:16Yet to come here tonight, we've got Shawn Michaels,
06:19the Royal Rumble sweepstakes winner, Billionaire Ted is gonna join us.
06:23The Hitman Bret Hart against Davey Boy Smith, his own brother-in-law.
06:27And we're gonna find out who the Million Dollar Champion is, all that and more.
06:30All kind of bombshells.
06:31I guess you'd probably call that a little illegal procedure.
06:35I think it's a personal foul, if you ask me.
06:36Now, wait a minute, that was last week.
06:38That was the Raw, look at this, and whoa!
06:40What a maneuver there by Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
06:43We're not doing the Raw Bowl anymore, right?
06:44That was last week.
06:46I saw so many bowl games last week, McMahon,
06:48at dinner somebody passed me the turkey and I spiked it.
06:50Hakushi being set up for the ride, coming off in, underneath the roundhouse, and
06:55no, nice maneuver.
06:58Hakushi, able to mix it up on a European style basis, certainly on a Japanese.
07:03Look right there, nobody home at all.
07:05Well, whatever happened to this Americanization of Hakushi?
07:08It's in full swing, you know?
07:09It's an ongoing process, one, two, and- Got him.
07:12A kick out, no he didn't, definitely not.
07:14I think Hakushi just sort of turning his back on his countryman.
07:17What do you mean by that?
07:18Well, I heard that he's gonna open a big and tall men's shop in Tokyo.
07:21Nobody home there, he's gonna open a what?
07:23Big and tall men's shop in Tokyo.
07:26Cover, Double J, one, two, and another kick out by Hakushi.
07:30Hakushi and Double J going at it here tonight on Raw.
07:33And of course, as was mentioned earlier on, Goldust is going to join us.
07:39Ahmed Johnson is looking on as we speak, no doubt.
07:42Hey, I'd like to say happy birthday.
07:43As a matter of fact, the Goldust favorite singer.
07:47And who might that be?
07:48David Bowie, it's his birthday.
07:49Happy birthday, David.
07:51He and I are close personal friends.
07:52I see.
07:54Ramming the elbow, Hakushi, and again.
07:57Hakushi with a chop.
08:00Hakushi off the rope now.
08:01Catch him, Double J.
08:02From the other side and, no, a nice maneuver by Hakushi.
08:05Double J, yes, down into midsection.
08:09Hakushi pouring it on Double J.
08:11And Double J now set up for the ride, the former Intercontinental Champion.
08:14And look out, here comes Hakushi and a menace impact.
08:17Off the rope, and down goes Double J.
08:21Hot cover here, lateral press, two and go.
08:27So very, very close.
08:28The right shoulder barely coming up from our vantage point.
08:33A scoop now, Double J slamming the canvas.
08:38What's he gonna do?
08:38Watch out.
08:39As only Hakushi can.
08:41Hakushi, watch this now.
08:45Tremendous, no.
08:47Right into the knees of Double J.
08:48I told you he was brilliant.
08:49Double J now.
08:52Can he put the 24 on Hakushi?
08:54Here we go.
08:57He's got him.
08:58Reach for the ropes.
08:59Yes, yes.
09:00Give up, Hakushi.
09:01Yes, yes.
09:02Come on, he got him.
09:03No, no, it's over.
09:04Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
09:07The winner of the match.
09:08The victory over Hakushi and Ahmed Johnson, we are told,
09:12is in fact looking on as we speak.
09:15And he just might come out any second.
09:16Ahmed, wait a minute, look at this.
09:19You don't think he's gonna play.
09:21Well, I wish he would.
09:24Really? Let's go back.
09:25Take a look at some of the action we saw here in the matchup.
09:27Hakushi comes off that top and there.
09:30What impact, the knees squarely into the rib cage.
09:34All right, we're gonna take you now, ladies and gentlemen, to the Slam Jam.
09:36Subject matter, the Royal Rumble, and of course, Shawn Michaels.
09:40And joining us now, Jim Ross.
09:41Jim, where's Doc?
09:44Well, Vince, Doc got pinned by Old Man Winter tonight, but
09:47we are gonna be joined in a few moments by Steam Gene.
09:50Who? And I'm here to tell you about the Royal Rumble.
09:52Ladies and gentlemen, the Royal Rumble is less than two weeks away,
09:56exclusively on pay-per-view.
09:5830 men will enter the 1996 Royal Rumble, and
10:01the winner is guaranteed a WWF Championship match at WrestleMania 12.
10:07This past weekend, we heard that Doug Gilbert of the USWA had entered
10:11the Royal Rumble, along with the legendary Jake the Snake Roberts,
10:14Jerry the King Lawler, Fatu, and Isaac Yankum, DDS.
10:17And it was just last week that we heard about Vader.
10:20From the power of the Rocky Mountain,
10:25I bring you the Prince of Power.
10:32It's time, it's time,
10:37it's Vader time.
10:41Man, Vader is all man, no doubt about it, folks.
10:46Also entered Henry Godwin, Marty Jannetty, Kama, Skip of the Body Donnas,
10:52and All Japan Wrestling's Takao Omori.
10:57Folks, the Royal Rumble match is the most exciting hour of the year in the WWF.
11:02You can't miss it on pay-per-view, and Sking Gene, what do you have for us?
11:05Superstars are coming out of the woodwork for this one.
11:08I can't give it to you now, but I can give it to you later.
11:11Uh-oh, it sounds like another one of those rumors coming up.
11:14Here comes Ahmed Johnson on his way to the Royal Rumble to lock up a double G.
11:18Jeff Jarrett, Ahmed Johnson on his way to action.
11:23Tonight in Raw, this man is all man.
11:26Yeah, but rumor has it, he's really scared of Double J.
11:29Is that right?
11:31So much for rumors.
11:32Ahmed in action.
11:33Plus, we're gonna find out who is the Million Dollar Champion.
11:35Stay with us.
11:36Wait a minute, we're back, ladies and gentlemen, with more Raw.
11:40We've got Ahmed Johnson, one-on-one with Jeff Gretler.
11:43A rather unusual attire on the part of Gretler, who I think just hurt himself.
11:47And another clothesline attempt.
11:48Wait a minute, what's this?
11:50Oh, my goodness!
11:51All right, Jerry, the King Waller, describe that move.
11:53What was that?
11:54Uh, I'm not sure.
11:55Maybe a one-and-a-half gainer with a triple somersault.
11:57I'd give it about a nine, though.
11:59What do you think?
12:00Is this Olympic diving?
12:01Oh, no!
12:02Gretler is being taken to school by Ahmed Johnson.
12:05And here, take a look here at this double feature.
12:08Oh, believable impact here.
12:10Oh, my goodness.
12:11Oh, my goodness.
12:12Oh, my goodness.
12:13Oh, my goodness.
12:14Oh, my goodness.
12:15Double feature.
12:16Oh, believable impact here.
12:17As only the World Wrestling Federation can bring you.
12:20There's another bit of impact.
12:21And I know you're glad that's not you, but it could have been this past weekend.
12:25But as usual, you buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, chickened out.
12:28What are you talking about, McMahon?
12:29You know what I'm talking about.
12:30I had a legitimate injury.
12:31Had a legitimate injury.
12:32Well, my leg was broken.
12:33Your leg was broken.
12:34In a matchup this past weekend, it was supposed to be Jerry, the King Waller, one-on-one with Ahmed.
12:38You came down to the ring on crutches.
12:40That's right.
12:41Come on, give me a breaker.
12:42Well, I was, you know, at the time, I was hurting.
12:45I can wrestle him tonight.
12:46You want me to go in there tonight against him?
12:47Why don't you just stay put?
12:49See, us kings-
12:50Oh, then again, go ahead.
12:51Us kings have amazing recuperative powers.
12:53Yeah, as I noticed, and everyone else did as well, as you were walking out of the arena last week, you didn't need your crutches.
12:59Well, I have a high tolerance for pain, which is something you would know nothing about.
13:03I see.
13:04Uh-oh, look, here we go.
13:05Is this it?
13:06Here comes the Pearl River Plunge, I believe.
13:08Well, I might just go in there right now.
13:10Jeff Rettler and down to the canvas.
13:13One, two, and a count of three.
13:17Ahmed Johnson making short work of Jeff Rettler, but another Jeff, ladies and gentlemen, is looking on.
13:23Double J, Jeff Jarrett.
13:25As we take you back to the replay now, watch this maneuver.
13:28Oh, yeah!
13:29That'll bust anybody's spine.
13:31And then from there, the Pearl River Plunge.
13:34Wait a minute, here comes Double J.
13:35Stay with us.
13:36Here comes Double J.
13:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:40Oh, my goodness.
13:41Almost nailed Ahmed Johnson as he did it in your house.
13:44And now he's taking off.
13:45He better get out of there.
13:46He better run.
13:48Double J will not be able to run, however, at the Royal Rumble.
13:51I'll guarantee that.
13:53I cannot believe he damaged that guitar that was given to him.
13:57What are you talking about?
13:58Well, that guitar was given to him by Garth Brooks.
14:00Garth Brooks.
14:01I'll just say-
14:02Wait a minute!
14:04What a tune Ahmed Johnson is playing on that guitar.
14:07More action coming up this week.
14:09However, ladies and gentlemen, next week, right here on Monday Night Raw.
14:15The Undertaker.
14:17His vengeance was ruthless and fierce when he presided over the funeral of King Mabel and Sir Moe
14:23and regained the powers of the earth.
14:26So now, in preparation for his title shot at the Rumble,
14:29he's taking on this demented dentist with a sweet tooth for pay.
14:34The Undertaker battles Isaac Yankum, DDS,
14:37plus Marty Jannetty and Owen Hart go head-to-head in aerial combat.
14:41All this and more next week on Raw.
14:45Yeah, that's next week, but lots more coming up this week.
14:47Brother Love right now and Ted DiBiase is in the ring.
14:50We're gonna find out.
14:51Look at that beautiful belt.
14:52Who is the new Million Dollar Champion?
14:53For the entire year of 1995, I have searched and searched and searched
14:59in hopes that I could find someone who would exemplify
15:04what I feel a Million Dollar Champion should be.
15:07But I searched in vain.
15:09That's some belt.
15:10And in frustration, until finally, Brother Love,
15:14finally, Brother Love, I have found him.
15:18So without any further ado,
15:20Who is it?
15:21I give you the Ringmaster.
15:28Come on, where is he?
15:30And here he comes.
15:32The new Million Dollar Champion.
15:37The Ringmaster.
15:41I'm impressed, McMahon.
15:42What about you?
15:43Oh, very impressed.
15:44This man's skills.
15:45Very well done.
15:47You talk about a grappler.
15:48You talk about a man that can mix it up in any fashion at all.
15:52Physical specimen.
15:54And although you haven't seen him wrestle,
15:57when you do, you'll know why.
16:01He is a Million Dollar Champion.
16:05He is the Million Dollar Champion.
16:09And Ringmaster, right here in front of everybody,
16:12I want to officially crown you my Million Dollar Champion.
16:19Behold, brothers and sisters!
16:23Behold the Million Dollar Champion,
16:29Brother Ringmaster!
16:33That belt would rival a crown.
16:34I'm gonna go out on a limb here, man.
16:36Back up a little bit, brother.
16:38Everybody out there in TV land,
16:40I'm gonna give you a chance to be somebody.
16:43Come on, get the camera on that hand right there.
16:46I want everybody out there in TV land to touch your screen
16:49and feel what it's like to be destined for success.
16:54Go ahead, gang.
16:55I got it up there.
16:56What's it like to be born a champion, man?
17:00You better put your hand up there, McMahon.
17:01I didn't come out here just to run my mouth, brother love.
17:04I'm here to prove every single thing I say.
17:08Me and the Million Dollar Man talked.
17:10I'm in the Royal Rumble, man.
17:12I'm gonna prove how good the Ringmaster is.
17:17After I toss every single one of the WWF superstars
17:22over that rope right there, man,
17:24I'll be the one getting the shot
17:27at the World Wrestling Federation Championship.
17:31It doesn't mean anything
17:32compared to the Million Dollar Belt, of course.
17:36But in WrestleMania, man, I'm gonna do it all,
17:40and you're gonna see what the Million Dollar Man
17:42and the Million Dollar Champ are gonna accomplish.
17:46And then I'll have every single thing
17:48that I want out of the WWF.
17:51And why is that?
17:52Because everybody's got a price for the Million Dollar Man.
17:57Well, I told you, McMahon,
17:58there'll be bombshells dropping tonight,
18:00and that was just one of them.
18:02No question about it.
18:03Yet to come, ladies and gentlemen,
18:04Bret the Hitman Hart against Davey Boy Smith.
18:06The British Bulldog in a graphic matchup.
18:09The question was asked of the official,
18:11referee Earl Hebner,
18:12why didn't you stop the match?
18:14Why didn't you stop it?
18:15I knew he was bleeding awful bad,
18:17and I kept talking to him,
18:19and I kept asking him to say my name,
18:21and I'd hold up some fingers during the match
18:24and say, how many fingers do I have?
18:25So I knew he was conscious,
18:27and he didn't know what I was talking about.
18:29Plus, the Hulkster will join us.
18:33Billionaire Ted's Wrestling War Room
18:35in a bombshell there for sure.
18:37Plus, when did you get a lot of the footage
18:39from Shawn Michaels' press conference?
18:42Welcome back, everyone,
18:43to more Monday Night Raw.
18:45In the squared circle,
18:46unquestionably one of the more controversial
18:48and surely the most bizarre individual ever
18:50here in the World Wrestling Federation,
18:53Goldust, one-on-one against Aldo Montoya,
18:56and Goldust has been very overt
18:58in his commentary and his actions
19:00as relates to his opponent at the Royal Rumble,
19:03the reigning Intercontinental Champion,
19:05the bad guy Razor Ramon.
19:06What a matchup that's gonna be at the Rumble.
19:09What do you mean overt?
19:10Just because a few weeks ago,
19:11he gave him that rather, I don't know,
19:14explicit note, that letter.
19:16Yeah, I read it.
19:17Did I ever tell you exactly what was in there, McMahon?
19:19No, as a matter of fact, you didn't,
19:20and I don't think you really should,
19:21as we are being drowned here a bit in Goldust.
19:24And then he gave Razor Ramon some gold roses.
19:28And then the gold teddy bear,
19:29dressed like Goldust.
19:31The androgynous look of Goldust.
19:36However, no matter what this man says,
19:38no matter what he does,
19:39no matter what his actions are,
19:40you have to give him credit
19:41in terms of his wrestling skill.
19:44And again, so many individuals really speculate
19:47that what he says, he really doesn't mean.
19:49And his actions, oh, that's right.
19:51I mean, it's all with him from behind.
19:53Aldo Montoya should never turn his back
19:55on a man like Goldust.
19:56Oh, my goodness.
19:57Goldust with a shot.
19:58Well, you know, I've said it before.
20:00Goldust is probably the world's biggest movie buff.
20:03I mean, he loves actors.
20:04He loves acting.
20:05Maybe this is all an act.
20:06Who knows?
20:07Yeah, right.
20:08You never can tell.
20:09Goldust behind Aldo Montoya now.
20:11Suplex down to the canvas.
20:13High impact maneuver.
20:14Goldust certainly has great grappling
20:17And as you said, quite a movie buff.
20:19I would suggest to you that one of his favorite movies
20:22is Heat.
20:23And oh, he knows how to get plenty of that.
20:25Hey, but what about the number one movie
20:26that's out in the nation right now?
20:28It's starring Stu and Helen Hart's grandchildren.
20:31I beg your pardon?
20:32You hadn't heard about it?
20:3312 Monkeys?
20:34Oh, please.
20:3512 Monkeys.
20:36You know, if you were in the movies,
20:37you'd be a character actor.
20:39All right.
20:40When you show any character, you're acting.
20:42I got a million of them, McMahon.
20:44Yeah, you've got a million of them.
20:45All right.
20:46Jerry the King Lawler.
20:47Oh, my goodness.
20:48Entering the Royal Rumble matchup
20:50itself as compared to just one of the events that
20:54takes place at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view.
20:56And again, Razor Ramon, you know,
20:58is watching this matchup as we speak.
21:01The bad guy trying to study the wrestling
21:04skills of Goldust.
21:06Can Razor focus on the wrestling technique
21:10of Goldust in such a fashion as to successfully defend
21:13the intercontinental title?
21:14At the Rumble.
21:15Off the rope in.
21:16Oh, nice clothesline.
21:17Nicely done.
21:19Aga Montoya.
21:20Watch out.
21:21Montoya with a right hand, clipping the jaw.
21:23Montoya hammering away, trying to set up the Bizarro on.
21:26Goldust off the rope and back body drop.
21:30Aga Montoya with some momentum here
21:32and trying to set up Goldust.
21:33He does.
21:34Coming off the rope and over.
21:36And for a moment.
21:37There you go.
21:38Oh, no.
21:39Oh, no.
21:40Look at this.
21:43A devastating maneuver to cover the cow.
21:45Oh, there you go.
21:46And once again, a victory by Goldust.
21:50That's what Aldo Montoya gets.
21:51He tried to make Goldust look like something
21:53out of Apollo 13, but he paid the price in the end.
21:57Again, most unusual, most bizarre.
22:00Give him credit, however, for his wrestling skill.
22:02That will be put to the test by the bad guy.
22:05What a great matchup that's going to be.
22:07Exclusively on pay-per-view right now.
22:09Let's take you to Jim Ross and the Slam Jam.
22:11Welcome back to Slam Jam, everybody.
22:12The talk of the WWF has been the future of Shawn Michaels.
22:17Earlier today in Fresno, California,
22:18the site of the 1996 Royal Rumble,
22:21Shawn Michaels conducted a press conference.
22:23Let us take you now to Shawn Michaels.
22:26My doctors and the people around me think it would be best
22:30that I no longer compete in the World Wrestling Federation.
22:33So I have to apologize to my friends, my family, my doctors,
22:42but Shawn Michaels is throwing his name
22:46into the many names that will be competing
22:49at the Royal Rumble in Fresno.
22:51And come WrestleMania, regardless of who's wearing
22:57the World Wrestling Federation championship belt,
23:00you will be facing the Heartbreak Kid,
23:04Shawn Michaels, at WrestleMania,
23:06and you will be giving your title
23:09to the next man who will carry the World Wrestling Federation
23:12on its shoulders into the new millennium.
23:15And, folks, he's me.
23:18That's certainly great news.
23:20I hope Shawn is making the right decision,
23:23and it certainly sheds a different light
23:25on the 1996 Royal Rumble.
23:27Hold on, Jim.
23:28I got a huge name for the Royal Rumble.
23:30As my mother-in-law used to say,
23:32it's too hot for television.
23:34But I'll give it up if you give me a call on the hotline.
23:37Oh, come on, Gene.
23:38One time, right here on TV.
23:40One time.
23:41All right.
23:42It's Vader time.
23:44Well, that's typical, Scheme.
23:49All right, King, your reaction
23:50to that extraordinary announcement.
23:52This is the biggest mistake in Shawn Michaels' life.
23:56Not in his career, in his life.
23:58Your life is more important than your career.
24:00With that in mind, let's get some other reactions
24:02from WWF superstars.
24:05You know, Royal Rumble,
24:06if he gets in there with me,
24:07it's all right.
24:08Business is business.
24:09Friends are friends.
24:10And I want my belt back, too.
24:12But I wish him all the luck in the world.
24:15He's my best friend.
24:16Shawn, I think it's too soon, Chico.
24:19You got a lot of lumps on that head of yours.
24:21Hey, I put some of them there.
24:24But I know this.
24:25If the Heartbreak Kid is in that Royal Rumble,
24:28he'll win it.
24:29You know, and I know, deep down inside, Shawn,
24:32you're hurting.
24:33I hurt you bad, Shawn.
24:34You're not ready for this Royal Rumble.
24:36And when you step in the ring with 29 other guys,
24:39believe me, you're a marked man.
24:40And I'm the first man that's gonna get my hands on you.
24:43I'll make sure that you never wrestle again.
24:46Shawn Michaels is making some noise.
24:48All right, what kind of athleticism and competition
24:50could you expect here and only here
24:52in the World Wrestling Federation,
24:54especially on pay-per-view?
24:55This next match will speak volumes.
24:57It speaks for itself.
24:58Both men, unfortunately, injured in this matchup.
25:01Both men gave it their all, for sure.
25:03One of the most grueling battles I've ever witnessed.
25:05Let's take you back to it right now.
25:08Well, Bret, the Hitman Heart,
25:10found in defeat at the man who he has never defeated before,
25:14the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith.
25:17I can feel it, McMahon.
25:19I can feel the electricity in the air.
25:21Maybe that's just static cling.
25:23What is this?
25:25Come on, look at this.
25:26Bulldog, yes, unquestionably.
25:28He's more powerful than the Hitman.
25:29Let's give him that.
25:30Yeah, he is.
25:33I love it.
25:36Just last Friday, ladies and gentlemen,
25:38Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
25:39setting for a tremendous celebration.
25:41Look at that.
25:42Head scissor.
25:43Both men right back up.
25:44Nice drop to hold.
25:45Nicely done by the Hitman.
25:46In control of the armbar.
25:47Last Friday.
25:48Congratulations to Stu Hart,
25:50the father and the father-in-law
25:53of the two individuals in the ring at the moment
25:55celebrating his 80th birthday.
25:57Big, huge birthday celebration for Stu,
26:00and look at this maneuver now.
26:01DB Boy trying to find a way to escape.
26:02Look at that.
26:03A yank of hair.
26:05And right back in control.
26:12I heard they wanted to put the right amount of candles
26:14on his birthday cake,
26:15but the fire marshal wouldn't let him.
26:18Can't you be kind at all during this holiday season?
26:23The Bulldog back to the corner.
26:25Bret Hart, the excellence of execution.
26:28No change of style for every single matchup.
26:31Getting the best out of his opponent
26:32and unquestionably showing that he is
26:34the best there is, the best there was.
26:37I'll give the devil his due, McMahon.
26:39Bret Hart's a great wrestler.
26:40I gotta admit it.
26:41You said it before.
26:42He can adapt to almost any style,
26:44but the one style he's not been able to
26:46successfully adapt to is that of the British Bulldog.
26:49Sure, he has his moments.
26:50Sure, he'll look great.
26:51He'll impress everybody.
26:52But in the end, somehow, by hook or crook,
26:55the British Bulldog will come out of this thing
26:57the new World Wrestling Federation champion.
26:59You might be right.
27:00Oh, my goodness.
27:07The British Bulldog looking pretty good in that spot.
27:11See, that's what I'm talking about.
27:12The Hitman cannot adapt to the style of the British Bulldog.
27:24See, a little while earlier,
27:25the Hitman was doing-
27:26Wait a minute.
27:27Ladies and gentlemen,
27:28we've just been handed a note.
27:31The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble.
27:34We mentioned the Royal Rumble earlier on.
27:36The Undertaker is going to be facing
27:39the winner of this matchup.
27:41The Undertaker will be facing the WWF champion,
27:44whomever that may be.
27:51Get out of my face!
27:52I didn't do nothing.
27:53Oh, I wish Bret Hart could get in your way.
27:56That was close.
27:58Well, Santa just paid an early visit to the Hitman.
28:07Cornette, can you imagine how obnoxious he's gonna be
28:10if Davey Boy once again defeats Bret the Hitman Hart?
28:13If Davey Boy becomes the WWF champion,
28:15then it would be Davey Boy Smith,
28:16perhaps against the Undertaker at the WWF Royal Rumble.
28:22What a matchup that would be.
28:24But before that took place,
28:25can you imagine the Queen would bestow knighthood
28:30on Jim Cornette.
28:31Sir Jim, if the British Bulldog wins,
28:34takes the title back to merry old England,
28:36wouldn't that be great?
28:38With this informative note about the Undertaker
28:40facing the WWF champion,
28:41I must say I'm sure that does not please Diesel at all.
28:44Big Daddy Cool Diesel earlier on tonight
28:46gesturing as though he wanted his WWF title back.
28:50But right now,
28:51it's Bret the Hitman Hart, the champion.
28:53And the Hitman wants to keep what he believes
28:55is rightfully his.
29:02Devastating, McMahon.
29:04On cover, one, two.
29:06Oh, cheap.
29:07Very cheap.
29:10If that's the only way I could save a title,
29:12I'd go ahead and hand it over.
29:13What are you saying?
29:15If I had to resort to putting my foot on the rope
29:17to save myself,
29:18I'd just admit defeat.
29:19Off the rope.
29:20And back body drop.
29:24On cover, two and...
29:26And again, another near fall.
29:27The British Bulldog coming closer and closer
29:30to once again defeating Bret the Hitman Hart.
29:34And a concerned look on the face of Diana.
29:40And you sort of wonder whether or not
29:41she's having some misgivings
29:44about blatantly rooting for Baby Boy Smith.
29:47What do you mean, misgivings?
29:50Who else would she be rooting for?
29:52That is her brother there.
29:53You will recall Wembley,
29:54when in fact she was in the middle
29:56almost literally of all of this.
29:58She was just happy the match was over
29:59and no one was hurt.
30:00I'm just gonna tell you this,
30:01she also knows that her brother
30:03is the reason that...
30:04Oh, come on!
30:05That they have probably one of the most
30:07dysfunctional families in the entire country.
30:10No, I didn't pull a hair!
30:12What are you talking about?
30:13Hart has created so much hatred and dissension
30:16in that entire Hart family is pathetic.
30:22Come on, Hart!
30:23Get up!
30:25You ain't got a chance!
30:27Jim Cornette putting a bad mouth
30:29on Bret the Hitman Hart.
30:32Baby Boy Smith now, off the rope.
30:34And this tackle coming up again.
30:36From the other side now,
30:37Baby Boy Smith underneath the Hitman
30:39and oh, you're low!
30:42Can Bret Hart regain some momentum?
30:45Oh, no!
30:50Bret Hitman Bret Hart on the rope!
30:57Look at the face of Diana now,
30:58you can tell she is not for Bret the Hitman Hart.
31:03Baby Boy Smith and...
31:06Can you imagine that?
31:07The Bulldog was bulldozed!
31:09Can you imagine that?
31:10The Bulldog was bulldozed!
31:12A kick out by Baby Boy.
31:21The Hitman Bret Hart
31:23hammering away on the British Bulldog,
31:25setting up for the ride.
31:26Reversal coming off the rope, back body.
31:28No, no, no, no!
31:29This is it!
31:30This is it!
31:31This is it!
31:33You learned that from me!
31:36Bret shoots a hair!
31:37Come on, Bret, cover it!
31:38I couldn't do it!
31:39One, two, and yes!
31:44Would you quit...
31:45Would you quit blatantly rooting for Bret Hart?
31:49Bret the Hitman Hart,
31:50exemplary in every way
31:53of a World Wrestling Federation champion,
31:55no question.
31:56Certainly has more respect
31:59from the WWF fans
32:01and from everyone including...
32:02Oh, no!
32:03Yes, and you know what's coming now!
32:05I know what this means!
32:06I know what this means!
32:08Hornet, better do something!
32:14The Hitman Bret Hart!
32:25Go ahead, Bret, setting him up,
32:27and what's gonna happen here?
32:29Oh, no, no!
32:30Not from the top!
32:31Not from the top!
32:34Here we go!
32:35All the way up to the top!
32:36And they're looking on!
32:39No, no!
32:42New champion!
32:43New champion!
32:45I've never seen anything like that in my life!
32:48Count him out!
32:50Wait a minute!
32:52J.B. Boy!
32:53And he got in the ring!
32:54To get rid of the Hitman Bret Hart!
32:57Hornet, get him in the ring!
33:01And the Hitman is in big time trouble!
33:04Get him in there!
33:11See, that's what's great about the Bulldog!
33:12He'll seize the moment!
33:13He won't let the Hitman recuperate!
33:15Drag him in the ring now and finish him off!
33:19The British Bulldog knowing full well
33:20that a count out does not change a WWF title!
33:23No, indeed, there must be a pin or a submission!
33:27Power slam him now!
33:28He's ready for it!
33:36Into the ring post!
33:40J.B. Boy Smith!
33:42Grabbing his brother-in-law into the ring post!
33:45Go ahead and admit it, big man!
33:46My powers of protestication are phenomenal!
33:50I told you we'd have a new champion here tonight!
33:54What's this?
33:59Into the ring!
34:02And I'm not so certain that Bret Hart has not been completely...
34:09He's busted wide open, McMahon!
34:15Unfortunately, Bret Hart is...
34:18And the official might want to stop this right now!
34:25He went right into that ring post with his head!
34:28And the official getting a good look at the cut,
34:31which we've been unable to see.
34:33We see the results of it.
34:37Oh, no!
34:38Oh, no!
34:45One, two, three!
34:46Got him!
34:53And Diana, just a five-year-old,
34:56Diana justifiably concerned by the welfare of her brother.
35:01But the official is right there.
35:04There's a doctor in attendance as well, and oh, no!
35:06Look at this!
35:08Baby... Oh!
35:14Oh, cover!
35:15We have a new champion, too, and...
35:18Almost a count of three.
35:20She's not concerned about the Hitman.
35:22She's just...
35:23Hey, wait a minute.
35:24If we can keep our cameras wide,
35:27then we do not need any close-ups
35:30of what's going on with Bret Hart.
35:34And now, oh, my goodness!
35:35Oh, my gosh!
35:37And Bret Hart is being pummeled.
35:38And the official should stop it.
35:40He should stop it right now, too.
35:42Almost a count of three.
35:43I'll agree with you, McMahon.
35:44He should stop it and award the World Wrestling Federation title
35:47to the British Bulldog.
35:49Shouldn't he?
35:50Isn't that what he should do?
35:52Admit it!
35:53Where's Monsoon when you need him?
35:54Yes, as a matter of fact, I...
35:56I think you're right.
35:58Bret Hart, obviously, on his own.
36:00He's in no condition.
36:01As far as he can say enough,
36:02the official's there, and he's letting it go.
36:05Oh, no!
36:08This is great.
36:09Look at this.
36:10I mean, I'm telling you...
36:11Baby Boy's still on the cover!
36:12Two and three!
36:13No, no, no.
36:15Baby Boy's like Mike Tyson.
36:17He's going in.
36:18I mean, you know, he senses it.
36:19He smells it.
36:20And he's not letting up.
36:23I think he's hurt his leg.
36:27He hurt his knee when he came off the top, McMahon.
36:29Here we go!
36:31Oh, no!
36:32There! Submission!
36:33A bow and arrow submission!
36:35Oh, the final Bret Hart!
36:36Give up, Hitman!
36:37And look at that!
36:38Wait a minute!
36:43Bret Hart almost had the sharpshooter
36:45on Baby Boy Smith, the British Bulldog.
36:49He got a span on him!
36:50Don't let him in!
36:54And Bret the Hitman Hart, severely fatigued.
36:59And this match has turned into a mess.
37:03Off the rope now!
37:04The British Bulldog in front!
37:06Oh, no!
37:08All the way to the outside.
37:09And again, right into the railing.
37:18And the British Bulldog...
37:21Go ahead, ref, stop it!
37:23The official ought to stop the match.
37:27The Hitman is in no condition to continue.
37:29Look at him!
37:30I'd rather not.
37:31I've never seen Bret Hart in this shape, ever.
37:34Stop the match!
37:36Stop it!
37:38Want me to go up there and stop it?
37:40I don't want you to do anything.
37:42Look at the Hitman!
37:44Please let him get a close-up of that!
37:50And Diana concerned, as well.
37:53She should be, as well.
37:54Everyone should be.
37:55But Bret Hart!
37:56Bret Hart!
37:57Bret Hart!
38:03And Bret Hart, almost.
38:05Just when you completely counted him out.
38:08Bret almost pulled off a miracle.
38:11Bret almost pinned Baby Boy.
38:14And Baby Boy, off the rope!
38:16Bret Hart now!
38:17Oh, both men down!
38:18Both men down!
38:20Both men close line.
38:22Bret Hart's his own worst enemy.
38:23Every time he shows, he reaches down there and gets that little flurry.
38:26That makes the referee not stop the match!
38:30The Hitman ought to realize this could be the end of his career if he doesn't let the referee stop him.
38:35Shut up, you idiot!
38:45Look at Baby!
38:50And Jim Cornell, coming around, trying to encourage Baby Boy Smith to get back in!
38:56His chance at the WWF title!
38:58Oh, look at this!
39:01Bret Hart has gone crazy!
39:05Bret is just hammering around!
39:07He doesn't even know where he's at, McMahon!
39:11Come on!
39:13Come on!
39:15Come on!
39:17Come on, Baby!
39:18And Bret the Hitman Hart, good for a rope, he's wrestling against him!
39:21Wait a minute!
39:22Look at that!
39:23Oh no, he's caught!
39:24He caught him!
39:25Put his book on!
39:29Power slam!
39:35What is he gonna do?
39:38Baby Boy Smith!
39:40Pulling up with what little bit of protective padding there is on the outside of the ring!
39:45He's gonna slam him on the concrete floor!
39:47This is over!
39:48Ice in!
39:50Bret trying to block it!
39:51And again!
39:52And goes!
39:59And Bret Hart coastlines the British Bulldog down!
40:07This match has gone the way out of hand!
40:14Come on, Bulldog!
40:15Come on!
40:16He's getting his strength back!
40:20Bret Hart with the British Bulldog!
40:23What can he do with him now?
40:26The Hitman!
40:27Wrestling on instinct!
40:29The cover!
40:31He got him!
40:32No, he didn't!
40:33No, he didn't!
40:34Bret Hart cannot beat the British Bulldog!
40:35He can't do it!
40:38The British Bulldog!
40:40Every bit as resilient
40:42as Bret the Hitman Hart.
40:44Neither man will quit!
40:45What we'll give here tonight in your house in this grueling
40:49WWF Championship match!
40:51Oh, no!
40:53Bouncing off the canvas on his head!
40:59That's how much this WWF title means to the Hitman!
41:03It's just how much Baby Boy Smith wants it!
41:05It means everything!
41:07Oh, no!
41:09The Bulldog sent out for the top!
41:13Bret Hart going all the way up!
41:16Bret Hart with Baby Boy Smith in!
41:24Careers are riding on this, McMahon!
41:28Hitman turns over!
41:30Here's the cover!
41:31Come on, ref!
41:32Get that leg!
41:34He got- No!
41:35Oh, no!
41:36What is it gonna take?
41:37What's it gonna take for someone now?
41:49Bret Hart even resorted to pulling the Bulldog's tights
41:51and still couldn't win!
41:53Shades of Wembley Stadium!
41:57Bret Hart!
41:58The British Bulldog!
42:00In a matchup no matter who wins
42:02will long be remembered by WWF fans all over the world!
42:07The Bulldog!
42:08In the corner!
42:10And Bret Hart, unrelenting, just won't let up!
42:12Bulldog for the ride!
42:15And wow!
42:20That boot caught him right under the chin!
42:22That could do it!
42:23No, he's moving!
42:24Those men are spent!
42:26Nonetheless, they continue to come at each other!
42:32Wait a minute!
45:02Nah, we've already stolen that one.
45:04How about ripping off unbelievable?
45:07You know, like not believable.
45:09Yeah, like Ted's wrestling is not believable.
45:11Boys, this is no time to start telling the truth.
45:14We really need something original this time.
45:16How about this is where the good old boys play?
45:19Or even just the old boys play.
45:21Who you calling old, brother?
45:23What did I just tell you guys?
45:25This is no time to start telling the truth.
45:29Yes, Nacho Man.
45:31Let's lie.
45:32How about this is where the big boys play?
45:36Ah, I like that.
45:38It's just dishonest enough to work.
45:41But what if all our stars have to take a legitimate drug test for steroids?
45:46You don't have to worry about that, brother, because we're not in the WWF anymore.
45:50Yes, this is where the big boys play.
45:56The new WWF generation.
45:58There's nothing old or artificial here.
