Blues Clues S02 E10

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hi out there! It's me Steve! Have you seen Blue, my puppy?
00:05Here he is!
00:07Come on in!
00:18Oh hi! How are you? Come on in!
00:21Open the door, Steve!
00:25What? Oh, right.
00:28First I have to open the door, and then you can come in and I can say,
00:32Oh hi! How are you? Come on in!
00:37Hey, Blue and I are drawing a picture. You wanna see it?
00:41Great! Come on!
00:48Here we are!
00:50Hi Blue!
00:53Oh! That looks great, Blue! You finished the outline!
00:58Now what should we do?
01:00Color it in!
01:03Color it in? Great! I love to color!
01:13That looks great, Blue!
01:16Let's hang it on the refrigerator!
01:19No? You don't want to hang it on the refrigerator?
01:23Okay. Well, what do you want to do with our drawing?
01:28What a great idea!
01:30We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to do with our drawing!
01:34I love Blue's Clues.
01:42Now remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues.
01:45Blue's Clues.
01:48We better clean this paw print up.
01:52Let's wipe it off.
01:55So what would be our first step?
01:59Right! First, we should spray this water on this paw print.
02:05There we go. And then we can take our sponge and wipe up the drippy parts.
02:14Now we're ready to play Blue's Clues.
02:16Steve! Steve!
02:19Right! You know what comes next? Our...
02:23Notebook! Right! Come on!
02:28Thanks, side table drawer!
02:29You're welcome!
02:30Now, you can play Blue's Clues!
02:33Right! Here it is!
02:36Will you help me again today?
02:38You will? Great!
02:40Because I'm really going to need your help trying to figure out what Blue wants to do with our drawing.
02:45Oh! OK.
02:46So when we play Blue's Clues, we have to find a...
02:49Paw print!
02:50Right! Because that's the first...
02:53Yeah! Then we put it in our notebook.
03:14You know what to do!
03:15Sit down in a thinking chair and think!
03:22Because when we use our minds, take a step at a time, we can do...
03:29That we wanna do!
03:32OK. So, keep your eyes open for our first Blue's Clues.
03:36But before we do that, could you tell me which way Blue went?
03:41That way! That way!
03:42That way!
03:43Oh! That way! Great! Thanks!
03:52A clue! A clue!
03:54Yep! That's what we gotta do next!
03:56Find a clue!
03:59No! It's a clue!
04:01Oh! You see a clue!
04:04Right! Where?
04:06Right there!
04:12It's a... It's a... Stamp!
04:16A dancing stamp.
04:19Never saw one of those before.
04:21Well, this stamp is our first Blue's Clue.
04:25What comes next?
04:28Right! We put it in our handy-dandy...
04:33So, a stamp.
04:37First we draw a rectangle.
04:40Then a squiggly line for the border.
04:45A 1 and a 0 for the number 10.
04:48And we have a stamp.
04:52So, what do you suppose Blue could wanna do with our drawing?
04:55And a stamp?
05:01So, a stamp is our first clue.
05:04So, I guess, our next step is to find our second clue.
05:09Then, maybe we can figure out what Blue wants to do with our drawing.
05:14Steve! Steve!
05:17We're so glad you're here!
05:19There was a mystery maker in our kitchen!
05:22And it looks like they made an ice cream cone!
05:25But we don't know who it is!
05:27Will you help us figure out who the mystery maker is?
05:32We're definitely gonna need your help to figure out who this mystery ice cream cone maker is.
05:38Will you help?
05:39You will? Great!
05:44Okay, let's look at the evidence.
05:49A scooper.
05:53Ice cream.
06:05First, the mystery maker made an ice cream cone.
06:09Then, where did they go?
06:13Out the door!
06:16Out the door? Okay, let's follow the trail.
06:30They were here.
06:31See? The evidence.
06:35There's melted ice cream.
06:39I'll bet it's from the mystery maker.
06:45So, after going to the picnic table, which way did the mystery maker go next?
06:55That way!
06:58Yep, that way.
06:59That way!
07:07The mystery maker must be right here!
07:21Now, where did they go?
07:25Through the door!
07:27Oh, through the door!
07:43Hey, the trail! It's gone!
07:47Now, where did the mystery maker go?
07:52The bathroom!
07:54Oh, the bathroom! We finally caught up. Who do you think it is?
08:06Blue, was it you? Are you the mysterious ice cream cone maker, sprinkles, trail, weaver, dripper, rounder, cleaner, upper?
08:21Okay, let me get this straight. First, did you make an ice cream cone?
08:26And then, did you go outside to the picnic table?
08:31And then, did you go back inside the front door and into the bathroom so you could wash your hands from the ice cream?
08:42It was blue all along.
08:45Mystery solved.
08:47Now, on to our next mystery.
08:53A clue! A clue!
08:55Yep, it's true. We are looking for Blue's clues.
08:59No! A clue!
09:01Oh, you see a clue. Where?
09:08There it is! Clue number two! It comes after clue number one.
09:13And it's a...
09:16An envelope, right! We need our...
09:23So, an envelope.
09:26A long rectangle, some lines here for the flap, a line here and here. An envelope.
09:35Now, what was our first clue?
09:39Right, a stamp.
09:41And now, we have clue number two.
09:44An envelope.
09:47So, what could Blue want to do with our drawing with a stamp and an envelope?
09:54What do you think?
09:57Yeah, I think we better find our third Blue's clue to figure this out.
10:08Where is that coming from?
10:15Well, hello there!
10:17Hi! Steve, I got dressed all by myself today! Look!
10:23Well, that's a good first try. Are you sure you have everything on the way you want it?
10:28Well, I am a little bit uncomfortable. Would you help me get these clothes on so they feel better?
10:35Okay, well, let's start from the beginning and do this together. Will you help?
10:40This feels funny. What goes on first?
10:45Which should Feltfriend put on first? His socks or his shoes?
10:57Right, his socks. Hey Feltfriend, why don't you try your socks and then your shoes?
11:05That feels much better.
11:08But this feels funny too.
11:12Now what should Feltfriend put on first? His coat, his shirt or his sweater?
11:23His shirt!
11:25Oh, right! First the shirt, then what?
11:32The sweater!
11:33Oh, right Feltfriend. First you put on your shirt, then you put on your sweater.
11:38I know now! My coat goes on last!
11:43Thanks for helping me, Steve!
11:46Hey, good job! Now let's find our third and last clue.
11:52Let's make muffins!
11:59Oh, in the bakery!
12:04We can do!
12:09I hope they're banana muffins. They are my favorite.
12:13Hi Steve! We're making muffins!
12:16Banana muffins?
12:18Yeah, but our recipe is all mixed up.
12:23Will you help us put these recipe cards in the right order?
12:27Yeah, will you help too?
12:28Great, because if you don't make the banana muffins in the right order,
12:31then they don't come out right and no one will have any banana muffins.
12:35Yeah, we're ready to help!
12:37Which one of these cards comes first?
12:42So, do you know which one of these recipe cards comes first to make banana muffins?
12:54Oh, right! Mixing! Mixing is definitely first,
12:57because the first thing you have to do is mix the ingredients together to make the batter.
13:02That's a start, but which one of these cards comes next?
13:08Okay, so if mixing the ingredients is first,
13:13which card is next?
13:19Pourir! Right, you are so smart!
13:22Because second, you have to pour the batter into a tin.
13:27But what comes next?
13:30Okay, so first we mixed the ingredients, right,
13:34and then we pour the batter into a tin.
13:40Which card comes next?
13:41Bake them!
13:44Right, you bake them!
13:46They always smell so good right when you bake them.
13:49Oh, so this must come last.
13:53Put them on a plate.
13:54Yep, yep, that's the last step.
13:56Yeah, yeah, that's the right order.
13:59Now let's make them.
14:01Oh, but how do you make them?
14:03You put them on a plate.
14:04Yep, yep, that's the last step.
14:06Yeah, yeah, that's the right order.
14:09Make them!
14:11Oh, well, first you...
14:15Mix the ingredients.
14:27Mixa, mixa, mixa!
14:33Then you...
14:37Pour-a, pour-a, pour-a!
14:40Mmm, yummy!
14:42Then you...
14:47Bake them!
14:52Bake-a, bake-a, bake-a!
14:54Bake our muffins!
14:56Those look like they need a little cooling.
14:59Yep, and then you put them on a plate and you eat them.
15:03Eat-em, eat-em, eat-em all up!
15:05Steve, we can't eat those muffins till after lunch.
15:09But thanks for helping us.
15:11Oh, no, no, thank you.
15:13Hey, we still have one more clue left to eat.
15:15I mean, find.
15:17Hey, you know what clue comes after clue number two?
15:20Clue number three.
15:21Right, let's go.
15:37Une clue, une clue!
15:39Quoi, tu veux bouger aussi?
15:42Non, une clue!
15:44Oh, tu vois une clue!
15:48Dans le mail!
15:51Oh, une clue!
15:54Hey, mailbox!
15:55Tu es une clue!
15:57Je suis une clue! Je suis une clue!
15:59Je suis une clue, Steve! Je ne peux pas croire que je suis une clue!
16:02Je suis une clue!
16:03Oui, et nous allons te mettre dans notre magnifique...
16:08Moi? Je peux être dans le note-book?
16:11OK, mailbox!
16:14D'abord, une ligne qui se tourne autour de son plafond.
16:17Puis une ligne ici, comme ça.
16:19Une pour le poste.
16:20Le visage du mailbox.
16:22Et son flacon.
16:26Oui, c'est moi!
16:28Alors, le mailbox est notre troisième clue.
16:30Et nous avons toutes les trois clues.
16:33Hey, tu sais ce que ça veut dire?
16:36Nous sommes prêts pour notre dernière étape!
16:39...chaise de pensée!
16:42OK, maintenant que nous sommes dans notre chaise de pensée,
16:47Tu vas m'aider?
16:49Tu vas?
16:51Alors, nous essayons de déterminer ce que Blue veut faire avec notre dessin.
16:58Quelle était notre première clue?
17:01Oh, un stamp!
17:02C'est ça!
17:04Et notre deuxième clue, c'est cet enveloppe.
17:09Et notre troisième clue!
17:10Eh bien, tu sais notre troisième clue.
17:12Un mailbox!
17:15Alors, nous essayons de déterminer ce que Blue veut faire avec notre dessin.
17:21Est-ce que Blue veut mettre un stamp sur l'enveloppe
17:27et ensuite, peut-être,
17:29tenir notre dessin pour qu'il se mette dans l'enveloppe?
17:34Alors, qu'est-ce que nous pourrions faire?
17:39Oh, bien sûr!
17:41Blue veut mailer notre dessin!
17:44Tout d'abord, elle veut mettre notre dessin dans l'enveloppe,
17:47puis elle veut mettre un stamp dessus,
17:49puis elle veut mailer notre dessin!
17:51Nous avons juste trouvé les clues de Blue!
17:54Nous avons juste trouvé les clues de Blue!
17:56Nous avons juste trouvé les clues de Blue!
17:58Nous avons juste trouvé les clues de Blue!
18:00Parce que nous sommes vraiment intelligents!
18:03Blue, veux-tu vraiment mettre un stamp sur l'enveloppe
18:06et mailer notre dessin?
18:12Alors, Blue, qui veux-tu aussi mailer notre dessin?
18:18Tu peux nous dire de qui cette lettre est pour?
18:24Ok, allons-y, Blue!
18:25Allons-y, Blue! Allons-y,
18:26Allons-y, mailons notre lettre à Magenta!
18:28Allons-y, mailons notre lettre à Magenta!
18:33Hey, mailbox,
18:34Hey, mailbox, nous avons une lettre pour toi
18:35nous avons une lettre pour toi
18:36pour te mailer pour Magenta!
18:38Je vais m'assurer que cela sera envoyé tout de suite!
18:40Je vais m'assurer que cela sera envoyé tout de suite!
18:41Merci, mailbox!
18:47Est-ce qu'il y a un mystérieux à l'extérieur ?
18:50Oh, non, non, nous avons compris qui était le mystérieux.
18:55Lou !
18:58Steve ! Cette fois-ci, je me suis habillée toute seule !
19:02Oh, c'est tellement génial !
19:04Souviens-toi de comment nous avons aidé notre amie Felt à se habiller pour la première fois.
19:08Salut Steve !
19:10Souviens-toi de comment nous avons aidé Bowen Spatula à faire des pommes bananes.
19:13Mail ! Mail ! Mail ! Mail !
19:16Oh, oh, le mail est ici !
19:18Mail !
19:20C'est un mail qui n'arrête jamais pour me faire avoir ma tête.
19:24Quand il arrive je veux hurler.
19:26Mail !
19:29Mais !
19:34J'ai envoyé votre lettre à Magenta et elle m'a envoyée celui-ci.
19:38Wow, c'était très rapide.
19:40We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got a letter We just got
20:10Wow, what a great letter from Magenta, and thank you so much for all your help today.
20:19Hey, do you want to send a letter too? Yeah, you can send one to us. We love getting letters.
20:28Now it's time for so long, but we'll sing just one more song.
20:35Thanks for doing your part You sure are smart
20:38You know with me and you And my dog crew
20:41We can do anything that we want to do Bye bye