Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 22 Home Again

  • 17 hours ago
Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 22 Home Again


00:47Ethan! Back off!
00:50Hey guys, what's going on?
00:52Come on, hit him!
00:55You're a wuss, Sanders!
00:57Come on, I'm gonna kill you!
00:58You know what, Steve? You're cool.
01:00Yeah, everything's cool.
01:01It's fine, it's fine.
01:02Just gonna go for a little walk, that's all.
01:04Alright, so are we. Come on.
01:07What was that all about?
01:09He started it. He said something stupid about my mom.
01:11You're gonna do a fight over your mom?
01:14It really bugs me when they say she's washed up, alright?
01:17It bugs me even more that the jerk was smarter than me.
01:20Steve, that guy was built like a wide load truck, man.
01:23It could have him to anyone.
01:25Even me.
01:26No, probably not me.
01:32You know what, boss?
01:37I'm glad you moved to town.
01:47Do you have any idea what's going on on the third floor?
01:50Let me guess.
01:51Koffler Industries went belly up.
01:55Henry Powell is in town.
01:58You sure?
02:00Dan saw him.
02:01You know why he's here, don't you?
02:03Dan, don't get paranoid on me.
02:06Denver let eight guys go last week.
02:09Seattle is streamlining and Henry Powell would not be in town unless heads are gonna roll.
02:14Well, I can't get worked up about it.
02:16I've been with the company for 12 years.
02:18Henry Powell's always been very professional with me.
02:23Yeah, well, just hope he doesn't invite you to lunch.
02:29Go ahead, Jenny.
02:30Mr. Walsh, Mr. Yellen's secretary just called to set up a lunch tomorrow
02:35with him and Henry Powell in the executive dining room.
02:39What should I tell him?
02:42Lemon basil, mint basil, cilantro basil.
02:47Who's got a two-for-one sale today, Mom?
02:50Well, it was such a beautiful day that Anna and I decided to drive up north
02:54to this nursery that specializes in herbs.
02:59Oh, Brandon, would you mind giving her a ride home?
03:02Nah, no problem. If we go now, we can beat the traffic.
03:07Hi, Dad.
03:09Hi, Dad.
03:12Hello, everybody.
03:16Sydney, can I talk to you upstairs?
03:23I'm in deep trouble at work.
03:25What's wrong?
03:27Henry Powell asked me to lunch.
03:31Not drinks, not breakfast.
03:35So, they invite you to lunch, and by the time you get back,
03:38they change the locks and someone else has your job.
03:41Oh, honey.
03:42Dan Simmons says they've got a contingency plan on the table
03:45to dump 25% of the office.
03:49So did you talk to him?
03:51What was I supposed to say?
03:53Dad, let's have a heart-to-heart about you getting the eggs?
03:56I can't believe they'd do that. I mean, he's worked for them forever.
04:00These aren't the best of economic times, Bren.
04:03People are getting laid off right and left.
04:05Yeah, I remember back in Minneapolis when John Carter's father lost his job.
04:10And then their house got repossessed and we never heard from them again.
04:14Yeah, it was like they evaporated.
04:17You know, we haven't appreciated how good we've had it all these years.
04:30Hello, Mr. Powell.
04:32It's good to see you again, sir.
04:37Ah, please.
04:41I didn't realize it was only going to be the two of us.
04:45Yes, Mr. Gans and Mr. Yellin had other commitments.
04:53Uh, no thanks.
04:58Walt, let's cut to the chase.
05:03You're not very happy out here, are you?
05:15Hey, everybody.
05:18Gee, what happened to your eye?
05:20Ah, wounded in the line of duty, Mom.
05:23Look, it's Captain Hook.
05:25Huh, isn't that what we used to call you before you got your nose job?
05:29So, did you hear from Dad today, Mom?
05:31No, he hasn't been in his office all afternoon.
05:34So, Mom, what's for dinner?
05:37Fresh vegetable ratatouille from our garden.
05:41Oh, you know, it's a major event if my mom even microwaves frozen peas.
05:46Yeah, my mother says my dad ought to send child support here.
05:49You guys feed me so much.
05:51Don't worry about it. My mom thrives on it.
05:57Jim, are you all right?
05:59Uh, Kelly and Steve, I don't mean to be rude, but I need to talk to my family alone.
06:07Uh, friend, I'll talk to you later.
06:30This is hard to break to you.
06:32We know, Dad.
06:34We'll be okay. I'll get two jobs.
06:36I'll get a job, too. I'll pitch in.
06:38What are you talking about?
06:40There's nothing to be ashamed of.
06:42Listen, Dad, I was thinking...
06:44Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
06:46I haven't been fired.
06:48I've been promoted to executive vice president.
06:53To executive vice president.
06:57Get the job done, big guy.
07:00Hi, Dad.
07:01I'm so proud.
07:04Oh, there's just one wrinkle.
07:05Oh, well, so what?
07:09The job's back in Minneapolis.
07:13Yeah. Took me by surprise, too.
07:19Yeah. Just be like going home.
07:23Well, you know, we've all griped about it here.
07:32But, honey, we were just starting to get used to it here.
07:35Well, I know, but opportunities like this don't come knocking every day.
07:40Just because someone knocks doesn't mean you have to open the door.
07:44I mean, you drilled that into me ten years ago when you read me Snow White.
07:49Brenda, in business, it's move up or move out.
07:54So, why don't we move you up and out?
08:04They need to know now.
08:07I know.
08:08Look, I've decided that we are going to make this decision together.
08:14As a family.
08:16Smart way.
08:17Democratic way.
08:20Blind ballots.
08:25Okay. Everybody prepared?
08:31One to stay.
08:36Two to stay.
08:41One to go.
08:44One to go.
08:52Three to stay.
08:54Jim, let me explain.
08:56It's all right.
08:58The Walsh family has spoken.
09:03I'll pass the word along.
09:14That was surreal.
09:19I feel bad for Dad, but can you imagine moving back to Minneapolis now?
09:26It would be like reverse culture shock.
09:30It was great of him to let us decide.
09:33Yeah, it was.
09:46Talk to me.
09:49I can't believe you of all people voted to stay in Beverly Hills.
09:53I figured it would be two and two at the least,
09:55and Brandon would cross over under pressure and be the tiebreaker.
09:59Well, I just didn't think it was fair for the kids.
10:02Jim Walsh, for Mr. Powell, please.
10:05Yeah, I know.
10:06But if I blow my career, it won't be fair for them either.
10:10Mr. Powell.
10:13All right, Henry.
10:16Yes, I did.
10:18And the consensus is I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn down your generous offer.
10:28Are you serious?
10:34Yes, sir.
10:37What happened?
10:39That S.O.B. fire you?
10:43That S.O.B. just doubled my salary.
10:47I'm sorry, but the blind ballot's been called on account of a windfall.
10:52What do you mean?
10:53I mean, we're going back to Minneapolis.
11:07Let's go for two.
11:09I think we need two scoops tonight.
11:12I'm, like, so unable to compute even going back.
11:16I mean, there's times that I would have wanted to.
11:19I never wanted to come here.
11:21Oh, I did. I thought it would be so glamorous until I got here.
11:25Now it's just starting to feel right.
11:29I mean, Nat just gave me a raise. I'd have my new car by the end of the summer.
11:33Yeah, and I have the best boyfriend in the world.
11:36And I was going to try out for the Romeo and Juliet summer production.
11:40I didn't know that.
11:44Yeah, it would have been.
11:46How can Dad do this?
11:49You got to see his side of it, Bren.
11:52He's going to be a major player.
11:54Yeah, but it's going to look so bizarre, like we couldn't make it here, so we ran back to Minneapolis.
12:00I mean, people are going to say, oh, those washes, they couldn't cut it in Beverly Hills.
12:04You need another scoop.
12:08I know it's a big change, but everything's going to be just fine.
12:13So when's the big move?
12:16Well, your dad starts immediately.
12:19Company's lease on this house ends June 1st, so I guess that's our moving day.
12:24But that's so soon.
12:26I'm sorry, honey, but you'll see.
12:30It's going to be great.
12:34Who needs a house?
12:36Why don't we just get a mobile home?
12:40Do you think Mom's really happy about the move?
12:43She never adjusted to life in California.
12:46I don't know.
12:48I think she was beginning to like it here.
12:51What are you doing?
12:54What are you doing?
12:56You'll see.
12:59I hope it's not another blind ballot.
13:02No, pros and cons.
13:05Minnesota over here, Beverly Hills on the right.
13:10Okay, pros of leaving.
13:14Seasons, seeing the leaves change color.
13:17Raking the leaves.
13:20Um, snow.
13:23Remember the first snow fight of the year?
13:25Don't forget about the slush, the wet socks, the frozen noses.
13:33Ice hockey.
13:35The beach, the sun.
13:37The lakes, the water skiing.
13:44Old friends.
13:47Maybe they've moved on, too.
13:51New friends.
13:56Soon-to-be ex-friends.
14:05Maybe, uh, we'll meet up in college.
14:08Sure, we could move back out here, relocate three times.
14:12Anyway, Andrea, you're going to be off at some Ivy League school back east.
14:17You guys could still come and visit us.
14:23Bernadette, why don't you stay with me through the summer?
14:25My mom loves you.
14:27Kelly, that would be super.
14:29Yes, it would.
14:31Hey, Brad, why don't you stash yourself in my place?
14:34Thanks, but I feel kind of obligated to go with my family.
14:40You're today gone to Minnesota.
14:44But I really appreciate the offer, man.
14:58I'm sorry about leaving you in the lurch, Matt.
15:01Oh, that's not what's bugging me.
15:04I got along without you before.
15:06I'll get along without you now.
15:10Well, that makes me feel needed.
15:14Hey, I got used to having you around.
15:19Yeah, me too, buddy.
15:23Me too.
15:24Get out of here.
15:27Andrea, hey.
15:29What can I do you for?
15:31Well, I've been thinking.
15:35You always are.
15:37We've had some pretty good times together.
15:39We certainly have.
15:41We're pals.
15:43Well, I have a proposal for you.
15:46You always do.
15:48What is it, a goodbye editorial?
15:53It's a goodbye dinner.
15:56Just you and me.
16:05How about tomorrow night?
16:14Andrea Zuckerman asked you on a date?
16:17It's not a date.
16:18It's a farewell dinner, like a business thing.
16:22Honey, should you have everything?
16:24Honey, they have stores in Minneapolis, remember?
16:27Dad, you better remember to take your galoshes.
16:31Did you two tell him about me staying with Kelly?
16:34Yes, she did.
16:36And I don't think the family should split up.
16:39Oh, look who's starting it.
16:44And you guys remember Bart Jensen.
16:46He stayed with his friends in Minneapolis
16:48when his family moved to Chicago.
16:50It was no big deal.
16:51Well, I bet Bart's dad never offered him a car.
16:56What are you saying, Dad?
16:58The company's sweetening the deal with a new car.
17:01So my car, my car goes to you.
17:04And Brenda.
17:06And Brenda.
17:07She never gets her license.
17:10That's my limo.
17:12You got a limo?
17:13Your old man's in the big time now.
17:19Hi, I'll be right there.
17:23I don't like splitting us up.
17:26I'll be back in a few days.
17:29We got a house in Minnesota with a huge vegetable garden.
17:33In the winter we'll have our very own outdoor freezer.
17:38I gotta run.
17:41Take care of your brother.
17:44Take care of your sister.
17:46I'll see you, big guy.
17:48Miss you.
17:50Love you, Dad.
18:03Hey, Steve.
18:05How's the eye, man?
18:06It's not your problem, dude.
18:10So, where you going?
18:12Going to class, Brandon, if that's all right with you.
18:23The thought of you leaving really wiped me out.
18:26I realized how much I'd miss you.
18:30Me, too.
18:32There's so much that we haven't done.
18:36I thought we've done everything.
18:40I didn't mean that.
18:42I mean, like, well, I haven't even taken you to my favorite surf shop
18:47or to check out my favorite band.
18:50Going to a surf shop together is pretty serious stuff.
18:54Are you sure you want to take that major step?
18:58I think so.
19:01Sorry to interrupt.
19:03Oh, it's okay. What's wrong?
19:05Brandon, I'm really sorry, but my mom says you can't stay with us.
19:14Kelly really tried.
19:18I don't understand.
19:21My mom says she's still readjusting to sober life.
19:24Her AA sponsor thinks that the house guests would be too much pressure.
19:31I feel really badly about this.
19:34It's okay. So do I.
19:37Still friends?
19:44So, uh, what are you going to do now?
20:02Well, I'm sorry, honey, but Kelly's mom does have a point.
20:07Yeah, I know. That's what Dylan said.
20:10You're really going to miss him, aren't you?
20:12Yeah, I am.
20:14We've been getting along great lately.
20:16I mean, it's like we're past that point of pretending to not get along.
20:21You still have a little faith in your relationship.
20:24Mom, I can't ask a guy like him to wait for me.
20:27All the girls at Beverly and West Beverly want him.
20:30I'd be worried all the time.
20:33Hey, guys.
20:36Cooking for 40?
20:38Well, I guess I overdid it, but I couldn't resist digging into all this beautiful California fruit while we still had the chance.
20:45I'm going to Kelly, but she's going to some bikini blowout with Donald.
20:48You know that they're already starting to make plans for the summer without me?
20:52Their life goes on, too, honey.
20:55Yeah, I'm beginning to think we've overstayed our welcome.
20:58Steve's been dissing me, too.
21:00Maybe you're just being too sensitive.
21:04I gotta go.
21:05Where are you going?
21:09To give up a friend.
21:16Coming down to the pier was a great idea.
21:20Well, I couldn't let you leave without seeing my favorite place in all L.A.
21:26Well, we didn't live here long enough to have a favorite place.
21:30Hey, you want to make a wish?
21:36I think I've done this before.
21:41I think I've done this before.
21:45You probably remember it from the movie Big.
21:48You're right.
21:52You know, you usually are right, and it doesn't even really bother me that much anymore.
21:57You're even going to miss it, aren't you?
22:01I really am.
22:03You wish you could stay, don't you?
22:06Yeah, I do.
22:09My dad really needs this opportunity.
22:15Well, um...
22:18I've got a surprise for you.
22:25First, we gotta get in the saddle.
22:36This thing makes me feel like I'm five years old.
22:39It's one of L.A.'s hidden treasures.
22:44So what's the big surprise, huh?
22:51Oh, God, this is making me so nervous.
22:59Well, I've, uh...
23:02I've got a going-away present for you.
23:06Well, what is it?
23:11Well, um...
23:21The carousel? The horse? What?
23:25No, I'm...
23:27I'm giving you the person on my horse.
23:31Uh, if you'll take her.
23:40Look, Brandon, we may never see each other again, and I...
23:46I want goodbye to be a moment we both remember.
24:15So what did you tell her?
24:18I told her I'd have to think about it.
24:20Think about it?
24:22Brandon, she's not offering you assignments.
24:24I know that, Brenda.
24:27Well, how do you feel? Do you want to sleep with her?
24:31I don't know. I mean, I never really thought about it.
24:36Well, I thought about it, but I ruled it out because of our friendship, you know.
24:43Actually, I think she's pretty.
24:46I do, too.
24:48Actually, I think you guys make a great couple.
24:51That's just it. We wouldn't be a couple.
24:55It's like we can do anything and it doesn't matter because we're leaving anyway.
25:00And if you two are great together and then you have to go?
25:04I'll have a nice memory.
25:08What good are memories going to do us when we're in Minnesota in December and eight feet of snow?
25:15Keep you warm at night.
25:19Yo, Dylan!
25:22I'll be right there!
25:24Rod, bury me.
25:26What's the matter with you?
25:29I just don't know how to deal with Dylan.
25:31I mean, things have gotten so complicated since we started sleeping together.
25:36You're sleeping with Dylan?
25:40Oh, this is great.
25:42Come down here and open up to you about Andre and you're keeping me in the dark about sleeping with Dylan?
25:47Brandon, it's only been going on for three weeks.
25:54I just hope you're being careful.
25:56I'm trying.
26:03That's a good workout, just fine.
26:07I have all the papers on your desk.
26:10And your coffee cup is... your old coffee cup is on your desk.
26:15Oh, thanks, Ruth. You look wonderful, by the way.
26:18And Mr. Rayfield asked if he could pop his head in.
26:21Oh, I can see that.
26:24Absolutely. Thanks, Ruth.
26:28Who says you can't go home again?
26:35Not that you deserve any of this, you lucky son of a gun.
26:38Still can't believe it.
26:40Yeah, going to California had to be the savvy career move of all time.
26:44A job like this sets you up for the big time.
26:47You know, it's not just about the money.
26:50It's about the people.
26:54Hey, a job like this sets you up for the big bucks.
26:58Yeah, but it's hard having your life disrupted twice in one year.
27:03It's a scientific fact.
27:05A person's cold-weather blood gets thinned out after you miss a winter.
27:09Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt, but have you looked at today's calendar?
27:14Haven't had a chance yet.
27:15Good. Don't pay any attention to it. I've marked down the changes.
27:20It's Mr. Fletcher at 9.
27:23Sanderson at 9.15.
27:25Conference call with the bank is now at 9.30.
27:29The staff reports are at 10.
27:31But they will not conflict with the executive board meeting at 4.30.
27:37And the envelopes that are tagged purple need your immediate attention.
27:43Oh, and here are this morning's phone messages.
27:48These are all from this morning?
27:52You're a popular guy.
27:59I must be hallucinating. Brandon and Walsh back at the beach.
28:03Hey, don't get your hopes up, Slick. I just came down to talk to Brenda.
28:07We took the scenic route on the way to school.
28:12Listen, Bea, do you mind if Brenda and I do some talking of our own?
28:17I'll be back in a minute.
28:24Listen, I've been thinking...
28:27So have I.
28:29Look, long-distance relationships scare me.
28:32I saw what it did to Brandon and his girlfriend from Minnesota.
28:35Brenda, that was different. Cheryl had problems.
28:38Absence can make the heart grow fonder.
28:41And what does it do for a roaming eye?
28:44You know what I was just thinking?
28:47How much I love you.
28:52Me too.
28:57You know, I was going to maybe be in Romeo and Juliet, and now I'm sort of living it.
29:03Parting with such sweet sorrow, huh?
29:09We could always run away.
29:12Are you serious?
29:16I don't know.
29:44Uh, hi.
29:47Listen, I was thinking about, you know, your present.
29:52Yeah, me too.
29:55Maybe I was being a little impulsive.
30:04See ya.
30:05See ya.
30:11I want you to be impulsive.
30:14You do?
30:15Yeah, that's what I came here to tell you. I accept your gift.
30:19With pleasure.
30:27Okay, good.
30:29You got that out of the way?
30:34Now we can, um, digest our food.
30:40Like Woody Allen said in a movie, and he hung.
30:46I didn't know you were such a movie buff.
30:49Well, there's, uh, a lot you don't know about me.
30:55But I'll soon find out.
31:02How about tonight?
31:05Let's meet me at work and we'll just go from there.
31:32And then we went to Farmer's Market and picked up some produce and some great fresh shrimp to drool over.
31:39Sounds delicious.
31:41I was supposed to meet Mitch and Paula for dinner over at Goodfellow's, but I had to cancel out.
31:45Why? They were dying to see you.
31:48Honey, you would not believe how crazy things are here.
31:52With all the streamlining that's going on, I'm literally doing the work of three senior staff people.
31:58Well, it sounds like they're getting a bargain and we're getting gypped.
32:02Honey, the first days are the hardest days.
32:06I need you to be supportive.
32:09Honey, I'm just scared.
32:11I mean, you don't have time to see our best friends for dinner.
32:15Maybe you're not gonna have time for us.
32:17I know.
32:19So tell me, how are the kids?
32:21They got over the shock?
32:23You tell me.
32:25Brenda walks around quoting from Romeo and Juliet, and Brandon changed three times before going to work.
32:34I miss you.
32:56Listen, I forgot tonight is my mom's sister's birthday.
33:05Well, how about tomorrow night?
33:08I see.
33:13I have that inner school editorial conference.
33:18Sounds hot.
33:20Yeah, right.
33:22How about Sunday?
33:24Uh, I am free.
33:30But my house isn't.
33:32That's the night my dad has Sunday night poker.
33:38I got an idea.
33:44See this key?
33:47This is the key to our happiness.
33:50This is the key that opens the door to the peach pit on Sunday when it's closed to everybody else.
34:03Oh, my God.
34:05It's like the movie The Postman Always Rings Twice.
34:12They do it on the counter.
34:16I'm going to have to rent that movie.
34:20Sweet dreams.
34:33You're still here?
34:34Thought we got rid of you already.
34:36Yeah, I'm going to miss you, too, buddy.
34:38It's okay.
34:39I think the girls in Minnesota will wait for anybody.
34:42Even you.
34:43Just like Kelly will wait for you?
34:45What's that supposed to mean?
34:47Hey, it was a joke, man.
34:49Yeah, well, it's not funny, man.
34:52What's your problem?
34:54You're my problem, all right?
34:56You're getting in my face too much.
34:58I'm beginning to hate this dump.
35:02What's the matter with him?
35:10Brenda, we are so good together.
35:16What we have to do is talk.
35:22And what we have to do is break up.
35:26That's what I came over here to tell you.
35:30So all this was just a lead-in?
35:36I wanted to be with you one last time.
35:40I thought we agreed at the beach.
35:43Well, I thought about it some more.
35:49Dylan, I just have to do this now.
35:54Don't do this.
35:58I'm sorry.
36:14Dylan and I have only been broken up for 36 hours,
36:17and I already miss him so much.
36:19Listen, fundamental breakup survival tactic number one.
36:23Keep busy.
36:25Hey, do you want to come over?
36:27I promised my mom I'd help her start packing things up.
36:31Hmm, sounds kind of depressing.
36:34I'm kind of out of commission today,
36:36so maybe I'll see you tonight?
36:39Okay, bye.
36:44Morning, champ.
36:46You still upset?
36:50Yeah, me too.
36:53It's Steve.
36:55I've never seen even him act like this much of a jerk.
37:00Remember before we moved here?
37:03Marjorie and Sarah froze me out.
37:06Yeah, they stopped coming over and stuff.
37:09Well, I realize now that they were mad at me for leaving them.
37:12Maybe that's what's going on with Steve.
37:20I'm gonna find out.
37:26All right, you kidnapped me.
37:29Dragged me out here.
37:31Ruined my Sunday. What is it?
37:33We gotta talk this out, Steve.
37:35I know why you're acting like this.
37:37No, you don't. Grab a clue, Walsh.
37:39Steve, I'm angry about going, too.
37:41No, it's easy for you. You make friends in your sleep.
37:44I should have known better than to trust anyone
37:46and make a fool of myself.
37:48What are you talking about?
37:50I even told you why I got in a fight with that midget.
37:53I even let you break it up.
37:55Steve, you think you're the only person in the world
37:57who's ever felt like a fool, huh?
38:01You know why I brought you down here to the beach today?
38:05See that water?
38:07I'm not blind.
38:09Well, last summer, all I could dream about
38:12was moving to California and becoming Mr. Surf,
38:15but the first time I went in the water,
38:17I got pounded by the waves.
38:19Yeah, so what? Everybody wipes out. Big deal.
38:22Well, it was a big deal to me.
38:24Made me feel like I didn't belong here.
38:28Man, I haven't been back in the water since September,
38:31but I figured who better to share my last wipe-out with than you.
38:40I'm gonna miss you, man.
38:42I'm gonna miss you too, buddy.
38:53Get out of here!
38:58Honey, if you keep staring at that picture of you and Dylan,
39:01you'll hypnotize yourself.
39:03I'm not hypnotized.
39:05Honey, if you keep staring at that picture of you and Dylan,
39:08you'll hypnotize yourself.
39:10I just feel so awful.
39:12I know.
39:13I wish you didn't have to go through this.
39:18Oh, well.
39:19No more hibernating for the thermal underwear.
39:24Might as well bury this.
39:26Brenda, the sun does shine in Minneapolis,
39:30and your life will shine again too, I promise.
39:34I'm just so mad at Dad for all this.
39:37I mean, it's so unfair that his job keeps on ruining our lives.
39:41Come here, baby.
39:43I know. It's hard.
39:46No, it's not like he's being fired.
39:49He could still have a job here.
39:51Well, when you have a career of your own someday,
39:54you'll understand how complicated these things can be.
40:00If it's Dylan, I'm not here.
40:03Jim, no, I'm not.
40:08Oh, hi, Jim.
40:10Hi. I only have a second. I'm swamped.
40:13You sound so hassled.
40:15I used to be hassled. That's when I still had a life.
40:19So I have to take a later flight.
40:23Oh, well. Better late than never.
40:30I miss you guys.
40:32I do. Bye.
40:44Are you okay?
40:46Well, I guess I just hate these long-distance relationships too.
40:59Over here.
41:03Over here.
41:23So, what took you so long?
41:37Dude, you've been snoring all day.
41:41The sun must have zoned me.
41:44Well, did you say you had a date at 6 o'clock?
41:46Oh, God, we got a jam.
41:48Wait, wait. Who's it with anyway?
41:51One confession per day is all you get, buddy.
41:56Honey, you're home early.
42:00I compromised.
42:02I worked on the plane, and I brought home a stack with me.
42:06Hi, Dad.
42:08Hey, sweetheart.
42:17Oh, hi, Nat.
42:19Yeah, hold on.
42:21Brenda, Nat's in a tizzy.
42:23He's got some kind of private roast at the Peach Pit tonight.
42:26He can't get hold of Brandon. Can you help him out?
42:28Mom, I'm really not feeling very sociable.
42:33Brenda, Nat needs you.
42:39She'll be right there.
42:41Hi. Sorry I'm late.
42:43It's okay.
42:46Something wrong?
42:48No, I was just imagining something a little different.
42:53Forget it.
42:56Listen, maybe the Peach Pit isn't the right place for us.
43:01Um, Brandon, what are you saying?
43:04Well, I just want to make sure you're sure about this.
43:09Yeah, I guess so.
43:12All right, me too.
43:16Brandon, wait a minute.
43:18Before we go in, um...
43:31We just, uh...
43:37What are you guys doing here? This is great.
43:41Wait, wait, wait. Can we do it again?
43:44Can we do it again?
43:46Can we do it again?
43:48Can we do it again?
43:50Can we do it again?
43:53Wait, wait, wait. Can we do it again? I wasn't set up.
43:57David, you can't do a retake on a surprise.
44:00So, was this all a set-up?
44:05I went to Kelly for, you know, advice on our being together,
44:10and, uh, she turned our rendezvous into this.
44:14Okay, you guys, come on in. Brenda's gonna be here any minute.
44:18Well, there's always the after party.
44:22Shut the door.
44:33You guys.
44:35This is what Dot and I have been really doing this week.
44:40You knew, didn't you? Guilty as charged.
44:43Boy, your friends really did it up for you, huh?
44:49Okay, for anybody who wants to get this goodbye on camera,
44:52David will be over there in the corner with his video camera.
44:55Okay, the hamburgers are on.
44:58I can never resist hogging a camera.
45:02Brenda, Brandon, I love you.
45:06I'm gonna miss you.
45:08Who's gonna do all my dirty work now?
45:12Um, Brenda, I, uh, I'd even let you share my clothes
45:17if it meant that you'd stay.
45:24Okay. Do I look okay?
45:27Um, okay, Brenda,
45:31I just wanted to say how cool I think you are.
45:37Um, Brenda, I just wanted to say
45:40how cool I think our friendship has been.
45:43Your family was there for me when my mom was going through a bad time,
45:47and I've even become less of a bitch since I started hanging out with it.
45:52Well, there really was only one way you could go, Kelly.
45:56Let's see, without Brandon, I'd probably be, uh,
45:59hanging out drinking beers with a fleet of airheads
46:03and getting the crap beat out of me.
46:07Uh, thanks, Brandon,
46:11for making me the great guy I am.
46:20Um, when, uh,
46:24Brandon first showed at West Beverly,
46:27I figured he was just some cute conceited guy
46:31who was, uh, trying to take some shortcuts.
46:34Oh, well, um, he taught me a shortcut,
46:39that I could be more open...
46:45Um, he, uh, he liked me,
46:49so I thought maybe that the others would, too,
46:53including his sister Brenda.
47:01Minnesota doesn't know how lucky it is, Ace.
47:20I don't do cameras.
47:24Well, Slim,
47:28we've been through a lot together.
47:31You're the only one that ever hit me, I live to tell about it.
47:38You invited me into your family,
47:41and what did I do? I took out your sister.
47:44And, uh,
47:47who do you think I am?
47:53Who saved me from going back to drinking.
47:59She saved me from myself.
48:04I don't know what I'm gonna do without you guys.
48:08At the risk of sounding mushy,
48:14you Welsh people are the only family I got.
48:19Hey, let's have a look.
48:33I guess I should say something.
48:38Speaking for us Welsh people,
48:42I'd like to thank you all
48:45for letting us become a part of your world.
48:51Kind of sneaks up on you here, you know.
48:55It's kind of hard to say goodbye.
49:02You know,
49:05it made me realize that
49:09home is where the heart is.
49:12Home is where the heart is,
49:15not where the highest paycheck is.
49:23So I've decided that
49:26my family and I, we're gonna stay here.
49:33And keep our wonderful life.
49:48I guess, uh,
49:51friendship rears its ugly head.
49:55Can we squash it?
49:58I don't know.
50:00There's a lot to be said about our friendship.
50:07So would you have really gone through with it?
50:12You'll never know.
50:15Well, one thing I do know.
50:18You're a great kisser.
50:21Why didn't you tell me when we got home that we were staying?
50:26I just decided.
50:29Henry Powell doesn't know you're turning down his offer.
50:33Wouldn't he be furious?
50:36You think he'll fire you?
50:39Come on, let's dance.
50:46So everything's gonna be great again, right?
50:54Except, Dylan, I'm late.
50:59What are you late for?
51:02No, you know, I'm late.
51:10I know you need me.
51:19I know you care.
51:39I know you care.
52:09I know you care.
52:39I know you care.
