Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 21 Spring Dance

  • 17 hours ago
Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 21 Spring Dance


00:00Take a bus, take a bus, take a city. I'm doing whatever I can. Take a bus, take a bus, take my feet.
00:23Oh Brandon, spring is in the air and it is driving me crazy.
00:28You smell that?
00:31That sweet overripe flower scent.
00:35Nature is doing it's thing and it's turning me into a total donk.
00:40Hell boy.
00:42Oh, oh, put me on a leash.
00:45Who is that?
00:47That is Darla Diller.
00:49Haven't you seen her before?
00:51I think I'd recall.
00:53She's only the hottest babe at West Beverly. She gives me this look every time I drive by her in my bed.
01:05She doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to ask her to the spring dance.
01:09Good luck buddy.
01:11It's in the bag.
01:13Besides, I hear she's got this thing for me.
01:16Brandon, I already made a room reservation.
01:18What are you talking about?
01:21The hotel.
01:23The hotel where they're holding the dance, Brandon?
01:27Well, the dance is only an excuse to grab a room.
01:30No kidding.
01:31No kidding.
01:33Yo, listen up West Beverly.
01:35I am pleased to announce the names of the four luscious young ladies you have chosen to be this year's spring princesses.
01:44Drum roll please.
01:49Maria Semple.
01:52Amy Gantz.
01:54Carrie Kidman.
01:56And my own personal fave, Kelly Taylor.
02:09You know, I've never known a spring princess before.
02:13Oh, welcome to the inner circle of life.
02:16So, do you, uh, think she's going to win?
02:23You know, spring queen.
02:28Actually, I haven't given it a lot of thought, Andrea.
02:37Are you, uh, going to the school dance?
02:43No, you?
02:45Uh, no.
02:48Personally, I hate to dance.
02:52You do?
02:54I always step on people's toes.
02:56I have no sense of rhythm.
02:57It's awful.
02:59So, you probably wouldn't want to go even if someone asked you.
03:05I don't know.
03:06Would you?
03:07Well, I have fundamental ideological problems with teenage social rituals that basically do nothing but exacerbate fears of total insecurity and inferiority over one's appearance while frenetically exploiting, and I must hasten to add distorting, the feminine ideal.
03:24I mean, an act which reaches its apogee with the election of the spring queen.
03:34Was that a yes or a no?
03:38What was the question?
03:47Um, you remember me?
03:50Uh, I'm not sure.
03:52Steve Sanders.
03:53We say hi a lot.
03:55Oh, hi.
04:02Darla, you know, I don't think I've had a chance to mention that I really think you're pretty gorgeous.
04:10And I was wondering if you'd like to go to the spring dance with me.
04:14We can go someplace terminally hip for dinner, you know, check out the dance, see what the night has to offer.
04:22In your car?
04:26Sorry, I don't do vets.
04:30Well, that's all right.
04:31I'll rent a Jag, a Porsche, a minivan.
04:37Andrea, hi.
04:38Hi, Brenda.
04:40So, did he ask you?
04:42At least I don't think so.
04:44Well, did you ask him?
04:47Why not?
04:49Andrea, there's nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy out.
04:53I know.
04:54I guess school dances really aren't my scene.
04:57I mean, Brenda might come over that night.
04:59You know, we might just hang out, watch a movie together.
05:03But thanks for your help.
05:05I guess the truth is, if he really wanted to ask me, he would have asked me.
05:10Look, I gotta run.
05:12I'm gonna miss my bus.
05:14Have fun at the dance, huh?
05:22Well, your highness.
05:25Is he giving you a hard time?
05:27Kelly was just nominated to bring Princess.
05:29She had to be nominated?
05:31Matt, do you mind if I talk to Brandon in private for a minute?
05:35In this place, there's no such thing as private.
05:42What's up?
05:44Brandon, do you have a date for the dance?
05:47Neither do I.
05:50You're kidding.
05:51You don't have a date?
05:53You don't have to broadcast it.
05:55I don't get it. Dating's your life, isn't it?
05:57I know it is.
05:59But out of all the cute guys at Beverly or West Beverly,
06:02I've either dated them and never want to see them again.
06:06Or they're taken.
06:07All the cute guys except you.
06:10Well, thanks for the compliment.
06:20So, come on. It'll be great.
06:22Oh, I don't know, Kelly.
06:24I mean, I wasn't even planning on going.
06:26Rented suits and dancing.
06:28I know, I know.
06:30Brandon, I promise you we'll have fun.
06:33I will show you a really good time.
06:37Kelly, what are you doing here?
06:40None of your business.
06:41Well, you're just the person I was looking for.
06:43Oh, is that so?
06:45Well, I heard you're kind of dateless from the spring fling.
06:49Then I guess you heard wrong.
06:51Who are you going with?
06:58Brandon who?
07:01Brandon Walsh.
07:07I thought you said you weren't going.
07:09I asked him.
07:11I didn't think you'd mind, man, since you were going with Darla.
07:14Well, I'm not.
07:16Steve, Donna doesn't have a date.
07:18Oh, great. That makes two of us then.
07:20Well, come on, man, why don't you ask her?
07:22We'll all go together as friends. It'll be cool.
07:25Is that how you guys are going, as friends?
07:28Well, we're not going as enemies.
07:30Come on, man, why don't you ask her?
07:32What can it hurt, huh?
07:35Okay, I'll ask her, but as long as she doesn't expect it.
07:39You should be so lucky.
07:42Come on, man, the prize are on me.
07:45Brandon, call me.
07:46We have tons of details to discuss.
07:52So what happened with Darla, man?
07:55She cut me. She cut me deep.
08:07Hey, Donna.
08:09Hey, Steve.
08:12Look, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Spring Dance Center tonight.
08:16You know, be totally platonic.
08:18You wouldn't have to pay for anything.
08:21Oh, um, well...
08:26Yes or no?
08:28I guess.
08:31I mean, yes.
08:34I guess.
08:36I mean, uh...
08:40Okay. Bye.
08:47Brandon, I was thinking we could go somewhere great for dinner,
08:50like Spago or Ledome.
08:52But don't worry, since I asked you, it's totally on me.
08:55The only thing you'll have to worry about is your tux rental.
08:58Something simple and black, no pastels, no velvet lapels or anything.
09:02And my corsage, preferably an orchid wrist.
09:05And a limo.
09:07Wait a minute, who's saying anything about a limo?
09:09Brandon, I'm a spring princess.
09:12I can't exactly show up in a Melvin.
09:15Or whatever you're calling your car these days.
09:18Well, I'd break to you, Kelly, but I can't afford a limo.
09:24Brandon, it's okay. I think Dylan was gonna pay for that anyway.
09:28Hey, guys.
09:30Kelly, congratulations on spring princess.
09:32I think that's so exciting.
09:35Um, Brandon, what time do you want to come over Saturday night?
09:38Oh, um, listen, I...
09:43I kind of decided to go to the dance after all.
09:46You did?
09:48With who?
09:50Don't we make a great couple?
09:56Hey, we could rent a movie another night, huh?
10:00Right, Brandon.
10:05Excuse me, I, um...
10:09I have to get to class.
10:23Have a good night.
10:25Have a good day.
10:27See you again.
10:43I don't understand this.
10:45I thought you said you didn't want to go to the dance.
10:48No, I thought you said you didn't want to go either.
10:50I'm doing this as a favor.
10:53How charitable of you.
10:55Andrea, she asked me to go.
10:57What was I supposed to say?
11:01I mean, what could you say to one of the most gorgeous girls in the entire school?
11:05Why are you so mad at me?
11:10Don't flatter yourself.
11:12Look, you told me that you could have the kickboxing story in by lunch.
11:16Can I still count on that, or should I, uh, slot something else in?
11:23I'll have it.
11:26So, guys.
11:28What do you think?
11:30I mean, things now are stylish.
11:33Not bad. Not bad.
11:36It sure costs enough to rent these babies.
11:38Come on, it's just the tip of the iceberg.
11:40You gotta figure, uh, dinner, of course.
11:43And, uh, you know what?
11:45I don't know.
11:47I don't know.
11:49I don't know.
11:51I don't know.
11:53Figure, uh, dinner, corsage, limo, hotel room.
11:58Look at it.
12:01500 bucks?
12:03Oh, jeez, for that much money, you could be spending an evening with the finest call girl in L.A.
12:08No kidding.
12:10Gentlemen, gentlemen.
12:12The issue here is honor.
12:14You can't cancel.
12:16That's easy for you to say.
12:18You're gonna spend most of it in a hotel room with Brenda.
12:21Is that true?
12:23I told you, man, I don't talk about that stuff.
12:27Good, let's keep it that way.
12:30Brandon, aren't you planning on renting a room with Kelly?
12:33Steve, we're just going as friends. You know that.
12:37Yeah, we'll see about that.
12:39She's got a thing for you, Brandon.
12:42She's used to getting what she wants.
12:45Smells like mothballs.
12:48Slap on some cheap cologne.
12:50She won't notice a thing.
13:01I have to find something fabulously hip.
13:04I need something fabulously sexy.
13:07Something incredible.
13:09Something affordable.
13:23This is it.
13:25Oh, my God.
13:27I found it. Let me see.
13:32Oh, what are we gonna do?
13:35Actually, it's tacky.
13:38No wonder. Look at the price.
13:41It's a cheap knockoff of the real thing.
13:43You think?
13:46You can have it, if you want.
13:50No, you can have it.
13:52I wouldn't wear it.
13:59What do you guys think?
14:02Donna, it's outrageous.
14:16Hey, great dress.
14:19Hey, Brent.
14:20Hey, Steve.
14:21Your limo has arrived, sir.
14:23Thank you, Ziya.
14:24Hey, guys.
14:25I kind of need some help here.
14:27Please, anyone?
14:29I need some help, too.
14:30Hey, Steve, come on.
14:31What's the matter with you, man?
14:32You're dead awake.
14:33Relax. I'm not driving.
14:35Yeah, he'll probably just puke
14:36all over Buddy in the limo.
14:38No, no, just on you.
14:40Oh, hey, wait.
14:41Before I forget, uh...
14:49Oh, wow.
14:51Thank you, it's beautiful.
14:56Here's yours.
14:58Oh, it's very, uh...
15:01Vegetable corsages are totally hot.
15:04And that is just the way
15:05I want you to look tonight,
15:06in case I win.
15:11This is not going to look good if I'm late.
15:15Just look at all of you.
15:17Everyone looks just...
15:24I tell you, you're wearing...
15:27What is it?
15:28Well, it's such a beautiful dress.
15:30It's so beautiful.
15:31Oh, my God.
15:36Brenda, how could you?
15:41You said you hated it.
15:42You called it cheap and tacky.
15:44You said you weren't going to buy it.
15:46Well, I changed my mind.
15:48Well, you'll just have to go change.
15:49No, you're going to have to go change.
15:51Brenda, I am a spring princess.
15:53Callie, I don't give a damn.
15:57Do you know how important this is to me?
15:59Well, maybe you've made it too important.
16:01Maybe you are just jealous.
16:05You do know what this is going to look like, don't you?
16:08Like we planned this.
16:10Like we planned to go as the Bobsy Twins.
16:16Hey, girls.
16:18Hi, Dad.
16:20What's all the fuss about?
16:22Hey, come on. You both look gorgeous.
16:26Hey, come on. Let's have a little smile, huh?
16:28Come on.
16:30All right.
16:31Oh, wait till you see this picture.
16:33You look just like the Bobsy Twins.
16:37Excuse me.
16:41Um, I'll just put on my wrist.
16:47Hey, is everything okay?
16:48Just groovy.
16:50Okay, you beautiful people. Let's get a picture.
16:52Everybody together now.
16:55You look incredible.
16:58And I can't tell you what else I'm thinking
17:00because your parents are in the room.
17:03Here's your dress.
17:06Oh, okay. Everything's perfect.
17:08Here's your dress.
17:10Okay, everybody get closer.
17:11A little closer. Can you get closer?
17:13I think she's hiding an army of midgets under here.
17:18One, two...
17:39One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
17:59Tell me about it.
18:01Tell me about it.
18:07Come on, we're gonna be late.
18:17Catch them every time.
18:20You are such a jerk.
18:22Hey, hey, hey, come on, guys.
18:23It's supposed to be fun, remember?
18:25That's right, dammit.
18:26We're supposed to be having fun.
18:29Brenda, I have a great idea.
18:31Why don't you and I stand on different sides of the room?
18:33That way nobody has to see us.
18:35Kelly, at this point, I'm sorry that we can't stand
18:37on opposite sides of the state.
18:39Guys, help.
18:44Guys, help, please.
18:47Can someone help me? Oh, God.
18:52That dress is a dance, don't.
18:58Hey, hey, wait a second. Relax.
19:01It's like she thinks it's her night or something.
19:04Well, it's not.
19:06Bren, this is your night.
19:08Actually, it's...
19:11our night.
19:14Room 271.
19:19Won't anybody notice that we're gone?
19:23We'll make our appearance, and then...
19:26we'll make our disappearance.
19:29And you won't have to worry about your clothes for a while.
19:57Brandon, let's dance.
19:59I told you, Kelly, I don't dance.
20:01Oh, come on. I've got to be seen on the dance floor.
20:03Well, then, why don't you dance with Steve, and I'll watch?
20:06No, forget that.
20:07Well, excuse us. We're going to go dance now.
20:12Um, Steve?
20:13All right, all right.
20:14You got to hold this.
20:17Um, Steve, do you, uh...
20:20want to, uh...
20:22We, uh...
20:23Oh, sorry.
20:24We, uh...
20:25Would you like to dance?
20:29Maybe later.
20:45There she is.
20:48I don't think I've ever seen her looking so beautiful.
20:51I don't think I've ever seen her looking so beautiful.
20:57You know, 20 bucks...
21:00says that she dances with me before the night is over.
21:04You're crazy.
21:06Put up or shut up.
21:10All right.
21:12You're on.
21:21All right.
21:26What do you say, 15 more minutes till we make our exit?
21:32Dylan, I'm a little nervous.
21:34Fran, don't be.
21:36Everything's going to be great.
21:39Yeah, well, that's what you keep on saying.
21:43Look, it's just that we've been building it up for so long.
21:47And it's not that I'm not ready. Believe me, I am.
21:51What are you trying to say?
21:55Somehow you'll be disappointed.
21:58Fran, we're not going to be judging each other up there.
22:01We're going to be enjoying each other.
22:06I bet you used that line before.
22:10Fran, you're not just another notch on my belt.
22:13If that's what this was about, I would have had you up there months ago.
22:17Oh, really?
22:18Yes, really.
22:22So what is this all about?
22:25Don't you know?
22:28I love you.
22:31I love you.
22:54I think you're a really great dancer.
22:57You call this dancing?
23:01I also think you look really cute tonight.
23:04And you definitely look more than cute.
23:10Brandon, I, uh...
23:12I have a confession to make.
23:18I thought you were cute since the first day you moved here.
23:24I'd say that's mutual.
23:28So what's going to stop you now?
23:38Well, not that I haven't given it a thought or two.
23:43But, number one, you are one of my best friends' ex-girlfriend.
23:49Emphasis on the ex.
23:57And you're Brenda's best friend.
24:02Well, Dylan is your best friend.
24:04And that hasn't stopped him, has it?
24:11And number three?
24:15Now, I thought there was a third reason, but...
24:18I just can't remember it right now.
24:22Well, it sounds like two not very good reasons to me.
24:50Looks like they're really getting along.
24:53No kidding.
24:58Kelly, I don't know.
25:04Something just doesn't feel right.
25:07Well, it feels right to me.
25:12I don't want you to take this the wrong way.
25:15I mean, I think you're very beautiful, but...
25:18Brandon, don't you think we make a great couple?
25:22I guess I don't.
25:25It's like...
25:27I know you too well or something.
25:33What if we were complete strangers?
25:37I'd probably be in love with you.
25:42Can't you fake amnesia or something?
25:49I don't know, it just...
25:51feels like...
25:53you're another sister.
25:57That is probably...
25:59the ugliest thing any guy's ever said to me.
26:04Having fun?
26:06Steve, why don't you get lost?
26:09Brandon, let me give you some advice, seeing as the two of you are getting along.
26:15She doesn't care about you.
26:17She may pretend to,
26:19but the only person that Kelly really cares about is herself.
26:22Hey, why don't you go and sober up, all right?
26:26I don't blame you for going for it, though.
26:28Let's fall out at last.
26:29All right, that's enough. Come on.
26:31Hey, hey.
26:32This is not the right time.
26:33Steve, what's the matter with you, man?
26:35You've been acting like a jerk all night long.
26:38You said this was gonna be fun, Brandon.
26:41Oh, ask Donna. We're all going as friends.
26:45I don't see any friends around here.
26:51Brandon, just let him go.
26:57I gotta talk to him.
27:07Steve, wait up.
27:08Brandon, get lost.
27:09Steve, you got it all wrong. I'm not going after Kelly.
27:12I'm in hell with you guys. You're both history as far as I'm concerned.
27:15You know that's not true, man. You know I'm your friend.
27:17You're just drunk. You're not sober.
27:18I am not drunk!
27:20I see things fine, all right?
27:22Do you know what today is?
27:24No, what's today?
27:27Today's my birthday.
27:32It's your birthday. Why didn't you say something?
27:34What am I supposed to do? Go around and announce it to everybody?
27:38Well, I understand why you're so bummed, man.
27:40We'll go out and celebrate after the dance.
27:42No, forget it. I don't feel like celebrating anything.
27:45Steve, there's nothing going on between me and Kelly.
27:48I know that, Brandon.
27:51Then why are you acting like such a jerk, man?
27:53It's your birthday. Cheer up.
27:59Six months ago, I'm out to dinner with my mother,
28:02and she has a little bit too much to drink.
28:05She starts talking about the past.
28:07Things that happened 20 years ago.
28:12No, come on, Steve. What is it?
28:16She and my dad have been trying to have kids for a long time,
28:20but they just couldn't make it happen.
28:23So my mom goes to some doctor who tells her that she could never have kids.
28:31Well, they've decided to adopt a child.
28:36They adopted me.
28:39Oh, man.
28:41Oh, man.
28:43Only my mom waits close to 17 years before she tells me about it.
28:47What did she think? I'd be better off if I didn't know?
28:50What did you say to her when she told you?
28:54What could I say?
28:59She's a mom.
29:02She's the only mother I've ever known.
29:07And I know that even though she might not be perfect,
29:12she loves me.
29:17I just can't believe she's lied to me my entire life.
29:20Yeah, but, Steve, it worked out.
29:24Look at you. You're a great guy. You got a great life.
29:29I try not to think about it.
29:32Who my biological parents are, stuff like that.
29:37Who cares? It doesn't matter anymore.
29:42So when my birthday's coming around, I have a little trouble dealing with it.
29:47But you got a lot of friends who really care about you, man.
29:52The only friend I ever told about this was Kelly.
29:54And she still went to her own trip tonight.
29:56She probably forgot all about me.
30:02What is the sense of confiding in somebody
30:04if someday they're just gonna blow you off?
30:07The votes are in.
30:09And you, the people of West Beverly High, have chosen.
30:13It is my great honor
30:15to announce this year's West Beverly High Spring Queen.
30:21And the winner is...
30:23Drumroll, please.
30:25And the winner is...
30:27Drumroll, please.
30:37Kelly Taylor.
30:50I knew you'd nail it.
30:56And in the great West Beverly tradition,
31:00the Spring Queen will now choose her king.
31:13Brad Phillips.
31:26And now it's time to get down and get noticed.
31:29Because we're about to choose the couple
31:31with the slickest moves.
31:34The winning couple will receive a free large pizza
31:37with two toppings and two beverages of choice
31:40from La Pizza on Beverly Hills.
31:42And the honor of the last dance of the night
31:46with the Spring Queen and King.
31:50Wish me luck, Kel.
31:52Break a leg.
31:54Dylan, wait until we're in the room.
32:01Dylan, this is so beautiful.
32:04Yeah, I thought you'd like it.
32:06Do you know why I'm so lucky?
32:13How do you know?
32:18How many girls get to have sex
32:20for the first time with someone they love?
32:23I don't know.
32:25I've never really taken an opinion poll.
32:36Don't put me down!
32:40I'm sorry. I just can't control myself.
32:43We'll fight it.
32:46We are in the room.
32:48We certainly are.
33:16Betty, for God's sakes,
33:18put down that chainsaw.
33:20You said you liked me.
33:23I do. I do.
33:26I really do.
33:28I do, too. We all do.
33:30You said he liked me.
33:34Betty, no!
33:44For God's sakes, put down that chainsaw.
33:47You said you liked me.
33:51I do. I do. I really do.
33:54I like you, too.
33:56I need you. I need you, really.
33:58I love you, you're a goddess.
34:00You said you liked me.
34:30Could I borrow your evening gown?
34:46Brandon, where have you been?
34:48And where's Brenda?
34:50I'm not exactly getting a lot of support here from my friends.
34:53Well, you're not the only one that's feeling that way, Kelly.
34:56I've just been out there with Steve.
34:58I really think you should abdicate your throne
35:00and go talk to him for a minute.
35:02Brandon, I don't want to. He's been drinking.
35:04It's one of the reasons why we broke up.
35:06Kelly, he needs you.
35:09He needs you.
35:13Why can't he go talk to Donna?
35:19Because it's his birthday today.
35:24He's really not taking it very well.
35:27I totally forgot.
35:31Did he tell you?
35:39Don't let anybody see him.
36:10Hi, Steve.
36:15What are you doing here?
36:17Shouldn't you be on your throne,
36:19lording it over the whole school?
36:24Look, I'm sorry.
36:27I forgot.
36:30Brandon tell you I was out here?
36:36Well, look, I don't need your sympathy.
36:40I just don't understand why we can't be friends.
36:44I confided in you, Kelly.
36:47I told you things I haven't told anybody.
36:51I know. Like I said, I'm sorry.
36:54Yeah, well, sorry doesn't make it okay.
36:57This whole week, all you could think about was yourself.
37:01This stupid dance, ridiculous contest.
37:05You know, it's a good thing they're not judging loyalty or character
37:09because let me tell you something,
37:11you'd have lost by a landslide.
37:14I don't have to stand here and take this.
37:18And who are you to lecture me on character?
37:21You are generally one of the most thoughtless and spoiled people I have ever known.
37:26Well, surprise. We have a lot in common.
37:30You're the only one I know who's as defective as I am.
37:33I am not defective, Steve.
37:36Oh, yeah?
37:38Your mom spends half her life in detox.
37:41The other half her life unconscious.
37:43Shut up.
37:44And I've never even met the man who you claim is your father,
37:47although I suppose it doesn't matter too much
37:49as long as the checks keep coming in on time.
37:53Why are you trying to ruin my night?
37:57I'm not trying to ruin your night.
38:08I just get so angry when all you had to do was say one word.
38:13Just one word to let me know you cared about me.
38:18I do care about you, Steve.
38:21I said I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can do.
38:27I don't know.
38:32I'm sorry, too.
38:37I don't know why I said these things.
38:41Because deep inside you're just a jerk, that's why.
38:56I don't know why I said these things.
39:02Because deep inside you're just a jerk, that's why.
39:12I don't know why I said these things.
39:21I don't know why I said these things.
39:26I don't know why I said these things.
39:56I don't know why I said these things.
39:59I don't know why I said these things.
40:15I don't know why I said these things.
40:18I don't know why I said these things.
40:25Andrea. Hi.
40:27Look, I feel like a fool for coming, but I don't care. All I know is I don't want to turn into some deranged axe-murderer, or worse yet, wake up one morning ten years from now and suddenly realize that I totally missed out on high school.
40:50Come here.
40:52I'm going to tell you, you look absolutely gorgeous this evening.
41:03Nobody that matters.
41:22Okay, so we're down to four couples, so your applause at the end of this next song will determine tonight's winning couple.
41:48Brenda, you're glowing.
41:50Yeah, well, you have a goofy grin all over your face, and you'd better wipe it off, otherwise people will talk.
41:56So let them.
42:03Brian, you don't have to do that.
42:05What will the maid think?
42:07They will think the two people had a very, very good time here tonight.
42:21Take the falls, take the fucks, take my misery, I'm doing whatever I can.
42:45Take the moon, take the night, take my pain, I'm doing the best that I can.
42:56Take the fall, take the night, take my pain, I'm doing the best that I can.
43:07Take the moon, take the night, take my pain, I'm doing the best that I can.
43:16Kelly, what?
43:18When did he get down?
43:19But what? Where did he get down?
43:21Kelly, who cares?
43:26I'm so sorry.
43:28I've been so selfish.
43:30It's okay, I forgive you.
43:35Where are you going?
43:38And why are you so disgustingly happy?
43:42You didn't.
43:51What are you doing?
43:55Oh my god.
44:01Are you kidding me?
44:13I'm sorry.
44:14I'm sorry.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:16I'm sorry.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:18I'm sorry.
44:19I'm sorry.
44:20I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:22I'm sorry.
44:23I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.
44:25I'm sorry.
44:26I'm sorry.
44:27I'm sorry.
44:28I'm sorry.
44:29I'm sorry.
44:30I'm sorry.
44:31I'm sorry.
44:32I'm sorry.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:34I'm sorry.
44:35I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:40I'm sorry.
44:41I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:46I'm sorry.
44:47I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:49I'm sorry.
44:50Okay, we're finally down to two couples.
44:55Once again, your applause decides the winner.
44:58So couple number one.
45:05Yes, yes.
45:10And couple number two.
45:14Alright, this is the last dance of the evening, so everybody out on the floor.
45:45Something happened when the dream came.
45:55Never has dreamed, how about you?
46:05But if you could box your baby's smile, I think you'd turn your world around.
46:18And it's not what our friends say.
46:27It's not how you understand.
46:35If you could build a house of smiles, I think you'd turn your world around.
46:47Say that we're so hopeless, we're as hopeful as can be.
46:55We're just dreamers.
47:00Out on the boat, with a past that holds us thinking every day.
47:08Don't ever be so close.
47:10Oh, sorry.
47:13You know what?
47:18You smell as good as I thought you would.
47:22What did I do to deserve this?
47:25Brandon, do you think I'm a geek for coming to this dance by myself?
47:34No, not at all.
47:37I never get to slow dance in the newsroom.
47:49Something happened when the dream came.
47:57Would you excuse me for a minute? I'll be right back.
48:07May I?
48:09Oh, yeah, sure.
48:16Hey, Raquel, we really weren't finished out there.
48:21I know, Steve.
48:22Raquel, can we talk for a second?
48:28I'm sorry.
48:32I am, too.
48:34I've been a jerk all night.
48:37Me, too.
48:38I know.
48:41Despite all the things we've gone through, all the fights, all the stupid things we've ever said to each other,
48:51I still love you, Kelly.
48:53And I don't care what you say, because I know deep down inside you love me, too.
49:03But not the way you love me.
49:05There's lots of different ways of loving someone.
49:10Then I guess in my own way, I love you, too, Steve.
49:16Happy birthday.
49:22Could I get another one right here? I love this spot.
49:26Come on.
49:32Steve, have you asked Donna to dance one time tonight?
49:44What are you doing?
49:48Steve wants to apologize for being such a lousy date.
49:53I'm sorry.
49:54That's okay.
49:56I'm sorry for wearing such a stupid dress.
49:59Well, actually, you look beautiful in it.
50:02Hey, is this a private party?
50:05Oh, you look gorgeous.
50:09You should be wearing this with me.
50:16Hey, what's going on in here?
50:18Nothing as wild as what was going on upstairs.
50:22What was going on upstairs, anyway?
50:25What are you guys talking about? We were down here dancing the whole time.
50:29Oh, of course.
50:31Is it just me, or was tonight one of the strangest nights of all time?
50:35Definitely one of the strangest nights.
50:45Can I say, spring is in the air.
51:21Spring is in the air.
51:51Spring is in the air.
52:21Spring is in the air.
