Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 20 Spring Training

  • 17 hours ago
Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 20 Spring Training


00:01Hey bunny.
00:02Where are you going?
00:03Getting in shape, huh?
00:04Hey, puppy!
00:07Where are you going?
00:15Getting in shape, huh?
00:28Well, you'd better go home!
00:33Come on, puppy. Go. Go home.
00:37Puppy, go home. Please, puppy, go home.
00:42Go. Look, I mean it. Get lost. Go home.
00:47Please. Come on, go home. Go home. Get out of here.
00:53Damn it, puppy, go home.
00:58Hey, Dave.
00:59Hi, Jim.
01:00Meet my expert coaching staff.
01:02My son, Brandon.
01:04Hi, Ben.
01:05How are you, Dave?
01:06All right.
01:07His friend, Steve Sanders.
01:08Nice to meet you.
01:09This is Dave Franklin, the El Presidente of the West Beverly Hills Baseball League.
01:14Today, I'm just a regular dad.
01:16Which one's your son?
01:18That's Davey over there.
01:20All right. We ought to get him on our team, Mr. Walsh.
01:23Well, I think that can be arranged.
01:25So, for the tryouts, you up to hitting some fun goals?
01:28Just point me to the bat, right?
01:29All right. Nice meeting you, fellas. See you later, Dave.
01:32So, how tight is your dad with Franklin?
01:34Oh, they work together pretty tight, I think.
01:36Oh, and you can bet old Franklin's gonna make sure his good buddy gets all the best players.
01:40Yeah, maybe.
01:41Say, is your dad any good?
01:43He loves baseball.
01:45But is he any good?
01:47See for yourself.
02:01Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
02:03But if you play without stretching first, what do you expect?
02:10A little sympathy.
02:13For whom?
02:14The aging jock who throws out his back every season?
02:18Or the aging nurse who gets to listen to her patient moan and groan all week while she waits on him hand and foot?
02:25Okay, okay. I'll be back in commission by Monday.
02:29Oh, forget it.
02:32Dr. Kramer told you specifically to stay off your feet.
02:36And your children and I are here to make sure that you take your medicine.
02:43Aw, poor daddy.
02:48What can I say, kids?
02:50Your old man's a stiff.
02:53And you and Steve, you think you can run the show for a couple of weeks?
02:56Teach the kids how to play some ball?
03:01Yeah, I had a pretty good coach when I was younger.
03:10So, you know, with my dad laid up, we need all the help we can get.
03:14First practice is today if you want to join in the festivities.
03:17Thanks, but no thanks, Slim.
03:21I thought you were a total baseball freak.
03:23Oh, I am.
03:24But having to listen to these parents berating their kids from the sidelines all day long?
03:28Brings back a whole slew of bad memories.
03:31Yeah, but it shouldn't be about the parents.
03:33It should be about being on a team, learning the fundamentals, having a good time.
03:37It's very noble, Brandon.
03:39But when I was playing, it was about winning, any cost.
03:43Still is.
03:45I know some people from the Valley took their kid out of the league because it was so competitive.
03:49Well, no offense, Andrea, but did this kid have any athletic ability whatsoever?
03:54Are you kidding?
03:56Avery not only won the batting title, but was the star pitcher for the entire West Valley Baseball League.
04:03Well, guys, I hear what you're saying, but I can promise you that Steve and I will not run our team like that.
04:09Crawford, get your finger out of your nose!
04:12He eats them, too!
04:15Take a lap.
04:21Steve, what's the problem? He wasn't doing anything.
04:23Yeah, he was. He was grossing me out.
04:26Last thing we need is a booger picker playing second base.
04:29Hi, Steve. Hi, Brandon.
04:31Davey, how you doing, large guy?
04:34You got a new mitt, all right, buddy.
04:39Okay, everyone gets a new mitt, new bats, new helmets. The works.
04:45How sweet it is.
04:47So, when do we get new uniforms?
04:51You don't get a uniform until you can prove to us that you could smack the ball out of the park, you little squeef.
04:58Everyone pile on Noah!
05:02Where'd you get all this stuff?
05:04Ah, you need anything, you let me know.
05:16He raided a sporting goods store.
05:18Told you it would pay to have Franklin's kid on the team.
05:30You are welcome to come in, but with my father's back, you're definitely entering at your own risk.
05:38I think I'll pass.
05:41I think I don't blame you.
05:44Bye. Bye.
05:58What are you doing?
06:01Get away from there, you're making a mess.
06:04Come on, get out of here, go home before I call the pound, I'm serious.
06:08Get out of here.
06:14Oh, don't look at me like that, I don't even like dogs that much.
06:28You don't even have a collar, do you?
06:32Okay, if I give you something to eat, will you go?
06:38Do you like baloney?
06:40You like baloney?
06:42Okay, I'll get you some baloney.
06:45Yes, I will.
06:47Let's go.
06:51Okay, Noah, heads up.
06:56Throw it home, throw it home.
07:01Look what I got, Ma.
07:03Oh, come on, give me a break.
07:06Noah, Noah, hey, don't pull your head out, man, all right?
07:10I don't have the baloney to get to my legs.
07:12Well, that's because I took a sweet hop.
07:15I don't know what you're talking about.
07:17What'd you say?
07:19You heard me.
07:23That's going to cost you a lap.
07:28Snack time, everybody!
07:32All right.
07:36You won't believe what that kid just said to me.
07:39Yeah, I know, he's a real paw, but he's a good hitter.
07:42And his mom's named Kersey.
07:45The tea mother.
07:46She brought this delicious dim sum for the kids.
07:49You got to taste these noodles.
07:52Dim sum?
07:54I can't believe the spread this woman brought.
07:57She brought Chinese dumplings and bottled water, and it was amazing.
08:02We used to eat Twinkies back home, remember?
08:05Oh, honey, would it be easier to eat upstairs?
08:09No, it wouldn't.
08:11I have been in bed all day, and I am going stir-crazy.
08:14I know.
08:19Well, sounds like we've been given a pretty good ball team.
08:24Well, we got some pretty good players.
08:26I could do without a lot of the attitude, though.
08:29Of course, the first thing these kids are going to do is to test your limits.
08:33What do you expect?
08:34I don't understand, Dad.
08:39The league's run a lot differently out here than it was back home.
08:42That's all.
08:43And you've come to this conclusion after the first day of practice?
08:48Well, I don't understand why he's being so critical.
08:50And what is all this yelping?
08:52It sounds like a dog.
08:54That's because it's a dog.
08:56It's yelping.
08:57It sounds like a dog.
08:59That's being tortured in our backyard.
09:02Where are you going?
09:03To see what it is.
09:04You are not.
09:05You're supposed to stay off your feet.
09:07Brandon can see what it is.
09:09Jim, Mom, it's a dog.
09:10Yeah, I think we established that, Brenda.
09:12It sounds like it's coming from the side of the house.
09:14No, it's in the garage.
09:15No, it sounds like the side of the house.
09:17No, trust me, Dad.
09:19It's in the garage.
09:26He smells bad, but once you get to know him, he's really sweet.
09:30What does he belong to?
09:38Brenda, we can't have a dog in this house, and that is that.
09:42Why not?
09:43Because I know who's going to be the one to walk it and feed it and all...
09:51No, Dad.
09:52I don't want you guys to lift a finger to this dog.
09:54He's completely my responsibility.
09:56Yeah, well, that's what you said about Ruby.
09:59Ruby was completely untrainable.
10:02I mean, even the vet said so.
10:04And Bruno?
10:06Bruno bit the mailman completely out of self-defense, and you know that.
10:10Okay, fine.
10:13Let's talk about Mr. Pepper.
10:17I knew he'd bring him up.
10:21I'm sorry, but someone in this family left that poor animal outside in the middle of winter to freeze to death.
10:31I was nine years old.
10:32How was I supposed to know about wind-chill factors?
10:36Uh, Brenda, I think the dog needs you.
10:40Excuse me.
10:43Dad, he needs me.
10:45And what I need is for you to take him to the animal shelter tonight.
10:49I can't do that.
10:51If I take him to the pound, they'll put him to sleep.
10:55I'll take him.
10:58Where are the car keys?
11:03I am taking him back to the pound tonight, and that is that.
11:08No, that is not that.
11:10You're not going anywhere but straight upstairs and back to bed right now.
11:15No, I can't bear to see you walk around like the hunchback of Notre Dame.
11:20And I won't have you barking at your children because your back is in spasm.
11:25Now, while you are upstairs recuperating, your son is going to post signs in the neighborhood to see if anyone's lost a dog, right?
11:32No problem.
11:34And until we find its rightful owner, your daughter will not only take total responsibility for this animal,
11:40but she will also get rid of it the moment it becomes a nuisance.
11:43Isn't that right, honey?
11:45Thanks, Mom.
11:47You're making a big mistake.
11:49Daddy, I promise it's going to be totally different this time.
11:53You're all going to love Wally.
11:59You won't even know he's around.
12:13Hey, you're early.
12:19Actually, I'm late, and I was kind of hoping I could switch today for tomorrow.
12:24What's up?
12:26Well, I'm coaching a team for the West Beverly Hills Baseball League, and they just handed me a practice schedule.
12:32Say no more. Take as much time as you want.
12:35On one condition.
12:37Got to schedule a couple of practice games against my kids.
12:42You're a coach?
12:44Yeah, I have been for years.
12:46Mid-City Park and Rec Center.
12:48It's a gas. I love it.
12:51How's your team? Are they any good?
12:54No, they stink, but who cares?
12:57You know, just being out there is like being part of a great American tradition.
13:04You know what I mean?
13:06Yeah, I do.
13:10What are you digging for? Dinosaurs?
13:13Come on, guys. Get your cleats on.
13:18We got to talk to your dad about trading that kid.
13:21Forget it.
13:23Because when his back's up, you don't want to talk to him about anything. Trust me.
13:27Then we'll talk to Franklin.
13:29Yeah, he said if we ever need anything.
13:31Steve, I don't...
13:32Hey, the kid is dead weight.
13:40Did Franklin clap a word with you?
13:48As it turns out.
13:50Have you tried the Sloot Baki?
14:02Okay, Wally. Stay. Stay right there.
14:06Right there.
14:08Okay. Wally, come.
14:11Come on, Wally. Come on.
14:13Come on. Come on.
14:16Wally, come here.
14:19Wally, come here.
14:22Wally, come on.
14:27Let's face it. He's dumb.
14:29He's not dumb.
14:31He's just going through a slight separation anxiety.
14:35And, uh...
14:38What's with your dog?
14:43Oh, don't mind him. He goes crazy for perfume.
14:48He's not wearing any perfume.
14:55Strike three.
14:57That'll work those corners, Davey.
14:59You know how to throw a curve?
15:02You probably want to stay away from that breaking stuff for a couple of years.
15:06You don't want to burn out your arm.
15:08You know, you're the first coach who's ever told me not to push myself.
15:12That's like my dad says. What's the rush?
15:16Davey! Hustle up. You're in the cage.
15:20See you later.
15:23Well, it's all set. Franklin's arranging the trade right now.
15:27It's a trade.
15:28What trade?
15:30Riff Crawford for Kenny Kessler.
15:32Don't say anything till it's official. It may take a week or two.
15:35Riff Crawford doesn't want to be traded.
15:38Who cares? We're going to rip.
15:40We're going to have Kenny Kessler and Dave Jr. in the same rotation.
15:44Forget it, Steve. It's not fair.
15:47It's a done deal.
15:49Look, Franklin's amped about this. He wants to have a winning team.
15:53Then I guess I'll just have to go talk to him.
15:55What are you going to say to him?
15:57I'm going to tell him to let the coaches run the team.
16:04I'm your friend. You can say anything to me.
16:07But I don't think you want to offend the president of the league.
16:10Especially if he's a friend of your father's.
16:34Wally, stop it.
16:36Wally, no.
16:40Wally, you're a bad boy. Down.
16:43Wally, shh.
16:45Wally, no. You better be quiet now. Stop it.
16:52I cannot keep on making excuses for you.
16:58Brenda, your father wants to speak to you.
17:03Mom, Wally's really a sweet dog.
17:06Yeah. Well, tell that to your father.
17:12I don't know why you have to be so critical of everybody involved in this league.
17:16I'm not, Dad.
17:17Dave Franklin puts in a lot of hours for you kids that someone of his clout doesn't have to spare.
17:23I know.
17:24And I think he deserves a hell of a lot of credit.
17:26I agree.
17:31I promise I'm going to find him a home first thing tomorrow.
17:39And as far as you and I are concerned,
17:41I hope to be seeing a new attitude coming out of the coaching box or it's going to be a long season.
17:47Come on, Wally.
17:49I need you to keep a low profile so everybody can get to know you better.
17:56I know it's dark and lonely in here, but it's the best that I can do.
18:16Okay, Wally.
18:20You stay on the rug.
18:22Don't make any noise.
18:24Don't chew anything.
18:29You're such a good dog.
18:40Good night, Wally.
18:55Okay, we're going to have a good time?
18:58Are we going to play ball like we normally do?
19:01Let's do it. Let's do it.
19:02Come on. Let's go.
19:03Where's my catcher?
19:05Here we go.
19:09This is pathetic.
19:11We're not even wearing uniforms.
19:13So what? It's a practice game.
19:15Don't look so good, Brad.
19:17It's a practice game.
19:19It's a practice game.
19:21It's a practice game.
19:23Don't look so good, Brad.
19:24It's okay.
19:25They came out here to play, and that's the important thing.
19:28Now listen up, you guys.
19:30The way you treat your competition is a direct comment on how you play the game.
19:35Good sportsmanship counts big time with me and my old man.
19:38So let's get off on the right foot.
19:40Let's go out there.
19:41Let's treat these guys with some respect, okay?
19:43Chill for a second, guys.
19:45Brad, come talk to me for a second.
19:47Buddy, Franklin doesn't want Nets kids using our new equipment.
19:52He just doesn't want any of this stuff to get broke before the season starts.
19:57You don't have a problem with that, do you?
20:02Let's get this practice game going!
20:05Let's go!
20:13That's right!
20:22That's it!
20:38What are the runs you scored so far?
20:44Come on, guys!
20:45We can do it!
20:46We got two outs!
20:47We can get out of this inning!
20:48Let's go!
20:49Come on!
20:50Heads up!
20:52Routine grounder!
20:54You got it!
20:55Easy out!
20:59Come on, Manny!
21:00Shake it off!
21:01You can shake it off!
21:04Hey, doofus!
21:05You really eat toes!
21:07You'll throw it better next time, Manny!
21:13Hey, Cory!
21:14Hit it to the doofus!
21:15He's a real toe!
21:23Time out!
21:29Get in the game for Noah!
21:33Forget you!
21:35Get off the field, Noah.
21:38I'm not getting off the field unless Cole Sanders tells me to.
21:42Hold up a second, Tiger.
21:52What's up?
21:54Ben should know.
21:55He doesn't deserve to play with his attitude.
21:57I agree.
21:58I just don't think you want to humiliate him.
22:00I'm not going to humiliate him.
22:01I just want to teach him a lesson.
22:03Yeah, okay, but I think the timing might be a little off.
22:12Why don't you coach the rest of the game by yourself, buddy?
22:15All right.
22:29What happened?
22:30I don't know.
22:41Hi, Mom.
22:42Oh, hi, honey.
22:43How are you?
22:45Oh, you know, the same.
22:49I'm sorry about Wally.
22:54So what's for dinner?
22:56You didn't have to take him to the pound, did you?
22:59No, I didn't.
23:02You found a home for him, huh?
23:08Oh, Brenda.
23:10Mom, I tried.
23:11I really did.
23:13I went to the vet.
23:14The receptionist asked,
23:15Hi, are you looking for a new puppy?
23:17I said, no, I have a dog that needs a home, like, right now.
23:20So she gave me the card to the Department of Animal Control,
23:24and then she made sure to tell me
23:26that three-quarters of the 190,000 strays
23:29that were brought to the shelter last year were destroyed.
23:32And then she said to have a nice day.
23:34It's a crime more people don't neuter their pets.
23:37And the thought of poor Wally in some alley fending for himself,
23:41it was just too cruel.
23:42I just couldn't do it.
23:46Okay, I can keep him?
23:49Okay, you can explain to your father why he's still here,
23:52and then you can tell him about all the wonderful things you're doing
23:55to find him a new home.
23:57Oh, that sounds fair.
24:00Except can you go upstairs with me to break the news?
24:06You know, I think it might be wise to just wait a little bit.
24:10I'm not going to argue with you anymore, Brandon.
24:13Apparently you're not going to listen to my side of the story either, are you?
24:16You already told me what happened.
24:19One of your kids got out of line, you lost your temper,
24:22you stalked her off the field in the middle of a game.
24:25Dad, if you'd have seen the way that Noah taunted their second baseman,
24:30I guarantee you'd have pulled him off the field in a second.
24:33Maybe. Maybe not.
24:36One thing I can guarantee is that Brandon Walsh that I know
24:39would have handled the problem without causing a scene.
24:42Well, I'm sorry I let you down, Dad.
24:45You didn't let me down. You let your team down.
24:48Dave Franklin called me from his car phone.
24:51He was so concerned about the situation.
24:54Maybe I should learn to be more like Steve.
24:57Suck up to the parents, let the kids do whatever they want.
25:03Or better yet, why don't we just let the kids run the whole damn team?
25:07Then we can just sit up in the bleachers
25:10and eat tofu hamburgers with the umpires.
25:13What do you want, Brandon?
25:15You want to quit being a coach? Is that it?
25:17Maybe that'd be best.
25:31All right.
25:34As soon as I'm back on my feet and back on the field, you're free to quit.
25:38But up until then, I need you to cut it out for me.
25:42How soon will that be?
25:46Hopefully by next practice.
25:49Assuming I can get some peace and quiet around here.
25:56The peach pit is closed.
26:09Hey, come on in.
26:11Hi. I called your house. Your sister said you might be here.
26:15Can I fix you anything?
26:17No, thanks. I came to talk about what happened at the game.
26:21Hey, that's yesterday's news. Forget it.
26:26I just can't forget the way your second basement looked after Noah started picking on him.
26:31Yeah, well, after you left, it got worse.
26:35What happened?
26:37Well, the very next play, Manny made another error.
26:41Manny broke down and lost it.
26:44Manny's a tough case.
26:47He's been in and out of foster homes.
26:50Nothing comes easy for him.
26:53He's just the last little kid you ever want to see get hurt.
27:00Did anyone even have the courtesy to come over and apologize to you?
27:04Yeah, your friend Steve came by. He was very nice.
27:07What'd he say?
27:09Well, he just wondered if we shouldn't cancel Don's second practice game.
27:14Great, Steve!
27:16Wait a minute, Brandon. He's got a point.
27:19We didn't exactly play you head up.
27:22Why? What was the final score?
27:24I don't know. I stopped counting after the second inning.
27:29I really feel terrible about all this, Nat.
27:33The fact is that my little kids from the park and rec just weren't ready to compete against the vast resources of West Beverly Hills Baseball League.
27:43Not that I couldn't whip them into better shape, but it's just tough to do it all by yourself.
27:51Well, are you in the market for a feisty third base coach?
27:58Why? You looking to become a free agent?
28:04I'm a journeyman ball player, Nat.
28:07I go where I'm needed.
28:10And wanted.
28:21You're up?
28:24It's a minor medical miracle. I've got lateral movement again. I feel almost human.
28:32Listen, a lot of things got said last night that I deeply regret.
28:38And I want you to know how sorry I am that we're not going to be coaching together again.
28:43Maybe you'll reconsider?
28:49So, uh, why don't you join us? We're wheeling and dealing.
28:54Come on, we're making the lineup.
28:57Come on.
28:59I'm gonna get some cheese bits.
29:05Brandon, your dad's a great guy. The three of us could go all the way this season.
29:10Yeah, especially with Dave Franklin pulling all the strings.
29:13Look, I'm sorry about the other day, but we're a team.
29:17Look, Steve, I was just talking to Nat.
29:20Great! Tell him we've had a change of heart.
29:23We definitely want to play those kids in another practice game.
29:27Really? Absolutely.
29:29All right.
29:31But why the sudden change of heart?
29:35You gotta admit that if we clobber these nerd balls, it'll be great for team morale.
29:42Oh, yeah, yes, he's quiet.
29:48Very smart.
29:50How's Trane?
29:52Um, yeah, I better let you talk to Brenda.
29:55It's a long shot, but go for it.
29:58Cliff, how are you?
30:04Uh, so, tell me.
30:07Uh, so, tell me.
30:09How does going to Beverly Hills High School compare to West Beverly?
30:13Bark, bark.
30:15Oh, really?
30:17That has got to be the dumbest dog in the history of dog dung.
30:20Well, you never met Bruno or Mr. Peppers.
30:22He came this close to getting hit by a truck yesterday.
30:25Listen, man, do you got some time tomorrow to help me run a baseball clinic for some of the kids?
30:29B, I told you, I have zero interest in getting involved with a team from West Beverly Hills.
30:37What if it's to help Nat's kids so they can beat the team from West Beverly?
30:43Well, that's a different story, isn't it?
30:51See, what did I tell you?
30:53Isn't he sweet?
30:55Isn't he great?
30:57And I think he likes you.
31:03Yeah, he's a pretty good dog.
31:06Pretty good?
31:07David, he's great.
31:09And he likes you, which in your case ought to count for something.
31:12And you said you wanted a dog.
31:15Well, yeah, but...
31:16You know what? I know the smartest thing.
31:18I should have thought of this earlier.
31:20Why don't you just take him for a couple of days and see how it works out between you two?
31:23Look, Bruno, I can't...
31:25No, David, it's just for a trial run.
31:28Just for a couple of days.
31:30Just one night, like tonight.
31:32Take him and then you'd see what a great dog he is.
31:35Okay, just one night.
31:38Absolutely, whatever you want.
31:40You think you could get me a date with Kelly Taylor?
31:47Wally, I'll find you a new home.
31:51Just a question.
32:01You know, the improvement from one week to the next is remarkable.
32:06Oh, yeah.
32:08Kids are showing a lot of promise.
32:12But you still need a picture that can put the ball over the plate.
32:18You know what I mean?
32:20Yeah, I know.
32:22You know what I mean?
32:26You still need a picture that can put the ball over the plate.
32:33But win or lose, the most important thing is how good the kids feel about themselves.
32:43Yeah, I mean, in the long run, that's all that counts.
32:57Andrea, hi.
32:59Listen, uh, do you remember the other day you told me you knew some kid in the valley who was a blue chip ball player?
33:19Mom, what are you doing?
33:22Oh, well, it was late, and I didn't know how long you'd be in the shower.
33:28You like Wally, don't you?
33:30I just didn't want him to go hungry.
33:36He was such a good boy today. I hardly heard a peep out of him.
33:41Why's the door open?
33:43I don't know.
33:52Where is he?
33:54I don't know.
34:11I looked on Wilshire, I looked on Sunset, I looked on Rodeo Drive, I looked everywhere. No pooch.
34:19No, we gave up 20 minutes ago.
34:21Poor Wally.
34:23He'll come back.
34:25That's probably what the last donor said.
34:28Hey, don't worry about him, Brant. He'll be fine. He's got street smarts.
34:32I'm sure he'll be fine.
34:35Well, I'm gonna miss him.
34:38Yeah, right.
34:40No, really. I got used to the howling. It put me to sleep.
34:45Speaking of which, this coach needs some shut-eye before tomorrow's game.
34:50Sounds like a plan.
34:52All right.
34:54All right.
34:56All right.
34:58All right.
35:00All right.
35:02All right.
35:04All right.
35:06All right.
35:17So, coach, which dugout are you gonna be sitting in tomorrow?
35:23I was just helping Nat teach his team a few of the fundamentals, that's all.
35:28Does Dad know that?
35:30No. And what Dad doesn't know won't hurt him.
35:34You know something, Brandon?
35:37You're starting to sound like me.
35:40That's a scary thought.
36:00Ah, just a quick thing about tomorrow's game.
36:03You wanna ride with me, or is Steve gonna be picking you up?
36:07Actually, I was gonna ride with Dylan.
36:16But I'll go with you if you want.
36:21Whatever you prefer.
36:26I'll go with you.
36:48Hey, coach.
36:49Dad, have you met my father?
36:51I feel like I know him.
36:53I know the feeling.
36:55You ought to see what I got for the kids.
37:02The pits.
37:03Yeah, and I got hats and wristbands and real jazzy.
37:07And why two Ts?
37:08I'm from Pittsburgh.
37:10Very clever.
37:11Well, if it isn't the walking wounded. How are you doing?
37:14Hey, Dave, good to see you. Excuse me.
37:19You know, I ordered one for you, too.
37:22Not that I expected you to order it today.
37:25Not that part of me doesn't want to.
37:29We'll save it for you, my friend.
37:35Good game, huh?
37:37All right.
37:38Keep it up, Dylan.
37:39All right, you guys.
37:40We're turning double play now.
37:45I am sure of you.
37:48Okay, come on, dukes. Listen up.
37:50When I tip my hat, it means bunt.
37:53When I cross my arms like this...
37:56Cory, Noah, we're having a team meeting over here.
37:59You guys want to tell me what's so funny?
38:01What's going on over here?
38:02Yeah, that peewee dupe is playing second base again.
38:10Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen up.
38:12I said listen up.
38:15You know, everyone's predicting you guys will be the team to beat this year.
38:20But my take on it is if you all don't change your attitude real quick,
38:24it won't matter how many games you win.
38:27You won't be the champs.
38:29You'll be the chumps.
38:32And the worst part about it is you won't even know it.
38:36Come on, Brandon, lighten up.
38:37You got to admit that kid Manny's a real klutz out there.
38:40Where's your sense of humor?
38:42Where's your sense of humor?
38:44Can we do it?
38:46Then let's do it.
38:47Let's get in there.
38:48Come on, let's go.
38:49All right, boys, let's get in position.
38:50Come on now.
38:51Let's show some hustle.
38:52Come on.
38:54All right, look alive out there.
38:56Hey, Nat.
38:57All right, let's go.
38:58This is Avery.
38:59Avery, this is Nat.
39:01I wonder what Andrea Zuckerman's doing here.
39:03Dylan, Dylan, take care of it.
39:06All right, it's going to be great.
39:07Here I am!
39:08What's Dylan doing, bringing in a ringer?
39:17My God, it's a girl.
39:20Dude, it's a girl.
39:24Well, Dylan, he's really scraping the bottom of the barrel, huh?
39:31All right, batter it up.
39:33All right, Avery.
39:36Come on, you can do it.
39:38All right.
39:40All right.
39:41All right.
39:42All right.
39:43All right.
39:44All right.
39:45All right.
39:46All right.
39:47All right.
39:48All right.
39:49All right.
39:50All right.
39:51All right.
39:52All right.
39:53All right.
39:54All right.
39:55All right.
39:56All right.
39:57All right.
39:58All right.
39:59All right.
40:00All right.
40:01All right.
40:02All right.
40:03All right.
40:04All right.
40:05All right.
40:06All right.
40:07All right.
40:08It's a girl.
40:31Let's go, Brad.
40:33Any little hit, buddy.
40:35Any little hit.
40:42All right, let's get a rally going.
40:44Let's hear some noise.
40:45Get back to the game.
40:46Come on, guys.
40:49All right, you guys.
40:50Two outs.
40:51Last inning.
40:52Wrong on anything.
40:53Come on, Avery.
40:54Blow it by him.
40:55Come on, Davidy.
40:56We need a hitter.
41:33All right!
41:34That's it.
41:35Coaching, young man.
41:36Thank you, sir.
41:37You did it!
41:38Check it off, Avery.
41:39We'll get him.
41:40You suck wind, bitch.
41:41Hey, hey, hey.
41:42None of that, or you can go home.
41:43Come on.
41:44Come on.
41:45Come on.
41:46Come on.
41:47Come on.
41:48Come on.
41:49Come on.
41:50Come on.
41:51Come on.
41:52Come on.
41:53Come on.
41:54Come on.
41:55Come on.
41:56Come on.
41:57Come on.
41:58Come on.
41:59Come on.
42:00Come on.
42:02Get up!
42:03All right, boys.
42:04Come on.
42:05Last chance.
42:06Let's go.
42:07Let's go.
42:08Everybody been in the game?
42:09Not Randy Crawford.
42:10Crawford, get in right field.
42:12Come on.
42:13Let's show them.
42:14Come on.
42:15Mr. Walsh, did you forget we're going to trade Randy next week?
42:18That's next week.
42:19This week he's in right.
42:21All right.
42:22Come on, now.
42:23Let's get him.
42:25This is it.
42:27You battled back, all right.
42:30All right, thanks to Davey clutch hitting power pitching. He's got it all. Thanks. He really enjoys playing with his friends
42:37You know, it'd be a shame to win it with him Plaza where his son's sitting on a bench
42:43It's just a practice game, babe
42:46Yeah, well, it's your decision. You're the manager
42:54Wait for your bitch
42:57All right, Avery your last chance
43:08Okay, Davy, okay bear down now bear down now
43:26I'm down
43:37All right, listen up baby the pitcher a record man win or lose you tossed a hell of a game
43:49It's no pressure here buddy go get him
44:10Concentrate you can do it, right? You can hit this ball. There's no guessing you're gonna do it
44:21Take a swing what's so funny?
44:28Hey guys, come on in gather around here
44:34All right guys come in here listen up
44:38Here's my predictions. I
44:41Predict he'll strike out in three pitches
44:46And I predict that no one on this team is gonna try to make him feel bad about that
44:54Kids had a tough life. There's no reason on earth why any of you should try to make it any harder on
45:03And I said that let's play ball
45:07Let's go
45:10All right, Manny tag this one baby
45:37The way you treat your competition is a direct comment on how you play the game
46:54We should have caught that ball we should have won this game
46:58Hey, baby, don't look now, but we did win the game
47:01We should have caught that ball we should have won this game
47:05Hey, baby
47:07Don't look now, but we did win the game
47:22The game guys so has to be the pitch of a record
47:32It was great
47:41It's just a practice game
47:44Matter if you lose a practice game. I mean just a practice game
47:55Hey Brad wait up
48:07Hey, buddy, don't be so hard on yourself
48:11Darryl strawberry couldn't have caught that fall
48:57Thought you were dead
49:04Hey Noah, what's your mom bring for snack?
49:09Spinach salad and warm goat cheese about a Twinkie
49:22Hey, buddy, we'll get him next time
49:27Hey coach
49:29Let's go home
