Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 6 Higher Education

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Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 6 Higher Education


00:00Hey Einstein, you got an order up.
00:29Sorry, Nat.
00:35Here you go.
00:43Mr. Denzel! Hi!
00:48I'm in your American History class.
00:50Brandon Walsh.
00:54You know, this is wild. I was just right over there studying for the test tomorrow.
00:58Good luck.
01:00Oh, I'm not too worried about it. History is my favorite subject.
01:03Fine. Would you bring some horseradish?
01:07Sure, no problem.
01:14You want to hear the strangest thing?
01:17What's that?
01:19The guy over there in the corner is one of my teachers.
01:22Denzel? You know him?
01:25Yeah, he's a regular. I'll let him get to you, kid.
01:29He doesn't bother me.
01:51The grade on a curve. 10% A's, 10% F's.
01:54The remaining 80% gets C's.
01:57C for average. C for mediocrity.
02:00C for just getting by.
02:06God, who dresses him?
02:09There'll be another quiz next Friday, and every Friday.
02:14Thanks, Mr. Denzel.
02:20I'll get the tie.
02:25Miss, what is it?
02:27Some of the people who made C's only missed three or four questions.
02:31Those who got A's only missed one or two.
02:34There's a difference between the pursuit of excellence and the morass of mediocrity.
02:45I mean, history used to be my favorite subject.
02:47Yeah, that guy gives new meaning to the word hemorrhoid.
02:50What'd you get, Steve?
02:52What do you think?
02:53Oh, I hate you.
02:55You got an A?
03:02Steve is such a brain when it comes to history.
03:06And a total submental on everything else.
03:11Hey, don't forget I need to story on the swim team by Wednesday.
03:14Hey, the swim team's fine.
03:15I'm the one that's drowning.
03:17Well, strap on our life preserver and get it to me before the meet with Beverly Hills High.
03:23Come on, Andrea.
03:24I got three tests next week.
03:26Welcome to West Beverly High.
03:28It's easy for you to say.
03:29You don't have a job.
03:31You think running a paper is a picnic?
03:33Well, you're just too good to be true, aren't you?
03:35Okay, I will give the swim team to somebody else.
03:37You know, you don't have to get so nasty just because you got a C.
03:40Look, what are grades anyway?
03:42I mean, they're just some weird arbitrary reference points that can't measure what a person really knows.
03:52Never gotten a C before in my life, especially in history.
03:56Well, maybe we could study for the next quiz together.
04:01If you want.
04:03It's no big deal.
04:05I suppose you got an A.
04:07What are grades anyway?
04:23What I would do to go out with Dylan McKay.
04:26I don't know. Everyone says he's trouble.
04:29Well, he can trouble me all he wants.
04:35Hey, Dylan.
04:37Hey, Kelly.
04:39Brandon and I were just talking.
04:41Which do you think guys like best on girls, long or short hair?
04:44Hmm, that's a deep question.
04:47Personally, I prefer blondes.
04:57So you're Brandon's sister, huh?
05:00Yeah, I'm Brandon's sister.
05:10Yeah, she's Brandon's sister.
05:14Bye, girls.
05:20He's so weird.
05:42I've always had a thing for blondes.
06:10Mom, he scared me.
06:12Honey, you're beautiful.
06:14Not California beautiful.
06:18Hey, hon.
06:20Hey, Brent.
06:22Hey, Dad. I've got to do something with my hair.
06:25What's wrong with your hair?
06:29Welcome home.
06:31Where's the other half?
06:33Oh, he's upstairs studying with Andrea.
06:57Sorry about that.
06:59So, where were we?
07:01The, uh, Cherokee Nation.
07:04Right. Okay.
07:06Uh, who instigated the Indian Removal Act
07:10and what year was it put in service?
07:12Andrew Jackson, 1828.
07:17What do you mean, wrong?
07:19I mean wrong.
07:21The Georgia legislature confiscated the Cherokee land
07:23when they found the gold.
07:25What are you yelling at me for?
07:27I'm not yelling at you.
07:29It's just irritating how you always think you're right.
07:32I am right.
07:34Jackson was president.
07:36He is the one who pushed the bill through Congress.
07:38He's the one who's ultimately responsible.
07:46Knock, knock.
07:48Hey, Dad.
07:50This is, uh, Andrea Zuckerman.
07:52Andrea Zuckerman. This is my father.
07:54Hi. Hi.
07:56So, what you studying?
07:58American history.
08:00Don't worry. It's Brandon's best subject.
08:03Nice to meet you.
08:05You, too.
08:11This is impossible.
08:13There's too much to cover.
08:15Look, it's not that difficult, Brandon.
08:19Just memorize when the Great Migration took place.
08:22Why do you say it like that?
08:24Say what like what?
08:26It's not that difficult, Brandon.
08:28You act like I have a learning disability or something.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:33I didn't realize you were so sensitive.
08:35Hey, it's not me.
08:37You're the one who's so condescending and businesslike.
08:40It drives me up the wall.
08:43Good luck, Brandon.
08:45Where are you going?
08:47This obviously isn't working out.
08:49You're right. Fine.
08:51It was a bad idea. I'll walk you out.
08:53Oh, no. I can find the door, Brandon.
08:55Us businesslike types are real good at things like that.
09:02Way to go, Romeo.
09:22Hey, where are you going?
09:24Down the tubes.
09:26Another victim of the Danzel Curve, huh?
09:28You get another A?
09:32God, my dad's gonna kill me, man.
09:34Just tell him Danzel gets his kicks out of ruining people's GPA.
09:37It doesn't work with him.
09:39He graduated Phi Beta Kappa Summa Cum something.
09:41Never lets anyone forget it.
09:43Maybe I can help you out.
09:45I'm from the study group.
09:55For some reason, this doesn't seem like studying.
09:58It's all the same to me, Brandon.
10:01Nice house, man.
10:03This is nothing.
10:05You should have seen where I used to live before my parents got divorced.
10:09When was that?
10:11Which time?
10:13They've divorced each other twice?
10:15Amongst other things.
10:17There have been other marriages mixed in, other kids, other houses.
10:21You know it.
10:25Your parents are still together?
10:29Well, look, it's not your fault.
10:31You've got to stop blaming yourself.
10:38All right, anyway.
10:40What method did the government use to undermine the tribal structure?
10:46He's not gonna ask that.
10:48Land allotment.
10:50The government detribalized everything by giving every Indian a little piece of land.
10:55Hey, you want to go to the Laker-Piston game next week?
10:57You can get tickets?
10:59Well, yeah, my father gave me season tickets for my birthday.
11:02All I got was a steak dinner and a couple of striped shirts.
11:05I get great presents ever since my dad moved out.
11:08You know, if I can keep my average of where it is now, I'll be a Trojan.
11:12My father's on the board at SC.
11:14Well, with your grades, you shouldn't have any trouble getting in.
11:19You're a good guy, Brandon.
11:21I don't say that to many people.
11:24In fact, I don't say that to anybody.
11:29Well, you're a good guy, too, Steve.
11:36Name the five tribes that made up the Confederacy...
11:40whose primary aim was universal, perpetual peace.
11:44The Confederacy. I...
11:48I don't think we covered that.
11:51Memorize it, Brandon. Trust me.
11:54It's exactly the kind of question the hemorrhoid likes to ask.
12:12Name the five tribes that made up the Confederacy...
12:15whose primary aim was universal, perpetual peace.
12:36It's amazing how we have to study for every single question on the test.
12:40Isn't that the point?
12:42You stole the test, didn't you?
12:44I better be smart, Brandon.
12:46I know, but you couldn't possibly...
12:48Look. Relax.
12:50It's supposed to feel good to ace a test.
12:57You believe that quiz?
12:59As if he ever mentioned which tribes belonged to the Iroquois Confederacy.
13:03Mohawks, the Senecas, the Unitas, Cayugas and Onondogas.
13:08Come on, Steve. I need you to be honest with me, man.
13:11You stole a copy of the test, didn't you?
13:13You knew what I was doing.
13:15No, but in the hall, you said that you...
13:17What was I gonna do? Make an announcement on KWBH?
13:20Hi, everybody. This is Steve Sanders.
13:22I confess, I stole the test.
13:25Man, you should be thanking me.
13:28Man, I can get expelled for having this.
13:31You know what?
13:33Man, I can get expelled for having this.
13:38This is next week's quiz.
13:41Actually, it's a copy of next week's quiz.
13:44The original's still tucked away in Denzel's desk.
13:47How'd you get this?
13:49Bribery, larceny, grant theft.
13:51Your basic tools of the trade.
13:53But don't worry. We're not gonna get caught.
13:56Yeah, that's what every criminal says.
13:58Come on. It's a quiz.
14:00This doesn't bother you at all, does it?
14:02It's your decision.
14:04But I'm not gonna let some fossil in a leisure suit ruin my GPA.
14:13It's just a quiz, right?
14:15Right. And just another A on the Denzel curve.
14:33Brenda, I'm sorry, but that is not a hairdo. That's a hair don't.
14:37Stop it, Kelly. You're making her hair phobic.
14:40No, she's right. I hate it. The color, the cut, the everything.
14:43So change it. It's not like there's some law that says you have to keep the things you don't like.
14:47Brenda, my mom goes to this great guy.
14:50Barely speaks English, has a ponytail and this really hairy chest.
14:54Oh, and he does Madonna.
14:56Get real, Donnie. You'll never get her in there.
14:59He's real new age. He cuts hair intuitively.
15:02Well, how much does he cost?
15:04Color and cut, 300 bucks.
15:06I can't afford that.
15:08Oh, how embarrassing.
15:13I am wearing both contacts on the same eye.
15:18And you thought you had problems?
15:22Now, Denzel just walked in. He's sitting in my section.
15:26I really don't want to deal with him.
15:28Brandon, you can't keep running away from the guy.
15:31Why not?
15:33Because he's a pain customer.
15:52When I sleep at night
15:55Here's your dinner, Mr. Denzel, and your scratch.
15:58How are you this evening, Mr. Walsh?
16:02Fine. She's fine.
16:05You did quite well on last Friday's quiz.
16:11Can I have another drop?
16:14Sure. No problem.
16:18Those of you who find the Denzel curve unfair
16:22may be encouraged by the resurrection of Brandon Walsh.
16:26Not only did he get an A,
16:29he's the only one of you Philistines who didn't miss a single question.
16:33Way to go, Brandon.
16:35Absolutely. Kudos are in order.
16:48Looks like I should be the one asking you to help me study.
16:52I aced one test. Big deal.
16:54It is a big deal.
16:56Completely lost at the curve.
16:58Why? What'd you get?
17:00A C.
17:03Yeah, well, it's goodbye Yale, hello West Beverly Junior College.
17:10Anyway, I was, uh...
17:14Anyway, I was, uh...
17:16thinking maybe we could try studying together again.
17:20I don't know.
17:22Look, I know things got kind of competitive last time,
17:25but there's so much to cover.
17:27Andrea, I...
17:29I just don't think it's a really good idea right now.
17:32I'm sorry.
17:53Change your hair, you can change your life.
17:56Spending $300 to change something,
17:58which is already beautiful and healthy,
18:00it's just insane.
18:02Well, then I guess every girl at West Beverly is insane.
18:05Well, if they're spending hundreds on haircuts, they sure are.
18:08Who said anything about a haircut, Mom?
18:11I'm talking about a perm or extensions,
18:13or maybe even a great weave.
18:15Don't you dare.
18:17Why not?
18:19Honey, the people that do those things to themselves
18:22just want to look the way you already do.
18:25In other words, I have to stay boring.
18:27For $300?
18:29Yes, I'm sorry, but you do.
18:33So, genius, how'd it go today?
18:35Uh, pretty good.
18:37Got an A on my history quiz.
18:39This is no ordinary A, Mother.
18:42This is a monumental achievement.
18:45Brandon, don't be so modest.
18:47Danzell's a total Nazi.
18:49Nice work, kiddo.
18:50Well, it's just a quiz. It's no big deal.
18:53What's no big deal?
18:54Brandon got an A on his history quiz.
18:56Hey, that's great.
18:58Not that I'm surprised.
19:02I told you that C was an aberration.
19:05It's just taking him a little extra time to get adjusted.
19:09But Brandon has always been a terrific student,
19:12and he's going to make the honor roll,
19:14even if I have to take his test for him.
19:21Don't tell me.
19:23Another Danzell special.
19:25I hate that guy.
19:27Does everyone hate Danzell as much as you do?
19:30It's unanimous.
19:32So, who else is in this class, anyway?
19:35I don't know.
19:37I don't know.
19:38I don't know.
19:39I don't know.
19:40I don't know.
19:41I don't know.
19:42I don't know.
19:43I don't know.
19:44I don't know.
19:45I don't know.
19:46I don't know.
19:47I don't know.
19:48Uh, Andre, Adonis, Steve Saunders.
19:51Dylan McKay?
19:52No, he's too smart to take this class.
19:55Or too busy chasing blondes.
19:59What are you talking about?
20:01I just don't understand why every guy's dream girl
20:03has to have hair like Daryl Hannah
20:05and a body like Kim Basinger.
20:07Bren, I'm trying to study here.
20:09Well, excuse me for living.
20:12Here, don't spend it all in one place
20:14or on one face.
20:16Thanks, Dad.
20:18Hey, hey.
20:19Are you okay, kid?
20:21Yeah, I'm fine.
20:23I'll see you later.
20:25Well, Brandon, I was hoping you'd be waiting on me tonight.
20:29No, I don't work on Mondays.
20:31Oh, that's good.
20:32Gives you more time to study.
20:34That's good.
20:35I'll see you later.
20:40That's good.
20:41Yeah, well, I gotta go.
20:43You have no idea how it makes me feel
20:45when one of my students turns his studies around.
20:48You obviously work very hard to improve.
20:52Mr. Denzel, can I be honest with you?
20:57When I was making Cs in your class,
20:59you didn't have the time of day for me.
21:01Now that I'm making As,
21:02you're very friendly and interested.
21:04Why is that?
21:05I didn't know you when you were making Cs.
21:09You never made the effort.
21:11I have five classes today.
21:13And no one's learning anything in any of them.
21:15Anyone can memorize a bunch of facts,
21:17but that doesn't mean they're learning anything.
21:19Memorization lays the foundation for a college education
21:22where the ideas can be more fully examined.
21:25By who?
21:27A bunch of students who've never been challenged to think,
21:30who've been told they're average
21:31because some unfair curve screws them around?
21:34Are you listening to me, young man?
21:35No, I can't stand here and listen
21:37to you pat yourself on the back.
21:39The way you teach and give grades is unfair.
21:42It alienates everybody and makes...
21:45It just doesn't work.
22:07Is there a problem, Mr. Walsh?
22:23No, no problem.
22:37No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
23:07No no you need to study partner when they can see all my none of you boy
23:22Don't say anything at all
23:28Come on, it's no like I do it all the time right that's why you missed one question last week's hey
23:33I'm not gonna let themselves screw up my GPA
23:35Oh, yeah, but you won't let him sing your praises and give you a standing ovation.
23:38Andrea, that's not...
23:39Look, I don't want to talk to you, all right?
23:41As far as I'm concerned, you're a total hypocrite and you're just lucky I didn't turn you in.
23:49You were the one person around here.
23:59So, Joshua, how's that story on the swim team coming?
24:08For what?
24:09I heard you aced Danzell's quiz.
24:11What, was it on the nightly news or something?
24:14Ripley's believe it or not.
24:16I wouldn't mind believing the same thing about you, little Miss Ripley.
24:19Hey, I don't have Danzell's class, thank God.
24:23Well, I think it's great.
24:25We hear you, dear.
24:27I can't be proud of my son.
24:29I think it's terrific the way he's working so hard.
24:31Could we possibly talk about something other than grades and working hard, huh?
24:35I think this is great.
24:37We never discussed anything at my house.
24:39Count your blessings.
24:42I'm not saying anything's fundamentally wrong with him.
24:45But for a kid who's finally getting A's, he doesn't seem very proud of himself.
24:49That's okay.
24:50You're proud enough for him.
24:52As if you're just a passive observer and all this.
24:55Well, I'm not.
24:58As if you're just a passive observer and all this.
25:01Well, obviously I like it when the kids make the honor roll, but grades aren't everything.
25:06Who said they were?
25:08All I'm saying is that with this particular history class,
25:11Brandon doesn't need us to put any additional pressure on him.
25:15Point noted and taken.
25:22Brenda, I told you, mixing the two colors together is what brings out the highlights.
25:26My mother is going to kill me.
25:28Why? She's the one who needs to do something with her hair.
25:32Brenda, she does.
25:35Now, it is good that we got the ash tint because that keeps out the red highlights.
25:41Or it puts them in.
25:44Doesn't matter.
25:45What do you mean it doesn't matter?
25:47Brenda, relax, okay? Meditate or something.
25:50I told you, I know what I'm doing.
25:55Now, this process takes all night, but when you wake up in the morning,
25:59you are going to be a brand new woman.
26:02A brand new woman.
26:10Oh, my God.
26:12Oh, my God.
26:14Oh, my God!
26:20Oh, my God.
26:24What happened?
26:26I colored my hair.
26:28What am I going to do?
26:32Move to some other city where nobody knows you.
26:35You can start all over again.
26:37I'll go with you. We'll dye my hair, too, and we'll join the circus.
26:41You know, I thought it looked weird last night, but Kelly swore the color would turn out my morning.
26:45Hey, hey, hey, come on, come on. It's not that bad.
26:48Just pretend it's cool or punk or something.
26:54It is something. It's hideous, and I hate it.
26:58Then why'd you dye it?
27:00Because I thought it would make things different.
27:04It has, Brenda. Believe me.
27:08No, it hasn't. I'm still the exact same person inside, only now I look worse.
27:23Whoa, got enough books there to start a library.
27:26How's the studying going?
27:28Chill, Dad.
27:29I'm supposed to chill.
27:31I second that.
27:44Kind of cool, huh, guys?
27:47Give it time. It'll grow on you.
27:55It'll grow.
27:57You see the way she looks at me?
27:59Okay, okay, maybe she was a little shocked at first, but Dad calmed her down,
28:04and to tell you the truth, it's really not that bad.
28:09Should I wear the hat?
28:11I wouldn't.
28:27Earth to Walsh.
28:29What is wrong with you?
28:31Jacob Denzel, American history.
28:34Ah, yes. Had him last year.
28:36You did?
28:38Yeah, some wardrobe, huh?
28:40Some teacher. All he cares about is his holy curve.
28:44Yeah, well, he's retiring this year.
28:46He is?
28:48He just wants to keep it quiet. Doesn't want everybody making a big deal.
28:52Tell you what, if Denzel announces retirement, it wouldn't be a big deal.
28:56It'd be a national holiday.
28:59I learned a lot from him personally.
29:02All I'm learning is how to cheat.
29:04Watch out, man. You're flirting with bad karma.
29:08Hey, what kind of marks did you get?
29:10Does it matter?
29:12I can't.
29:14Be careful.
29:34We've been looking all over for you.
29:36What do you have for me?
29:38I was in the Happy Meal.
29:40Show us your hair, silly.
29:48Uh, it's...
29:50It's, uh...
29:54Brenda, I love it. It's great. I really do.
29:57You don't think it's...
30:01Uh, see ya.
30:11Come on.
30:18Hey, Brandon!
30:22I saw you dodging me earlier. What's going on?
30:24I just feel kind of weird about this whole Denzel thing.
30:27Will you lighten up, Brandon?
30:29Doesn't it make you feel guilty?
30:31Guilty as charged.
30:33What's this?
30:34Christmas and summer rolled into one.
30:36Steve, I don't want to touch this.
30:38Are you crazy? Look at the questions.
30:40You could study for two weeks and still not come up with half the stuff.
30:43I gotta go.
30:45Hey, you cheated on the last quiz.
30:47That was a quiz. This is the midterm.
30:52It's your future.
31:05Hey, Andrea!
31:08Come on, I gotta talk to you.
31:10There's nothing to talk about.
31:11God, you are so judgmental.
31:13Yeah, you're damn right I am.
31:15I gotta see because you cheated. I didn't deserve that.
31:18Talk to Denzel, Tinker.
31:20I'm not talking to you because it's your fault.
31:27In 1850, there were around 120,000 Indians in California.
31:33How many were still alive by 1880?
31:36Mr. Walsh.
31:39Only 20,000.
31:41That's correct.
31:42Now tell me, Mr. Walsh, what contributed to this rapid decline?
31:47Well, the white man killed them off.
31:49Well, everybody knows that, Mr. Walsh.
31:53I'm asking what was the principal cause.
32:00Come on, Mr. Walsh.
32:02Surely you dug deeper in order to understand...
32:05...the broader historical context of this question.
32:13You don't think it's important to know...
32:15...that the white man confiscated the Indians' land...
32:19...took their homes...
32:21...caused them to seek refuge in remote, barren locales...
32:25...where health could not possibly be sustained?
32:28Sure it's important to know that.
32:30Then why don't you?
32:31Tell us what happened to the others.
32:33The other Indians?
32:36No, the other space aliens.
32:43Yes, the Indians. That's what we've been studying. Remember?
32:50The other Indians were imprisoned on the so-called reservations...
32:54...where they were forced to live by the white man's rules.
32:57Thank you, Miss O'Connor.
32:59Mr. Walsh showed me the other day...
33:01...that he resented the memorization required in this class...
33:04...that he wanted to be challenged to think.
33:08Mr. Walsh, I have just challenged you.
33:12And where did it get us?
33:14Is it my fault that you chose only to memorize the facts...
33:17...and didn't take the time to think?
33:23Midterm on Monday, class, I suggest you start studying...
33:28...and thinking.
33:45You can take your hat off in the house.
33:49Is that supposed to make me feel bad or good?
33:52I begged you not to touch your hat.
33:55Didn't I?
33:56You don't understand.
33:57Yes, I do. Honey, honey.
34:00Don't you think I know what you're going through?
34:06The summer that I turned 17, all I heard on the radio...
34:09...was how they wished we could all be California girls.
34:15So you know what Paula and I did?
34:18We ironed our hair.
34:20Right on the ironing board.
34:22I mean, Paula's hair caught fire...
34:25...and she singed off all her split ends...
34:27...and then she poured an entire bottle of peroxide over it.
34:33It's a moral of the story that it'll grow back.
34:38Oh, Brenda.
34:41Don't you know how beautiful you are?
34:58Man, I can't believe the way that jerk Danzell treated you in class today.
35:02Everybody was talking about it.
35:04Yeah, it was real special.
35:06What does he think he is? If he treated me like that...
35:09Steve, what are you doing here?
35:12Uh, I don't know.
35:17The way you were talking in the hall today, I got worried you might bust me.
35:21Hey, come on, Steve. I wouldn't do that.
35:24Yeah, I know we're friends. It's just, uh...
35:27I want you to be in on this with me.
35:30It's just not right.
35:32Compared to what? Failing the class, Brendan?
35:36Everybody cheats.
35:38Everybody bends the rules. You either take advantage of it or you get left behind.
35:43Brendan, excuse me. I'm curious.
35:46Do you still work here?
35:50Steve, I gotta jam.
35:54What's your father gonna say if you come home with a C?
35:58Or an F?
36:02Someday, when you're sitting behind a big desk in a big office with a big view...
36:09He'll thank me for this.
36:36See you, Nat.
36:38See you, kid.
36:40Hey, Brendan.
36:42You're doing a real nice job, you know.
36:45Thanks, Nat.
37:22Got a flat tire, huh?
37:25How very observant of you.
37:28Wish the auto club was as attentive.
37:31Someone let the air out of it?
37:34You've been inside all evening.
37:39Don't know how to fix a flat, huh?
37:41There are some things I would much rather pay somebody else to do.
37:45If you can find someone.
37:49And you know how to do it.
37:55So, I heard you're retiring this year.
37:58Well, there comes a time when one must move on.
38:03I know you don't consider me to be a particularly effective teacher,
38:07but there are those who feel I do a good job.
38:10Well, I didn't mean...
38:12Don't insult my intelligence, Mr. Walsh.
38:16I know the kids don't like me.
38:18I hear the comments, I hear the constant complaining,
38:22the jokes about my clothes.
38:24I am not deaf.
38:28But those same students,
38:31they may not like me,
38:33but they will remember my class,
38:36and they will remember what they learned.
38:41The truth is,
38:43I'm not terribly impressed with a lot of my clothes myself.
38:51My wife picked them all out for me.
38:54She was ill.
38:57She knew I didn't have the patience to shop for myself.
39:02She was bound and determined
39:05that I would have enough clothes to wear at... wear at school.
39:21They're the one thing I've got to help me remember.
39:32Good grief, I...
39:37Well, much as I hate to admit it,
39:41I probably could change a tire if I had to.
39:49There'll be a quiz on Monday.
40:00Drop this.
40:04Oh, did I? Thanks.
40:07How much do I owe you?
40:10Oh, it's no problem, really.
40:14Well, see you in class Monday.
40:16Good luck with the mentor.
41:11What are you doing?
41:13You've never cheated on anything, have you?
41:15I'm trying to study.
41:21No. I've never cheated on anything.
41:24But you've wanted to, haven't you?
41:26I don't see what that has to do...
41:27Haven't you?
41:29Of course I have. Who hasn't?
41:32The point is, I didn't, and you did.
41:35And you're never gonna let me go?
41:37I didn't, and you did.
41:39And you're never gonna let me forget it, are you?
41:41Cheating's wrong, Brandon. What do you want me to say?
41:45You know, sometimes you act like you have a personal stake in everything I do,
41:48like we're a couple or something.
41:50Yeah, right.
41:52But you see, everything only is black and white, right or wrong.
41:55But what I did in Denzel's class was not a black and white issue.
41:59It was a gray area.
42:01Oh, so by calling it a gray area, does that make you feel less guilty?
42:06You probably don't believe it, but I feel plenty guilty already.
42:10What I was hoping for from you was maybe a little understanding,
42:13maybe a little support.
42:17Thanks, Andrea.
42:20Thanks for nothing.
42:24I gotta study.
42:39You don't need the hat.
42:41You're right. Do we have any paper bags?
42:44Oh, stop.
42:46Mom, this is not funny.
42:48Honey, I didn't say it was funny. I thought you were making a joke.
42:52Trust me, Mom. My hair is no joking matter.
42:56You've gotta be able to laugh at yourself sometimes.
42:59Otherwise, you just make yourself miserable.
43:01Have a nice job.
43:41I thought that was you, but didn't your hair used to be a little different?
43:45Yes. No.
43:48Well, maybe just a little bit.
43:50I hate this color, if that's what you can call it.
43:53It's not that bad.
43:55If one more person says that...
43:57It's not that bad.
43:59Don't all you guys out here have a thing for blondes?
44:02I mean, that's what you told Callie.
44:05Blondes. Brunettes. Redheads.
44:09Girls in tank tops.
44:14But if you really hate that color, I, uh...
44:17I have a friend who does hair, and he owes me a favor.
44:21Well, I don't really hate the color.
44:24But maybe we should still go see him.
44:27For a second opinion or something, don't you think?
44:30No problem.
44:35I like your butts.
44:39I mean your bike.
44:41Oh, well, thank you.
44:43Hop on.
44:45It's my bike.
44:47It is.
45:05Have you been at the library all this time?
45:08Mostly, yeah.
45:10Working, thinking, you know.
45:12At the very least, you get an A for effort.
45:16Well, I expect to get an A on the test.
45:18That's what I like to hear.
45:20But if you don't, it'll be okay.
45:22Will it?
45:24Of course it will.
45:26Well, I mean, that's what you guys say, but that's not what you really think.
45:29If I get a C from Denzel,
45:32or I end up at Outer Swabobi Estate,
45:34you guys would be disappointed in me.
45:36You'd be angry with me, right?
45:39Come on, Dad, tell me the truth.
45:41The truth?
45:43Yeah. Tell me what you want.
45:45What I want, in regards to your life and to your future,
45:50is to see you smile again.
46:02Wow, look at you.
46:07Yeah, back to basics.
46:10At least we don't have to join the circus anymore.
46:14It looks different than before.
46:17Dylan says it looks incandescent.
46:20My friend Dylan?
46:22My friend Dylan.
46:26My friend Dylan.
46:52Hey there.
47:00Look, um, I'm not in the best of moods.
47:03I was up all night studying.
47:05I was, too.
47:07What, making cheat notes?
47:09Crossed my mind.
47:13But if I cheated, I might screw up the curve for this friend of mine,
47:18who I care about and respect more than she knows.
47:25Even if she can be a royal pain.
47:30I, uh, I have a friend who's one of those.
47:34Well, maybe we should introduce him.
47:37He'll probably get along just great.
47:40I doubt it.
48:02So, are you prepared?
48:04Yeah, I am.
48:06I tore up my copy of the test.
48:08That's smart. Burn the evidence. It's safer that way.
48:11Steve, I couldn't bring myself to look at it.
48:15Man, you are hopeless.
48:17What if you flunked the test?
48:19I won't.
48:54Now, before we start the test,
48:57I would like you to listen to my instructions very carefully.
49:00Turn the test over.
49:03Look at it very closely.
49:12Now tear it up.
49:17That's right. You heard me.
49:19Tear it up.
49:24Go on. Tear it up.
49:33That's right. Very good. Very good.
49:36Now, as far as your midterm goes,
49:39instead of the test which you have just destroyed,
49:42I would like to know what you think.
49:48Your midterm consists of one essay question.
49:54Using examples from history to contrast with your answer,
50:00what do you think our government should have done in the 19th century
50:05to save the American Indian?
50:36It was a hard question.
50:39But a good hard question.
50:41I guess that depends on what you studied for.
50:45I've been given that same midterm for 15 years.
50:50Some students might even have gotten hold of a copy of it by now.
50:55You think?
50:58Yeah, but, uh,
51:01some students who may have had a copy of it
51:05might have chosen not to study from it
51:10after they thought about it.
51:12That's what I was thinking.
51:19It's too bad you're retiring this year.
51:22The semester isn't over yet.
51:24If you think the American Indian was difficult,
51:27wait till we get to the Civil War.
51:33Nice suit, by the way.
51:36It is quite hideous, isn't it?
51:42But you wear it well.
