Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 14 East Side Story

  • 18 hours ago
Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 14 East Side Story


00:50Hey Brian, what you doing?
00:54Do you have any idea what's going on downstairs?
00:57Yeah, Mom and Dad are throwing a party for Chick Schneider
01:02Who's Chick Schneider?
01:04C.S. Schneider, C.S. Pacific
01:09He's like the King Kahuna of beach fashion
01:12He makes all those great wipe out pants that Dylan always wears
01:15Oh, right
01:17So he's like Dad's new client
01:19And he wants to give us loads of freebies at the party
01:22Well that's great, but what does that have to do with Anna?
01:25Well, I think Mom's going to let Anna cater the party
01:28I don't think so
01:30I think she's being fired
01:34Brandon? Brenda?
01:37Could you come down here for a minute?
01:43I want you to meet Anna's cousin, Richard Rodriguez
01:48Brandon? Brenda?
01:50Finally, I get a chance to meet you
01:53Anna's been telling us how terrific you both are
01:56Well, we think she's pretty terrific too
01:58Isn't that right, Mom?
02:00Oh, absolutely
02:02Is everything all right?
02:05Everything's fine
02:08Um, I'm not sure I know where to begin
02:11Oh, here, let me try, Mrs. Walsh
02:14Your parents are being very kind
02:16Anna has a niece that attends one of the local high schools here
02:20That's been having some, well, some trouble
02:24Yes, Carla's very smart
02:27She's a straight-A student
02:29But with the gangs and drugs, it's terrible
02:32And it's depriving her of the opportunity
02:35To get the kind of education that she deserves
02:38So your mother and I want to let Carla use our address
02:42To enroll in West Beverly
02:44You'd do that?
02:46Not normally, no
02:48But under the circumstances, I think it can be justified
02:52Fine with me
02:55If you don't have a problem with it, I don't have a problem with it
02:58Then it's all settled
03:00Thank you
03:02You know, we could show around if you want
03:04Well, you can try
03:06But Carla doesn't like to attract a lot of attention to herself
03:09I understand
03:11I know that I exaggerate
03:14Underneath the things
03:17Good morning, M.C. Hammer's office
03:20Hi, how are you?
03:22Is he in for David Silver?
03:24For who?
03:26David Silver, broadcasting live and direct
03:29From the tree-lined campus of West Beverly High
03:32Beverly High?
03:34West Beverly High
03:36Does Mr. Hammer know who you are?
03:38Not yet, but he will once you put the call through
03:47I'm sorry, but David Silver is out there
03:50Too bad, he used to be such a sweet little freshman geek
03:53Steve's favorite mascot
04:03So I can get you a bunch of wipe-out pants in all different colors
04:07You have to be looking at me when I talk to you, Dylan!
04:16Are you telling me the fax machine went down again?
04:19The fax machine went down again
04:22This school is falling apart right before my very eyes
04:25Can I help you?
04:27This isn't the new building, is it?
04:29No, you have to go back out through the quad and pass the science labs
04:33Which way is that?
04:35It's through the double doors
04:37I'm going that way, I'll show you
04:39Great, and stick me with your typos?
04:42What typos?
04:44You totally forgot the A in recreational
04:46And you failed to capitalize Sacramento
04:49Well, that's because Sacramento doesn't deserve a capital
04:53Hey, cheap shot, I was born in Sacramento
05:00We'll try not to hold that against you
05:05Uh, hi, I'm Andrea Zuckerman
05:08I'm the editor of the school paper
05:10Hi, I'm Carla Montez, I'm...
05:12Carla? I'm Brandon Walsh
05:15You know, Jim and Sandy Walsh
05:20Hello, Brandon
05:23So, Anna's your aunt
05:26More like a friend of the family
05:28Yeah, she's the best
05:30She's always so cheerful, my mom really loves her
05:33We all do
05:35That's why there was never any question of us doing whatever we can to help you out
05:39That's very kind
05:41Hey, listen, Brandon and I know what it's like starting at this school from scratch
05:46We can introduce you to people and answer any questions you have or whatever
05:53So, what are you taking?
05:56French, tech and American literature
05:59I'm taking practically every one of my classes
06:02Is that good or bad?
06:04I think that's good
06:07I think that's very good
06:12Listen, just one word of caution
06:15Don't be too put off if the kids here are a little more competitive than you used to
06:20I'll keep that in mind
06:37Putting aside the music of My Fair Lady for a second
06:40When I read Pygmalion, I couldn't help but think that Shaw was a total misogynist
06:45With fiber optics, you can't depend on an internal light source unless you can differentiate between the filters
06:54Anna said you were smart, but she didn't mention you were a genius
06:58Oh, come on, I just like to participate in class discussions
07:01You mean dominate
07:03Hey, all I want to do is get into a good college like everybody else
07:07Something tells me you won't have any problem getting a scholarship
07:11So, what are you saying?
07:13An Hispanic can't get into a top college without some kind of special assistance?
07:17I didn't say that
07:19No, not in so many words, but when you bring up a minority scholarship out of the blue
07:23It's pretty obvious what kind of stereotypes you're carrying around
07:26Wait a second, who said anything about a minority scholarship?
07:30I was talking about financial aid, something practically everyone can use, including me
07:35So, excuse me if I didn't realize you were independently wealthy
07:41I've gone out of my way to make this place a little less strange
07:45And you bite my head off
07:49You want to be alone, why don't you just say so?
07:52It's not that
07:54Well, then what's going on here, Carla?
07:57It's just very complicated
08:01Well, I'd love to hear all about it someday, but the fact is I got to be at work in 20 minutes
08:08You work?
08:10Yeah, I work
08:13Or doesn't that fit whatever Beverly Hills stereotype you're carrying around these days?
08:22So, where do you work in Chacho?
08:25This is Kelly, that's Donna, the guy back there is Steve, and this is my sister Brenda
08:33Hi, nice to meet you
08:34Oh, and this handsome devil is Nat, Mr. Beverly Hills Shishi himself
08:38The same
08:39He might be ugly, but he serves great pie
08:42From an old family recipe, right out of the box
08:48So, she's related to your maid?
08:51I'll tell you later
08:52Brenda, are you sure we can have anything in this catalog that we want?
08:55Yeah, just tell me the color, the size, and it's yours
08:59Wow, God, these baggies are so trendoid
09:05Hey, Brenda, you think Carla could place an order too?
09:08Sure, if you like Chick Schneider stuff
09:11I love Chick Schneider
09:13Who's Chick Schneider?
09:15Oh, cute stuff
09:18I'll take one of these
09:20Oh, what kind of girl?
09:22I like this
09:28She's into you, Brenda, listen to me, I can feel it
09:34Yeah, she's slightly boring
09:41There you go, compliments of the house
09:45Enjoy it
09:46I plan to
10:11So, is this part of town considered East L.A.?
10:14Well, it's not Rodeo Drive
10:40Where are they coming from?
10:48They come in the morning
10:50That's when it's the worst, seeing ten of them chasing the trucks down the street
10:54All for hard labor and very cheap pay
10:57Who would just pick people up off the street?
11:01How do you think all those pools and tennis courts in Beverly Hills get built?
11:19This is where Anna lives?
11:23What did you expect, a deluxe condo?
11:26Are you this defensive with everyone or do I just bring out the best in you?
11:32You and your friends have so much that you take for granted, you can't appreciate it
11:38Can't appreciate what?
11:40The language lab, the media center, the safe, clean classrooms that you have
11:45Oh, wait a second, those are your classrooms now, too
11:49With your brains, you'll be able to do whatever you want with your life
11:53Yeah, I'd like to believe that, too
11:56But then I go into the peach pit and I see those guys in the kitchen looking at me like I'm a traitor for being on the wrong side of the counter
12:04Who are you talking about, Manuel and Pepe?
12:07I don't know their names
12:08The bus boys, two guys in little hats
12:13Because they're not like that
12:16If they were looking at you, it's because you're a pretty girl, not because you're Hispanic
12:21And I gotta say, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think a lot of this is in your head
12:28Because I don't see it
12:32You're very perceptive, Brandon, and very sweet
12:37Life is so complicated right now
12:43So, what can we do to simplify it?
12:46I can't decide if you're for real or just a real smooth operator
12:51Guess you'll just have to find that out, won't you?
12:54Thanks for the ride
12:56I'll see you at school tomorrow
13:08Sorry I'm late
13:11You better be careful, girl
13:14That's all I have to say
13:45What's wrong?
13:47You've got that look this morning
13:50What look?
13:51That come on, baby, light my fire kind of a look
13:57That hey, Carla, how you doing this morning kind of look
14:02Get out of here
14:04People are starting to talk about you guys
14:08What are they saying?
14:10It's just that ever since we moved to L.A., every girl you meet suddenly becomes your next true love
14:15That's not true. What about Andrea?
14:17That doesn't count
14:19She's your editor. You have a professional relationship
14:21And I have a platonic relationship with Carla
14:24For how long?
14:27You mean if it stops being platonic, you might have a problem with it?
14:31What, you think I'm hung up because she's Hispanic?
14:34A lot of people get really weird when it comes to the race thing
14:37Well, not me
14:39And I'm really offended that you'd even bring that up
14:42As far as I'm concerned, people are people no matter who they are or where they come from
14:47Except maybe St. Paul
14:51Okay, Anna, now explain this to me
14:54Uh, we're gonna start off with the corn tamales, the rellenos
14:59And the guacamole with tapas?
15:02Tapas, um, finger food
15:05Hey, beautiful
15:06Hey, big guy
15:07So, you have the C.S. Pacific catalog?
15:09Yes, I do
15:12Here's the catalog and our wish list
15:17I can't get over how generous Chick is being with the kids
15:20With the kind of dough he's raking in, believe me, he can afford it
15:23Hey, Anna, listen, uh, I was thinking the days that you work here
15:26Could Carla come in with you in the morning?
15:28That way, uh, Brenda and I could give her a ride
15:31She wouldn't have to get up so early to catch the bus
15:35We'll see
15:40I didn't say anything
15:47M.C. Hammer, doll
15:48Oh, hi, M.C. Hammer, please
15:50Who is this?
15:53Well, if I tell you, do you promise not to hang up?
16:07Yo, Sam
16:15Come here
16:18Uh, I'm Scott or whatever
16:21What's going on with him and M.C. Hammer?
16:24David wants him to play at the prom
16:27M.C. Hammer's not gonna play at any school dance
16:31You know that and I know that, and M.C. Hammer knows that
16:35But unfortunately, somebody forgot to tell David
16:42Oh, hey, I'm gonna need two more graphs from the Coach Cass profile
16:47I, uh, I need to ask you something, okay?
16:53What's your, uh, relationship with Carla?
17:03Have you been talking to Brenda?
17:07I just, uh, happened to be in the registrar's office
17:10And Carla's file just happened to be on the counter
17:13With her address showing
17:21I'm sorry
17:23You, you know how I am
17:28You just forget what you saw, okay?
17:30Already done
17:37I just need to know, uh
17:40Is she living at your house?
17:43What do you think?
17:46I think you better watch out
17:49You're one to talk
17:51That is precisely my point
17:53If anybody is found living at a district
17:56It could cause a whole chain reaction
17:59Tell everyone to be careful
18:02Okay, great, I mean, that's all I'm asking
18:05If that's all you're asking
18:08Oh, well, uh
18:11Since we're on the subject
18:14Okay, okay
18:17For the record
18:19Yes, I'm very attracted to Carla
18:21Yes, I'd like to get to know her better
18:24I'm very happy for you, but that wasn't my question
18:27What else do you want to know?
18:30What else do you want to know?
18:33Uh, well, I, uh
18:35I hear that she's very smart
18:37And I wanted to know if you knew what her GPA was
18:45Hi, remember me?
18:48Brandon Walsh, I drove you home a couple days ago
18:51I thought I knew you from somewhere
18:53No, it must be from somewhere other than school
18:56Well, you dash out of class when the bell rings
18:59You're starting to get a complex
19:01I'm sorry, it's just that when I'm at school
19:03I just tend to shut everybody out
19:05Well, then I'll just have to see you outside of school
19:08Brandon, you're a really nice guy, but
19:10Wait, no buts
19:13Tonight, 7.30, your place, I'll pick you up
19:17Brandon, I can't
19:19Okay, all right, all right
19:22Tomorrow, 7.30, your place, I'll pick you up
19:26I might be working tomorrow night
19:30How about Sunday?
19:33I go to church on Sunday
19:36All day?
19:38I have to go
19:40Say hi to Brenda for me
19:47So, what's new, Brandon?
19:57Excuse me, ma'am
19:59Did someone order an express shuttle?
20:06You don't know when to quit, do you?
20:09Hey, I just go when my dispatcher tells me
20:12Besides, I can't rely on the buses in this city
20:15They never run out of gas
20:17So, what's new, Brandon?
20:20I don't know, I just go when my dispatcher tells me
20:23Besides, I can't rely on the buses in this city
20:25They never run out of gas
20:27And with me, you're guaranteed first-class courteous
20:30Door-to-door service
20:33So, what do you say?
20:44So, do you miss your old school?
20:49I miss my old school in Minneapolis
20:53I had a lot of good friends back there
20:56I have friends here, too, but it's not the same
21:04Anna mentioned something
21:07There was some kind of trouble at your old school
21:10Something to do with drugs
21:12Brandon, this isn't what I want to be talking about
21:15No, I'm sorry, what do you want to be talking about?
21:20You're not making this very easy, are you?
21:23Making what easy?
21:27You don't know anything about me
21:30That's right, and you're not being any help in that area, Miss Montez
21:35It's an age-old story
21:37Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy gets girl
21:40If girl gives boy half a chance
21:43One chance
21:47Do you like to dance?
21:50Is this my chance?
22:01Get on the floor, it's your night
22:05Let yourself go, it's out of sight
22:09If you want to get high, it's all right
22:14Just drop yourself in and hold tight
22:19Let's dance the rock tonight
22:23If you want to get high, baby, it's all right
22:28Let's dance the rock tonight
22:32Fall on the floor, let yourself go
22:36This is your night
22:45If you don't understand, then step to me
22:50Take my hand, I'll set you free
22:54The dance floor's yours, respectfully
22:59So get on the floor and follow me
23:04Let's dance the rock tonight
23:08If you want to get high, baby, it's all right
23:13Let's dance the rock tonight
23:17Fall on the floor, let yourself go
23:21This is your night
23:43Let's dance the rock tonight
23:46If you want to get high, baby, it's all right
23:51Let's dance the rock tonight
23:55Fall on the floor, let yourself go
23:59This is your night
24:02If you want to get high, baby, it's all right
24:07Let's dance the rock tonight
24:11Let's dance the rock tonight
24:15If you want to get high, baby, it's all right
24:19Let's dance the rock tonight
24:23Fall on the floor, let yourself go
24:27Let's dance the rock tonight
24:31Fall on the floor, let yourself go
24:35Let's dance the rock tonight
24:39Let's dance the rock tonight
24:43Fall on the floor, let yourself go
24:47Let's dance the rock tonight
24:51Fall on the floor, let yourself go
24:55Let's dance the rock tonight
24:59Fall on the floor, let yourself go
25:03Let's dance the rock tonight
25:07Let's dance the rock tonight
25:13That's what I wanted since the first time I saw you
25:17I can't believe it's only been a week
25:21I can't believe it's only been a week
25:25I can't believe it's only been a week
25:29I can't believe it's only been a week
25:33I can't believe it's only been a week
25:37I can't believe it's only been a week
25:41I can't believe it's only been a week
25:45I can't believe it's only been a week
25:49The guys from the rental company are here.
25:51They need to know where they should set up the chairs.
25:54Why don't we stack them in the living room for now?
25:57And get Brandon to help.
25:59Brandon's not here.
26:01Where did he run off to so early?
26:03I think he had to work at the peach pit all day.
26:05He was out awfully late last night, wasn't he?
26:07I don't know, Mom. I fell out early.
26:12You know who he went out with last night, don't you?
26:15I have an inkling.
26:17Maybe we should tell the kids the truth about Carla.
26:20I don't think we can.
26:50Someone order room service?
26:52We got, uh...
26:54Panadolche, an apple quesadilla,
26:58cafe en casa,
27:00the whole enchilada.
27:02Guy at the pastry shop promised me this was good stuff.
27:06Yeah, but this isn't a good time.
27:08Why? Is Anna still asleep?
27:10No, she's on her way to your house.
27:12I don't know.
27:14Why? Is Anna still asleep?
27:16No, she's on her way to your house to get ready for your folks' party.
27:19Then this is a great time.
27:22We can pick up right where we left off.
27:25I don't know about you, but I didn't get much sleep.
27:28Yeah, I was up for a while.
27:31It's okay to come in?
27:36We better go.
27:38Why? What's wrong?
27:40Well, if it isn't Brandon Walsh.
27:43This is a nice surprise. How are your parents?
27:46Fine, thanks.
27:48Good, good, good. Say hello for me.
27:50Did you come to give Anna a ride?
27:53Uh, no. Actually, I came to take Carla to breakfast in Beverly Hills.
27:57And I brought you some pastries.
27:59Oh, no, no, no. None for me.
28:01Uh, I don't think Carla has time for breakfast this morning.
28:04Do you?
28:06I can't today.
28:08I'll talk to you later.
28:11I just don't trust him.
28:13What's his name?
28:15Richard. He's Anna's cousin or uncle or something.
28:20Every time I ask Carla about her family, she changes the subject.
28:24Like, like she's embarrassed or ashamed.
28:27Oh, weren't you with her last night?
28:30Come on, Walsh.
28:32Uh-huh, uh-huh.
28:34Whoa, if it isn't Dylan the wild surf man.
28:37Hey, don't tell me it wasn't cold out there this morning.
28:39Oh, no, man. It was happening. Waves were breaking.
28:42They missed you.
28:44Hey, that's the same shirt I ordered from Brenda's catalog.
28:47Yeah, I'm supposed to get some baggies tonight.
28:50The party's still on, right?
28:52You mean the social event of the season?
28:54Is Carla gonna be there?
28:56I wish.
28:58Well, you invited her, didn't you?
29:00Well, she didn't give me a chance.
29:02But besides, she said she probably had to work tonight.
29:05Hey, hey.
29:39Oh, hi, Carla.
29:43Anna tells me you've been enjoying West Beverly a little more than you thought you would.
29:46I do. Thank you.
29:48She never stops reading this one.
29:50She's gonna be a lawyer, huh?
29:52Really? That's great.
29:54Maybe. We'll see what happens.
29:56By any chance, do you have any rings or some ribbons I could tie a bow around the napkins like this?
30:00Now, why didn't I think of that?
30:02Uh, yes, I have some napkin rings.
30:04They are in the dining room in the top floor.
30:09She is such a talented girl.
30:11This must be a nightmare for her.
30:13It is.
30:15Hi, Mom. Hi, Anna.
30:17Hey. Hi.
30:19How are things going here at Party Central?
30:22Everything's under control, thanks to Anna and the gang.
30:25Smells a lot better here than it did at the pit.
30:28Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
30:30Oh, come on.
30:32Be my guest.
30:39Hey, Carla.
30:43This is great. I thought you had to work tonight.
30:46I am working.
30:48One of Anna's servers got sick, so she asked me to fill in.
30:52Well, I was gonna invite you tonight as my guest.
30:56I wanted to introduce you to my parents.
30:59I met them. They're both really terrific.
31:02Of course, they're not surprised.
31:06After last night, how can you work here?
31:11I'm just helping out.
31:13What's the big deal?
31:16I have to do this now.
31:18No, you don't.
31:24I don't want Carla to work here.
31:27I know. She's doing a great job.
31:29I just don't feel right about having friends of mine serve me.
31:32Honey, you serve your friends at the peach pit all the time.
31:35That's different.
31:37That's a place of business. This isn't our house.
31:40I just don't see the difference.
31:42Fine. Take me off the guest list.
31:47Anna, if you need an extra pair of hands, I'm available.
31:59Hey, Brandon, the clothes came.
32:05Chicks and the stuff that's not even in the catalog yet.
32:08They are so rude. I love them.
32:10Which did you order, the green or the orange fuchsia?
32:14I don't know, Brandon. I don't care, okay?
32:16What's with you?
32:18I can't believe Mom would hire Carla to work here.
32:20Well, why not? Mom doesn't know how you feel about her.
32:23That's not the point.
32:25Yes, that is the point.
32:27Mom doesn't know how you feel, and she doesn't tell us
32:29why she and Dad were willing to lie
32:31in order to get Carla into school.
32:33They did it so she could get a better education.
32:36And that's what they say.
32:40Brandon, what's going on?
32:42Your mother says you're getting bent out of shape over nothing.
32:44It's not nothing, Dad.
32:46This is where I say adios.
32:52You don't understand.
32:54No, you don't understand.
32:56Carla is the first gold star client I've picked up
32:58since we moved to California.
33:00For me to be working with Chick Schneider is a major coup.
33:04Now, what I need from you is for you to be a gracious
33:07and happy host who will make sure
33:09that all of our guests are having a good time.
33:12Do you think you can do that for me?
33:22Good evening.
33:24Welcome to Casa de Walsh.
33:28Can I, uh, interest you in a cocktail?
33:31The margaritas are going fast.
33:33Thanks. That sounds great.
33:37Cindy, you remember Becky and Alan Wylerson?
33:40Oh, yes. Hi. How are you?
33:43You have a lovely home and such a handsome bartender.
33:47Oh, thank you.
33:48Well, enjoy.
33:51Well, at least he's being pleasant to our guests,
33:54even if he's not speaking to us.
33:56Well, just two more hours and it's over.
33:58Yeah, just keep on breathing.
34:00Mom, do you know where the camera is?
34:02Chick wants to take some pictures of us.
34:04Yeah, he says he wants to use us in his next catalog.
34:07Well, I don't blame him. You girls look, uh...
34:10What's the hip word?
34:12Deaf, dope, rad.
34:15Oh, my God.
34:19Do you want another one?
34:20Oh, these tacos are great, Carla.
34:22I've never tasted a taco like this one.
34:24That's because they're flauta.
34:30You didn't know that either.
34:32Have you tried one of these, Mr. Walsh?
34:34Thanks, Carla.
34:36Can you see if Mr. Schneider needs anything?
34:40And you have got to remember,
34:42when we started surfing the North Shore,
34:44those boards still weighed 2,000 pounds.
34:47You got clunked with one of those monsters.
34:49I mean, you were one dead tuna.
34:52Can I get you anything else?
34:54Oh, thanks, sweetheart.
34:56But, uh...
34:58I think I'll slurp another one of these.
35:02Preferably with you.
35:04In the dark.
35:07It's a good thing Walsh didn't hear that.
35:11He's really flipped for her in a major way, huh?
35:15Hey, Carla.
35:17Could you help me bring some extra chairs down
35:19from my parents' room?
35:21Look, I said I was sorry about before.
35:23I didn't mean to embarrass you.
35:25You're the one who's embarrassed, Brandon, not me.
35:28See? You just caught me by surprise.
35:30That's all.
35:33Why are you still being so cold to me?
35:35Look, I'm just trying to be conscientious.
35:39Where are the chairs?
35:43This isn't your parents' room.
35:45Nope. This is my room.
35:47Brandon, what are you doing?
35:49Nothing. I'm just tired of watching you be conscientious.
35:53What do you want, Brandon?
35:55And what do you think?
35:59I don't know.
36:01I don't know.
36:03I don't know.
36:05I don't know.
36:08Are you happy now?
36:11What's the matter with you?
36:13I don't like being told how I should feel or what I should think.
36:16Why don't you tell that to Richard?
36:18He's obviously got something on you.
36:20Brandon, I don't need you to protect me.
36:22I don't want to protect you.
36:25I just want it to be like it was last night.
36:28That was last night, Brandon.
36:31Tonight I'm working at a fancy party in Beverly Hills.
36:35And I would appreciate it if you would let me go downstairs and do my work.
37:06It's not what you think.
37:08Richard told you to stay away from him.
37:11It's not my fault.
37:13I don't care whose fault it is.
37:15You show some respect for these people.
37:18I have respect for them.
37:20Well, then show some respect for me.
37:36Is everything all right?
37:49Okay, everybody.
37:52Brandon, smile.
37:55Kelly, tickle him.
37:59Okay, just one more.
38:01Oh, that was great. Thanks.
38:06You've got beautiful kids, Jim.
38:08One more beautiful than the next.
38:11They especially look good wearing your spring line.
38:14Oh, thanks. We expect big things this season.
38:17We just opened the new factory in Mexicali.
38:20We should have done this ten years ago.
38:23Yeah, well, there is a language problem.
38:26But those people work hard and they work cheap.
38:29How much do you pay them?
38:31Why? You need a job?
38:34No, thanks. I already have a job that pays a fair wage.
38:38I just don't like to hear about people being exploited.
38:42Brandon, I'm sorry, Dad.
38:45It just seems to me that the people who make his swimsuits
38:48ought to get something out of it
38:50so their relatives don't have to chase after the work trucks in East L.A.
38:54Brandon, you apologize right now.
38:58Hey, uh, there's no need for that.
39:02Who knows? He's probably right.
39:05Let's eat.
39:28Carl, wait.
39:31Brandon, you were right.
39:33It wasn't a good idea for me to come here.
39:35This was a big mistake.
39:38Por favor, dejala tranquila, Brandon.
39:41Please, let her go.
39:54Here you go, Anna.
39:56Thank you again. Thank you so much for everything.
39:59Oh, thank you.
40:01Good night, Anna.
40:03Good night. See you on Tuesday.
40:05Good. Bye-bye.
40:09So, should we do this again next week?
40:11Why wait? Why not tomorrow?
40:14Hey, great party, you guys.
40:17Well, I think it was a rousing success,
40:20with one minor exception.
40:23Well, I'm going to bed.
40:25Great. I'll come with you.
40:27Night, Brandon.
40:40Need any help?
40:42No, I got it.
40:45Are you okay?
40:48I don't know.
40:52Do you ever have one of those days
40:54where you wish you could just turn the clock back
40:56and start all over?
40:59I mean, everyone in the world is furious at me.
41:02Mom, Dad, Anna, Carla, you.
41:07I'm not mad at you, Brandon.
41:10Thanks for sticking by me, Brandon.
41:12But I do think you've been unbearably obnoxious
41:15this whole past week.
41:18Well, what do you want me to say?
41:20You're totally consumed with Carla.
41:22You've clearly lost your sense of humor
41:24about her and everything else.
41:26Well, maybe you can tell me how I'm supposed to yuck it up
41:28when the girl I'm falling for
41:30just walked out the door for no reason.
41:32Well, maybe she had a reason.
41:34Maybe there's stuff going on with her
41:36you don't even know about.
41:38Like what?
41:39Like why her Uncle Richard was parked outside
41:41the whole time the party was going on.
41:43He was?
41:44Yeah, Dylan saw him.
41:46And when Carla tore out of the house,
41:48she ran straight to his car.
41:53That Richard guy's bad news.
41:56I'm gonna find out what's going on.
42:07Can I talk to you?
42:09You mean there's a chance
42:11we can be on speaking terms again?
42:14Oh, come on, Dad.
42:17I apologize to you, I apologize to Chick.
42:20I know I was out of line.
42:22What more can I do?
42:27We're just lucky the man has a great sense of humor.
42:35I don't get it.
42:37Your behavior tonight was so unlike you.
42:40Well, I'm confused, Dad.
42:45And I guess it really burns me up
42:47to think there are things going on around here
42:49that are purposely being kept from me.
42:52You know, Brenda's been saying all along
42:54you weren't the kind of people who'd lie
42:56to help someone's niece get into a better school,
42:58even someone as sweet as Anna.
43:00So what's the story, Dad?
43:03You been keeping something from us?
43:06We like Carla very much.
43:09No, not as much as I do.
43:13Dad, I've never felt this way about anybody before.
43:16You gotta tell me what's going on.
43:18We can't tell you, Brandon.
43:21We made promises to these people.
43:24We have to keep our word.
43:26I'm sorry, honey.
43:28It just never dawned on us
43:30that you and Carla might get together.
43:32Yeah, well, we did.
43:34At least we were trying to until tonight.
43:37If we'd known it was gonna cause you this much grief,
43:41we would have said no.
43:43No question about it.
43:45Can you at least tell me who Richard is?
43:49I think you better talk to Carla.
43:52Hi, Anna. Can I talk to Carla?
44:08No, she's, um, she's not here, Brandon.
44:13Can I wait for her to come back?
44:16She's, she's not coming back, Brandon.
44:19Is she in trouble?
44:21No, not anymore, thank God.
44:25She's gone back to her family.
44:28I know she'd like to see you again,
44:31if only to say good-bye.
44:35Don't need too many of those.
44:39Here you go. Anything else?
44:45Here you go. Anything else?
44:49You ready?
45:15If she can't give me another chance,
45:17can you at least give me an explanation?
45:32Have you ever heard of Victor Montez?
45:35Is he famous?
45:37To some people.
45:39He heads the Department of Hispanic Culture
45:41at the Kenmont Colleges in Pomona.
45:44He's also my father.
45:47So why do you live with Anna?
45:50I don't.
45:52I just moved to East L.A. last week.
45:56Anna was my babysitter.
45:59I live with my parents and my sisters at the university,
46:02but I also do volunteer work at the projects near Dogtown,
46:06which is where I saw two low-lives named Ruben and Carla
46:10and two low-lives named Ruben Beniquez and Sleepy Salomon
46:14drive by a house three times
46:16before they pulled out their guns and opened fire.
46:20You saw that?
46:22And I saw the bullets ricochet into the brain of a 4-year-old boy
46:26on his way to a birthday party.
46:30Oh, my God.
46:32And when Ruben let it be known
46:35that whoever came forward to testify against him
46:38would have a long and prosperous life,
46:41Richard thought I should disappear until the case came to court,
46:45maybe for a year.
46:47And that's when Anna mentioned
46:49that your folks might be able to help me out.
46:52So Richard's a cop.
46:54Prosecuting attorney.
46:56I was a star witness.
46:58No wonder he was always dogging you.
47:01Not anymore.
47:03Sleepy broke down and confessed to the murder last night.
47:06So you're off the hook? You don't have to testify?
47:11And now I can go back home, into my old school.
47:16And you like it out there?
47:20How far out is Pomona, anyway?
47:23It's on the other side of the world, Brandon.
47:28What are you saying?
47:31I'm just saying that I'm not expecting anything from you.
47:36What if I want you to expect something?
47:39What, that you'll pledge your undying devotion to me
47:43and that I should do the same?
47:45I'm not a poor girl from the barrio
47:47who's looking for a white knight.
47:53Is that how you saw me?
47:57Being with you is like a dream,
48:00like a fairy tale.
48:03But now it's over.
48:06And I have to go home now.
48:10Oh, Brandon, I said it was complicated.
48:13I disagree.
48:15I don't think it is that complicated.
48:17And when it comes down to it,
48:19I don't think you and I are that different.
48:22I agree.
48:24And that's what scares me the most.
48:31With you, it would be so easy for me to forget
48:34who I am and where I come from.
48:37I don't want that to happen.
48:47I really didn't know you at all, did I?
48:50Oh, you knew me better than you think.
49:01Yeah, well...
49:04Maybe sometime when you come into town
49:06you could meet me on El Barrio Street.
49:11I'd like that.
49:13I really would.
49:18Take care of yourself, Brandon.
49:23You too.
49:34You too.
49:51I distinctly told you number 169B.
49:54Remember, I pointed it out to you in the catalog.
49:57169B, I told you.
49:59Well, you know pink's my favorite color.
50:03New clothes, new earrings.
50:06What else was there?
50:09Dylan, I saw that.
50:11No, no, no. Brenda, she looked at me first.
50:14Oh, yeah.
50:16You, uh, you know that piece you did on Coach Cass?
50:20Yeah, I know it. I wrote it.
50:23Didn't change a comma.
50:25I think it's your best piece yet.
50:28Thanks, Andrea.
50:30No, thank me.
50:32You wrote it.
50:38I wish you could be like this with everyone.
50:41Like what?
50:43You know, how we are with each other.
50:46Easy, comfortable, real.
50:49Yeah, that's nice.
50:51I'm just glad we're not attracted to each other romantically.
50:55So we can always be friends.
50:58Good friends.
51:00Just friends.
51:02It's great.
51:10Okay, don't hang up. Just don't hang up.
51:12Now, this is David Silver, the voice of West Beverly High,
51:16and I really don't care if he doesn't want to come to our homecoming dance.
51:20Or that MC Hammer is one of the top recording and video artists in the world.
51:25But at least you could put my call through one time without hanging up.
51:31So, having said all that, can I please talk to MC Hammer?
51:36MC Hammer? Um, sorry, I think you have the wrong number. Bye.
51:51Debbie Gibson.
52:04Uh, Debbie Gibson?
52:07Look, this is David Silver. I've been trying to reach you all week.
