Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 16 Fame Is Where You Find It

  • 18 hours ago
Beverly Hills 90210 Season 1 Episode 16 Fame Is Where You Find It


00:54Okay guys, ready?
01:20Looking for something?
01:22What's it
01:24to you? Don't make me
01:26turn you in, Kirk.
01:28But don't make me use this.
01:30I'll do it.
01:32I swear, I'll do it.
01:34You want to cut me? Go ahead.
01:36But you know that won't solve anything.
01:38Oh God,
01:40you have so much to live for.
01:42Don't throw it all away.
01:44Not now, not like this.
01:46Cut! Print!
01:48Huh? Beauty.
01:50Is that what you
01:52had in mind, Jake?
01:54That was killer. That was pure goose flesh time.
01:56Oh, yes.
01:58Jake, we're in trouble.
02:00The Kijikast is the surfer dude.
02:02He's in the hospital with food poisoning.
02:04Great. My doctor
02:06wonders why I have high blood pressure.
02:08We could reschedule.
02:10This is not Shakespeare here. This is some
02:12crummy little scene we're doing. Any
02:14jerk off the street can do this.
02:16Like who?
02:24How about that kid?
02:32Excuse me!
02:34Are you stagged by any chance?
02:36Uh, what?
02:38Are you a member of the Screen Actors Guild?
02:40No, I'm not an actor, sorry.
02:42Do you want to be?
02:44I haven't really thought about it. Why?
02:46Well, we're down here shooting an episode of
02:48Keep It Together. The TV show?
02:50Oh, my sister's addicted to it.
02:52We're in kind of a jam.
02:54One of our day players didn't show, and if you could
02:56spare an hour or two, it'd be worth your while.
02:58What do I have to do?
03:00You go up
03:02to the girls and say,
03:04hey, babe, looking good,
03:06real good, babe.
03:08I can pay for this?
03:32Is this makeup?
03:34So they tell me.
03:36Well, I need, uh,
03:38more of a tan or less
03:40of a tan, I don't know.
03:42Are you working today?
03:44Yeah, if you can call this work.
03:52you think you can do something with this money?
03:54Oh, I can certainly try.
04:00Sister would die if she knew
04:02where I was. Oh, really? Why?
04:04Well, she's the actress
04:06in the family, or wants
04:08to be. Every once
04:10in a while, I catch her thanking the
04:14And for some
04:16strange reason, Keep It Together's
04:18still her favorite show. Oh, not
04:20yours, huh? Well, I
04:22haven't checked it out lately.
04:24Like, since I was about ten.
04:26But it used to be one of those
04:28squeaky clean shows
04:30where, by some miracle, every
04:32problem got solved just in
04:34time for the last commercial.
04:36You sound like the critics. Hey,
04:38no offense, but as far as I can
04:40tell, the only good thing about the show
04:42is Lydia leads.
04:45Did anyone ever tell you
04:47you kind of look like her?
04:49All the time.
04:51Wait a second, are
04:55Lydia? Rehearsal.
04:57Tell them I'll be just a minute. I have to
05:01Brandon. Brandon Walsh.
05:05Walsh's highlights.
05:07And, uh, I didn't do his
05:09lips yet.
05:12All right.
05:14Here's the scene. You
05:16skate by, you notice Lydia,
05:18so you stop, you come back,
05:20and then you say your line,
05:22Hey, babe, I like your looks, yada yada.
05:24But then, you have to hold
05:26for a count of three.
05:28Can you handle that? Uh...
05:32All right, people, let's try this!
05:36Everybody quiet, please!
05:39Roll sound!
05:47See you later!
05:53Hey, babe.
05:55Looking good.
05:57Real good, babe.
06:08That was terrific!
06:10All right, print!
06:12You know, this kid
06:14is as good-looking as Sean.
06:16The princess seems to like him.
06:22So here I totally ragged on her
06:24show, and she didn't even hold it against
06:28In fact, she was really cool
06:30about it. I cannot believe
06:32that you're going to be on Keep It Together.
06:34Paula is going to flip!
06:36I'll get it.
06:40What was it like?
06:42It was fun.
06:44I don't know if I'd want to do it every day.
06:46I would.
06:48What's for you? The production office?
06:50Oh, yeah, I think I forgot
06:52to sign a form before I left.
06:54Hey, tell them
06:56that you have a twin sister.
06:58So, which one is Keep It Together?
07:00Oh, you know, it's the one
07:02with that cute little orphan girl,
07:04Flipper. Mom,
07:06it's Skipper. And she's not an orphan
07:08anymore. She finally got adopted
07:10by the Carswell Smythe family.
07:14Sheesh. Great. I'll, uh...
07:16I'll be there.
07:24So, is her part for Brendan?
07:28Actually, they have a part
07:30for me.
07:32Yeah, right.
07:34I'm not kidding.
07:40He has all the luck.
07:42It is so sickening.
07:44And now the producers love him.
07:46I mean, they're writing new scenes for him.
07:48Are you serious?
07:50Yeah, he's like this new guest star
07:52on their next episode.
07:54And Lydia Leeds is his new best friend.
07:56Oh, she used to be really sweet,
07:58but she's totally stuck up now.
08:00You know her?
08:02We were all in the fifth grade together.
08:04This is so poetically
08:08I mean, he gets to miss school and everything,
08:10and he doesn't even like the show.
08:12Oh, well, I bet he does now.
08:14I need a bubble bath.
08:24listen, there was one little thing
08:26you could help me out with.
08:28I need someone to cover for me
08:30at the Peach Pit, someone I trust to give me
08:32the job back after
08:34this acting thing plays itself out.
08:36So, in other words,
08:38while you get to be on TV
08:40with Lydia Leeds, I get to serve
08:42pie to the, uh,
08:44what did you call them last week?
08:46Oh, yes, the tightwads
08:48of America.
08:50Come on, Brendan,
08:52the tips aren't usually that bad.
08:54It's really an easy job.
08:56Oh, that's why you always come from
08:58exhausted and smelly. Besides,
09:00Nat wouldn't even hire me. I mean, I don't have
09:02any experience. Let me worry about Nat,
09:04okay? No, you better
09:06worry about finding a different replacement.
09:10You know, Bren,
09:12I told them about you, but they needed
09:14a guy. Of course they need
09:16a guy. Don't you ever read
09:18TV Guide? Sean Judson
09:20is leading the show over a salary
09:22dispute. Well, I'm no Sean Judson.
09:26You said it. I didn't.
09:30Come on, Bren,
09:32can't you do me a favor?
09:36And what will you
09:38do for me?
09:44Okay, okay. How about this?
09:46You're always complaining
09:48about how you don't have enough room in here?
09:50You can have the top
09:52two drawers.
09:54Well, that's a start.
09:58What else do you want?
10:00I want your green
10:02shirt. My green
10:06The one shirt in the whole world
10:08that I own that I really love?
10:10That green shirt?
10:12That's the one.
10:14Take it or leave it.
10:20There you go.
10:22Thanks. You're welcome.
10:24I knew from the first night you walked in
10:26with Dylan, I said to myself,
10:28Nat, his kids are coming.
10:30Didn't I say that, Sal?
10:32Nat, it's only a
10:34small part.
10:36For now, small parts are only small
10:40So what about Brenda here?
10:42Well, she obviously got all
10:44the looks in the family,
10:46but she's got the
10:48all the looks in the family.
10:50Are you sure you want to have
10:52dishpan aheads?
10:54She'll be great, Nat.
10:56The customers will love her.
10:58You sure you can handle it, though?
11:00It'll only be for a couple of days.
11:02A week at the most, maybe two.
11:04Hey, Nat, don't sell yourself short.
11:06You don't know what it's gonna be.
11:08Your career could take off.
11:10His career?
11:12What career?
11:14The important thing for you to remember
11:16is when you're a star, don't let all
11:18that Hollywood hoopla go to your head.
11:20There's no need to worry about that.
11:22I know who I am.
11:24Brandon Walsh, a regular kind of guy
11:26from Minnesota.
11:28Nothing's gonna change that at all.
11:40It'll just be a couple of routine questions,
11:42like, what's your favorite color?
11:44Or what'd you have for breakfast this morning?
11:46I really think it's premature
11:48to be interviewing me, David.
11:50Okay, well,
11:52we'll do it next period.
11:54David, don't be ridiculous.
11:56I worked for one day.
11:58I said one line.
12:00West Beverly's loaded with kids
12:02who grew up in the industry.
12:04But none of them have worked
12:06with Lydia Leeds.
12:08Then why don't you interview her?
12:10Well, can you get her to come on my show?
12:12I'll put in a good word for you.
12:16Thanks, big guy.
12:24Let's hear it
12:26for Brandon Walsh
12:28for landing a role on the hit series
12:30Keep It Together, starring Lydia
12:32the Wildcat Leeds.
12:34A boffo-socko match
12:36in the making.
12:38This one's for you, big guy.
12:40This one's for you, big guy.
12:46Hey, Brett!
12:48Who's your agent?
12:50Give me a break.
12:52Looks to me like you already got one.
12:54Forget the agent.
12:56What you need is a bodyguard.
12:58Is this weird or what?
13:02They won't stampede, will they?
13:04Not only if they smell beer.
13:06What am I gonna do?
13:08Brenda, how hard can it be?
13:10The fork goes on the left,
13:12the knife and spoon go on the right,
13:14and napkins go in the dispenser.
13:16Yeah, well, maybe you should be
13:18filling in for Brandon.
13:20Ah, speak of the devil.
13:24This is so unfair.
13:26You know, I'm the one with all the talent.
13:28I'm the one who used to dance
13:30around the living room singing show tunes.
13:32Oh, I did that, too.
13:34But I was always off-key.
13:36I was even thinking of putting together
13:38a stand-up comedy routine.
13:40I would die first.
13:42You'd be so exposed.
13:44But you'd play somebody else.
13:46You're a character.
13:48And you're not really you.
13:50Do you see what I mean?
13:52Like, wow, like, for sure.
13:54It's, like, totally radical.
13:56That's great.
13:58Do some more.
14:00Okay, okay, um...
14:02Oh, uh, quit busting my chops.
14:04Chop on them with you guys.
14:06You know what I mean.
14:10Last week, they didn't even know
14:12I was alive.
14:14Last week, you weren't hanging out with Lydia Leeds.
14:16What's the big deal?
14:18You guys know her.
14:20Uh, knew her.
14:22Showbiz kids live in their own little world.
14:24Yeah, well, it'll never happen to me.
14:30Your limousine's here.
14:35Take care of these for me, would you?
14:53Oh, it's Lydia Leeds.
14:55Hi, Brandy.
14:59Hi, Lydia.
15:04Showbiz Kids
15:30Don't forget, soak the puppy chow really well.
15:33He likes it soft and mushy.
15:36There you go.
15:39Oh, my doggie's only six weeks old.
15:42I miss him so much.
15:45How many of those do you think you've signed in your life?
15:48About six gajillion.
15:50Doesn't it bother you? People just coming up to you?
15:53It would bother me if they didn't.
15:55You mind? Oh, not at all.
15:57Oh, no. You don't want my autograph.
16:00Come on, Brandon. Better get used to it.
16:03What are you talking about?
16:04You don't get it, do you? With Sean being written out of the show,
16:07you could be a recurring character.
16:09I thought people were supposed to pound the pavement for years
16:12before they got a break like this.
16:14Don't you believe in fate? You were at the right place at the right time.
16:18And that's it?
16:20And you've got a good look.
16:23Well, that's not for sure, right?
16:26Let me put it this way.
16:28I don't make a habit of giving people rides to the set.
16:35Need some help with that?
16:41Okay, here we are.
16:44Now, thank you.
16:46It's a party in the next room.
16:48You see each other, you want each other, you get each other.
16:51Now, I want it juicy.
16:53But not too juicy. Big, but not over the top.
16:57But lots of heat.
16:59Gotta feel the heat. Make me sweat.
17:02Okay, let's do it.
17:06Roll sound. Speed.
17:10And action.
17:21I was hoping you'd be here.
17:28Cut. Print.
17:30That was brilliant. Perfect.
17:32Don't change a thing.
17:35All right, let's do another one.
17:38If it was perfect, why are we doing it again?
17:40Jake likes to get a lot of coverage.
17:46And action.
17:50I was hoping you'd be here.
17:53And action.
17:57I was hoping you'd be here.
18:07Cut. Print. Action.
18:09I was hoping you'd be here.
18:15Wait. Brandon's stepping on my toe.
18:18Sorry. Cut.
18:19I was hoping you'd be here.
18:24It was terrible.
18:29That was nice.
18:40That's a wrap.
18:42Good work, Lydia.
18:43It was very nice.
18:45I could get used to this.
18:47So could I.
18:57Anyway, the director said I was a natural.
19:02Honey, that's great.
19:03Are you working tomorrow?
19:05But I got a late call.
19:07You know, they shoot these things out of the blue.
19:09It's a lot of work.
19:12But I got a late call.
19:14You know, they shoot these things out of order.
19:16And every scene has a number.
19:19It's very complicated.
19:21Yes, well, not as fascinating as one would have thought.
19:24Excuse me, I have to go changing at Grubby now.
19:27Hey, say hi to Nat for me.
19:30Whoa, I gotta get changed, too.
19:32Brandon, I don't think you should be going out to a party on a weeknight.
19:36Dad, it's not a party.
19:39It's a networking thing.
19:41It's a place where a lot of young actors go to get away from the crowds and the media and stuff.
19:47Don't you have to get ready for tomorrow?
19:50I got my lines down.
19:52What about school?
19:54Dad, I told you, they have a teacher on set.
19:58She's very scholastic.
20:00She's writing a spec script for Twin Peaks.
20:05Is that Lydia?
20:07She's early, and I'm not ready.
20:15I'll go get the camera.
20:24That's my drawer.
20:26God, can I borrow one of your combs?
20:32So you want me to introduce you to Lydia?
20:35Don't do me any favors.
20:37Fine, just let Mom and Dad embarrass me.
20:42You mean she's here?
20:45Lydia Leeds is here, downstairs in this house.
20:51Go talk to her, will you?
20:54What do I say to her?
21:00She's just a regular person.
21:11Oh, my business manager used to be with Hartley and the other two.
21:17What's his name?
21:19Joey Merlis.
21:21I've met him, I've met him.
21:23Jim, where's the film for the camera?
21:26This is Brandon's better half, Brenda.
21:29This is Lydia.
21:31I know that, Dad.
21:35Oh, excuse me.
21:37Nice to meet you.
21:47Ah, so we have a friend in common.
21:50Oh, who's that?
21:52Callie Taylor.
21:58From elementary school.
22:01Callie Taylor, Donna Martin.
22:03Oh, yeah, yeah, right, right.
22:06So, uh, Brandon tells me that you have some acting aspirations.
22:10Oh, yeah, I was a Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.
22:14In stock?
22:16No, seventh grade.
22:20Not that what you do when you're 12 years old really matters that much.
22:24When I was 12 years old, I got my second TV guy cover
22:29and my first Golden Globe Award.
22:33Well, I can't top that now, can I?
22:43Oh, I love your shirt.
22:58Excuse me.
23:00Did you order the cheeseburger medium low with no onions
23:03or the grilled cheese with bacon and tomato?
23:06I ordered soup.
23:08Of course.
23:10I'll be right back.
23:12Miss! Miss!
23:14I asked for some water.
23:16I'll be right back.
23:18Miss! Miss!
23:21Miss! Miss!
23:23I asked for some water, please.
23:26Water on four.
23:28Brenda, I need a set-up on eight.
23:31Set-up on eight.
23:32Ketchup on seven.
23:35Ketchup on seven.
23:39All right.
23:41Here we go.
23:42All right.
23:44Water on four.
23:47Set-up on eight.
23:48And ketchup on seven.
23:49That's water on four.
23:50Set-up on ketchup and seven on eight.
23:56How are you doing?
23:57You okay?
24:01Now, pick up your order, because it's ready.
24:02Come on.
24:08All right.
24:15Okay, sir.
24:16Here we go.
24:17You ready?
24:18I'm ready.
24:20Me, too.
24:32Hi, Cory.
24:37You know, I keep thinking everyone in here looks familiar,
24:39but then I realize, of course they are.
24:41They're all on TV.
24:46Oh, Peter Brummer.
24:48Wasn't he on Kibbe and Me?
24:50He was.
24:51The show got canceled.
24:52He was so depressed, it was pathetic.
24:56Hi, Lydia.
24:58Hi, Mackenzie.
25:00So, who's new flavor of the week?
25:03Very funny, Mackenzie.
25:05Have fun while it lasts.
25:07Goodbye, Mackenzie.
25:14You just met the luckiest girl in this town,
25:16and the only reason she has a career
25:19is because her uncle is, like, this really big producer.
25:23Let me ask you something.
25:26Is there anybody here you like?
25:30No, you don't strike me like a kid from Beverly Hills.
25:34Well, maybe that's because I go to West Beverly.
25:38Listen, I hope I didn't come off like too much of a rank amateur today.
25:43At what? Acting or kissing?
25:46I've been told I know how to kiss.
25:48Well, I'd have to agree with that.
25:52But it's so strange to do it with all those people looking at you.
25:58You know, my first kiss ever was on the show four years ago.
26:07Yeah, with Sean, in fact.
26:10And every talk show host kept asking me about it.
26:13It was so embarrassing.
26:16I told him to take a flyer.
26:18You can't do that if you want to be loved by the public.
26:21Is that what you want?
26:23What I want is to be respected as an actress
26:26and to feel satisfied with myself as a person
26:28when this whole rollercoaster ride comes to an end.
26:33That's very insightful.
26:35Thanks. My publicist wrote it.
26:40You want to dance?
26:43Come on.
27:05So, what do you do if you're free, Tom?
27:08Well, I go to the airport.
27:17I play hockey on Sunday.
27:20Would you do me a favor?
27:26Yes, I would.
27:28Why don't you ask me if I'd like to go watch something?
27:33If you want to.
27:37Hi, Sean.
27:38What's up?
27:40Lydia's here.
27:42With your competition.
28:01It's definitely better without those lights in your face.
28:32It's your shirt. I just borrowed it.
28:35Well, you can keep it because I'm never going back there again.
28:38Brenda, you can't do that to Nat.
28:40Oh, Nat won't miss me at all. Believe me.
28:42Please, Brenda, just one more night.
28:45Why? So you can go network with the brat pack?
28:48What are you saying? I've gone Hollywood?
28:51If the shirt fits.
28:54Look, Brenda, just because the new lady in my life
28:57happens to be in the public eye,
28:59it doesn't mean that I've changed.
29:01The old Brandon would never fall head over heels
29:03for such a superficial, self-centered snob
29:06who changes boyfriends on a weekly basis.
29:09What, do you believe everything you read in the tabloids?
29:14I don't have stars in my eyes either.
29:16This is really bogus.
29:18I can't deal with you if you're going to be like this.
29:22If you don't want to work at the peach pit, fine.
29:25If you want to pick a fight with me because you're jealous, fine.
29:28Just don't go slamming somebody you don't even know.
29:33As if you know her so well.
29:37I know her better than you think.
29:40You've changed, Brandon.
29:43You really have changed.
29:46Yeah, well, maybe it's for the better.
29:51For two days, every time I walk down the hall,
29:54somebody stops me to talk about Brandon.
29:56And Brandon only wants to talk about Lydia,
29:59and then he accuses me of being jealous.
30:01Well, I would be.
30:03I'm too angry to be jealous.
30:05I mean, he wrangles me into taking over his job,
30:08his boss thinks I'm a stupid klutz,
30:10and the customers hate me
30:12because they think I'm too young and inexperienced.
30:15Brenda, I'm sure they don't hate you.
30:17Well, they sure act like it.
30:19No, I think they act that way because they're hungry.
30:22Hungry people are notorious for being rude and obnoxious.
30:26Whenever I get around that place, I get very self-conscious.
30:30So quit.
30:32And give Brandon the satisfaction?
30:34No, thanks.
30:36Brenda, try not to take it so seriously.
30:39What am I supposed to do, pretend like I know what I'm doing?
30:43What am I supposed to do, pretend like I know what I'm doing?
31:05Walsh just arrived. I'll send him down.
31:08Here are some new pages. They need you in makeup.
31:11That's a whole new scene. What happened to 46?
31:1446 was cut.
31:16That's my big scene.
31:17Lydia, Shawn and Jake are waiting for you.
31:20Hey, Lydia.
31:21Oh, hi, Brandon.
31:22Hi. They cut our scene.
31:24Oh, I know. They're rewriting the whole script.
31:26I'm late. I gotta go.
31:28Oh, hey, wait a sec.
31:30I had a really good time last night.
31:32Hey, Lyd, who you buying?
31:34Jake's hemorrhaging. He wants us to run lines.
31:38What's he doing here?
31:40Oh, Shawn decided to come to terms with the producers.
31:43He said he missed me.
32:01Would you like some more coffee?
32:03Love some.
32:04A little slow?
32:05They're pittants.
32:14No. Brenda couldn't make it.
32:17I'm LeVoyne. I'm taking a shift.
32:20Charms, I'm sure.
32:24Quiz! Quiz!
32:26Come on in. Don't be bashful. Have a seat.
32:29Oh, but first, let's get some hip parade action going.
32:32Piping up the joints.
32:34G4I becomes very highly recommended.
32:37Love your do, LeVoyne.
32:39Thank you, Blondie. You know, if you play your cards right,
32:41I just might let you borrow my coolest.
32:45Sir! Welcome.
32:48I'm LeVoyne. Charms, I'm sure.
32:51I don't get it. What is it, Halloween?
32:54Don't you worry, props.
32:56You'll get no trick-or-treats with this little lady.
32:58I'm strictly a class act.
33:01I'm a 100% U.S.-certified hostess with the mostess.
33:08See? Here's a gentleman who appreciates fine beauty.
33:12Here's a customer who needs an order taken.
33:14Why, certainly. Would you like to hear today's specials?
33:17We don't have any specials.
33:19The special pasta today is spaghetti.
33:21It has meatballs on it with a red sauce.
33:24Um, I think it's tomato.
33:26And the soup is vegetable with beefy feet.
33:28Very tasty with saltines.
33:30And for dessert, we have pie.
33:32We have peach pie, cherry pie, apple pie, pecan pie,
33:35lemon pie, cream pie, honey pie.
33:38But if you want pizza pie, you gotta go across the street.
33:41Ask for Greedo. He'll take care of ya.
33:43So what will it be?
33:45Anything you want, sweetheart.
33:49You look like...
33:52meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Am I wrong?
33:55Bring it on.
33:57Only if you promise to save it for dessert.
33:59Okay, we gotta take her for a squished taters and a beefy roll.
34:04Wait, what?
34:06Mashed potatoes and meatloaf.
34:08Get with the lingo, Pops.
34:11Brenda, you're too much.
34:15It's a little boring. Thank you.
34:22All right, all right. Let's try this, please.
34:26Jake, uh, his hand was on her shoulder.
34:29Your hand was on her shoulder?
34:31The other hand.
34:33Oh, sorry. All right.
34:35All right, this is for picture.
34:38Everybody quiet, please.
34:41Roll sound.
34:45And action.
34:48Hey, cheese-meister.
34:52Stay away from my girl.
35:05Brandon, you lost your concentration.
35:08Ed, just in rehearsal, there wasn't anything in the glass.
35:12Yeah, well, that was rehearsal.
35:14It's all right. Try it again.
35:18And action.
35:24Hey, cheese-meister.
35:26Stay away from my girl.
35:32Who's gonna make me?
35:37Something's not working for me.
35:41Something's not working for me.
35:45I need more splash.
35:48More splash.
35:49Props, more splash.
35:51And action.
35:55Hey, cheese-meister.
35:57Stay away from my girl.
36:00Who's gonna make me?
36:05I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
36:16Arnie, I won't be spilling all soup on you today.
36:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:21Hey, Arnie, you want some of this?
36:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:25Hey, what?
36:28Hey, Arnie, you want some of the poppy?
36:30All right.
36:32Got to order up.
36:34We got some seats available, so, you know.
36:36Come on, girls.
36:38That's how we do it.
36:40I shouldn't take your money, but I'm a fan.
36:42I will, you know what I mean?
36:44Honey, sweetie, how you doing?
36:46Where you been in all my life?
36:48Girls, girls, girls.
36:50You want something to eat or what?
36:52You either got to order or you don't.
36:54Everybody, it's Moe Victor!
36:57Dinner at your own risk, fellas!
37:00Hey, there's plenty of seats available.
37:02Just keep your hands off mine, you know what I mean.
37:05Hey, well, that's not what you said last week.
37:08Yeah, well, lies hidden in the windows will get you everywhere.
37:13Brenda Walsh. I knew her when.
37:15She's really out there.
37:17You should put her up to this next.
37:19No, no, no, no. Let's give credit where credit is due.
37:23I thought she flipped out.
37:26Everybody's eating it up.
37:28Along with second and thirds.
37:33Don't worry about a thing.
37:34All right!
37:37I need a jar full of lava,
37:39this on the rocks,
37:40and a food in a pouch for the grouch.
37:43Yes, Nathan?
37:45Where you been all my life?
37:47I'm standing right here, sugar!
37:50Oh, cut! Cut! Cut!
37:54Someone dry him off. Let's try this again.
37:58Where did you find this guy? He can't even remember his lines.
38:01Lydia pushed for him.
38:02Hey, you okayed it.
38:04Don't start with me, Lydia.
38:06So get him some idiot cards.
38:08Hey, wait a second. I'm not an idiot.
38:10You're not an actor.
38:11Hey, I never said I was.
38:13I'm doing the best job I can here.
38:15You change the lines on me, you tell me what to do.
38:18You change the lines on me, you change the rules on me.
38:21I don't know what you people want.
38:23What we want is ten seconds of usable film.
38:27You think you can manage to get up for that,
38:29or do I have to recast?
38:38It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
38:42Cry if I want to
38:44Cry if I want to
38:47Would cry too if it happened to you
38:55And all my records keep dancing all night
38:59But leave me alone for a while
39:04Till Johnny's dancing with me
39:07Hey, no cutting line, Bub.
39:09Andrea, hi.
39:11What's going on?
39:12We've been waiting 20 minutes already.
39:14You're kidding. The service is that slow?
39:17No, it's that entertaining.
39:19Cry if I want to
39:21You would cry too if it happened to you
39:29Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
39:33Like a queen with her king
39:38Oh, what a birthday surprise
39:42Judy's wearing his ring
39:46It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
39:50Cry if I want to
39:52Cry if I want to
39:55You would cry too if it happened to you
40:04It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
40:08Cry if I want to
40:10Cry if I want to
40:13You would cry too if it happened to you
40:35Hey, what's it take to get a seat around here?
40:38You gotta be in tight with the owner or something?
40:40Hey, hey, hey, if it isn't Mr. Hollywood.
40:44What'd you do to my sister?
40:46What do you mean, Laverne?
40:49Hey, sailor, when did you blow into town?
40:53When'd you go to Mars?
40:55Hey, every party we got a border point celebrity in our midst
41:00That hot mill sensation, Lydia Lee's main squeeze
41:05Brands have washed, now let's give them a traditional beach pit welcome
41:16Thanks, I needed that
41:22Bran, Bran, hey, need some chapstick, Mr. Walsh?
41:25Yeah, what is it like kissing a living legend?
41:28Not all it's cracked up to be
41:30Why not?
41:32Oh, you know, these Hollywood starlet types, never satisfied
41:37Hey, Bran, before I forget, I've slotted you to do a behind the scene profile on the set of Keep It Together
41:43Don't hold your breath
41:44Yeah, no way, he's not doing anything for free when he could be sponging big time from the Enquirer
41:51Aw, forget Lydia, I think you should write, my life with Laverne, huh?
41:58I barely know the girl
42:01Wish I could say that
42:04Oh, what's wrong with him?
42:06I don't know
42:08Hey, Brandon, you okay?
42:13Yeah, yeah, I ain't what you'd take to get a piece of pie around here anyway, huh?
42:31What a difference a day makes
42:33Yesterday, I was this close to quitting, and I kept on thinking, why should I let these people intimidate me?
42:40And then once Kelly said, don't take it so seriously, I thought of that waitress that works at Big Boy on Hoover Street
42:47And when I found those old glasses, Laverne just suddenly showed up
42:51Well, it sounds truly inspired
42:54And inspiring, Brandon never pulled in tips like this
42:58Not even close, she set an all time record
43:02I don't know about that, but Nat is really jazzed about the receipts
43:06From the way he's talking, it sounds like this could almost become a permanent thing
43:11Well, at least I can help him upgrade the jukebox and liven up the decor
43:15Now, excuse me, I have to go stuff my mattress
43:18I thought surely you'd be hitting the shopping malls with all that loot
43:23Nah, saving up for something special
43:27Well, with both kids working, I'm ready for an early retirement
43:32How did things go yesterday?
43:35It went
43:37It's not as easy as it looks
43:40Well, what's on tap for next week?
43:42Maybe some looping
43:44What's looping?
43:46It's when they fixed the soundtrack
43:48You're starting to sound like an old pro, a real veteran
43:52Of which war?
44:03Nine times out of ten I make that shot
44:05I believe you
44:11Wait a second, are you...
44:13Yeah, I phoned your mother, she told me you'd be here
44:17I, uh, didn't feel like being loved by the public today
44:22Well, you came to the right place
44:24Hey, I don't deserve that
44:26Come on, Lydia, you used me to get back at Sean
44:29That's it, plain and simple
44:31I know it looks that way, but I'm really not that calculated
44:35Oh, that's right
44:37I was in the right place at the right time
44:41And you think you were my flavor of the week
44:44Wasn't I?
44:46If you were, you think I'd be here?
44:51Brandon, guys try to pick me up all the time
44:56I admit sometimes I'm not that discriminating, but...
45:01You made me feel like I didn't have to act
45:04Which is all I've been doing since I'm ten years old
45:08It's hard to figure out who you are
45:10When you're always pretending to be somebody else
45:12Well, I liked the person I thought I met
45:15And she liked you
45:17Until Sean came back in the picture
45:20Brandon, he was never really gone
45:23Oh, I see, so I was the guy on the rebound, huh?
45:27I wouldn't put it that way
45:29How would you put it?
45:31You're the natural from Minnesota
45:34Who knows how to kiss?
45:41So I guess this is it, huh?
45:43Not necessarily
45:45Jake loved your dailies
45:47And he's gonna test-market your character with a target audience
45:51You're kidding
45:52Nope, they are really high on you
45:56You know, I do think we nailed that last take
45:58I know, so did I
46:01So we'll keep in touch
46:20What, opening night jitters, big guy?
46:23Brandon, is this the right channel?
46:25Yes, Andrea
46:26Brandon, don't worry about it
46:27My mom gets the same way before a show
46:29But afterwards, she'll just pig out, okay?
46:35Brandon's gonna miss it
46:37She said she was gonna leave work early
46:40This Brandon's big moment
46:42You'd think she'd make a point of getting here and supporting him
46:45Maybe she forgot to tell Laverne
46:50Oh, here they are
46:52Hey, way to go, toots
46:53Nothing like making an entrance
46:55Hey, I'm charmed, I'm sure
46:57I didn't miss it, did I?
46:58Right on time
47:00Oh, have a piece of cake
47:02Where's it from?
47:03Come on, spare us
47:07So, how you doing?
47:09I'm standing
47:11How are you doing?
47:13Well, tips were bountiful, as usual
47:16I got an ovation for my rendition of Material Girl
47:20Oh, and Nat brought along his portable TV set
47:22So he wouldn't miss the show
47:24Shh, this is it, you guys
47:26Keep it quiet, quiet
47:35What scene are you in, man?
47:37It's the one right after this one
47:40Lydia leaves the party
47:42She goes in the bedroom, sees me
47:45Says, I was hoping you'd be here
47:49And then...
47:52Well, you'll see
48:08I was hoping you'd be here
48:20When did Shawn Judson get back on the show?
48:37Yeah, well, listen, uh...
48:40Don't feel bad
48:42I'm just glad you're here
48:44I'm glad you're here
48:46I'm glad you're here
48:49Your being you do
48:51Even my mother's ended up on the cutting room floor
48:54Say hi for me
48:57Right, good night, Brian
48:59Good night
49:01I think you should sue them for misrepresentation
49:04I really do
49:07Thanks, Andrea
49:10See you Monday
49:13Well, in my honest opinion, you lucked out
49:17I wouldn't want my name on that, man
49:19That's gotta be the worst show on television
49:22Yeah, well, it's also in the top ten every week
49:26Yeah, well, there's no counting for taste
49:36Maybe they'll put your scenes in next week's episode
49:40Like Deja Vu or something
49:47Good night, Kelly
49:49Good night, Brandon
50:07You want a piece?
50:09No, thanks
50:11You know how it is when you're pushing pies
50:14You lose your sweet tooth
50:18You've been awfully quiet
50:20Are you merely avoiding comment on one of the most...
50:25Embarrassing, most mind-blowing, most...
50:31But character-building
50:32But not worth it experiences a person could have in a lifetime
50:36I can't believe Lydia could be so cold
50:39Why, because she didn't call?
50:41Yeah, she should have warned you
50:43Well, what was she supposed to say?
50:46Hi, Brandon, it's Lydia
50:48Sorry I have to dump on you again
50:50But, hey, that's showbiz
50:52Well, you're definitely more forgiving than I am
50:56Here you go
51:01You know, Brenna, I've been thinking
51:04You should keep the job at the beach, Ben
51:07You've earned it
51:11No, look it
51:13There are other jobs I can find, other things I can do
51:16With the school paper and my hockey game
51:19Take it, Brendan
51:21I'm giving it to you
51:23Brandon, I don't want it
51:25It's too hard, it's too exhausting
51:30Thanks for thinking about me
51:34Brenda, how can you just walk away?
51:36You're raking in the box
51:38Yeah, but I have enough in my mattress
51:40To pay for what I wanted
51:42What's that?
51:44Acting lessons
51:47Brenda, you don't really want to do that, do you?
51:50No, but Laverne just won't leave me alone
