Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Willy 5" Figure

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Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Willy 5" Figure


00:00Well, if he's stuck in the package, who's going to save the wee turtles?
00:03Here's a look at the brand new Jack-specific, the Simpsons Groundskeeper Willie.
00:22Collect your favorite cartoon characters from the Simpsons TV series with the first wave
00:26of Simpsons 5-inch scale figures featuring basic articulation.
00:29These iconic figures from the Simpsons are sure to please cartoon lovers and collectors
00:34Now, before we all turn to Chapter 1 of Math Safari, let's say we first grab this tape
00:38measure of mine and we figure out how tall the Jack-specific Simpsons Groundskeeper Willie
00:43actually stands.
00:45Having no luck, you already know this by now, the story I'm about to say, having no luck
00:48finding these figures in local stores, most if not all the reviews that I've done have
00:52been thanks to the Facebook group and the sellers on there that have jacked up all the
00:57The Groundskeeper Willie still eluded me, until I went to a local toy expo last week.
01:04Walking out of the building, what I thought was the only purchase I was going to make
01:06for that day, I looked over and sure enough, some seller had a Groundskeeper Willie hanging
01:10on the rack.
01:11For $35 that I had left in my hand, handing over the $35, Willie was finally in my hands.
01:23The figure is going to stand at about 4.5 inches in height, or the caretaker of Springfield
01:31Elementary is about 11.5 centimeters tall.
01:34As small of a goal as it may seem to all, I've managed to at least complete the first
01:38wave of Jack-specific Simpsons figures, bringing in of course the ones we've already had a
01:42look at.
01:43Now, if you have missed any of these reviews, feel free to go back and give them a look.
01:46We looked at Homer, we looked at also Otto, in no particular order necessarily, and then
01:50we also looked at both Bart, and the alter ego of Bart, we also looked at Bartman.
01:55Now Willie unfortunately though, size wise, I would have said probably should have been
01:59a little bit taller.
02:00He also faces one problem that you're not currently seeing.
02:02It's not so much what he's facing issues from the front, it's more the issues he's facing
02:05from the back.
02:06Oh no, don't tell me, a faulty derriere.
02:09Before we talk about such things, let's talk about the things that come in clue with Willie.
02:13First the figure comes in clue with a shovel.
02:15There, pretty as a picture.
02:17Consider this if you will, it looks like the shovel is probably made of two parts by Jacks.
02:21The top front head of the shovel has all been molded here in grey plastic, while the back
02:25end of it has all been molded in brown plastic.
02:28Because he has gripping hands, it means right away that he has either option available.
02:32You can take the shovel for example, and you can fit into this hand, or would you believe,
02:37the figure does also have the means to hold the shovel on this hand as well.
02:41Now while he's holding the shovel, planning on what he's going to do with the plots,
02:44the figure does also come in clue with the bagpipes.
02:47Now initially I was kind of looking at this and thinking, well this seems like, first
02:51of all, a bit of a waste of plastic.
02:52How often do we see Willie playing the bagpipes?
02:55But then I kind of had to think for myself, like what other things would I have sold along
02:59with him?
03:00A little display stand where he's selling haggis, tastes as good as it sounds?
03:04Or perhaps the little container of wee turtles?
03:07I don't really know.
03:08But what I do know though, is at least the bagpipes look good.
03:10It has the colors of both the green and the red.
03:13More akin to probably a tease down the road, I hope we eventually get ourselves Willie
03:16as Freddy Krueger.
03:19Something that even Super 7 still dropped the ball up.
03:21They did release a real reaction figure of Willie as Freddy, but we never really got
03:26the chance to get an ultimate Freddy, and I do hope that Jax picks the ball up.
03:30Now of course when it comes to the bagpipes, similar to the same way as the shovel, he
03:34has, well he's got this little end right here, what I imagine would be the nozzle.
03:37I know so little when it comes to bagpipes, but this basically clips into his hands, then
03:42this holds in his mouth.
03:43I don't know if you would just have him holding it this way.
03:45You could also have him with his hand up on one of these, and you can just have him holding
03:50it this way as well.
03:51Now it's not honestly the easiest thing for him to hold, because it seems like his hands
03:55just aren't really designed to hold.
03:57Well if you look at the way his hands are molded, and then you look at the way that
04:00the bagpipes are, there's very little in fact that his hands can actually hold onto.
04:05So you have to do if anything a little bit of a balancing act.
04:08I think even in the beginning of this review, I sort of had him maybe on this side, clip
04:12them in that way, and then you can go ahead and just bring his hand around.
04:16I don't know.
04:17How does he even play bagpipes?
04:18I know so little about bagpipes, other than just liking Rowdy Roddy Piper as a kid growing
04:25He was one of my favorite wrestlers, but not enough that I would have been persuaded to
04:28start playing bagpipes.
04:30Essentially the bagpipes are supposed to sit in his hands sort of like that, right?
04:34I guess?
04:35We'll stick with that.
04:37If there's any expert on bagpipe playing, well let me know down below in the comment
04:41I'm just butchering the way that you hold bagpipes.
04:42I don't know.
04:43I'm so sorry.
04:44But at least he comes in clue with that.
04:45I suppose it is something that from an accessory standpoint, I mean really what else, what
04:49else would we have included with Willie?
04:50Let's move those off to the side.
04:53So here's the thing I wanted to talk about when it comes to the figure.
04:55Now you may be looking at this and thinking like, why do you have him kind of leaning
04:57forward like this?
04:58Would you not have wanted to have the legs straight?
05:00Here is the problem facing Willie.
05:02The back of his, well his behind literally, it sits so low like this that you can't get
05:07the legs any further back than the way they are right now.
05:10Now you can compensate by bending his knees if you want to have the figure looking like
05:14he's standing a little bit more straight.
05:16Perhaps that is the proper posture of the way that the figure looks like or the character
05:19looks like in the cartoon.
05:21But unfortunately, like he just can't bring his legs back any further than the way they
05:24are right now.
05:25So Willie unfortunately is always going to sort of stand in your shell with a bit of
05:29a hunch.
05:31Looking though at his head sculpt, it does certainly look a lot like Willie.
05:34I like that they've only given him, he's got summer teeth folks.
05:37He's only, some are here, some are not.
05:39And you know, the ones that he has at least are only at the back of his mouth.
05:42Now his mouth is permanently open like this.
05:44There's really no way, I suppose if you wanted to, you probably could maybe heat the head
05:47in hot water and just bring them out down just a little bit.
05:49I mean, at least they've sculpted the tongue nicely in there.
05:52It does look certainly a lot like Willie.
05:55And I think the color for what we get here is really nicely done.
05:57The unibrow there on the top, the beard that he has, and of course what little hair he
06:01has left.
06:02All nicely colored in red and there's no bleed at all.
06:04Of course he then has his overalls here, rolled up sleeves for sure.
06:08The sleeves luckily with them being rolled up like this allows some decent levels of
06:12Luckily though, also for Willie, he wasn't loose getting him out of the packaging.
06:16So far it seems that every other figure that I've looked at, whether it be Homer, whether
06:19it be Otto, whether it be the two Barts, all have had in one way or another loose limbs.
06:24Willie doesn't seem to be the case I say so far, but hopefully it doesn't start to develop
06:28looseness over time.
06:30Now figure's articulation though, again, like overlooking the fact that figure, yeah,
06:33is going to have a bit of a problem with his hunch like this, does still have some decent
06:37levels of posability.
06:39The head rotates all the way around, but it's because the way they've sculpted the head.
06:42I mean, it's on an angle like this.
06:44So even though he really does have a traditional post like all the other characters, when you
06:48rotate his head, it does cause the figure, instead of looking backwards, it causes the
06:52head to look upward.
06:53It doesn't have a ball joint at all.
06:55It does look like it wiggles just a little bit, but it's only just because it's wiggling
06:58on top of a post.
07:00As for the arms, they rotate all the way around.
07:02Same on both sides.
07:03You can bring the arms also out as well.
07:05Now they're just straight single hinges.
07:07I would say if anything, maybe this one shoulder is a little loose, but so far it's not as
07:11loose as some of the others.
07:13I've also noticed too that with the other Simpsons figures, as I just bring this arm
07:16all the way around, there we go.
07:17I noticed with the other Simpsons figures that they have started to develop even more
07:21looseness since I've had them out of the packaging.
07:23Swiveling the bicep area, or I guess what would be his bicep, the figure does also have
07:28a single hinge in his elbow and the hands also, well, you could rotate them back and
07:31forth this way as well.
07:33Hands rotate all the way around.
07:34There's a hinge there also as well.
07:36There's a swivel in his waist.
07:37The legs split out, but they only split out so far.
07:41You can bring the legs forward.
07:42You can bring them back, but again, like when you bring them back, this is as far back as
07:45it's going to go.
07:46A single hinge only in the knee allows at least the lower leg to rotate only just a
07:51little bit.
07:52And then he does have the ankle pivot, more or less an ankle rocker.
07:56And then there's just a little bit of a hinge that seems to be able to move the feet back
07:59and forth.
08:00By the way, also the figure does have peggles on the undersides of the feet.
08:02I think that's one thing that's also been consistent so far with all the other figures
08:06we've looked at, Jack specific, that they all seem to have.
08:08If you're looking at Homer, for example, you can see he has peggles on the bottoms of his
08:11feet also as well.
08:13I like Willie.
08:14And again, like I feel like the same thing for Willie could be said for as well, Otto.
08:18I don't see this line ending anytime soon.
08:20So the fact that we do have ourselves a B or C tier characters as part of the first
08:25wave isn't necessarily a bad thing considering that already out the gate, we already have
08:29a Homer and we have two Bart's.
08:32If it was one of those cases where like, if to look back on what super seven had done,
08:36super seven still couldn't have done a regular Homer or Bart to save their lives.
08:40So at least for that, Jack specific is one up from super seven.
08:43Yes, we did get ourselves an Otto pretty early into this wave and Willie really isn't that
08:47bad at all.
08:48The only thing again with the figure is the way that they've sculpted the back of his
08:52It means that the figure is always going to kind of lead forward.
08:54I guess you could really say too, based on the way he is in the cartoon, Willie's always
08:59sort of known for being hunched over, kind of always just seems like he's just on the
09:02edge of death.
09:03I don't know.
09:04Like Willie always just seems like he, well, I guess that's not a hundred percent true.
09:07Willie is a strong guy.
09:08He's picking fights with like wolves and like, of course he's ripping off the shirts, asking
09:13women to grease him up.
09:15Willie's a pretty tough character.
09:16I shouldn't probably, let me just, let me just kind of back that up a little bit.
09:20Willie, Willie is too strong of a character.
09:21I think to be then given a character that from a figure standpoint that has a hunch
09:26or lean like this, I do kind of wish that they could have made it a little bit better.
09:30So like, you know, if even like looking at Homer, Homer, you could have easily brought
09:33his legs back and forth.
09:34And even though he has even much, much larger of a behind than Willie did, he didn't have
09:38any issues standing straight.
09:39But I guess it's part of Willie's character from an accessory standpoint, again, going
09:43back to the things that comes included Willie, I think the shovel probably makes the most
09:47I don't know if I would necessarily have given him a shovel and a rake.
09:50That just seems sort of redundant.
09:51I know the whole idea is he's tending to the grounds, but we get the idea.
09:55He only really needs a shovel.
09:56He doesn't necessarily need a rake.
09:58But giving him bagpipes, you know, again, that's sort of a, I don't know, like a debatable
10:03Did the character really need, I know he's Scottish and all, did he really need bagpipes?
10:06But then when you really look at that, you'd have to also ask the question, what other
10:10accessories, what other accessories could have come included with him instead?
10:13I don't know that Jax is ever really going to be known for the companies producing Simpsons
10:16figures without an abundance of accessories.
10:19At the very most, we're getting like one or two with each of the characters.
10:22Willie, hey, only came with two accessories.
10:24Super seven clearly would have had that beats, but they probably would have thrown in alternate
10:27head sculpts and like a lot of episodes specific accessories.
10:31But then the trade off for that is each one of those figures would have been well into
10:3480 to a hundred dollars a piece, at least here for Canada.
10:37Willie though only comes included with a shovel and of the bagpipes, I'm probably only really
10:40going to display the character on my shelf with the shovel.
10:43And I'm sure if we do happen to get ourselves any other version of Willie down the road,
10:46like perhaps fingers crossed, we do get ourselves the Freddy Krueger, Willie, I hope maybe the
10:51character then is going to come in clue with the rake.
10:53That would probably make the most sense, include the rake with him, stick the shovel though
10:56with the regular release of Willie.
10:59Again though, looking at the character, a lot of cool details going on with him.
11:02I mean, one thing I didn't even really talk too much about even in this review is the
11:05fact he does have arm hair.
11:07That arm hair isn't even just painted on, they took the time to sculpt that onto his
11:12So the attention to detail is there and the paint for what we get of it is well done as
11:16Nothing again I would have necessarily changed to Willie other than the fact that his posture
11:19is a bit off, but the more I think about it, and even to go back and look at some of the
11:23clips from The Simpsons, some of the earlier stuff from Simpsons is still stuff I laugh
11:27Newer Simpsons, not loving it as much.
11:30Willie always really had sort of a lean like this in his body.
11:32His posture always seemed off like this, I guess it would make the most sense that even
11:37like his legs, you can't have them completely straight.
11:40As from a looseness standpoint, so far, knock on wood, nothing is loose on Willie at all.
11:45All the other Simpsons characters, I mean, I think the Barts have probably suffered from
11:48it from the worst.
11:50Otto seems to be already developing looseness in his elbows and in his knees.
11:53So you know, again, it goes without saying, while Jack specific so far, I've been really
11:57knocking out of the park when it comes to the choice of the characters.
12:00Hopefully the quality of their characters are going to last the test of time.
12:03What do you guys think of Willie?
12:05Let me know down below in the comment section.
12:06Have you guys been collecting any of the Jack's Simpsons characters?
12:10If you haven't, which ones of the first wave have we looked at is your favorite?
12:14Let me know down below.
12:15If you guys in the meantime did enjoy this video, do it a solid, throw it a like.
12:18You guys want to stick around for more so I hope so hit the subscribe, turn on that
12:24And of course, come back as always.
12:25Thanks for watching.
12:26See you guys next time.
