トーキョーツキイチMTG 2024年10月03日 長谷川京子がとことん深掘り!「生理、しんどすぎない?」

  • 2 days ago
トーキョーツキイチMTG 2024年10月03日 長谷川京子がとことん深掘り!「生理、しんどすぎない?」
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00A monthly meeting in Tokyo.
00:04Isn't it too hard to clean up?
00:06It's a mess.
00:10Once a month,
00:12they have to clean up.
00:16We asked the people in the city.
00:18I'm sorry to bother people.
00:23I get sleepy in the daytime and at night.
00:29When I get on the train in the morning,
00:33I can't sit down.
00:35It's hard.
00:37I get irritated.
00:39And I get hungry.
00:41My stomach hurts.
00:43They have to clean up.
00:46So, tonight's topic is
00:49Isn't it too hard to clean up?
00:54Kyoko, you started.
00:56So, tonight's topic is
00:58Isn't it too hard to clean up?
01:02do you have any worries about cleaning up?
01:05I get sleepy.
01:08Before and during cleaning up.
01:10If I have a day off during cleaning up,
01:13I sleep until night.
01:16I can't do anything during the day.
01:18I get sleepy.
01:20And I get dizzy.
01:24It depends on the person.
01:26Kyoko, do you have any worries about cleaning up?
01:29I only worry about my mental health.
01:31I worry about people I'm close to.
01:33Your family,
01:35people you're close to.
01:37How about you, Koko?
01:38I worry about the dormitory.
01:40Especially on the second or third day,
01:42I worry about the dormitory.
01:45It's terrible.
01:47I'm surprised.
01:49Every time,
01:52I get dirty on the bed sheets.
01:55You get dirty no matter how you do it?
01:57Yes, no matter how I do it.
01:58I get sleepy.
02:00Once a month,
02:02I don't like it.
02:04We still don't know much about cleaning up.
02:08So, we have a professional here.
02:11She's a gynecologist,
02:13Ms. Miwa Ayako.
02:15Nice to meet you.
02:17Do you have any worries about cleaning up?
02:20Yes, I do.
02:22Recently, I've been getting a lot of advice
02:24about cleaning up.
02:26I was talking about my mental health earlier.
02:29I think I have more worries about cleaning up.
02:33In addition to her worries about cleaning up,
02:35she has a lot of worries about the noise in the city.
02:37The noise in the city is so loud.
02:41I was taking a break from school.
02:44So, I want to lower the noise level.
02:48Even if I have a meeting,
02:50I can't concentrate because I have a stomachache.
02:53My stomach hurts a lot,
02:55and it's easy for me to get sick.
02:58So, I think it's hard for me to go out.
03:03The impact of cleaning up on school and work.
03:08It's heavy.
03:10I have a stomachache,
03:12and I'm tired.
03:15I want to take a break from work and take a break from cleaning up.
03:17But everyone is so busy that they can't take a break.
03:20So, I take a break by taking medicine.
03:23But it doesn't work well.
03:25I want to take a break from school and work
03:27in an environment where it's easier to talk about cleaning up.
03:31I want to take a break from work and talk about cleaning up.
03:36How do you cope with work while cleaning up?
03:41I think it's a worry for all women who work.
03:46I used to be a member of a group.
03:49When I perform,
03:51I sweat a lot.
03:54I'm worried about the audience.
03:56I'm worried that my white clothes will get dirty.
04:00I'm not in good shape.
04:02So, I'm sorry for my performance.
04:05When I'm not cleaning up,
04:07I'm depressed that there's a big difference in my performance.
04:12And I often shoot gravure.
04:15What do you do?
04:17I use tampons.
04:20I have my schedule set up as far away as possible from the day of the shoot.
04:25But I get hungry.
04:27I agree.
04:28When I shoot a fashion shoot,
04:30no matter how well I prepare my body and stomach,
04:35I get hungry at that timing.
04:39I get even more depressed when I see that.
04:42It's a negative loop.
04:44How about you, Koko?
04:45I'm still a young entertainer.
04:48When I shoot outside,
04:50it's hard to say,
04:52please let me go to the bathroom.
04:54In August last year,
04:56I had a shoot in Kamakura.
04:58I walked on the beach for about 7 hours.
05:01I had a lot of things to do, so I was late.
05:05I was glad that my costume was black.
05:08I was sitting on a wooden board at a house by the sea.
05:11When I looked at it, there was a lot of blood on it.
05:14All the staff members were men.
05:18When I said,
05:20I'll pick it up,
05:22they went out at the end.
05:24I went home like this.
05:27Everyone seems to be having a hard time.
05:32Do you know what a period break is in the first place?
05:37I don't know much about it.
05:41I've never heard of it.
05:44It's different from a period break.
05:49I've never heard of it.
05:53I know it, but I've never had it.
05:57It's hard to say.
06:00I don't say period,
06:02I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to take a break.
06:07According to a survey,
06:09only 7% of people have taken a period break.
06:15It may be difficult to actually use a period break.
06:21A period break is a woman's right set by the Labor Standards Act.
06:28Period break is not a day off.
06:33If you have a reason for a period break,
06:36you have to admit it if you have a vacation request.
06:41The degree of pain and period by period break are different.
06:47It's hard to set a date.
06:54So it's all about self-reflection.
06:59It's hard to say.
07:01It's hard.
07:03If the boss is a man, it's hard to understand the pain.
07:08Even if it's a woman, she's been putting up with it.
07:12It's like, what can I do with my guts?
07:15Individuality is really difficult.
07:20It's hard to understand even if you're the same woman.
07:23Even if you're told you can take a break,
07:27I don't think you'll be able to do the same job again.
07:30There are about 100 members in the group.
07:34If you take a break, anyone can change.
07:38You can solve the pain in front of you.
07:42I'm worried that it will affect your future job.
07:49You can't skip a shoot because you have a pain in your leg.
07:54I can't do that.
07:57Even if you force yourself, you'll have to go to work.
08:03Let's take a look at the concerns from the viewers.
08:09First of all,
08:11Even if you have a tampon, you're worried about the hot spring.
08:15It's hard to adjust the date.
08:18I see.
08:19What are you doing with the hot spring?
08:25Have you ever used a hot spring or a bath?
08:3122% said yes.
08:3478% said no.
08:37There are reasons for each.
08:40I understand both of them.
08:43I don't want to go to a public bath.
08:51I don't want to go to a public bath.
08:54I don't want to go to a public bath with a friend who says no.
09:01But there are times when you can't take a break and you want to go to a hot spring.
09:09Is there a solution?
09:12You can adjust the date by using the pill.
09:16If you have a schedule in advance, you can go to a public bath as soon as possible.
09:21How long do I have to wait?
09:24It depends on whether you want to go to a public bath early or late.
09:30If you want to go to a public bath early, you can go to a public bath on the 5th.
09:38If you want to go to a public bath early, you can go to a public bath on the 5th.
09:44You can go to a public bath until the day you want to go to a public bath.
09:47I see.
09:50When I went to the sea in a swimsuit for the first time, I had a schedule to wear a swimsuit.
10:03At that time, I was in my teens, so I didn't have much knowledge.
10:07But when I talked to the doctor, he told me about the existence of the pill.
10:12I've been drinking since five days ago.
10:15That's how I got the experience of shooting a swimsuit without any effort.
10:21The purpose of shifting the period of menstruation and the purpose of improving the period of menstruation are different.
10:28Try getting a woman's pill.
10:31I often think about my daughter rather than my period.
10:35I wonder if I can drink pills when I'm growing up.
10:40It is said that it is better not to drink pills while you are growing up.
10:47However, most people stop drinking pills when they are growing up.
10:52If you have a period, you can drink pills abroad.
10:55Do you mean when you are 17 or 18 years old?
10:58If you are younger than that, you can drink pills abroad.
11:04If you are worried about the period, you can drink other hormones.
11:10Then you don't have to worry about your height.
11:16By the way, what is the online prescription for pills?
11:21I think there are many online services that prescribe self-healing pills.
11:28The big difference between self-healing pills and pills prescribed by insurance is that
11:33self-healing pills are used for non-human purposes.
11:37People with menstrual impotence are treated with self-healing pills.
11:43People with severe menstrual impotence are treated with pills prescribed by insurance.
11:51The amount of menstrual impotence decreases and the pain becomes lighter.
11:56What is the difference between self-healing pills and pills prescribed by drugstores?
12:03Self-healing pills block the production of pain.
12:09Self-healing pills do not block the production of pain.
12:13It is better to take pills as soon as possible.
12:19Self-healing pills do not thicken the inner membrane of the uterus.
12:24By thickening the inner membrane of the uterus, the amount of menstrual impotence increases,
12:28and the pain becomes stronger.
12:32Self-healing pills control the inner membrane of the uterus.
12:36The way to control the inner membrane of the uterus is completely different.
12:39When did you start using tampons?
12:42I'm more interested in tampons than myself.
12:45How long have you been using tampons?
12:47I've been using tampons since I was 13 years old.
12:50When I was dancing, I happened to be in New York.
12:53There was an open class and I went to take it.
12:57The girl in the ballet dance studio who was with me said,
13:00It took me a long time.
13:03But after I started using tampons, I thought it was very comfortable.
13:06I was a high school student when I was shooting gravure.
13:11If you get used to using it, you'll get more benefits.
13:16I'm a little nervous when I'm with my child.
13:20Here are the following concerns.
13:23I'm also curious about this.
13:25I'm wondering if I smell too much when I'm cleaning up.
13:30I often talk to each other on the floor.
13:35I've read it.
13:37I often do this.
13:39I think it's very unnatural.
13:41I feel like I'm a director.
13:43When I'm a little far away, I'm like this.
13:45It's unnatural.
13:46You don't sit like this.
13:49You really sit like this.
13:53I don't like that smell.
13:55I've done it three times.
13:58I've been keeping my distance.
14:00You've been taking measures.
14:02It's like a soap for the delicate zone.
14:07After I started using it,
14:10Personally, I don't care about it.
14:14There's a sheet.
14:16I use it outside.
14:19You can flush the toilet as it is.
14:21It's very refreshing.
14:23It's very convenient.
14:24That's great.
14:25And then...
14:27I'm curious about the VIO hair removal.
14:34Here are the following concerns from the viewers.
14:38I heard that VIO hair removal will get rid of the herd.
14:42Is that true?
14:44I also do VIO hair removal.
14:47There's no herd at all.
14:51That's true.
14:53I don't remember what happened before that.
14:56I also got rid of my hair at a gravure job.
15:00As a result, when I was organizing my hair,
15:04The sense of cleanliness and the herd are completely different.
15:08We've already realized that.
15:10Is it actually effective?
15:12That's right.
15:13It's hard to get blood.
15:15The smell is often improved cleanly.
15:18It's scientifically proven that the herd is no longer affected.
15:22On the other hand, if you lose your hair,
15:25It will be rubbed off.
15:28That's why it hurts.
15:31Some people say their nose is swollen.
15:34It's because you're trying to protect it.
15:38I wonder how many people are doing VIO hair removal.
15:42I think it's been increasing recently.
15:44When I go to a hot spring,
15:46I see a lot of people doing VIO hair removal.
15:49I've been a doctor for 14 years.
15:53The number of people doing VIO hair removal is increasing.
15:56More than before.
15:57Most of the young people are doing VIO hair removal.
15:59That's right.
16:00I'm a parent myself.
16:02My daughter is doing VIO hair removal.
16:06But I don't know how long it will last.
16:11People say they want to do VIO hair removal.
16:14Do people around you know you're doing VIO hair removal?
16:18That's right.
16:20That's right.
16:22I don't have a lot of worries.
16:24How do you distract yourself during your period?
16:28I eat.
16:30I eat a lot.
16:31I understand.
16:33I'm with my friends.
16:35I'm annoyed when I'm alone.
16:38I want to warm up.
16:40I take a break early.
16:43When I move, I get a lot of adrenaline.
16:48When I'm really tired, I move a lot.
16:53What should you do when you have a hard period?
16:59There are many ways.
17:01Negative thoughts will pass in a day or two.
17:05I'll just get over it.
17:08Do you stay with someone or are you alone?
17:11I want to be alone.
17:13I want to be empty.
17:15You don't want to be hit.
17:17I don't want to share a bad feeling with someone.
17:23How about you?
17:25I don't take medicine because it's a hassle.
17:30I go to the gym to move my body.
17:35I don't do running.
17:37I go to the gym to stretch.
17:40I thought it was a hassle.
17:42But exercising makes me feel better.
17:45I do light walking and jogging.
17:48It's good for blood circulation.
17:50If you warm up your body, you'll feel better.
17:54It's important to warm up your body.
18:00Next, we will introduce the back side of FEMTECH.
18:06Shittoko, the front line of COCO.
18:10Hello, I'm Crazy Coco.
18:12Nice to meet you.
18:14The theme is not too hard to organize.
18:18I heard that there is an event that makes women happy.
18:24There is an event called FEMTECH TOKYO where 400 items are collected.
18:29Is it an event specialized in FEMTECH?
18:32The theme is to support women's health and activities throughout society.
18:37You can actually see and touch FEMTECH products.
18:41You can get the latest information.
18:44There are products for menstruation such as menstrual cups.
18:47There are also products for menstrual cramps.
18:50There are also products for menopause care.
18:53There are products for all kinds of women.
18:56It's not just about organizing.
18:59Last year, TOKYO TOKYO started a fund for women's menopause.
19:04This year, we will introduce the latest menopause system.
19:08We will also introduce services for infertility treatment.
19:13Suntory will launch a drink for PMS.
19:17MEIJI will launch FEMTECH FOOD.
19:21I'm looking forward to it.
19:23Is it okay for people like me to go to an event that has nothing to do with the company?
19:28Of course, we would like many people to come.
19:32There are a total of 400 items on display.
19:36If you like the products and services that suit your body, you can buy them.
19:42Can I buy it as it is?
19:44That's right.
19:45You can try the products you are interested in on the web and SNS.
19:50We also have the latest products on display.
19:53You can see the trend of FEMTECH and FEMCARE products.
19:57The theme of this year is to take a step forward together.
20:00Let's take a step forward together.
20:02The word FEMTECH is known little by little.
20:06However, it is still difficult to use the products and services.
20:13I hope this opportunity will give many people a chance to take a step forward.
20:22If you don't know a lot of things, you don't know where to start.
20:26However, if you can actually get it, your anxiety will be reduced.
20:30On Saturday, October 19th, at 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Tokyo Big Saito.
20:35Admission is free.
20:38You need to make a reservation in advance.
20:40Please search for FEMTECH TOKYO and apply.
20:45It's free.
20:46It's hard to get all these items at once.
20:51I hope you can take a step forward.
20:54Thank you very much for today.
20:56Thank you very much.
20:59KYOKO, how was it this time?
21:03It's something that's decided every month.
21:06We've been used to it since we were teenagers.
21:10But when you talk about it, there are a lot of things to think about.
21:16I think it's good to be able to sympathize with each other when studying.
21:21I didn't know there were so many individual differences.
21:27Just talking about it makes me feel better.
21:32I hope we can share more information.
21:40KYOKO, you seem to be having a hard time.
21:44At that time, you will be dominated.
21:47But as Miwa-sensei said,
21:49I think it's a good idea to include pills as one of the options.
21:54Thank you very much.
21:56Let's get together and chat again someday.
